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2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

2013 A &WMA Regional Specialty

Conference on

“Sustainable Resources and Air

Quality Management”

October 23, 2013 ~ October 26, 2013

Shangrila Boutique Hotel


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on“Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”


Conference dates : 23-26 October 2013Conference venue: Yi-lan Shangrila Boutique Hotel

研討會時間: 2013.10.23-26研討會地點: 宜蘭縣香格里拉冬山河渡假飯店Conference organizers:

Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research

Institute of Earth Environment

Chinese Bioresource Application Association


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

Energy and Resource Technique and Develop Center, National Ilan




Co-Organized By

協辦單位Taiwan Power Company

台灣電力公司Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan,

R.O.C. (Taiwan)


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

Mainland Affairs Council



2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October







2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October


委員會會 議大會主席: 巢志成會議學術委員會:陳瑞仁、陳志傑、張木彬、楊錫賢、陳王琨、




2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

Contact Information


Department of Environmental Engineering,

National Ilan University

宜蘭大學環境工程研究所Professor 張章堂

Email: ctchang@niu.edu.tw


Assistant 吳冠賢Email:o33567421@yahoo.com.tw



2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

Conference Registratrion


1. 2013年 10月 23日(星期三)報到及註冊時間自 13:00至 21:00

2. 2013年 10月 24日(星期四)報到及註冊時間自 08:00至 17:00

3. 2013年 10月 25日(星期五)報到及註冊時間自 08:00至 17:00

Lunch and Dinner

午餐及晚餐1. 報到註冊後,領取資料中包含第一天的晚餐券2. 第二天的午餐及晚餐券請於第二天報到時領取3. 第三天的午餐及晚餐券請於第三天報到時領取4. 請與會者於午餐及晚餐時間時,至飯店餐廳出示餐券,至餐廳用餐。


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

Notes to Oral Presentations


口頭發表時間為每篇 15分鐘(含Q&A)。將於發表 10分鐘後響鈴一聲,15分鐘響鈴二聲。請控制您的發表時間,並配合主持人引導。

Notes to Poster Presentations


1. 研討會當天完成報到後,請依編號張貼於研討會會場論文海報處。2. 海報內容包含:論文題目、作者(含職稱與就讀單位)、簡要內文(含前言、研究動機、研究方法、分析結果、結論) 、圖/文/表等內容。


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

Conference Venue

研討會場地The location of Shangrila Boutique Hotel








2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October



2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October


交通資訊◆自行開車-由臺北方向出發A. 國道 3 號→國道 5 號→羅東-五結交流道→沿高速公路下外側車道直行到底→左轉中 山路,接親河路→直行約 1.5 公里,循左方飯店 T 霸即可到達B. 濱海公路(台二省道)→頭城→五結→過「國立傳統藝術中心」後右轉→接四十米寬北宜高羅東聯絡道→過傳藝大橋→直行約 1 公里,可見左方飯店 T 霸,左轉協和中路直行約 700 公尺即可到達

◆搭火車 可搭乘太魯閣號對號列車,於羅東火車站下車,並於後站出站→搭乘本飯店付費接駁專車。(太魯閣號全程約 80 分鐘,每天約 7~8 個班次,票價$243)

◆國道客運-噶瑪蘭客運:板橋車站客運轉運站→臺北車站國道客運總站→復興南路站→經雪隧→羅東站下車(全程約 70 分鐘,全票$135/半票$68)

-首都之星:捷運市政府轉運站 →信義行政中心→經雪隧→羅東站下車(全程約 60 分鐘,車班距約 15~20 分鐘,全票$120/半票$60)


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October


會議日期:2013 年 10 月 23 日~10 月 26 日會議地點:宜蘭縣香格里拉飯店

日期 會議時間 活動內容


13:00-18:00 會議報到及領取會議資料18:00-20:30 歡迎晚宴20:30-21:30 籌備委員會議

10/248:30-9:00 開幕式(開幕貴賓致詞)

9:00-10:15 專題演講 3 場10:15-10:30 休息時間(供茶點及大合照)

10:30-12:00 論文發表(2場次/每場次 6篇/每篇 15分鐘)

12:00-13:00 午餐時間13:00-13:30 專題演講(2 場/每場 30 分鐘)

13:30-15:00 論文發表(2場次/每場次 6篇/每篇 15分鐘)

15:00-15:30 休息時間(供茶點)水上教堂參觀


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

15:30-17:30 論文發表(2場次/每場次 7篇/每篇 15分鐘)

17:30-19:30 晚宴


9:00-9:30 專題演講(1 場/每場 30 分鐘)

9:30-10:00 參觀水上教堂10:00-10:30 休息時間10:30-12:00 論文發表(2場次/每場次約 6篇/每篇 15分鐘)

12:00-13:00 午餐時間13:00-13:30 專題演講(2 場/每場 30 分鐘)

13:30-14:30 論文發表(2場次/每場次 4篇/每篇 15分鐘)

14:30-18:30 當地生態參訪18:30-20:00 晚宴

10/26 8:30-17:30 太魯閣生態參訪

Opening - Remark

2013 年 10 月 24 日爱琴海會議廳


Speaker:Ms. Sara J. Head


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

主持人:巢志成演講題目:A&WMA 過去現在與未來


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October


Sara J. Head, QEP, Fellow

2013 A&WMA President

AECOM Vice President

Chair, Ventura County Air Pollution Control District

Advisory Committee

Sara Head is a Vice President of Environmental Programs at AECOM in Camarillo, California. AECOM currently has over 45,000 employees in over 100 countries around the globe, and is consistently ranked as one of the top companies in all of the markets it serves. Sara has been an environmental consultant for the past 38 years, the last 20 of which have been with AECOM. Sara’s expertise is in both air and full environmental permitting, and her primary focus over the past 15 years has been with power plants and renewable energy projects. She has extensive experience permitting renewable energy projects, assisting with obtaining environmental permits/certifications for over 4,000 megawatts of solar and wind power in the past few years. She has also worked on conventional power projects, mostly natural gas-fired combined-cycle and simple-cycle power plants, but also coal-fired generation. She has obtained Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permits for over a dozen power plants, including obtaining the first PSD permit issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that included Greenhouse Gas Best Available Control Technology requirements.

Sara is the current President of the International Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA). She has been an active member of the A&WMA since 1980. She was on the A&WMA Board of Directors in 2003 – 2005, and a Vice President in 2005. She became a Fellow Member of the A&WMA (in 1996) and a Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP) (in 1993). She’s been a Director or Officer of both the West Coast Section (WCS) and the Channel Islands Chapter (CIC) for the past 25+ years, serving as Chair of the WCS from 2000 – 2002 and of the CIC from 1990 – 1991 and again from 1999 – 2001. Before that, she was an Officer of the Rocky Mountain States Section from 1982 – 1986.

Besides being involved in A&WMA’s Sections & Chapter Council in the above roles, she’s been active in A&WMA’s Technical Council. She was an Officer of the EP-1 (Policy and Regulations) Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC), which led to being Chair of the Environmental Program’s Division, as well as being a member of several other TCCs. Sara was on the Technical Program Committee for A&WMA’s Annual Conference & Exhibit (ACE) in Anaheim in 1989, was Technical Program Vice Chair for the ACE in San Diego in 2003, and is on the Local Host Committee for the upcoming ACE in Long Beach in 2014.

Sara is Chair of the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District Advisory Committee. This committee reviews and debates all air pollution control regulations and air quality plans proposed for implementation within this district.

Sara received a Bachelor of Science degree in Atmospheric Sciences from the University of California in Davis in 1975.

She can be reached at sara.head@aecom.com

2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

專題演講 (1)

2013 年 10 月 24 日爱琴海會議廳 9:00~9:30

Speaker:Dr. Mark Rood 主持人:吳章甫演講題目:Particulate Emissions to the Atmosphere from Point and

Fugitive Emissions with Optical Remote Sensing Techniques

Dr. Mark Rood

Ivan Racheff

Professor of


Dr. Rood has served as the Associate Editor for Journal of Air and Waste Management Association, as an Associate Editor of Journal of Environmental Engineering and as the Editor and Chief of Journal of Environmental Engineering. He was an Executive Board member and Treasurer of the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors, and he received the Distinguished Recognition Award from that Association. He is also the recipient of the “Lyman A. Ripperton Environmental Educator Award” from the Air and Waste Management Association, “Best Research & Development Team Award” from DoD’s Energy Research and Development Center, and the “Outstanding Cooperator’s Award” from the Illinois State Geological Survey. Professor Rood was the Coordinator of the Environmental Engineering and Science Program at the U of I for six years. He is a member of the Environmental Engineering Committee of USEPA’s Science Advisory Board. He actively participates on panels for USEPA, NSF, and DoD. Dr. Rood was the President of the Board of the Community Recycling Center in Champaign-Urbana and member of Urbana Park District’s Advisory Committee in Illinois. 


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October


Department of

Civil and



University of

Illinois at



Professor Rood has taught on-campus and online environmental engineering courses including air-quality engineering courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. He was recognized for his teaching abilities by inclusion in the “List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students” four times and recognized for his commitment to advising by receiving the “College of Engineering Excellent Advisor Award” four times at UI. He has advised more than 20 Ph.D. and 40 M.S. graduate students resulting in more than 80 peer-reviewed journal publications, eight book chapters, more than 100 conference proceedings, two patents, and one ASTM International Standard Test Method. He has provided more than 30 national and international invited lectures. His advisees have been placed at academic institutions, EPA offices, and the private sector. Eleven of his Ph.D. advisees became professors in USA, Taiwan, Canada, China, and Turkey. 

Dr. Rood is a Fellow of the Air and Waste Management Association, and a member of the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors, American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Academy of Environmental Engineering, and Tau Beta Pi.

He can be reached at mrood@illinois.edu


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

專題演講 (2)

2013年10月24日爱琴海會議廳 9:30~10:00

Dr. Thomas Sterr 主持人:巢志成演講題目:Resource efficiency and eco-industrial development in Germany  and

Mainland China

Thomas Sterr


Director, IUWA,

the Institute for

Professional Experience: 1. SS 2011:  Projektkolloquium „RECAST Urumqi“ (Thomas Sterr /

Olaf Bubenzer)2. WS 2010/11: Projektkolloquium „RECAST Urumqi“ (Thomas Sterr /

Olaf Bubenzer)3. WS 2009/10: Regionales Seminar „Regionale Geographie der

Volksrepublik China“ (Klaus Sachs / Thomas Sterr / Katharina Fricke)

4. SS 2009: Hauptseminar „Aktuelle Umweltprobleme in Xinjiang“ (Olaf Bubenzer / Thomas Sterr / Katharina Fricke)

Publications/Books: 1. STERR, Thomas (2007): Unternehmen in regionaler Verantwortung.

[Companies as carriers of regional responsibiliy] In: Umweltwirtschafts forum (uwf), [Forum for Environmental Aspects in Business], Vol. 15, Booklet 3 /07; pp. 125-129; Springer-Verlag HD, Berlin.

2. STERR, Thomas / LIESEGANG, Günter / KASSLER, Raimund, KESSEL, Martin (2007): Intelligentes Flächenmanagement– Auftakt für die aktive Förderung der Flächenrevitalisierung in der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar [Intelligent Management of


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October



Chief Coordinator,


Department of




brownfields – Start-up for an active promotion of brownfield revitalization processes in the Metropolitan Region of Rhine-Neckar. In: TerraTech 5/2007; pp. TT17-19. 


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

專題演講 (3)

2013年 10月 24日爱琴海會議廳 10:00~10:15

Dr. Hideyuki Takahashi 主持人 : Chih C. Chao

演講題目:Coexistence between effective photocatalytic hydrogen production and

energy saving based on sulfur cycle system using H2S

Hideyuki Takahashi

Associate Professor,

Graduate School of



Tohoku University

Hideyuki Takahashi is a Associate Professor, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University, Japan. He focused on the development of the synthesis methods of uniform and well crystallized alloy nanoparticles by using the precise control of metal-complex, especially in the aqueous phase at around room temperature. His research careers and experience is as follows.

2010 to present: Associate Professor, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University, JapanSynthesis of uniform and well crystallized alloy nanoparticles by using the precise control of metal-complex.Development of the nano materials, such as photocatalysts, thermoelectric materials, solar cell materials, industrial materials and industrial catalysts.

2006 to 2010: Senior Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University, Japan

2005 to 2006: Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University, JapanSynthesis of uniform and well crystallized alloy nanoparticles by


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

using the precise control of metal-complexDevelopment of sulfurized photocatalyst with specific morphology and sulfur cycleDevelopment of nano-structure of thermoelectric materials

2002 to 2005: Assistant Professor, Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University, JapanSynthesis and characterization of NiCo alloy nanoparticles by the liquid phase reductionSynthesis and characterization of Ni-Zn/TiO2 nano-composite by the liquid phase reductionStudy on the partial sulfurization of oxide type photocatalyst by precise heat treatment

2000 to 2002: Assistant Professor, Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, JapanStudy of the relationship between structure of metal-complexes and condition of electro-depositionSynthesis of organic-inorganic composite thin films utilized the nature of carbon cluster

1999 to 2000: Research assistant, Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, JapanSynthesis of catalytic nano-particle and development of control of its oxides stateDevelopment of the purification methods for carbon cluster


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

10 月 24 日中文論文發表議程(10:30~12:00)


主持人:袁中新、賴森潮Ambient PM monitoring and source apportionment

時間 編號 題目 報告人 單位/職稱10:30~10:45 SA-001

廣州天湖冬夏季大氣 PM2.5 及其組分特徵研究 賴森潮 華南理工大學環境與能源


10:45~11:00 SA-002雙馬地區冬春季高濃度懸浮微粒指紋特徵及污染源解析 張正馳 中山大學/碩士生

11:00~11:15 SA-003溫濕度對生物源二次有機氣溶

膠的影響研究 李建軍 中國科學院地球環境研究所/博士後

11:15~11:30 SA-004兩種不同類型黑碳-焦炭及煙炱,及其氣候環境意義 韓永明 中國科學院地球環境研究


11:30~11:45 SA-005東亞地區氣溶膠輻射和氣候效

應研究進展 韓志偉 中國科學院大氣物理研究所/研究員

11:45~12:00 SA-006

Influence of aerosol hygroscopic growth

parameterizations on aerosol optical depth and direct

radiative forcing over East Asia

李嘉偉 中國科學院大氣物理研究所/助理研究員


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

10 月 24 日英文論文發表議程(10:30~11:45)


主持人:葉旗福、薛人瑋Measurement technique of PM and emission characteristics

時間 編號 題目 報告人 單位/職稱10:30~10:45 MT-001

模擬自然環境重油燃燒排放多環芳香烴污染物之成份特性 葉旗福 華穎環境顧問股份有限公司/


10:45~11:00 MT -002

Measurement Methods and Compliance Monitoring of

PM/PM2.5 Emissions: Experience Sharing from the US and Asia Pacific Region

Winnie Ko&

CM Choi

ERM-Hong Kong, Ltd /Senior Consultant&CLP

Holdings Ltd/Assistant Manager – Group

Environmental Affairs

11:00~11:15 MT -003

The Transfer Function of spherical Nanoparticle in the

Aerosol Particle Mass Analyzer

廖伯熙 國立交通大學環工所/博士生

11:15~11:30 MT -004Sampling and conditioning artifacts of PM2.5 in filter-

based samplers劉俊男 國立交通大學環工所/博士生

11:30~11:45 MT -005

A Combustion Chamber at IEECAS for measurement of

Biomass open Burning Emission: Design,

Characterization and Laboratory Tests

田杰 中國科學院地球環境研究所/



2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October


2013 年 10 月 24 日愛琴海會議廳 13:00~13:30

Speaker:Dr.Renjian Zhang 主持人:薛人瑋演講題目:The Important Role of Aerosol in Climate Change,

Environment and Human Health

Renjian ZHANG


Vise President


Dr.Renjian Zhang, Professor at the Institute of Atmospheric physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IAP/CAS), has about 20 years of research experience in aerosol and atmospheric chemistry. Dr. Zhang is the principal author or co-author of more than 100 peer-reviewed international papers. Currently his research focuses on aerosol properties, aerosol chemistry, black carbon, and aerosol relation to environment/climate in China.

Dr.Renjian Zhang served as Chair of 10th China Aerosol Conference (2009), 7th Asian Aerosol Conference(2011), and 8th National Conference of Chinese Society of Particuology (2012), and 11th China Aerosol Conference(2013).

Dr.Renjian Zhang now is:Vice president of Chinese Society of Particuology(CSP)President of Beijing Society of Powder Technology(BSPT)Director of Chinese Association of Aerosol Science & Technology (CAAST);Executive Member of International Aerosol Research Assembly (IARA);Executive Member of Asian Aerosol Research Assembly (AARA);Deputy Director of China Particle Normalization Association(CPNA)Board member of Particuology/Aerosol and Air Quality Research/Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health/Chinese Journal of China Powder


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October




Technology/Chinese Journal of University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He can be reached at zrj@mail.iap.ac.cn zrj@tea.ac.cn


2013 年 10 月 24 日綠景會議廳 13:00~13:30

Speaker:Dr. Chuen-Jinn Tsai 主持人:袁中新演講題目:Sampling and detection of fine particles and precursor gases

Dr. Chuen-Jinn Tsai is the coordinator of Environmental Engineering Program of Taiwan National Science Council, and distinguished professor of the Institute of Environmental Engineering, Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. He was trained as a mechanical engineer at the Mechanical Engineering Department, National Taiwan University, and received his MS and Ph. D. in the Particle Technology Laboratory (PTL), Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Minnesota. In 1990, Dr. Chuen-Jinn joined the Institute of Environmental Engineering of Chiao-Tung University (Taiwan) and established Nanoparticle and Air Quality Laboratory to conduct researches on aerosol instrumentation, aerosol physics, air pollution control and air quality.

He has applied aerosol science and technology successfully in the design and use of air pollution control devices including highly efficient


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October










Taiwan NSC


Chief, AAQR


Aerosol Fellow

wet electrocyclone, venturi scrubber, wet scrubber, PPWS, and nanoparticle axial flow cyclone etc. Because of his research achievements, he received distinguished research award from Taiwan NSC (National Science Council) in 2004-2007 and 2012-2015. The aerosol devices that he has designed and calibrated include personal nanoparticle sampler (PENS), NCTU micro-orifice cascade impactor (NMCI), multi-filter PM10-PM2.5 sampler (MFPPS), impactors, cyclones, porous metal denuders (PMD), coil-type denuders and PPWD-IC real time soluble aerosol and gas monitors etc, many of which have been used in air quality study of acidic aerosols, nanoparticle and respirable particle sampling in the work places, improvement of the removal efficiency of wet scrubbers and aerosol size distribution measurements.

Dr. Chuen-Jinn is one of the key founding members of TAAR (Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research), and AARA (Asian Aerosol Research Assembly). TAAR publishes the SCI International journal, AAQR (Aerosol and Air Quality Research, http://www.aaqr.org/), for which he is one of the two editors-in-chief together with Prof. Neng-Huei Lin. In 2006, he received the prestigious International Aerosol Fellow Award from the IARA.

Prof. Chuen-Jinn Tsai can be reached at cjtsai@mail.nctu.edu.tw


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

10 月 24 日中文論文發表議程(13:30~15:00)


主持人:李正強、林清和Modeling and monitoring of air pollutants

時間 編號 題目 報告人 單位/職稱13:30~13:45 MM-001

東亞區域高臭氧污染事件形成機制之探討 劉遵賢 景丰科技股份有限公司/技


13:45~14:00 MM-002


物理特性陳韋辰 國立中央大學/學生

14:00~14:15 MM-003西南地區氣溶膠對太陽輻射影

響及氣候回應分析 鄭小波 貴州省氣候中心/研究員

14:15~14:30 MM-004一個基於遙感觀測的近地面層

PM2.5 品質濃度估算模型 李正強 中科院遙感與數字地球研究所/研究員

14:30~14:45 MM-005

Climatology of dust optical properties and dust direct radiative forcing in North

China Plain

夏祥鼇 中國科學院大氣物理研究所/研究員

14:45~15:00 MM-006大氣涵容能力之推估-以阿里山

地區為例 林清和 輔英科技大學/教授


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

10 月 24 日中文論文發表議程(15:30~17:30)


主持人:陳志傑、繆煜清Ambient PM monitoring and source apportionment

時間 編號 題目 報告人 單位/職稱15:30~15:45 SA-007 我國西南部碳氣溶膠來源特徵 張寧寧 中國科學院地球環境研究所


15:45~16:00 SA-008

Comparison of personal exposure to fine particulate and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from an urban office environment and high ambient concentrations in

Xi’an, China

徐紅梅 中國科學院地球環境研究所/博士生

16:00~16:15 SA-009

Aerosol composition, formation and its effect on visibility

variation under stable atmospheric condition, in Xi’an,


王浥塵 中國科學院地球環境研究所/博士生

16:15~16:30 SA-010

Characterization and Seasonal Variations of Levoglucosan in Atmospheric Fine Particulate

Matter in Xi’an, China

張婷 中國科學院地球環境研究所/工程師

16:30~16:45 SA-011

Extended Producer Responsibility for Waste

Fluorescent Lamp Recycling in China and the Case Study of Subsidy Standard from Fund

彭荔紅 廈門大學生態與環境學院/


16:45~17:00 SA-012Secondary organic aerosols and

their precursors in the Pearl River Delta region

王新明 中國科學院廣州地球化學研究所/研究員


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

17:00~17:15 SA-013

Individual particle characteristics and formation mechanisms of haze in the Pearl River Delta

region: cases study

畢新慧 中國科學院廣州地球化學研究所/研究員

17:15~17:30 SA-014Concentrations and sources of secondary organic aerosols in

PM2.5 in Shanghai馮加良 上海大學/研究員


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

10 月 24 日英文發表議程(13:30~15:00)


主持人:何建輝、蔡春進Ambient PM monitoring and source apportionment

時間 編號 題目 報告人 單位/職稱13:30~13:45 SA-012

Characteristics of water-soluble organic nitrogen and free amino acids in fine particulate matter

of Xi’an, China

K. F. Ho 香港中文大學/教授

13:45~14:00 SA-013Mixing state of black carbon aerosol in a heavily polluted

urban area of China王啟元 西安交通大學能動學院/博

士生14:00~14:15 SA-014

The study of the Effects of Aeolian Dust of Jhuoshuei River

on the Air Quality許晉源 科大環工所/博士生

14:15~14:30 SA-015

Air-soil exchange of parent, oxygenated and nitrated

polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in four climate

zones, China

魏崇 中國科學院地球環境研究所/博士生

14:30~14:45 SA-016

Characteristics of water-soluble humic-like substances at an

urban site of Xi’an in Northwest China and source

apportionment using positive matrix factorization

倪海燕 西安交通大學能動學院/碩士生

14:45~15:00 SA-017

Biomass Burning and Bioaerosol Source Contributions to Organic

Aerosol in Taiwan and South China

Guenter Engling

Department of Bio.Engineering and Environ. Sciences,

National Tsing Hua University/Assistant



2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

10 月 24 日英文發表議程(15:30~17:15)


主持人:吳章甫、李保生Optical sensing

時間 編號 題目 報告人 單位/職稱15:30~15:45 OS-001

Modeling and Measurement of ENP Dynamics in a Ventilated

Two-Zone Chamber于明州 中國計量學院/副教授

15:45~16:00 OS-002Applying OP- and Extractive-

FTIR on Odor Nuisance Investigation

張寶額 工業技術研究院/博士

16:00~16:15 OS-003

Visualization of Volatile Organic Plumes from a Large

Industrial Ground Flare by Fourier Transform Infrared

Image Spectrometer

楊人芝 工業技術研究院/研究員

16:15~16:30 OS-004 Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Landfills

Samuel A. Vigil

Environmental Engineering California

Polytechnic State University/ Professor

16:30~16:45 OS-005

Vertical Radial Plume Mapping Methodology for Emission Measurement of Industrial Hazardous Air Pollutants

Ram A. Hashmonay

Atmosfir Optics Ltd / Chief Technology Officer

16:45~17:15 OS-006 Panel discussion Ram A. Hashmonay

Atmosfir Optics Ltd / Chief Technology Officer


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October


2013 年 10 月 25 日爱琴海會議廳 9:00~9:30

Speaker:Professor Chih-Chieh Chen 主持人:張章堂演講題目:Aerosol generation and deposition in the human lung

Chih-Chieh Chen,

Ph.D., CIH

Professor Chih-Chieh (CQ) Chen is a faculty member of Institute of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University. CQ has worked at NIOSH for over two years, before he joined NTU in 1993. His research interests include respiratory protection, exposure assessment, and various aspects of aerosol science, including generation, measurement and control. He currently holds several patents of aerosol samplers and aerosol generators. He is a frequent recipient of academic performance awards, such as the David L. Swift Memorial Award for the Outstanding Aerosol Paper, by AIHA Aerosol Technology Committee, and the Best Engineering Paper, by AIHA Engineering Committee. He served in the editorial board of American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, from 1998 to2003. He currently serves as an associate editor of Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, and an international advisory board member of Annals of Occupational Hygiene.

In 2003, he was appointed the executive secretary of Division of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Education, Executive Yung, Taiwan. In his 4-year tenure with MOE, he launched several environmental safety and health programs, such as sustainable campus, laboratory safety and health, environmental education, etc..


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

IOHA President

TOHA President

Professor &

Director, Institute

of Occupational

Medicine and


Hygiene, National

Taiwan University

The effects of these projects are apparently long lasting and sustainably profound on all levels of schools, especially the universities.

He was certified by ABIH in 1993. Since then, CQ has been actively participating in several voluntary working groups of AIHA, and served as an executive officer in AIHA Aerosol Technology Committee. He is one of the key founders of TOHA (Taiwan Occupational Hygiene Association), and led TOHA to become a member of IOHA (International Occupational Hygiene Association). He was elected the President of TOHA in 2011, As a senior IOHA board member, he was elected the executive committee member, and became the IOHA president in September 2013. He has been travelling worldwide, to promote the profession of occupational hygiene, particularly in developing countries.

Chih-Chieh Chen received a MS in environmental engineering from National Taiwan University in 1982, and a Ph.D. degree in industrial hygiene from University of Cincinnati in 1991.

He can be reached at ccchen@ntu.edu.tw


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

10 月 25 日中文論文發表議程(10:30~12:00)


主持人:張木彬、曹軍驥Control of air pollution (strategy and methodology)

時間 編號 題目 報告人 單位/職稱10:30~10:45 CP-001 Atmospheric PM2.5pollution

and haze formation in China 曹軍驥 中國科學院地球環境研究所/所長

10:45~11:00 CP-002Application of Catalytic

Filtration for PCDD/F Removal in an IWI

張木彬 中央大學環工所/教授

11:00~11:15 CP-003鉍封裝介孔碳用於氣溶膠中重

金屬的檢測 繆煜清 上海理工大學/教授

11:15~11:30 CP-004 微粒防護衣的穿透特性 吳念慈 台灣大學/碩士生

11:30~11:45 CP-005 臺中市綠能交通推動成效探討 胡金龍 新研綠能科技有限公司/


11:45~12:00 CP-006An Experimental study on

Performance Improvement of the Stairmand Cyclone

徐嘉偉 台大職業醫學與工業衛生研究所/博士班生


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

10 月 25 日英文論文發表議程(10:30~11:45)


主持人:席行正、陳博彥Control of air pollution (strategy and methodology)

時間 編號 題目 報告人 單位/職稱10:30~10:45 CP-007

Experimental study of positive pressure type virtual cyclones as

pre-air cleaners for CBRN incidents

徐嘉偉 台大職業醫學與工業衛生研究所/博士班生

10:45~11:00 CP-008

Deciphering mediating characteristics of electron

shuttles for reductive decolorization via microbial fuel



11:00~11:15 CP-009

A Case Study of Regional Livestock Waste Recycling and

Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction in Eastern Taiwan

陳羿孜 國立東華大學 自然資源與環境學系/學生

11:15~11:30 CP-010PM 2.5 and Gas-phase Air Filtration for Indoor Air




11:30~11:45 CP-011Preparation of activated carbon from oil sand coke for removal

of gaseous Hg席行正 台灣大學環境工程所/



2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October


2013 年 10 月 25 日爱琴海會議廳 13:00~13:30

Speaker:Dr. Neng-Huei Lin 主持人:林文印演講題目:Biomass burning aerosol and related pollutants over northern Southeast

Asia: What we have learned from the Seven South East Asian Studies (7-SAES)

Prof. Neng-Huei

(George) Lin

National Central


Dr. Neng-Huei (George) Lin holds the Ph.D. and M.S. in Atmospheric Sciences from the North Carolina State University, and B.S. from the National Taiwan University. He is a Professor in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences and Department of Chemistry at the National Central University (NCU), Taiwan. Dr. Lin served as the Department Chairperson in 2002-2005, and the Dean for the Office of Student Affairs in 2006-2009 at the NCU.

Dr. Lin’s research interests include atmospheric baseline measurements, aerosol-cloud-radiation interaction, cloud chemistry and physics, precipitation chemistry, long-range transport processes of acid pollutants, Asian dust and biomass burning. Dr. Lin is the coordinator of the Taiwan Acid Rain Network. Under his leadership, the Lulin Atmospheric Background Station (LABS; 2862 m MSL) in central Taiwan has been developed since 2006, and included in several international networks. He has been also heavily involved in many international field campaigns, such as ACE-Asia, ABC/EAREX, BASE-ASIA and 7-SEAS.

Dr. Lin is the Editor-in-Chief of Aerosol and Air Quality Research, and serves as the Editorial Board of Atmospheric Environment and Asian


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October


Aerosol and Air

Quality Research

Journal of Atmospheric Environment. He has been serving the member of many technical and advisory committees on national and ministry levels. He served as the President of Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research (TAAR) in 2009-2011, and now is the Fellow and Honorary President of TAAR.

Contact information: nhlin@cc.ncu.edu.tw; +886-3-4254069.


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October


2013 年 10 月 25 日綠景會議廳 13:00~13:30

Speaker:Dr. Harvey J. Houng 主持人:張木彬演講題目:From Solid Waste Control to Sustainable Material Management

Dr. Harvey Houng




演講人: Harvey J. Houng, PhD, CIH, PEAs a senior advisor of the Environmental Protection

Administration (EPA) in Taiwan, Dr. Houng is currently focusing on resource recycling, industrial waste control and sustainable material management. Having worked in the United States (US) for 17 years, he was summoned by the Taiwan government in 1997 to help formulate waste and resource management policies, resource recovery regulations, soil and ground water remediation standards.

On his job, Dr. Houng led a team to establish the Industrial Waste Control Center (IWCC), using Internet electronic data, barcode system, and Global Position System (GPS) to track down the waste flows of hazardous industrial waste and medical waste. The tracking of wastes was later extended to cover non-hazardous industrial waste. Waste importation and exportation, waste recycling, reutilization and disposal are now all under supervision of the IWCC. The Control Center has become one of the most important database systems and has attracted many international visitors. He also contributed to the development of “Zero Waste Policy” in Taiwan. The Policy, launched in 2004 and focusing on resource recycling and waste separation, has dramatically reduced the waste generation in Taiwan for more than 60%.


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October


Dr. Houng was on the faculty of University of Houston, Clear Lake, before coming back to Taiwan. He also worked for Texas Department of Health in charge of 1) Toxic Substances Control Program; 2) Occupational Safety and Health; and 3) Emergency Response Coordination.

Dr. Houng graduated with honor from National Taiwan University (NTU), the most prestigious university in Taiwan. He earned a BS in Civil Engineering and an MS in Environmental Engineering from NTU. Subsequently, he received his doctorate degree from the University of Texas at Austin, with a specialization in Environmental Health Engineering. He holds the titles of Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) in the US and Registered Professional Engineer (PE) in both Texas and Taiwan.


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

10 月 25 日中文論文發表議程(13:30~14:30)


主持人:薛人瑋、趙天良Emission characteristics and source apportionment

時間 編號 題目 報告人 單位/職稱13:30~13:45 SA-018

添加柑橘類廢棄物對拜香燃煙特徵影響之初探 黃傑郁 嘉南藥理科技大學環


13:45~14:00 SA-019Observed aerosol optical depth

and Angstrom exponent in urban area of Nanjing, China.

李樹 南京大學大氣科學學院/教授

14:00~14:15 SA-020

Is frequent haze in central-eastern China related to Tibetan

Plateau? 趙天良




14:15~14:30 SA-021


討李宗璋 國立中山大學環境工



2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October

10 月 25 日英文發表議程(13:30~14:15)


主持人:Samuel A. Vigil、Tomas Sterr

Waste and resource management

時間 編號 題目 報告人 單位/職稱13:30~13:45



Master Planning for Singapore’s Jurong Lake District, A Case Study in

Sustainable Resource

Sara J. Head

2013 A&WMA President



Gasfication of Solid Waste Residuals as Part of a Zero

Waste Strategy

Samuel A. Vigil

Environmental Engineering California

Polytechnic State University/ Professor



Product Positioning and Business Risk in Green

Supply Chain

Yenming J. Chen




The Recycling and Reuse of Animal excrement

Pierre, Chen Kuan Chang

CEO, Research and Development Center of Energy and Resource

Technology of NIU


2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, 23-26 October


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