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Post on 12-Apr-2020






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i^ t^a l4-3J i^^^


2 WORKS 1 to furnish tiie pub.. , J

t he best of


Juf-Morhie, 'MENTIS,

K r e u r l j l n g . p i ^


m in Wajue county.

•ks. cor, Pa luam

itt streets,


•atelfcj,'ffFt«Jg; Zh Muim & Co. itreWn

miiBlJTitud.basbi-fothfl $ c copies sem r & £ u , °


cte/ma Piasters. iysia'an ng a Dure cure

^rLivorOompitUnt, ' i a . Colcjn. Asthma, Hj&iHHn^.Sc., in allot chef at once, T SnM hv V m a l l fnrj£_

p. Capital,, Of T U B MOKL&

rchlKjiirJ&iiiKiclnnt. mywlieroin t i c i •, gn ptoflVlKM...1.J<l..inr ' Ofltnl .Nam f,,r J] -, ' a every mny tb«> •««,« JL a;L,^:„i l «„.*« . i r

W.o iuilin tbu -»*>• ?CB, -then torn \,e -^ .,.

,flyy _"•"?.•• n n jn<.*an| ' HJ refund Tfte* • ?fry iDdanodiiTfaif c*ym )f» o r f ' i n i tn - T - i i , , whJtbsr , D, r t. F ^

' z n n 1 |<> ft ft. , r , v (

1 B O ' " " ( ' V . " A y i .

* ••

lepsic Pills, f if Tor Dyspepsia, f nailed tot a s cti. f I-circll, l i on . I


DAMS y part "t th? country,

romfiii You ni-id iilffhi iou can giro >rbriU vouraporenio-itrr-ii yo'irunnorisk. i \i DPfdcd. It will buslnoaa. Any one 8 make money ftora rnivltiioiirtTorki'i-i easily makoa dollar H falls t8mohrrn..r. mmlf in tlm>c <lo} StfH(T For fiffC lauut

imon. 1 & CO.,

M A I N E .

tic Plasters. KduftHglii Srlatlca. noil, 25 cents.

X . O W . U . I f * . . .


Bnuionftsstos, »Ie dance for Joy. all for. 60c. per box.. r^bwell* JEaat*

h tUib ' l - . i ru fmmml l l snnniiytaijTrf tninuic j

ration. IIM mttblor ion Briib*. poUiTm" <Uih*i, - fuLt r lu i . Bo ea iJ"! lolled b in rfi o- - OIMBI "dlihM.DomnM.C'iwp. i r n n t « L Circa i * n fre--k is , coiMibtu, a


FEVER i t he Messes

aartlcio. la ap-xee&tiie Price

i Street, N?w


(NO ""Ml


ps; -Chol-ism.Neu-ill kinds.' IERE.


:»- -

H. H. FISK, Editor and Proprietor.


NEVAARK PQSTOFFICE. * Ar r iva l a n a D e p a r t u r e of M a i l s .

MAILS CLOSE For trip Wrti*- For t l ie East I 0 1AA.-JI, - T1&, l I . f i0A. i l . .

I in'. 4 45 ' S O P . 1L, » fi 20, 7 30 1* M. ; 35'p: u „ L ,

Forth*.' Nurtli ' ' Bor the South. >i i- Ji All points 8Su A u , "TToi :TismirPotinri)lrpcti35&-ft itfc

MAILS AlUirVK From Jhe East a 20 *. u , • 7 00 p si w e -Nnrth Prom the South.





t l o l l l till* *\*P9t . sWA H i

I ( i t . 4 0» P- H .

. 0 3'i 6 00 l> 31 . OSFtCE Hfllilia._ '

, ,II i»>x rttirt'geTiorai dellvPFyHatnvPwfr a a v B -t r .iu • ii in t " s :1" • I "

laMiu-t alid guueral Ui-livury on Suntiaya -trnii, 12 15 to 2 au .-

I,., k bo,\ ileitvory a p e a every day In t n e week L™TrH'mGHtnmTK^rr


Wayite County:

• - M EM B BH O-P- e O N & H B S S r S e r e u o E. P a y n e , A u b u r n

S T A T E S E N A T O R . ' •Char les T, S a x t o n , C l y d e

M E M B E R O P A S S E M B L Y . (TW)i'Ke S. H o r t o n , . W o l c o t t

C Q I K T Y JJODUfiASUX. SlLaKQJHAlK. L u t h P r M. N o r t o n : N e w a r k

C O U N T Y C L E R K . L e d y a i ' d J i C a y l e r P a l t n e v v i l l e

- - , - , -COUNTY T R E A S U R E S . ' T a B e y HTBweeTrng.?. L y o n s

D I S T R I C T A T T O R N E Y . _ _ . S. N. S a w y e r P a l m y r a

RAILROAD TIME TABLES.] • SHERIFF. C h a r l e s H. Ford!



. .C lyde C O R O N E R S .

f+eorge D. York H i i r o n J o h n W. B a r n e s , . . . . F a i r v i l l e J o h n A . ' S p r a g u e W i l l i a m s o n C a l v i n W. B u r t o n ,„ W o l e o t t H C H O O L o o M H I s s i o S E R - F l r s t Ria t . '

^ .Samue l Oetiaii.. . . . . = . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . .Huron !• S C H O O L c o M i i i s s i O N E R - 3 d H i s t I F r e e m a n P i n t l e r O n t a r i o


_ Exconaating Clrouiustaupos.* There w a s trouble In, tlie i-offee-com-

plexioued young woman 's eve j s . two policemen escorted her from tbe alley.

"Wha t y o u hit i l i a tg i r l ' : " ask­ed one of the-, officers.

"What , made me. hit '«•? I hail er c a n ter h i t 'er. Da's what 'made me hit 'er." "" **Sire wasn't"Tftrtmr •auythluK.—¥ntr were making a l l the trouble."

" I had e r r i g h t ter maUe de trouble. 'Twos- h e r ta lk dat done -made me smash 'e r ."

"What did sue say?" "She d idn ' s ay auffln". Sbe jes ' sin-

iiivaleih" ~ ; " "Well ," asked the officer impatiently,

"wha t d id she Insinuate?* " "Twasfbou t ma new spring dress.

She done axed me how I s<«j lej ikbel pjit


islie pnt£ernf?d lilin some mgatahirts* oa t b e aewlug etrele plan,

A-nd he stood lit like a man. And she Iii'pt-hlm wildly Bopimiir with her

N,-n 'ti-jn-'s hills for.jikupplug.--till-ixe-tUtiusUt there was iio stopping;

But lie stood, J t .(ike a man. . _ . ohe made him search J*W ribbons troin —.-UmtEshoba-ddwn to 1>|

But he stood It like a maur When she bought souie new ball dresses

mid she killed him with caresses, it was hard he tiuw confesses-

But he,Btood it like She made him wear some neckties "fchat to

fearful colors ran, t But he stood it like a man. " mr-rnlBHt-hirve- treetr- espeeteaV-Hrannili-U was with mlea dejected that be Binoked what she selected, ' '

Yet he stood It l ike a man.

a good deal, aa ' alio'-'nousb, tlwy- had'! Point Instead' o f wepins; a SouIU (oi-jiot. So I- rurhed .him out )iu' got oh liim, thlnkln' he take nu- ajohs.

"But h e ain't ialrly Bridiewlsi-^-be's .teat er two-year-oie—ah" lie boiled and -llfcst-tlUruj 1 kniiwnd We w n s in the r iver .

Wo s w u m aiid swum till u bestim

d«\vn woliter unti l i t i s three m- fom-

years old. w i t h n view <>f produelnfj tlit» he-avles't' and ripest oatvn^s pos­sible, t he . American method, is to feinl h ish from the' tirst. a m i '•prudiuf llrst-<dass mtrttori a f hvo yea r s old or less. The j iu . ' s l iou of profit depends t u w l y

t o git l l s h t , a n ' we tvus aiittln p u n y "pen early lua tur i ly . At the prices wel l knocked t o flinders! An' 1 iuuiwedi • " meats and wool in th is emintry. a w e ' d git drowned fore lens, and tlMi " ' " • o«—two - - j r n r s ' - r - r t n r - f r p t t t t w -is i seen this y e r e li t t le hotisf! a n ' 1 likely .to m a k e all ' the differetuv be-c t a m b offen h i m on t o it. a n ' a r t e r a -tweeu. pruUt a n d h(ss. - .Uiier lcau Agri-wh i l e I m a n a g e d ter git h im on ' tap.[ •Julturist.

g h a t ' s all, •eept ln ' - I cauKht er stick) „ ^ ^ ^ X T ^ d w ,

ro ius K U O » t u n e « u s u . u i i j>.u• l u . a I l l t l , O U t > . s in,aj.|ii,itliui even mure S a y , 'did, yer see US fotch yer here?"

J a c k said. —^ uu..v U A^«. «.w .... ' - i a - ' u i i c i i & o c i tiflt j\hen she-tuok-the-paner-that each-da'H'" •"PnFil.v." J a o k nffeii ae.TianMcflm'-uTtT5ew..d in fab ' l i e bWTirwfSnr • — • ' looked hah i i r i n s ly sleeves. An' d e n I smashed ' e r . ' ^ - A m , a l.0U

5ua»J b o n n e t " . ^ V before he'd M a r k col t , who s t a . u o™,

Washington_Star , PVPU remh-iu-why, fie onssed, and then y e t Smpatii'iltly smmjliliir •i>p wid it , ," ' roof . I>ari rost* to his.Hni1

Was just libc a horrid man. i ,,,„, •rtiin(.-L. t i. ,.,,.. „»,,., i-iii'i'*.* _ _ ^ -Saturday Eveotng Gazette. t l * s Olwek to tUt* c'ii?atuii s

^ ~ " ^Trhi^iwhts-to--hf8v- —--

IS tUut w h a t l s t r n n s I y , t I m u U u i o l d d t y o f t H U [ s a n d

\vhili» A n s n i i — i a ' n ^ u s stivu-lit'il uluim ti m i n u w

\\v" ln.(iiififiil "'" •ii'iu'h. This f*:itt If*iiinplseo*ionnih liisli i tiffuiv tin- stnuifiiT, a city t*t*t nj.




Twelve Magfllfi'cently Equipped P a s - | Me lv in B. (iate&....*'. L a k e .Side

senger T r a i n s Dai ly T r a v e r s e t h e ;

E t i i p i r e S t a t e , Be tween

N e w Y o r k , Buffalo

"and t h e W e s t .

IN EFFECT MAY, 27 .1894. it .4 the only hue enuring the city nf New

\ AH itainBiirrlVitng at una iic'iarttng from *,tAU'H't*iitTaI siiitlon. Fourtn Ayeuuo urn' f«»r-iv-wcona ntriiei, tlie vexy°.ceatre.ttt Hip i Uj.

Trams leave NewarK goingeqst

q 37 .\ M Accuinniodafion, stopa ut all »ta itnns between linffalo ami Hyrnciise

HTTfS'T tTPnrBmfflWtatii ~~~ __ j^iahaBJ^wi^iJtuclwiauirejuidc. wto* "UHP—Dally

3 «i7 P M A««- •mmoJntlon, stops at fnistatinns

Kidney J . H o p p H i g "Rose* D a n i e l A l t h e n ....) . . . v . . 'Lyons

Town of Arcadia. s r P E R V I S O R .

.1. Dujiha R*»t*v<*>.. .Ne^vp.rk TOWN CLERK.

T, i ) a v l s P ' r e scu t t , N e w a r k . C O L L E C T O R .

B y r o n C. W i l l i a m s N e w a r k •irtweiJu Kocnuster aiiu Syracuse ' Hul ie r t Ramla l l N e w a r k

s s s H i l weaiern «xprt»8, atopH ut -Lyons,,* tUa i i enc^ Oot*kltn AtCtt<Iia Dally

& o * •' *1 miilaiu and Lyuns coininoilQtlon \U\IA ut all auitums

11 itna leave Newark going: west ? j j < vi uul la iuAini l,jtan» acramumaat tuu .

t o V E R R E K H i>F T H E P O O R . -«**<' LUMU ' .. ., ' . . .Newark C O M M I S S I O N - K R O F H m H W A Y S .

N e w a r k sniyauiaH fltiitiniis ' i C h a r l e s S c h w a r t z n •!• \ M \.-t.-omniodiitlnn. stops at all ata- J AStrtVRflflPN

iHJ»B.t»onyPfIl»yrutMiHt' ii'ul Korliv«--| rtoociKTOtftvo, n*i _ - R i c h a r d V a n DUHHTI

12 iti<" « A^i-tiitmnylirttu • stniis «t a f»at4itinu» lii'ivvt'L'ii syravimo unu Uomu-stor

4 14 i' M Utfy (-Aprcjta. HUI\M ut I'aliiijr-vtai-wiiiif, ratrtiiri, huoiiuBtVr

; 27 1-n ttvi'lit's er t-X'tre a, stops at P«l-iiijm. Mm-tfUuii. fittrimrt «n«l Ki»li-I'Htl'V.

hUsuN J « EKKs, Uen ' l Agent, I SXCEA»QE ffS , BUFFALO, M 7 .

»ii i i \ ,»i l o t t 'BV, - " f i u 11 DANIEIJ3 *•• ti i -*iip'i iiusJJi'aBBJ: A iKht .


A r e a d t a N e w a r k N e w a r k


....f.% WK&t—UWVJ5 NEWAJtlK^

I'CiR A.M.—"Si UnlMana.Obloagb-Urhiti'ii'1

^ ' V " mny-^sicopiity' qarn •tit..?tlur'QUto: HI. J* ''-'['i'llrt*'lLiiilVlliiririu'll.1"- -n ' r •—r-TSms imil'Oureiiwn:

c . e n A. M.w-Newiirk auil Buffalo tocftl(" w * - v atnpH a t till atiitioiifl, Q.ry*£ A.. AI-—"i-ucUiu ltxprcBfli•'—sieepiua C 7 . v o „ftr» t o Clilitntfo. tttu-aMii I'abiijrra. o . ' i o 1'. M.-"AUiaay ami Utiffaii* Luiai, -* 3 , ° * ' JJallj. HtiipBaLiillHtaUons.

spreaM. "Uuffa MiPuping oars tu Detroit » . o . e l». M,—••-Uny KxpresM,'Uuffaio; r au 'ugu

* o : o I M ' I U I P W«at - •


4 O 4 O A M - " 8 U LmilflExprt'HS." fOTNt'W

| :^« J o iavic^ aiecpiug uarif tu.New l o r n ^ i i prliifipal luttir'jnclliito aiatiuiis. " m " * « A. H.-"Uay Vxvt<ai»" Chicago to

. < V . * J O A(JW V u r K ,u,(pnm;ipiiiiiitefmeillate atiiiiuua siijepiag «*«rs to . PIV ^ oik and HuHtnn * •> -«i^ r. H.-* t hinago-anJ N«w VorkJJjc-I * , 0 0 I W B " daily. Nlt-vping earn to Yew

\..rk. * 7 n « ; f. aL~" National Express,"— iJaiiy, • • v o cxcput Sunday. Carrya pusaeiigora

tnf*rntt*ufle^n4y. _ _. ^ - :

o a I'.lil.—"A^UmiUYSxprefl'sr^'fi»r ^ e w , , c o \orfc, Boatonaiid piipuipai lnterme-

" aiuie HtatlonH. Mleepmff cars t o New y r K liut* l iottuti. ,

ft AC\ JVilv*"Newnrkan(l BmTftlo Luonl.' U^*w-Hwpj*ntail atatious. •

P O R T GIBSON. TratnB leave- Port Gihaon going West on the

ttPHt Mhnrp-6:57, *• » aiid 3 : 3 9 , P- " • u -tag ti«8t;-G!32, P a, and 1^=45, P( U

i^r «i-iet», tune ta4>ie& «E Inriirmailuh ^aii Affeuttft ue*««-W««t aHOFe atatlott or ad.,. .tre^H, ueneraE 4?jlBfleaiter Agent,

J t .C LAMuKltT. o Vanaerhilt Av.. N.!V:

aOttTflfiRN CENrRAL Raiiway. $iim\* la tffRt 4.0B i , TkUtiafon 31st. 1893,


Buffalu- ....L.1 \».-r.\.&u.tta K j i l i c s i e t . . Canind£Urfua..Ar VdUitntiiUKOM - Lv (Sort erne, oiinley; , Veun I'au--.. 'Wtrtltiiu Havaiia.'... • aor*** Heada, rLmir<*. Tfo<h -i"> •

, Miuuc'qaa... vvil iamapjiX .At Staihury Uarrutwrg fa'ilHitt*itiiuitr...'Ar b«rriaoiirg. Bauhuure. Washington

Ho. S.; 17c E. Ho.!.**?, ff;

^4upmJ iasoanl- m w h tMpn

0 J J 6 " II.5V

7 J l 5 " j 1.0i*-

1* US " I *.*« " t * a i * * | x * » * -,y a» • ».vT" H.a5"j'a.*i0**:

i*i5jBi <V>"V:


'•"*"'. .14.80"*




l . t2* IJ.0G 8.M

( ' h a s o S m i t h • Ii E - Bur le igh

H A M E U U N S T A B L E . t - lnr i fmr t t e i n l u i f j ' T. N e w a r k

f . ' f lNSTABBEB. H A j j a r d n e r . . . .'. „New«i rk H n r v e y B H t , f e l t F a i r v i l l e

i l ! l y . " r EKB. ISD* ' ! " „ ;.• A r n a d h t K i t l S E C O M M i a S I U N K I i a . • _

R o b e r t I . T a i i D u a e n . N e w a r k Ezra HnmpBt im .,. N u w a r k

TI IOI IHIH tt«lfer—„„.„... N e w a r k

Village of Mewarlt. PrPHttient ' J o h n Sfcuart

. W i n . T . P e l r s o n N. ( l o o k

TruHtpew J o h n B M r D e r m o t t •*"-^—-• - - -—rrr . .—. . . .Oyr tw a.'-T«t"or.

; W. H . KSHey I . . . Dr . AIOIK S logJ i s t

Cle rk E . Pre t l CowIeB T i ' e anu re r P e t e r R. Hlolglit l*ollp<tor Mandev i l l e W . Plnsu

( " H a r r y R. D r a l i e A«»o«Hori* T h o m a B L a n g d o i i

( A. H . V a n D e r b i l i


Don ' t hi> "chielseti-lieartcil." nor toc> greedy. In woodtng out the ctilte.

H e n s do not pax thplr effgB unless tlicy IParn n h e h a b i t from having e g g s broken in t h o nes t . Never use s t a l e

jar frTOPir-gggB as -aBsW-Sgt i . . ^ -.- _ Incubator -ha tched crhloto d o not re-

nul re food tmtl l -4wenty-fot j r hou r s a f t e r ' t h e y a r e hatched. Keep them In a comfor tab ly w a r m brooder away, from Huhts o r draf ts .

h i buy ing poul t ry for breeding pur -posos. go to some reliable breeder, wlm h a s his reputa t ion a t stake. I t may- i w t i little more for t h e bi rds , hut thp ' 'huyer can depend- on what , h a

-sets . Culls are expensive a t a n y price.

'. Vn m a k r ^ good, w a i m - l>reakfasti for forty fowls Boil a lieaptng half-puck oi^nintnpi; nrnVh theni ; add o n e q u a r t e i ch of sho r t s a n d b r a n i a tea-spiiotifnl each of salt a n d pepper, a n d finish by add ing hot wa te r enough t o mix i u t » a stiff dough.

-TOdPawttfcp—far-mor-B—oa'n pitre-hred

fl.BO " 1U.0II " 1U..6 •

10.S3 " 11.14 " i I . 8B "

i - i jB • l a * . -. i i * "

6 . l V " ' - •• to.iban 8 65"

lli.10 "


. | « i - H i

W^shtnatoii.. Lv! i*0 « Bntlm-e . • . '8f» ™ HICTPBT™ PuiiHdeltinia." t.v'S8.w HarrlabuK....>r1i^Qlf»


B.56 •"lllJi 1185 " 2.S f8.50'•Da., »1*".H

HaTrttr*ur(r.\ .rev B u n h u f J - . • • • • •• wmia'tuspoit . . . Mln'neculu Troy, - .. 'Elraira-^,.—,.^&t U0(S«HBail«: HaTanil.*... Wattfna...:. Pflna Kan...

uuuanddlaaa'..Lv <(N; Y . C * B R ' R F itochester. Buffalo...

. . A t

t.s& ' 8.1R '•'•


6 82 " HM " JSJ- ••• j . i m , " '

XBS .-• 80O •(. **..'' j .Vd "•». U2 " 6 BS " . 0 2 0 " «.as •• T.SS "

10.1.1" 1027'' in/5" 11.03" U.64'

i i " « »

1^6" 4.15

52 85p 2.85 •

3!2 ' a«T : aw •

fowls, which cos t no -more t o feed, and t h e ratio of profit i s greater t h a n with bai 'nyard stoeE. W h y should not every farhiep d o s o ? Better t e i t this ma t t e r thoroughly this spring, 'ftx-ppriehpe will certainly prove- i t s wisdom.

T h e incubator t h a t w a s star ted ea r ly :!i!« year is turning out the l i t t l e rtnwn rhicks by huudmlH. T h i s uieaus, with good -maaogenltTht, a lot of ea r ly spr ing brftllers a t double t he .va lue of l a t e r "ha t chea I t pays to be drst In, tlie aiaa'ke'r-wlth t n c few. r a the r t h a n !«• one of the late fellows and lose, t h e cream of tbp.proBts.

F o w l s -need more care dur ing d a m p , r a i n y , weather t h a n d u r i n g t he clear , .-old weather of winter, or t he digr*. w a r m weather of sl immer. D a m p ­ness engenders numerous d l l o r d e r s / many; of which a r e difficult to cu re . Therefore. I f Is be t te r to use p re ­vent ive measures; than to admin i s t e r medicines wheal too l a t e . .

Those wlio h a v e ' nevef raised d u c k s do n o t know that* duckl ings g row much faster t h a n , chicks, a n d c o m e at a time when the bes t prices for ohicks have passed; Duck* will l ay at leas t 140 eggs a year , and will be i gin when s ix months old. T h e P e k i a Is a c reamy white, by inanj; consider­ed t h e bes t for t h e farmer;" Tieing. hai 'dy .and:"'.of good stee—dressing, g i i en in marke t nsmdiliofi, to mee t nio' e s a c S n g 'tasresl

M a n y JBfcntry dwel lers Ihvye nerei: ' Ihoushf of ra is ing fruit and poultry

. 6.45 ' 8.15 '

1 'Dally. * Pally. ««*P,t Srimlaj. t TJalij.'eitcGpt Saiartla'rT'

Hniret Parlor Car. Kiwitmter* •" Philaa-lpma.. N° ? 1 5 ^ " Hinai BuWt S'neper,. Rneientor to •o w«»wu ton aalir: PnliouiS . ^ * % S » a " ' .

in. RocliMt-r. Nn. 9.-Pa11rniin «nf« ,? ' !* l ' l r

Waalilbgton to Roohester <lally. ™ g » ? ; " ; S ° C ' No: 3.4'iiliman Jlnrret. suriper. Wadunav-n to Elmir«.,(Uils«arrnOB mrp«gt to Rponeater on satupidys;,) - , •

. soncs BAY HKAIII i i .


4 25ttB 6.10 "

COO *•:



; 8 :«a l» . . . . . . . . . v »r

..Pholp'a Jnnollon...... Lv.

. : HeWarWW. 8.)...—.-

. .^New»rl[ (H Y. C ) i . . . . 8 o t i B 8 ' « a t r p •; . . . W » U l n « t i ) m . . . . . . . , , , . . . . . . . S J < I B » po in t . . . . : . •••••-•

£ » * < ! . s n o r e . . . . . . . . . .


It " B i n m'lo -• 145 ' t.40 '

• " • i l l ' 8 . M '

• 7J10 '

. . For latttwr lMonil«tip», »»!»'*» «|<nt M <ntit«tlt», , . . . t

They work admlrr jy^tegetnerT—^^r^fow: ofv":pluuT 'or"

peauc.trees^-carr if planted alon^ fhe poultry run, when the choice "Is made of a locanbn.for thefebuitry biiiidrags; The droppings frbih the fowls Improve ithe soil iifiout the trees, arid, the chickens will eat the wormy and. cur-culio-stung fruit vshen It .drops .to the ground; There Ut nothing "better for the chickens, .and fpr-the trees.

Sitting hens must' have attention. One is liable to forget Hiat warm wea­ther brings lice. A clean nest is the: ilrst requisite. If the nest box Is well oiled with kerosene on dthe hen thor­oughly dusted wiUk Bnfiach -Insect pqwder, there-. wl l l ; .6e^o4Jce . i TWs means a"-quiet; steadyrSItter,,me re-snlt of which will Ijff a good hatch. The hem after she Is abont to.leave the hest with her brood. BhouldU^be; dusted with the Insect powder again. Chicks hhtclied by an lhcubator are very seldom troubled with lice. This is one good point in fttvpr pi' arUflclal hatching, and means eteidy jgrowth, bfagthg, them into marketable con­dition earlier, and « t t ie flat" when «ood ptiOMiigtmU,

Ancient and Mediaeval Cheiulntfy. T h e workmen who dyed clothes, ;

clothing and mpesn-itw iii ' purple „r other colors, a n indust ry practiced first" In Bgypt a n d Syr i a and then in all the Grecian, Roman and IV-rstirn- world, not to speak of the jcxtn-rue Must, eu i - ' ployed highly developed chuuiitral ma'njpiilationspj a n d th,. i-i„ihs ftmnil. on the. mummies ami' ;n th.- s.ire-t-phagi i r t tes t Their perf,.,-n,iu. TTIhy' and Vitruvius describe in detail Hie" prodnetion of colors, such ns r innabur or vermilion, mlniuui . red elxaik. 'in dlgo. black. Kl'een :mil lilne r..l..''s. vegptallle a s wj»U a« mile i"ii. pirf via o.I lw paintei 's. Thp eneiHi-ii'i . .r iilimetltation. fruitful in r , - ,nr.v».in,l in frauds, was next The ar t was known of nceomptiphint: a t will those del i ra tp feriueiiMtlnu^ which produce bread. ' win,: and Ii, . r . and which modify a lami- uuiuher .>r fimds: a l so of falsifyiii^ trine by fin* addition of- plaster and uther iii^i'*'l-Units. T h e ar t of healhii'- seekin i

rywhere*for re^wurew, tis.1iti-.f d1-." rasra. ha<l learned tu transfuriu and fabricate a la rge number uf uiliu-rai ;tud vegetable products , ,snt-h :VK mi^nr of poppy, ex t rac t s of ntitlttsimd.-!.

frail iuul lniil

I'UIge, m-en ^ l eamlns iihe a sl . l la i n p u t s the ni«ht Overland train ruiind"

•ImW h e a i l l " 1 " o l l , M u f " " ' ea s t e rn slim' * ' j i ' . l i u i n t altiuri to the i^ikUuul

"An Knftlishtmtp, Mr.- Uttnci *.itn.„ ^i \„n . . . . . ,„.i.,.T,u.. i,!„, on* \nt"".v. AH pinKiisimniTi, ^ir. ttvuiei't. ^

-,., ,.,„„- „"-•„„. ,„ ,» , ,„„ . , „ „ ™,,,^ •» 'Cause he'd set drmvn..,! We'vel " . ; , , ; „ " - ' ' • , . ,,...

' ^ ^ ^ T ^ & ^ J ^ S ^ - A ! ^ ^ " ^ '" ,hU" """ U^ '•"U,"": creep higher over the familiar land­mark, rocks and clefts and bare twist* e d t t 'ee f o o t s .

'Che boys a lmost l ived on t h e r i v e r .n the suuuuer, aud though J a c k w a s aiu tuurixum a u d Ansel two- - years . - KUuKer, could swim the rivep w h e r e •t ran Half a mile w ide ; In fact, t h e y could dive, float, t read water and pad -die,a canoe wi th any of the older r i v e r | ] men.

i i'1'eat. swirls of leaves and dead Um­ber had been sweeping by for the l a s t hour, sure sign that there w a s a b i g rise behind*.

"Maybe." said Jack, t o Ansel , "im _a little while longer we'l l <see somethin" hi the water that ' l l be wor th _gojjx' after. And the canqe 's a l l r e a d s . . D'rtTt yon remember when D a d d y

dr i f t , "

f j j j g ^ i j n d *yommy_^gffhj__tjg__blg a hue- iead^t-he—«»lpB-mTis -of a r s ' i n e - - " AliUU.Togsi

ly. " an ' Hie man tha t owned t he tim-» ber came nlong an ; gave them tWO f o r sin in' ii I d o n ' t - w a n t anybody to in*, any th ing fhia t ime—but ^ - f B e y do I leipe we'll ke ld i it for ' e m "

"I don't keer much abou t logs ," J a c k wild "Wha t I 'd like would b e to seo n nnnsi- crime sa t lhf down, w i t h some" lunly in it—say a lady; a beau-tl-ful lady, an ' a lit t le b a b y gir l , a n ' Wf .-..lilil go out an.' get h e r an" b r i n g Ber sui'j.- hiime. An' then the l i t t le o n e

„„. nuiilil grow up a n ' be our sister , l i ke I 'uimlir " " " x t u i ' i ' ma read n s . "

Jack put his "scooped hands over b i s ••j eiirows and looked long and hard u p stream. The boys- stood -upon a poil i t

The m a n who ubullshen Himtke will "I ;i ruck Unit r an between t he m a i n be one of tlie-greafesl benefai tors |if stivnm aud a smal le r aUluoht. the liuiunn race- Kulhlng else ^111 «.. This bliin* rose twenty feet above t b e uauKc ilie'condTtluiiH ,\f llf- In „ur."r.Tjlii-sr tlrtht! mark: I t s - top w a s - w e l l '

and arsenloits aclil, i-,-i I I . - and jmlflons, were cnpipn-si'ii ,n t | t l . saiui. t ime, for different proi*™-. bv d-ic

and magk-L-imt—su,. i.^iuui'.i. lure of a r m s and uf ittttiiioin; •> suh Hlanees^petl 'oleuni. sulplmr. i-(r* lilluiiii'ils-Thad" ah'ead.i. aiuii-iitli ,is well as In our own t l n e \ 'leoiVn uicii^ Hie talents of invi'iiiurs and "cl\*eii ris.T

fiii'mldsble applleaHniis ,-<p»;iaiiy -in the a r t s of gjegi^ and jmirine but'. iliw. previous to the"ln\ . 'u i i i iu of ih.. ilreelc lire, which was in its nirn lite Ijrecui'Bor of gnuiiiiwdei- and nf terrible explosive mai lers Science Monthly.

No Hmoko. .

V( , | .'lie gray sea fog drlfis In and lies in n ' , orli nvail i>, liliul i h " .-ity.-ur s w i ^ r s ,

1 I'lVel'H aeis.tss ll; snini-tlmc-i rile i.-ei -ji " ' T ; « T ' „ ."IV.'I'A ioVJ.i.'n n - i . ht.-i.Usll 'eitlihfiil u in i i blows <iri>»«i<' frmu the

oanoe, a n d a l i t t le l a t e r ii n a s iii'.ineiii _u , ,„„ . . i„„„ ,i,„ , , i . , i . , «.«,,•». i ACTDSS r ive r , a n d HIP thiTe bm-, slttrnx-t ^ ' T " % fei^,, , , , " ,? U , I ' s n u g in i t t h e black c i , W I n H n u » _ g - * ; * t ^ " , ^ 2 ^ ^ ' fearlessly behind. - " . , . ' , , „...„,..,„,,,,„

Two-mr rds -o l • tlie way * « « » * ' ' " r ^ V ^ B i . rl'fer , . , Sa„ Fi-an

^ t o p r T v a r d t l i ' e o l t sd^ s n o t w i w u i u H I . > • • .itsMus t a r inuri- like a irinuj pi-iked is a n d was almost ,1t twu i n M , , „ . . , I u l l . | U ) U ' u f ab .„u

A s he canie asnlii a t ll.- i- t . the MM • co-uld see .tin. . he vvaslo-li. • - ryp m m , ,- l

I „ l t ,v

r „ l „ ,„ , ,„ . „ ,„ , , , „ , , he nilnht. i h r « . .a" W s - f . . . » . n _ J i . . ^ ^ ^ ^ I | 1 ] ? j J _ W H m l f l w n t . - ^ ^ ^ „ ' „ , . , p l"f; , .. , , „ , . , , „ „ . j ,i,.,,.. bluiiiiiil fl'iui all He- SJM|I.-S-.MIII sum

Mf taow w l m t s l h e n » < - . I<•>. l . „ r ,„.„.„ t b a r big sj-curanre. Au»"i sni,i lie IWS got bJ8. feet j n n p l ^ l <». "T5",'."!?.- " f

great cities. WIUi»ui saying Ttnn nrR resfilt Is a l r eady lit hand, n great s l ep toward It Is m a d e by the new invnii Hon Iii ureTyteCDS. Bays: l,mtdnn 'lYtttli. By this system a Are can ifinliiuliletlly

4e<t and flfly yiii'ds across . Tt r a n l i n k Hi a fong line t o Hie ma in l and , ttiieiv HID Mar r l n homestead was 16-e i l l ed

Kitiwr side of HID lPdge the wat»r be produced wlthnut Hin.iki. and I IJ ivlde and yellow, lapping a g a i n s t though a t present a special f i repln . . ' i» rocky faces. Ordinarily tile r lyep must be employed fur I he punms . . . :i;uiui I wn» twenty yards f r o m ' t h o there iff t io reason why every one wlm bliin' henceforth firs tip a kitchen range .ir There was no current on the u n -Q. furmroe sltottld, not have a siu.iit, fl,,.Ml<'d sumllci' s t r e a m - I t s w a t e r w i t s less one. I expect to see t he time damned and Held a clear b lue m a s s when pvery householder a s well a* b \ the imblil tor rent rush ing dowi i

" The cituue -Uiii.

p a n , t e a r s imnnliig do«n bis eh-eks •'O-ool O-'oo! "You'll doiui my p m l y b a y , im' I'll Mill yon f'»' »-' V * R l wl l l l " ' • -••> ,

"|IoUI still, m y son.-di ' ' Ansel nd ttjonlBlmd. (Ilnslng dtX lit- •••mi while .Tack, h e l d the ennoe aiiiulv .Taek| himself maile £ s tlioUKli i " droji lin|, paddlo. ,

" I t l i ad better, he nn* A OSMI . . . Hteo i ie f t? . . . uiu- lhhu; . I'UAI wura t h - • uj I J U M I ^ h l u W w l i y youtre to i n n iuul k^v]'/' • '„"< ; 'T ' 'F | I« *^ I i , ' »'••<":"!• "f ""• t h e boat rlglil hehi ," An*.-I suui uin-.- '"-•" ' ' l l i i l l l m . - n . the ••MIIII-HC m i l s . h i ' o f f ir is &io"lmS-iAUm hi-' '«d the l,.v.-ly mi.tmin .vh...i« i ,.„

• S S x T B ^ v I S W ^ < Ttaii 1 t o r W . . . r . « t i v . . L l v . . rnji™.. a n d j h e tb im dived f rom the sf t ra w • n.c . . U H - M , •>"' r , » n i i . . . i s l , . i« , - i 1 , - , , „ . ,, r ! l , . V . " . . " A \ »u a . - ; . . UIIK tumi «h . i s u r.i,,• is pah .un

iuul ttlins, glx.uny, io.l*,-r

pvery n«tajifaeturei' wffl. he-* to anwuuitt Ids own miniliti. in the meantime; However, there Is ih, strongest Inducempnt. short of e«in pulsion, for doing so , for t he synti-m ljfe6 all wnleb a r e basiwl on perfecting t h e combustion of rhc fuel, giv,

... I he' lUouilTuillH -iimuly ruelilug.-niipn, tlift hlhe, wn.tyr.

.if.- from the dangerous llofsani sail­ing down the stream.

After awhile all sorts of thlngf) Be-: ir-ui w go by -fence rails, ppSft,"6oaF iiridn-H tall trees, waving their gr.pnt

iiirgeiy increased heat for a reilueed nnughs above tlie jyater. sdw lojgs, COTmimptlon of coal. li.idiils and maves without n(Jirilier.

_ _ Hi iitirt by came sodden liny stacks, , j viagoii or two. harrows, a plow,

' taken .uui lines In plenty. •Whn-ee! naoE at EcF Hie—HPT

Water has clunub sir Inches fllnce- wo CBJBtou W KsTBr'"" here;" Ausel said, looking* aoWB-irt

, the root which served, them as gauRe. n i t R P R T Xr i . « T f f V "An' it ntn*t done yet," said Jack a V j l L B E . n i <X H S I f t f , JII ii,. anxiously. "See. the leaves to«»p

• P " t i •ii . i r e

iHJSIllfSS- MOS; m

josirn aiLBXHt.

AUoraey a and Councolora

NUWAftK N V i mtuitu '- t tot 's a sure sign the.water MBWAKK, N. Y I Ja dUU „„„„,„. froto m m „ , m u p j to the staMsa.aHd barns some'whar— I

. ;dn lmne*ft woiflt} ""

A.E.KELLEY.MJ. • I ' n \> io iAN ANI> Sri tnEo.N. <ia.


ROWLAND BLOCK. MAIN S T — At I'urt liibaon —

From 1 to 8 P. M. Daily

COLE'S CAFE, [Late Jiaa*ey'8l


wash aiwny no houses . . . . , , ... •i.l',i"""i?" i/ ,inm" <tiyreT ••fr» - vnnThn-i lia-«}f-<eaeli yoa BW* I 5Srk i« l ^ r h m r t o S / ( ? p t T ' - &x'am *™v* *. •a raft er loose stuff?"

Ajisel had a IiaWR eye. Shad ing 1} ' lightly witsh his htiod he, 'too. peered

up -jitream for a b rea th ' s space . T h e n ! he" shouted a loud: " I t ' s ft JKHMO! I see It' plain. An ' there ' s so i r iq 'h ln 'V

, .suinethitt' al ive on the roof I I t ' s comln ' ..imld" this way . r igh t close to u s .

* X.i. "liirnT. I T s Bung, over ' l h « S t ^ l the Island. I know w h a t c a u g h t i t—

i hem scrub cotlonwoods. They 'vS canght It fas)t. J ack ! " h e a d d e d sliarply. "Bit the canoe. I tell ye t h e r e

! is- somethin" a l l v e - I k in see, ft move! ' ' , % w a s d full half mile to ' t i e p o i n t

where the floating house hKna s tnu id -ed. but Aiisei descr ibed It a f a s m a l l

You oug l i t e r Imv. nodding t o w a r d Hie iulnnt cn-noirc , ' •• a in4.l. »ni«id r.s >..u . i "f—1 though t I more •-• 1...iu , b I " . " " • Mid. nun. Ij .,r m r h i m t l i au nuylwifj" but 1 cmildii'i ,i pin mi tin- ret ired lisi « V n a«, • t lene^th»sW^o^iuuiLlt ' ' . tea._di»«ui») ,*" i i • " " <i tirtiT! y m u u i .giiy l>.

• * * * » ^ jTnUle t7Tjre',--Tir^"rrjirruTP Tt rnr tTcr r Ahsel n e v e r did m m Hie blnek mil | •msldiruble intervals.. V.nj a r e

I t t u r n e d out thin he w a s nf a In (Mildewed in the severe cr i t leism tha t inous r a c i n g s t ra in ' "> l>"si"wenr ffp*m the bride and all |

B u t O J P old juclei' did m»t OVITIUMII . s.'iir little set'ceis a re u»i lir.Highi ..ut i t h e lnd'» gallnntrv r«r ear ly in May min i nlred !.v.,ptc nui> s u n :. .,.» ' n , t h e r e c a m e fo ' i l ie Mai-vln hmnesteait i t uh l j ,g.....i •.|.im.ju i.f j . m :ifi.-i .i ir.Ts,i t w o beaut iful gold watches marked Tie-'l .-nsi . i esmime TTiTuc .T..*tie Is-" J a c k a n d "AJISHI Ami lusub- iiu.| Hie int.i.'gr.i.irti Alilimiuh i»- is a j

In iBPiniiry «if, ^rj- ui+pwrtam pei-sun.igi'-in i.,.- td iy , I

Beghlif Breskf&st, Oisnsr i 5 3 " B u p - '

perSOcents .



frame sttnettire With a flattlsh jbejl I'nof "He mought.u small rag. of aomeH^d-|-e4gs»4)r^^l8b»ij^.facta._hriM. U-vd.

8PLEHDID OINIKG PARLORS. T h e aedole of Newark and viclauy aaoiilii not

- faU to eall a t tba

wim it rrrnivfip nii«ti7o;tiiit>uiH.7.ii. UiAIUL UUUUltaV a.toi, ioaaEBiEJ, ta

\ was waving from a stick that stood up. inslnpt on the roof, and he thought, | too. that he could make out a dark hulk of some sort

"An'," said be. -spojen that's a b«5ar Bwum onto w ftaf h^pse."

They had struck in f)}.B TJftmlng • water. Straining U. Ijls paddle Jack t answered back -over .bis- shouidfiffr ~ i.

"Bears; can't fly rags, an' you sold i there was a rag a«flyin'. It 's fdjlcs, Anspl. Huy! but would they b? gted we saw and came after them! Steady!

tarred utMuoo. Uliii' Dtalu rulon tip stain tua flneat in toe a»w.

<iAinir.i.K F i m m r

I d e a l s HarTcit t o o r d e r , warm and Cow and (he boys pulled sharply s l i d e to 'Lonobeioxau deacrtpuons—Ail landa of gamt e s . .nue a huge noaUng tangle; of'brncZi,

l and rails. I Both had to ply thei r paddles for, , dear life. In; o u t , n o w this WW,,now.

- . . . . - . t ha t , the two lads sen t their craft "In T -. i T / i t i A i T T T / - I * T . I T S i * slnnous course. I t WM real ly I t re- ' L A N G D O J Y H O U S E ' I , uiend,uui r l s k - t h e a t t e m p t t o C T O M j j a i l U i f V / i - U . V / W U U 4 ! t h l 8 h a i f mHe of flood water . T h e

boys felt i t dimly, Uuf ne i ther Would admit to the otjjer t h a t i i j e re w a s a l iy-thing beyond plensm-j! iB^tfajsh^jexpedl:



1H0S, LAN&D0N, Proprietor.

(*OOD L I T E R Y A t T a o t t F . i



coaia«n<aiig. tmii owning, of .niyigation (•boot April t»') SagolnSent .sfdeiwheel neani-ers


Lv. Buffalo, 7:1*. r . K-.I.LV. uavelai*!;t'15-p. M' A/.Cleveland,8^oA.M.I^Ar. Baffaio, 8:so A . U

•tutenSitaiati lino. Xal[et1ie"(7.&"-B'..Lnie,''8teamef8 andeajoy a

retreakliiK nigbt'a reatwhenenorottf toOlsTelaad, Btlmitu, Cinliutl. Tolflo, Iaiiaa>;olii, Obcagc. Dflnlt, lueliuo Iil»4,iTflrtaerii' Lake loatlrt resora, orsuy.ump, iadmua.or aoatawfl'siera pome.

Write tor tonrut paamphlot.. H.R.R0GEHS, f. E.NEWMAN.

Oral Pin. *jt. Oin'l Uaiiztr. CI.EVEI.APIU, O .

"." .* ' ' ' Relief I n S ix Hoi i r s , D i s t r e s s ing K i d n e y a n d Bladde r

:diseMes-relleved*linrftli h o & r s ^ y H - t k e " N e w T r s a t Sopi th A m e r i c a n K idney cjirfi ," T h i s r e m e d y i s a {jreat s u r -p r i s e or> a c c o u n t of i ts e x c e e d i n g p r o m p t n e s s i n r e l l e v i n b p a i n in t h e b l a d d e r ; k idneys , b a c k a n d eve ry p a r t of t h e u r i n a r y p a s s a g e s i n ranlp o r female , I t r e l i eves r e t e n t i o n of * * t e r » n d l i a i f i i n p a s s i n g i t a l m o s t fanmediatefy. If y o u w a n t q t i i ek rel ief a n d ei i re ( b i s -is y o u r r emedy . S o M b y T« 5". tiatt&L d r n g g i s t j

Hon. The dangers of t b e l r coa r se tpo*S

eyes until they were a lmos t a longs ide the s t randed house, for a hQJJse It w a i . I t sot foefcin? to eddy water , a l n j o a t a t the tiiil of the Island. t - « i ^«_'-•-.

As t he boat shot into th i s e d d y wliter Ansel looked up , h e j g i v e a cry. - "• ~ ~' -" ".'

"Jack!: i t ' s e r horse op there—hSofc at)' ' Im ap there!, Q, but .s l i j ' t Be a beatity-!0 ' " ' . ' • . . . _ . . - ...

"i see him," aald Ja«S„ tejrung bl» paddle on the boat edge a t the) bow grated against the• h o n y and, looking o p . ' - " f « l (Wtos film OJT.J :I;igol«%lHs. kin swim, .Wt it fce.^<*ta;«<*TrBis be didn't, same along out if thU/ ' - 1

"I woiiidn't tet hftn, Pm'tfou aee

he's got. oh a. bridle?" aha a piping voice spoke down- from the roof,

And the next minute ji smaller, boy than either Jack or Ansel crawleff fi the' edge and looked "downVdri' thMn; •

"t thought somebody wdttM'cBii»ei« he said,- "but I was glttin' party hun­gry an' Sorter uneasy." . ' '

"Who are you? .How did Jon come here?" Ansel asked. . . " - T " '

"Dan Trlsketi my d*3, )ie runs the ole ledge's big hoss farin dp" In the BeiiB—WPkoTJ ye've neered of I t rjiui' jnighf. jes' before day,; the water came

Miulgln' all around us before khowed ifc * .

"Dad he took maw ait' the « » t of us in the wagln' fer the • hilh,-btrt there's so many oh us he didn't count us, an* He" dnnr t TOlas me: He tait the men ter git all the critter* out an' takp "em, erlonif.'..- . . - , •

h Was feafed theytd forglttWa *#W one in a stall by hlsaelf an' t ^ M l k M sea "bout 'Jm. tat'.V&Utiwi 'lioBt.Sp

No, h e won' t : he 's got tuu much sense—aln'f you , ptirfy' buy?" A m e ! sa id , scrambling- to the >...rf iuul he-' ginning to s t roke the .wWie-stnrivfl forehead

" H P mlBi i t 'AnselV'-all" g«'l i imsled an* di 'owrc" .lack. said, after n HLMHIMU "•We m u s t fake 'em botli "ff An' »« m u s t lie quirk i-rhout I t Tb.u''s inm'e wa te r -con i ln ' a n ' 'twiitfi !»• Ions h" fore this horse la- aflfifit again. comp on boy wi th y o r r.jli - miles: w a n t to feepp ori ter New 1 »r|pnn»."

D a n c a m e c l imbing down into tin

i p t t tl'ti , - ' - f m pli«^* p * e n * M 44nes--imd- H-rfti^r t i m m -

- . ' h e s 111 lilt- cl,UIii;. 'sw l lf tr ixii l i a b o v e . i-iiuiug twinkling s iars . Tliis Uilnh; lire HlMli.ini.MlI. plufusely lleeUed rtlt.l til 's i.f gi.ld,. and scmulngl.\

• l e r tilt- H . l t i l s n f t h e l l l l i . I s S a i l ,| -*(Ue*ineii s l i i-pniK ' ' ' j

By Itlyll^tit II s i l l .in.ims ahnve thirj^

tnetLoism caimot- ukng it Packs An: aesthete Itt a chtton and tsandats-"Bri a ebld and raio,y day wohld be an un-. lovely owect.' -He would be"wSapped; iii.a blanket, thrust into a fourtwheel-ijr and sent to a hospital. Not for Mr rlio.,slory that was jQveece's would rational men barter' n'patr of stdekinga and a pair of trousers."-"

— A-Storjt-XInclouJXola-fii Chronoiogiwyiy the talk had come tt>.

th'itut's joutTipy .east to assume geii-I'rnl e*Qnimit.nd. and ills first rheftting wiui Mncdlu. "Did Jffr give-ypir. Ms impi'isslon of Lincoln .When he return? ed from that interview?" I asked.

Highest of^llJiiXeaij — La tes t U . S . C ." ' ' t K q r o r t .


\ou see, i was with, 'him a t the jlre(- the descendants of the breed of •-- ••• -flofcs left by Hje Spaniards.

the biie'k of the Utile town," In the

was with, 'hiill * t tiin'e."

" I n . W a s h i n g t o n ? " - — -* - — "Yes; ' -Th Waahlngton .and In t h e M-I , I ,„ u n „ „ ^ ,„i.i, i-r . r , , ,, Bfst high cliff, i s a r o w of caves of n s

X \ f t « t o i , H o ^ " ^ r H ^ ^ d " v M , l n - * * i l ^ " f e appearance hewn into the' "Is i t true that- Unoolu Quoted, a- ^ d a m m , . An unused p a t h leads to

t h e m , and a shor t c l imb b r ings ' one to ithgir dark mouths. About forty years :igo the t 'hlllan Government thongln

that lUhcoln quoted , a story abou t Sap t . B o h Shorty arid t h e Maekorel Brlgado from the Orpheus ' ('. K e r r papers to y o u i fa ther a t t ha t ,

• " ? " - t * n 3 l t e T l r ' - T : " " J — L -•Very likely; thought I'don!t rempm-.,

ber. The stoi'y thatU do remember bearing, him tell My faHie.r that diiy;-' was about Jocko. JJocko'was tlie com. maudm." of an army df monkeys In a monkey war,, and he was always autre

t r r"

uai . - i s . ;i iiiuli n i lg higher lull",

. i ~ , e s , . f wcrs agdlus l

with id*ii ih,'

.111.1 s t l l , grea t Irreaular

s steenlex and dv.v. f^i-iin'I'llii

r tmrrf - iris liill \vaff-rihtttle longer h e isuild- ojifl t h e monkey -war. So he-kept . a sk ing • tlie -authorities ^ of the. moukey republ ic ftir|niore of a ta l i . . They got o ther niolikey tails' .and: spliced them on hlfi. H i s spliced fall got too long to-dja&Jif ter - h tm. and,, they wound i t n r b j r n d W s body. Sti l l

( h e winiteil. mojei iUnlr-mey wound h ! 4 I spliced tail aJUout'.hls shoulders . P i r t . I nll.V It got s a lieowy (tlmf It broke h i s 4Sst.—Mt!^-J*Mwoln applied the story

thait a good w a y to 'ge t rid of Its worst ;cplminuls would bo to t ransport = t M h e island of J u a n Fernandez . Here , :linuer the dlrecjjpn o£ tlie Chilian sol- to the stm<,t,i<t li "flairs, these poor wretches were made- is ever present to Wig eaves to l ive ta. In 1854 they " ' j ^ t o - t n k e n baek_a'gahv4\ov«Hjeiv-amt-

hi tlie pasivs of jjonenmls. who were a l Witya calling for niorl! men a n d neveV did any th ing wlt l i , th£nv They talfcetl' about the campaign , ! b u t In a deaiilt-<u\v w a y , I reiinsiilior -Sir, Whco|nifi-siiylng, 'I don ' t give • many mil i tary nnlers . Some 0K( those I do give I kuuvv o re wrongt ' SnmeMmes I thinlt-tlutt 'all of .them i r e wrbug . ' "—l ie - ' l lure's Magazine. 1

t t o caves have s l a w been cimmbliui «wny.

T h e narrow fjdge where Selkirk Watchwl Is now. caned "The Saddle," bebnuse a t either ond of It a bife rocky htfeiii|neH risea Uko- a pommel n n i}Se Of these IH noW a lavise thblet wltli InscTlptlnns eommeniofalmg Alpxander TSellth'k's loug a n d lonWy s tny on the island. It was placet! ' there In I81W pi- the officers of t h e Brit ish ship

-Topaz. A small- excursion s teamer h o w runs from Valparaiso, to J u a n F e r liirndez Island Tlie round t r ip Is made Jii s ix days, and three of these may be s p e n t on the Island In fishing and visit-lilg" thoae lonely mid anromfnt-spftts Which, nearly i!00 yea r s ago", were the h a u n t s of Kohlnson Orus06.-McHiourno Argtts .

HOME [nAflelEBS.


iipy sileM Hint a i«l!II<in,il!'e migltl ), it wT,«~7iidn>V-'ui,t" Hi TiiiirieP-^'oTfT''-11'1'^ t H f d b.-«:».|jd « , l . .ubl lb. -iiiatiu--. It. Why ( l i l n r m> S'\ miwr- t l f l l V h , w s „ , „ , ^ ^ y . UM% at San around i t? . , _ , ' . . ? . » - •

Yes, why didn't '#mi

M1 slU'IPkeill- " 'oelsen iiffnriis Drive hcc.intn very

tern* inTfl t c ,hn ' l i ve liere -mid. hnv greatly aided iii making lis* elUKPiisnu • •niil'i-ir r u e . I'hiirles H Hlilnu In St. Nleilolua.

The Tin That Blluln. A wrltei' in mi esi 'h. inge ims h.-cu

Iweassllig w*eddlugs.. ^t^.l il'l.-y' vv.,n I'lh-rliig Ii. Hie wniid Ii. ,.,iu..s .,t

I-mi,ill the bud. i. lie g.s'n on i'» sa:i—fii^i

held their b rea thy- , , A miliute pasSff—two. T-ii.» the | ""(.Mini.

black c«H.-gav« ajovfiii suits- mm m i l ' ' , ' i 'Y"* most overset the. hiioi I "." "' L'"-

iTtlolr EITDct Vvfi* «tll.P cbPaain. j ^ ' '

If. cenple w'ouUl :jofiif reiilize J m w ^ v e S ti isy It i s to"R: .ell "•aWi'Hf"gooB' 1- inner* when they a re little, i t seem*. t . me ihev novcii (foittil ttoalect t« l i t - ;

i-niT TO trrHirys-ihp- % -Xrir* he i lge r r ^•twjfomigater; is Bllowejl. io go Ills owi i ' v.avs t o vlolntp oviity niife «r cbiU'tuBy^

Hneittiil'H of dw'iini'y,suiitll HIS habits* nre io itii extent tailed, TlieS l\\ur$_ Is ,i ss ' tvit-hrealdHifup of estublishefl nnilous. uflj) rliejejillil Is punished llbft:

. •. .g«wl dial woi'i ' ledT'for doing, tbiftr t «.deli It has heretofore been permitted; I t " d» without tultlclsm. It becomes j — « W d . sullen, nnsettlwl eaid Irrlliibler. i ll It has a str-iing sense of Justice • i - which, by H I P way. Is more common

la ckililii!ii tUau neoiile. u» n i'nh>- give-. I ,:i.'iil credit fois-lt Teuls ollU*flgeft nTRT inliUHud, mid lieeuniea nniiiiimigwibiit;

-nd n-belllntis. T h e best school Of SjuimttersJ'oi' a child. Is t he p a r e n t s ' , # »

iiple iuul houie tralnfiiBi

OUib n e s t aecojad-Amilel came u p . n.d-| ! ' l"i !ll»ujld, a« ' l a n d B|mt tor l%,4n s a y j M hv cliiiulici j l " "iiigi'iitumti' tfi ctl OVOR i l ie-canoiv/s lde . - . i

",Tp«l ItTti.-l «nlil-y1iy'.l liiimr Il ls,feet. In thAigg»lpi.'ylne ««>• t":'<: V1'' -11'"" -'Vi.

fullnw e i . r ^ i . ix i . in in l nf . l i e l|iis"ii brais ; spirit wlm

1)1" (•••UhJ'"!'1 l l l l l ine j r -tpan .fi'l- M.!t"lu he

1'umpnuy muiiuets are, by n l l _ S k j i f t b y Christianity, passea current Ii. wiirst elBineiit thai evhr eutepai".rAltBlon. ci.i n t'tiiiill,v. Just irfiy people should ;^*."';!S, ._„„.. . . . . . .,,., •iliilw. tlihtnsclvos %n «1J sorls or^MW.-; .u. lntHffr|H.nt and1 .Hl-fed TijullU;;

ling almost n murilei'oKs-feelliig In his. In.^ii'ti, .wldl i . . ' tH^-ry iv^»sl h e - i i l l . rH

It wen; i l i i g to "l i... ln

Iro'-s,it 'gteiilii'iinui. "iMpgl. a#, .,- . In his place, would a ki-kodrme clean, to tlili -bottom- when I iidt my iiand on his pastern tryin lei gU 'Ira l««use " | . 'Bnn lookoil lit Am>i null a fm* ..f,-t.i.ngs.

woiKlermehi. ' , i J1"1 " 'Im." lie sold. In —"

seems a s If j i l i iL_ . , . • . , .... ^ , _ J .

If yoji "eamittt hf a brtt ie.-Ute .U"Kt: " ' " '- ' ' - ' ' a brlilesinniii ? .r

i s„rt> ...f « . - . r lFtlle:rs :m I '-.':1s,

ri'.nn tli, liri.t aril' 111. , s ii is ,.'v.-u Ji. He: Io .

I, I •

..hen tin1} are (done nthome, Hndl|ati: ..n u veneer »f couPtfsyj nmlttlllllty hpd. ....ilsh, wlien wimehnil* mtijes. Is 01)0

Desi thing l« t yell eOiue 'n

bun h. ( l l ' l ' s i 11


I I .



OharactmtMH qi flu. Fftvorlto upe<i and AWlWlPWI »?e|l!0||»,

Tho revival In iln- slieep ^ Interest througont the country has rans.-ii greater Imjiortailniis of ~ til? well kuoWit bTfleus," nml also the Intr-iilnc tlon of several which have hitherto been nearly or ault,!; unknown on mir shores. Butiitnid all tills, file Smith downstoaye fully inld thplr own ipopulnrl^y of other mutton, breeds' has' ™' 'M

?not creabed any Injurious rivalry,, ami' '" the Sonthdbwns m-ier stood bigh.-r among IntcnTgeht breeders thnnTfliey; n r r " . ^ , , : istana n o * . Thej are comely sheep. "" • " u u u i w'Hh smatli heat heads, thiai setiKlin. HOV/ GREEK LADIES DRESSED;

icr. gives him it ; is-pl tu remark Hull h" lnnlce.1 w r y . i t u k n o r d . or som.-ililtts Ilk'- He* s e c - I l l s I n f e e l | l . a l l . t i n ' , . f " l t l t e r e I s ( ( d n W I I i l l H t . I I l l s e l ' n b l e ° l i l n l l i l l i . i u l l l l l l ^ Uini tiiilleat"i> thai lie lunula n lull u a j insiguiticaiif (aiealiire he is \ .»« this't Is very wrong In htm. and uilghi n-it • tu he indulged, in su much as ii Is I t .

- . «* j ^'.e "HPH 1 j*vintg irn-n itiel. itr-y Tiray.iml'iieslP" t+t be lir-ldiHi-|--".Miiitt t l l e l l i s e l v e s -• ' j

rim 'niitb'jnifinni iinghi tn liHik iiinre j radiant a.ud bapny- Instead «f limhliig. flu Illtll'll a s If. he were gulng to the |

Bui. posslbi.v. he dues nni re-! fillze all t h a t Is In si,ire fpr h l m - n r , HW+- b^- ihat-4B- Jnftt *vha4. he i s th ink- .

.• HIP many myatjirlm • of this very mysterious thlBB- t h a t ivh yllll'lifrt Higjj'.

' mtch piroier tt ivouiu. IIP W t^llllllfl^E,

he stendy tmlfann Uepol'tnient, td fol-..\ .iiit the •unite theni'les nnd hnlil to ':.• name 'iiriirclpieWHuhdny a n d weol: i js . fsturni i i i i i lsl i lhe. nltine QV hi «i1-

. . d r . \ i i ier-rs nre o-jumheshlft. 'I'lnw .••a. b i n " liii'Sr u s e s / b u t niV far-Il l 's .' s l i i i l i le ' j lnii i the xollil umtPrlnT hTT

iniiutb. H U P lasts fur i i- l l l j le tVI)lle. iitllef wi'Ulllt-rs lllP rftoftlis of -tmeHr!i*d^iH!itHMHiaklie-«Piii!-ii4idJEa4i

f every lluy life. -One Is leinpomry ind wears out tyitli ft llrile coniurt tdih the ivoishl;-ibp„ other grows bet-./i! with every niisBlbg yi'rtr., Tlie wir-

«t triilnliiK of a child should he la .M ronJorniOMoft wltli the mofl «p-Tired society Info whirl! It Is bum. "•ut « hhii Is known ns Sunday nfnii "1-s o r gtHMf llelinvlor slioulil he t he -yilfole rale of (lip-imiifieholiU tine of the p"rettTe§t ^Iftrlfs Iii rtie ..ii'Iil wn'« wltnis/?Vd in ii public |ilnee «• oilier day. TOPH ft boy of nine ears steuperl pu(: In naviinee of his .. ther nnd older: sister, opened ilia

held ll wtdv One hand, eeiit'teoiis

4B^OLUTELV PUKE 3\JSg a. race of wild dogs, wnien "eoni ;p|gtely overrun the Island, depending

wnenever ne n w . , - . T h e feeling .,r -

>VP1' the"" occurs I s so tfrerjiow ,-ri;ig very_ rpasnii. n r o r i i " ' . . i el^ssary u> get n d .>: in* a l l p o s s i b l e sp.^-.I A i e i rii j of it is a iltin.ix i,, more shucking :han iu\:. who has never e.vp. '-"ii.. •Iglne. The Id.ii -.r,, •nsunsate mas.-, ,.f m- .vi.,r l imitless, biHt.iinliiks .., ,-iaunveii at and h monsteivi of the d i i p . i.

el • • ss- .ii which : k r p u Ueii-a dea'i'h


^^e 'aFoi ' ig in i i l udiabl tgnts of Alaska l lhaa.deyehjpod w w i f e p l t Brugi'esiL.ln ijorlmis vf >he ar ts , ft addit ion to. ^ * n t ^ j i | u l wood, earr ings; shown in ,. . B t pules, i hjftji njid aut ious other obKchi, ( h i * Hte> exper t In working i}opn|!i\ huiie, wal rus Ivory* twfolse s l ie l i a n d . pearl. The- objects they i n j * i i i" ' no ' partieulnrly pleusing m fheSftttstle eyl', bu t^ l ewed* a s the pin i luet t of a people wW> have worked jtytjjhbiit' models o ther t h a n of theh 'own rselaenuii' the sldll shown Is ninByi'llotw :' I i - ' the Government Building ut the WSvld 's Fall', In tho Alaska a n d llsher lejgEaoiilirfiiieuf, were "shown liliuy ub-JcoHsi iroiilp By Alaskan Indhuis dur ing tlmtji near mid. remote . In t he Hibnn-logjcnl Building were other eolieetlous, whl lp natlvra of the. t u c w theuiselves-Wil'e to |m seen lliVtflllng In lnmm-j typical of those occupied In Alnskn In.': widlrtnii «>—household Utteusllik,. Wfti^Vnw and other ImplDhietftit 5f tin ciliise, the- Indians Are skilled In muk-liijf iii'tloleH uf ndorn ihen t and the unra i jh iamlhv . psoil in tjio nnujiiu.erli« nf ithlj supersllllon that , Wheco U"t repine

Christianity, passea current ftir

_J lT t i » manufacture of fighting knives ofctlio Ii'Hnknt ind l ims , copper Is the lluMWlol used for lhi> WIIIIPS; the « i « e o£!worklng this melul. widen Is found ln*itB nutive state, in Aliisku, roaRlng i i 'd: f l lvnel t i . f oe nil p , w n l h l V . pnep . . s . .« 0Djt,tlle h l l toof some uif !ht> khlvPs m eaftud Uiu.t'olewa-iif epatB of a rms -t t U e p w n c r s . ^"WH-uTh sTieatHeiT "knifi. f c H r e S . e ^ » human hpml. ..An e a g l e s kentl opiistltlilpn the o ther hernlillc mn mum. O n e of tlie knlviw, an ugly looking weapon. Iii entirely of popper, being sliafpciied at huth ends. T h e halidlc i s in t in t middle, being ui.iin.l so tliilt t he b lade can b e grasped ivlth out Injury tn t he lingers,

backs , p l u m p -bodies, deep q u a r t e r s . ^ " ' • s u r p r m i m ' t o u>nro m m n w uiuml a n d l ight , clean legs of-the same .'..l..i'! . n i i i inon-F iou i i i edsk i ru . , ais the face . Full-grown ewes a u d i Wmm-u. In Ilnmea-. enrbiMld.-r gar wethe r s , h) Sdod prniditSori. nvi«ragii| meiii-s. and hTiiiHi WHM* of this kind is I n Welgbt from lii'l I" -HO pduhd-s. Hie "i-.iu«hl frmu Sid'.n fh.-y t.:l»i. ( fleece is ; dry a n d the s tap le of MH.I but nn the \f»h.>I-. their dn .ss . I.dij, d l l d g Ieiigth, somewhat " Earsli, b u t ' *niock and jslrdle.' was. apparent ly , s t rong a n d durable The fleeces aver , .nueli Ilk,, m a t uf later f i w i . . This -o^e f re i r t five t o eight noiindsof wa*n ; is ..tW. -tor >nr n gold r ing fn>tu Sly e d WOOL I t i* )J)P l l j l i i S {if I l " ' ' r i *'"' ' '• I 'T* "'n*. » " " ' '" woun-n wl ih , fleah wWch, g ives the ' J^ti thdwwua j "MnVrairt t^ttstn. t ight Wstists aa i l j t he i r The mutton is , •"-tiiis-ats le-ai i l j a.iuu>.isl Tie saui. ( del icate j p i a j B l c y . with i h e Jean .pin- | .-"siuin. appAif . on a Mj.-enn a n ring ly maibleM w^th fau aud unsurpassed , j.i. k.-.l uj. ly Jfur tu . iugl . r In .• . u.-..s J itt. ilawijf... T h e -.spas are prollilc. g...d a , «;,.(. Tiv.i la. l l .s ai.- . . u - . u - ^ i g , Jnothors,. and good nurses. The breed ( . , u t of i liaiuphjgne glj&M-s. r i i .y a r e I s prepotent, impressing, i t s c l m r a c t e t - , ' -r> Ughi lo .ed A l a d y ' u u . a M . I . L t a t k a a ' o n . a i l , o t h e r s, which It is , ••••iin u gem frmu Vapli.-i., l» laisiiT c ross i a , ; t h e fcuthdijfas__;niust lie • • SHii, ie.iKaii.1 lui« — i.-n I I . . I IH .M k e p t In smal t flocks, and well cared - T h e British Museum , . «n» u lent,,Id | f t* . T h e y i r e not adapted to "rust •_• m. wb. r. I,, i.. n.-ni-s r.niy .1 , riu.> M g ' M n la rge flocks. like Merinos, hut "He. with ie'. pet t los i i O U T It. Dipytpn o r e welt-f l t ted.-for the . fa rmer who; u s e s displaf. | ljtirti men and women

T t m O r e a t Pout OIRBOa. Very few persons luulerstrtnil the

actual relation wlilohthe New York f osf ofllcp hPurs to tb.o postal sw-vleo of Hui country^ A&'njany as do. how ever, have- ^eaifdf with ifrcat sotbifav. tlon H\ii result of the conference held fytW'n, Vostmaster Daj'ton and l*nsi: inusiw-Oeneral; Blssell iti Washhighui. wlieipot (i^iurtthcps Weve gtveit rhnt isiis *llj ^rov-rdhiif' far -mi- -increase- "f PAXHW tho letter carriers, irird the SixkOut) appropriation: ro ' the improve-mout of thin Now York post nflliH.. Waniil pass the Senate.

„ . , , „ , , Far several years the Post Oillcp ralsi-d his cup with tlie oilier, and Department hatf been protiw'tlng

- i l u d for tUeiii f» piisa through. It against the infcflor aecomraodiifious n ibi. bhish <iii iitoreilianoiiemuuti'ej °f "IP New York nnd Chicago .ifflces,

hii-ii. mid eniisBl ltiany^ixuptherwltli.Whlp'Ti arc tTovpriimput's e'hler money gmttlUK oliildieii to wohdoif Wliy it miikeiif: Both hulldlnp aWowiicd .ins that l»r boys never did anything by tlio Federal (56vprnmnnt. iuul both :f that soft. The simple reason was rttb joohdlicted not froth fhefr libera! lint in Unit household courtdsy was postal revenues, hut by appropriation 'forced front fins cradle. The boy made by Congress. — id never been permitted to sniipose 'nhe New York post ojgfex.. In mie

.uit he could, plisjfi • hrmigh fr door and | since 1875, Is on land! ceded by New llnw tt iii swing bn'ek into the face i York to. the Fedc(«l Government. The f his seniors. At the age pf ulne J receipts «>f te New York office In a

; ears he coiild orrer hi* mother his I year are Bfmsm. The expenses, ln-i rm. PSCIII i her to the table, blnee her i eludlttB lB.000 to the Postmaster and

' ' ' 5T3WW. tint gas, fuel, una" other Tle"-tat}ed ftems, ore J2,5OO,00O, leaving a

p s p i iy t b i i hnji- f o r her . pick rip h e r f an , hand"-

u-chief or gloves a n d perform, any of •hi l i t t le polite ac ta of every-day ex iitenee. with t he i l l gn l t y a n d grace of a rourtler. To' s ay that he w a s ad-ulred by every o n e waitld h o t he in

not profit to t h e Government from Its opera t ion o f W.OOO.OQQ^-TSSS .mselPM of t he Chicago office a re J4,000,oo<i a yea r , -and t he oxpensee (Including $ti,

lie leas t a n , exnggpratleh. I n what 100() for !E"Q»tniaator Waj l i HesJngj a re ,i i-iklnK contrast w a s his conduc t w i t h , $1,500,000, leaving a net profit to the .he Indifferent, Ionngmg-^(ft.reteamPS5 j O o v e r n m e h t of ?2,500,u00; so t h a t ,f most of the boys wi th whom", lip New York a n d Chicago together net

was associated. B n t t o a t t a i n th is | $7,000,000. icciee of ease and polish, it i s scarce , Jus t , w h a t thia means Is best under-,i nei-essnry to. say tha t the str lct . is t , s tood when it Is known tha t t h e a c •ilea of jgond breeding .were constant ly ( t n a l deficiency to'fto postal revenues,

exclus ive of toe business of these two

•vvbrks. a "moderate a rea a n d will care- « l td t iny war*<#* Men: in "Mj-cenapan for, them.- T h e American S o u t h d o n n . -in. n.ur- li t t le but very slmrt d r a w e r s Assoc ia t ion , .wh ich numbers ip its uui sbir ids. In .HnunT t h " ehlefs, memhersfhip: n o t otily leading lii'epders sunmi.,ned on a night ulai'ni.' •••.iii" mit b u t ftisi'gehtlernon wi|9 aSc ominent I in dressing ctiwiw. «nm.' uf rliem of hi , phbi le life, la in a very ' aonr la t i lng t sk ins « , condi t ion , nnaticlnlly and oHieryvlse.-I The blsturlenl di'pss f.n- l.-nlies wns Two'-v-<4'unies'' of Its "ttecprd" linvVT., large plepp, of -eluth a fuui lunger b e e n i s sued , , aud the workmen the ihlrd .'HUI the ivearo t^ i 3 mil. and us wide Is? .Well iadvahced;. The -p r i ce of these! . i s her a rms ciiinwgiti'pti'b. When piit 'vbiunie* hits been.-reduced, to, Si'P on by a fair Brilm OTch-fdrv,jnerdBei's'of" the: Association..i.;igain. l t paijtly k<i»t if up . and TJje Cttrxy ,f&ep are a s follows;. For safety plus were iaed In very eurly-Ajraerloari-brMl .Jjjimal's. -or1 arHihalslt i ines. Tn shuw t ip whole of the lei •birp&e^fc^pre-VlowStp. A p r i l 1. 18S94 w.i* v»ry-iwmah m * ivp d<> n.,t wSartri owned b y dojlar e a e l n . ' h n t .Mr. Tori nbjlr tei l to the cbitnn. ^n-ne.1 h y irnn.mamhprs. fwii llonnrs"^ i l r t.ildnc a. InilJlt'luwi'l a g.K il b!

-if usu.-illy falls nff

each;: animals imported troih tifeai "«."liW aiid trying .ut it as her full

%2S^£. -Britain jlhei; April 1,18S0j five dollars: each; -Tbe, officers or" the Association "arej President, J. H. fot ts , Jackson1

viJu&.EU^fteiitofy-.. Si- EJ. Pra flier;

Smith, Bates; ^111:; directors, C. II. Ctlay, KTehweicy; Hon. Levi P. Slor-toU, N e * York; John JacSson;" fan-Ada. 3?±ie Southdown Interest is oer-^aipiyHba good hands, and the purity aM.hlgft »tahdara;of the breed will he fully,;h»aiiitalned.

Ahler|c!Sil'breeders and ;fe.aers of SoUuMowns pursue a system sonic \irit)t,,iilBer<pf from iui In England,

tt.Wt*^d,im • • a strong

li;it 'slit* v.ui iimUt* istamp. a moilpru

nymph uiiddNtancy' tin* trtllcf of lior •indent sisters , w h e n oiiee sbi* .has: P*t. U «n *9he stitnejs wi th ^xtenapt l arms an'I ano the r lady fastens a

tnlle rminil- her ivraist. T h e n »hii'-P.11H3 up till** •in-uuRli* Hit* .ffiv«l! «i\>"r, ami the re »1 she .will remain, »h*llentf qm-Rtit WPVP sj>ineri0li •>, tlijn bi '^asri i j i r i i i p . •; . •

Lflilk-M, had nSfboiinem-rthpy mulli.eil-tlieJr b>ntls„ia j h / ^ i l - i.f their *rU»_ak-s •l- n-^rt- flat h a m ^ T l u - y n't-iv a l l very

jjerfiuoHs lt^uffth--iinil jets; it Hans ^IH. B u t how luiis

B an. fxtri-niely LtrapM, Ilk.- (traces, >i% -anti cr.isspil

ielrig fastt 'ned to tho:

the Tariiifrra Uirffl. «>ttas. i t mus t Jiaye bi'en UplierntrHi ti> livp in Tah-nzya. It appt*aii3(»f<iiJl ttip wholf. t h a t .We eannat 1i»>pi» to revive 'CJrei'k •Irf-s. TiiP0flreHRIvtas designed tat: a wiirm climate, ami for a heaiitifiil,: slmpely Va^e. If had Us adyajitaff»,3 in-* the matl**r rtf heal th, as-, the re ' ,was 110 ttgftt l ac ing a U f W t h e Myaenae^a

;oge. T*e stylt ' wM&Akt ux t ravagai i t

^ w t i y . ijut it i* im^Mwibie.. Aoar-»' * MQttii

thnt family. It may be said that such things.take

inn much time and trouble, rind that one's home Is a place for relaxation and Indulgence id one's personal pecu llnrltles. While this may be so thp question would immediately arise Just what habits and pmefless should lie nllowedjjmd whether, tinder iipy clr-ciims'tnricea; baa' manhel'8, loafing and 1 xtfeme carelessness are to b? tblef-•itefl. When, once oi|e Is trained to good form, some of the moat objection ilile fpattires Sf pvery-day Ittdulgencp becomes as distasteful as they Were nforefime thought comfortable nnd inost heeessary. All of which' goes to prove the "trau- of the old quBtdflonj. "How use doth work a habit in a man."


SetHeiheirt IipjauitiHi.bjr^p«w^CM«iu>« ^ e e , " «a4d.QajpT.;Jf A. Bearoj, ftTa'St and CTerm^i ^tanluea,

It Is not genet-ally known thar Junn "Fiirnandpz-tiie Island on whldb AIPX under Selkirk," the Hbhlhson Crusoe of romnncej Jlve9 fopab many years—is at the present time inhabited. Two valleys, wlndipg down from" 'dlffeBefti •directions, join tt short distance frouF the shore, ah4 here now; stands a little illlage of.small huts scatjteretl round a long; ldjvi qhe^stdried bulldmg, with a veranda running Its full length, th ibis housfr lives the man. who rents: the island fijim the Chilian' Govern merit,.. ari{t the village la nlad& up "of a-few German and Chilian "fdmiiies., •

t h e tiny town Mr called San Jiinn!

Biautisth, aiid the criiter-lllte nrirt of 1 hi- sea on which, ft is situated, and ivliei-p Alexander Selkltk Bfrft landed. is aow &UeoLfiu^iMapit Bay. ..Ths. Island Is rented tor about £200 a year., The. i-eat Is ;pa1,d partly In dsied fish Ottching ana. drying the" many varie­ties of flsli and raising cattle and vege­tables sjbld _*o passing vessels cousti-iutethelsole employment of the Islniid-01s. The cattle need no core aurt the legetatiles almost -grow' wild. Turnip* and radishes, first sowtt there by Sel­kirk himself, now grow rank and wild' in thft TOUTO! l*e .wjeds. .Ther» to

ih . - . r ible thai- 1 •and:-a** er r ry i i " i r ' s n r it, It 4levp|ves iii his own han<!-

"Tu.e holly Is str.l!i[,h boa I'd. fticp up. T. . ih bivai'd a r e a m , ;•» -1 USUOllj . 'Allu.Hl l«i l l - . Is simi pi! mil u. by. soul,- ..I' lb. , i - w. tills, make" 1,, of sight of Ih.- 11e.1l I n g - n o n l le 111''!*.' whose dtltv ii s t,. and let It .lr.,|, H. . most \i:i>b<- \ it i ': after lining that ir 'mtivr tu pi'j'f.i...i .. tlrst captain ..ti >• passel iger win n . I as.snre Tim e h " , - " nver To yi.11. .uui 4 t h a t y « ' U i i u n ' i .•• • i ajt?«m*r-*imTiy^siigvnj.

Hint, ror - th is i " f 11 Ls i i p -. - . . . i i . s e w i t h

l i e g e t l l l l g the t ragedy , ,ei. ih,- man 1 11 . .in Im-iU tii" t\»ld,-I.i.v 0 u t iu the in t.i . b e

i . i . ' -gnssly is n.nYifvins Vn.1 W't thel'O

t|.' 1.11 ihat lna*-nnLst l>" d.ine,

uir* rrn-n l iamg u liim tu -I.- it with

1 tu a l u r e [.In! .if' All)

i - j i . i l . S - g l i l s . . ! '".•!• (!i s ' t f t u i ed . " . " . .; »h;u . : . T i n i- , i , . i i i » , 1 ,1 .1 IllK-lv UUC .» •- .l.ligs. |eav-t rie- „,':\iitain. , • u ' - t h e I m . i r i l ' • -• 1 f. " t t ' u r e -N i .1 - .,:i s l e . - p " . ,11 . 1 . . t n s i v , » l -: . . , ^ i •!' l l l O


" gnt" n-re-ii von

.1 his pTrtnff^s - . ' . u l „ •• »

1 ii'idlgimnlfy. 1. • s 11 hat it

Cndar rli,',m l l r r n n s i u i . os.-The t rump -: •' f ' f • " ' , f l '

U|.L-thi- .lei .—'— .—- i nppOTPt as he . I-Mr d

" W b y d l i l n ' i 11.11 -n ".leell tlllu .ninlii • ...p, udieti ibev hH'l i'--i- '•—' 1 ' "Kim iiuililii " In", -.ft.I " I ' n d e r Iheiti . Irfiliii-ian UUUl needs Is wln^s-

T w o l a i (.-s Snv Mil" i ' l l . i . 'hi ' t i l 1-

f i t v in mi-1..tii i . . .... h a d e*tin*ui!!)ns,ii ,• nil llii|i.. fur In-, i... K i n g ' s \ i « 11 -. cu red "li.-r mi..l - b . life M r . T i n . I ' . Ktiu'et Sai. I'm1.. -• *a tTi'SftiTrtrr ??xm~x

I I I I I | i l i n l i t r t . ' - t • 111 t i l i ng e l- i ' III". Dr K i n g « \ t W r t I v e r - i t ^ fffl' al ly t lmiiUlii t W h l i ' l l t i n s . - u t l l u V iOl i i j i t i l l ! eine In 1 uiiglt-bn t t l . . - ut \V-

l 7 " "|Hi U ln l f

Uizy Slinpsmi 1 .i« 1 beitvi'S lit sn*bi» Tb*^ Wliellpvel' I d" 11 -I sgi siiiiieluidj "..ines aluiig -II tit It J u d g e

ur .i.r. •• frump Jf=-* ^ ^ luck*

. t i l l thing t:i.tehr.n rrhr

cltles. Is »i4,fiO(>,u4f) a year, and that a Very Mefie majority of the 70.000 post «6kes in the .United. States (about 86 pef ceoi of, the whole number! are run a t a loag. Notwlthsmndtag this, New York and Chicago nave until how been unable to obtain fair treatment from Congress, and Enough as a re­sult pf .Mr. Dayma'smlsalon. and the effortojj>l .sereral of. New York's, pemobtarlc "C)6hgresshiiin, some relief seems TO "beat ha idfor the metropolis. Chicago, i t appears, la to be less for­tunate, and i> complaining a great deal in consequents. ^New York Siin.

_ BUftlALAT 8EA.

I t StO>«Ti Criw wd T u H i i t m ana I» "^t^preMlTelT Solemn.

«i-<ftn*t'lmagSSeSa. moife oppfeasAve-ly aoleintt ceremdny than a, burial at


Tlte.Sbetl(. of .Goikfiicfai, i » ^ "TIs taik," said, the birtchelorv ."of '

the late lamented are being carried from Washington hi c W g e o f a C r i n -gressloial" comrirl'tteei bnraTburiaT at sei'atirSSsses the ceremony oh. land In polatf <6f solemnity as much as the "Sswfinngrmideur of mid-ocean surpasses t h ^ mtlif; »eft ftfr™y " f " tisi""."1.1

lake. Men of the sea are hot given to sentimental musings,

"The' coiistant; menace to life makes them reckless and ribald. But when a death. ocfinfkJW hoard * I p the meek and humblo piety ,wWelircba*acterlzes 'both crew and passengers would do credit traua. .Quaker cuugregulton. The; great, otaswIaffiTWretcn7 of water, With its n^Uirtalnous bjllow* and Its bowl •big gaea^seems to. inveitt the presence Mt. the «rlm^ reaper.with*. more, merei. tesa bhawefer aiid brings: Ho" the minds ot the living £ more reaffifttg sense of the terrors of death than is felt on land, with Its houses and rustling trains and carolling birds trilling a tMoaody llns of _, _ . . . . . yard. You eaid depend upon It. that-he* matter now cough and hardened the sailor, he takes off, Ids bat and

" P u t 1 r j u j i ' t i i t i t ' j r ' 1 ~" " """• —

All frlNhni.nt -*n "ii - tir»m pa*«e.l o, ni'oitT s '•hop a n d » I;IUH .t pllt .-f chefw** <»u th<- -••miif'-i uui tiMtiWus; t he sh.ipiiuni . hiHl jeft . tiiil uly'p, thtitiirbt it a ^"'"i .ipi.-Tiun.'> i-* V t U rheewi- fur imlhitm ""

He tlielcful. el. l*|r. ,1 .t«;i:I> Jilji .hii ftluin, a-pd u4Uu^ u ^..u..L' ..-f ^lu^-iis^ iHi' on '-jt- >i - •!• ' ihe M^LK'9^ ' t h e HTitj|Huilii, h'pirrrmx tm» noisn, .•nma fi-om the buck Hb'»p dad asEed P a t what lio wa« ah->ot.

*'(l(!h," «aid I'.n. il'in'i mnoy y o t u \ Self; I oflly wlsh.-.l ••. kn-*w If yoUQ, -L-lieeHe ur uiine is tin .u .n t«,st."

"Uk*> your -,t-tif.»itiitl.-.l .h.-Plc."' sjtid t h e shopman , nai^rlly. "ii" you don ' t . take your «'hoi*N(* «»m ->f this a t onco I'll sfn. thf pnile*. «m >*HI "

Pat lifted the ohe-se. and, IB-whuff. d T t h e mel t Tie" had pi-iWttH'U; Ditdti— tho shopman a resp*M-tfuF uood-day.'

Fdllnwtne f* rmpttoC. * A talBn prophet has .y;K'-n on tli0o

Is land of<-a TT- t.-acTiea tha t Gud h a s Klv.-n hloi ;».*w.-r *«v make a; m*w B**tln*sda m n «tn.iH riv*n'- --a tht>' island. Every Wedn i^day hQ atamls on a rock \v. the i t r a in OHd b i t t e d the watem. wh->'h- an- r V n -?tjpprtspfl to h a v e the p-.w.-r "f *i- ilfinj;* any disease T h " n a t i v e .ir- 'ii5t7y' fn t-Tfo fanat ic l>elief In t he new j"-«piiprfe, a n d 20,OOrt pilgrims a day htfthe in . ^ e wate r s .

E l e t t r i c B i t t e r s . Thi*- reineil j - i..-e..ii [IK •»*.-w«*ll- ,

k n o w n ani l f»» p'-piiJiir <i- tou**-t l im 8pt'citil lu tn t i i ' i i . All A1 . . . ha \ t - u s e d Biectr i t - -Bitter*, '-IUX : i ie -turn- s.yng . ot pi-aise. A ptir*-r tMe"di«-in<* do^S: n o t ex i s t a n d It is rfnarunteed . t o d o a i l . t h a t in i l u i u i - d . Ki t -cue Bitter** will e t i r e all d i sease . , ,,f t h e l iver a n d k i d n e y s , will r e i u u v p i u t p l e s , ^bpils. s a l t r h e u n i a m i - 'r j i ' r1 a f f e r t i o n s ^ c a u s e d by inipor .- i*|.M«f- Will d r i v ^ malq-r ia f rom t h e *% - .uiu .ant l . p r e v e n t a s "Vf&ll a s c u r e a l l ".Mahirfal. fevers.—? F o r c u r e of H e n d a v i i « . ( o i ia t ipat ion-a n d I n d i ^ e s t i o i i t r y Kie- t r i f B r t t e r s — E n t i r e aat isfact i t . i i (juarantere'd, < * , } „ ^ . _ m o n e y r e funded . .Priee-.-lO :\*is,a&ft ; „ J ^ ^ 3 f * . « r p e - r br i t t le a t W " I L TteUey*?.- r W C ! ^ ^



Tjouis "reporter, '"tt- ' te solemn enough on land', except wheh, the remains of woman's engaging in-fhe piirstftts^hf "' " "' " *-" '" '"" '" * man Is all nonsense '

"I doht know.'"' said bi<j friena, doubtfully . .•—"•'

"The re is no doubt about it. Shpp'Sse a w a r should arise; Women couHn ' t fight,could they5" '

"Whaifs thi- rcoKun inpy eoBIaia*tf' "Why,^ because they a r e not a s "

ly cohstifuted for wtirfare." \ "Humph* J u s t com*, uver py, :$S$

botrgalh countei*^^ lu; our dry goodW srorr -some day a n d you;il ohaiige fair. mind.™


. •* ' - • ' *•*

Rattled Itlglit on the Sfetra. (at Ber; ^

Iderly ."c^ip^". * , ; Yeuhg Mrs. raicmx <at Beg " 1 Sr | f . ?* , : ^ £ ^*

breakfast with iLer said to her husbafid' _ _

'"You eait witli ybhr knife, dontybi"; JoanC a^eaFT"" """" '**

Old Mr. Gotrox (hoticing hIs,;Sfe)o • tunlty, and; wltli severity ahdTalSdty : . "No. madam. I do hot. 'f'eat'.wll. iny monifli. I frequently, cohvej tou,

;#^ ITHS ami. oarotimg onua truung a / ^ J uiuuuu. x. u-vnuwuuy, oouviy.- iuu, . , ; , , . , , • shody from every bough along the,-*rom my plate to my EJohtti'Spj^tSr ' -',^'i ie of march Aom church to graver j with my fcotfc, but t do.iHy awa .jai. v». « v j -..i - r . . . , . . ^ . . . ^ ^ i. •* . . . u ^ wfthmy own exdtislve mmiai,:!®**,'i1^"

until farthier notice't wilt myselfi fjjr- •' ' ^ nlsh all ttos InBtrncttbris Attiat''thV .*- ?&% methods to be. enip>osiedVV-~

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