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    No. 501 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1947 Price 18.00 yen




    Ministry for Home Affairs* Notification•E/ x No*39.

    November 29, 1947The following partial amendment shall be [made

    to the Ministry for Home Affairs, Ordinance No.'45of the twedty-first year of Showa,'(1946) (concerning

    •Ethe dissolution of the Dainippon Butoku^kai,, >a Foun-daflonal Juridical person, , and' o'thera) under the Itn-

    ' p:etial '.Ordinance No. 542 of the twentieth year ofShowa (1945) concerning the orders '7to ;b;e issued inaocohlaacev \wlth the acceptance tof the' Pbt^'f ~

    ;Snp|>leiBeiitary Provision :> t 'Ftic present.Ordinance sfeall conae ( into let^e as,

    , from the,day' of its promulgation. •E•E '

    "/ Mjbristry of!"Wtlfer©; Ordinance J%V32'''' , '-•E' , ; ' November'291947l>>

    Iteguldtions / for the control of the 'maiitifactureand assay of ' the 'biological preparations *shall ' !bet fixed

    ,as;follows:'- 'u' "'- !' '

    '- ' ?v -Minister of Welfare]l ' '.V' r HITOTSUMA^SUSfdayoalii.

    •E?" Regulations (for the CcmtroLof the; Matiiifacttire.)y*"1 ^ md Assay of-the'Biological Preparations ^ , '

    " " Chapter I. Oeaae.ral Rules,, -•E

    Article l.^The presentt regulations1 determine tfie ,^necessary subjects xbneerning the manufacture and'assay of the biological preparations in order to

    - ^ keep, the.natures and "quality thereof und[er cpntrol 'in compliance (witBt the, provisions of the; v3rdClause of the. Article 22 and the 2nd Clause ofthe Article 2

  • 10) That the working room shall have the cloak-

    room.Article 5. Manufacturers shall be, of their plants

    vigilant of the following matters in connexionwith their works: *1) That the manufacturers shall keep the inside

    and out of the plant clean always, especiallythe wall space, floor and ceiling to be swept,disinfected and sprinkled with water quite often.

    2) That rats and insects of the inside and outof the plant shall be exterminated.

    3) That access of visitors to the plants shall berestricted as far as possible, and that all chanceof contamination in the course of the manu-facture concerned shall be prevented.

    4) That instruments used in the working room ofthe spore-bearing pathogenic microbes shall havesome special marks indicating thereof, and thatthey shall never be used for any other purposes.

    5) That workers shall change their coats andfoot-wears in the cloak room and that they shallwear special cap and respirator for this purposewhile they are at work.

    Article 6. Manufacturers shall keep preparations andothers which are in the course of being manu-factured properly.

    Article 7. Manufacturers shall check the health con-dition of the workers twice a year at least andalso pay good attention about the same of theworkers and shall prohibit them to work in caseof they are proved suffering from the open tuber-culosis cases, infectious skin diseases and othermaladies which might contaminate the preparations

    Article 8. Manufacturers shall have the surveillanceover the animals for the preparation every dayand shall exact the quarantine examination atleast for 7 days prior to their being used for theend. Horses free from glanders and cows freefrom tuberculosis shall be used.

    Article 9. Manufacturers shall either burn objects ora animal corpses which are contaminated withpathogenic microbes or others which are liable toinfect others or dispose of them after they are,duly disinfected.

    Article 10. Manufacturers shall have the chief tech-nician prepare the protocols of the manufactureand have him keep the same with due respon-sibility. In the said protocol, following itemsshall be entered:1) Lot number.2) Amount produced.

    3) Date when the manufacture was started.Date when the manufacture was completed and

    also the outline of the course-of the manufacture.4) Result of the assay in the plant, and the date

    thereof.5) Date of surrendering the sample for the assay

    and its result.6) Where to keep the sample and how high the

    temperature.7) Disposition of the preparation.8) Findings of the autopsy of the animal(s) which

    was used for the preparation.9) Other necessary items.

    Chapter III. AssayArticle ll. Manufacturers producing preparations of

    Article 3 or those of the similar category specifiedby the Welfare Minister or importers of the saidArticles are not allowed to put the same for saleor distribute to others unless the said preparationsbe duly assayed by the National Institute of Healthin compliance with the present Ministerial

    f Ordinance.Article 12. Those who apply for assay in compliance

    with the preceding Article (hereafter dà¬scribedapplicants) shall apply the National Institute ofHealth for the assay for the each lot of their pre-parations with the application form which is enteredall following items described herewith, also withthe charge for the assay fixedpy the Welfare Min-ister through the governor of* the prefecture whereeither the plant(s) of the preparations or the chiefoffice(s) are found.

    Those who import are not expected to describethe Item 6:1) Name of the preparations.2) Date of manufacture.3) Lot number.4). Variety of the final container and the number

    thereof.5) Total amount of the preparations.6) Result of the assay of the manufactory, and

    the date thereof. t *, g^sArticle 13. Applicants shall, in case of applying>fo^

    the assay of preparation(s) of Article ll, fill thepreparations in the final containers, pack up in Jksome suitable carton or other convenient vesselfor sealing thereof and also shall put the label

    , bearing the name of the preparations, the date ofthe manufacture, the lot number, variety of thefinal container, the number thereof and the totalamount of the preparations right on the cartonorbox.

    Article 14. Governors of the urban or local prefecturesshall, upon receiving the application of Article 12,have the official in charge take a certain amountof the preparations which is to be assayed as itis fixed by the Welfare Minister out of the cartonor other vessel of the preceding Article and shallput the label bearing the name of the applicant,the name of the preparations, the" date of themanufacture right on the container. Officialsconcerned who take the sample of the precedingKsiauac siiau seai uie cumaiiicrs 01 me preperaiiomr,the carton and others.

    Article 15. Governors of the urban or local prefecturesshall send the sample which has been taken ac-cording to the preceding Article to the NationalInstitute of Health.

    Article 16. The National Institute of Health shall,upon receiving the sample of the preceding Article,assay the same in compliance with the requirementsfixed by the Welfare Minister. However, theNational Institute of Health may modify a part ofthe method of assay after it was authorized bythe Welfare Minister. •E

    Article 17. The National Institute of Health shall, incase of finding the sample of the Article 14 beinsufficient for the assay, the governor concernedshall be communicated the necessary quantitythereof. Governors concerned shall upon receiving

    * the report of the preceding Clause, take the neces-sary quantity of the sample as it is provided in


  • Article 14 and send the same to the NationalInstitute of Healths-

    Article 18. The National Institute of Health shall,upon completion of the assay, report the resultthereof to the governor concerned, and as for thepreparations which have passed the assay, sendthe certificate-form for the balance of the amount

    -of the 4th Clause of the Article 12, the amountof the sample being taken out.

    The Welfare Minister shall fix the form of1 the certificate of the assay of the preceding Clause.

    Governors of urban or local prefectures shall, incase of finding the said, certificate-form by moreor less of the necessary number, either give the

    ^ i samebackorclaim,it.

    Article 19. Governors of url^an or locals prefecturesshall, upon receiving the report of passing the

    -assay, inform tfte said eflect to the applicants, havetheir orBcials concerned brealf the seals of containersof the Article 14, give the certificate-form, and :

    v further, have the applicants seal the final containers' *or, the xatton thereof with, the said certificate-form^under their surveillance. i ,

    , ^ 'Governors of urban or local prefectures shall,•E / 5 of the Article 12 or the standard >sera'aret ^ obtainable 'of the National >Institute of Health ' at^ T the request 'of the applicants. Application shall•E

    ' be made with the charge fixed' by the WelfareMinister. >

    Supplementary Provisions : *Article 22. , This- Ministerial Ordinance shall come into

    force on and after the date of the promulgationthereof, save Items 3, 4, £-12, 14-20 of the Article

    , 3. The date of enforcement thereof shall be fixed*separately. r ' ' *,-

    Article 23. Ministerial Ordinance No. 32 of 1946 shallbe abolished.

    Ministry of Welfare Ordinance No. 33November 29, 1947

    Regulations for the assay of the manufacture ofthe anti-biological preparations shall be fixed as follows :

    Minister of WelfareHITOTSUMATSU Sadayoshi

    Regulations for the Assay of the Manufactureof the Anti-biological Preparations

    Article 1. The present regulations determine the ne-cessary subjects concerning the manufacture andassay of the anti-biological preparations to keepthe natures and quality thereof under control incompliance with the provisions of the 2nd Clauseof the Article 26 of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law.

    Article 2. In this Article, by the anti-biological pre-parations', it is meant penicilline and other anti-biological substance which is designated by theWelfare Minister.

    Article 3. Manufacturers or importers of the said anti-biological substance shall not put the same for saleor give unless it is assayed and approved by theNational Institute of Health according to theprovisions of the present regulations..

    Article 4. Those who apply for assay in compliancewiths the preceding- Article (hereafter described

    V applicants), shall-apply the *National Institute' ofHealthy for the.assay, for each lot of their prepara-

    , dons with the application-form in which are enteredall the following items described herewith, also ,with the charge for the assay' fixed 'by the Welfare1'Minister through the governor pf the urjbata or

    ,local^prefecture where either' the plant(s) of the/preparations or thevchief offices are.found:.

    •E Those who import preparations concerned are '1 'not expected- to describe the Item 6. /

    1) ' Name of the -preparations. ,' '2) Pate of manufacture./ *,•E ,

    3) Lot number., 4) 'Variety ot the foal container'and Jthe number-

    t here of,5) Total amount of the preparations/6) Result of the- assay.of the manufacturer, and;

    the date thereof, ' ,Article '5. Applicants' shallj in- case ,of applying'fbs thex

    assay, of prepatation(s) of Article 3 fill the, anti-- , biological substance in -the/final containers^ 'pack

    , up in ,some suitable* carton or other convenientvessel for sealing thereof and' also^ shall' put thelabel.bearing the-name of the preparation, the date

    - v of the,manufacture, the lot number, 'variety of thefinal container, the number thereof and the, totalamount of the preparation right on the cartont>r box.

    Article 6. Governors.of urban "or ,local prefecturesN shall, 'upon receiving-the application of,Article 4,

    ' have the official in charge take , instantly a certainamount of the preparation which is to be assayedas it Is fixe

  • of Health may modify a part of the method of assayafter it was authorized by the Welfare Minister.

    Article 9. The National Institute of Health shall, incase of rinding the sample of the Article 6 be in-sufficient for the assay, the governor concernedshall be communicated the necessary quantitythereof. Governors concerned shall upon receivingthe report of the preceding Clause, take the nec-essary quantity of the sample as it is provided inthe Article 6 and send the same to the NationalInstitute of Health. v

    Article 10. The National Institute of Health shall,upon compliation of the assay, report the resultthereof to the governor concerned, and as for thepreparations which have passed the assay, send thecertificate form for the balance of the amount ofthe 4th Clause of the Article 4, the amount of thesample being taken out.

    Governors of urban or local prefectures shall,in case of finding the said certificate-form be moreor less of the necessary number, either give thesame back or claim it.

    Article ll. Governors of urban or local prefecturesshall, upon receiving the report of passing the assay,

    . inform the said effect to the applicants, have theirofficials concerned break the seals of containers ofthe Article 6, give the certificate-form, and further,have the applicants seal the final containers or thecartons thereof with the said certificate-form undertheir surveillance.

    Governors of urban or local prefectures shall,upon receiving the report of failure, inform thesaid effect to the applicants, and dispose of thepreparation in compliance with the provisions ofthe Article 31 of the Pharmaceutical Law, afterthe application period for the re-assaying be ex-pired. Governors, however, shall npt dispose of thesame, in case of the applicants apply the reassayingprior to the expiration period for the reassaying,until failure of the re-assaying be communicated.

    Article 12. Applicants may, in case of finding theresult of the assay be disagreeable, request the re-assaying through the governor of urban or localprefecture according to the provisions of the Ar-ticle 4, giving reasons within 14 days of receivingthe information of the 2nd Clause of the precedingArticle. c

    Articles 4 to ll are applied for the re-assaying.Article 13. The standard penicillin is obtainable of the

    Rational Institute of Health at the request of theapplicants.

    Application shall be made with the chargefixed by the Welfare Minister.

    Supplementary Provision : •EArticle 14. This Ministerial Regulations shall come

    into force on and after the date of the promulga-tion thereof.

    Ministry of Welfare Ordinance No. 34November 29, 1947

    A part of Approval Regulation for products andmedicine manufactures from Serums of Diphtheria andTetanus shall be amended as follows:

    Minister of WelfareHITOTSUMATSU Sadayoshi

    Item 1 and Item 2 of Art. 12 shall be amendedas follows :

    1. Serum of Diphtheria and its products or itsmadicine manufactures shall cost ¥1,900 (nineteenhundred yen) per 10 (ten) litres. Cpie Odd quantityshall be regarded as 10 (ten) litres).

    2. Serum of Tetanus and its products or itsmedicine manufactures shall cost ¥1,800 (eighteenhundred yen) per 10 (ten) litres. (The Odd quantity-shall be regarded as 10 (ten) litres).

    Supplementary Provision :

    This Ministerial Ordinance shall be applied asfrom November 1, 1947.


    Board of Audit Regulation No. 16

    November 29, 1947A part of the Regulations for Verification of Ac-,

    counts shall be amended as follows: '

    Head of the Board of AuditSATO Hajime

    Art. 22, Par. 2 shall be amended as follows:" In cases where fiends are delivered to the f$ari|$:

    of Japan for payment to a person in a remote place,the receipt of the said Bank, and where the^ transfer /slips are delivered to the said Bank for the transferwithin the Treasury, the certificate of transfer mustbe submitted."

    In Par. 4 of tne same Art. 22 "obligee (Saishu)"shall read " creditor (Saikensha)."

    In Art. 24 "for purchase of property or for trans-port shall read" for purchase and transport of pro-perty," and "and labor supply " shall be deleted.

    In Art. 38.-Par. 2 and Art. 49 "the name of thecreditor (Saishu) " shall read " the name of the creditor(Saikensha). "

    Forms No. 3 and 4 shall be amended as below:

    Supplementary Provision :

    This Regulation shall be applied as from forNovember, 1947.

    FormNo. 3

    Name of Ministry (or Board)

    Fiscal Year (Showa)

    Month and YearName of Account

    Statement of Expenditure

    Enclosure :

    Supporting Vouchers :

    Name of Government Office

    Post, Status, Name and SealSubmitted pa...*,..•E


  • •EJS8^

    R e c a p itu latio n (N o . 1 )

    P ar tic u la rs E x p en d itu r e, u n d e rB u d g e ta ry P la n A c tu a lE x p e n d itu re B a la n ce R e m a rk s

    (B o a rd , B u r e au , e tc .)

    . ( P ar t)

    . (C h a p te r )

    . (D iv isio n )

    . (S u b -D iv .).

    . (It e m )

    . (I te m )S u b - T o ta l

    . (S u b -D iv .)

    . (It em )T o ta l

    . (D iv isio n )(S ic P as sim )

    T o ta l

    T o ta l

    . . . . .(Q h ap te r )(d o ) . '

    T b ta l


    ・ v

    0 ,


    ・ .



    ¥ '/

    ~ ~ ~ "~ .0






    0 vo 0


    :・ , o 0

    0 0 , o

    0 o 0

    J . ' ' ' T o ta l

    . (P a rt)(d o ) T o ta l

    v o G >i 0

    . .(T o ta l o f B o a rd , B u re a u , e tc .)

    . ". , '. '. (B o a r d , B u re a u , e tc .)1(d o )

    G ra n d T o ta l

    * 0 0 0

    o . 0 0

    v , 0 < 1 v . 0 0

    N.B. This recapitulation Snoiild be annexed to the final statement of account:.

    , : , Recapitulation (No,2) ' , -\^ '


    P ar tic u lar sE x p en d it u r e u jid er

    B u d g e ta ry P la n

    A c t u alE x p e n d it u r eB a la n c e R e m a rk s

    . .(P ar t)

    v ^ , . . .(C h ap t e r)^ *'. (D iv isio n )" f , . . . ; . . . . . .(S u b -I > iv .). . . . . . . . . . . .( It em )

    . (I tem )S u b -T o t a l

    . ( S u b -D iv .)

    . (I te m ) T o ta l

    . (D iv is io n )(S ic P a s sim )

    T o ta l

    T o t a l

    . (C h a p te r )(d o )

    T o t a l

    T o ta l

    . . . .(P a r t) (d o )

    T o ta l

    G r an d T o ta l



    ' ・ '

    0 ,


    o T




    0 , ^




    ・ ,






    0 0

    0 0

    0 ; o

    0 0

    0 0

    0 0

    0 0

    N-.B. This recapitulation, should be annexed to the final statement of account.

  • Amounts of Payments Made

    P ar tic u lar sA m o u n t P a id

    T h is M o n th

    A m o u n t P a id

    u p t oT h is M o n th

    A m o u n t R e p a id

    ・ T h is M o n t h

    < B ala n c e an d

    T o ta lR e m ark s

    S o a n d s o

    (B o a rd , B u re a u , e tc .)

    (T o e n te r fo llo w in g in sta n c es

    o f R ec a p itu la tio n N o . 1 )

    G ra n d T o ta l

    A m o u n t o f fu n d d eliv e r e d tot h e B an k o r J a p a n fo r p ay -

    m e n t to c re d it o rs in d ista n t

    p la c es

    ・ ・ ・ ・

    0 0 0 ,0

    0 0 0 0

    Note: Amounts of payment shall not include the amounts of imprests given to cashier officialsand the amounts of funds delivered to the Bank of Japan for payment of principalsof national bonds and interest thereon.

    Payment of Imprests

    P a rtic u lar sA m o u n ts P a idT h is M o n th

    A m o u n ts P a idu p to p r ev -io u s M o n th A m ou n tsR e p a idT h is M o n th1 t t :B ala n c e a n dT o ta l R em ark s

    N a m e o f G o v 't O ffi c e :

    N a m e o f O ffi c ia l :S q an d so

    (B o a rd , B u r e au , e t c .)

    (E n t ry to b e m a d e fo llo w in gin s ta n ce s o f th e R e c a p itu la -

    tio n N o . 1 )

    T o t a l

    G r an d T o ta l

    N a m e o f G o v 't O ffi c e :N a m e o f O ffi c ia l:

    S o an d so(B o ar d , B u r e au , e tc .)

    (sa m e a s a b o v e )

    M is ce lla n e o u s G ro u p :

    (s am e a s a b o v e )

    T o ta l o f T o ta ls

    F u n d s d e liv e re d to th e B a n k

    o f J a p a n to b e g iv e n toC a sh ie r O ffi c ia ls in d ist an t

    p la c e s a s im p re st s :

    ・ ・ ・


    0 0 0 0



    0 0 0

    0 0 0 0

    0 0 0


    (1) In this return shall be mentioned4the amounts of imprests given to cashier officialsor the funds delivered to the Bank of Japan for payment of principals of nationalbonds and interest thereon. _

    (2) Where there have been changes in officials to whom imprests have been given, thereturn for the month following shall give in the section of the successors the com-bined accounts, the name of the predecessor being written in the Remarks column.

    (3) When the official to whom imprests have been given temporarily has cleared thepayments, the return for the month following shall give in the Section of Miscella-neous Group the combined accounts, the name of the official being stated thereon inthe return for that month only.


  • Analysis of Payments in Advance


    P a rt ic u l a rs

    A m o u n ts o f A d v a n ee d

    n tsin

    n e eis


    P ay m e n ts A m o u n ts A c c o u n t e d F o r

    A m o u n t sN o t

    A c c o u n te dF o r

    R em ar k s

    A m o uN o t

    c o u n tF o rE n d

    P r ev iM o n

    n tsA c -

    e da t

    o fo u sth

    A m o uP a id

    A d v aT h

    M o n

    T o ta lA m o u

    P a in t sd

    A m o u

    R e p an tsid

    A m o uP a id i

    R e v e n

    n tsn tou e s

    T o ta l

    S o a n d s o

    (B o a r d , B u -r e au , e tc .)

    (E n trie s t ob e m a d e fo l-lo w in g in -

    s ta n c e s o f th eR e c ap itiala -

    t io n N d . 1 )

    '> f


    ・ ・ ・ ・ .・

    ' #

    ・ ・


    G ra n d T o ta l

    With -respect to Contracts for construction work, manufacture, Purchase- of property,,transportation* or for custody and removal,of plants set aside for, reparations, not (executedeven after 'lapse, ofrthe Contracted period, eacti' of their Amounts and'''reason for the1

    .'delay, shall he mentioned in the Remarks* column. This rule shall not,-, 'however, /apply.ill: the case of a 'final account statement. > ,

    " -Analysis of Payments of Estimate^ -Sums i ;

    P art icu lars

  • Analysis of Correctiori of Account Headings, Refundment into Expenditure,Payment into Revenues and Post-Year Payment ,

    Part iculars

    Correction of Account Headingsw........ (Section)

    , (Division)4. ,. (Sub-division)

    Payment of ¥....niade to..,..for the month of....with check No....., underAccount Headiings hereby corrected on accptint of. ; ;,....'. ,

    Refundment into the amount of expenditure ! -'',......'..'.'.;...,..>..,.(Section) \ '. t V

    i, \.IS\;.,.;..,..(Division) ' , '

    *~ ,,;- ,,,1,i;,, (Sub-division') , ; v, ' *-.,

    Out of the Sum paid to.'..., official status....dfv..grade,' for'the month

    •E-of....^ith check -No......, this ,over-paid amount for;his salary for,.1.....days, is- repaid as he was'transferred, for the po^t of......'.,

    Pafm"et):t into Revenues x. '. - '"" ",\J.....'.,.".'...'.(Section)rf\ ' ; " ,'/.. - > '

    , '...';......',..(Division) > ' ^ ( v,' . \(

    t>.'.....; '. , (Sub-division) , •E' Out' of the payment made to.,...for \he mpntli of..1,.with' check -No.....,*

    this.sum, erronsously paid 'oa account, of:.. ,,' is spid toj> revenues or the

    fiscalyear........ lp'' *. \: 0 \, * '' ] " ' '. ~-~-~~-

    Post^Year Payments l ( ,- , -.'

    •E.,.r.....*........\...(Section) ' '(" , '

    .,....,...*.,r.....',....(Division) ; l ^ >', " , ' •E. ;

    \ s i './....',.i.'...(Sub-division) ' •E'"V> i ' •E^ ' v^

    Payment" of"travelling expenses made ' to....for.the month of..-,..^ 19.. , '.witji' check- No....\Was found; to ;be gjbort by•E •E# ,(which,;,as expanses

    forthe-currentyear. "^ \ , >. , ,/ s : - -,/; , -l s'


    1. Correction -of fiscafyears, -'governmentoffices, and between this ordinary, accounts and;\" special accounts 'shall be done following Instances for correction of account' 'headings..^

    2. Such 'refuadment into expenditure,'and payments' into revenues as ace to^e^made ^in^ consequence of imprest payments or advanced payments are not required to; be ,toentioned, ,jntliis.'statement.' , f x ' i\'' -'-'', _.- '

    3. SUckr. 'Post-year -Payments' as1 haVe> been Cma4^, as, expanses |directed ,'by the Finance1 "Minister 'under ,the1 provision of Paragraph 3,' Article 35 of the' Finance Administration (

    "Ltftytf are not i^eqtjflred' to'be mentioned'in this statement. •E ' %1\' ' /(


    'Form No, 4, '. ' , NameofMinistryi(orBoard) ,'' v

    •E ' •E

    , ;' * Month-andYear < -

    ' '.. vNanie-of Account - '

    Account Statement of Receipts and Disbursement of Imprests


    Enclosure :

    Supporting Vouchers :

    Name of Government Office

    Post, Status, Name and Seal

    Submitted on

  • Jk



    IIIfi^. 5.5?5!Jgc

    $&t.7^ ,+s







    3 §"S.Sq-s§w

    ( JJ Q JjXt

    Ô "

    8ft^axnr.'xH"3i *?£

  • Classification of Receipts Not yet Arriving

    P ar tic u la rs

    uA m o u n t o f

    r e ce ip ts n o ty e t ar riv in g

    at e n d o fp re v io u sm o n th

    A m o u n t

    , r e ce ip ta rriv incu r re n

    m o n th

    o f



    T o t al&

    B a la n c e


    A m o u n t o f

    r ec e ip tsfo r c u r re n t

    m o iith n o ty e t a rr iv in g

    T o ta l A m o u n t

    o f re c e ip tsn o t y e tar riv in g

    R e m a rk s

    S o an d s o

    (B o ar d , B u re a u , e tc .)

    fc (S u m m a riz a tio n sh a llb e m a d e a c c o rd in g t o

    th ^ R e c a p itu lat io nN o , 1 in F o rm 3 )

    -' I

    < ' L

    > 0




    c O





    G ra n d "t o t al 0 0

    % i




    Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry1 . IN ' MinisterforHomeAffairs - '*\;:'; ,; -/' ^V'KIMURAKozaemon\ v-

    Mitsuniata-mufa, Kitatnorogata-gun, Miyazalci-ken, tfo•E Takahatariver v , - ,^ \'^'

    The 20 meters wide area from the central, of theriver to the both banks between"'the line prolongedfrom'

  • 1. Property which has belonged to Mrs. Seki Richard-

    sonSort: TelephoneQuantity: 1Site: No. 23, Negisjii Asahidai, Naka-ku, Yokohama.

    2. Property which has belonged to Mr. Hary Richard-sonSort: FurnitureQuantity: 22 piecesSite: No. 1213, Tsurumi-cho, Tsurumi-ku, Yoko-

    hama (6 pieces) and No. 358, MizonokuchiShimosakurobe) Kawasaki-shi (16 pieces)

    Ministry of Finance Notification No. 291November 29, 1947

    It is hereby notified that the following propertyare designated as the Allied Property under the pro-visions of Article 2, Clause 1, No, 2, Ordinance No.294 of 1946. (Ordinance concerning the Restitutionof Allied Nation's Property pursuant to. the ImperialOrdinance No. 542 of 19^5 concerning orders to beissued in consequence of the Acceptance of theJPots-dam Declaration), shall apply from August 15, 1947:

    Minister of Finance".'TV •E. ^ KURUSU fakeo

    Property which has belonged to Mr. Tomas AlexanderHowardSort : Land (Residential-land) and Building (Wooden,

    Zinc-roofed, 2-storied, Residence and wooden,tile-roofed, 1-storied, Garage) 0

    Quantity: Land 224.28 tsubo2 Buildings 64.03 tsubo

    Site: No. 354, Hommoku-Motomachi, Naka-ku,Yokohama.

    Ministry of Finance Notification No. 292November 29, 1947

    Ministry of Finance Notification No. 138 datetdApril 1944 (Notification concerning the Name andJuiidical District of the Taxation Office) shall be^partlyrevised as follows, and shall apply as from November

    ^ 1947:Minister of Finance

    KURUSU Takeo

    In the part of Tokyo Financial Bureauin theparagraph of Tachikawa Taxation Office " Musashino-machi " shall be deleted and the paragraph of Mu'sashi-

    -no Taxation Office " Musashino-machi, Mitaka^-machi,Koganei-machi, Higashimurayama-machi, Kodaira-machi, Hoya-machi, Tanashi-machi, Kiyose-mura,Kurume-mura within Kitatama-gun >J shall be revisedas " Musashino-shi; Mitaka-machi, Koganei-machi,Higashimurayama-machi, Kodaira-machi, Hoya-machi,Tanashi-machi, Kiyose-mura, Kurume-mura withinKitatama-gun."

    Ministries of Finance and Justice NotificationNo.7 .

    November 29, 1947The following company is designated as com-

    pany referred to in the proviso of Item 2 of Para-graph 1 of Article 1 of the Enforcement Ordinance ofthe Debentures Registration Law:

    Minister of FinanceKURUSU Takeo

    Minister of JusticeSUZUKI Yoshio

    Name of DebentureKanto Electric Distribution

    Co., Ltd., Debentures(Series No. 9)

    Name of RegistryThe Teikoku Bank Ltd.

    *L tideMinistry of Justide Notification No. 61November 29, 1947

    In the Ministry of Justice Notification No. 56 of1946 (concerning the recovery of registration in theMuramatsu Branch of the ,Niigata Local Court),"November 30, 1947" shall read "May 31, 1948."

    Minister of Justice•E a ,. SUZUKI%Yoshio

    Ministry of Agriculture and ForestryNotification No. 166

    November 29, 1947In accordance with the provisions of Art. 21,

    Par. 2 of the Staple Food Inspection Ordinance En-forcement Regulations, a fourth grade shall be addedto the inspection grades as provided in Par. 1, Item1 of the same Article, with respect to unpolishedrice produced in the following area in 1947:

    Minister of Agriculture and Forestrypro tempore

    Prime MinisterKATAYA^A' Tetsu


    Ministry of Communications NotificationNo. 350 ,

    November 29, 1947The ,,designation of following post office as spe-

    cial'post office was cancelled in accordance with theprovisory clause of Article 10, Paragraph 1 of theGoverning Organization for Communications Officeon November 15, 1947:

    Minister of CommunicationsMIKI Takeo

    Name Location VOhama Post Office Ohama-machi, Hekikaiigun, Aichi-


    Ministry of Communications NotificationNo. 351

    November 29, 1947The following post offices were established with-

    out mail collection and delivery service on the follow-ing dates and were designated as special post office inaccordance witn the provisory clause of Article 10,Paragraph 1 of the Governing Organization for Com-munications office:

    Minister of CommunicationsMIKI Takeo

    Date ofName Location. establish-

    mentYokohama- Izumi-cho, Kanagawa-ku, November

    sawawatarl Yokohama-shi (within the 21, 1947


  • Post O ffi ce postal district of K ana-

    gaw a Post O ffi ce)Y onago-ni- O aza N ishi-fukuhara, Y ona- , N ovem bershi-fuku- go-shi (w ithin the p ostal 20, 1947

    hara Post district of Y onago PostO ffi ce O ffi ce)

    K itakata K itakata-m ura, T om ai-gun, N ovem berPost M iyagi-ken (w ithin the 21, 1947O ffi ce p ostal district of Sanum a

    Post O ffi ce)

    C O N F E R M E N T 8c A P P O IN T M E N T

    Cabinet and Prime Minister's Qffice^

    , October 31/ 1947TAMURA Genz6, Secretary of Ministry of Com-

    munications :Promoted to Second Class.

    November 1, 1947IKEYA Takaharu, ditto: /

    Promoted to Second Class.November 19, 1947

    HIKIJI Rydtard:Appointed Technical Official of Ministry of Welfare,Graced First Cla§s.

    MATSUE Hidesue, Technical Official. of Ministry ofTransportation : '

    Promoted to First Class.MITO Hirotaka:

    Appointed Judge of Summary Court.DOTE T6ku, Educational Official of Ministry of Edu-

    cation:MURAUCHI Eiichi, ditto:YAMAMOTO Hiroshi, ditto:SUGA Kydichi, ditto:

    Promoted to Second Class, respectively.TAREDA Yukio: ,

    Appointed Secretary of Ministry of Welfare,Graded Second Class.

    IISHI fujio:Appointed Technical OfficiaFof Ministry of Welfare,Graded Second Class.

    KONDO Kiyoshi, Secretary of Ministry of Transpor-tation : *

    YAMAGATA Makio, ditto:NAKAJIMA Takaz6, ditto:KOBAYASHI Sadamitsu, Secretary of Local Govern-

    ment:SHIDA Takakichi, ditto:MOCHIZUKI.Tadayoshi, ditto:

    Promoted' to Second Class, respectively.

    MURAOKA Nobukatsu, Secretary of Ministry of Com-merce and Industry:

    Appointed Member of Committee ^of Governmentin the 1st Diet.

    (November 19, 1947, Cabinet)

    SUZUKI Risuke, Special Postmaster:Treated as Official of Second Class. *

    (November 8, 1947, Prime Minister's Office)


    SAITO Yoshihird, Secretary of Ministry of Education:'MIYAKE Nagaei, Secretary of Ministry of Welfare:OSUGI Hikosuke, Sectretary of Local Government :SATO Tadaz6, ditto:

    KAWABATASHIMO Takeshi, ditto: •EHOSOKAYA Fukuji, ditto:KUMAGAYA Hisao, ditto:KOBAYASHI 'Masao, ditto:KAMIJO Takezo, ditto:ITO Shigeo, ditto:KANEDA Tadashi, ditto:SHIMIZU Yoshitaka, ditto:KAMIHIRA Rydkei, ditto: ' 4MURATA Takashi, ditto:TANAKA Kiyoshi, ditto:NAKAGAWA Eikichi, ditto :MIYASHITA Naoji, •Editto:

    Relieved of office at their own request, respectively.(November 19, 1947, ditto)

    SUGI Kiichi: , ' \YAMADA Chtiji:

    Appointed Inspector of Pension Bank, respectively.KAWAMATA Kdhei:' '

    Relieved of Inspector of Pension Bank at his ownrequest.

    (November 19, 1947, Ministry of Finance)

    OZAWA Seiichi, Secretary of Ministry for ForeignAffairs: " ^ , j

    Granted No. 25 Salary, -" v >~"''^

    Assigned to Public Relations Bureau.MATSUI Akira, Counsellor or Embassy:

    Appointed Acting-Director of Public RelationsBureau.

    (November 24, 1947, Ministry for Foreign Affairs)


    KUNIYA Tsuguo, Probation Official for Juvenile :Granted No. 14 Salary,Ordered to be attached to MatSue Juvenile Court.

    (November 20, 1947, Ministry of Justice)


    T. M. the Empress and The Empress Dowager'sVisit to the Tokyo Theater

    T.M. the Empress and The Empress Dowagerhave signified Their intention that Their Majestieswill visit the Tokyo Theater on the 29th inst., leav-ing the Imperial Palace at ll:10. /

    H.M. The Empress Dowager, before Their de-parture for the theater, will leave tfie Omiya Palacefor the Imperial Palace at ll:00, and; on Her wayback, will stop at the Imperial Palace for a short time.



    The Amendment of the Ministerial Ordinanceconcerning Departmental Organization of

    Labor MinistryThe Partial Amendment of Ministerial Ordinance

    concerning the departmental organization of LaborMinistry shall be made and enforced on and afterNovember 22, 1947.

    •E The following six sections and one office shall beestablished :

    Employment Security Bureau.



  • General Affairs Section.Unemployment Policy Section.Unemployment Insurance Section.Employment ^Security Section.Vocational Training Section.Labor Market Survey Section.Supervision Office.

    Article 23-(2) Unemployment Insurance Section shall

    \ ,

    take charge of the following affairs Matters per-taining to:1. Administration of Unemployment Insurance

    and Unemployment Allowance.2. Research and planning of Laws and ordinances

    concerning the Unemployment Insurance andrelated program. v

    3. Unemployment Insurance special accounts.




    flydrograpkic Department, ' Tokyo

    ". (1 Locality

    ^Hokkaido - >Nr -coast of Honshu

    'S* coast of HonshuInland ;^ea-

    TRANSP ORTATI ONNotices to Mariners No. 47

    Weekending'November29, 1947 / ~',' ' :

    Notices Nos. 610 to 626•E , KAN|I SUDA

    Hydrdgrapher of the Japanese Government


    Kyushu •E ' \ /' ,

    Liaiituhg'Golf > " ',

    >Fhlli|5'pvlne ,: ' ' ,*'

    •E'Correctiotis to 'Chatt1 apd •E^usblicatfon '

    Notice 'No.610-611-612 ^ ',

    .Su*>pl.(115);.'', * , ' •E -

    Sus>pi;(212) , 'v , "' ''

    61 3-614-61 5h61 6-61 7-618-61 9-620-621-622-.,Snppl(2)(l> '.', '.•E ' "'

    '.62S-624',, s ,, •E'•E-

    '-SuppL(214)' \ "'\ ;..s

    '626. ' ^


    , Descriptionposition

    Atai4ged description'Charts^ ' :

    No. 610 (T.) - Hobkakjlo,; S-. coast-Matoran; Hasrbor 'entratice; Llgfet feuoy extinguislied'

    Efoi'sti SMma 'Ligfit , Btioy iias.foeeik: repotted 'extinguished since November s, 1947. 'About 60p metres WNW. ©£ Elbisa -fitoia.. ' - , ; '42°20.2fN,/l40fSS.6%(approxf) " ' '•E ' ;,., /' ^.,

    FLev^S'.sec..9M. " N > >N / >-. ", ;\ ^ , ;

    14-17.'^." - '-Z'1,. '\

  • Abridged description

    (2) DescriptionPosition

    Abridged descriptionCharts.Publicat ions

    'No. 614


    •EDescrip t ion

    ,Position -.

    Abridged descriptionCharts ,Publications

    Aut hority

    Descrip tion

    Pos ition

    Abridged descriptionCKartsPublications

    Authority v

    JDescript iaft


    Abridged 4escriptionChart sPublications }Authority


    Posit ions

    Abridged descriptionCharts

    34634.9'N., 13S°26.9'E. (approx.)

    (b) South Breakwater West Temporary Light.

    About 150 metres southeastward of (a) above. ' '

    (c) 3outh Breakwater East Temporary Light.About 720 metres ESE. of (a) above.

    (a) F.G. 41m. 2M. (U.) (Tempy.)(b) F.R. 41m. 2JM. (U.) (Tempy.)

    (c) F. G. (Tempy.)

    Ohaiiia Breakwater Temporary Light (F. R.) now shows fixed white light*

    W^est end' of Ohama Breakwater.34°34.7/N.,- 135°27.4'E. ' (approx,) *. ,

    Lt. ^F. (Tempy.)1103'(with.plaH50-106. n - (;_ j \ ' ' '

    Inland Sea Pilot (Pub. 2),^ p. 60-Ught List 'Vol. I (Pub. 100A), Nos. 377, 378 (each•Eto be\lele,ted)-H. O9 Light List Vol. II, Nos. 1344, 1346. ' ;

    1 Hydrdgraphic'Dep_artment. ' (766117) V - ' '

    (T.)*{ Osaka Gulf-Kobe, Harbor, BE. ward. Light"buoy reestablished < ^

    Hanshia Swept Channel Light Buoy Nor 2 which was.previously* reported -missing, byJJST. %i, No. 4(T(522) of 1947 was reestablished in- charted position. or? ''lias been, irepbrted/extingu^sbjed since'November'9, 1947. 'x^ ' ' ^; ^ - \

    - 'West endof'Breakwater Ho. 1.,.,, /i - ,34°38.9'N;., 135°llv5/E. (appfox.) '' v ' ... :. ^ ' ,' ;->

    Fl.R,ev.3sec.12m;83$. (U.)!- N- ' " ' s, ;/'.."",

    Mand Sea 'Pilot (Pub. 2),' p, 7,0-ti#t.List '^ol. ,1 (Pub. 1QQA)* Ho, '415-flL'Oi.' LIgist

    -Lfet'Vol/II,No.1402. \' , '",, /' ' ' •E' "'. ; '\" "

    LighthouseBureau. (691271) '" v v , '-, ^ '

    ^Jo. 616 (T.)v Inland Sea-Izumi Nada Light'buoy missing - s -^y1''

    Izumi Nacia 'Temporary Light Buoy No., 10 was reported missing on November 13, / (•E1947. \ ', /- "' --.

    •EAbout3.7milessouthwardofHiraIso.Light. ' ff < s ^ ^ •E'- '34°33.6/N.?135°O5.3/E. ,,(approx.)- ' •E ^ " ", < '_ , ^

    Fl.ev.3sec,7iM.(Tempy.), :•E•E',,; ,/ ix ' >: ^ '(

    131-106. , " ' •E '.\ '

    Inland Sea Pilot (Pub. 2), p. 80-Light List Vol. I (Pub. 100A), No. 374b.

    Lighthouse Buaeau. (691 271 (2))

    No. 617 (T.)* Inlarid Sea--Harima.Nada, Light buoys extinguished

    Harima Nada Swept Channel Light Buoys Nos. 2 and 6 have been reported ext-inguished. *

    (a) Harima Nada Swept Channel I^iglit Buoy No. 2. -•E %

    t About 6.5 niiles eastward of Okado Bana Light.34° 26.3' N., 134° 28.2' E. (approx.)

    (b) do. No. 6.About 6.3 miles westward of E Saki Light.34° 34.6' N., 134° 52.6' E. (approx.)

    Fl. ev. 4 sec. 7JM.( b) 131-106.

    (in each case)





  • .Vx.






    Inland Sea Pilot;(Pub. 2), pp. 84, 94-Light List Vol. I"(Pub. 100A), Nos. 437c,461a.-k.M. No. 27 (375),, 1947. "

    Kyushu Maritime Bureau. (691277)c N, * >

    No. 618 (T.)* Inland Sea Bingo Nada-Mu Shima,, SW. wardLight buoy extinguished

    Description ', Bingo Nada Swept Channel Light Buoy No. 1 has been reported extinguished sinceNovember 15, 1947.

    Position •E %. Abdut 6.2 miles southwestward of Mu Shirna liight. ,.34° 15.0' N,, 133° 25.5^E. (approx.) ~ l

    Abridged description FL ev. 5 sec. 7JM. \

    . Publications*

    Authority. *

    Descrip tion

    NPd$ition '


    '153. >' , , ' "

    -.Inland Sea'Pilot (Put*. 2), p. 147-Light List Vol. I (Pub. 100A), No. 512a-N.M. No.27(377), 1947. ' ' , ' ,,,. ,,

    ^ ,., Lighthouse.Bureau. (691274) -'; i ,.' r ,

    No. 619 (T;> 'Inland Sea-?-Jliuchi Nada-Niihama Harbor tight extinguished

    Iyo. Niiliama Harbor 'West -Breakwater Xigfst has been reported extinguished since,' November10,1^47.•E (''' ' "':;. '>* l _.

    1 Oute,r end ofyWT Breakwater, NE. coast of Miyo Shtaa. ' // ' '33° 58.6' -153.Publications ' , Intend' Sea Pilot (Pub; 2), p. 143-Ligbt ListJ*¥ol. I '(Pub; 100A), No; 520-H.O.>, -.' t "'

    No. 620' (T.) ^ Inland*Sea Hiroshima Harbor approach--Nino -Shima #,> (,•E •E v Quaraptine, anchorage established *' ,Description v Qwaiifme will be executed for the /Japanese vesselss -eutefing Hiroshima, Harbor andK.t}re Harbor'in; the anchorage;, Nino Shinfca., ' / *' v * ,Anchorage ' , Area within 1,000 metres-from 'wjiarf at Nino *Shima Quarantine Station.'•E •E 34?18.2'N,,tn°26,7'E. (apftofc) \ -, \* ' ', , ,-'.;Chart " '142.' - /.- ' , ', , '',,,//"Publications' : ' ! Inland Sea Pilot (Pub. 2), p. 192-Pub. 90B,*p. 122, %>Authority' ChugokuMaritimeBureau. (445191(2))', ,'. , ' *'/ '"' ' " '\ ' '-,•E ' > ' '•E. '•E:- ,'''!!( •E•E#; i, ! No.•E621 (T:) 'Inland Sea lyo Nada, W. part-Hanaguri'Shimaw ,•E ^ Light extinguished l ' ' •E ,, ', , '

    Description , 'Hanaguri Shima tight has been reported extinguished- since November 17, 1947.Position t -West end ofHanaguri Shima. > / * •E •E >, ( '- 33°46.9'Ij.,132^01,5;E, (approx.)> ,. ; ] •E -Abridgeddescription FL Q, ev, 3 sec. 29m. 7|M./(U.) ". \ - ,. ' '•E: ',Charts ,Publicat ions

    No. 622

    Aut hority

    Descrip tion


    Abridged descriptionChartsPublications


    Inland Sea Pilot (Pub. 2), p.' 243-Light List Vol. X'(Pub. 100A), No. 61MLO.

    Light List Vol. II, No. 1772.Lighthouse Bureau. (691276)

    / * />

    Inland Sea Suo Nada-Hime Shima, NE. ward Light buoy reestablished ,

    Suo Nada Swept Channel Light BuoyfNo. 5 which was reported missing by N.M.' No. 44 (580) of 1947, was reestablished in followingposition on November 7, 1947.

    About 2.9 miles northeastward of Hime Shima Light.33° 45' 28" N., 131° 44' 4.8" E.Fl. ev. 4sec. 7JM.1101-1102.Inland Sea Pilot (Pub. 2), p. 255-Light List Vol. I (Pub. 100A), No. 610a-N.M.

    No. 44 (580), 1947 (canceled). "

    Lighthouse Bureau, Second Demobilization Office. (691271) (691272)


  • No. 623 (T.)* Kyushu, E. coast-Hoso Shima Harbor Light restored, provisional light withdrawn

    Descrip tion


    Abridged descriptionChartsPublications


    No. 624*(T.)


    PositionNote < "Charts ' ^"" ,

    .Publication ''Authority , ' ^'

    Hosq Shima Light which was previously reported to show a provisional light by N.M.No. 42, (55.8) of 1947, now is in normal operation and the provisional light was

    discontinued on November 17, 1947. , •E _

    South, side of entrance to harbor.32° 25.2^., 131°41.3'E. (approx.) / '. l. °

    Occ.ev.6sec.1,02m.20|M. "' '-' I' [ ' <1223-1220-157.',>\. ' ,\ \ '' ' - ,,' ',

    Kyushu Coast Pilot (Pub. 4), p. 292-Light.List 'VoL I (Pub. 100A), 1'085~H.O. Light ''List,Voi II, No.,l2012-N.M. No. 42^(558), 1947 (canceled). - / : / /

    LighthouseBureati. (691274) , ' -', '/.

    Kyusfiu, N. coast Fukuoka Bay--Shiga Sfiima, ,W. ward Existence of w^eck "

    A Wreck S.S. Kedjcon" Maru sNo. 5 (882 tons) lies/stuik- about 0.5 mile westward 6f-ShigaShima., ' ^ ,* ' ,', ' ':,t- ;

    33°'.40'N.,430°17TB.(approx.)'\ \ •E ^ ,^' ,' '' •E' l

    Further notice,will be.giyeii. ' ' y •E190-1228.,/-' , ''./'•E," ,•E'". /

    '(Charts1061 ^ •E

    ' Omo Se.Light 'has been reported extinguished since November 14, 1947. ' > / *!. •E -'- 4pprox.position: 33^55.5'N>,131°4J.4'E:... °' ^ ''', , # •E " ;^ x.(Chart"n^and Light List Vol. I, No*..616 refer) ''(Lighthouse Bureau) '"(691271(2)). " ' ' '

    (214) Philippine Islands Luzon,, S. coast-Batangas Bay Prohibited area '. ^ N

    %It is reported that the krea eastward of a line joining Matoco Point and'the east end of the wharf at

    Aplaya is prohibited., to the Japanese'vessels." , ' , , t.;Approx.position: (a) MatocoPoint, 13° 38.1'N., 121°02.1'E. ' , , -. - '',

    (b).Aplaya Wharf, 13° 46.'7'N., 121° 00.7'E. - , '^

    (Chart 1601 refers) (CMMC YokohamavBranch) (640360) / (

    (215) Dangers to Navigation

    Derelict fishing boat x ,

    Position Reference chart Authority

    About 12 miles NNW. of Shiriya 10 Choshi RadioSaki Light, E. entrance to Tsu- (787^77)

    garu Strait.41° 35'N., 141° 19'E.


    Date & time r.epprted

    November 16



    Report of Promulgation of Law to theThrone and its Notification

    On*November 24, this House reported the Pro-mulgation of thfe following Laws to the Throne andnotified the House of Councillors thereof:

    Law concerning special cases of the Pension Lawfor the computation of the length' of service of

    , the former employees of International Tele-com-munication Company Ltd. etc., who have beenappointed as Government Officials.

    Law,for partial Amendment to the Pension Law.Compensation Against Agricultural Loss Law.Law concerning Lump Sum Grant for Public Serv-

    ants.Bills Introduced

    On November 24, the following Bill was introducedby a Member:

    Resolution Bill concerning a vote of confidence inthe President (Submitted by YOSHIDA Yasushi).And on the same day, the following Bill was in-

    troduced by the Cabinet:Bill for the Law concerning the Adjustment of Laws

    *X*ind Ordinances pursuant to the Abolition of theImperial Ordinance governing the Organization ofthe Ministry for Home Affairs. -On November 25, the following Bill was introduced

    by Member: #Draft Amendment to the Bill for the Temporary

    State Control of Coal Mining Law (Cabinet Bill)(Submitted by MATSUMOTO Shichiro and 2others).And on the same day, the following Bills were in-

    troduced by the Cabinet:Bill concerning the elimination of the dominant

    power of the family members of plutocracy overthe industrial field.

    Bill for the Law concerning the Authority of theSupreme Attorney General in the Judicial Pro-cedure in which the Interests of the State areinvolve d.

    Bill for the Law of Fire Defence Organization..*: Bill for Partial Amendment to the Special Account

    Law of Foodstuff Control.Law Bill for •Ethe Control of Population Inflow into

    Urban Areas.Bill for Partial Amendment to the Customs Duty

    Law. ,, ''

    Bill concerning the designation of Yokosuka Harbouras an o|>en port.

    Bill Bent

    On November 25, the following Cabinet Bill wassent to the House of Councillors:

    Bill for the Temporary State Control of Coal Min-ing Law.

    Withdrawal of Bills

    On November 25, tr^e following Bills were re-quested to withdraw by Members:

    Resolution Bill concerning a vote of non-confidencein the President (Submitted by OZAWA Saekiand 3 others).

    Resolution Bill concerning a vote of confidence inthe President (Submitted by YOSHIDA An and6 others).

    Notification of Bills Received

    On November 24, a notice was received that thefollowing Cabinet Bills (sent from this House) hadbeen passed in the House of Councillors:

    Law Bill concerning special cases of the PensionLaw for the computation of the length of serviceof the former employees of the InternationalTple-communication Company, Ltd: etc., whohave been appointed as Government Officials.

    Bill for Partial Amendment to the Pension Law.Bill for the Compensation Against Agricultural

    Loss. ' ' *

    ' Law Bill concerning Lump Sum Grant for PublicServants.

    Written Request Received

    On November 25, a written request to dis-pense with the Committees' deliberation on the fol-lowing Bill was received from Members:

    Resolution Bill concerning a vote of confidence inthe President (Submitted by YOSHIDA An and6 others).

    Written Answer Received

    On November 25, the following written answerwas received from the Cabinet :

    The written answer concerning the situation of thedistribution delay of the staple food submmittedby a Member of the House of Representatives

    ' KIMURA Sakae.


    Agenda of November'25 is as follows:Agenda No. 65November 25 (Tuesday), 1947Sitting at 1 p.m*

    1. Bill for the Law Pertaining to the Restric-tion on the Application of the Emblem and theAppellation of the Red Cross (Submitted bythe Cabinet).

    2. Bill for Partial Amendment to the HealthInsurance Act and the Welfare Pension Insur-ance Act (Submitted by the Cabinet).


    Presentation of Reports

    On November 24, the Chairmen of the Com-mittees presented the following Reports:

    Report of Audit CommitteeReport of Bill for Payment of Temporary Allow-

    ance to Government Officials (passed on November24):

    Report ofvPostal Savings Bill (passed on Novem-ber24). x •E S'


    Prefectural AssemblyAn Ordinary Session of the Prefectural Assembly

    is to be convened on November 29, 1947 in'MiePrefecture. (Mie -ken)




    Notice re DissolutionNovember 29, 1947

    Shin Nihon Kikai Kogyo K.K. was dissolved onOct. 16, 1947. The creditors to the said companyliquidating its account are requested to inform theundermentioned liquidation to that effect within twomonths from the day following the publication of thisnotice.

    If no claim is made within the fixed period, itshall be excluded from the liquidation.

    We hereby announce in accordance wit. the pro-visions of Art. 421 of the Commercial Code.

    Shin Nihon Kikai Kogyo K.K.(New Japan Engineering Industry Co., Ltd.)

    Liquidator: Nisao ShioiriNo. 1, 1-chome, Iida-machi, Chiyoda-ku,


    Dissolution Notice* October 16, 1947

    - At the general meeting of the shareholders of theundermentioned company held on October 16, 4947,it was resolved that the Company should be dissolved.Those creditors of the company, who have objectionto the said resolution, can are requested to protestwithin two months from the day following publicationof this notice.

    *Tokyo Kanamono K.K.Liquidator: Umon Iwakura

    * No. 1, Kanda Higashi Kon-ya-cho,Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

    Dissolution NoticeNovember 2, 1947

    Notice is hereby given that the present companywas dissolved according to the decision reached at thegeneral meeting of stockholders held on November 1,1947, and the creditors against this company are re-quested to file their claims within two months fromthe date following publication of this notice.

    In case of failure to file, their claims shall be ex-cluded from the liquidation.

    Tokyo-to Jidosha Kihatsuyu HaikyuKabushiki Kaisha

    (Automobile Gasoline DistributingCompany, Ltd.)

    Representative Liquidator: Matsuhiko RandaNo. 3, Ginza Nishi 5-chome3 Chuo-ku,


    Notice of DissolutionOctober 14, 1947

    The undermentioned company was dissolved inaccordance with the resolution passed at the extraordi-nary general meeting of shareholders held on Oct. 14,1947. In tjiis ^connection the creditors of the com-pany are requested to file their claims within two monthsfrom the following day of publication of this notice:

    Any claim not submitted within the aforesaidperiod shall be excluded from the liquidation.

    Kodo Sokki Kogyo K.K.Representative Director: Mitsu Takahashi

    No. 8, 7-chome, Shimbashi, Minato-ku,Tokyo

    Reorganization Notice

    November 6, 1947The members' general meeting of the company-

    held on Nov. 6, 1947, unanimously resolved to reorganizeand take the name of K.K. Araki-shoten. In this con-nection those creditors who may not consent to thedecision are requested to make their objections knownto us within,two months from the day of publicationof this notice.

    Limited Partnership Azabu Sekiyu Haikyu-shoNo. 187, Azabu Hommura-cho, Minato-ku,


    Reorganization of CompanyNovember 4, 1947

    Notice is hereby given that at the extraordinarygeneral meeting of contributors held on June 20, 1947,it was unanimously decided to reorganize our companyinto a joint stock company. \

    'Any objection, if any, shall be raised within (>0days from the day of publication of this notice. ,

    Toei Sangyo Co

    Reorganization of Commercial Firm) November ll, 1947Notice is hereby given that at the extraordinary

    general meeting""of the associated members of theundermentioned firm held on Nov. 10, 1947, it wasresolved with unanimous consent of all the membersthat the firm be reorganized into a joint-stock com-pany under the new name of Fuji Seiso Seizai Kabu-sjiiki Kaisha. In connection with the above decisionthose creditors who have objection to the said re-organization are advised to notify the firm to that/7effect within two months from the day of publicationof this notice.

    Fuji Seiso Seizai Yugen KaishaRepresentative Director: Kiichi Mochizuki

    No. 6, Fukagawa Senda-cho, Koto-kuTokyo

    Notice re Amalgamation of Companies> October 21, 1947

    At the extraordinary stockholders' general meetingheld on October,20, 1947, it was decided that theMikuni Nosan K. K. and the K. K. Mikuni-sha shouldbe amalgamated and the former continue to exist suc-ceeding to all the rights and liabilities of the latterwhich is to be dissolved on the effectuation of theamalgamation. With reference to the above, the dis-sentient creditors are requested to notify the respectivecompany to that effect within two months from theday of publication of this notice.

    Mikuni Nosan K. K.(Mikuni Agricultural Products Co., Ltd.)

    No. 286, 1-chome, Soshigaya, Setagaya-ku, ^Tokyo


  • K. K. Mikuni-shaNo. 2296, 3-chome} Setagaya, Setagaya-ku,


    Reorganization of Company.. November 4, 1947

    Notice is hereby given that at the extraordinarygeneral meeting of contributors held on June 20, 1947,it was decided unanimously to reorganize our companyinto a joint stock company.

    If there is any objection it shall be raised within60 days from the day of publication this notice. '

    Shibata Teion Kogyo Co.


    Notice of Reorganization of Company-' ' November 4, 1947.

    "Notice is hereby given that at the extraordinarygeneral meeting of contributors held- on June 20, 1947,it' was unanimously, to reorganize our, company into mjoint stock company.

    If there is any objection, it shall be raised' within60 days, from' the day. of publication of this notice.

    ^ " < Senju Beniya Kogyo fJ6,

    A.BassoAition Ndtice

    \ ,. October 15/1947;

    . "At tbe general meeting, o-f the constituent mem-bers of the undermentioned company held on October

    y, IS; '1947, itt was-resolved ,that the coxii^any' should 'be^dissolved. Those, creditors of tbe company; are re-

    quested to report thereof,within two months from the,, day following the publication of this, notice:. ' , 'A&y claim not.reported within the fixed period,

    .shall-be excluded from the liquidation;. , ' >Iloei S^ngyo Yugen -Kaisha

    1 ,Liquidators: 'Rikizo YoshiJkawaYokicM Mxiwara. l ' -

    ,(i 'Ho. 570, Kita-machi, 2-chonie-agkru?.? , ' ' Mimae-d'ori-nislii-iru, Shimotacliiuri-dori, >

    . 4 Ueno, Kamigyo-kp, Kyoto

    >rgv, ' "Notice re Dissolution"l' -. * ' '* ,' October26,1947

    The Undermentioned company "was dissolved pur-suant tp Ihe resolution of the' general meeting of theshareholders of, the company held on (October 22, 1947,and accordingly the creditors who have claims to the-company are requested ;to file their claims1 Within- twomonths from publication of this notice.

    If they fail to do so within the aforesaid period,their claims shall be excluded from the liquidation.

    K. K. Rakuto ShaLiquidator : Junjiro Sugano

    No. 88, Kagiya-cho, Oshikoji-agaru,Mano-machi-dori, Nakakyo-ku, Kyoto


    September 29, 1947Applicant: Rinko Tochi JC K.

    No. 8. Temma-cfio, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shiThis Court of Law, having made a public notice

    and reminder with respect to the list annexed heretoand there having been, before September 27, 1947, noperson to file the right of ownership to the said certi-ficates and to present them; declared on September29, 1947, the invalidation off the said certificates inaccordance with the, request of the applicant. ', , / ^ " Nagoya1 Summary Court(Annexed sheet 'abridged) -.,

    September 30, 194?'Applicant; Kyushichi Mizutani ;i *' -No. ' 174j Kata-cho,.Kuwana-sft|i, -Mie-ke'n'

    > ' ; This Court of Law, 'haying, made 'a public noticeand) reminder witji respect to the list annexed heretoand there'having been, before September 16, 1947, noperson to ,fife the right of ownership ,to.the said'

    Certificates and to present 'them, declared on Septem-ber 3&x 1947, tJ2e invaiidatioti- of the said' certificatesin accordance with 'the request o'f ,the applicant,

    .. ^ , ,. '^fagoya Summary, Court(Annexed sheet abridged) " , - '

    ,- ' " fwvwwvVvwv '. '

    % -Notioe 'of Bramitkg >$md "Re4®m,ptmn of

    •E _ ^ , r November,1:947 ,The -drawing of the following " Kwangyo-^Saiken v

    will 'be-held' at 9.00 a.m. on December 1st, , 1947, atthe Head'Office of thi& Bank, 'Hibijra,,Tokyo: ' ' '

    ,, > , "The Hypothec Bank of Japan(Nippon 'Kwangyo Ginko)

    Amount vof Amount ofRedeemable Payable >

    Principals Preni'lums ,

    Classification anJSeries #

    -Numberof Blocks

    'Cho c'tiiku -S-aikens 16th Series

    /•E20tb ,23±d M



    Senj i-CJapqMku-Saiken1st Series4fh

    13th.;,< 16th

    Hokoku-Saiken9th Series



    10Senj i-Hokoku-S aiken. -4th Series 48

    16th " 10

    ¥ 105,000'90,00045,000

    1 80,000181,500



    ,¥1 28,4501 17,000






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