offer the sacrifices of righteousness, · all god’s children cont. offer the sacrifices of...

Post on 21-Feb-2019






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All God’s children cont. For such a group to be drawn into a harmonious community is indeed divine work. It requires recognizing and honoring differ-ent gifts, and bearing differences with grace and acceptance. As such, a Christian community can offer a powerful witness to a multi-ethnic and multicultural society as it proclaims by its very existence that it is possible for people of different origins to live and worship together. This unity in diversity of a people gath-ered around the one table of the one Lord proclaims the truth that in God there are no distinctions, only the family of God’s children, beloved of the One who created all. Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights re-served. HIJOS E HIJAS DE DIOS

San Pablo en la segunda lectura de hoy nos habla de cómo debe vivir una comunidad cristiana. Lo que él dice suena obvio: destierren la aspereza, la ira, la indignación y los insultos. Esto es lo que le enseñamos a nuestros hijos desde temprana edad, para que crezcan como personas sociales que puedan vivir en armonía con los demás. Sin embargo, lo que Pablo nos exhorta va más allá de los buenos modales. Él se refiere a una disposi-ción interior de la mente y el corazón que debe distinguirse en todo comportamiento cristiano. Como por el bautismo hemos pasado a ser parte de la familia espiritual de Dios, la cortesía y la tolerancia deben dar evidencia de que nuestra naturaleza interior se está formando a imitación de Cristo. Nuestra capaci-dad de ser amables y demostrar amistad da testimonio de nues-tro deseo de construir una comunidad de amor y de perdón mu-tuo. Ya esto de por sí es difícil en nuestra propia familia, pero pudiera serlo aún más en nuestra parroquia. Probablemente no haya otro grupo que presente tanta diversidad de personas co-mo una parroquia. Hay personas de todos los estratos sociales y de diferentes niveles económicos; personas de distintos gru-pos étnicos y variadas culturas. Algunas familias están ahí des-de que se fundó la parroquia; otras llegaron la semana pasada. Para que un grupo tan heterogéneo pueda vivir dentro de una comunidad armoniosa se necesita verdaderamente la interven-ción divina. Se necesita también que reconozcamos y respete-mos los distintos dones, así como que aceptemos las diferencias dispuesta y amablemente. De esa manera la comunidad cristia-na puede dar un testimonio poderoso a la sociedad multicultu-ral y multiétnica en que vivimos proclamando con su propio ejemplo que personas de diferente origen pueden vivir y alabar juntas. Esta unidad en la diversidad de personas reunidas alre-dedor de una misma mesa, la mesa del Señor, proclama la ver-dad de que en Dios no existen distinciones sino que todos somos parte de la familia de Dios y amados del Creador. Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights re-served.


Today’s gospel introduces the long bread of life dis-course which follows the multiplication of the loaves of John.. This passage seems to reflect the demands of two different groups of people. Those who had witnessed the multiplication of the loaves presume correctly that it is a messianic sign. How-ever, their image of messiah as a political ruler (John 6:14-15) and their expectation of the messi-anic age as a time of immediate material plenty do not conform to the person and mission of Jesus. The other group seems ignorant of the multiplica-tion of loaves. They too reflect the popular expecta-tion that God would again supply manna at the Passover which would introduce the messianic age. They demand the very sign. It is the fulfillment of this expectation which the first crowd recognizes in the multiplication of loaves. Jesus responds to both groups. From those who look for what is perishable he demands faith in the bread which remains to life eternal. For those who demand the sign of manna he presents himself as the bread which comes from God. Jesus’ response also speaks to us. Our anxiety about what is transitory must yield to concern for the good work of faith. Our hunger for life must be nourished by the real heavenly bread from the Fa-ther, the bread which sustains the life of the world (cf. Deut 8:3). ALL GOD’S CHILDREN

Saint Paul in today’s second reading talks about living as a Christian community. What he says sounds obvious: don’t indulge in grudges, shouting, or name-calling. These are the things we teach our children from an early age, so they can develop as social persons who are able to live in harmony with others. However, what Paul is urging goes way be-yond simple good manners. He is talking about an inner state of mind and heart that should mark all Christian behavior. Since we have been born into the spiritual family of God through baptism, cour-tesy and tolerance are evidence that our inner na-ture is forming itself in imitation of Christ. Our ca-pacity for kindness and friendship shows our desire to build a community of love and mutual forgive-ness. This can be hard enough in our own family, but can be even tougher in a parish. There is proba-bly no other group that exhibits such a diversity of people as a parish. There are people from all walks of life and income levels. There are people of differ-ent ethnic origins and cultures. Some families were there when the parish was founded. Others arrived last week.

Collections from July 26, 2015 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,

& put your trust in the LORD.

Regular Sunday Collection $6203.53 St. Vincent de Paul $ 222.00 School Support $ 00.00 Utilities $1261.08 Building Fund $ 378.00 Church Boiler $ 000.00 Prayer Garden $2350.00

Second Collections: 1st. Sunday of the Month St. Therese School, 2nd Sunday, St. Vincent de Paul, 3rd Sunday Building Fund, 4th Sunday Utilities, 5th Sunday Misc. U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops Second Collections

Please Pray for the sick in Our Parish

Candice Demar, Alice Mario, Aaron Armijo, Catherine Howle, Christo-pher Sena, Jr., Anna Mae Olona, Mike Guzman, Loretta Garcia, Louie & Cory Jaramillo, Virginia Sando, Marie Chavez, Grace Aragon, Mary Garcia, Orlando Rodriguez, Daniel Vallejos, The Cortez Family, Theresa Hernandez, Dolores Vallejos, Patricia Lucero, Rex Wilson, Gabriel, Shooter Delgado, Joe Baca, Philip C ’de Baca, Elias Pedron-celli, Ermalinda Baca, Lois Wells, Abigail Delgado, Annette Vigil and for those in hospitals and in their home who can’t attend church. REMINDER: EACH WEEK NAMES WILL BE DELETED FROM THE ABOVE LIST TO ACCOMMODATE OTHER PARISH-IONERS WHO NEED TO BE ADDED.


Let us continue to pray for our Sisters and Brothers in the Diocese of Salt Lake City. May their new Bishop have the loving and pastoral heart of Pope Francis, Archbishop Wester and the courage of our Lord Jesus, the Brave Shep-herd.

October 2 - 4, 2015 St. Therese Parish Fiesta UPDATE

Lets welcome Jordan Lovato & Shea Ortiz, Leilani Lucero our Fiesta Queen candidates. Lets help support their fundraising activities. Our first bake sale will be August 2, after all Masses.

Game Prizes Needed We are in need of any glass or ceramic items for the Dime Pitch Game and any new/gently used stuffed animals or happy meal prizes for other game booths. For additional information, please contact Diane Barajas on 344-0669. Thank you.


The Dominican Ecclesial Institute Speaker Series has the following speaker scheduled for August 9, 2015: Fr. Don Goergen, OP, will speak on " Finding our Spiritual Gifts " at the UNM Continuing Education Center, 1:00 p.m. Con-tact the DEI for more information at 505-243-0525.


Please stop by the Religious Ed office located be-hind the rectory Monday & Tuesday 9:00 to 11:30 A.M. or Wednesday and Friday 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M & 1:00 P.m. to 4:00 P.M. If you would like to make an appointment with the office of Religious Ed call 505-344-7643. Please be sure to bring your child’s baptismal certificate and the registration fee of $25.00 when registering you child. Registration for catechism is until the end of August, the first class begins on September 13, 2015. You may regis-ter at the Parish office from 9:00 – 12:00 or 2:00 – 5:00 Monday through Friday. Thank you and God Bless



Calling all Catholic ladies: There will be another informational meeting about the Catholic Daughters of the Americas on Thursday, August 6th at 6:00 pm at the Saint Therese Parish Rectory, located at 300

Mildred NW. You are cordially invited to learn about the Catholic Daughters and the possibility of

becoming part of our new court.


“Holy Spirit, Third Person of the Trinity” Presenter: Rev. Mark A. Schultz, Pastor

Music By: Ben Maes Saturday, August 8th, 2015 at 8:00 A.M.—2:00 P.M.

Holy Ghost Catholic Church, 927 Arizona St. SE Call early to reserve your space, 505-265-5957,

$10.00 registration.


A lifeline for troubled marriages. UIs your mar-riage tearing you apart? Is there little or no mean-ingful communication? Are you considering separa-tion or divorce? We believe RETROUVAILLE can help. Retrouvaille will teach you a method to re-establish communication and consists of a weekend experience and series of 7 follow up sessions over a three month period. The next program will be Sep-tember 11-13, 2015. For more information or to register, please call 505-890-3495 in Albuquerque or 1-800-470-2230. You can also find information on the web at

All God’s children cont. For such a group to be drawn into a harmonious community is indeed divine work. It requires recognizing and honoring differ-ent gifts, and bearing differences with grace and acceptance. As such, a Christian community can offer a powerful witness to a multi-ethnic and multicultural society as it proclaims by its very existence that it is possible for people of different origins to live and worship together. This unity in diversity of a people gath-ered around the one table of the one Lord proclaims the truth that in God there are no distinctions, only the family of God’s children, beloved of the One who created all. Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights re-served. HIJOS E HIJAS DE DIOS

San Pablo en la segunda lectura de hoy nos habla de cómo debe vivir una comunidad cristiana. Lo que él dice suena obvio: destierren la aspereza, la ira, la indignación y los insultos. Esto es lo que le enseñamos a nuestros hijos desde temprana edad, para que crezcan como personas sociales que puedan vivir en armonía con los demás. Sin embargo, lo que Pablo nos exhorta va más allá de los buenos modales. Él se refiere a una disposi-ción interior de la mente y el corazón que debe distinguirse en todo comportamiento cristiano. Como por el bautismo hemos pasado a ser parte de la familia espiritual de Dios, la cortesía y la tolerancia deben dar evidencia de que nuestra naturaleza interior se está formando a imitación de Cristo. Nuestra capaci-dad de ser amables y demostrar amistad da testimonio de nues-tro deseo de construir una comunidad de amor y de perdón mu-tuo. Ya esto de por sí es difícil en nuestra propia familia, pero pudiera serlo aún más en nuestra parroquia. Probablemente no haya otro grupo que presente tanta diversidad de personas co-mo una parroquia. Hay personas de todos los estratos sociales y de diferentes niveles económicos; personas de distintos gru-pos étnicos y variadas culturas. Algunas familias están ahí des-de que se fundó la parroquia; otras llegaron la semana pasada. Para que un grupo tan heterogéneo pueda vivir dentro de una comunidad armoniosa se necesita verdaderamente la interven-ción divina. Se necesita también que reconozcamos y respete-mos los distintos dones, así como que aceptemos las diferencias dispuesta y amablemente. De esa manera la comunidad cristia-na puede dar un testimonio poderoso a la sociedad multicultu-ral y multiétnica en que vivimos proclamando con su propio ejemplo que personas de diferente origen pueden vivir y alabar juntas. Esta unidad en la diversidad de personas reunidas alre-dedor de una misma mesa, la mesa del Señor, proclama la ver-dad de que en Dios no existen distinciones sino que todos somos parte de la familia de Dios y amados del Creador. Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights re-served.


Today’s gospel introduces the long bread of life dis-course which follows the multiplication of the loaves of John.. This passage seems to reflect the demands of two different groups of people. Those who had witnessed the multiplication of the loaves presume correctly that it is a messianic sign. How-ever, their image of messiah as a political ruler (John 6:14-15) and their expectation of the messi-anic age as a time of immediate material plenty do not conform to the person and mission of Jesus. The other group seems ignorant of the multiplica-tion of loaves. They too reflect the popular expecta-tion that God would again supply manna at the Passover which would introduce the messianic age. They demand the very sign. It is the fulfillment of this expectation which the first crowd recognizes in the multiplication of loaves. Jesus responds to both groups. From those who look for what is perishable he demands faith in the bread which remains to life eternal. For those who demand the sign of manna he presents himself as the bread which comes from God. Jesus’ response also speaks to us. Our anxiety about what is transitory must yield to concern for the good work of faith. Our hunger for life must be nourished by the real heavenly bread from the Fa-ther, the bread which sustains the life of the world (cf. Deut 8:3). ALL GOD’S CHILDREN

Saint Paul in today’s second reading talks about living as a Christian community. What he says sounds obvious: don’t indulge in grudges, shouting, or name-calling. These are the things we teach our children from an early age, so they can develop as social persons who are able to live in harmony with others. However, what Paul is urging goes way be-yond simple good manners. He is talking about an inner state of mind and heart that should mark all Christian behavior. Since we have been born into the spiritual family of God through baptism, cour-tesy and tolerance are evidence that our inner na-ture is forming itself in imitation of Christ. Our ca-pacity for kindness and friendship shows our desire to build a community of love and mutual forgive-ness. This can be hard enough in our own family, but can be even tougher in a parish. There is proba-bly no other group that exhibits such a diversity of people as a parish. There are people from all walks of life and income levels. There are people of differ-ent ethnic origins and cultures. Some families were there when the parish was founded. Others arrived last week.

Collections from July 26, 2015 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,

& put your trust in the LORD.

Regular Sunday Collection $6203.53 St. Vincent de Paul $ 222.00 School Support $ 00.00 Utilities $1261.08 Building Fund $ 378.00 Church Boiler $ 000.00 Prayer Garden $2350.00

Second Collections: 1st. Sunday of the Month St. Therese School, 2nd Sunday, St. Vincent de Paul, 3rd Sunday Building Fund, 4th Sunday Utilities, 5th Sunday Misc. U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops Second Collections

Please Pray for the sick in Our Parish

Candice Demar, Alice Mario, Aaron Armijo, Catherine Howle, Christo-pher Sena, Jr., Anna Mae Olona, Mike Guzman, Loretta Garcia, Louie & Cory Jaramillo, Virginia Sando, Marie Chavez, Grace Aragon, Mary Garcia, Orlando Rodriguez, Daniel Vallejos, The Cortez Family, Theresa Hernandez, Dolores Vallejos, Patricia Lucero, Rex Wilson, Gabriel, Shooter Delgado, Joe Baca, Philip C ’de Baca, Elias Pedron-celli, Ermalinda Baca, Lois Wells, Abigail Delgado, Annette Vigil and for those in hospitals and in their home who can’t attend church. REMINDER: EACH WEEK NAMES WILL BE DELETED FROM THE ABOVE LIST TO ACCOMMODATE OTHER PARISH-IONERS WHO NEED TO BE ADDED.


Let us continue to pray for our Sisters and Brothers in the Diocese of Salt Lake City. May their new Bishop have the loving and pastoral heart of Pope Francis, Archbishop Wester and the courage of our Lord Jesus, the Brave Shep-herd.

October 2 - 4, 2015 St. Therese Parish Fiesta UPDATE

Lets welcome Jordan Lovato & Shea Ortiz, Leilani Lucero our Fiesta Queen candidates. Lets help support their fundraising activities. Our first bake sale will be August 2, after all Masses.

Game Prizes Needed We are in need of any glass or ceramic items for the Dime Pitch Game and any new/gently used stuffed animals or happy meal prizes for other game booths. For additional information, please contact Diane Barajas on 344-0669. Thank you.


The Dominican Ecclesial Institute Speaker Series has the following speaker scheduled for August 9, 2015: Fr. Don Goergen, OP, will speak on " Finding our Spiritual Gifts " at the UNM Continuing Education Center, 1:00 p.m. Con-tact the DEI for more information at 505-243-0525.


Please stop by the Religious Ed office located be-hind the rectory Monday & Tuesday 9:00 to 11:30 A.M. or Wednesday and Friday 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M & 1:00 P.m. to 4:00 P.M. If you would like to make an appointment with the office of Religious Ed call 505-344-7643. Please be sure to bring your child’s baptismal certificate and the registration fee of $25.00 when registering you child. Registration for catechism is until the end of August, the first class begins on September 13, 2015. You may regis-ter at the Parish office from 9:00 – 12:00 or 2:00 – 5:00 Monday through Friday. Thank you and God Bless



Calling all Catholic ladies: There will be another informational meeting about the Catholic Daughters of the Americas on Thursday, August 6th at 6:00 pm at the Saint Therese Parish Rectory, located at 300

Mildred NW. You are cordially invited to learn about the Catholic Daughters and the possibility of

becoming part of our new court.


“Holy Spirit, Third Person of the Trinity” Presenter: Rev. Mark A. Schultz, Pastor

Music By: Ben Maes Saturday, August 8th, 2015 at 8:00 A.M.—2:00 P.M.

Holy Ghost Catholic Church, 927 Arizona St. SE Call early to reserve your space, 505-265-5957,

$10.00 registration.


A lifeline for troubled marriages. UIs your mar-riage tearing you apart? Is there little or no mean-ingful communication? Are you considering separa-tion or divorce? We believe RETROUVAILLE can help. Retrouvaille will teach you a method to re-establish communication and consists of a weekend experience and series of 7 follow up sessions over a three month period. The next program will be Sep-tember 11-13, 2015. For more information or to register, please call 505-890-3495 in Albuquerque or 1-800-470-2230. You can also find information on the web at

catholic communicatorThe


*A privately owned working in conjunction with the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Published by JCPress • • 505-856-0333

Sunday • auguSt 2, 2015

Pecos Parish Bazaar! Sunday, August 30 • Please join St. Anthony’s Catholic Church in Pecos, at the Pecos High School Gym from 11am to 5pm. Mass will be celebrated at 10am, immediately followed by a procession to the gym for the beginning of the Bazaar. The bazaar includes: live mu-sic, food booths, games, face painting, car show, cake walk, bingo, silent auction, and much more. For more information,

please call the Parish Of-fice at 505-757-6345.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish (Albuq.)• first an-nual King/Queen Arts & Crafts Fair • August 2 • 8-4pm • 505-345-4596.

Catholic Charities is looking for bilingual ed-ucators to instruct adult students in our Adult Basic Education (ABE),

General Educational Development (GED), and English as a Second Language (ESL) programs. These are part-time and substitute positions, to learn more go to or call (505) 505-724-4674.

The Lay Canossians invite you to the retreat, Being Joyful in a Joyless World • Directed by Sr. Lisa Marie Doty, FdCC • August 15-16 • Canossian Spirituality Center, 5625 Isleta Blvd SW, Albuquerque • Deadline to register is August 10. Call 505-379-9232.

Our Lady of Belén Fiesta • August 13-16 • All are invited!

Aug. 13 • Vespers & Crowning of Queen 6:30pmAug. 14 • Vigil Mass of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 5pmAug. 14 • Carnival & Booths open 6-11pmAug. 15 • Carnival and Booths open 1-11pmAug. 16 • Fiesta Mass 10amAug. 16 • Carnival and Booths open 1-10pm

Fundraiser Golf Tournaments: August 22 • Arroyo del Oso Golf Course • Queen of Heaven School • Call 505-881-2484August 28 • Paa-ko Ridge Golf Course • Notre Dame Club of NM • Call 505-553-3612September 14 • Tanoan Country Club • Serra Club Golf with a Padre • Call 505-298-6343.

Save the date for an event that may change your life! October 7 • 7-9:30pm • Internationally renowned speaker and author, Chris Stefanick, is coming to Albuquerque. This Reboot Live Event! is the fun, inspiring and practical experience of applying the beauty and genius of the heart of the Gospel to every aspect of your life: prayer, spiritual-ity, work, dating, marriage, parenting, health and more! To register, call Aquinas Newman Center, at 505-247-1094x0. or online: Do not miss the op-portunity to gain insight into living life more ful-ly! Tickets are on sale for $19. This event is for all ages. Tickets are selling fast; so get your tickets while you still can!

Leaving Footprints: Our Legacy Workshop • Saturday, August 22 • 9am-1pm • Catholic Center • As senior citizens begin to experience the inevitable losses that come into their lives, the yearning to leave a legacy intensifies. This workshop will explore several considerations in leaving a legacy. In the first part of the workshop Dr. Wallace Ford will help participants construct a legacy narrative by which we leave footprints for those who will follow. Then, participants will have an opportunity to explore the legal nuts and bolts of estate planning (You don’t need to be rich to make an estate plan!). Estate planning attorney, Mr. Tom Macken, will explore the basic steps that need to be taken to ensure that your legacy can be a gift to others. Concluding the session, Dr. Dolly Sokol will invite participants to consider aspects of Planned Giving, Advanced Medical Directives, and Funeral Planning. Fee: $20/person/$25/couple. To register, call Jennifer at 505-873-4399.

Theology on Tap is ministry for young adults by young adults who want to explore the role of faith in their daily lives. We provide the opportunity to not only learn about the Catholic faith but also meet like-minded people and make new friends. It is open to all young adults (18-40), regard-less of religious affiliation. Our next speaker is Father Jim Marshall, pastor of San Clemente. Come early, stay late! Grab a beer and enjoy the delicious food with friends. We meet at Club Rio Rancho on August 12 at 6:30 pm. For more information contact Church of the Incarnation at 771-8331.

Men Under ConstrUCtion9th Annual Archdiocesan Men’s Conference • August 8 • St. Pius X Gym • 7am late-registration and breakfast • 8am confer-ence • Motivational talks, men’s fellowship, Mass, Benediction and the Sacrament of Reconciliation • Nationally renowned speakers: Mr. Jesse Romero (Three Types of Men: Wolves, Sheep & Sheepdogs) and Fr. Bill Casey (Loyal Sons of the Church: Knowing and Defending the Faith). • Breakfast and

lunch provided • $30 • Scholarships available • 18 yrs. and up (teen boys 15 and up with an adult).

Register at: or call 505-831-8253.

Shrine of the LittLe fLower St. thereSe of the infant JeSuS PariSh • Albuquerque, NM

Tuesday, August 4, 2015 Nm 12: 1-13; Mt 14: 22–36 8:00 AM †Cleofas Martinez & Stella Martinez By: Rose M. Alderete

Wednesday, August 5, 2015 Nm 13: 1-2, 25-14:1, 26-29a, 34-35; Mt 15: 21–28 8:00 AM In thanksgiving By: Elaine Hoolihan

Thursday, August 6, 2015 Dn 7: 9-10,13-14; 2 Pt 1:16-19; Mk 9: 2-10 8:00 AM †Ida Anaya By: Maclovia Drake †Anna L. Ortiz (Birthday) By: Kathleen Ortiz

Friday, August 7, 2015 Dt 4: 32-40; Mt 16: 24-28 8:00 AM †Andres, Vicenta,& Clara Arretche By: St. Therese Parish †Ernest Santistevan By: Cecilia Gutierrez

Saturday, August 8, 2015 Dt 6: 4-13; Mt 17: 14-20 8:00 AM †Orlando Gomez (8th Anniversary) By: Family †Rita Rodriguez Sanchez By: Mom & Dad In honor of St. Jude By: Gloria Ruiz

4:00 PM †Frank Concini (1st Anniversary) By: Family †Ernest, Jennifer & James Montoya By: Family †Deceased Santistevan family members By: Family

Sunday, August 9, 2015 1 Kgs 19: 4-8; Eph 4:30—5:2; Jn 6: 41-51 8:00 AM †Richard Padilla By: Jay & Margaret Buie †Michael & Jimmy Martinez By: Mr. & Mrs. Philip Archuleta †Archbishop Robert Sanchez By: Mr. & Mrs. Philip Archuleta 10:00 AM FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH 12:00 PM †Charles M. Jenkins By: Charlotte Apodaca Special Intentions of Linda Gonzales By: The Gonzales family †Ernest Santistevan By: Family Special Intentions of Life Teen

Saturday, August 1, 2015 Lv 25: 1, 8-17; Mt 14: 1-12 8:00 AM In honor of St. Jude By: Gloria Ruiz

4:00 PM †Genevieve Ortega (3rd Anniversary) By: Roy & Dora Dominguez †Benjamin E. Juarros (46th Anniversary) By: Alice Juarros †Dulcinea & Albert Harrison By: Pete & Linda Ortiz Special Intention of Eddie & Nettie Perez (50th wedding Anniversary) Mr. & Mrs. Carmel Chavez

Sunday, August 2, 2015 Ex16:2-4,12-15; Eph 4:17,20-24;Jn 6: 24-35 8:00 AM FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH 10:00 AM †Mary Lou & Eugene Duran By: Robert Duran & Family †Antonio & Annie Perea By: Lorraine Luna †Dora Gallegos By: Gallegos Nunez family †Kevin Randall 12:00 PM †Mary Jane Fiala By: Leina Dinkel †Charles Jenkins By: Abe & Lupe Baca †Ernie Martinez (9th Anniversary) By: Family Special Intentions of Life Teen

Monday, August 3, 2015 Nm 11: 4b-15; Mt 14: 13–21 8:00 AM Communion Services

Mass Intentions Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Founder of the Dominicans “One who governs one’s passion is

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