oddc project status update: the use of budget data in nigeria

Post on 07-May-2015






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A presentation from the University or Ilorin research team in the Exploring the Emerging Impacts of Open Data in Development Countries research network



Investigation of the use of the OnlineNational Budget of Nigeria: Emerging Findings

Research team: (University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria) Dr. Omenogo Veronica MEJABI;

Dr. Adesina L. AZEEZ;Mr. Adeyinka ADEDOYIN; and

Mr. Muhtahir O. OLOYEDE

The funding for this work has been provided through the World Wide Web Foundation 'Exploring the Emerging Impacts of Open Data in Developing Countries' research project, supported by grant 107075 from Canada’s International Development Research Centre (web.idrc.ca). Find out more at www.opendataresearch.org/emergingimpacts

Presented at ODDC Africa Regional meeting – 07/12/2013


Abstract• Corruption and bad governance are major issues of concern

to Nigerian citizens.• Although Nigeria is yet to commence a formal move

towards open data, or to launch an open data portal, budget data is increasingly available online, direct from government or through intermediaries.

• It is not yet clear how aware the public are of this budget data, or how it affects budget governance.

• This study employs a range of approaches, including analysing news media and interviews with key stakeholders, to determine: how the public engage in the discussions of the national

budget, their awareness of open data, its potential to drive good governance, and the challenges to effective use of such open budget data.


National Context

Citizens frustrated and distrustful of government promises

At start of study, no existing government move towards open government data or open data initiative but Edo state open government data portal launched on 13th September, 2013 (data.edostate.gov.ng)

But, many organisations do publish data relevant for governance on their websites: available to the public with no restrictions.

Public awareness & use of available data is unclear


The Data Sets involved• Budget of Nigeria available on the Budget Office website

since 2007 (http://www.budgetoffice.gov.ng)

• …but not organised or structured.

• Link descriptions vary from year to year (2007, 2008 and 2009) and it is not clear if the data is the final approved budget, or the budget as initially proposed to the National Assembly for consideration.

• e.g. the 2011 budget has to be pieced together from the 2011 quarterly reports on budget implementation

• Data files are published as PDF files

• Vast improvement from the past when such data were only available as hard copies.



Budget website


Budget website


Typical Budget Data(pdf, missing last column)


Typical Budget Data(hanging last column)

Research goalsThe study attempts to determine:– how the public engage in the discussions of the

national budget– the degree of awareness of open data– potential of open data to drive good governance– the intermediaries in the flow of budget

information– potential challenges to effective use of such open

budget data.


MethodologyA range of approaches, including:• Institutional survey

– incl. respondents from the Budget Office and Ministry of Finance

• Stakeholder survey– survey & in-depth interview: journalists, Key persons in NGOs,

online networkers, professionals, visible budget analysts• Media analysis

– review & analyse newspaper coverage on the budget of Nigeria (from 2009 – 2013)

– online social networks (around the 2013 budget)



Preliminary Interviews & FindingsSome challenges to the achievement of open data initiative in Nigeria in terms of access and use of such data. It is one thing to have the data open to the public, it is another thing for the public to make use of it to drive accountability, transparency and good governance. Such challenges include: • Culture of secrecy in public life in Nigeria that inhibits government officials’ readiness and

willingness to make information available to the public.• Challenge of poverty that discourages people from accessing and using open data. A large

number of Nigerians are concerned with how they can feed themselves instead of engaging government performances.

• Lack of skills on the part of a large number of Nigerians, particularly in the rural areas, is also a big challenge to the use of open data. Many Nigerians do not have the requisite skills to access open data not even to talk of adapting it for use or for engaging the government.

• Technology, in terms of appropriate applications to make data open in simple format that will be accessible and usable to the public, is also a challenge. This is evidenced more on the part of the government agencies that do not have the necessary technologies or appropriate applications to make data open in most accessible and usable format.

• Lack of necessary infrastructures, such as energy/power, is also a challenge to the access and use of open data.


Preliminary Findings – Newspaper Analysis

• Analysed

newspapers have

average page

number s of:o This Day (60)

o The Guardian (72)

o Daily Trust (60)

o Tribune (56)

o The Punch (72)

o The Nation (64)

• The Punch and The

Nation are still

being collated. This Day The Guardian Daily Trust Tribune











Proportion of Analysed Newspapers with story items related to Nigeria's budget is 50% or



Preliminary Findings – Social Media

• Twitter: Criticism of sectoral

allocations in the budgeto Our great country spent only 3.2% of its

national budget on health at the federal

level in 2010. Of this, 83% was spent on

paying salaries! - EiE


o A country that spends 5% of its budget on

education and 30% on security is doomed.

But common sense isn't so common.

#publicaffairs - VEEG Communications


o Shocking: 23 per cent of National Budget

Spent on Salaries/Allowances of 18,000

Top Government Officials... http://

fb.me/1chL7vb8g - Information


• Facebook: Distrust of govt,

to implement the budgetPrompter – Announcement of 2013 budget

presentation by Dr Okonjo-Iweala, Minister of

Finance attracted 210 Likes


- Budget is well planned,it requires sincere

implementaction & God's approval. -

Nwabam Ugochukwu Goodluck

- ds may be bugdet of hope,if implimented.-

Adeniyi Olusegun Godwin

- Well presented.This is paper

work.Nigerians are expecting the action

part of it.-Paul Owojori Olugbenga 

Search phrase: Nigeria 2013 budget


Preliminary Conclusions

• There is an emerging call for full disclosure on the various data

sources during the process of National budgeting.

• Social media content shows evidence of citizen engagement with the

budget data of Nigeria but reveals the discussion is limited to a few

individuals and NGOs.

• Groups such as Budgit and Citizens Wealth Forum now provide

simplified versions of the published budget to help citizens

understand the contents and hold Government officials and

politicians accountable for non-implementation.


Looking Ahead

• Conclude data collection

• Conclude data analysys

• Commence drafting research report

• Organise Data Hack Event (9th/10th

January 2014 ) in conjunction with

Budgit, an identified data repackager

• Organise Dissemination Workshop

(March 2014)



We appreciate the mentoring from our Peer Supporter:

Dr. Maurice McNaughtonUniversity of the West Indies,

Kingston, Jamaica


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