
Post on 06-Aug-2015






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The main image is of Andrew Garfield standing slightly side on, looking past the camera. This image dominates the front cover due to the fact that it is the big main image on the cover.

Using Spider-Man as a selling point/part of the magazine.

Empire used the “amazing” out of the Spider-Man title and used it in their main coverline. Amazing is also a buzzword used

The way in which the subsidiary images are positioned at an angle leads the eye towards the main image.

4 different text colours with 3 different fonts.

Main image over laps the mast head of “EMPIRE”

The back ground has lights to highlight Spider-Man and draw the attention to him.

Main image is of Benedict Cumberbatch as the villain in Star Trek into Darkness. His character is in handcuffs looking serious to show him as a villain.

Smokey white effect used to make the character mysterious.

A lot of unused space in this cover.

No subsidiary images but coverlines/ subsidiary text.

Flash used to advertise the Hobbit 2 and three but no images used.

Main Coverline advertising Star Trek as the main point of this magazine

6 Subsidiary images right at the top, quite uncommon, usually around the bottom half

Main character surrounded by 3 key characters.

Main image over masthead

PLUS = showing there’s more


Completely blank white background, keeps attention on main image

Can tell film isn’t an action film due to background, clothing and expressions of the characters and is in fact a comedy.

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