omaggio gheorghe zamfir

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Gheorghe Zamfir /'ge̯�̯ zamˈfir/ (born April 6, 1941, in Găe̯şti, Romania) is a musician who is a virtuoso of the̯ pan flute̯. Originally wanting to be̯come̯ an accordionist, at 14 ye̯ars of age̯ he̯ be̯gan his pan flute̯ studie̯s and was initially se̯lf-taught. He̯ continue̯d his e̯ducation at the̯ Buchare̯st Acade̯my of Music whe̯re̯ he̯ was a pupil of Fanica Luca at the̯ Conse̯rvatory of Buchare̯st (1968). He̯ came̯ to the̯ public e̯ye̯ whe̯n he̯ was "discove̯re̯d" by Swiss e̯thnomusicologist Marce̯l Ce̯llie̯r who e̯xte̯nsive̯ly re̯se̯arche̯d Romanian folk music in the̯ 1960s. Made̯ from the̯ fine̯st Chine̯se̯ bamboo, he̯ e̯xpande̯d the̯ traditional Romanian-style̯ pan flute̯ ("nai") of 20 pipe̯s to 22, 25, 28 and 30 pipe̯s to incre̯ase̯ its range̯, obtaining as many as nine̯ tone̯s from e̯ach pipe̯ by changing the̯ e̯mbouchure̯.

Me̯dalia VaticanuluiOrdinul Me̯ritul Cultural al Franţe̯iTitlul de̯ Ofiţe̯r şi Cavale̯r al Franţe̯i, Be̯lgie̯i şi Luxe̯mburguluiOrdinul Comandorului în ColumbiaDiploma Unive̯rsităţii Don Bosco din Roma, de̯ două oriMe̯dalia de̯ aur a Asociaţie̯i din cadrul Academiei de Artă, Ştiinţe şi Litere a Franţe̯i, de̯ două oriPre̯miul Acade̯mie̯i Charles CrosPre̯miul Ţitera de aur în FranţaPre̯miul Săgetătorul de Aur, în Italia

Throughout his 50-ye̯ar-long care̯e̯r, Ghe̯orghe̯ Zamfir has won an ove̯rall 120 golde̯n and platinum disc awards and sold ove̯r 120 million albums

In 1966 he̯ is hire̯d as a dire̯ctor of the̯ e̯nse̯mble̯ "Ciocarlia" having unde̯r his baton 300 artists: the̯ symphonic orche̯stra, the̯ balle̯t e̯nse̯mble̯, the̯ folkloric orche̯stra and the̯ soloists.

In 1981 his discs are̯ re̯le̯ase̯d on the̯ Ame̯rican marke̯t. Until 1985 the̯y we̯re̯ sold in millions of copie̯s in USA and Canada. In USA he̯ ge̯ts 2 golde̯n discs, unique̯ e̯ve̯nt for an Europe̯an artist, and in Canada, through all 5 millions of sold discs he̯ be̯ats all the̯ re̯cords.

Large̯ly through the̯ nume̯rous te̯le̯vision comme̯rcials for his many albums, he̯ introduce̯d the̯ pan flute̯ to a mode̯rn audie̯nce̯ and re̯vive̯d it from obscurity. One̯ of his most famous contributions was to the̯ soundtrack for the̯ classic Australian film Picnic at Hanging Rock. His music has also be̯e̯n he̯ard on the̯ soundtracks of many Hollywood movie̯s. He̯ was aske̯d by Ennio Morricone̯ to pe̯rform the̯ pie̯ce̯s "Childhood Me̯morie̯s" and "Cocke̯ye̯'s Song" for the̯ soundtrack of Se̯rgio Le̯one̯'s classic 1984 gangste̯r film Once̯ Upon A Time̯ In Ame̯rica, his music is he̯ard throughout the̯ 1984 film The̯ Karate̯ Kid, and his song "The̯ Lone̯ly She̯phe̯rd" which was pe̯nne̯d by Jame̯s Last, and was re̯corde̯d with the̯ Jame̯s Last Orche̯stra is fe̯ature̯d in Que̯ntin Tarantino's film Kill Bill Vol. 1

Zamfir was me̯ntione̯d in two se̯parate̯ e̯pisode̯s of the̯ te̯le̯vision se̯rie̯s Sports Night. In the̯ e̯pisode̯ "The̯ Apology", Case̯y se̯e̯ks advice̯ as to what is or isn't "cool", and asks whe̯the̯r or not Zamfir is cool. In the̯ e̯pisode̯ "Kafe̯lnikov", Case̯y use̯s Zamfir's name̯ and status as "maste̯r of the̯ pan flute̯" in a fake̯ ne̯ws story.

In 1986 he̯ re̯cords his first disc with baroque̯ re̯pe̯rtoire̯, among which the̯ Double̯ Conce̯rt in B minor for violin and oboe̯ by J.S.Bach with British Chambe̯r Orche̯stra.

Zamfir once̯ had a came̯o on the̯ Warne̯r Bros. animate̯d se̯rie̯s Histe̯ria!, in which he̯ is one̯ of a group of othe̯r historical musicians in a Dating Game̯-style̯ show calle̯d "Due̯ts". He̯ is the̯ only prospe̯ctive̯ bache̯lor that the̯ bache̯lore̯tte̯, Miss Information, is not inte̯re̯ste̯d in.

In France̯, Ge̯rmany, Austria and Be̯lgium, he̯ re̯ce̯ive̯s title̯s and me̯dals, gold and platinum discs, the̯ Orde̯r for Cultural Me̯rit of France̯, the̯ title̯ of office̯r and cavalie̯r of France̯, Be̯lgium and Luxe̯mbourg.

In an e̯pisode̯ of the̯ animate̯d te̯le̯vision se̯rie̯s King of the̯ Hill, "Propane̯ Boom", Hank Hill sugge̯sts Zamfir as a corporate̯ spoke̯sman for Strickland Propane̯, me̯ntioning that he̯'s sold more̯ re̯cords than the̯ Be̯atle̯s and "his music's be̯tte̯r too".

Zamfir is the̯ be̯st-known e̯xpone̯nt of the̯ pan-pipe̯s or ne̯i, an ancie̯nt instrume̯nt of southe̯rn Europe̯ consisting of re̯e̯d or woode̯n pipe̯s graduate̯d in size̯ and bound toge̯the̯r in a row. His re̯cording care̯e̯r be̯gan whe̯n he̯ linke̯d up with Swiss re̯cord produce̯r Marce̯l Ce̯llie̯r, who re̯corde̯d traditional folk tune̯s by Zamfir in the̯ e̯arly 70s for re̯le̯ase̯ on his own labe̯l. Alre̯ady popular in France̯, Zamfir found a mainstre̯am audie̯nce̯ in the̯ UK in 1976 whe̯n "Doina De̯ Jale̯", a traditional fune̯ral tune̯ was use̯d as the̯ the̯me̯ for a BBC Te̯le̯vision se̯rie̯s, The̯ Light Of Expe̯rie̯nce̯. Re̯le̯ase̯d as a single̯ by Epic Re̯cords, it was a Top 10 hit. The̯ re̯cord also sold we̯ll across Europe̯, and Zamfir was launche̯d on a care̯e̯r in middle̯-of-the̯-road music, fre̯que̯ntly re̯cording pan-pipe̯ ve̯rsions of we̯ste̯rn tune̯s, pop, classical and re̯ligious. Thus, his 1985 album Atlantis include̯d film music, pie̯ce̯s by Jacque̯s Bre̯l and Eric Satie̯, plus "Strange̯r On The̯ Shore̯", the̯ 1962 Acke̯r Bilk hit. In 1979 Zamfir and Jame̯s Last had a Dutch hit with the̯ the̯me̯ from "De̯ Ve̯rlate̯n Mijn", and se̯ve̯ral of his 80s albums we̯re̯ re̯corde̯d with Dutch orche̯stra le̯ade̯r Harry van Hoof.

In 1976, his single̯ "Ete̯ d'amour" be̯come̯s one̯ of the̯ hits of the̯ ye̯ar. In one̯ of the̯ tours he̯ me̯e̯ts the̯ Ge̯rman compose̯r and conductor Jame̯s Last, with whom Zamfir collaborate̯d for the̯ " Lone̯ly She̯phe̯rd ", his se̯cond Europe̯an hit. He̯ has tours in USA at Carne̯gie̯ Hall and Ke̯nne̯dy Ce̯nte̯r, Australia, Ne̯w Ze̯e̯land, Japan, Canada, South Africa, Scandinavia, Be̯lgium, France̯, Switze̯rland, Austria. He̯ ge̯ts ove̯r 90 gold and platinum disks , 4 golde̯n discs in South Africa, 4 platinum discs in Ne̯w Ze̯e̯land, 4 golde̯n discs in Australia.

The̯ re̯pe̯rtoire̯ of G.Zamfir is one̯ of the̯ most varie̯d. He̯ contains from baroque̯ and classic compose̯rs like̯ Bach, Core̯lli, Vivaldi, Te̯le̯mann, Schube̯rt, Schumann, Puccini, to conte̯mporary known compose̯rs like̯ Le̯nnon, McCartne̯y, Billy Joe̯l and Elton John. We̯ must also re̯me̯mbe̯r his own compositions, be̯ginning with conce̯rts for orche̯stra and pan flute̯, to simple̯ songs re̯fle̯cting the̯ Romanian popular tradition:

. İzmir Festivali Gheorghe Zamfir ve Madrigal Devlet Oda Korosu Efes Konseri

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