off premise tasting professional development

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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Pop Bookings

All Shifts are scheduled through our Pop Booking Staffing System

• Everyone must have a Talent Profile completed within the Pop Bookings system before they will be eligible to

work upcoming events. If you do not yet have a profile set up, please do so here:

Then you need to make sure you download the App here:

MAKE SURE you have all PUSH notifications for both text and email alerts turned ON to ensure you

don’t miss anything

MAKE SURE you have the GPS locater turned ON for this app as well or you won’t be able to check

in for shifts.

Please make sure your name on your profile matches your new hire paperwork and Payroll information-

we need everything to match for legal reasons, don’t list a nickname on PB

Creating Your Talent Profile Page

Making sure your profile is complete and looks the best it can possibly look is UP TO YOU. Special

Events, Tradeshows/Conventions, and National Program work usually require us to send talent pages to

clients for approval in advance- so it is IMPERATIVE that you create a talent profile page that shows off all


Tips for creating a GREAT talent profile page…

Make sure your main profile pic is a headshot, preferably with you smiling using teeth

Make sure you mix up the rest of the pictures showing a nice variety- these should always include at

least one body shot, one ¾ shot, a close up with you smiling, etc. More nice additionswould be showing

you in a fun setting or during previous Brand Ambassador work

Fill out the top section for your Bio/Attribute’s- this is VERY important

List out your previous Promotional Work in the resume section, don’t just attach your resume as the

client wants to see everything without having to click into something else

Link your Social Media Pages

Fill EVERYTHING OUT as much as possible

Address in the System

It’s imperative you list out your address correctly in the Pop Bookings system and update it anytime

you move. This address is what dictates what events are sent to you since we usually only send things to

people within a 30-40 mile radius.

If you live in an Apt, please list out your street address on line 1, and add your apt to line 2. Make sure

you DON’T use the # sign in your address. Use the word Unit or Apt instead or it could throw off the

GPS coding

If you change addresses throughout the year, make sure you change your address immediately so that

the PB address shows where you currently are. Example- you live in Mpls during the summer while

home but go to school in Fargo, you will want to change it as you move around so work is sent to you

according to where you’re at

MAKE SURE you send an email to both the Operations Manager and Owner if you need your payroll

address changed. We are NOT updated when you change your address in PB, so we will have no idea

your payroll/legal information has changed unless you tell us. For those that move around often- it’s best to

have your new hire paperwork list your permanent address, sign up for Direct Deposit for payroll, and then

update your PB address regularly according to where you are.

Being Scheduled for Shifts

Once we have a shift to fill, we will send out invites within the Pop Bookings system to several

people at once that are within a certain mile radius from that event/account.

You can then say if you’re available or not

We will book from the list of available people

Just because you say you are available does not mean you are booked

The more events you reply saying you are available for will give you more of a chance of being

booked for something that day/weekend

Once you are actually booked for something, you will receive an alert, and then you will need to

confirm your shift through the app to finalize the booking

How We Schedule

We do all scheduling based on seniority, reliability, availability, sales, and location to where you live.

Seniority- The staff that has been with us the longest and proven themselves to be extremely reliable and

valuable will always get scheduled first.

Reliability- Being reliable is imperative to this business. Not only being reliable in the sense that you'll

show up, but that you are reliable to always do a good job and impress account management as well as

supplier/distributor reps

Availability- The more availability you have, the more you will be scheduled. Holiday weeks/weekends are

generally the busiest for us, so you need to be available during the busy times if you want to be scheduled


Sales- This is big during Off Premise Tastings. Our clients depend on us to put staff that "can sell" on their

brands. So the better you are at selling, the more we will want to book you.

Location- We do our very best to book people as close to where they live as possible, but this can be

extremely challenging on certain weekends, depending on what we have scheduled and where.

How We Schedule Continued

Location of Events- Modern Talent has NO say in where events, tastings, and promotions are booked.

This is all done by our clients. They book events with us and it's our job to staff them. We try to hire

contractor’s in all areas of many different markets to make sure everything is covered, but sometimes

things are booked in further suburb areas that we don’t generally cover. We then have to schedule

people from the closest main market and offer mileage.

Some of the brands that get booked in these further suburb places are really important brands for us, so

we still need to staff qualified people. Also, there are many times when account management or brand

reps request to have a certain contractor back because they did such a good job. Please don't consider

this a punishment when you are scheduled in the suburbs. Most of the suppliers we work with offer

mileage so let the Operations Manager know when you think you qualify.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns when it comes to scheduling, PLEASE make

sure to reach out to the Operations Manager. We WANT to hear what your preferences are.

Detailed Emails

Detailed Emails are sent out on Tuesday/Wednesday of the week you are scheduled for a promotion

The Detailed Email explains all aspects of your upcoming Tasting

What you are sampling and the specific way to sample it (mixed or straight)

If you need to bring the liquor, purchase the liquor on site, if there have been sample bottles

already dropped off for you, or if you should pull from the shelf to have it replaced by the rep the

following week

If there is any other specific branded POS you need to bring

If there are any other tasting supplies you need to bring

A Sell Sheet or Website Link for Product Brand Knowledge

Ask any questions you have about the Detailed Email ASAP. Do not wait until right before your

tasting to ask questions.

Before Your Tasting

Make sure you read your Detailed Email before the shift for all Client and Brand Requirements

regarding that shift

Make your confirmation call- you must call the account the day before the promotion to confirm the

promotion date/time/brand. Make sure you write down the manager’s name you spoke to incase there

are any issues when you arrive to the tasting. Call the Operations Manager if management has any

questions or concerns.

Make sure you studied the Brand using the product brand knowledge provided

Make sure you have everything that you need

Contractor Tools- Wine Key, Bucket, and Shaker (if needed)

Sample Cups

Proof of Performance Sheet

Proper Attire

Credit Card information to purchase sample bottles (if Needed)

Liquor/Wine Sample Bottles (If needed)

Other Client Branded Items/Supplies (if needed)

Appearance & Attire - Female

REQUIRED- All Black, Form Fitted, and Business Professional Attire with a classic sexy feel (without showing to much skin).

Black pants with a black cami/nice tank and black crop blazer/sweater is a suggested easy and great look. A black

professional style dress also works well.

NOT Acceptable Attire:


Baggie clothing

Open toed shoes or open back strap shoes

Leather Jackets

Plain v neck t shirts (unless you have a blazer over it)

Overly trendy jewelry/belts that are distracting from your sleek outfit

Tanks/cami’s are ok to be worn alone as long as they are not overly revealing and they fit your body type well.

Footwear should always be closed toed (think business professional) and preferably heels- but flats are ok for tastings as

long as they have a classic sleek feel.

NO tattoo’s or facial piercings showing- Tattoo’s must always be covered and facial piercings taken out.

Hair and Makeup should always be done nicely

Appearance & Attire - Male

REQUIRED- All Black Business Professional Attire.

A black dress shirt with black pants and nice shoes work best. Rolling the sleeves up is ok. Nice dark

denim jeans are ok if it is more of a casual account.

Wearing a tie is optional for normal tastings but required for special events and tradeshows.

NO tattoo’s or facial piercings showing- tattoo’s must always be covered and facial piercings

taken out.

Hair should always be done nicely or pulled back if the length goes past your chin

Checking In for your Tasting

When you arrive to the account for your Tasting, BEFORE you walk in to the account, you must Check In so

we know you arrived on time (On time is 15 min before the shift is supposed to start)

When it’s time to Check In

1) Open the event in the Pop Bookings App

2) Click on the Geo Pin icon at the bottom

3) Take your Selfie Pic and SEND (Make sure this picture is a quality clear picture)

4) Done!

For step by step instructions on anything related to Pop Bookings including the Check In System,

please refer to

When You Arrive to Your Tasting

Ask for the contact person upon immediate arrival. Introduce yourself and ask where your table is

located for you to set up. If it isn’t an ideal location and the table/station is mobile, ask if it’s possible to

move to a higher traffic area so you can sell more

Give the contact person your POP to to fill out while you’re working

Make sure you get the prices and number of bottles in stock before starting your tasting.

Setting up your table nicely is KEY. There should always be several bottles of the product you are

selling on your table so people can easily grab them for purchase. If the account has any special

signage you can use to decorate the table or anything that talks about sale prices, please use it!


The entire purpose of you being there is to sell bottles! The suppliers, distributor reps, and account

managers are all counting on you to help sell the product. If you have bad sales, then it wasn’t worth the

money to have the tasting and they won’t book more.

Hand Consumers the bottle so they can hold it while you are telling them about it. If they are already

holding the bottle, it’s much easier to make a sale because they are less likely to put something down in

front of you

While they are tasting the product, instead of asking them what they taste or if they like it, make

sure to TELL them enthusiastically the various and different flavor notes they are tasting

(Especially when selling wine) and say “Isn’t it great?!”

Always use rebates to help encourage sales if they are available at the account.

If the product is not on sale, suggest to the manager that if it is slightly discounted it’ll help push the


Consistent bad sales numbers will result in not being booked anymore.

During Your Tasting

During your Tasting- if you have any issues at all, or questions about how to handle certain

situations, you need to CALL the Operations Manager immediately. She will give you instruction and

handle situations accordingly.

If you run out of product, call the Operations Manager and she will give you instruction on whether to

purchase another bottle using the MT card, or to pull from the shelf to have the rep replace it. Make sure

you get prior approval from the Operations Manager before doing anything without asking. It is up to you to

always make sure you are making samples small enough to spread them out as best as possible

It is NEVER ok to leave a tasting early without letting the Operations Manager know what’s going

on. Doing so could result in immediate removal from the roster as well, not being paid for that

tasting, as well as FEE’s being applied.

We are always in communication with Account Management and the Dist/Supplier reps that book

tastings, so we WILL find out about everything that happened during your tasting.

Brand Ambassador Must ALWAYS

Arrive 15 Minutes early to be considered on time. Arrive in proper attire and with everything needed

according to your detailed email.

Introduce themselves to the manager upon arrival

Be prepared, responsible, and professional

Be knowledgeable about the brand and educate consumers

Be friendly, outgoing, and have the ability to talk to all types of people

Thank the manager and staff

Clean up the area you were working in when the tasting ends

Brand Ambassador Must NEVER

Eat or drink anything at a tasting (water is acceptable)

Be sitting at a tasting

Be rude to the manager, account staff, or consumers

Arrive at an account late or leave an account before the tasting is scheduled to end

Accept tips from consumers

Lie or be dishonest in any way

Talk negatively about the brand you’re promoting or a competitive brand

Chew gum or use a cell phone during a tasting


All Tasting Recaps are entered at

It is required that you use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation in all recaps




Special Events-

Recaps are ALWAYS DUE EVERY MONDAY by 9am.

Recaps Continued

Consumer Response - These should be full sentences of what people were saying about the

product. They can be positive or negative…but negative responses should be constructive.

GOOD- “I had no idea Pinnacle offered so many great flavors!”

BAD- “I had fun! This is Great!”

GOOD- “I would have been more inclined to purchase if there was a sale price or gift pack


BAD- “This is Gross!”

General Recap- Please describe how you thought the tasting went. If your sales numbers weren’t

high, please make sure you say the reason why sales were low. If there were any issues that arise

that would reflect negatively on Modern Talent, please send a separate email to Brooke & Christin to

discuss the issue. DO NOT include anything negative about about the brand or account in your recap

form or you will be asked to redo the recap.

Recaps- Proof of Performance

These forms are to be printed out beforehand and brought to your tasting.

Give it to management when you arrive and explain to them that you need it filled out and signed by

them at the end of your tasting. Then you need to snap a picture of it to include attached to your email


Not having the correct version of your POP form filled out and attached to your recap is considered an

incomplete recap.

Handwritten POPs or previously used POP’s are NOT acceptable

Recaps- Pictures

All Tastings require 4-6 pictures to be attached to the recap

1-2 Pictures of you next to or in front of (NOT behind) the SET UP table- You must actually be in the

picture- Make it look good and make sure it’s clear. Have someone take a couple so you have options. Make

sure labels are facing forward and the table looks nice with several bottles displayed. Make sure you have as

much branding as possible. NO garbage cans should be showing

1- 2 Pictures of the product on the shelf and/or the display of the product

A Picture of your Proof of Performance Sheet filled out and signed by the manager is required. NO

Hand written POP’s are allowed

Receipt Pictures (when needed)- Make sure these are CLEAR and Close Up

Some recaps require consumer interaction photos- in which case they should be of the customers

enjoying the product or posing with the bottle. Your Detailed Email will mention when these are required, most

of the time they are NOT required.

Recaps- Receipt Pictures

If you need to purchase something for a Tasting, you MUST ALWAYS have an itemized receipt attached

to the recap

Make sure you are clicking the correct button on the recap showing whether it was charged to the

Modern Talent Card or your personal card, so that you can be reimbursed if needed

Receipt Pictures should always be CLEAR and as close up as possible without cutting anything off.

Failure to produce a receipt will mean you don’t get reimbursed

Failure to produce a receipt when something is charged on the MT Card, means it will be taken

out of your paycheck. (We cannot bill the supplier for these charges without a receipt)

ALWAYS KEEP ALL RECEIPTS in case you something happens where you need to resend it

Examples of Good Pictures

Social Media

Please like Modern Talent’s Facebook page and follow us on Instagram


Please invite your friends to like our Facebook page

Instagram @moderntalentusa

Please invite your friends to follow us on Instagram

We highly encourage contractor’s to post on Social Media before a tasting with pictures of what you are


Please make sure you are only posting quality pictures

Check in on Facebook to let people know where you are and what you are sampling

For all SM posting, it is required that you actually tag Modern Talent in the photo

If using Instagram, make sure to also use @moderntalentusa as well as #moderntalentusa.

If there is a brand present within the photo, or the event is a well known special event or during a

holiday, make sure to also use other appropriate hashtags (Examples- #jagermeister, #fireball, #sturgis,

#mardigras, #halloween, etc)

General Information

Always arrive 15 minutes before the Tasting is scheduled to start. Arriving as it is supposed to be

starting is considered late!

Make sure you study the brand and memorize key selling points about whatever you are promoting.

Know as much as possible! Communicate key selling points to everyone.

Be Enthusiastic and Outgoing! Be Engaging and Confident! SMILE!

Talk to everyone! Don’t wait for consumers to talk to you.

Make sure your phone/camera is fully charged so you can take plenty of pictures

You should never be on your cell phone unless you are taking a picture

Always communicate with the staff at every account. Explain what you are promoting and keep them in

the loop about everything.

Keep your area clean and neat

Always thank the staff before leaving and ask them if there is anything else you can help with before you


General Information Continued

APPEARANCE- It is required you always look your best for every event, promotion, and tasting.

Hair and makeup should always be done. Attire requirements for that specific event must be met. If

pictures are sent in showing anything otherwise, you will be instantly docked accordingly.

MILEAGE- Mileage reimbursement is available for certain events. Please discuss accordingly with

the Operations Manager. Mileage requests MUST be sent in minimum 48 hours BEFORE the shift,

and are never guaranteed. Not all clients will pay for mileage.

PARKING- Parking fee’s are usually reimbursable for most events as long as parking receipts are

sent in on time and you send in a clear receipt. Please verify with the Operations Manager before

each event if parking is available

General Information Continued

RECAP PHOTOS- Should ALL be clear and quality photos. NO Blurry, overly dark, or red/ glowing

eye photos are accepted. All Brands and Modern Talent Contractors should look as good as possible

and represented in a positive light in all photos.

NEW CLIENT REFERRALS- If you are working an event and someone asks how to hire you for an

event of theirs, or how to hire Modern Talent as a staffing company; please give them all owner

information including email (, cell phone (612-720-1767), and

website (

POTENTIAL NEW HIRES- If someone asks you how to work as a brand ambassador for Modern

Talent, please always refer them to the website and tell them to use the Apply Page online OR they

can use the new talent link within Pop Bookings: ***Do

not hand out personal cell numbers for Owner/Operations Manager for new hire applicants.


Once you are booked for something, then that is your shift and your responsibility.

If you need your shift covered, you need to reach out to the Operations Manager immediately. If

there isn’t anyone to cover the shift, then it’s still your shift to work. There are different qualifications to

work at different accounts or for different brands; sometimes different suppliers prefer a certain type of

model or look, and not everyone on the Modern Talent Roster is approved for doing all types of events,

so if you are reaching out to other MT Models to help cover your shift, you need to get prior approval

from the Operations Manager.

If you need to call in sick, you need to CALL the Operations Manager by 9am that same day.

Texting/Emailing are NOT appropriate ways to let us know you are sick. We will always help you cover

your shift but you need to speak to someone in person.

Policies/Penalties Continued

Holiday shifts such as St Patrick’s Day weekend, Easter Weekend, Memorial Weekend, 4th of July

weekend, Labor Day Weekend, Halloween weekend, Night before Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and

New Years Eve REQUIRE a doctor’s note if you are calling in sick. No doctor’s note for such important

shifts will result in immediate removal from the roster and a contractor NO SHOW FEE.

Showing up on time to promotions is a MUST. On time is 15 minutes before the promo starts. If the

account tells us you walked in at or after the promo start time you will each be docked for minimum 15

minutes pay.

Calling in with reasons such as “It’s snowing outside”, “my car broke down”, or “I have a family

emergency” a couple hours before the shift are NOT acceptable excuses. You can get a ride if

needed, call a cab/uberX, leave early enough to ensure you get somewhere on time, or explain further

what’s going on.

Policies/Penalties Continued

This is just like any other contracted position; once you are booked for something, you are expected to

show up. We all know there are sometimes emergency situations or extenuating circumstance’s, in which

case you need to CALL the Operations Manager ASAP to let them know what’s going on, and they can

make a decision from there.

Your Contractor Agreement States: Attendance to events scheduled, and confirmed by the

INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR, are the responsibility of the contractor(s) Failure to attend the Contract

Assignment, absent documentation of an emergency, will result in forfeiture of previously earned

wages, or wages to be earned, in the amount of $150.00. Leaving a Contract Assignment early

without approval, absent documentation of an emergency, will result in forfeiture of previously

earned wages, or wages to be earned, in the amount of $100.00.

Policies/Penalties Continued

Recaps are due by 9am every Monday! Every Tasting or Event requires a recap.

All Pay is Based on Performance- submitting late, incomplete, or unprofessional recaps as well as not

following appearance guidelines is considered “Breech of Contract” and will result in the following dock

of pay:

After 9am - $5.00 deduction

After 12pm - $10.00 deduction

After 5pm - $15 deduction

Any time Tuesday or later - $20.00 deduction

Incomplete Recap – Automatic $10.00 deduction

Appearance was not up to Standard- Automatic $10 deduction

Spelling, Grammar, or Punctuation Errors- Automatic $10 deduction

When you send in Recaps, you are always sent a confirmation email showing you exactly what was

sent in. It is up to you to check for that email to prove it went through correctly and also to

make sure all Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation is correct. If it’s not, then you will need to RE-

DO the recap to avoid penalties


Payroll goes out weekly every Monday morning. We are on a Mon-Sun Payroll week.

When payroll goes out, you aren’t getting paid for the week that just recently happened, but the week

prior to that. Example; Payroll for the week of Monday, May 2nd- Sunday, May 8th went out on Monday,

May 16th.

We HIGHLY ENCOURAGE everyone to sign up for direct deposit. This is by far, the quickest and

easiest way to get paid. If you have direct deposit, the payments will be in your account on Tuesday

mornings. If you choose Direct Deposit, there is a $1 fee for each week you are paid a payment. If you

want to sign up, please email with “Direct Deposit” in the subject line.

The email body should have your routing and account number listed. You will receive a confirmation

email once you are entered into the system.

If you choose to get paid by check, please note that paychecks can take up to 8 business days to get to

you. It is UP TO YOU to make sure we always have an updated address for you.

Contact Information

Brooke Kusske, Operations Manager

(651) 324-6673

*Handles all interviewing, hiring, training, scheduling, promo pos/supplies, and all Independent Contractor

event coordination. As a Contractor, she will be your main contact.

Christin Virden, Owner

(612) 720-1767

*Handles client/supplier relationships, programming, marketing, and financials including payroll


Thank you for completing our On Premise Promotion Professional Development session.

We WANT to hear from you. We can’t be the best without having the best staff! We are always looking

for ways to improve Modern Talent.

If you ever have any comments, questions, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to

either the Operations Manager or the Owner!

We look forward to many successful events!

To show proof that you have completed this and read through everything, please reply

to the email that this link was sent to you in (the subject line says professional

development sessions). In your response, please tell me that you have read through

and completed everything, and let me know if you have any questions.

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