october 2013 | monthly newsletter of lutheran church of

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October 2013 | Monthly Newsletter of Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Reno Nevada

“God’s Work. Our Hands”

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another,

as good stewards of God's varied grace.” - 1 Peter 4:10

On Sunday, September 8th

, we participated in an amaz-

ing day of service at Lutheran Church of the Good

Shepherd! We assembled several hundred hygiene kits,

and made many peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

We also cooked and served a delicious meal to about 80

homeless people at the Reno-Sparks Gospel Mission,

with plenty of food left over for additional meals. Al-

though they were expecting us, it was clear that that

they weren’t expecting such abundance! They were amazed and overwhelmed

by the generosity and outpouring of items and food. We delivered about 70 suitcases/ backpacks and sev-

eral bags of jeans, socks and underwear to the men’s shelter and numerous boxes of toiletries and hygiene

kits to the family shelter and Good Shepherd Clothes Closet (three carloads full!) The reaction was the

same when we delivered the bountiful din-

ner that evening which included fresh fruits

and vegetables and a large box of PB&J sand-

wiches for people to take with them after

the meal. Our eager and large volunteer

group (which included three children)

served the meal with smiles and enthusiasm.

For 25 years, the ELCA has been a church

deeply rooted in faith and in sharing its pas-

sion for making positive changes in the

world. On September 8th

, Lutheran Church

of the Good Shepherd did just that. We

touched numerous lives on “God’s Work.

Our Hands” Sunday, and in doing so,

touched our own. As a congregation, we

will to continue to seek ways to serve be-

yond September 8th

. Thank you to every-

one who served and contributed so gener-

ously. Together we made a difference and

WERE the hands of God!

To read more about LCGS, go to our website at:


Kids Community making pb&j sandwiches for the Gospel Mission’s hungry

Delivering hygiene kits and toiletries to the Volunteers of America Family Shelter

OCTOBER 2013 Shepherd’s Voice Page 2

Sun. September 29| 19th Sunday after Pentecost

Orientation to Good Shepherd

Thrivent Luggage Drive today thru Oct. 6

Presider/Preacher . . . Pr. John Handrich

7:30am Traditional Worship

8:40am Earlybirds class - Luther Hall

8:40am RIC Discussion - Shepherd Hall

9:00am Contemporary Worship

9:55am Kid’s Community & Youth Groups

10:00am RIC Discussion - Shepherd Hall

10:30am Traditional Worship

12:30pm Orientation to Good Shepherd

3:30pm Youth rockclimbing at RockSport

Tues. October 1

12:00pm Bible Class

5:00pm Bible Class

Wed. October 2

9:00am M.O.P.S. - Ministry Ctr. & Shepherd Hall

10:30am Bridge Group

6:00pm Confirmation

Thurs. October 3

3:00pm Bible Study—Ministry Center

Fri. October 4

10:00am Worship set-up

Sat. October 5

10:00am Good Ole Gals brunch

Sun. October 6| 20th Sunday after Pentecost

Congregational Meeting, 10am

Healing Stations during worship

Orientation to Good Shepherd, 12:30pm

Worship Services at 7:30, 9:00 and 11:00am

Kids’ Community and Youth Groups

Knit Together, 6:30pm - Shepherd Hall

Welcome Guests

Especially if this is your first time at Good

Shepherd, welcome! May your worship today

inspire and empower you for Christian disci-

pleship this week. We ask that you provide

your name, address and phone number in the

blue Friendship Register at the end of the

rows. We promise not to pester you.

Child care is available in the nursery from

8:45am–12:30pm; however we welcome and

encourage our little people to join us for wor-

ship! Please reserve the rear seats for parents

with small children and for latecomers. Activ-

ity bags for kids are also available in the hall-


Assisted Listening Devices are available for

those with difficulty hearing. Please inquire at

the Sound Booth.

Whether you are here for the first time today,

or have been here for ages, we want to help

you navigate the information maze here at our


Keeping In Touch

Information Tables in the Welcoming Space

and Shepherd Hall There is lots of good in-

formation that we don’t always report on in

print. This is also where you will find sign up

sheets for various activities.

Our website is www.goodshepherdreno.org.

Are you on Facebook? Become a fan of

“Good Shepherd Lutheran, Reno” and receive

regular inspiration, updates, and connection

throughout the week!

This Week at Good Shepherd

OCTOBER 2013 Shepherd’s Voice Page 3

Dear Friends of the Good Shepherd:

Sometimes people complain that in church

“there’s too much talk about money.” Well,

this congregation has an excellent staff, and

we like to eat and feed our families. This

congregation has wonderful new and older

facilities, important tools for ministry, and

that means we have a mortgage, some up-

keep, utilities costs, and more. In 2013

Good Shepherd will spend over $615,000 to

provide excellent buildings, quality worship

and faith formation, timely care at times of

loss (funerals) and gain (weddings), and also

to support other marvelous ministries lo-

cally and around God’s world. I’m surprised

we don’t talk more about money!

The way we “do church” these days requires

money. If someone senses “too much talk

about money,” it probably means she/he

doesn’t “get it,” or is afraid to share the re-

sources he/she has been given.

Here at Good Shepherd we will be “talking

about money” more than usual over than

next two months during our Continuing

Our Journey Together capital campaign

for 2014-2016, and the simultaneous pledge

drive for 2014 general operations expenses.

Commitment Sunday is November 24.

A Message from Pr. Carl

I invite you to enjoy this time of reflecting

on all that your dollars will accomplish, and

to experience the joy of joining with many

sisters and brothers in Christ to support his

work among and through us.

Please read on the next page the exciting de-

scription of what we plan to accomplish

with our “Continuing Our Journey To-

gether” gifts over the next three years.

Meanwhile, God bless our thinking about

money, our talking about money, and our

sharing our money.

What’s Inside

This week at Good Shepherd ...pg. 2

A Message from Pr. Carl ...pg. 3

Capital Campaign ...pg. 4-5

Worship and Faith Formation ...pg. 6

Adult Faith Formation...pg. 7

Children, Youth and Families...pgs. 8

Letters of Thanks … pg. 9

Caring for Others ...pg. 10

Spirit Nudges...pg. 11

Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Nevada … pg. 12

Fellowship and Inspiration...pg. 13

Poem...pg. 15

Administration… pg. 15

Calendar/Worship Leader Schedule … Insert

OCTOBER 2013 Shepherd’s Voice Page 4

Larry Beermann

& Linda Smith,

Capital Campaign


Capital Campaign

As we share God’s Word and Sacraments in our

worship life, we share our gifts of ability, time and

money to support our ministries of worshiping to-

gether and reaching out into the community. At

the center of these ministries is our beautiful new

building with its welcoming, worshiping and gath-

ering places.

In 2010 we continued a campaign to raise additional

funds to break ground and begin construction of

our new worshiping and welcoming places and to

remodel our former sanctuary, creating a new gath-

ering place and a new kitchen. In addition, we suc-

cessfully negotiated a loan to meet the balance of

the $3,000,000 construction costs. The new building

was completed in February 2012. We now enjoy

expanded facilities that are spacious, filled with

light, inviting and so much more supportive of our


Our challenge now is to continue to maintain this

very special place, where we meet God and come

together in prayer and in hope. It falls to us to en-

sure that this structure continues to serve us well

into the future.

Continuing Our Journey Together

Meeting Mortgage Payments: Our monthly

mortgage payments are $9,450, which is $113,400

annually and a total of $340,200 over the next three


Continuing Improvements: There are improve-

ments to our gathering place, Shepherd Hall

(formerly our sanctuary), that we had to forego

due to budget constraints during construction. We

would like to complete these projects in the next

three years. These include adding audio/video

equipment to accommodate overflow crowds and

replacing the swamp cooler with modern air condi-

tioning, thereby vastly improving and enhancing

the use and function of Shepherd Hall.

Ministry Center Deferred Maintenance: Build-

ings, like our homes, require periodic maintenance

to maintain the value of the property. Work on

the Ministry Center (Clay Street building) was de-

ferred for a few years. The Ministry Center needs

a new roof, air conditioner replacement and park-

ing lot resurfacing.

Reducing Debt: By periodically paying down the

principal balance, we will reduce the overall loan

debt and save our church thousands of dollars.

2014 – 2015 – 2016 CAMPAIGN GOALS

Celebration Goal $750,000

Challenge Goal $600,000

Cornerstone Goal $450,000

Your pledge to meet these goals will allow Lu-

theran Church of the Good Shepherd to continue

adding new disciples of Christ, expand our minis-

tries, and positively impact the community in

which we live.

Financial Report by George Aker

LCGS New Building Finance Team

The first three year period of our Capital Cam-

paign for repayment of the ELCA Mission Invest-

ment Fund loan for the new Church is now draw-

ing to conclusion on December 31, 2013. It is a

pleasure to report that the first three years appear

to be performing beautifully.

A “buy down” loan modification on the original

loan was requested in May 2012 to improve the

initial terms. The ELCA Mission Investment

Fund responded with a new lower rate of 4.625%

for a 7 year term (with renewable 7 year terms)

resulting in monthly payments of $9,450 for 20

years amortization. The regular payments have

been made from the contributions to the Capital

Campaign, Total principal payments of $98,502

have been paid to reduce the initial $1,500,000

balance to $1,401,488. Additional campaign con-

tributions of $145,000 have been contributed by

August of this year. The committee felt comfort-

able to pay $100,000 of the pledge funds in Au-

gust to reduce the interest permanently by $417

per month or $4,750 per year, leaving a principal

balance of $1,301,488. Regular monthly pay-

ments continue at the $9,450 per month level.

This benefit will reduce the 20 year amortization

term to December 2029, a full two & 1/4 years

ahead of the maturity date on the note of April 1,

2032. It is likely that additional funds will be

available as we conclude the current three year

campaign and replace it with the new Capital

Campaign this fall.

Thanks to the congregation for the wonderful

response. We invite all to consider the role they

will wish to play in the campaign for the upcom-

ing three years from 2014 to 2016.

Building Together

Audio/Video Specialist

Val Lykes is our new Audio/Video Specialist.

(Many thanks to Devon Miller for filling this role

until now!) Val is currently pursuing a PhD in

Interdisciplinary Social Psychology at UNR.

Her dissertation focuses on how religion shapes

environmental attitudes worldwide. She has been

a member of Good Shepherd since 2008. She is

well-versed in computers, having worked in

Information Technology for five years. In her

free time she enjoys reading, hiking, and photog-

raphy as well as tennis and dancing. She is look-

ing forward to taking on a more active role in

weekly worship at Good Shepherd.

Theatrical Arts Intern

Taylor Jane Riedeman is the new Theatrical

Arts Intern here at Good Shepherd. She’s a senior

at UNR studying English Composition and

Theater Performance. She’ll be working on ways

to involve people of all ages in performances for

worship services, youth gatherings and special

events. Growing up in Santa Cruz, California,

Taylor was involved in community theater and

several churches. Upon moving to Reno she be-

came very active in theater at Reno High School.

Now at UNR she performs with the Nevada

Repertory Company.

Student Ministry Coordinator

Patzy Martinez Perez (aka the girl that works

the nursery every Sunday) joins us as Student

Ministry Coordinator. She’s an Elementary Edu-

cation major currently studying at Truckee

Meadows Community College and is planning to

transfer to the University of Nevada Reno in the

spring of 2014. She was a Youth Leader at Sum-

mit Christian Church in 2010, and has been cen-

tered on spreading the word to youth. Patzy is

thrilled about becoming involved in this new

capacity at Good Shepherd.

New Staff Arrivals!

OCTOBER 2013 Shepherd’s Voice Page 6

Worship and Faith Formation

Fall Worship Schedule

Oct. 27 Reformation Sunday

Don’t forget to Wear RED to worship!

Nov. 3 All Saints Sunday Celebrating again the Easter good news that love

is stronger than death, we remember and honor

those members of our church who have died

since last All Saints, along with others beloved

by you.

Nov. 24 Journey Through the Church Year Rarely do we get to think about the entire

Church Year in one setting. On Nov. 24, a

special Lessons and Carols style of worship

serves as our “New Year’s Eve” for the church!

We will “journey” through our seasons, begin-

ning with Advent, passing through Christmas,

Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, Season of

Pentecost, Reformation, All Saints and conclud-

ing where we begin with “Christ the King” Sun-

day. There will be wonderful worship music

and faith formation at all worship services.

Journey with Christ

Sunday evenings 6-8pm, November-May

Journey with Christ is an adult faith formation

opportunity. Based on an ancient process of form-

ing people in faith that is finding new life in the

21st century, this Journey prepares adults for

baptism/affirmation of baptism and lives of faithful

discipleship. The three key elements of the Journey


1. Intentional mentoring

2. Small group Bible study centered on the

Sunday readings, and

3. Periodic public rites in worship

The Journey at Good Shepherd is a 7 month pro-

cess, November through May, that includes meet-

ing weekly and participating in Sunday worship. It

offers a path toward

Becoming part of a church for the first


Returning to life in Christian community

after a time away, or

Deeper involvement in the life and mis-

sion of this church.

If you’d like more information contact Pr. Carl

(329-0696), Craig Hill (747-5121), Judy Shimahara

(747-5317), or Beverly Hennen (885-0289.)

OCTOBER 2013 Shepherd’s Voice Page 7 OCTOBER 2013 Shepherd’s Voice Page 7

Congregational Life

Earlybirds Class Sundays at 8:40am The Earlybirds are currently studying the book

God and Charles Dickens: Recovering the Chris-

tian Voice of a Classic Author by Gary Colledge.

The group meets downstairs in Luther Hall. All

are welcome.

On October 6 at the 10am Congregational Meet-

ing, we will vote on the Welcoming Statement

listed below. The agenda on October 6 will be full,

with limited time for discussion. We urge all mem-

bers to attend one of the two Discussion Wrap-

ups scheduled for today, September 29 at 8:40 &

10am in Shepherd Hall. Everyone attending these

sessions will have an opportunity to express them-

selves. Absentee ballots will be available to any

confirmed member who is unable to attend the

October 6 Congregational Meeting. Please contact

the church office (329-0696) to request your

ballot. All completed ballots must be received at

the Church Ministry Center by Wednesday, Octo-

ber 2 in order to be counted at the Congregational


A Word of Welcome from Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Reno

Welcome to long-time Lutherans, Christians from every tradition, and people new to the faith.

Welcome to all who have no church home, want to follow Jesus, have doubts, or do not believe.

Welcome to new visitors and old friends.

Welcome especially to all who have ever been made to feel unwelcome by the church.

Welcome to people of every age and size, color and culture, marital status, ability and challenge, sexual orientation and gender identity. We want to be clear that we welcome lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and trans-gender persons to participate in the life of the congregation.

Welcome to believers, questioners, and questioning believers.

This is a place where you are welcome to celebrate and grieve, to rejoice and recover. No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here. This is a place where lives are made new.

Come and see!

This fall’s Adult Faith Formation Hour begins

Sunday, October 13th

at 10am in Luther Hall.

The first series is a seven session video study ex-

ploring central topics of Christianity called

“Animate: Faith.” The videos feature leading

voices from the Christian faith, and our meetings

will offer time for personal reflection and sharing

ideas together. We thought this fall would be a

good time to talk about these “basics” together,

so the topics are just that: God, religion, Jesus,

salvation, the Bible, the cross, and church. Join

us! You don’t have to commit to the seven ses-

sions, but we think they are all really good! This

study will take us up to the Advent season, and

new devotionals will start then. Contact Shaun

with questions: shaun@goodshepherdreno.org

Parents, Grandparents, Godparents, and others:

Mark down Sunday November 10th

from 10-

11am as a Growing Faith gathering. This is an

hour to engage together on issues of family and

faith. Join us as we share faith formation ideas

you can use with kids and youth for Advent and

the New Year!

Congregational Meeting

Sunday October 6, 10am

OCTOBER 2013 Shepherd’s Voice Page 8

Children / Youth / Families

Middle School:

-- We're going rockclimbing at RockSport - TODAY

September 29 from 3:30-5:30pm!

--We keep rolling on Wednesday nights and are OFF on

October 16 & 23.

--Middle School Fall Retreat: Nov. 15-16th, 5pm-5pm.

High School:

-- We're going rockclimbing at RockSport -

TODAY September 29 from 3:30-5:30pm!

-- High School Retreat to Mt. Cross -Oct. 11-13!

This is an awesome retreat to Santa Cruz, and

a chance to meet Lutheran youth from

around our Synod. Great leadership develop-

ment at this event!

- This month, there is no 2nd Sunday dinner

because of the retreat. See you at Oktoberfest!

- Join us for CROP Walk on October 20 at

1:30pm. See page 10 for more details.

Kids Community

Kids Community and Youth Groups continue on

Sundays from 9:55-10:55. October 13th will be

another day where we gather together in the Wor-

ship Space and play, act, and sing together during

the faith formation hour.

Our "Learning the Language" Bible retreat with

3rd graders and families (also, for older children

who have never attended) is Sunday, Oct. 6th, from

11am-1pm in the ministry center classrooms. In the

retreat we will talk about what the Bible is and how

families can share the Bible together, at home, and

with the support of the Church. There are snacks,

special guests, and some family time to talk about

the Bible, the Church, and relationships with God.

This Bible-focused retreat will serve as preparation

for our annual Bible presentation on Sunday,

October 27th, when we present a new Bible to each

third grader in our congregation during Sunday

worship. It is a gesture of hopeful expectation that

they will read and explore the Bible on their own as

well as with family, friends and others. This is one

way we as a congregation and you as parents fulfill

the baptismal promise to “place in their hands the

Holy Scriptures.” RSVP or send questions to

Shaun: shaun@goodshepherdreno.org.

Coming in November:

Casting and Rehearsal for this year’s Advent Play

(Sunday, December 15th

) begin in November.

See the sign up sheet to get details! Everyone, come

join in!

This fall is off to a great start! Thanks for

bringing yourself and your gifts to our gath-

erings and events. We are the church, the

body of our Lord!

- Shaun

Oktoberfest Party! October 27, 5-8pm

All kids, middle and high school youth are

invited to this church-wide party. See de-

tails on page 13. There will be specific

activities just for kids!

OCTOBER 2013 Shepherd’s Voice Page 9

Letters of Thanks

A Letter from Lynn & Mike Haro

Dear Friends in Christ,

As we continue to get settled in our new home and

environs, we are daily—multiple times daily—

reminded of what and who we left behind. All of

those memories give us great joy. From being in-

vited to brunch bunch by Jane and Paul Campbell

on our first Sunday, our new member classes, the

small groups, the Shepherds, Stephen Ministers, the

incredible music year round, Shared Harvest with

Jane Knipmeyer and members of the other Lu-

theran churches, Good Grief and Pastor’s truly

wonderful eulogies, Hiking Group, MOPS, the new

sanctuary and wonderful open house to celebrate it,

healing service, laying on of hands for our brothers

and sisters, the uplifting support we received

through perilous times with prayers, food, cards,

calls and HUGS. All capped off by the so special

sending service, the beautiful pewter Blessing Cross,

and the send-off reception. Oh—not to forget

Men’s Breakfast and Mike’s brief but most valued

(most by him) time as Pastoral Assistant. Thank

you, God, for giving Sam (Pastor Carl’s first grand-

child) to Pastor, so that he could understand our

feeling called to move closer to our own grandchil-

dren :)

We have received the t-shirt and directory. The

shirt will be going with us to Alaska (our 40th wed-

ding anniversary cruise) and is likely to be a good

conversation starter. Our love and prayers for all

of Good Shepherd as we continue our faith


Lynn and Mike Haro

215 San Angelo Ave., Suite A

Benbrook, TX 76126


OCTOBER 2013 Shepherd’s Voice Page 9

In Appreciation

Thank you dear Good Shepherd Friends for all the

calls, cards and comfort given to me and my family

in my sister’s passing. Audrey will be forever

missed. - Shirley Ericson

Shared Harvest

This letter was handed to me while distributing Shared Har-

vest grocery bags. - Jane Knipmeyer

My Dear Members of the Lutheran Church,

In Jesus’ name, I am so thankful and grateful for

your food distributions at the end of each month.

Be assured that you are certainly doing God’s work

and I am confidents the Lord is preparing a place in

Heaven for each and every one of you.

It is people like you who reaffirm my faith in Jesus

Christ—in a world increasingly becoming anti-

Christian, increased unrest and crime, etc.

Thank you, thank you, thank you,

In Christ’s most holy name,

Scott Hadley


Greetings Good Shepherd Members,

I wanted to thank Erika and Shaun so much for

their help, and all of you for allowing ACTIONN

the use of your beautiful facility on September 7 for

our Leadership Institute. We had a wonderful and

very diverse turnout and we're very excited to have

trained 40 new leaders!




OCTOBER 2013 Shepherd’s Voice Page 10

Caring for Others

Shared Harvest

October 27

Shared Harvest is a joint ministry of several local

Lutheran churches who bring food once a month

to working-poor families. They deliver 75 bags of

groceries each month. Bag assembly is at 1pm on

October 27 at Our Savior Lutheran church in

Sparks. The shopping list for June is as follows:

Cold cereal


Canned fruit

Chicken noodle soup


Call or text Jane Knipmeyer if you need more in-

formation (762-0940) or email her at


2nd Mile Giving for October

Every month on the third Sunday we take a special

offering called the “2nd Mile Offering” which is

over and above the regular offerings received. Each

month we focus on a different ministry in our

Synod. The October 20 offering will be distributed

as follows:

1/3 to California Lutheran University

1/3 to feed hungry people locally

(Project Lazarus)

1/3 to feed hungry people worldwide

(ELCA Hunger Appeal)

Used Luggage Drive, Again!

The Washoe County Lutheran Churches are

partnering with Thrivent Financial to assist the

Men’s and Women’s Shelters by providing:

Luggage and Bags

(Small and medium sized,

gently worn or new)

Note from Deanna: Thrivent had already chosen

a Luggage Drive for fall and Good Shepherd also

chose to include luggage in our 25th Anniversary

Service Project. If you missed bringing your lug-

gage...you have one more chance! The last day

for donating will be Sunday, October 6.

2013 CROP Walk for Hunger

What is it?

A 3-mile walk to help raise money against hunger,

within the community and throughout the world.

Note: You don't have to walk to participate. You

can sponsor one of the walkers in the church, pro-

vide snacks and drinks for the walkers, or drive a

pick-up car for those who cannot finish the walk.

What's the point—what difference am I making?

Hungry people around the world walk as much as

six miles a day to get food, water, fuel, supplies for

shelter, and to take their goods to the market to be

sold. Even though we will not be walking that far,

we're taking a small step to lessen their walk.

Where is it and when?

The walk will be held at Snowflake Pavilion in

Idlewild Park, Reno Nevada on October 20th.

Please arrive at 1:30pm - the walk begins at 2pm.

For sponsorship packets or questions, contact

Cassie Phillips at cassiepoto13@yahoo.com or find

her at church any Sunday!

OCTOBER 2013 Shepherd’s Voice Page 11

Dear Congregation:

I would love to think that, as one of your church

staff leaders, we have effectively touched the lives

of a whole boatload of people. I think we have,

but I have no idea how big that boat is.

Here is what I do know:


You church members!

You church members out there in the field…

YOU touch the lives of more people than we will

ever have the chance to meet. More ministry is

done through you than through any of us who

are paid! You are our front lines of ministry.

Your ministry boat is actually much bigger than


I believe you are already doing ministry, but we

may have forgotten to tell you. Your relation-

ships - the people you care for, welcome and af-

firm every day, everywhere and in every relation-

ship - are about God. Ministry is about loving be-

cause Christ first loved us. Ministry is about

"doing likewise."

You have friends. You know their great joys. You

also know their great sorrows. You are the first to

know when life needs to be celebrated or when

there is pain that needs comforting. You hear, see

and sense things in others people you don't even

personally know. Your heart tells you when

something doesn't quite feel right. We call these Spirit nudges.

In some of our groups, we often ask about the

highs and the lows (“consolation/desolation”) of

your week. We are also going to start asking ...

"What Spirit nudges did you sense this week?"

Caring for Others: Spirit Nudges

You can share the concerns you felt for others.

You may have been able to act on them by listen-

ing, welcoming or affirming someone. You may

have just seen or heard about a situation and

wished something better for this person.

We can pray about these Spirit nudges, and we can

also help each other with ideas and support for be-

ing present when others need us. We will celebrate

our ministry together when you do get to care.

This will be one of the ways we can support the

ministry you live every day. It is one of the ways

our church can be your ministry partner.

Be attentive to those around you. You are God's

hands and feet. Let's help each other to help oth-

ers on this journey.

- Deanna

Re-printed / edited with permission from Lyle Griner © 2013 Peer

Ministry Leadership.





Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Nevada published

Larry Struve’s book, “A Humble Walk for Justice:

Advocating for the Least of These in Nevada, 2001

to 2012 in June, 2013. In just three months’ time,

the book has received very positive feedback. “A

Humble Walk” is Larry’s personal account of his

twelve years as the LAMN Advocate, but it is also a

testament to the change that can come about when

people of faith participate in the democratic proc-

ess. The book is a history of LAMN and RAIN—

the struggles, but also the credibility and access that

has been achieved and continues to grow. At the

end of the 2013 Legislative Session, one local legisla-

tor told Larry that if LAMN and RAIN have legis-

lation they want submitted in the next Session, he

would be pleased to sponsor it.

The feedback that Larry has received about “A

Humble Walk” speaks for itself:

L.B., Sparks NV: "I read your book this sum-

mer and must say I am impressed, not only with

your activism, but also your compassion for

those less fortunate than most in our soci-

ety. You should be well pleased with the results

you were able to achieve."

Anonymous Inmate in the California Depart-

ment of Corrections (Vacaville, CA): "I received

your book. Your odyssey and perseverance are

truly inspiring. Of course, I found pages 222 to

230 on IDs for released offenders to be particularly

interesting. It's amazing how an obviously desir-

able goal can take forever to accomplish."

R.H., Waldoboro, ME: "I [found] your

book [to be] fascinating. . . . I would like to pro-

vide a copy of it to our pastor for its inspirational

message. The philosophy you have expressed with

such erudition and literary skill is universal, and I

am sure our pastor will be pleased to recognize it.

I personally found your book… heartwarm-

ing. So much hard work against so many odds

with remarkably so much success. And your

identifying and commenting on others who seemed

genuinely to embody the true Christian spirit in a

'Wild West' state such as Nevada. … The message

was inspirational as well as informative."

Prof. D.S., Winona, MN: "Your book cer-

tainly illustrates the general problem for democ-

racy of short-term decisions and crisis management

to the exclusion of rational long-term plan-

ning. You offer a piece of a solution with the idea

of blue-ribbon committees that gather in-put from

all sectors of the community. I think the problem

is a very deep one for democratic theory; but your

book at least certainly gives clear illustration of the

problem. . . . I like your distinction between a

lobbyist and an advocate, as you understand an

advocate in the context of a representative of a reli-

gious coalition. In this regard, I like your 'virtues

of an advocate' as indicated and outlined near the

end of your book. . . . Another point your book

illustrates is that it is very easy for the pundits to

say what the policy should or should not be on a

particular issue. But it is something else altogether

to actually face the complicated realities when one

gets into the specifics. . . . All this is simply to say

that wise legislation requires real, in-depth edu-

cation on the issues.

G. W., Mountain View, CA: "I have read [A

Humble Walk for Justice] and want to tell [the au-

thor] that you have done a marvelous job in tell-

ing clearly and interestingly the story of the ad-

vocacy that [LAMN and RAIN] engaged in for

twelve years. I hope [the book] will be an inspi-

ration for many others to continue and expand

the work that [is written about] in the book. It is

hopeful, impressive, and needed."

To obtain your copy of “A Humble Walk” you

can print the order form on LAMN’s website,

www.lutheranadvocacynv.org, and mail it with

your donation to the address on the form.

Sheila Freed

OCTOBER 2013 Shepherd’s Voice Page 13

Birthdays & Anniversaries

for the week of September 29

Sept. 29 Sunday

Jordan Ainsworth

Sheryll Whitney

Sept. 30 Monday

Sandra Cone

Scott Hensel, Kendall Inskip

Pat Nielsen, Mel & Sandra Cone

Augie & Joanne Kaufmann

Oct. 1 Tuesday

Don Hill, Ben Reynolds

Oct. 2 Wednesday

Heidi Barcia, Erin Matthews, Joan Rodican

Oct. 3 Thursday

Christine Anderson, Joyce Werre

Barbara & Bill Reese

Oct. 4 Friday

Joe Reynolds, Sue Ellen Seamands

Oct. 5 Saturday

Paul Lessard, Charles Meredith

David & Deanna Gaunt

Oct. 6 Sunday

John Lenz, Diane Ludlow, Bill Reese

Fellowship and Inspiration

One More Good Shepherd Hike!

The last hike of this year will be a hike at Marlette

Lake on October 12. The hike begins at 9am.

Please call Lisa Mays for more information at 852-

5472. New hikers welcome!

Potluck! Dancing!

Merriment! Singing!

Sunday October 27, 5-8pm

Come join in an annual tradition at Good

Shepherd! Intergenerational fun, food and

activities will abound. This wonderful event

is hosted by our own A-Men. This year an

outdoor beer garden will be featured if

weather allows. Cake walk for kids! See the

potluck sign-up sheet in the Welcoming

Space table. Please contact Steve Solberg

(240-3351) if you would like to help out

with any of the details of this event.

Columbarium Niches

in the Worship Space

Have Questions?

Want the details?

Read our brochure or

Contact Church Staff or

George Summerhill (826-7109)

For the answers!

Sometimes I think my life is dreary,

And I find it hard to be cheery.

Darkness creeps in and it seems

more like the dark of night,

Instead of the light of day.

I cry out to God, I have just lost my way.

I fret, I fuss, I get stressed out

As I wander aimlessly about.

Then I hear God answer me in a loving voice,

He says, you know you really have a choice.

I am always there,

No need to despair.

I want to remind you, I’m always behind you.

I walk beside you, to help you and guide you.

Also I lead the way,

For you to follow day by day.

If you should stumble and then you fall,

Listen for me,

Your name I will call.

Whether you’re strong or whether you’re weak,

Always remember it is God you need to seek.

To keep your faith in me and never lose hope,

To help you always to be able to cope.

So, be still, be calm and quiet your mind,

Then peace, tranquility, strength

and joy you will find.

I am always there,

As your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Because I really truly care.

Then the time will come, you’ll see,

Just how gloriously magnificent

heaven will be.

For you and your loved one s will be

together, with me, your

Heavenly Father,

To live forever, in eternity.

Did you


On our website www.goodshepherdreno.org

you can find:

Pastor Carl’s recent sermons

Monthly issues of the Shepherd’s Voice


Information about upcoming events

A description of our worship services

Our mission statement

A description of Faith Formation values

Information on our ministries and how

we serve

Information on the Evangelical Lu-

theran Church of America (ELCA) and

a link to ELCA blogs

A link to online giving

Staff Directory

Questions? Call Elsie at the Ministry

Center—329-0696, 1-5pm daily.

A Poem by Bea Meyers

God is Always Near

OCTOBER 2013 Shepherd’s Voice Page 15

Administration Staff Leadership

Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd

is a congregation of the

Evangelical Lutheran Church of America

Mark Hanson, Presiding Bishop

Mark Holmerud, Bishop, Sierra Pacific Synod

Tom Beck, Dean, Sierra Nevada Conference

Leadership of Good Shepherd


Carl Wilfrid, Senior Pastor

Shaun O’Reilly, Director of Faith Formation

Deanna Gaunt, Dir. of Worship, Finance & Communication

Kristin Lessard, Programs Coordinator

Erika Solberg, Office Administrator

Elsie Baughman, Office Assistant

Marijo Rosevear, Financial Secretary

Maribeth Doerr, Pastoral Assistant

Andrea Lenz, Organist

Jennie Tibben, Adult Choir Director

Toni deSalvo, Hand Bell Director

Val Lykes, Audiovisual Specialist

Patzy Martinez Perez, Student Ministry Coordinator

Taylor Jane Riedeman, Theatrical Arts Intern


Alyssa O’Hair, President

Glennis Bishop, Secretary

Ron Lembke, Treasurer

Lori Bigham

Louis Mendes

Steve Solberg

Carl Wilfrid, Senior Pastor

Thank You Worship Leaders!

Week of September 29, 2013

Presider/Preacher Pr. John Handrich

Organist/Pianist Andrea Lenz

Altar Guild Michelle Poulton

A/V Sound Booth Deanna Gaunt/Shaun

7:30am Worship

Deacon Vic Williams

Lector Barbara Gruenewald

Communion Server Karen Hensel

Greeter Elaine Alexander

9:00am Worship

Deacon Vic Williams

Communion Servers Kyla & Laura Ganchan-Romero

Greeters/Ushers Dennie and Vernie McCrohan

10:30am Worship

Deacon Mel Cone

Assisting Minister Beverly Hennen

Lectors Ginny McBride

Communion Servers Madeline Ackley, Paul Campbell

Greeters Sandra Handrich, Jim Heinemeier

Ushers Baxter Swaffar, Al Nelson

Good Shepherd Financials - August 2013

General Operating Fund

AUGUST Income: $39,510.53

AUGUST Expense: $36,692.75

Income/Expense + $2,817.78

Year-to-date Income: $ 335,282.45

Year-to-date Expenses: $ 332,151.35

+ $3,131.10

Other Accounts:

Project Lazarus $ 1,582.96

Dedicated Accounts $ 77,247.98

Youth Fund $ 2,107.30

Columbarium Fund $ 14,936.43

Building Funds (all) $ 44,735.69

Memorial Fund $ 7,450.87

Stained glass windows $ 32,030.00

357 Clay St, Reno, NV 89501-1706

Office Phone: 329.0696 Fax: 329.0703


Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday 9am - 5pm

Friday 9am - 4pm

website: www.goodshepherdreno.org

God’s Work. Our Hands.

Can you tell that the staff at Good Shepherd is excited to have a new color copier??

Photos below and on front cover are courtesy of Marjorie Williams, Carrie Mauldin, and Kristin Lessard.

Mon. October 21 Elsie on vacation

Tues. October 22

12:00pm Bible Class

5:00pm Bible Class

Wed. October 23

9:00am M.O.P.S. - Ministry Center & Shepherd Hall

6:00pm NO Confirmation

Thurs. October 24

6:30am Men’s Breakfast—Denny’s

9:00am Hearts and Hands Quilters—Luther Hall

10:00am Worship Set-up

3:00pm Bible Study

4:30pm Capital Campaign Meeting

5:30pm Personnel Team Meeting

Fri. October 25 Nevada Day Office Closed

Tues. October 29

12:00pm Bible Class

5:00pm Bible Class

5:00pm Worship Space Chair Re-set

Wed. October 30

6:00pm Confirmation

Thurs. October 31

3:00pm Bible Study

Fri. November 1

10:00am Worship Set-up

Sat. November 2

10:00am Good Ole Gals brunch

Tues. October 8

12:00pm Bible Class

12:15pm Thrivent Board—St. Luke’s

1:45pm Financial Review—Ministry Center

5:00pm Bible Class

6:00pm Faith On Tap

Wed. October 9

12:00pm Rebekah Circle—Ministry Center

6:00pm Confirmation

Thurs. October 10

2:30pm Hearts and Hands quilters—Luther Hall

3:00pm Bible Study

4:30pm Capital Campaign Meeting

5:00pm Governing Board

6:30pm Leadership Gathering

Fri. October 11 High School Retreat at Mt. Cross

10:00am Worship set-up

Sat. October 12

9:00am Hikers at Marlette Lake

Mon. October 14 Deanna & Erika on vacation thru 10/18

Tues. October 15 Pr. Carl at Conference thru 10/17

12:00pm Bible Class

5:00pm Bible Class

Wed. October 16

10:30am Bridge

5:00pm O.W.L.S. - Bavarian World

6:00pm NO Confirmation

Thurs. October 17

3:00pm Bible Study

Fri. October 18

10:00am Worship set-up

October 27|23rd Sunday after Pentecost

Reformation Sunday

New Member Sunday

Bible Presentation

7:30am Traditional Worship

8:40am Earlybirds Class - Luther Hall

9:00am Contemporary Worship

9:55am Kids Community and Youth Groups

10:00am Adult Faith Formation

11:00am Traditional Worship

5:00pm Oktoberfest!

Shepherd’s Calendar

October 2013 October 6| 20th Sunday after Pentecost

Congregational Meeting, 10am

Healing Stations during worship

Orientation to Good Shepherd, 12:30pm

7:30am Traditional Worship

8:40am Earlybirds Class - Luther Hall

9:00am Contemporary Worship

9:55am Kids Community and Youth Groups

10:00am Congregational Meeting

11:00am Traditional Worship

11:00am Learning the Language Bible Retreat

12:30pm Orientation to Good Shepherd

October 13|21st Sunday after Pentecost

7:30am Traditional Worship

8:40am Earlybirds Class - Luther Hall

9:00am Contemporary Worship

9:55am Kids Community and Youth Groups

10:00am Adult Faith Formation

10:00am A-Team—Luther Hall

11:00am Traditional Worship

October 20|22nd Sunday after Pentecost

2nd Mile Offering - California Lutheran Univ.

7:30am Traditional Worship

8:40am Earlybirds Class - Luther Hall

9:00am Contemporary Worship

9:55am Kids Community and Youth Groups

10:00am Adult Faith Formation

11:00am Traditional Worship

11:00am RIC Team

1:30pm Crop Walk - Idlewild Park

6:30pm Knit Together - Shepherd Hall

Shared Harvest

Oktoberfest, 5pm

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