жовтень/листопад 2016 october/november...schedule of divine services - 2 0 1 6 o c t...

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St. Michael The Archangel Ukrainian Orthodox Church

12104-129 Avenue Parish Hall – 12918 – 121 Street

Edmonton, AB T5L 3J1 Office: (780) 454-8385 ▪ Fax: (780) 447-4768

Website: www.uocc-stmichael.ca Email: stmichaeluoc@shaw.ca

Upcoming Events: OCT. 02: Bishop’s TEA - St. Andrew’s Sobor

at 12:30 – 3:00 pm OCT. 10: Parish Evening bingo OCT. 18: Parish Board mtg-7:00 pm OCT. 22: Fraternal evening bingo OCT. 26: Parish afternoon bingo OCT. 28-30: Western Eparchy Assembly at

St. John’s Cathedral OCT. 30: NO SERVICE NOV. 05: Parish evening bingo NOV. 06: UWA and Men’s Society meeting

Sunday - 12:30 noon NOV.12: “PUSHCHENYA” NOV. 15: Parish Board mtg-7:00 pm NOV.15: Fraternal evening bingo


Served By: Rt. Rev. Mitred Protopresbyter Fr. Nicholas Orest Rauliuk

Митрофорний Протопресвітер Миколай Орест Равлюк

10335 – 159 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T5P 3A5 Home telephone: 780-461-3088 ▪ Cell: 780-938-3004

Email: revorestrauliuk@gmail.com

Contact the following for information:

Parish President: Shirley Wozimirsky - 780-475-5875 Men’s Society President: Ron Kluchka – 780-456-1059

UWA Ladies President: Mary Paltzat – 780-472-2337

St. Michael’s Seniors Society President: Fr. Nicholas Orest – 780-461-3088 or 780-938-3004

Worship Service Times: SUNDAYS and FEASTDAYS Confession: 9:30 am Divine Liturgy: 10:00 am

Service Language Schedule:

First Sunday of the month - Ukrainian

Middle Sundays - Ukrainian & English

Last Sunday of the month - English

Fellowship every Sunday after Divine Liturgy

except JULY and August

жовтень/листопад 2016 October/November

Церковний Дзвін

Св. Михаїла

St. Michael’s

Church Bell

Bulletin of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. Michael in Edmonton

Бюлетень Української Православної Церкви Св. Михаїла в Едмонтонi


2nd: 15th Sunday after Holy Pentecost Confession-9:30 am; Divine Liturgy – 10:00 am. Bishop’s Tea – 12:30 – 3:00 PM – St. Andrew’s Sobor, 9831-75 St. 4th: Tuesday – Rosslyn Place Care Home Service – 10:00 am 9th: 16th Sunday after Holy Pentecost Confession – 9:30 am; Divine Liturgy – 10:00 am 14th: Friday – THE PROTECTION OF THE MOST HOLY EVER-VIRGIN MARY Confession – 9:30 am; Divine Liturgy – 10:00 am 16th: 17th Sunday after Holy Pentecost Confession – 9:30 am; Divine Liturgy – 10:00 am 18th: Tuesday – St. Michael’s Extended Care Home Service – 10:30 am 20th: Thursday – St. Michael’s Millennium Pavilion Service – 10:00 am 23rd: 18th Sunday after Holy Pentecost Confession – 9:30 am; Divine Liturgy – 10:00 am 25th: Tuesday – Shepherd’s Care Home Service – 10:00 am 27th: Thursday – McQueen Lodge Care Home Service – 10:30 am 30th: 19th Sunday after Holy Pentecost – NO SERVICE AT ST. MICHAEL’S CHURCH Western Eparchy Conference – HEIRARCHICAL Divine Liturgy at St. John’s Cathedral – 9:30 am

N O V E M B E R: 1st: Tuesday – Rosslyn Place Care Home Service – 10:00 am 6th: 20th Sunday after Holy Pentecost Confession – 9:30 am; Divine Liturgy – 10:00 am 13th: 21st Sunday after Holy Pentecost Confession – 9:30 am; Divine Liturgy – 10:00am 17th: Thursday – St. Michael’s Millennium Pavilion Service – 10:00 am 19th: SATURDAY – Preparation Service to St. Michael’s FEASTDAY - Reading of FOUR GOSPELS at 7:30 pm - Blessing of Water to follow 20th: Sunday – “XRAM” – FEASTDAY OF ST. MICHAEL’S PARISH -Confessions – 9:30 am -Greeting of Bishop – 10:00 am -HEIRARCHICAL Divine Liturgy – 10:30 am 21st: Monday – SYNAXIS of ARCHANGEL MICHAEL -“XRAM” at St. Michael’s Extended Care Home – 10:30 am 24th: Thursday – McQueen Lodge Care Home Service – 10:30 am 27th: 23rd Sunday after Holy Pentecost Confession – 9:30 am; Divine Liturgy – 10:00 am 29th: Tuesday – Shepherd’s Care Home Service – 10:00 am

President’s Message

Submitted by Shirley Wozimirsky

I hope that the members of our parish enjoyed their summer and got plenty of

rest. It is back to work time! The pyrohy workshops have begun and the bingos

continue as per schedule. We appreciate all the help you can give us.

Dates to remember or mark on your calendars:

October 2 – Bishop’s Tea at St. Andrew’s, 12:30 p.m.

October 10 – Bingo (evening)

October 18 – Parish Board Meeting

October 26 – Bingo (afternoon)

October 28 – 30 – Western Eparchy Assembly at St. John’s Cathedral

Nov. 5 – Bingo (evening)

Nov. 12 – Puschenia (Tickets are on sale)

Nov. 20 – Patron Saint’s Day (Khram) – plan to attend

Dec. 2 – UWAC Bazaar

Get Well Wishes -are extended to all the parish members and clergy who are ill at

home or in the hospital. May God grant you the strength to recover from your

illness. Please let me or Reverend Father know when someone is ill. We can at

least send a card or phone to cheer you up. We always think about our church

members and non- members.

In Memoriam –

The members of our parish extend our sincere sympathies to the Martin Husieff’s

family in the loss of a son, brother, husband, father and friend. May he rest in

peace. Vichnaya Pamyat! Eternal Memories!

Operational Report – Our parish and hall have the following inspections done:

Tyco Security, Extinguishers and Emergency Lights, Alarm and smoke detectors,

Suppression System, and Furnace maintenance. Our hot water tank sprung a leak

and had to be replaced. We now have a special fire extinguisher for grease fires in

the hall kitchen.

Membership Fees: If you have not paid your membership fee for this year, please

do so as soon as possible.

November 20th Khram – There will be 2 people receiving their 50 year certificates

and 1 person receiving his 25 year certificate for their membership in the church.

Message from the DALAI LAMA ………

He said, “There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is

called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to

love, believe, do and mostly live.”

Undeniable Facts of Life:

As we grow older, and hence wiser, we slowly realize that wearing a $300 or $30

watch ------ they both tell the same time.

Whether we carry a $300 or $30 wallet/handbag ------ the amount of money

inside is the same.

Whether we drink a bottle of $300 or $30 wine -------- the hangover is the same.

Whether the house we live in is 300 or 3000 square feet ------ loneliness is the


You will realize, your true inner happiness does not come from the material things

of this world.

Whether you fly first or economy class, if the plane goes down ------ you go down

with it.

Therefore I hope you realize, when you have mates, buddies, and old friends,

brothers and sisters, who you chat with, laugh with, talk with, sing songs with, talk

about north-south-east-west or heaven and earth, ……. That is true happiness!!

Don’t educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be Happy. So when they

grow up they will know the value of things not the price.

The One who loves you will never leave you because even if there are 100 reasons

to give up he or she will find one reason to hold on.

You are loved when you are born. You will be loved when you die. In between,

You have to manage!

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat



Divine Lit.-10:00am


12:30-3:00 pm– St.

Andrew’s Sobor



Rosslyn Care Home

Service-10:00 am

5 6 7 8



Divine Liturgy-



Parish evening bingo

11 12 13 St. Michael’s





-Divine Liturgy—

10:00 am




Divine Liturgy-10:00


17 18 -St. Michael’s

Extended Care

Home Ser.-10:30 am

-Parish Board mtg—

7:00 pm

19 20 St. Michael’s

Millennium Care

Home Ser.-10:00am

21 22

Fraternal evening




Divine Liturgy-10:00

24 25

Shepherd’s Care

Home Service-10:00



Parish afternoon


27 McQueen Lodge

Care Home Service


-St. Michael’s

Seniors –1:00-





John’s Cathedral





John’s Cathedral


Divine Service at St.

John’s Cathedral—

9:30 am


October 2016

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Rosslyn Care Home

Service—10:00 am

2 3 4 5

Parish evening bingo


Confession-9:30 am

Divine Liturgy-10:00


7 8 9 10

-Seniors: 1:00-3:00

11 12


See poster in bulletin

for details



Divine Liturgy-


14 15

-Parish Board


-Fraternal evening


16 17 St. Michael’s

Millennium Care

Home Service-


18 19 “XRAM”

SERVICES: 7:00 pm

-4 Gospel Readings

-Blessing of water



See Schedule of

Divine Services for


21 St. Michael’s

Extended Care

Home “XRAM”-

10:30 am

22 23 24 McQueen Lodge

Care Home Service-

10:30 am


25 26



Divine Liturgy-10:00


28 29

Shepherd’s Care

Home Service-10:00



November 2016

Blessing of fruits and vegetables on Holy Transfiguration August 19, 2016

Helen Repka’s 94th Birthday Blessing

Helen Repka’s 94th Birthday with Family at St. Michael’s - 2016

Celebrating the Feastday of the DORMITION of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the Blessing of flowers and herbs

Fr. Nicholas blessing the herbs and flowers August 28, 2016

SVIATO 25 PROCESSION: Order of St. Andrew and the Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada

SVIATO 25 Clergy Procession and Moleben served celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Ukraine’s Declaration of

Independence at Churchill Square, Sunday, August 28, 2016

Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. Michael

The Archangel

12104 – 129 Avenue,Edmonton, Alberta

St. Michael’s Parish FEASTDAY “Xram”

Saturday, November 19th, 2016

*Blessing of Water at 7:30 pm

*Procession & Reading of the Four Gospels

Sunday, November 20th , 2016

Visitation of His Grace Bishop Ilarion

*Greeting His Grace Bishop Ilarion at 10:00 am

*Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at 10:30 am

*50th Wedding Anniversary Blessing for Fr. Nicholas and

Dobrodiyka Jeannette

*Banquet following the Divine Liturgy


Adults: $20.00; Youth: 7-18 - $10.00

Children 6 and under – No Charge

Tickets available at the Door

Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada

союз українок канади

відділ княгині ольги St. Michael’s Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada

October–November 2016

Welcome back, after a leisurely summer free of meetings and fundraising. Now that our batteries are

recharged, we are ready to take on the duties and responsibilities that we willingly do to benefit the

Orthodox community and others. Our charitable donations to worthwhile causes do not go unnoticed.

Next Meeting

There has been a change in the scheduling of our bi-monthly meetings. Instead of having meetings on

Monday evenings, we switched them to Sunday afternoons after fellowship lunch. This has increased

the attendance. Therefore, the next meeting will be scheduled for Sunday, November 6 at 12:30 p.m.;

that will be the weekend in which daylight savings time ends. Reminder—change your clocks back one

hour Saturday, November 5th



Weekly workshops have begun with the goal of filling up our freezers. There are numerous customers

for our pyrohy and cabbage rolls year round. Pyrohy workshops have occurred on September 12, 20

and 27. Thank you to all those who volunteered their time to help on those days. The food workshops

are not all work and no play. It is a day of camaraderie and fellowship among the workers.

Consequently, several men come regularly to assist the ladies. It is not a requirement to be a UWAC

member to help with food preparation. We welcome all who wish to help. Workshops will continue in

October and November.

Bishop’s Tea

The Annual Bishop’s Tea will be held at St. Andrew’s Orthodox Church on Sunday, October 2. We

encourage interested parishioners to attend.

Alberta Ukrainian Self Reliance League Convention

St. John’s Cultural Centre will host the AUSRL Convention once again, on November 4 and 5. The

Ukrainian Women’s Association, Alberta Provincial Executive will hold their convention at this time as

well. This is open to everyone interested, not only the delegates. A new display of Ukrainian artifacts

will be available for viewing at the Museum. Come out to see the world’s largest korovai (decorative

wedding bread)!

On the lighter side:

When the grave side service had no more than terminated, there was a tremendous burst of thunder

accompanied by a distant lightning bolt and more rumbling thunder. The little old man looked at the

pastor and calmly said “Well, she’s there and it is His problem now”.

Submitted by Mary Paltzat, President

President’s Message by Ron Kluchka

The greenery of summer is now changing to the yellows and reds of the autumn

season. Although Mother Nature isn’t being especially kind with the weather, I hope

that she will provide enough favorable weather so that the crops (whether large or

small) can be put away in time.

On behalf of St. Michael’s Parish, I would like to thank all the members of our parish,

their families, friends and a member from the St. John’s parish who volunteered and

worked the August 2nd & August 3rd casino. Thank you for your time. Your support is

truly appreciated. Good job everyone!

Mark your calendars, the men's society’s next meeting will be held on:

Sunday, November 6th after fellowship coffee.

Your attendance is important to the existence of the society & its members. But more

importantly your input is needed

Our 2016 Fall PUSCHINIA will be held on November 12, 2016.

The Dynamics will be providing the music. Please encourage your family, friends,

neighbors or whoever else might listen and buy a ticket.

To purchase tickets, please contact:

Korneil @ 780-475-3951

Henry @ 780-471-4661

Myron@ 780-475-5875

Ron @ 780-497-8852

Our thoughts & prayers are with those that are not well

Thank you, Rev. Fr. Nicholas Orest Rauliuk for your continued blessings and guidance.



St. Michael’S PariSh hall

12918 – 121 street

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Music by: The dynamics

SPonSored by: St. Michael’S MenS Society

Refreshments: 5:30 pm – 12:00 AM Supper: 6:30 PM – 8:00 pm Dance: 8:30 PM – 12:30 AM

Admission: $ 40.00 per person

Tickets available from: Ron – 780-497-8852 Henry – 780-471-4661 Korneil – 780-475-3951 myron – 780-475-5875

St. Michael’s Seniors Trip to the BadLands “Passion Play”which was canceled due to rain,

BUT: IT IS RESCHEDULED FOR 2017, a rain check for everyone has been received

On the bus (sorry, could not get everyone in the pictures)

Swinging bridge in Drumheller; Government information; The Hoodoos in Drumheller

A SENIOR CITIZENS Society has been organized at St. Michael’s Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Edmonton. Come and enjoy the FUN and FELLOWSHIP with our SENIORS.

If you are interested in joining the SENIORS, PLEASE fill out the application form below.

_______________________________ ______________________________________ ( FIRST NAME) (LAST NAME)

Full Address:________________________________________________________

__________________________________________Postal Code:_______________

Day of Birth: ___________ Month of Birth:_________________________

House telephone number:___________________________________ Cell number (if you have one):______________________________ e-mail address:________________________________________________ Please enclose your Membership fee - $5.00 per person

Please leave this form with:

Fr. Nicholas, Liz Maybroda or Shirley Wozimirsky

FOR YOUR ATTENTION: St. michael’s seniors will meet on the following dates:

Thursday OCTOBER: 13th and 27th Thursday November: 10th and 24th

Alberta Ukrainian Self-Reliance League Convention


Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Saturday, November 5, 2016

will be held at

St. John’s Ukrainian Orthodox Parish

10611 – 110 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta

Come and Join Us in

Celebrating 125th Anniversary of Ukrainian Settlement

in Canada

Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada – Alberta Provincial

Executive Invites you to come and participate in this celebration.

Collecting 125 Stories to Celebrate Women from any of the Five

Waves1 of Immigration

First Wave: 1891-1914

Second Wave: 1920-1939

Third Wave: 1947-1959

Fourth Wave: 1960-1990

Fifth Wave: 1991- Present time

1 Jars Balan, The Story of Ukrainian Settlement in Canada, Edmonton Journal (Monday, September 19,

2016, Edmonton, Alberta) p. C4

You are cordially invited to:

The Bishop’s Tea

in honour of

His Grace Bishop Ilarion

Sunday, October 2, 2016 12:30 - 3:00 pm

Ukrainian Orthodox Sobor of St. Andrew,

9831 - 75 St. EDMONTON

--- Donations gratefully accepted for Projects of the Western Eparchy---



Henry Ewanchuk............................... Mary Ewanchuk

Elaine & Paul Politylo and Family... Lea Repka E. Lysesky.......................................... Lea Repka

Lena Radomsky.................................. Lea Repka

Elizabeth Bosse.................................. Martin Husieff Elaine Hancherak.............................. Martin Husieff Myron & Shirley Wozimirsky........... Martin Husieff Doreen Lecky..................................... Martin Husieff

Mary Pisula....................................... Jean Zotek

Ms. Gladys Marie Magega............... Father: William Magega Grandparents: Wakaruk and Magega

Daisy Senyk..................................... Dymetro(Matt) Senyk

Frances Wevill................................ Janet Tychkowsky Walter & Stella Kachmar............... Janet Tychkowsky

ATTENTION - time change November 5th: Please turn your clocks back one hour

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