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On the local kinetics component of

biological systems in competition

A. Ciancio and B.F.F. Flora

Abstract. In various previous papers, mathematical models describingthe evolution of a tumor in presence of an immune system response areproposed by using the concept of cellular activity. The activities of thebiological systems in competition are described by a functional operatorwhich has been stationary. In this paper, within the kinetic cellular theory,the functional operator which characterizes the biological states of the cellsis chosen to depend on the cellular densities and the time. Using this newmodel, three examples are discussed and the results are compared withother models proposed in literature.

M.S.C. 2010: 47J35, 92D15.Key words: Nonlinear evolution equations; problem related to evolution.

1 Introduction

In these last years, various mathematical models have been proposed for the study ofcompetition between tumor cells and immune systems, which generalize some dynamicsystems typical of competition between populations. These models can be groupedinto three classes:

I. A first class is based on a system of ordinary equations [27] with constantcoefficients:

(1.1) nT1 = b1(1− b2nT1

)nT1 − pk2nT1 nA2

(1.2) nA2 = r +

[f nT1g + nT1

]nA2 − dnA2 − (1− p) k2nT1 nA2

• nT1 : number of cancer cells present at time t,

• nA2 : number of cytotoxic killer cells present at time t,

• r: base rate of arrival of killer cells at the tumor via the lymphatic system,

∗BSG Proceedings, vol. 25, 2018, pp. 1-16.c© Balkan Society of Geometers, Geometry Balkan Press 2018.

2 A. Ciancio and B.F.F. Flora

• d: rate killer cells death,

• f

g + nT1: logistic growth rate,

• pk2: kinetic constant rate of destruction of tumor cells,

• (1− p)k2: rate of killer cell inactivity.

II. A second class has non-constant coefficients and with the addition of the ther-apeutic action [24, 25, 26, 17, 18, 19, 20, 9]:

(1.3) n1T =

[δg(nT1 )− φ(nT1 )nA2

]nT1 ,

(1.4) n2A = −Ψ

(nT1)nA2 + σq


+ θ (t) ,


• nT1 and nA2 are the non-dimensionalized numbers of, respectively, tumorcells and of effectors cells,

• δ and σ parameters constants,

• φ(nT1 ) and q(nT1 ) functions over the nT1 ,

• g(nT1 ) summarizes many widely used models of tumor growth rates,

• Ψ(nT1)

ranking the tumors depending on their degree of aggressivenessagainst the immune system.

• θ(t) therapeutic action

III. A third class is based on integral-differential equations [4, 6, 22, 23] havingthe unknown distribution functions f(t, u), which depend on time and on thebiological activity u:

(1.5) ∂tfi(t, u) + Fi(t)∂ufi(t, u) = Ci[f ](t, u) +Di[f ](t, u) + Pi[f ](t, u),


• u: activity variable of cells,

• i: i-th population, with i = 1, 2, . . . ,M ,

• fi(t, u): distribution functions over the microscopic state u at time t,

• Fi(t): models the external action over the i-th population,

• Ci[f ](t, u): models the flow, at time t, into the elementary volume of thestate space of the i-th population due to conservative interactions,

• Di[f ](t, u): models the net flow, at time t, into the elementary volume ofthe state space of the i-th population due to proliferative and destructiveinteractions without transition of population,

• Pi[f ](t, u): models the flow, at time t, into the elementary volume of thestate space of the i-th population due to proliferation.

On the local kinetics component of biological systems 3

Recently, a model Generalized Hybrid Kinetic (GHK) [10, 11, 21, 12, 13, 14, 15,16] was proposed in which, by using the concept of cellular activity, a system ofequations coupling ordinary differential equations to integral differential equationsis determined. In this model the biological cell activity has always been consideredstationary:


= Gi (ni; µ[f ]) (t))

(1.7) ∂tfi (t, u) + K(t, u)∂u [f (t, u)] = Ai[f ] (t, u) ,


• i: i-th population, with i = 1, 2, . . . ,M ,

• µ[f ](t) = 1 − 12


{ ∫Du

[fi(t, u)− fj(t, u)]2du

}: functional operator on the

vector f distributions,

• Gi(ni; µ[f ](t)): parametric i-th function in µ[f ](t),

• fi(t, u): distribution functions over the microscopic state u at time t,

• Ai[f ](t, u): biological interactions,

• K(t, u): is an analytic function of t and u.

After illustrating the concept of local kinetics components and of cellular activity (§2),in §3 we indicate the procedure which defines the GHK model with a new definitionof the functional operator, the Ciancio-Flora model. This allows us to calculate theevolution of the competing system in case of unsteady deterministic type. In §4 thereare given three examples of solutions of the kinetic integro-differential equations. In§5, this is compared to the Kuznetsov and Knott models with the GHK Ciancio-Floramodel, with reference to the study of tumoral BCL1 cells injected in spleen of murineand chimeric mice.

2 Preliminaries

The solid tumor or neoplasm is produced by abnormal cells. This grows quickly inabsence of immune system response. In presence of immune system response, thetumor growth is slow and, in some cases, regresses. Let’s examine, as shown in Figure1, the kinetic aspect. We consider at an initial instant t0 two populations: T -tumorcells (BCL1, in red) in an small avascular tumour and A-immune cells (CytotoxicT -lymphocytes, in green).

At time t0 +∆t, we can observe possible formation of conjugate cells C (conjugatetumor-immune cells), as shown in Figure 2.

Subsequently, at time t0 + N∆t we observe, in Figure 3, two process and fourpossible events (two for every single process):

4 A. Ciancio and B.F.F. Flora

Figure 1: Possible scenario at t = t0; T: Tumor cells; A: Active immune cells

Figure 2: Possible scenario at t = t0 + ∆t; C: Conjugate tumor-immune cells

a) two reversible processes: formation or dissociation conjugate tumor-immunecells;

b) two irreversible processes: death tumor cells (in yellow) or immune cells becomeinactive (in light blue).

where p is the probability that some immune cells destroy tumoral cells; (1 − p)represents the probability that some immune cells have been inactivated; k1 is theformation rate and k−1 is rate dissociation reversible process (without any damage ofcells); k2 is lysis rate of tumor cells or inactive immune-cells.

So we get the equations for the evolution of nT1 , nA2 and nC :


= −k1nT1 nA2 + k−1nC + k2 (1− p)nC ,


= −k1nT1 nA2 + k−1nC + k2pn

C ,


= k1nT1 n

A2 − (k−1 + k2)nC .

On the local kinetics component of biological systems 5

Figure 3: Possible scenario at t = t0 + N∆t, where T ∗ is death tumor cells and A∗

are inactive immune cells.

If we consider also the aspects of population growth and external sources, there is theLotka-Volterra model [28, 29]

(2.4) nT1 =

logistic growth︷ ︸︸ ︷g1(nT1 )nT1 −

local kinetics︷ ︸︸ ︷k1n

T1 n

A2 + k−1n

C + k2 (1− p)nC ,

(2.5) nA2 = −

local kinetics︷ ︸︸ ︷k1n

T1 n

A2 + k−1n

C + k2pnC +

proliferation︷ ︸︸ ︷g3(nT1 )nA2 −

decay︷ ︸︸ ︷g4(nA2 ) +

supply︷︸︸︷s ,

(2.6) nc =

local kinetics︷ ︸︸ ︷k1n

T1 n

A2 − (k−1 + k2)nC .

If the concentration variation of C cells is proximal to zero nC ≈ 0 , we have only twoequations in the variables nT1 and nA2 :

(2.7) nT1 =

logistic growth︷ ︸︸ ︷g1(nT1 )nT1 −

local kinetics︷ ︸︸ ︷pknT1 n

A2 ,

(2.8) nA2 = −

local kinetics︷ ︸︸ ︷(1− p) knT1 nA2 +

proliferation︷ ︸︸ ︷g3(nT1 )nA2 −

decay︷ ︸︸ ︷g4(nA2 ) +

supply︷︸︸︷s ,


(2.9) nc =k

k2nT1 n

A2 , k =

k1k2k−1 + k2


3 The GHK Ciancio-Flora model

The microscopic state or intensity of the biological activity u(t), in general, is astochastic process and the functions:

f1,2(t, u) : Dt ×Du → R+

6 A. Ciancio and B.F.F. Flora

with u ∈ Du ⊆ R and t ∈ Dt = [0, TOss] are the density distribution, normalized withrespect to the total number cells and for unit volume, such that fi(t, u) du denotesthe probability that the biological activity, u, of particles of the i-th population, attime t, is in the interval [u, u+ du] and TOss is the observation time.

The balance equation for probability density functions can be written in vectorialform:

(3.1) f(t+ dt, u+ du) − f(t, u) = A[f ](t+ dt, u+ du)] − A[f ](t, u)]

where A is the matrix of cellular interactions. Developing in Taylor’s series, we infer:

(3.2)∂t [f (t, u)] dt+∇u [f (t, u)] du+ 1

2∇2u [f (t, u)] du2 + · · · =

A(0) [f ] (t, u) dt+A(1) [f ] (t, u) du+ 12A

(2) [f ] (t, u) du2 + . . . .

The differential stochastic process du is by Ito’s lemma, defined by means of twocomponents, a deterministic one, and another stochastic:

(3.3) du = K(t, u)dt+ σ(t, u)dξ

where dξ2 = dt is a Wiener stochastic process. K(t, u) is the drift and σ(t, u) is diffusivecomponent. Substituting the expression for du and neglecting the terms upper orderto dt we have:{

∂t [f (t, u)] + K (t, u)∇u [f (t, u)] +1

2σ2(t, u)∇2

u [f (t, u)]


+σ (t, u)∇u [f (t, u)] dξ = A [f ] (t, u) dt+ σ (t, u)A(1) [f ] (t, u) dξ(3.4)


(3.5) A [f ] (t, u) = A(0) [f ] (t, u) + K (t, u)A(1) [f ] (t, u) +1

2σ2(t, u)A(2) [f ] (t, u) .

The operators A(0)[f ](t, u), A(1)[f ](t, u) and A(2)[f ](t, u) must be specified in relationto the biological interactions between the competing populations, i.e., stationary,drift and diffusive type respectively.

In case of the steady biological interaction, we have: K = 0 and σ = 0 ⇒ du = 0,

(3.6) ∂t [f (t, u)] = A [f ] (t, u) ,

(3.7) A [f ] (t, u) = A(0) [f ] (t, u) .

By neglecting the only diffusive process, i.e., σ (t, u) = 0, we have the deterministicunsteady case

(3.8) du = K(t, u)dt,

(3.9) ∂t [f (t, u)] + u∇u [f (t, u)] = A [f ] (t, u),

On the local kinetics component of biological systems 7


(3.10) u = K(t, u)


(3.11) A [f ] (t, u) ≈ A(0) [f ] (t, u) ,


(3.12) A(1) [f ] (t, u) ≈ 0.

Recalling the generalized Kuznetsov-Knott model given by (2.7) and (2.8), the GHKCiancio-Flora model is obtained by making a correction of the local kinetics com-ponent given from (3.13) and (3.14), through the functional operator µ [f ] (t) whichis determinated by solving the IDEs system (3.15):

(3.13) nT1 =

logistic growth︷ ︸︸ ︷g1(nT1 )nT1 −

local kinetics︷ ︸︸ ︷pµ [f ] (t) g2

(nT1)nA2 ,

(3.14) nA2 = −

local kinetics︷ ︸︸ ︷{1− pµ [f ] (t)} g2

(nT1)nA2 +

proliferation︷ ︸︸ ︷g3(nT1 )nA2 −

decay︷ ︸︸ ︷g4(nA2 ) +

supply︷︸︸︷s ,

(3.15) ∂t [f (t, u)] + u∇u [f (t, u)] = A [f ] (t, u),

with the boundary and initial conditions:

(3.16) n (0) = n0 =[nT1 (0)nA2 (0)

]T, n (0) = 0,

(3.17) f (0, u) = h (u) ,

(3.18) limu→±∞

[f (t, u)] = 0,∀t ∈ R+0 ,

(3.19) i⊥∂Du· Ou[f ]|∂Du

= 0, ‖i⊥∂Du‖ = 1.

The probability that p depends on the distributions of biological states u of the cellsthrough the functional operator µ[f ](t), is:

(3.20) µ[f ] (t) = 1−∫Du

[f1 (t, u)− f2 (t, u)]2du√∫

Dt×Du[f21 (t, u) + f22 (t, u)] dudt


In other words, p depends on the error square with respect to u states’s variable:∫Du

[f1(t, u)− f2(t, u)]2du,

normalized with respect to distance:√∫Dt×Du

[f21 (t, u) + f22 (t, u)]dudt

between the two density distributions. In Figure 4 it is shown the trend of µ[f ] (t)when u = K (t, u) = −u, with 0 ≤ µ[f ](t) ≤ 1 and such that:

8 A. Ciancio and B.F.F. Flora

• µ [f ] (t) = 0 =⇒ nT1 = g1(nT1)nT1 , i.e., in absence of immune response;

• µ [f ] (t) = 1 =⇒ nT1 = g1(nT1)nT1 − pg2

(nT1)nA2 , i.e., when the two popula-

tions have the same density, f1(t, u) = f2(t, u) ; we obtain the classicalmacroscopic model type Lotka-Volterra.

Figure 4: µ[f ](t)

Here µ[f ](t) is an adimensional functional operator that includes the biologicalinteraction at microscopic level and characterizes the unsteady kinetic behavior, inparticular, in the early instants in which competing cells interact with each other.

For σ(t, u) = 0 and A(1) [f ] (t, u) ≈ 0, the operator diagonal matrix A [f ] (t, u) from(3.5) becomes:

(3.21) A [f ] (t, u) ≈ A(0) [f ] (t, u) ,

whereA(0) [f ] (t, u), based on the theory in [7, 2, 3, 8, 5], is expressed by its components

A(0)11 [f ](t, u) and A(0)

22 [f ](t, u):


A(0)11 [f ](t, u) = η

11[f1 (t, u− α

11)− f1 (t, u)]


f1 (t, u) du

+η12f1 (t, u+ α

12)H (u+ α


f2 (t, u) du





f1 (t, u) du− η12


+ 1)+∞∫0

f2 (t, u) du

]H (u) f1 (t, u) ,


• α11 is the tendency of the environmental cells to degenerate,

• α12 is the ability of the active immune cells to reduce the state of abnormalcells,

• β11 is the growth-rate of cancerous cells,

On the local kinetics component of biological systems 9

• β12 is the capacity of kill-cells to destroy the cancerous cells,


A(0)22 [f ](t, u) = η

21H (u+ α

21) f2 (t, u+ α


f1 (t, u) du

+η21 (β21 − 1) f2 (t, u)H (u)+∞∫0

f1 (t, u) du,

• α21 is the ability of abnormal cells to inhibit the active immune cells,

• β21 is the reproductive rate of immune-cells,

• ηij is the encounter rate of cells assuming they are constant and H(u) is theHeaviside function. These kinetic parameters can be estimated using the methodillustrated in [1].

4 Critical density immune-system

We further consider:

• the density of environmental cells u-state: ΥE(t) =∫ 0

−∞ f1(t, u) du,

• the density of tumoral cells u-state: ΥT (t) =∫∞0f1(t, u) du,

• the density of inactive immune cells u-state: ΥI(t) =∫∞0f2(t, u) du,

• the density of active immune cells u-state: ΥA(t) =∫∞0f2(t, u) du,

with u = 0. The kinetic IDEs is:

(4.1) ∂t [f1 (t, u)] = ζ (t) f1 (t, u)H (u) ,

(4.2) ∂t [f2 (t, u)] = β21

ΥT (t) f2 (t, u)H (u) ,

whereζ(t) = β11ΥE (t)− β12ΥA (t)

Let the initial conditions density u-states be:

ΥE0 = ΥE(0)


0 = ΥA(0);

then the parameter

(4.3) ζ0 = ζ (0) = β11

ΥE0 − β12


is called critical density immune-system. We consider below three examples.

10 A. Ciancio and B.F.F. Flora

Figure 5: ζ0 > 0

Figure 6: f1(t, u) and f2(t, u) solutions of IDEs for u > 0

Example 1: Consider ζ0 = 0.1(β11 − β12) > 0 and the initial conditions:(4.4)

f1 (0, u) = f2 (0, u) = 0.1


πe−100(u+0.4)2H (−u) + 0.1




H (u)

with the kinetic parameter: β11

= 0.53; β12

= 0.267; β21

= 0.214.

In the left side of Figure 5, the density of the u-state tumoral cells has been indicatedwith red line and with green line that of immune-cells. We observe an outbreak ataround 30-th day. In the right side of Figure 5 it shows the phase space of densityu-state. Figure 6 shows the trends of the IDEs solutions for ζ0 > 0.

Example 2: Consider ζ0 = 0.1(β11 − β12) < 0 and the initial conditions:(4.5)

f1 (0, u) = f2 (0, u) = 0.1


πe−100(u+0.4)2H (−u) + 0.1




H (u)

with kinetic parameter: β11

= 0.2; β12

= 0.7; β21

= 0.6.

In the left Figure 7, one observes the absence of outbreak and the density of u-statetumoral cells goes to zero as like as an negative exponential function. In the right

On the local kinetics component of biological systems 11

Figure 7: ζ0 < 0

Figure 8: f1(t, u) and f2(t, u) solutions of IDEs for u > 0

Figure 7 it shows the phase space. The Figure 8 shows the trends of the IDEs solutionsfor ζ0 < 0.

Example 3: We consider the application model Ciancio-Flora - unsteady case: u =−u. To satisfy the Dirichlet condition, ∀t ∈ R+

0 , it is assumed that the density,fi(t, u), has the following expressions:

(4.6) fi(t, u) = ωi(t)e−λiu



where ωi(t) and λi are the components to be determined by transforming the IDEs:

(4.7) ∂t [f (t, u)] + u∇u [f (t, u)] = A [f ] (t, u)

in an ODE system in the ω-functions.

5 Application unsteady case to the tumoral BCL1cells in spleen of murine and chimeric mice

Some experimental data are analyzed in Figure 9 in which it is shows the developmentof BCL1 (lymphoma) cells after their inoculation in spleen of chimeric mice [30]. Thedifferent markers indicate different initial concentration of tumoral cells.

12 A. Ciancio and B.F.F. Flora

© : five-hundred-tausend cells per unit of volume,

� : five millions cells per unit of volume,

4 : fifty millions cells per unit of volume.

In particular, it is noted that by inoculating the same amount of BCL1 tumor cells tonormal mice (murine) and chimeric mice, normal ones exhibit metastasis after about90 days while the latter tend to balance values after 110 days. We observe that wehaven’t any information about immune system in which it is shows the developmentof BCL1 (lymphoma) cells after their inoculation in chimeric mice.

Figure 9: Experimental data

In Figure 10 we shows some results of Kuznetsov and Knott and it shows that thetumor cell trend is very close to the experimental data. Specifically, for the tumorin question, a range of 28 days was estimated from the inoculation of the immunesystem of the chimeric mouse to increase the concentration of killer cells.

In Figure 11 the evolution obtained highlights how the GHK Ciancio-Flora model al-lows for a better approximation of the experimental data than the Kuznetsov-Knott

On the local kinetics component of biological systems 13

Figure 10: Log10(nT1 ): Dotted line; Log10(nA2 ): Dashed line

model. In addition, the non-stationarity of biological interaction, taken in the Ciancio-Flora model, allows for an initial and temporary decrease of killer cells.

Figure 11: Log10(nT1 ): Dotted line; Log10(nA2 ): Dashed line

In Figure 12, using GHKM, shows an initial decrease in killer cells followed by theirgrowth over tumor cells. As the observation time increases, the GHK and Kuznetsovmodels converge identically.

14 A. Ciancio and B.F.F. Flora

Figure 12: Model compared - GHK model in red line profile. Kuznetsov-Knot modelin blu line profile

Acknowledgements. This paper was supported by National Group of Mathe-matical Physics GNFM-INdAM.


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Authors’ addresses:

Armando CiancioDept. of Biomed. and Dental Sci. and Morphofunc. Imaging,University of Messina, via Consolare Valeria,c/o A.O.U. Policlinico ”G.Martino”, 98125 Messina, Italy.E-mail: aciancio@unime.it

Bruno Felice Filippo FloraClinical Engineering Service,Via Matteotti n.39, 89044 Locri, Italy.E-mail: bruno.flora@pecprofessionisti.com

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