office building in paris

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Pôle Entreprises ZAC PAJOL LIN Architectes Urbanistes in collaboration with MARS Architekten


Office building in ParisPôle Entreprises ZAC PAJOL

LIN Architectes Urbanistesin collaboration withMARS Architekten

March 2012

Office building in ParisPôle Entreprises ZAC PAJOL, ParisFertigstellung 12/2011

LIN ARCHITECTS URBANISTS in collabo-ration with MARS ARCHITEKTEN International competition 2007Inauguration March 201218ème arrondissement, Paris, FranceContractor ALTEREA COGEDIM

The office space of the ZAC Pajol is situated in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, in the context of a vast regene-ration project for this previously industrial area. The building has been inspired by the tradition of the "Hôtel Industriels" and establishes a singular volume which apparent rigidity contrasts with its fexible use, and constitutes a durable structure.

The site, adjacent to "La Halle Pajol"

Site plan


The ZAC PAJOL office space, situated in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, belongs to a vast regeneration project for this previously industrial area, which aims to become an emblematic sustainable neighbourhood. The 5000 m2 building is the first office building constructed in inner Paris which responds to the BBC® certificate requirements. The project gua-rantees to regulate the cost of its future energy consumption, to environmentally compensate for the carbon emissions produced during its construction, and to comply with the HQE® label.

Top floor, construction phase

Auguste Perret, Garage, Paris


Inspired by the style of the 1930’s "HOTEL INDUSTRIEL”, this new office space is located adjacent to “La HALLE des MESSAGERIES des DOUANES” and parallel to the railway lines leading to the

“GARE de l’ EST”. The solid linear volume is simultaneously open to its surroundings: the park, the street, the warehouses. The four facades vary, depending on their orientation on the site, to offer an exceptional perspective towards the city. Recognisable from the distance, the building marks the crossroads of rue PAJOL and rue RIQUET. When approching, figures become visible through the struc-ture’s subtle transparency.

Vue from the bridge

West elevation

East elevation

Facade in white concrete

Facade orientated towards the garden


The material continuity of the roof and facades accentuates the monolithic aspect of the building, and its appa-rent rigidity contrasts with its internal flexibility. The facade is constituted by 50% of glass and 50% of concrete. The opaque surfaces are composed of a 16cm thick exterior insulation and a mineral composite material called ACRYTHERM©.

Illumination of the building

Facade orientated towards rue Pajol

The building's structure in construction


The concrete supporting structure fol-lows a grid of 7.73m by 5.50m in plan, which repeats on each floor. By reducing the primary structure of the building to a central core and load-bearing façade, an office space with maximum flexibility is created.

Transversal section


Linked by a common central zone, the building extends on seven floors, with a rental area of 4854 m2 of office space to accommodate 500 people. The central core provides the entire vertical circulation (2 elevators and 2 staircases) and the necessary service rooms such as kitchenettes, WCs, server and storage rooms. Four floors of the office space, with an area of 889 m2 each, can be subdivided using a base grid of 1.35m by 1.35m for individual offices with a mini-mal area of 2,70m x 2,70m, or remain

uninterrupted for open-plan offices. Each floor can be divided into a maximum of 40 units. The ground floor provides a surface dedicated to commercial use, a cafeteria, secure bike storage, as well as an opening to the 217m² garden. The simple typology employed by the project, with its highly adaptable interior and timeless envelope, establishes a func-tional and durable building.

Vue from Rue Riquet

Plan of the office spaces with furniture

Plan of the ceiling structure

Office spaces

Plan of the parking

Plan ofthe technical installations


The roof in construction

Sustainability diagram


The building’s approach to sustaina-bility utilises several strategies. The prefabricated structure and facade combine high performance finishes and insulation. All facades contain openings to naturally ventilate the building and the south façade is triple glazed to prevent solar gain in sum-mer. Low-energy gradable lighting, controlled by light detectors, operates throughout the building.

Visualisation of the planted roof


The roof acts as the fifth façade of the building; 40 m2 of photovoltaic cells generate energy, planted areas store water to reduce surface run-off and the incline is equipped to prevent overhea-ting and thermal losses. These systems enabled the validation of the BBC ® Label, a BREEAM evaluation level « Very Good », as well as the HQE label. A quantitative assess-ment of emissions ® ADEME for the building’s conception and construction was realized in order to regulate their impact. A partnership reforestation project was completed for the “GA-RANTIE Carbone COMPENSÉ ®” of the emissions as-sociated with the construction of the building, which emphasizes a global environmental approach throughout the project.

Facade during the construction process, without the Acrytherm layer

Facade covered with Acrytherm


Concrete, metal and glass are the three dominant materials used in the project, following the idea of a typical “Hôtel Industriel”. Two different types of concrete were used: reinfor-ced concrete for the structure and ACRYTHERM©, a highly performativity concrete composed of 80% quartz with an acrylic additive, for the facade. Natural light enters the building through large windows. A solar shading system enables the user to vary light and heat, which generates irregularities on the systematic facade.

The concrete structure The Acrythern layer









1 - Facade panels in Acrytherm 13mm2 - Insulation 16 cm 3 - Concrete structure 25 cm4 - Double glazing East/West facade5 -Triple glazing with integrated sunblinds, south facade6 - Window timber board7 - Partition wall8 - Transparent partition wall

Detail angle





0607 05




1 - Facade panels in Acrytherm 13mm2 - Insulation 16 cm 3 - Concrete structure 25 cm4 - Triple glazing 5 - Suspended ceiling6 - light sensor7 - Dimming neon lights8 - Sun screen9 - Sun screen handle10 -Window handle11 - Pivoted window15° openning

Detail: inclined facade







1 - Facade panels in Acrytherm 13mm2 - Insulation 16 cm 3 - Concrete structure 25 cm4 - Triple glazing ventilated5 - Suspended ceiling6 - light sensor7 - Dimming neon lights

Detail facade

1 205 m²217 m²

5 174 m²4 854 m²54,40 m

18 m14,90 m18,30 m

4 854 m²889 m²

1,35 x 1,35 m2,70 m



40 m²212 m²

2 971 m²1 488 m²1 483 m²

13 mm160 mm250 mm

5 mm


9,31 M €


Project:Gross floor areaNet floor areaBuilding lenghBuilding depthBuilding height from street levelBuilding height from garden level

OfficesTotal office spaceOffice space per floorBase gridMinimal office widthMax number of single offices per floor

OtherParking spacesElectric parking spacesSolar panels surfaceGreen roof surface

FacadeOverall envelope surfaceAcrytherm surfaceGlass surface Acrytherm thicknessInsulation thicknessConcrete thicknessPlaster thickness


Cost of workBuilding costs




Engineering consultant, facade (conception)

Engineering consultant, facade (construction)

Engineering consultan (general)

Sustainability concepts

Control office

ALTAREA Cogedim, M. Antoine Mabilon8 avenue Delcassé 75008 Paris, France

LIN Architectes Urbanistes, Berlin, Parisin collaboration with MARS Architekten Berlin

Philip Rieseberg (Project Architect)Sylvain Néel, Michael Kohl, Simon Schlinkmann, Margherita Bilato, Nathalie Chuun, Anna Cabot

VP&Green, Paris; Nicholas Green

C.E.E.F.; Jean-Claude Marchal

Sfica, Paris; Pascal Baracco, Jean-Marie Daviaud

Greenaffairs, Paris; Arnaud Ménard

Socotec, Paris; William Donners, William Cornet


The ZAC PAJOL office space, situated in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, belongs to a vast regeneration project for this previously industrial area, which aims to become an emblematic sustainable neighbourhood. The 5000 m2 building is the first office building constructed in inner Paris which responds to the BBC® certif icate requirements. The project guarantees to regulate the cost of its future energy consumption, to environmen-tally compensate for the carbon emissions produced during its construction, and to comply with the HQE® label.

Dans le cadre d’un vaste projet de réhabilitation du 18eme arrondissement de Paris, le Pôle entreprise de la ZAC Pajol marque le renouveau de cet ancien site industriel en reconversion. Au coeur de ce projet, dont l’ambition est de faire du site un éco-quar-tier emblématique, ce bâtiment de plus de 5000 m2 est le premier immeuble de bureaux réalisé dans Paris intramu-ros disposant d’une certif ication BBC® qui garantit un niveau de charges maitrisé, une compensation carbone des impactes du chantier, et le label HQE®


Inspired by the style of the 1930’s "HOTEL INDUSTRIEL”, this new office space is located adjacent to “La HALLE des MESSAGERIES des DOUANES” and parallel to the railway lines leading to the “GARE de l’ EST”. The solid linear volume is simultaneously open to its surroundings: the park, the street, the warehouses. The four facades vary, depending on their orientation on the site, to offer an exceptional perspective towards the city. Recognisable from the distance, the building marks the crossroads of rue PAJOL and rue RIQUET. When approching, f igures become visible through the structure’s subtle transparency.

Le bâtiment, dont la structure s’inspire de la tradition des Hôtels industriels, s’insère dans le prolongement de la halle des messageries des douanes, parallèlement aux voies ferrées menant à la gare de l’Est. La simplicité de son architecture monolithique, largement ouverte vers l’exterieur, dialogue avec les autres éléments présents sur ce territoire fractionné, qui offre une perspective exeptionelle sur la ville. Ses quatre façades varient sub-tilement en fonction de leur orientation, vers le parc, la rue, les entrepôts... A distance, un bloc à toiture oblique marque le carrefour des rues Ricquet et Pajol. En s’appro-chant, sa transparence fait apparaître des silhouettes diffuses dans la profondeur du bâtiment.


The material continuity of the roof and facades accentuates the monolithic aspect of the building, and its apparent rigidity contrasts with its internal flexibility. The facade is constituted by 50% of glass and 50% of concrete. The opaque surfaces are composed of a 16cm thick exterior insulation and a mineral composite material called ACRYTHERM©.

Le bâtiment est enveloppé d’un voile de béton, et ses fenêtres situées sur le meme plan que la façade minérale, esquissent un volume simple dont la rigidité apparente contraste avec une souplesse d’utilisation. la façade verticale est constituée à 50% de vitres soit de 50% de surfaces opaques. La partie opaque, est composée d’un isolant d’une épaisseur de 14cm disposé en partie exté-rieure de la façade, ainsi que d’une enveloppe en béton acrytherm.


The concrete supporting structure follows a grid of 7.73m by 5.50m in plan, which repeats on each floor. By reducing the primary structure of the building to a central core and load-bearing façade, an office space with maximum flexibility is created.

La structure porteuse en béton blanc, d’une trame de 7m73 dans le sens de la longueur du bâtiment et de 5m50 dans le sens de la largeur répond aux différents besoins du bâtiment à tous les étages tout en restant la même sur toute sa hauteur. La séparation de la structure et du noyau technique central, définit, y compris dans les futurs espaces paysagés, une zone de circulation entre le noyau technique et les poteaux centraux. La partie structurelle en façade extérieure, simplif ie la volumétrie intérieure des espaces de travail, en en facilitant l’amé-nagement et la partition.


Linked by a common central zone, the building extends on seven floors, with a rental area of 4854 m2 of office space to accommodate 500 people. The central core provides the entire vertical circulation (2 elevators and 2 staircases) and the necessary service rooms such as kitchenettes, WCs, server and storage rooms. Four floors of the office space, with an area of 889 m2 each, can be subdivided using a base grid of 1.35m by 1.35m for individual offices with a minimal area of 2,70m x 2,70m, or remain uninterrupted for open-plan offices. Each floor can be divided into a maximum of 40 units. The ground floor provides a surface dedicated to commercial use, a cafeteria, secure bike storage, as well as an opening to the 217m² garden. The simple typology employed by the project, with its highly adaptable interior and timeless envelope, establishes a functional and durable building.

La surface totale du bâtiment, 5000 m2 pour 500 per-sonnes, fut conçue afin de proposer une multiplicité de subdivisions des surfaces dans les étages, le bâtiment se déploie sur sept niveaux reliés par un espace central com-mun. Ce noyau central rassemble escaliers, ascenseurs ainsi que les espaces auxiliaires requis a chaque étage. cuisine, WC, espaces de stockage. La flexibilité d’aména-gement des plateaux permet une large variété de scéna-rios d’occupation. Ainsi, les quatre étages de bureaux, de 900 m2 chacun, peuvent accueillir aussi bien de petites unités que de grands espaces paysagés. Chaque étage peut ainsi etre divise en un maximum de 40 unites. Le rez-de-chaussée offre une surface commerciale se déve-loppant en double hauteur avec mezzanine, ainsi que des locaux ouverts sur le futur jardin. Quant au dernier étage, il est conçu à la manière d’un atelier et se déploie sous une nef de béton et de verre. La simplicité du langage architectural et sa flexibilité en font un bâtiment volon-tairement durable.


The building’s approach to sustainability utilises several strategies. The prefabricated structure and facade combine high performance finishes and insulation. All facades contain openings to naturally ventilate the building and the south façade is triple glazed to prevent solar gain in summer. Low-energy gradable lighting, controlled by light detectors, operates throughout the building

Outre sa durabilité, la qualité environnementale du projet réside par ailleurs dans de nombreux critères. La structure et la façade en éléments préfabriqués permet-tent de combiner une haute performance en termes de finition et d’isolation avec la réduction de travaux lourds pendant la phase de chantier. L´ isolation est par ailleurs accentuée par la plantation de la majeure partie de la toiture, également équipée de 40m2 de vitrages photo-voltaiques .


Concrete, metal and glass are the three dominant materials used in the project, following the idea of a typical

“Hôtel Industriel”. Two different types of concrete were used: reinforced concrete for the structure and ACRYTHERM©, a highly performativity concrete composed of 80% quartz with an acrylic additive, for the facade. Natural light enters the building through large windows. A solar shading system enables the user to vary light and heat, which generates irregularities on the systematic facade..

A l’image de l’hôtel industriel, trois matériaux sont par-ticulièrement présents: béton, métal et verre. La struc-ture porteuse ainsi que la façade sont faites de béton haute densité qui ne se ravale pas. Appelé acrytherm, il est composé à 80% de quartz, et d’un additif acrylique. Les larges baies vitrées permettent un éclairage naturel optimal des locaux, dont la combinaison avec le disposi-tif d’occultation inséré dans le vitrage à fleure de façade, permet une modulation infinie des apports lumineux et calorif iques. L’ensemble des fenêtres des bureaux sont ouvrables, indépendamment les unes des autres.


Illustrations + copyright

Information Design

David Boureau ©, Cogedim Jan-Oliver Kunze

LIN Finn Geipel + Giulia Andi, Architectes UrbanistesMARS ArchitektenVersion 01 Anglais10.04.2012

Andreas Schneider, IIDj, Tokyo

Architectes UrbanistesHelmholtzstraße 2-9 D-10587 BerlinTel +493039800900 Fax +49303980090954, rue du Vertbois 75003 ParisTel. +33146946157 Fax



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