october 15-18

Post on 22-Feb-2016






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October 15-18. Judaism and Christianity. Practices and Beliefs . A practice is the actual application or use of a belief A belief is a faith in or an acceptance of a statement as true or that something exists. People: The Kingdom of Israel. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


October 15-18

Judaism and Christianity

Practices and Beliefs

• A practice is the actual application or use of a belief

• A belief is a faith in or an acceptance of a statement as true or that something exists

People: The Kingdom of Israel

Between 1020 and 922BC the Hebrews united under three kings.

• King Saul: First king of Israel

• King David: united the Hebrews, made Jerusalem the capital

• King Solomon: most powerful, built a temple that held the Ark of the Covenant (Ten Commandments)

People: The Persian King – Cyrus the Great

• Allowed the exiled Hebrews to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple

“This is the word of Cyrus king of Persia: The Lord the God of heaven has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he himself has

charged me to build him a house at Jerusalem in Judah. To every man of his

people now among you I say, God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem in

Judah, and rebuild the house of the Lord the God of Israel, the God whose city is

Jerusalem.” Ezra 1: 2-3 Bible

Who is Cyrus addressing?What is Cyrus telling

his audience to do?What will be the consequence of this declaration?


The centuries of Jewish exile from their homeland

What was the result of the Diaspora?

• The destruction of the temple • Fall of Jerusalem• Jews fled to many parts of the world

Judaism TodayDirections: Use the map on pages 282-283 to answer the following questions.

– Where is Judaism located today?

– What percent of the world’s population does Judaism make up?

– Why is Judaism located where it is? (HINT: Where did Judaism originate?)

– On the map below, circle or shade the region(s) where Judaism is located today. Record the percentage of Jews that are in the region on your map.

On-Demand Writing

• What is it?– Timed responses to a specific writing prompt– Formal writing piece– Graded assignment

• Tips for Writing– Incorporate Global vocabulary – Use evidence/examples– EXPLAIN WHAT YOU MEAN – don’t leave the reader

hanging– Complete the task

On-Demand Writing  Excellent




Topic Sentence

Clearly restates the question in your own


Clearly restates the question.

Question is not clearly restated. Topic sentence

does not exist.Supporting Details

Contains 4 or more supporting details that are clearly explained in depth.

Contains 3 to 4 or more supporting details that are explained, but not in enough depth.

Contains 3 or fewer supporting details that are

not fully explained.

Details do not support the question.


Thoroughly analyzes and/or evaluates information (e.g. relationship among events or cause and effect).

Analyzes and/or evaluates some information (e.g. relationship among events or cause and effect).

Attempts to analyze and/or

evaluate information, but

may not be successful.

Little or no analysis and/or evaluation of information


Concluding Statement

Clearly summarizes the main idea of the

paragraph and is not a restatement of the topic


Summarizes the main idea of the paragraph.

Concluding statement does not summarize the main idea.

Concluding statement does

not exist.

What similarities exist across the two belief systems?





Topic Sentence

Clearly restates the question in your own


Clearly restates the question.

Question is not clearly restated. Topic sentence

does not exist.Supporting Details

Contains 4 or more supporting details that are clearly explained in depth.

Contains 3 to 4 or more supporting details that are explained, but not in enough depth.

Contains 3 or fewer supporting details that are

not fully explained.

Details do not support the question.


Thoroughly analyzes and/or evaluates information (e.g. relationship among events or cause and effect).

Analyzes and/or evaluates some information (e.g. relationship among events or cause and effect).

Attempts to analyze and/or

evaluate information, but

may not be successful.

Little or no analysis and/or evaluation of information


Concluding Statement

Clearly summarizes the main idea of the

paragraph and is not a restatement of the topic


Summarizes the main idea of the paragraph.

Concluding statement does not summarize the main idea.

Concluding statement does

not exist.



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