of - springer978-94-017-6574... · 2017. 8. 26. · -, the "summa theologica" of st....

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A Albert, St., 86, 1 Alexander of Hales, 86, 1 Anderson, 1,3; 40, 5; 61, 2; 64, 1; 65, 2;

67,1; 68, 2; 69,1 & 5; 71, 2; 72,2; 73,1 & 2; 74,1; 77, 1; 83,1; 84, 1; 94, 1; 101, 1.

Aquinas, St. Thomas, chs. 11, 111, IV & passim

Aristotle, 2; 3, 3; 7; 7, 1; 8; 25; 69; 92, 3; 119-120; 121,4

Augustin, 4, 6-7, 150, 5 Ayer, 177-179

B Balthasar, 148, 1; 160,3; 169,5 Barth, eh. VII; 102, 1; 111, 1; 112; 117;

174-176; 184 Biel, 107, 1 Biese, 54, 4; 55, 2 Blanche, 41 ; 65, 5 Bochenski, 61, 3 Boethius, 25 Bonaventure, St., 4, 7; 5; 86, 1; 120;

122,8 Bouillard, 148, 1 & 2; 149, 1; 159, 2;

164,2; 168,3; 169,3 Braithwaite, 189 Brunner, 47, 2; 148, 2; 149, 2; 159, 3;


C Cajetan, Cai'd. de Vio, 35-51; 61, 2;

64,3; 68,1; 69; 71, 2 & 4; 72,2 & 3; 77,1; 78,2; 81, 4; 82,1 & 2

Calvin, 107-110; 112; 117; 150,5 Cassirer, 121 -. Charlesworth, 179, 3; 182, 2

Clement of Alexandria, St., 120 Cochrane, 133,4 Coffey, 7,2 Collins, 113, 2 Crombie, 181-182

D De Finance, 86, 3; 88, 1 Die1s, 1,2 Dueange, 4, 5

E Emmet, 76, 1; 139, 1 Euclid, 1

F Fabro, 52,3; 65,4& 5;66, 1; 117,2 Farrer, 76, 1; 181 Ferrariensis, Sylvester, 8, 2 Flanigan, 52, 3 Flew, 179, 1 Foss,55,2 Foster, 181-183

G Gardeil, 76, 1; 84, 1 Garrigou-Lagrange, 50, 2 Geiger, 52, 3; 65, 5; 66, 2; 79,2 & 3 Gilson, 5, 2 & 3; 58, 2; 60,2; 66, 3; 100,

1;120,5 Girai'di, 64, 2; 86, 1 & 3; 89, 2; 91, 4 Goergen, 2, 5; 50,2; 63, 1;64,4;70,4;

72, 2; 73, 1 & 2; 74, 1; 84, 1

Habbel, 65, 5 Hare, 179-180 Harnaek, 117; 147


1 The number after the comma refers to footnotes


Rayen, 12; 16, 1; 42, 2; 77, 1; 79,2; 84, 1

Heath,1 Hegel, 88, 1; 112-113 Heidegger, 82, 3 Hufnagel, 79, 2 Hyppocrates of Chio, 1

I Isidore of Seville, 55, 2

J John of St. Thomas, 40; 71,2 Jolivet, 79, 2 & 3

K Kant, 112 Kattsoff, 76, 1 Kierkegaard, 112-117 Klubertanz, 8, 3; 15, 1; 27, 2; 45, 1; 50,

1 &2;65, 1;69,4;80, 1;94, 1; 101, 1

L Le Rohellec, 40, 5 Liddle-Scott, 119, 4 Litde, 66, 2 Lossky, 4, 2 Luther, 103-107; 110; 112; 150,5 Lyttkens, 2, 4; 4, 2; 49, 1 & 2; 50, 1;

67,1; 68, 3; 70,2; 71,2; 72,2; 81, 3

M Mackintosh, 115,2; 117, 1 Maimonides, 8, 1; 21 ff.; 98; 120; 145, 1 Manser, 50, 2 Maritain, 50, 2; 64, 1; 66, 3; 77, 1; 79,

2 & 3; 84,1; 121,4; 170,2 Mascall, 64, 3; 70, 4 Masiello, 71, 1; 79, 2 Maurer, 42, 2 McInerny, 8, 4; 12; 16, 1; 42, 2; 64, 1;

66,3 McIntyre, 179, 1 Melanchton, 107, 1; 110 Melchiorre, 113, 2; 116, 3 Menges, 55, 1; 58, 1 Merlan, 79, 2 Mitchell, 181 Mondin, 60, 2 Morris, 121 Muskens, 3, 5

N Neoplatonists, 3

Nicolas, 79, 2 Niesel, 109, 2

Ockham, 107, 1 Otto, 105, 7 Owens, 69, 2



Parker, 109, 2; 110, 4 Penido, 63, 1 & 2; 65, 3; 69, 5; 71, 2;

73, 2; 79, 2; 83, 1; 84, 1; 86, 3; 94, 1 Phelan, 50, 2; 52, 3; 65, 3; 69, 1 Philo, 120 Plato, 1-2 Proclus, 3 Przywara, 61, 2; 70,4; 148,2; 169,5 Pseudo-Dionysius, 3; 4, 1 & 2; 25; 86, 1;


Q Quenstedt, 110-112

R Raeymaeker, 79, 3 Ramirez, 42, 2 Ramsey, 181 Renard, 64, 3 Revesz, 61, 1 Rhein, 145, 2 Ritschl, 117; 147, 1 Robinson, 65, 1 Roland-Gosselin, 79, 2 Rousselot, 54, 1; 55, 2; 76, 1

S Sandmann, 55, 1; 57, 1 & 3 Scheeben, 185-186 ScWeiermacher, 112-113, 150, 3 Scotus, 5; 86, 1 Sertillanges, 170, 2 Smart, 179-180 Soehngen, 66, 2 Spinoza, 72, 3 Suarez, 40-41; 57; 112

T Tavard, 118, 1; 126, 1; 141, 1 Tillich, ch. VI; 102, 1; 117; 150, 3; 155;

174-176 Toohey, 7, 2

u Urban, 121

v Vacant, 160, 3 Van Riet, 79, 2 Vansteenbergen, 65, 1 Varro, 4 Volk, 148,2

W Weigel, 118, 1; 144; 145, 2


Wbitehead, 121 Wild,79, 1 Winance, 95, 1 Wisdom, 178-180 Wittgenstein, 54, 2; 56, 1 Wolfson,8, I; 21, 4; 98,1; 120,3

z Zwingli, 110


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