office of federal and state accountability– state side darlene prevatt, team leader...

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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Office of Federal and State

Accountability–State Side

Darlene Prevatt, Team

Contents1. Accreditation2. Regulations3. Innovative Proposals4. Diploma Program5. District Strategic and

School Renewal Planning6. Cultural Exchange and

Academic Study7. Required Credentials for

Professional Staff8. Activity Coding System9. Home Schooling

10. Junior Scholars11. Uniform Grading Policy,

Dual Enrollment, and Graduation Requirements

12. High School Courses and Requirements

13. Waiver Requests 14. Flexibility15. Proficiency16. Monitoring17. Act 15518. Summer School/Programs

Activity Coding System

• The Activity Coding System includes the standardized codes for courses, instructional activities, and non-instructional activities used in the student information systems in South Carolina public schools.

• Courses must be Titled in PowerSchool the same as those in the Activity Coding Manual.– For instance, 314100CW is the code for

Mathematics for the Technologies 1, not Algebra 1A

Activity Coding System

– Another example is Art 1 Ceramics a using 3501 and calling the course Ceramics. The course is Art 1. If the Art Teacher is teaching Ceramics, the appropriate number is 4561 Art: Ceramics.

• Courses cannot be repeated for students. PE 2 cannot be taken over and over by athletes for example. There are 4 PE classes along with Health and Wellness and Human Growth and Development. If more are needed, then a syllabus and curriculum would need to be presented to the local board for approval each year. A LBA number can be assigned if approved by the board.

• Dual enrollment course code numbers must be requested from our office. The form can be found at:


• 235 Schools• Desk Audit• School/District Visits


• Most Common Errors– PE in the elementary school- 60 minutes by a certified PE

teacher and 90 minutes of physical activity weekly (The Students Health and Fitness Act of 2005 (S.C. Code Ann. §§ 59-10-10 through 59-10-380) requires that students be provided 90 minutes of regular physical activity at school. The physical activity code (1445) was added in Table 1 to assist the SCDE and the school districts with uniform data collection regarding this requirement.

– Health Education Requirements-75 minutes per week for 36 weeks; or three 50 minute classes per week for 18 weeks; or 5 hours per week for 9 weeks (elementary)

– Middle level certified teachers teaching high school courses not properly certified


– Special Education Teachers-HQ– All certified personnel should be in PCS-Professional

Certified Staff Portal– District Office Personnel (District Administrators,

Consultants, Curriculum Specialists, Instructional Specialist, Coordinators, etc.)-all should have master’s degrees and certification in the area of primary responsibility

– Administrative Assistants at the high school level will be required to have master’s degrees with certification as Secondary Principals, Secondary Supervisors, or Secondary Principal Tier I or II


– Changing job descriptions during a monitoring visit or desk audit

– Instructional day for secondary students is 6 hours a day excluding lunch (360 minutes)

– A teacher must not be assigned classes requiring more than four preparations per day.

– A teacher must not be permitted to teach more than 1,500 minutes per week.

– Problems with a 7 period week

52 X 7 = 364Least amount of minutes to equal 6 hour day

5 X 52 = 260 X 5 = 1300

6 X 52 = 312 X 5 = 1560

51 X 7 = 357 Not 360 minutes in the day

Example of a Seven Period Day

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