of the wcsat parent booster club - whitmore charter high...

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all is here and the signs are allaround us, taking place within us.

Booster News Pauseby Leilani Perillothe Paw Print Editor & Publisher / Booster Mom

October 2011 Volume 5, Issue 2

NNNNNewsletter for the ewsletter for the ewsletter for the ewsletter for the ewsletter for the WCSAT WCSAT WCSAT WCSAT WCSAT family family family family family from the dedicated & diligent volunteers from the dedicated & diligent volunteers from the dedicated & diligent volunteers from the dedicated & diligent volunteers from the dedicated & diligent volunteersof the of the of the of the of the WCSATWCSATWCSATWCSATWCSAT Parent Booster Club Parent Booster Club Parent Booster Club Parent Booster Club Parent Booster Club

the Paw Print / www.wcsat.com

It is the gap of transition that shakes us.Those moments before true movement has been achieved,that bring us to a level of uncertainty.Let us embrace those moments when change has not yet come.To see that this is a necessary moment,before a new race has begun.In quiet mindful moments the transition shall appear.As we open up our hearts to hear the silence,we are now willing to hear.To see past all the dancing of the mind,as a season we can lovingly leave behind.For we are now ready to embrace a new level of tranquility,that is reflected at a deeper level of ourselves.

As we accept change...We may move forward...Embracing all that is meant to be.

FFFFFThese cycles of change, not necessarily

TransitionTransitionTransitionTransitionTransition~ Robin Masiewicz of Robin’s Nest



“There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on,

and produce so pleasant an effect on the feelings, as now in October.”~Nathaniel Hawthorne

the Paw Print is edited and

Editor & Publisher: Leilani Perillo the Paw Print Assistant: Cheri Lloyd

Distribution to WCSAT family. Printed in black & white by CUSD.

Contact your child’t teacher to get the link or e-mail us below.

Whitmore Charter Schools-WCSAT PBC Ceres Unified School District

3435 Don Pedro Road PO Box 307

Ceres, CA 95307-0307 (209) 556-1610


WCSAT PBC Officersfor School Year, 2011-2012

President: Briona MendesVice President: Jennifer Rushman

Treasurer: Meliesa StilesCo-Treasurer: Rosa VasquezSecretary: Libby Anderson

Comments, Questions or Feedback?wcsboosterclub209@yahoo.com


Staff Notes

Studio Notes

The Pup Club


Inside This Issue

COLORED copies may be downloaded.

published monthly by WCSAT PBC.






Booster Comments or Questions?bmendes@ceres.k12.ca.us

On Saturday, September 10, 2011, “Ansel AdamsCALIFORNIA” was the inaugural exhibit openingat the Carnegie Arts Center in Turlock, CA.With great interest, my family and I attendedthe opening. We were among many to come into view nearly 120 works and first to focusexclusively on the California photographs ofthe internationally known photographer. Alsoincluded are the iconic works and unfamiliarimages of central California. We were fortunate toarrive in time to see and meet Jeanne Falk Adams,the daughter-in-law of Ansel Adams, whocurated the exhibit with her Walk-Around inthe Ferrari Gallery at 1:30PM. Unfortunately,we missed the Whitmore Charter School Choir,directed by Mr. Hunn in the Loft area scheduledat 1:00PM. Also in the Loft area later that day at3:00PM was former PBC President from 2007-2009,Janice Anderson with Turlock Youth PerformingArts Troupe. We even saw Mrs. Lloyd with her sons

coinciding with natural seasons, but to whatis going on in our lives. Here’s a poem thatcaptures that feeling wonderfully in…

Community EventsCarnegie Arts Center, Grand Opening 9-10-11by Leilani Perillo

at the opening. She was there for an art demolesson. She will be teaching an art class at theCarnegie Arts Center for kids ages 10-13 calledAmazing Ansel Adams. Session 1 is from October 12-November 2 on Wednesdays from 5-6PM. Youmay ask her for additional details. If you did nothave a chance to see the inaugural exhibit, for$10.00, you may do so from now untilJanuary 8, 2012. For more information, go tothe website at www.carnegieartsturlock.org/

Photo provided by Leilani Perillo.




WCSAT Parent Booster Club October 2011 Volume 5, Issue 2 Page 2the Paw Print / www.wcsat.com

WCSAT PBC Meeting, August 18, 2011by Libby Anderson, PBC Secretary

Present were: President, Briona Mendes, Vice President, Jennifer Rushman,Co-Treasurer, Rosa Vasquez, Secretary, Libby Anderson, Principal,Lynette Chirrick, Candace Looney, Stacy Potts, Michelle Murphy,Lori Stitt, Desiree Howe, Laurie Muirhead, Julie Flud, Tanya Miceli,Theresa Gill, Jamie Gearhart, Vivian Guel, and Leilani Perillo

Minutes of prior meeting were emailed after last meeting, published inThe Paw Print and printed on the back of the agenda for today’s meeting.Minutes were read and approved by Principal, Lynette Chirrick.

Treasurers Report: Back to school night T-shirt sales, $515.00. Backto school membership drive, $97.00. T-shirt sales (before our cost),$2,562.00. Wolf Walk, K-5 $5016.01; 6-8 $1525.11. Total for WolfWalk after expenses, $6,365.12. Membership for 2011-2012, $429.00. August Recycling, $29.00. Otter Pop Store, $237.00 (withoutexpenses). Total in booster account $8137.72.

Teacher Liaison- Mrs. Stitt: Mrs. Stitt had a teacher inquire aboutthe $100 donation PBC gave to each teacher for the 2010-11 schoolyear. The question was asked weather or not PBC would be doing thisagain for the 2011-12 school year. PBC incurred a greater expense thanfirst estimated when they offered this donation to the teachers lastyear. PBC decided not to offer this donation for the 2011-12 school year.At this time PBC is putting this issue on the table until the spring time.Mrs. Stitt also sent an email to each teacher asking if they wouldsupport the idea of having one or two designated parents from eachclass be a “room parent”. Room parents would attend PBC meetings andbe a “messenger” between PBC, the teacher, and the classroom. Eleventeachers responded, all supporting the idea. Mrs. Stitt will send out anemail to all teachers asking them for the name and email of their roomparent(s). This information will then be sent to Briona.

Middle School-Ms. Gill: Cool Hand Lukes will be providing dinner atthe Fall Festival/Trunk or Treat on Friday, October 28th. The chargewill be $10 per dinner. Dinner will include: tri-tip, rodeo chicken, ricepilaf, salad and roll. The school will receive $4.00 from each dinnersold. Sixth graders and their parents will be helping at this dinner. Allproceeds from this dinner will support sixth grade camp.

Membership: $429 has been made from membership dues this year.Membership dues help cover PBC Insurance costs for the school year.

Next PBC Meeting to be held Thursday,October 6, 2011 from 4-5PM in Mrs. Lloyd’s Art Room

Search Whitmore Charter School ParentBooster Club on Facebook and “Like” us tostay up-to-date with current news and events.

WCSAT PBC is now on Facebook!

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New and Upcoming Business:a. Book Faire- To be held September 19th-23rd. Volunteers are needed

to work the book fair before and afterschool as well as duringFamily Night on Thursday, September 22nd from 6-8pm. Nachos andsnacks will be sold during family night. Desiree Howe is compiling a listof volunteers and will be putting together a volunteer schedule.

b. Fundraiser- Mixed Bags Fundraiser September 28th-October 13th.Monies earned by sixth-eigth grade students from this fundraiser will gointo their student accounts. Monies earned by K-5 students will go to PBC.The next PBC fundraiser for this school year will be the Ceres Street FaireRaffle Tickets. This will take the place of the PBC fundraiser in the spring.More information will be provided regarding this fundraiser in February.

c. Round Up- Will be held on October 28th from 5-8pm. There wasa lot of discussion concerning this event. There is concern that theCool Hand Lukes barbecue and Trunk or Treat activities will “take away”from K-5 booths, lessening their opportunity to make money for theirclassroom field trips. There was discussion as to whether or not someevents should be cut from this event... would families be able to afforda dinner, while at the same time supporting classroom booths?Would Trunk or Treat keep people from purchasing items atbooths, the location of booths in proximity to the dinner, etc.?This issue will be discussed in further detail with staff at theirnext staff meeting on Monday, September 12, 2011. Moreinformation regarding this event will be made available soon.

d. Fundraiser Items- Some items fundraisers could support are:benches, tables, shade for the playground etc. Briona asked ifthere were other items PBC would like to fundraise for. Libbysuggested that perhaps PBC fundraisers should be used to helpteachers with supplies and field trips rather than purchasingschool equipment. The idea was proposed that perhaps a certainpercentage from each class’s Mixed Bag sales could go to theirclassroom accounts to help with field trips.

Ongoing Business:a. Newsletter-The current issue of The Paw Print is available

for viewing in full color on the school website. Vivian Guel willsort and distribute The Paw Print. The Paw Print will go home in ourWednesday folder.

b. Box Tops-Tricia Campbell is doing this. Tricia wasn’t present tocomment on this topic.

c. Recycling and Otter Pop Store-August total for recycling was$29. Jennifer Rushman is in charge of recycling. Recyclables canbe brought to Gate B on the second and forth Mondays of eachmonth. Incorrect information in last issue. Please contact ourVice President, no longer Treasurer, at (209) 556-8226. OtterPop Store needs help on Wednesday only.

Meeting Adjourned at 5:10pm.Door Prize: Won by Julie Flud.

Hello Whitmore Families,

PBC will be holding our first fundraiser of the 2011-2012 school year9/28-10/12/11. Back by popular demand will be the Mixed BagsFundraiser. Last year we made close to $7,000 off of this fundraiserand we hope to meet or exceed this amount for this school year. PBChas not determined as of right now what the money will be used for.But here are some of the things we are considering: benches, outsidetables, a shade cover for the playground, or perhaps helping classes asneeded with fieldtrips. Friday, October 28th will be our Round Up. Middle school will beholding a dinner this evening as well, catered by Cool Hand Lukes.Dinner will include, tri-tip, chicken, rice, salad and roll for $10.00. Allproceeds from the dinner will benefit sixth grade camp. K-5 classrooms

will have crafts, games and snack booths. Monies made from classroombooths will go directly back to the classroom to help with field trips andsupplies for this school year. We are looking forward to a fun filledevening. More information regarding this evening will come home soon.Hope to see you there.

Your PBC officers for this year are as follows. If you have any questions,please feel free to contact one of us.

President-Briona Mendes: mendes261011@aol.comVice President-Jennifer Rushman : jenrushman@msn.comSecretary-Libby Anderson: johlibashmik@yahoo.comTreasurer-Meliesa Stiles: mstiles@ceres.k12.ca.usCo-Treasurer-Rosa Vasquez: vasquez.cjm@att.netEvent Coordinator-Heidi Starkweather: heidistarkweather5@yahoo.com

WCSAT PBC Happeningsby Libby Anderson

WCSAT Parent Booster Club October 2011 Volume 5, Issue 2 Page 3the Paw Print / www.wcsat.com

MONIES RAISED BY CLASSK Mrs. Burnett $535.00K Mr. Stark $531.001 Mrs. Stitt $626.001 Mrs. Tornquist $290.002 Mrs. Lewis $373.002 Mrs. Reyes $375.003 Mrs. Benitez $260.003 Mrs. Crawford $263.004 Miss McNeal $313.004 Mrs. Terrones $580.005 Mrs. Aguiar $361.015 Mr. Sundy $369.006 Mrs. Berger $384.006 Mrs. Knudsen $717.117 Mrs. Fisk $208.007 Mrs. Gill $105.008 Mrs. Key $75.008 Mr. Montelongo N/A

Wolf Walk, K-5 $5016.01; 6-8 $1525.11.Total for Wolf Walk after expenses,$6,365.12.

Wolf Walk Success The Wolf Walk on Thursday morning, August 30th

was a great success. Thank you Heidi Starkweatherfor coordinating the event and Thank you Mr. Hunnfor supplying the music! A big THANK YOU to allthe volunteers who came out to assist as well.

Photos provided by Vivian Guel.

From left to right are:Michael, Daniel, Romy,and Miguel forTeam Benitez!

Taking a snackbreak is Gregory.

Totals above provided by Libby Anderson.

MOST LAPS ~ Top K-5 StudentsGrade (Laps) Name

K (15) Mason Baker(15) Ryder Lyon(15) Larkin Meyer(15) Andrew Ruiz(15) Alenjandra Ruvalcaba

1 (17) Mathew Hernandez2 (18) Payton Lyon3 (18) Jordan Shinn4 (17) Sebastian Castillo5 (20) Jadyn Shinn ~ Top K-5 Laps

MOST MONEY RAISED ~ Top K-5 Seller$Grade Name/$

K Noah Hunt, $1201 Grace Lonney, $1252 Alyssa Jimenez, $1153 Jacob Oller, $704 Alexandria, $140 ~ Top K-5 Seller è

5 Kassidy Hunt, $120Totals above provided by Heidi Starkweather.

Congratulations to all our students who participated in Wolf Walk 2011!

Top K-5Class


Photos provided by Cheri Lloyd.

WCSAT Wolf Walk 2011 Award Recipients

October 2011 Volume 5, Issue 2 Page 4Staff Notes

Principal’s Pen

Dear Whitmore Family,

We recently received some exciting news from thestate regarding test scores from last year: WhitmoreCharter School of Arts and Technology raised its score34 points over the past two years! WCSAT’s new APIscore (Academic Performance Index) is 855, up from821. API scores are based on your students’performance on the California Standards Test givenduring Spring. Give your yourselves and your children apat on the back (and thank a teacher, too!). WCSAT hadone of the highest API’s in the County!

Fun at Home:Science Lab

Call it whatever you like...this “stuff” is fun! Kids canmake it by themselves, and they will learn a sciencelesson in the process.

You’ll need: measuring cups, pan, cornstarch, foodcoloring, water

Here’s how: Let your child measure 1 cup of cornstarchinto a pan and add a few drops of food coloring. Haveyour child slowly pour in about 1/2 cup of water and mixwith his/her fingers until the cornstarch is wet.

What happens? As your child squeezes the mixture, itwill change from liquid to solid and back to liquid again.

Why? This experiment demonstrates “suspension.” Youcan explain that parts of the cornstarch are temporarilymixed with—or suspended in– the water. The particlesare then separated again by a process called filtering.

Thank you,

Lynnette ChirrickPrincipalWhitmore Charter Schools209.556.1610

the Paw Print / www.wcsat.com

K-5 Life Skills Model Students AwardEffort ~ September, 2011 Congratulations to the following students below forSeptember’s Life Skills Model Students Award in Effort!

Grade Teacher StudentK Mrs. Burnett Beau CurryK Mr. Stark LaDreSengsoury Williams1 Mrs. Stitt Taylor Clawson1 Mrs. Tornquist Makayla Burrow2 Mrs. Lewis Itzel Mendoza2 Mrs. Reyes Joshua Taylor3 Mrs. Benitez Michael Dennis3 Mrs. Crawford Nico Delgadillo4 Ms. McNeal Anysia Lopez4 Mrs. Terrones Lindsey Maddalena5 Mr. Aguiar Zackary McCleskey5 Mr. Sundy Samson Gonzalez

“All the so-called “secrets of success”

will not work unless you do.” ~Author Unknown



Photos provided by Mrs. Lloyd.

October 2011 Volume 5, Issue 2 Page 5the Paw Print / www.wcsat.com Staff Notes

Middle School Life Skills I and IIPerseverance ~ September, 2011Photos provided by Mrs. Knudsen

G6 G8G6 G8



Marlee andJessilyn.

James, Arjun, Tyler, Cameron,Nykolai, Ryan, and Devon.

Racheland Logan.

Christian and Logan.Britany,

Lillie and Tyler.

Bianca,Madison,Abby and


Caleb andChelsea.

Britani and Mary.

Mary and Joseph.

Chelseaand Britani.

Caleb and Jacob.

October 2011 Volume 5, Issue 2 Page 6the Paw Print / www.wcsat.com Studio Notes

Whitmore Artistsby Mrs. Lloyd, Art Teacher / Beginning Teacher Mentor

C is for Clay and  B is for Bowls!Kindergarteners discovered the medium of claythis month in art class as they created their ceramic bowls.Thanks to all the parents who came and helped out as we rolled up oursleeves and learned all about how clay can be used in art.


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nd d



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Congratulations to all the students who were cast in 101 DalmatiansKids! Over 130 students auditioned and the team of judges were ableto cast 70 of the students. The show will performed in four eveningperformances with the same lead cast. The supporting roles were castfor all four shows allowing for 50 additional students to get theopportunity to perform. Although we were unable to cast all 130students, we will consider those who auditioned for any other rolesthat arise. We will also be looking for student ushers, stage crew,choir conductors, sound assistants, dancers, and choir members. Pleasegive your actors and singers a big hug. We were overwhelmed with thetalent at Whitmore!

The following is a list of shows and the evenings all Whitmore K-5students will be performing. Please mark your calendars and save the date!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012 5:30 pm K-Stark, 2-Lewis, 4-TerronesTuesday, February 7, 2012 7:00 pm 1-Stitt, 3-Benitez, 5-AguiarThursday, February 9, 2012 5:30 pm K-Burnett, 2-Reyes, 4-McNealThursday, February 9, 2012 7:00 pm 1-Tornquist, 3-Crawford, 5-Sundy

Drama NewsDrama NewsDrama NewsDrama NewsDrama Newsby Mrs. Benge, Drama Teacher

Thanks for your support forour little artist Ryder inkindergarten. His work wasa finalist for Artist of theWeek on our online artgallery site, Artsonia.Although he didn’t win hiscategory, he is a big winnerin Whitmore’s eyes!Congratulations Ryder andthank you to the familieswho gave him over 200 votes!

by Mrs. Lloyd


Artist: LaurenGrade: 5Title: Dream TreeMedium: Mixed Media

Artist: ZackeryGrade: 2Title: AbstractKandinsky LinesMedium: Oil Pastels

Here are some art favoritesdisplayed by our WCSAT Wolves.

Thank You for supporting The Arts!!!

Don’t forget to leave comments for your favorite budding artist at www.artsonia.com/WhitmoreCharter1 !

Artist: ZanderGrade: 1Title: Fish Digital PaintingMedium: Digital Media-Kid Pix

The Pup ClubThe Place for Our Young WCSAT Artists

Photos and drawings provided by students of Mrs. Lloyd.

October 2011 Volume 5, Issue 2 Page 7the Paw Print / www.wcsat.com The Pup Club

Artist: HunterGrade: 7Title: Line MoundsMedium: Sharpie

Artist: SadieGrade: 3Title: Monet PaintingMedium: Pastels and Paint

“I would advise young artists... to paint as they can, as longas they can, without being afraid of painting badly... If theirpainting doesn’t improve by itself, it means that nothing can

be done - and I wouldn’t do anything.” ~Claude Monet

October 2011




3 4 5 6 7 8


10 11 12 13 14 15


17 18 19

20 21 22





26 27 28 29

November 2011


1 2 3 4 5


7 8 9 10 11 12


14 15 16 17 18 19


21 22 23

24 25 26


28 29


EXTRA EXTRA!!!Upcoming Activities & Events:

= Recycle Mondays, Bi-weekly...We CAN Do It!


...Together= Box Tops collected at beginning of each month

Articles and/or Digital Photosfrom WCSAT family

would be greatly appreciated.Send to


To place your ad or announcementin the Paw Print, complete and submit

our application with payment.Convenient download located at


= Spirit Fridays. Wear your WCSAT gear and colors!

the Paw Print / www.wcsat.com October 2011 Volume 5, Issue 2 Page 8Extra Extra!!!


Interact Mtg

Interact Mtg





PBC Mtg, 4PM

Talent ShowDress Rehearsal,


K-5 Life SkillsAsembly,2:30PM




Talent ShowK-4, 1:15PM

5-8, 2:30PM

Parent/Teacher Conferences, 10/12-14, 12:30PM Dismissal

MS Life SkillsAssembly,12:30PM

MS SchoolDance,7-9PM

End of 1st Quarter

Round Up5-8PM

K-5 LifeSkills Assembly,


K-8 PictureMake-Ups

PBC Mtg, 4PM

Interact Mtg12:10PM, Rm. 17

Interact Mtg




PBC Fund-Raiser(see ad on this page)


Talent ShowAuditions, 2PM


Veteran’s Day


October 12, 2011October 12, 2011October 12, 2011October 12, 2011October 12, 2011October 12, 2011October 12, 2011October 12, 2011October 12, 2011October 12, 2011




~Papa, Grandma, Nathan,

Austin & Gavin

We love you!

Howl Out To:


Tricia Campbellfor all the FUR for101 Dalmations!

HeidiStarkweatherfor coordinatingthe Wolf Walk!

Mr. Hunn for supplying the music at Wolf Walk!

ALL Parents for helping set up, tally laps,serve snacks, and clean up!

K-5 Grade Prizesfor overall most money raised:

1- Nintendo Wii2- Nintendo DSI

3- $50 Wal-Mart Gift CardThe top seller from each K-5 class who sells at least

10 Mixed Bag items, will receive a Mixed Bag!


For K-5, please support PBC in raising money to purchase new benches and tables for our campus.

For MS, all fundraiser proceeds will go directly into your childs’ account.There’s something for everyone in the catalog!

(Catalog and flyer already distributed in Wednesday folder)

Fall FundraiserK-5


Due Date: Thursday, October 13, 2011Checks Payable to: WCS PBCQuestions? Please contact: Briona Mendes(209) 614-7755 or mendes26011@aol.com

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