on the road with dar'sel'-8

Post on 31-Jul-2015






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On the road with

Dar’Sel’Jamshedpur to Delhi

1-8 June, 2015


RAMESH KUMARChairperson,

KRK Foundation +Co-Founder,

Transport Mitra Services

How can one visit one’s own parivar empty handed? That too on a maiden visit! So the Darcl Team goes shopping – picking up fruits, biscuits, toffees etc. A LTL with sarees, pant-suit length fabric, bats, racquets, tennis balls etc has already reached Jamshedpur.

As part of the Pilot Parivar Connect (Family Visit) initiative, the Darcl Team (Jamshedpur & Delhi) pays a surprise visit to one of their Pilots’ family in Jamshedpur itself. Of course, with sarees for spouses/mothers and fruits & playthings for kids. Without disturbing the sleeping daughter, the son introduces us to his Chickoo & Pickoo, his pet rabbits.

Another family. Another happy moment. Nishant Tanay seems to be a household name among Darcl Pilots’ parivar. The only grouse is that they have heard about him. Never met until this moment. That wish has been fulfilled at last. Great!

Every parivar has their own stories to narrate. Until this moment, they did not expect officers from companies their spouses work for will come to hear them. When such a thing becomes a reality, it is a Big Moment for them. As well as for company representatives. It is a two-way learning.

A newly wedded pilot parivar responds in mono syllables to our queries about their well being.

The elderly neighbour explains that it was a surprise to ‘see’ officers visiting pilot’s homes!

The last halt @ Jamshedpur. One of the most well groomed or well educated Darcl Pilot parivar. A proud moment.

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