on the relation between enso and global climate change

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meteorology books


Meteorol Atmos Phys 000, 1–14 (2003)DOI 10.1007/s00703-002-0597-z

1 Department of Mathematical Sciences, Atmospheric Sciences Group, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee2 CIRES, University of Colorado, Boulder3 Department of Geography, Florida State University, Tallahassee

On the relation between ENSO and global climate change

A. A. Tsonis1, A. G. Hunt2, and J. B. Elsner3

With 8 Figures

Revised November 14, 2002; accepted November 28, 2002Published online: * * * # Springer-Verlag 2003


Two lines of research into climate change and El Ni~nno=Southern Oscillation (ENSO) converge on the conclusionthat changes in ENSO statistics occur as a response to globalclimate (temperature) fluctuations. One approach focuses onthe statistics of temperature fluctuations interpreted withinthe framework of random walks. The second is based on thediscovery of correlation between the recurrence frequencyof El Ni~nno and temperature change, while developing phys-ical arguments to explain several phenomena associatedwith changes in El Ni~nno frequency. Consideration of bothperspectives leads to greater confidence in, and guidancefor, the physical interpretation of the relationship betweenENSO and global climate change. Topics considered includeglobal dynamics of ENSO, ENSO triggers, and climateprediction and predictability.

1. Introduction

The dynamics of El Ni~nno are understood in termsof a combination of concepts from stochastic anddeterministic theoretical approaches. The Wyrtki(1975) approach is predominantly stochastic incharacter, and describes the trigger of El Ni~nnoin terms of stronger than usual trade winds (andlarger than usual sea surface elevation gradients)followed by anomalous relaxation of trade winds.The most important concept from the recentdeterministic models of El Ni~nno appears to bethe ‘‘memory paradigm,’’ whereby the western

equatorial and off-equatorial Pacific Ocean upperlayer carries a memory of up to 2 years of tradewind stresses, equatorial upwelling, solar heat-ing, and convective and radiative cooling (Neelinet al, 1998). Taken together, these two ideas formthe basis for interpretation of the effects of cli-mate change on El Ni~nno.

Under normal conditions, the Walker cir-culation drives easterly trade winds. The north-easterly (southeasterly) winds in the northern(southern) hemisphere move surface water west-ward across the equatorial Pacific. The Corioliseffect causes surface water divergence along theequator with the result that, on both sides of theequator, water is driven up onto the subtropicalgyres. In response to the surface divergence,equatorial upwelling replaces warmer surfacewater with cooler water from below the thermo-cline. The effects of this equatorial upwelling areenhanced by the geographical connection withcoastal upwelling off the coast of South America.The long residence time in the tropics of waterdriven up on to the subtropical gyres and trans-ported to the western equatorial Pacific allowsthese surface waters to heat up relative to thecentral and eastern equatorial Pacific (where theupwelling is taking place) resulting in an equa-torial ‘‘cold tongue’’ with warmer water to thewest, north and south, in a shape resembling a

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horseshoe. The areas with warmer water (alsohigher by tens of centimeters) are supported byan unusually deep thermocline (Philander, 1990),and held in place by the competition betweenpressure and wind stress. The eastern equatorialPacific sea surface is close to equilibrium withthe wind stress (Schneider et al, 1995). Becauseof that, strong easterlies produce significantupwelling and cold surface temperatures (attimes less than 20 �C) while weak easterlies orwesterlies suppress upwelling allowing the de-velopment of warm surface temperatures (aswarm as 28 �C) along the equator.

The western equatorial (and off-equatorial)Pacific sea surface is not in equilibrium withwind stress (Neelin et al, 1998). As a result,changes in winds produce changes to the depthof the thermocline, but the surface is nearlyalways at 28–30 �C. The warmer water in thewestern Pacific is associated with strong convec-tion (which takes place over water warmer than28 �C). The convection is a positive feedback thatleads to enhanced trade winds, and (on average) areturn of air aloft to the eastern Pacific. This cir-culation is named after Walker, who first noticedlarge-scale shifts in it (Walker, 1923; 1924). Thegeneral sea surface topography has, in the meanstate, a ‘‘groove’’ along the equator deepening tothe east, with small hills north and south, and ishighest toward the west. This configuration is un-stable to prolonged westerly wind anomalies.The region is unique in that convergent (wester-ly) surface winds produce convergent (easterly)surface ocean currents as noted in Philander(1990). When westerly wind anomalies occur,warm water flows off both subtropical gyres(Tziperman et al, 1998) and from the west intothe central equatorial Pacific. A Kelvin wavemay be triggered, with its associated increasein depth to the thermocline. A feedback inducedby eastward displacement of warm surface waterand associated convection can enhance westerlywind anomalies.

The precise generation of El Ni~nno is still un-certain, with considerable discussion regardingthe relative roles of the interrelated factors (wind,SSTs, upwelling) and the mechanisms for propa-gating and sustaining the warm anomaly. Clearly,some variability in the generation of El Ni~nno ex-ists as well. But, in general, it is widely acceptedthat the trigger of El Ni~nno is a combination of

anomalous westerly wind bursts (Wyrtki, 1975;McPhaden, 1999; Yu and Rienecker, 1998),equatorial Pacific SST gradient, and sufficientheat energy, which through positive feedback ofconvection can be spread around the surface ofthe entire equatorial Pacific (Neelin et al, 1998).These changes are linked to the atmospheric cir-culation locally and through much of the rest ofthe world through teleconnections. Because theanomalous ocean warming and the sea surfacepressure reversals occur simultaneously, thewhole phenomenon is called El Ni~nno=SouthernOscillation (ENSO). When El Ni~nno dies out,the tendency is for trade winds to return to nor-mal or even exceed normal. If, however, theybecome too strong, then the cold-water poolnormally found in the eastern Pacific stretchesfarther westward than normal and the warmwater is confined to the western tropical Pacific.This opposite to El Ni~nno is called La Ni~nna.

ENSO is generally considered to have its larg-est influence on weather patterns and climatefluctuations over inter-annual time scales. Winterweather patterns over specific areas of the globeare now routinely predicted with some confi-dence on the basis of tropical sea surface temper-ature (SST) anomalies associated with El Ni~nno,as well as SST’s in temperate oceans. El Ni~nno,and its opposite, La Ni~nna, tend to last between 1and 2 years. In fact, however, the 1940–1942, the1976–1978, and the 1990–1993 El Ni~nno events,each persisted through at least two winters, andthe recent La Ni~nna lasted two winters, persistingweakly into a third. The existence of multi-winter events probably plays a role in the successof persistence as a forecast tool, i.e. reference tothe preceding winter, for predicting the weatherduring the next winter. The typical period of timebetween El Ni~nno events is approximately 4 years.The typical time between La Ni~nna events is prob-ably the same, or nearly so, but the statisticalrecord of La Ni~nna is more limited, introducinga greater uncertainty.

The influence of climate change on El Ni~nno isless well understood and subject to some contro-versy (Solow, 1995; Trenberth and Hoar, 1997;Rajagopalan et al, 1997; Tsonis et al, 1998; Hunt,1999a, b). The controversy concerns the rolesof stochastic forcing and non-linearity in thedynamics and on the statistics of El Ni~nno (Wangand Wang, 1996; Kestin et al, 1998; Blanke

2 A. A. Tsonis et al

et al, 1997; Tziperman et al, 1997; Hunt, 1999a,b; Hunt, 2000). Nevertheless, evidence presentedhere is convincing in depth and scope, that globalsurface temperatures strongly influence El Ni~nno.In particular, periods of rising temperature en-courage El Ni~nno events, while periods of de-creasing temperature encourage La Ni~nna events.While both appear to occur approximately 1 yearin 4 when global temperatures remain constant,during periods of rising temperature, El Ni~nnoevents occur as often as 1 year in 2.5, whereasLa Ni~nna events occur as seldom as 1 year in 7. Incontrast, during periods of decreasing tempera-ture, El Ni~nno events occur as seldom as 1 yearin 7, whereas La Ni~nna events occur as often as 1year in 3. Since global temperatures tend to fallafter an El Ni~nno, but rise after a La Ni~nna, thecycle of El Ni~nno-La Ni~nna can, from the perspec-tive of climate change, be regarded as a negativefeedback mechanism. This view is put on firmstatistical grounds by an analysis of the globaltemperature record in terms of a correlated ran-dom walk (Tsonis et al, 1998). Moreover, theconceptual framework of Hunt (1999b) providesa physical explanation to the statistical analysis.Note that here the term global change is used ingeneral. Whether the observed global changeover the past century is due to greenhouse warm-ing or natural variability is not of concern to thetheory.

2. Correlating ENSO with globaltemperature records

For investigating statistics of El Ni~nno one canchoose between using the last 100 years or soof nearly unambiguous records or consider amuch larger time scale with attendant uncertain-ties. The former choice is not practical here be-cause only two periods of distinct temperaturechange exist, which is insufficient for the analy-sis. The latter choice carries with it the disad-vantage that both the temperature record andthe record of occurrence of El Ni~nno can be crit-icized as inaccurate, incomplete, or of uncertainresolution. Nevertheless, the consistency of thepicture that emerges makes the individual datasources appear more reliable. While the climaticsignal of La Ni~nna events is difficult to detect attimes in the past, the teleconnections of El Ni~nnoare more easily detectable, and several studies

have been performed to reconstruct the pastoccurrence of El Ni~nno. These studies are basedvariously on coral mortality (Evans et al, 1999;Hughen et al, 1999), flooding in normally aridregions (Rodbell et al, 1999), and the regularNile River flooding (Anderson, 1992; Quinn,1992). El Ni~nno, by shifting the position of theWalker circulation, tends to produce increased pre-cipitation in northeastern Africa, causing ampli-fication of the regular Nile River flooding. Herewe use data from Quinn (1992) for analysis ofthe El Ni~nno signal (which uses records from Perusupplemented by records of Nile River flooding).

For long-term temperature records boreholedata are most reliable, and are less influencedby subjective interpretation (Pollack and Huang,1998). Contamination from changes in surfacesor to groundwater, however, is a potential prob-lem. Paleo-temperatures are extracted from bore-hole data through near-surface alterations in thegeothermal gradient (Pollack and Huang, 1998).The earth’s temperature normally increases line-arly with depth. Changes in surface temperaturespropagate slowly downward. A steadily rising at-mospheric temperature can induce a sign changein the geothermal gradient near the surface, butwill, in any case, produce a curvature between analtered value at the surface and unaffected valuesat depth (many tens of meters in the case of cli-mate change starting as early as 500 years ago).For the temperature data from the 16th throughthe 19th centuries we refer to (Pollack andHuang, 1998). These data lack the resolution ofthe recent temperature data, and are supplement-ed by the IPCC global temperature data (Follandet al, 1990) from the end of the 19th century tothe present. Figure 1 shows the borehole datafrom (Pollack and Huang, 1998) (thick solid linewith shaded uncertainty limits), with the temper-ature data for the 20th century superimposed. Onthe same graph the accumulated El Ni~nno eventsfrom Quinn (1992) are also plotted. Each upwardstep is one El Ni~nno event. The thin straight line isthe long-term average.

Comparing the cumulative frequency ofEl Ni~nno occurrence with a reconstruction ofglobal temperatures is equivalent to comparingthe occurrence of El Ni~nno with the rate of changeof atmospheric temperatures. In order to investi-gate such a relation we start by observing thatbreaks in temperature slope (dT=dt) appear at

On the relation between ENSO and global climate change 3

approximately the turn of each century. There-fore, 100-year intervals are chosen and the ElNi~nno frequency per year is estimated (Fig. 2),along with the corresponding dT=dt. This resultsin five points. Due to the better accuracy andresolution of the Southern Oscillation Index(SOI) data and of the global temperature data

(IPCC) in the 20th century, we then considerthe following additional intervals that marksignificantly different dT=dt regimes. The first(1900–1925) is associated with rising T, the sec-ond (1926–1975) is characterized by an overallzero trend, and the third (1976–1998) is associ-ated with rising T. An additional interval (1941–1965), which is characterized by a negativetrend, is also considered. The choice of theseintervals reflects our desire to consider periodswhere all trend types (positive, zero, and nega-tive) are represented. In Fig. 2, the frequency ofoccurrence of El Ni~nno in each century is plottedagainst dT=dt for that century. In the same figurestatistics for La Ni~nna events derived from the SOIindex during the 20th century and for the above-mentioned intervals are included. It is importantto stress here that the frequency of El Ni~nno andLa Ni~nna is sensitive to the definition of theseevents. Nevertheless, despite this and otheruncertainties inherent in the data considered inthe construction of this plot, a rather solid pictureemerges. The data appear consistent with a near-ly linear relationship between the occurrence ofEl Ni~nno and La Ni~nna and the global dT=dt. Inter-estingly, this linearity is characterized by a pos-itive trend for El Ni~nno and a negative trend for LaNi~nna. Such results are not derived when the fre-quencies of El Ni~nno and La Ni~nna occurrences areplotted against the mean T in the correspondingintervals. In this case (see Fig. 3) the linear rela-tionships observed in Fig. 2 are not evident. Infact no clear relationship is apparent. Note thatbecause the temperature data in the16th, 17th,

Fig. 2. Relationship between occurrence frequencies(yr� 1) of El Ni~nno and La Ni~nna and global temperaturechange rate, dT=dt (�C=yr). Five individual points takenfrom Pollack and Huang (1998) compilation of boreholedata, and Quinn’s reconstruction of El Ni~nno occurrence forthe 16th through 20th centuries. The remainder points arefrom the higher resolution SOI and IPCC data in the 20thcentury, and correspond to periods of rising, falling, andsteady T (see text for details)

Fig. 1. Direct comparison of cumulative frequency of ElNi~nno occurrence (Quinn, 1992) with global temperatureproxy (Evans et al, 1999). Every upward step on the stair-case is an El Ni~nno. The yearly averages for global temper-ature anomaly in the 20th century (Folland et al, 1990) arealso shown. Whenever the rate of temperature increaseaccelerates, at approximately the turns of the centuries, sodoes the rate of El Ni~nno accumulation

Fig. 3. Same as Fig. 2, but now the occurrence frequenciesare plotted against the mean temperature in the correspond-ing interval

4 A. A. Tsonis et al

18th, and 19th centuries follow a nearly exponen-tial function, the corresponding points are similarin both graphs. Nevertheless, no solid pictureemerges in this case when the rest of the dataare included.

The results in Figs. 2 and 3 would then suggestthat the frequency of occurrence of El Ni~nnoand La Ni~nna depends on changes of T, but it isa very weak function of T (i.e., if T were static,the magnitude of T would not significantly affectEl Ni~nno=La Ni~nna frequencies). Such a conclusionis in accord with studies of El Ni~nno variability onlonger time scales. Rodbell et al (1999), foundthat the frequency of El Ni~nno events (measured ataverage values of temperature) increased onlyfrom 0.07 to 0.17 with increases in global T of6 �C. By extrapolation one would conclude that a20th century increase of global T of 0.6 �C, wouldresult in an increase in the frequency of El Ni~nnoof only 0.16 to 0.17, which would be difficult tomeasure. Further, a similarity in the frequency ofEl Ni~nno events during the previous interglacialperiod to that presently observed has recentlybeen claimed (Hughen et al, 1999), despite thefact that global temperatures were notably warm-er. Global climate model simulations also appearto support the above conclusion. Recent studieshave indicated that a much higher global temper-ature is required to significantly change the fre-quency of El Ni~nno (Timmermann et al, 1999a, b;Collins, 2000). Thus results from observationsand models indicate that El Ni~nno frequency is,at best, a weak function of temperature. In agree-ment with our results GCM simulations re-produce this observed relationship betweenincreases in global temperature and increasedEl Ni~nno frequency. As an example, Fig. 4 showsa time series of the Ni~nno 3þ 4 index (SSTaveraged 5N–5S, 140E–140W) from a 130 yearrun of NCAR’s CSM1 model in which the CO2-concentration is increased 1%=year from itspre-industrial level (case b006, data accessibleat www.cgd.ucar.edu=csm=experiments=b006).In a steady-state experiment (case b003, dataavailable as above), statistics accumulated overa 300 year model run show that El Ni~nno andLa Ni~nna events occur at roughly the same fre-quency, roughly 17=century, where an event isdefined as greater than a one standard deviationdeparture from the mean, and persistence ofat least 6 months. However, in the increasing

CO2-experiment, the El Ni~nno frequency is20=century, while the La Ni~nna frequency dropsto 11=century. This suggests that the influence ofglobal temperature change can be captured bymodern coupled GCMs, and that properly de-signed experiments should allow for an in-depthunderstanding of why the shift in frequency inEl Ni~nno (La Ni~nna) events occurs when globaltemperatures increase (decrease).

Returning to Fig. 2, it may be suggested thatthe observed linearity does not extend to valuesof dT=dt greater than 1 �C=100yr, where El Ni~nnooccurrence may saturate at about 0.4=year. Theindication of saturation in El Ni~nno occurrencefrequency (0.4=yr) below the statistical limit(1=yr) hints that a physical limit is reached. Thisis supported by the fact that El Ni~nno typicallylasts about 18 months and the fact that at leasta year is required to generate the heat storageafter depletion by the previous event (Neelinet al, 1998). Observations show that no frequencygreater than 0.4 has been recorded in proxyEl Ni~nno records spanning thousands of years(Rodbell et al, 1999; Hughen et al, 1999). Sinceno obvious physical limit exists on the rates ofchange in T (perhaps as high as 10 �C=100yr atthe close of the ice age) the appearance ofsaturation in El Ni~nno suggests that global Tis the independent variable in this relationship.

Fig. 4. Time series of the Ni~nno 3þ 4 index (SST averaged5N–5S, 140E–140W) from a 130 year run of NCAR’sCSM1 model in which the CO2-concentration is increased1%=year from its pre-industrial level. In this increasingCO2-experiment, the El Ni~nno frequency is 22=century,while the La Ni~nna frequency drops to 12=century (see textfor details)

On the relation between ENSO and global climate change 5

A stronger argument against the interpretationthat El Ni~nno is the independent variable is theshort time required for the atmosphere to shedexcess heat. As a general rule of thumb, atmo-spheric circulation and mean temperature canadjust to a new heat source within 14 days. Thismeans that the effect of a heat source, which hasbeen removed, does not persist for years. But,while the frequency of occurrence of El Ni~nnoevents from the mid 1980’s to late 1990’s is notmaterially higher than that observed during themid 1970’s to mid 1980’s, global T is. For thealternative hypothesis, that a large number of ElNi~nno events have caused the rise in temperature,to be valid the heat from the El Ni~nno events dur-ing the 1970’s would have had to persist throughthe 1990’s.

According to the evidence summarized inFig. 2, when dT=dt� 0, the frequencies of El Ni~nnoand La Ni~nna are both about 0.25=yr. The graph-ical symmetry suggests that, in the absence ofclimate change, the non-linear feedback due tothe coupling between the equatorial Pacific andtropical atmosphere is approximately equal foreasterly wind anomalies, which can lead to LaNi~nna, and for westerly wind anomalies, whichcan lead to El Ni~nno (Neelin et al, 1998). Withclimate change however, the picture can be quitedifferent. The third, and strongest, argumentcomes from a statistical investigation of theglobal temperature record itself.

3. Random walk analysis of globaltemperatures

According to random walk analysis, a time seriesx(t) is mapped onto a walk by calculating the netdisplacement, y(t), defined by the running sum

yðtÞ ¼Xt



A suitable statistical quantity used to character-ize the walk is the root mean square fluctuationabout the average displacement,

FðtÞ ¼ ½h½�yðtÞ2i � h½�yðtÞi21=2;

where �y(t)¼ y(t0þ t)� y(t0), and the averagingsymbols (h i) indicate an average over all posi-tions, t0, in the walk. When F(t)/ tH it is possibleto distinguish three types of behavior: (1) uncor-related time series with H¼ 0.5, as expected

from the central limit theorem, (2) time seriesexhibiting positive long-range correlations withH> 0.5, and (3) time series exhibiting negativelong range correlations with H< 0.5. Markovprocesses with local correlations extending upto some scale also give H¼ 0.5 for sufficientlylarge t. It is well-known (Feder, 1988) that thecorrelation function C(t) of future increments,y(t) with past increments, y(� t) is given byC(t)¼ 2(22H� 1� 1). For H¼ 0.5 we have C(t)¼ 0as expected, but for H 6¼ 0.5 we have C(t) 6¼ 0 in-dependent of t. This indicates infinitely long cor-relations and leads to a scale-invariance (scaling)associated with positive long-range correlationsfor H> 0.5 (i.e., an increasing trend in the pastimplies an increasing trend in the future) andwith negative long-range correlations for H< 0.5(i.e., an increasing trend in the past implies adecreasing trend in the future). Note howeverthat positive long-range correlations do not implypersistence as usually used in climatology, whichis defined as the continuance of a specific patternover time. Scale invariance is a law that incorpo-rates variability and transitions at all scales in therange over which it holds and is often a result ofnonlinear dynamics. Of course, H is related to thespectra of the original time series x(t) via a rela-tionship of the form P( f)/ f-� 2Hþ 1, where P( f)is the power spectrum of frequency, f. Thus bothP( f) and F(t) contain, in principle, the same in-formation about the exponent H. However, F(t) issuperior for estimating H, because the definitionof F(t) involves averages over all positions, t0, ofthe walk. F(t) is a smoother function than P( f).P( f) fluctuates significantly, and as a result scal-ing regions are often masked. Because of that theestimation of slopes in logP( f) plots is notstraightforward (Viswanathan et al, 1996). Notethat long-term trends in x(t) should be removedas they may correspond to processes at timescales longer than the length of the data. In thesecases, the inclusion of a long-term trend willmake the results trivial. Moreover, the effect ofclimate on ENSO at such long time scales wasascertained in the previous section (without sub-tracting out long-term trends), and the same gen-eral results were obtained as will be obtainednext, that increases (reductions) in T induce morefrequent El Ni~nno (La Ni~nna) occurrence. Thus thedata of the previous section is complementary tothe random walk analysis, in that the correlation

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between dT=dt and El Ni~nno frequency is demon-strated over different time scales and by differentmethods.

The actual definition of scaling demands thatscaling extends to infinity (space or time). Whilethis is possible in a mathematical sense, it is im-practical in physical experiments or systems ofany kind. Physical systems, like the climate, havefinite size, and are characterized by processesthat operate at different space=time scales(Tsonis, 1998). If these processes are scale invari-ant, the associated scaling must be limited. Insuch a framework, certain processes may pro-mote a trend. This tendency can take the systemaway from its equilibrium state. Thus, it is rea-sonable to assume that if the system remains nearequilibrium, processes must be operating at othertime scales in order to avoid a runaway effect.Under this scenario we should be able to discovercharacteristic space or time scales associatedwith these mechanisms. Such characteristic scalesprovide useful insights about the system, whichmay enhance its predictability. The mapping of atime series to a random walk and the subsequentanalysis provide an elegant way to search forcharacteristic time scales in data, as demonstrat-ed next for global temperatures.

Figure 5a shows the actual monthly tempera-ture anomaly record (also from Folland et al,1990), and 5b the detrended anomaly record,x(t). The trend is removed using singular spec-trum analysis (SSA) (Elsner and Tsonis, 1996;Tsonis et al, 1998). Figure 5c shows the net dis-placement, y(t), as a function of time. Figure 6(circles) is a log–log plot of F(t) vs. t for0� logt� 2.4 (1 month� t� 20 years). As tapproaches the sample size, the estimation ofF(t) involves fewer and fewer points. Thus,extending this type of analysis to longer timescales is not recommended (for more detailssee Tsonis et al, 1998).

The logF(t) function appears to exhibit twodistinct linear regions separated by a small tran-sition region: one in the interval 0� logt� 1.25(1� t� 18 months) and another in the interval1.35� logt� 1.95 (22 months� t� 7.4 years).The linear fits over these two regions result inslopes H1¼ 0.65 and H2¼ 0.4. The correlationcoefficient of the linear regression is in bothcases greater than 0.99. The null hypothesisH0:H1¼ 0.5 against the alternatives Ha:H1 > 0.5

and the null hypothesis H0:H2¼ 0.5 against thealternative, Ha:H2 < 0.5 are both rejected at a sig-nificance level of 0.01. In order to show that theabove result is not an artifact of the sample size,

Fig. 5a. The IPCC monthly global temperature anomalyrecord (Folland et al, 1990); b The detrended monthly glob-al temperature anomaly record, x(t); c The net displace-ment, y(t) of the random walk based on the data in 4b

On the relation between ENSO and global climate change 7

we produce a Markov process with the samelength and lag one autocorrelation as the temper-ature data and repeat the analysis. Now (squaresin Fig. 6) the double scaling disappears, and werecover the expected slope of 0.5. The two linearregions in the log(F) function for the temperaturedata intersect at about logt¼ 1.3 which corre-sponds to t� 20 months. Thus this analysis indi-cates that the data in Fig. 6 are consistent with apower law with H1¼ 0.65 for t< 20 months and

with a power law with H2¼ 0.4 for t> 20months. Alternatively stated, processes of timescales less than 20 months sustain a tendencytoward an initial trend (whether positive or nega-tive) and processes of time scales greater than20 months tend to reverse the past trend. Thischange in scaling defines an important character-istic time scale in global climate.

The spectra of global temperature data (Fig. 7)contain significant power at frequencies corre-sponding to the ENSO cycle (time scales 3–7years). This result is usually (and correctly) inter-preted to imply that ENSO affects global tem-peratures. While 3–7 years covers most of thescaling range corresponding to negative correla-tions, the interpretation of the result is complex.As a response to, e.g., a rise in T, El Ni~nno is mademore likely. El Ni~nno causes a further increase inT for the next 16 months or so, or as long as thewestern Pacific energy source has not beenexhausted. Subsequently global temperaturescool off. Repetition of an El Ni~nno at, say, 4 years,contributes to an oscillatory wave form of theglobal T record with a period of 4 years, contri-buting strongly to P(f) at 1=4=yr. Beyond this,however, increases in T which persist for longertimes trigger more frequent El Ni~nnos throughoutthe period.

An important point in understanding a randomwalk analysis of the global temperatures involvessome basic aspects of El Ni~nno physics. Thewestern equatorial and off-equatorial Pacific, in

Fig. 6. The log–log plot of F(t) vs. t. The circles corre-spond to the temperature data and the squares to a surrogateMarkov process of the same length and lag one autocorre-lation. The temperature data exhibit double scaling, where-as the stochastic data exhibit one scaling region as expectedfrom theory

Fig. 7. The power spectra of the IPCC temper-ature record. The peaks and the correspondingperiodicities are in very good agreement withother approaches such as the multi-taper ap-proach (see Ghil and Vautard, 1991)

8 A. A. Tsonis et al

contrast to the east, act as a large thermal reser-voir (Neelin et al, 1998); this region of the PacificSST’s are not in equilibrium with the wind stress,as they are in the eastern equatorial Pacific(Schneider et al, 1995). An El Ni~nno event de-pletes this storage of heat, largely by spreadingthe heat over a much broader region of the seasurface, while simultaneously reducing the typi-cal vertical thickness of the warm upper layer. AsEl Ni~nno matures, the depth to the thermoclinediminishes while latent heat is transferred tothe atmosphere. After typically about 16 months,when the heat energy is depleted, the El Ni~nnobegins to collapse. Thus, any event, which trig-gers an El Ni~nno tends to raise atmospheric tem-peratures for up to 16–18 months. Subsequently,however, the heat storage in the western Pacific isreduced, and it takes generally on the order oftwo years to replenish, meaning that atmospherictemperatures are then typically reduced. In thislight, the above result that atmospheric tempera-ture fluctuations tend to be accentuated over timescales of up to 18 months, while they tend to beself-correcting on time scales of 2–7 years, hasonly one possible interpretation. For short peri-ods of time, increases in atmospheric tempera-tures trigger El Ni~nnos. The development of anEl Ni~nno further increases atmospheric tem-peratures. After El Ni~nno has run its course, thereduction in stored heat in the equatorial and off-equatorial Pacific leads to a reduction in atmo-spheric temperatures, and the heat reservoir in thetropical oceans is utilized by the ocean-atmo-sphere system for self-correction. An analogousargument holds for La Ni~nna.

The mathematical interpretation of the random-walk results indicates a role for the ENSOcycle in balancing global temperature. Finallynote that according to the formulation of therandom walk analysis the above result does notdepend on the actual temperature but on the tem-perature changes. This is consistent with our re-sults and arguments presented in Sect. 2. Supportfor these suggestions is provided in Fig. 8, whichshows the Southern Oscillation Index for the last100þ years, and a three-year running average ofglobal temperatures. A quick look demonstratesthat in the past century three distinct periods ofEl Ni~nno activity exist (see also Trenberth andHoar, 1997). The first 25 years have dT=dt> 0,elevated El Ni~nno occurrence, and suppressed La

Ni~nna activity. The next 50 years have dT=dt� 0,and more or less equal La Ni~nna and El Ni~nnoactivity. The final years mark a return to the con-ditions of the early 20th century with very highEl Ni~nno activity. Correlations between El Ni~nnoand dT=dt are also visible on shorter time scales.The random walk analysis, suggests that the roleof ENSO is to moderate changes in global tem-perature, T. Thus, when T rises, the likelihood oftriggering an El Ni~nno is increased and the risein T is either reversed or reduced. Precisely theopposite holds for La Ni~nna. The tendency forENSO to moderate climate change can be seenin 43 of the 65 events in the last 120 years.

Fig. 8. Comparison of yearly SOI values with global tem-perature (Folland et al, 1990). The SOI is given by thevertical triangles. Note that in the SOI data (taken fromNOAA’s web pages) the signs have been reversed so thatpositive values indicate El Ni~nno events and negative valuesLa Ni~nna events. The curve is a three-year running averageof global temperatures. Upward pointing arrows signify LaNi~nna, downward arrows, El Ni~nno. Blue implies that thecurvature of the global temperature at that event is appro-priate considering the role of El Ni~nno to try to reverse in-creases in T, La Ni~nna to reverse reductions in T. Greenimplies the same, but for cases where it is only visible whenthe yearly T is plotted, rather than the multi-year averageshown here. Red implies that the events do not have theexpected moderation of global T fluctuations. The tendencyfor ENSO to moderate climate change can be seen in 43 ofthe 65 events in the last 120 years. If yearly temperaturevalues are substituted for the three-year average, 58 of the63 events are consistent with the role of ENSO as a short-term moderator of climate change. The two bold magentavertical lines separate regimes of different dT=dt withsignificant changes in El Ni~nno and La Ni~nna occurrencefrequencies

On the relation between ENSO and global climate change 9

If yearly temperature values are substituted forthe three-year average, 58 of the 63 events areconsistent with the role of ENSO as a short-termmoderator of climate change.

Our hypothesis is also consistent with recentstudies that have suggested El Ni~nno as a mech-anism for the tropics to shed excess heat (Sunand Trenberth, 1998; UCAR Quarterly, 1997).According to this study, the continuous pouringof heat into the tropics cannot be sufficiently re-moved by weather systems and ocean currents.By considering global oceanic and atmosphericheat budgets during the 1986–1987 El Ni~nno, theysuggested that El Ni~nno acts as a release valve forthe tropical heat. This has also been confirmedfrom studies of other events (Sun, 2000; Sun,2001, personal communication). In addition tothese results, we cite the work of (1) Tsonisand Elsner (1997) where, using methods fromthe theory of nonlinear dynamical systems, itwas shown that global temperature and ENSOpredictability are coherent over the Nyquist fre-quency band from 0.0 to 0.24 cycles=year. Theseresults established a connection between thatglobal temperature and ENSO with higher tem-peratures resulting in lower ENSO predictability.(2) Timmermann et al (1999b) where it is shownthat the frequency of El Ni~nno in a coupled ocean-atmosphere model was increased in a simulatedglobal warming scenario. (3) Trenberth et al(2002) showed that the contribution of El Ni~nnoto the magnitude of the recent global warming isonly 0.06 �C, which is less than 10% of the over-all warming. This does not support the school ofthought that it is El Ni~nno that affects global tem-perature trends.

4. How do all these relate to key aspectsof recent ENSO theories?

We will now discuss how our theory fits withthe underlying physical mechanisms of El Ni~nnotriggering and development, predictability, andvariability.

4.1 Triggering

As noted in the introduction, it is widely accept-ed that the trigger of El Ni~nno is a combinationof anomalous westerly wind bursts (Wyrtki,1975; McPhaden, 1999; Yu and Rienecker,

1998), equatorial Pacific SST gradient, and a suf-ficient heat energy, which through the positivefeedback of convection spreads around the sur-face of the entire equatorial Pacific (Neelin et al,1998). Is this consistent with our hypothesis? Weargue that it is because of the following: (1) Anincrease in global temperatures leads to rapid(and greater) heat storage in the tropical Pacific.This is supported by recent analyses which showthat during the 20th century (a time of generalglobal warming) the western equatorial Pacificwarmed by 0.2 �C, while the eastern Pacificwarmed by a smaller amount (Latif et al, 1997;Cane et al, 1997). Thus both the mean SST andthe east–west gradient have increased. (2) In-creased heat storage leads to stronger tradewinds. This is also supported by data analyses(Latif et al, 1997; Shriver and O’Brien, 1995),which indicate that simultaneous with globaltemperature increases are increases in trade windstrength. (3) The accompanying increase in tradewind strength induces an increase in trade windfluctuations. This follows from scaling argu-ments for turbulent flow in boundary layers,(Kolmogorov, 1941) and it is consistent withthermodynamic arguments: more energy into asystem implies greater fluctuations (in fact forthis to be not true the system must have negativetemperatures). As such, the proposed hierarchyof influences in our hypothesis is consistent withthe underlying physical mechanisms of El Ni~nnodevelopment as inferred from the historical data.Note that from the arguments of Hunt (1999a), itappears that increased trade wind fluctuationwould trigger both more El Ni~nno and more LaNi~nna events in contrast to what is observed (moreEl Ni~nno events and fewer La Ni~nna events). Hisargument, based on dynamics without consider-ation of the thermodynamics of global tem-perature fluctuations, misses the tendency forincreasing global temperatures to suppress LaNi~nna initiation. A qualitative argument to explainthe suppression of La Ni~nna events during risingtemperatures can be constructed in line with theprevious paragraph. With rapid storage of energy,the thermal and physical inertia of the regions ofheat storage in the western Pacific should in-crease more rapidly, with the tendency for en-hanced sea surface elevation gradients. Largesea surface elevation gradients suppress the trig-ger of La Ni~nna, even when typical trade winds

10 A. A. Tsonis et al

are strong and fluctuations are large. Finally, thefact that La Ni~nna often follows El Ni~nno is con-sistent with the evidence that El Ni~nno depletesthe oceanic heat storage and often triggers a sub-sequent drop in global atmospheric temperatures.By symmetry, El Ni~nno often follows La Ni~nna.

4.2 Predictability

An aggregate of forcing of El Ni~nno through tradewind stress, spatial SST patterns and equatorialupwelling is responsible for the typical borealspring onset of El Ni~nno as suggested byTziperman et al (1998). Looking at just one ofthe components of this aggregate, namely tradewind stress, we see that the Northern Hemispheretrades are strongest in the boreal winter, when theSouthern Hemisphere trades are weakest. Thusthe power spectrum of zonally averaged tradewind forcing must have a contribution at a periodof twelve months, and both the spring and fall aretimes of weaker trades. Due to asymmetries inthe Pacific Ocean basin, the Northern Hemi-sphere spring is the time of greatest reductionin trade wind forcing, as well as of greatest re-duction in cold water advection into the centralPacific, but since averaging effectively involvesboth Hemispheres, Fourier components at oneyear must be fairly small. This has been con-firmed by Lagos et al (1987) who showed thatthe amplitude of the annual cycle harmonic ofzonal wind in the central and western equatorialPacific is indeed very small. Thus it is possiblethat rapid changes in global T, since they occur inboth Hemispheres by definition, can producechanges in trade wind forcing at periods of sixmonths or a year which are on the same order ofmagnitude as those which are most effective intriggering El Ni~nno. Analogous arguments can beconstructed for the influences of upwelling andSST’s.

Consider a scenario with a moderate increasein global T, but which produces smaller changesin trade wind forcing than the seasonal cycle.Then the occurrence of El Ni~nno should be en-hanced, but the seasonality of the onset left un-affected. If, on the other hand, the increase ofglobal T is very rapid, it should be possible toproduce six-month variations in trade windstrength, which are larger than the harmonicsarising from the seasonal variability. In such a

case, the seasonality (referred to as seasonallocking) of the initiation of El Ni~nno could bedestroyed. Balmaseda et al (1995) conclude, infact, that in the period 1976–1989 the seasonallocking of El Ni~nno was missing, in contrast toboth the decade before 1976 and the period since1990 (see also Mitchell and Wallace, 1996).Comparison with global temperature data showsthat this period had perhaps the most rapid rise oftemperature on the record, while the rise in Tsince the late 1980’s has moderated. Interestinglyenough, such a reduction in the role of the springbarrier to prediction actually enhanced the pre-dictability of El Ni~nno, since the spring barrier isthe most difficult to overcome. Thus the TOGAdecade may have been unusually impacted by theexceptionally rapid rise of global temperaturesoccurring during that period, and the modelingcommunity may have been somewhat misled.The return to increased role of seasonal lockingin the 1990’s has contributed to degradation inpredictive skill in most of the models (Latifet al, 1998; Chen et al, 1995; 1998).

4.3 Variability

Here we wish to discuss an issue that we think isof importance in the growing debate of El Nino=La Nina variability. In the ENSO communitythere seems to exist two distinct opinions. Onone side there are those who believe that ENSOhas its own internal complex nonlinear dynamicsand that external influences are not crucial (inaddition to earlier cited references, Gu andPhilander (1997), Jin et al (1994), Tzipermanet al, 1994; 1997; Neelin and Latif, 1998, shouldbe mentioned). On the other side there are thosewho argue for a stochastic scenario where exter-nal forcing, such as trade wind fluctuations, aremore important (Penland and Matrosova, 1994,for example). In this ‘‘internal=nonlinear vs. ex-ternal influence=stochastic’’ controversy (and wedo not mean to imply there is no middle ground),our results would seem to favor the latter. Yet, acloser examination of the present results suggeststhat the two opinions converge. Our approachcertainly implies the relevance of T as a forcingfunction, but it does not require that T beregarded as a stochastic input to an, otherwise,independent ENSO system (although it may beconvenient to regard it as so).

On the relation between ENSO and global climate change 11

In the earth’s climate system, which is spatial-ly extended, it is reasonable to expect that sub-systems exist at various space=time scales. Eachof these subsystems describes a phenomenon atthose space=time scales and exhibits its own dy-namics. These subsystems are interconnected andthus exchange information (Tsonis and Elsner,1989; Lorenz, 1991; Tsonis, 1996; Tsonis andElsner, 1998). As an example we offer the inter-action between convection and mid-latitude cy-clones. The equations that describe the formationof a cumulonimbus cloud form a subsystem oper-ating at certain space=time scales. The equationsthat describe the formation of mid-latitude cy-clones also form a subsystem operating at longerspace=time scales. In physical terms, the synop-tic arrangement determines the potential temper-ature field and the moisture convergence, whichin turn affect cumulonimbus formation. The po-tential temperature field and moisture conver-gence are part of the information provided bythe larger subsystem to the smaller subsystem.Similarly, the latent heat release in cumulonim-bus development, which can affect cyclogenesis,is information provided by the smaller subsystemto the larger subsystem. The amount of informa-tion exchanged by a subsystem and the rest of thesystem is determined by the degree of connectiv-ity. The degree of connectivity determines thedegree of ‘‘communication’’ of a given systemto the rest of the systems. If the degree of con-nectivity is small one can assume that the sub-system is independent and simply obeys its owndynamics. On the other hand if the amount ofinformation provided to the subsystem from thesystem is significant, then the external influencesaffect the dynamics of the subsystem, and thesystem can appear stochastic. In fact, Tsonisand Elsner (1997) have presented evidence onhow the predictability of the ENSO subsystemmay be affected by the global temperature signal.

In the above mathematical framework the twoviews about ENSO converge. When the globaltemperature is constant, or nearly so, El Ni~nnobehaves as an independent system but whenglobal temperature changes rapidly, it reacts ac-cordingly. This is suggested by the data. In thecase of relatively static temperatures, El Ni~nnoappears to be well-described by a deterministic,nearly linear model; the regularity of occurrencebetween 1941 and 1970 could have allowed

predictability almost without understanding ofthe dynamics, e.g., 1940–42, 1946, 1952, 1958,1965, 1969. Subsequently the situation changedas El Ni~nno appears to behave more ‘‘randomly’’.Therefore, the complexity of El Ni~nno, both interms of its yearly variability and its seasonality,is enhanced by periods of rapid temperature rise,consistent with the proposed influence of rising Ton the frequency of El Ni~nno occurrence. Fromthe above view, it could thus be suggested thatthe physical reasoning behind the dependence ofthis frequency on dT=dt rather than T, is the tran-sient response of the ENSO system to externalfluctuations of T.

5. Conclusions

We have presented mathematical and physicalevidence that support the hypothesis that the oc-currence and variability of El Ni~nno are sensitiveto changes in global temperatures, but not to theactual value of the global temperature. More spe-cifically, our theory suggests that El Ni~nno is ac-tivated to reverse positive global temperaturetrends, and La Ni~nna to reverse negative trends.This makes global temperature change (whichcan be a result of natural variability and=or ofincreased greenhouse gases) an important inputinto the variability of El Ni~nno. Thus, predictionsof global temperature trends are of paramountimportance to the forecasts of weather patternsduring the 21st century.


Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is operated byBattelle Memorial Institute. AAT was partly supportedby NSF grant ATM-9727329 and JBE was partly supportedby NSF grant ATM-94-17528.


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Authors’ addresses: A. A. Tsonis, Department of Mathe-matical Sciences, Atmospheric Sciences Group, Universityof Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201-0413(E-mail: aatsonis@uwm.edu); A. G. Hunt, CIRES, Universityof Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309; J. B. Elsner, Depart-ment of Geography, Florida State University, Tallahassee,FL 32306

14 A. A. Tsonis et al: On the relation between ENSO and global climate change

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clearly satisfy a broad range of GPS-philes ... The

volume cogently presents the critical aspects and

issues for users, along with the theory and details

needed by students and developers alike. For those

seriously entering the rapidly changing GPS field,

this book is a good place to start.” GPS WORLD

Yong-Qi Chen,Yuk-Cheung Lee (eds.)

Geographical Data Acquisition

2001. XIV, 265 pages. 167 figures.

Softcover EUR 62,– (Recommended retail price)

Net-price subject to local VAT.

ISBN 3-211-83472-9

This book is dedicated to the theory and methodology

of geographical data acquisition, providing compre-

hensive coverage ranging from the definition of geo-

referencing systems, transformation between these

systems to the acquisition of geographical data using

different methods. Emphasis is placed on conceptual

aspects, and the book is written in a semi-technical

style to enhance its readability. After reading this

book, readers should have a rather good understan-

ding of the nature of spatial data, the accuracy of spa-

tial data, and the theory behind various data acquisiti-

on methodologies. This volume is a text book for GIS

students in disciplines such as geography, environ-

mental science, urban and town planning, natural

resource management, computing and geomatics

(surveying and mapping). Furthermore it is an essen-

tial reading for both GIS scientists and practitioners

who need some background information on the tech-

nical aspects of geographical data acquisition.


Geographical Data and Its Acquisition (Yuk-Cheung

Lee) • Coordinate Systems and Datum (Esmond Mok,

Jason Chao) • Transformation of Coordinates be-

tween Cartesian Systems (Xiao-Li Ding) • Map Pro-

jections (Yuk-Cheung Lee) • Geographical Data from

Analogue Maps (Yuk-Cheung Lee, Lilian Pun)

• Ground-Based Positioning Techniques (Steve Y.W.

Lam, Yong-Qi Chen) • Satellite-Based Positioning

(Esmond Mok, Günther Retscher) • Techniques for

Underwater Data Acquisition (Günther Retscher)

• Image Acquisition (Bruce King, Kent Lam)

• Orthoimage Generation and Measurement from

Single Images (Zhilin Li) • Geometric Data from

Images (Bruce King) • Thematic Information from

Digital Images (Qiming Zhou) • Current Trends in

Geographical Data Acquisition: An Epilogue (Zhilin

Li, Yong-Qi Chen)

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