one magical night three legendary voices · 1994. 8. 29. · offspring smash untamed & true various...

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  • 11')!LiAeote-of$3.00

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    Volume 60 No. 6August 29, 1994




    `Live from Dodger Stadium'






    . AUGUST 30THme '" a;

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  • 2 - RPM CHART WEEKLY - Monday August 29, 1994

    CRTC rescinds Shaw and Cogeco pay audio licensesThe idea of pay radio seems to have come andgone, at least for the time being, as the CRTC,in a rare move, has rescinded its earlierdecision to grant pay -audio licences to ShawCommunications (Edmonton) and Cogeco ofMontreal.

    The companies were planning to offersubscribers more than 30 channels ofuninterrupted CD -quality music, at a cost ofaround $10 a month. The CRTC had originallyapproved both applications back in June of1993.

    However, a trumpet of protest wassounded by both the Canadian recordingindustry and Telesat Canada, who complainedthat the applicants hadn't made a strong enoughcommitment to Cancon programming, thatthe service wasn't solely utilizing Canadiantelecommunications facilities, and that theservices wouldn't be available all over Canada.

    In light of these complaints, the CRTCheld a public hearing in April of 1994, atwhich time both Shaw and Cogeco were ableto amend their previous applications.

    Cogeco proposed to increase its copyrightpayment commitments and the number ofCanadian -produced channels, which would bedistributed from a Canadian satellite. In return,the Montreal -based company wanted amonopoly on the pay -audio service coveringthe Atlantic provinces, Quebec and Ontario,except for Toronto.

    The CRTC rejected the revised Cogecoapplication on the grounds that it would onlybe available in only half the country. TheCommission also questioned the financialviability of the Cogeco proposal.

    Shaw had proposed to raise its Canadiancontent level, from 9% in the originalapplication, to 12%o in the revised proposal.However the CRTC rejected the Shawproposal, saying that without the co -existenceof the Cogeco service, Shaw would have avirtual monopoly in the Canadian market. TheCommission also felt that, despite raising itsCancon commitment, the Shaw application

    still fell short in the desired use of Canadianresources.

    According to CRTC chairman KeithSpicer, "Given Shaw's preference to competenationally with other pay audio services andCogeco's insistence on a territorial monopoly,the licensing of two competing services - theheart of our original decisions - was no longeran option."

    Spicer also noted that the Commissiontook into account the concerns expressed byvarious factions in the Canadian music industry.For his part, Canadian Recording IndustryAssociation president Brian Robertson wasfull of nothing but praise for the CRTC' s"gutsy decisions".

    Robertson notes that, "The traditionalpath in such decisions is one of compromise,but the government took a precedent -setting

    step in originally asking the CRTC to reviewits earlier licensing decision and now theCommission itself has also made a gutsydecision in rescinding the licences.

    "This decision is an endorsement of theviews that were expressed to the Commissionat both hearings by the 19 music industryorganizations representing performing artists,composers and record companies. It was theirunanimous view that the proposed serviceswere merely franchise pick-ups of US servicesand exploited tens of thousands of soundrecordings without compensation to the rightsholders. They additionally failed to programany meaningful level of Canadian content."

    Robertson concluded that, while CRIA isnot opposed to new technologies, suchinnovations must take place "in harmony withthe recognition of the rights of creators andproducers."

    Film and TV scores a viable option for composersThe movie soundtrack has become a powerfulmoney-maker for the recording industry in thepast few years, and the financial potential forfilm and television composers has never beengreater.

    In light of this, the Canadian IndependentRecord Producers Association (CIRPA) andthe Canadian Independent Film Caucus arepresenting They Shoot, They Score, a day-long symposium on the growing industry offilm and television composing, sponsored bySOCAN. The symposium takes place Sept. 9at Toronto's Sutton Place Hotel.

    The symposium will bring togetherrepresentatives from the film and musicindustries in a day -long discussion of thisgrowing sector of the music business. Therewill also be workshops designed to aid thebudding film or TV composer in learning theins and outs of the profession.

    According to SOCAN' s Victor Perkins,who oversees film and television scores forthat organization, the business of televisionand movie music is a large one indeed.

    "Many composers who get involved in

    EMI Music Canada staff present Tanya Tucker with gold awardsfor her latestalbum, Soon, and her Greatest Hits, Volume 2 album, prior to her sold -outshow at the Ontario Place Forum.

    film and television productions end up seeingthose productions getting sold to manyterritories around the world. These thingshave a way of taking on a life of their own,unlike a pop song that climbs the charts,peaks, and dips off."

    Perkins says that the increasing numberof specialty services and outlets for televisionand film productions has created an equallyincreased demand for scores, which could bea marvellous opportunity for a strugglingcomposer.

    "We have writers who aren't knownmuch outside the Canadian film community,who've written particularly for animatedproductions that have generated a tremendousamount of money around the world. When youconsider that most cartoons have wall-to-wallmusic, and they're on every day of the week,twice on Saturdays, there's a huge opportunityto generate an awful lot of income.

    "Then there's the people who are intowriting themes, bumpers and stingers for

    SCORES continued on page 8

    Prior to their Aug. 19 show at Toronto's Exhibition Stadium, The RollingStones are preented with double platinum awards for their Virgin debut,Voodoo Lounge.


    No 1 ALBUM



    THE LION KINGSoundtrack

    Disney - 60858


    GREEN DAYDookie

    SLOANTwice Removed

    . . . . . . . .. . .....JANN ARDEN

    Living Under June


    UNTAMED & TRUEVarious Artists

    YANNILive At The Acropolis

    NINE INCH NAILSThe Downward Spiral


    REBEL ANGELLori Yates

    FIRE ON ESinead C

    GOOD ESarah Mc

    GOODEdie B





    LET I'Prir

    YOU GODes



    BARENAKEMaybe You' .....NEIL YC

    CRAZYSleeps Wi

    HEART OVER MINDLorrie Morgan

    : BABY LIKES TO ROCK IT :The Tractors


    HAS ANYBODY SEEN AMY:. John & Audrey Wiggins

    CHRIS SEPirate Radio S

    CLUB EVarious



  • 'ANo. 1 ALBUM

    THE LION KINGSoundtrack

    Disney - 60858


    GREEN DAYDookie

    SLOANTwice Removed

    JANN ARDENLiving Under June


    UNTAMED & TRUEVarious Artists

    YANNILive At The Acropolis

    NINE INCH NAILSThe Downward Spiral



    REBEL ANGELLori Yates


    August 29, 1994


    FIRE ON BABYLONSinead O'Connor

    GOOD ENOUGHSarah McLachlan

    GOOD TIMESEdie Brickell




    BASKET CASEGreen Day

    LET IT GOPrince

    YOU GOTTA BEDes'ree

    No. 1 HIT


    1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30


    EARTH TONESTo Be Continued . . . - Passion Records - PRD 945

    JANEBarenaked Ladies


    ROCKETSmashing Pumpkins



    BARENAKED LADIESMaybe You Should Drive


    Sleeps With AngelsHEART OVER MIND

    Lorrie Morgan



    CHRIS SHEPPARDPirate Radio Sessions Vol. 2

    CLUB EUROPAVarious Artists

    RHEOSTATICSIntroducing Happiness

    LUCKY ONEAmy Grant


    I'LL STAND BY YOUThe Pretenders

    COAX MESloan

    BUT IT'S ALRIGHTHuey Lewis & The News

    I'LL BE THE ONEBoz Scaggs


    KING OF NEW YORKHemingway Corner

    HIGH HOPESPink Floyd

    YOU GOT ME ROCKIN'The Rolling Stones

    CIRCLE OF LIFEElton John

    7 SECONDSYoussou N'Dour &

    Neneh Cherry



    BACK & FORTHAaliyah Canada's music industry

    news source!!!HAS ANYBODY SEEN AMYJohn & Audrey Wiggins


    SADNESS GROWSSpirit Of The West

  • 4 RPM CHART WEEKLY - Monday August 29, 1994

    BUDIN r &TEM

    with Elvira CapreeseAn embarrassing situation . . . ?There's trouble, big trouble on the hill, or Ishould say across the river from the hill.Questions are being asked about the researchteam, about the cozy palsee-walsee connectionof a couple of the major players with theprivate sector, et cetera, et cetera. Therecould be more embarrassing revelations overthe next few weeks. It goes to show just howimportant a call -to -arms can be. There's onebig, very important decision expected soon,but now that there's an internal and veryprivate investigation going on around thewater cooler, the shoo-in, just might not be.(EC: Holy cow WG . . . that sounds like a job

    for supercommish . . .


    "k IA

    published weekly sinceFebruary 24th, 1964, by

    RPM MUSIC PUBLICATIONS LTD.6 Brentcliffe RoadToronto, Ontario

    M4G 3Y2416-425-0257 FAX: 416-425-8629

    Walt Grealis - Editor & PublisherStan Klees - Photo Spread Editor

    Tom Sandler - Photo Spread PhotographerSean LaRose - Layout & Design

    Tim Evans - ChartsRon Rogers - General News/Radio

    The MAPL logo was created by Stan Klees for RPMin 1970 and is used extensively by Canadian recordcompanies to identify the quantity of Canconon label copy.

    M - Music was composed by a CanadianA - Artist who is featured is a Canadian citizenP - Production was wholly recorded in Canada

    L- Lyrics were written by a Canadian

    Advertising rates supplied upon request.Second class postage paid in Toronto.

    Publications Mail Registration No. 1351

    Printed by Hayes Printing ServicesRichmond Hill, ON, L4C 3G4


    Thank You! Thank You! Thanks . . . !It's been one of those memorable summers,thanks to the thoughtfulness of record companypeople. A&M's Stephanie Robertson arrangedpress accreditation privileges for us to theWoodstock blast, and there we were, front andcentre to another history -making rock n' rollevent. And then, along came Virgin's RussHergert with a couple of tickets to the Stone'sconcert. And, to repeat myself, there wewere, front and centre, 21 rows from the stageto be exact, to one of the most memorableconcerts of the decade. Watching those slimand healthy looking old rock veterans do theirthing was an inspiration. (EC: A joint a daykeeps the doctor away . . . !)

    K97's Steve Olson in T . 0Wouldn't you know it . . . K97 music directorSteve Olson breezes into Toronto and majorleague baseball is still on ice. Judging fromwhat he tells me about Edmonton radio, it'spretty competitive, and very entertaining.Maybe the major broadcast players, those whohave stations all over the map, should considersending some of their dead -beat Torontoand area UN -personalities out west to learnhow to communicate. (EC: They know how tofornicate . . . !)A yuk from Kevin Hilgers . . . !CFGP's morning personality recently told hisGrande Prairie listeners that "A hundred laughsa day will give you as much cardiovascularbenefit as 10 minutes on a rowing machine. Italso lowers blood pressure and heart rate,strengthens the immune system and reduceslevels of stress -creating hormones. Now, ifthis show could only find some funny material."He did as a matter of fact find a bunch of them.Here's one. "Why don't cannibals eat clowns?`Cause they taste funny." (EC: A laugh a daykeeps the radio doctor away . . . !)

    It oughta be the law . ! Speakingto some of the industry people about theupcoming seminar on music and film (TheyShoot! They Score!), only attracted a yawn ortwo. Instead of pissing around, nickle anddimeing it with no -hit crap, they should patchthemselves into some of the millionaire writerpanelists, who score for films, commercialsand jingles. That's where the big money is.Read Ron Rogers' piece on page 2, and you'llget an idea of just how much, and what,songwriters are missing out on. The CopyrightAct and how to interpret it, should be on theplate of every senior executive hopeful in therecord and broadcast industries. You can't bepresident, general manager or senior vice-president, or shouldn't, if you don't know theterritory. Joanne Smale has done a great job oforganizing this seminar. The film people reallydon't care about music. It just came as part ofthe territory. Now that it's on their agenda,they'll have to take notice. Wouldn't it be niceif the musicmakers did likewise? (EC: If theycan hear the rustle of greenbacks they will!)

    Shopsy's on Mirvish Walkaway?Guess who's moved into the Mirvi territory?Shopsy's, that's who. The Deli king's namelives on with the opening on King Street justa couple of doors east of the Princess of WalesTheatre, of an after and a before theatre

    eatery, that even welcomes the breakfast crowd.Thanks to Gino Empry and his list of beautifulpeople, (still the best), bar none, all theshowbiz dazzlers, who really do dazzle, werethere. It was interesting to see the surprisedlook on the faces of Ed Mirvish and wife Annewhen they happened across West End stageactress June Wilkinson. The well -endowedEnglish actress starred in Pyjama Tops at Ed'sRoyal Alex, back in 1964. She's still well -endowed, and playing Toronto until Oct. 30.(EC: How do you become un-endowed . . .

    Actress June Wilkinson with RPM's Stan Klees.

    Mother Corp is reaching ... ! Guesswho's looking for an executive producer forHockey Night in Canada? (EC: Check theclassifieds of our national daily . . . !)

    VISITORSGeorgina Cajic - Quality MusicJohn Chessman . TreefortNeil Foster - TreefortAllen ZarnettEnrico Farina - E.F. RecordsDaniel Klaus - Passion Music GroupSam Ferris - Sony MusicBill Geffros Wolfe Lake MusicShelly Rosenberg - EMI Music CanadaSteve Olson - K-97 EdmontonRob Chubey - EMI Music CanadaDale Peters - BMG MusicJason McCoy - Airstrip MusicRon Kitchener - RGK EntertainmentSteve Coady - A&MllslandfMotownBrian Hetherman - MCA Records



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    Call Nancy Wright416-367-5220 ext. 248

  • RPM CHART WEEKLY Monday August 29, 1994 - 5

    FEATURED ARTIST - by Craig Thompson

    Erroll Starr eases back onto radio wavesAfter sharing a 1989 Juno award for Angel asbest R&B single with Eddie Schwartz, ErrollStarr did something that many artists woulddeign as professional suicide: he took himself

    by Tim Evans

    On a roll .. I Last week, Barenaked Ladies'Jane was the most -added song in the country.This week, it is the hottest song in Canada.Jane rises 39 spots all the way to #22. If thatsounds high for a song in just its second week,you're right. No other song this year hit thetop 25 that quickly. If that news wasn't goodenough, the band's album, Maybe You ShouldDrive, exploded at retail and enters at #5.

    Prince and Barney. Maybe the purplepair will tour together sometime soon now thatPrince is back on the charts. His album,Come, debuts at #47, while the album's firstrelease enters the Hit Tracks chart. Let It Gobreaks in at #94. During his career, Prince hashad numerous hit songs including two #1s.Name them.

    Big Canadian week. Besides BarenakedLadies, another Canadian artist has an albumenter in the top 10. Neil Young And CrazyHorse debuts at #10 with Sleeps With Angels.Chris Sheppard's latest Pirate Radiocompilation enters at #15, while Rheostatics'Introducing Happiness cracks the chart at #45.Yet another Canadian, Jann Arden, has thebiggest moving album. Living Under Juneclimbs 34 places to #29.

    More Cancon info. Carol Medina isheaded for the biggest hit of her career. I HadA Dream is quickly rising the Hit Trackschart. In just its third week, it bullets to #68.Sass Jordan can lay claim to her biggest hit forthe second straight release. Sun's Gonna Risehas risen all the way to #8, which edges out herprevious high of #9 with High Road Easy.

    Look who's back. Sinead O'Connor hasresurfaced with the top add no less. Fire OnBabylon enters the chart at #84. It has beenmore than four years since her mega smashNothing Compares 2 U.

    Soundtrack fever. Soundtracks arecertainly proving to be a dominant force in themusic industry as evidenced by the top 10albums throughout the Music World chain.1. The Lion King Soundtrack 2. BarenakedLadies 3. Ace Of Base 4. Forrest GumpSoundtrack 5. Rolling Stones 6. CountingCrows 7. Soundgarden 8. Reality BitesSoundtrack 9. A11 -4 -One 10. Stone TemplePilots.

    King Prince. The two #1 hits from Princeare When Doves Cry (1984) and Batdance(1989). Hmmmmm, that's exactly five yearsapart and now its five years later. Is this apattern? Prince also had three other songsreach the top three: Let's Go Crazy, PurpleRain and Cream.

    out of the spotlight.However, according to Starr, now holed

    up in Hamilton, this move was the inevitableculmination of a period of success that includedBlack Music awards and Juno nominations forThe Key single.

    "It was a natural evolution from doing allof this," he notes over the phone from hisHamilton studio. "I had a facility to produceand write, and I had enough time to sit backand look at my direction and image, andwanted to change it up. Given the timespan, Ifelt the public would be more receptive to thechange of direction without too much trouble. "

    Starr's new image, behind themanagement team of himself, wife Lisa, andASOMA Records, is far less glitzy than theone associated with him previously. "Theimage of Erroll Starr is very flashy. It's not abad image, but at the same time I want it downto earth, more me."

    The new image and music on the ASOMARecords disc, From The Inside Out, refuses toconfine itself within the fences ofcategorization. It offers a more completeview.

    The album was completed at his homestudio where he took care of most of theinstrumentation and production. However,Starr is no stranger to this studio, as he haskept very busy on the professional frontproducing commercials for radio and TV,nationally and within the Hamilton market.

    "I'd been writing all along, so I've got a200 -song catalogue. I planned to make a

    record three years ago and devoted the latehours to singing on it, et cetera."

    The album is in stores in the NiagaraHorseshoe area, currently carried exclusivelyby HMV, but looking for Sam The RecordMan to pick it up as well.

    Starr is looking at a broader market thanCanada, though the first single, Sum Of WhatI Am, has been added at Energy108 inBurlington. The AC track Head Over Heels isbeing worked at the major AC stations whereit currently sits in limbo.

    One of the problems in Canada, though,is the lack of vital R&B and, to an extent,dance radio. This was a problem when Starrreleased Temple Of Love on A&M Recordsback in 1985.

    "It was a shot in the dark for A&M. Theydidn't know what to do with R&B back at thattime. To break this kind of music out ofCanada, they didn't really have their finger onthat button. It got lost in the shuffle a little bit.

    "Then again, I can't fault them foranything because they did their best. Weended up parting ways amicably."

    "They're not quite sure what to do here.They're not breaking any R&B acts out ofCanada. Radio isn't there to support it. Canadais good for a lot of things, but as far asrecognizing their own, it always seemed totake the artist going there and coming back."

    "People may think it's a religious record,but it's not. I would say it's spirituallyconscious, or motivated. The record crossesall of these boundaries, so it flows very well.It's an uplifting record, and a record I'm veryhappy with. I'm hoping people view it with anopen mind and enjoy it. It's from the heart."

    Sony Music keying on Loverboy and Jesse & GeneSony Music Canada's special products divisionis keeping itself busy these days, with a pair ofnew projects on the go that are reflective of theimmense diversity that exists in the musicbusiness today.

    The first of these projects is a full-lengthalbum from the crazed morning duo atToronto's AM 640 radio station, Jesse &Gene. The twosome has been a staple at radioin the Toronto market for years, beginning atQ107, followed by a brief stint at 680 CFTR.

    Sony has decided to parlay the pair'senormous following into an album, whichshould be followed soon thereafter by anationally syndicated radio show this fall.

    The album, entitled What's In It ForUs?, will feature a collection of phone calls,pranks and on -air silliness culled from the AM640 files. Along with the skits and sketches,the album will include a unique take on BTO' sclassic Takin' Care Of Business, now titledTakin' Care Of Listeners, and featuring RandyBachman, Rik Emmett and Lawrence Gowan.

    According to Sony's Ron Camilleri, thepromotion for the Jesse & Gene package willbe substantial.

    "We're doing a contest on AM 640, andlisteners will win a trip for two somewhere.We're teaming up with Canada 3000, andwe'll fly somewhere. Right now we're lookingat London, England. McDonalds is on board,doing something with the TTC. We figure this

    is looking like a quarter -million dollarcampaign."

    Camilleri says that the popularity of theduo can't be underestimated, noting "theydon't ask their listeners to do something, theytell them to."

    Because it deals with a regionalizedproduct, Camilleri admits that his companywill focus its promotion in the southern Ontarioregion. But he feels the possibility of thisrecord selling in regions across the countryshouldn't be overlooked.

    "Currently, Jesse & Gene are negotiatinga national syndicated show. So we're shipping





    67 Mowot Avenue, Suite 431Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6K 3E3

    Voice: (416) 516-8751 Fax: (416) 516-9448

  • r.T. HIT TRACKSirliAlLwkw & where to find them

    Canada's Only National 100 Hit Tracks SurveyTW LW N/0 - AUGUST 29, 1994

    1 1 14 CAN YOU FEEL THE LOVE (4 weeks at #1) El 69Elton John - The Lion Kng SoundtrackDisney (Warner comp 209)-P

    2 2 13 STAY (I Missed You)Lisa Loeb & Nine Stories - Reality Bites SoundtrackRCA -07863 66364 (BMG comp 67)-N

    3 3 14 PRAYER FOR THE DYINGSeal -SealZTT-96256 (Warner comp 207)-P

    4 4 io LOVE IS STRONG 38 15The Rolling Stones - Voodoo LoungeVirgin -39782 (promo CD single) -F

    5 6 13 BLACK HOLE SUNSoundgarden - SuperunknownA&M-31454 0198-Q

    6 5 15 WILD NIGHTJohn Metencamp - Human WheelsMercury -315518 088 (PolyGram comp early May) -0

    MI 10 7 YOU BETTER WAITSteve Perry - For The Love Of Strange MecicineColumbia -44287 (Sony comp 29)-H

    fl 11 8 SUN'S GONNA RISESass Jordan - RatsAquarius -571-F

    13 5 COULD I BE YOUR GIRLJann Arden - Living Under JuneA&M-314 540 248 (promo CD single) -0

    10 7 11 AFTERNOONS & COFFEESPOONSCrash Test Dummies - God Shuffled His FeetArista -74321-21688-N

    11 12 13 FALL DOWNToad The Wet Sprocket- DulcineaColumbia -57744 (Sony comp 27)-H

    5 ALL I WANNA DOSheryl Crow - Tuesday Night Music Club

    A&M-3154 0126 (A&M comp 5/94)-Q13 8 15 CRAZY

    Aerosmith - Get A Grip

    Geffen -24455 (MCA comp 9/94)-J14 9 15 ANYTIME YOU NEED A FRIEND

    Mariah Carey - Music BoxColumbia -53205 (Sony comp 27)-H

    9 SHOUT OUT LOUDRoch Voisin - I'll Always Be ThereStar/Select-8056 (promo CD single)

    16 19 8 YOU LET YOUR HEART GO TOO FASTSpin Doctors -Turn It Upside DownEpic -52907 (pronto CD single) -H

    17 17 to BAD TIMINGBlue Rodeo - Rve Days In JulyWEA-93846 (Warner comp 208)-P

    24 6 THE WAY SHE LOVES MERichard Marx - Paid VacationCapito1-81232 (promo CD single) -F

    25 5 RAIN KINGCounting Crows - August And Everything AfterGeffen -24528)

    31 3 CHANGE YOUR MINDNeil Young & Crazy Horse - Sleeps With AngelsReprise -45749 (promo CD single) -P

    21 22 12 YOUBonnie Raft - Longing In Their HeartsCaoito1-81427 (EMI coma 15/941-F

    2 JANEBarenaked Lades - Mavbe You Should DriveSire/Reprise45709 (Wamer comp 216)-P

    23 16 is I SWEARNI -4 -One All -4 -OneAltantic-82588 (Warner comp 206)-P

    24 21 12 VASOLINEStone Temple Pilots - Stone Temple PilotsMantic -82607 (Warner comp 210)-P

    25 18 10 AIN'T GOT NOTHING IF YOU ...Mchael Bolton - The One ThingColumbia -53567 (Sony comp 28)-H

    30 4 THINK TWICECeline Dion - The Colour Of My LoveColumbia -57555 (promo CD single) -H

    27 28 5 GIRLS AND BOYSBlur- ParklifeEMI -29540-F

    28 29 10 LOVE IS ALL AROUNDWet Wet Wet - Four Weddings And A FuneralLondon -422 828 509-Q

    46 3 I'LL MAKE LOVE TO YOUBoyz II Men -11Motown -314 530 323 (pronto CD single)

    30 27 10 CRASH! BOOM! BANG!Rosette - Crash! Boom! Bang!EMI -28727 (EMI comp 15/94)-F

    El 47 7 ROCKETSmashing Pumpkins - Siamese DreamVirgin -88267 (EMI comp 18/94)-F

    32 32 7 TIME OF THE SEASON -The Nylons - Because ...Scold Bros -72392 75435-N

    33 14 17 IF YOU GOJon Secede - Heart, Soul & A VoiceSBK-29272 (EMI comp 15/94)-F

    34 39 7 BONEYARD TREEThe Watchmen - In The TreesMCA -11105 (MCA comp 11/94)-J


    In 23

    El] 20




    El 61





    2 LUCKY ONEAmy Grant - House Of LoveA&M-31454 (promo CD single) -(1

    10 BROADWAY JOEKeven Jordan - Keven JordanColumbia -80194 (Sony comp 27)-H

    4 BREATHECollective Soul - Hints, Allegations & Things ...Mantio-82596 (Wamer comp 215)-P

    12 MAYBE LOVE WILL CHANGE YOUR MINDStevie Nicks - Street AngelModem/Atlantic-92246 (Warner comp 209)-P

    39 38 8 SABOTAGEBeasde Boys - Ill CommunicationCapitol -28599-F

    57 4 HEALING HANDSAlan Frew - Hold OnEMI -28990 (EMI comp 20/94)-F

    41 44 3 SILVERMoist- SilverEMI -29608 (EMI comp 20/94)-F

    42 42 9 DANCING IN THE MOONLIGHTBaha Men - KalikBig Beat -92394 (Warner comp 209)-P

    43 43 7 ROCK ITSteve Miller - Steve Miller Band Box SetCapitol -89826 (EMI comp 19194)-F

    44 49 8 STARSEEDOur Lady Peace NaveedEpic -80191 (Sony comp 28)-H

    45 45 6 RIGHT BESIDE YOUSophie B. HawkinsColumbia -64200 (Sony comp 26)-H

    46 34 10 THIS WEIGHT ON MEChris DeBurgh -This Way UpA&M31454 (promo CD single) -0

    47 50 4 SO GENTLY WE GOI Mother Earth - DigEMI -98912 (EMI comp 19/94)-F

    48 26 16 SHINECollective Soul - Hints, Allegations And Things ...Atlantic -82596 (Warner comp 203)-P

    49 37 19 ROUND HERECounting Crows - August And Everything AfterGeffen -24528-J

    so 6 HARD LUCK WOMANGarth Brooks -Kiss My AssEMI -29608-F

    4 I'LL STAND BY YOUThe Pretenders - Last Of The IndependentsWEA UK -95822 (Warner comp 213)-P

    52 33 15 THROWIN' IT ALL AWAYRealworld - ReakvoridFRE-00107 (EMI comp 12/94)-F

    53 53 9 BACKWATERMeat Puppets - Too High To DieLoorlon-828 484 (PolyGram comp early April) -0

    54 40 9 ACRIMONYffim Mitchell - ItchAlert -81024 (promo CD single) -F

    3 KING OF NEW YORKHemingway Comer- Hemingway CornerEpic -80180-H

    80 2 HIGH HOPESPink Floyd - The Division BellColumbia -64200 (promo CD single) -H

    7 ASSOHOLIC54-40 - Smilin' Buddha Cabaret IrmaColumbia -80190 (Sony comp 28)-H

    58 56 9 I BELIEVEMarcella Detroit - JewellLondon -422 828 491 (PolyGram comp early June) -0

    59 58 5 IF I WANTED TOMelissa Etheridge - Yes I AmIsland -422 848 660 (A&M comp 5/94)-C)

    60 41 14 BREAKIN' UP THE HOUSEColin James - Colin James & The Little Big BandVirgin -39190-F

    70 4 WAITING MOREBig Blue Bus - Arts Jukebox3B Records -001

    73 3 POCAHONTASCrash Vegas - Borrowed TunesEveryman/Sony-80199 (promo CD single) -H

    93 2 YOU GOT ME ROCKIN'The Rolling Stones - Voodoo LoungeVirgin -39782-F

    64 66 4 DAYDREAMThe Earthtones -To Be ContinuedPassion -945

    65 63 13 SELLING THE DRAMALive -Throwing CopperRadii:active-10997 (MCA comp 7/94)-J

    84 2 CIRCLE OF LIFEElton John - The Lion tong SoundtrackDisney -60858 (Warner camp 214)

    67 67 5 THIS IS LOVEChris DeBurgh - This Way UpA&M-31454-0


    131 68

    El 81


    DI 65





    36 36

    n 48




    El 86

    E3 87


    78 3 I HAD A DREAMCarol Medina- Mavrin State Of IvIndQuality -2058 (promo CD single)

    es 2 7 SECONDSYoussou N'Dour & Neneh Cherry - The Guide (Wommat)Chaos/Columbia-53829 (Sony comp 29)-H

    70 35 18 DONT TURN AROUNDAce Of Base - The SignArista -07822 18740-N

    71 51 12 SCANNING THESE CROWDSBruce Cockburn - Dart To The HeartTrue North -82 (Sony comp 28)-H

    3 BACK & FORTHAaliyah - Age Ain't Nothing But A NumberJive -01241 41533-N

    2 SADNESS GROWSSpirit Of The West - FaithliftWEA-93642 (Warner comp 214)-P

    88 2 COAX MESloan - Twice RemovedDGC-24711 (MCA comp 13/94)-J

    75 55 to ALWAYSErasure - I Say I Say I SayMute/Elektra-61633-P

    95 2 BUT IT'S ALRIGHTHuey Lewis - Four Chords & Several Years AgoElektra-61500-P

    77 82 4 HOLD MY HANDHooter & The Blowfish - Cracked Rear ViewAtlantic -82613 (Warner comp 212)-P

    78 52 23 I'LL REMEMBERMadonna - With Honors SoundtrackMaverick/SireMS-45549 (Warner comp 204)-P

    79 77 17 CRYING SHAMEWild Strawberries - Bet You Think I'm LonelyStrawberry -70055 (promo CD single) -Q

    80 75 5 RETURN TO POOH CORNERKenny Loins - Return To Pooh CornerSony Woer-57674 (promo CD single) -H

    94 2 I'LL BE THE ONEBoz Scaggs - Be The OneVirgin -39489 (EMI comp 20)-F

    82 59 14 ANY TIME, ANY PLACEJanet Jackson - JanetVirgin -87825-F

    83 71 16 SILENT SCREAMRichard Marx - Paid VacationCapitol -81232 (EMI comp 15/94)-F

    84 NEW FIRE ON BABYLONSinead O'Connor- Universal MotherChrysalis -30549-F

    85 54 is TAKE IT BACKPink Floyd -The Division BellColumbia -64200 (Sony comp 26)-H

    86 74 14 TELL ME WHERE IT HURTSKathy Troccoli - Kathy TroccoliArista -07863 66367 (BMG comp 67)-N

    87 62 15 CAN'T TURN BACK THE YEARSPhil Collins - Both SidesAtlantic -82550 (Warner comp 205)-P

    88 NEW GOOD ENOUGHSarah McLachlan - FumNing Towards Ecstasy nisiNettwerk-30081 (promo CD single) -H

    89 NEW GOOD TIMESEdie Dicke!' - Picture Perfect MorningGeffen -24715 (MCA comp 13)-J

    90 NEW SWEET SENSUAL LOVEBig Mountain - UnityGant -24563 (Warner comp 213)-P

    91 NEW NOWHERE IS THERE FREEDOMTraffic- Far From HomeVirgin -39490 (EMI comp 20)-F

    92 64 12 MOVING ON UPM People - Elegant SlummingRCA -74321 20839 (BMG comp 66)-N

    93 NEW BASKET CASEGreen Day - DookieReprise -45529-P

    94 NEW LET IT GOPrince- 1958-1993Warner Bros. -45700 (promo CD single) -P

    95 90 9 LONGING IN THEIR HEARTSBonnie Rain - Longin In Their HeartsCapitol -81427 (promo CD single) -F

    96 76 t8 BROWN EYED GIRLFreddy Curd - Dreamer's RoadEMI -29339 (EMI camp 11/94)-F

    97 NEW YOU GOTTA BEDestree - I Ain't Movin'550/Epic-64324 (Sony comp 29)-H

    98 83 7 FUMBLING TOWARDS ECSTASYSarah McLachlan - FumNing Towards EcstasyNettwern-30081-F

    99 72 18 NIGHT IN MY VEINSThe Pretenders - Last Of The IndependentsWEA UK -95822-P

    100 79 10 I'LL REMEMBER YOUMantic Starr - limeArista -07822 18723-N












  • DM 2anada's Only National 100 Hit Tracks Survey




    -N -F -J -O -H -P


    68 78

    69 85

    3 I HAD A DREAM Carol Medina- Mavrin State Of Mind

    Quality -2058 (promo CD single)

    2 7 SECONDS Youssou N'Dour & Neneh Cheny - The Guide (Wommat)

    Chaos/Columbia-53828 (Sony comp 29)-H

    70 35 ui DON'T TURN AROUND Things ... Ace Of Base -The Sign

    Arista -07822 18740-N iE YOUR MIND 71 51 12 SCANNING THESE CROWDS

    Bruce Cockburn - Dart To The Heart p 209)-P True North -82 (Sony comp 28)-H El

    86 3 BACK & FORTH Aaliyah -Age Ain't Nothing But A Number

    Jive -01241 41533-N


    LD Spirit Of The West - Failhlift WEA-93642 (Warner comp 214)-P 74 88 2 COAX ME

    Sloan -Twice Removed DGC-24711 (MCA comp 13/94)-J IHT 75 55 10 ALWAYS

    Erasure -

    I Say I Say I Say Mute/Elektra-616.33-P

    76 95 2 BUT IT'S ALRIGHT 3 Box Set Huey Lewis - Four Chords & Several Years Ago

    Elektra-61500-P 77 82 4 HOLD MY HAND

    Hootie & The Blowfish - Cracked Rear View Atlantic -82613 (Warner comp 212)-P

    78 52 23 I'LL REMEMBER Madonna

    - With Honors Soundtrack

    Maverick/Sire/W13-45549 (Warner comp 204)-P 79 77 17 CRYING SHAME

    Wild Strawberries - Bet You Think I'm Lonely e(

    Strawberry -70055 (promo CD single) -0 80 75 5 RETURN TO POOH CORNER

    61' Kenny Loggins - Return To Pooh Corner Sony Wonder -57674 (promo CD single) -1-1

    81 94 2 I'LL BE THE ONE id Things ... Boz Scaggs - Be The One

    Virgin -39489 (EMI comp 20)-F 82 59 14 ANY TIME, ANY PLACE

    hing After Janet Jackson -Janet Virgin -87825-F

    83 71 16 SILENT SCREAM

    ndents P

    rly April) -Q


    p early June) -Q


    e Big Band

    Ela ogle) -H


    Richard ;rLREre.4103Vamcalflon r ifit1011M FIRE ON BABYLON')-

    Sinead O'Connor- Universal Mother Chrysalis -30549-F

    16 TAKE IT BACK Pink Floyd - The Division Bell

    Columbia -64200 (Sony comp 26)-H 86 74 14 TELL ME WHERE IT HURTS

    Kathy Trootoli - Kathy Trccooli

    Arista -07863 66367 (BMG comp 67)-N 87 62 15 CAN'T TURN BACK THE YEARS

    Phil Collins - Both Sides Allanlic-82550 (Warner comp 205)-P 441111NEW

    i GOOD ENOUGH Sarah McLachlan

    - Fumbling Towards Ecstasy

    Nettwerk-30081 (promo CD single) -H 89 NEW 'GOOD TIMES

    Elie Brickell - Picture Perfect Morning Geffen -24715 (MCA comp 13)-J

    90 NEW:,"SWEET SENSUAL LOVE Big Mountain

    - Unity

    Giant -24563 (Warner comp 213)-P

    ..-INOWHERE IS THERE FREEDOM Traffic - Far From Home Virgin -39490 (EMI comp 20)-F

    92 64 12 MOVING ON UP M People - Elegant Slumming

    RCA -74321 20839 (BMG comp 66)-N ...BASKET CASE

    Green Day- Dookie Reprise -45529-P Id LET IT GO

    Prince - 1958-1993 Warner Bros. -45700 (promo CD single) -P

    95 90 9 LONGING IN THEIR HEARTS Bonnie Raitt - Longin In Their Hearts Capitol -81427 (promo CD single) -F

    96 76 18 BROWN EYED GIRL Freddy Curd

    - Dreamer's Road

    EMI -29339 (EMI comp 11/94)-F kig YOU GOTTA BE

    Des'ree -

    I Ain't Movin' 550/Epic-64324 (Sony comp 29)-H

    98 83 7 FUMBLING TOWARDS ECSTASY Sarah McLachlan - Fumbling Towards Ecstasy


    99 72 18 NIGHT IN MY VEINS The Pretenders - Last Of The Independents

    WEA UK -95822-P

    79 10 I'LL REMEMBER YOU Atlantic Starr - Time

    Arista -07822 18723-N

    85 54


    neil young and crazy horse

    the new album

    sleeps with angels

    featuring change your min (OR All IT'S WORTH'


    ATImelNemer Company

  • 8 - RPM CHART WEEKLY - Monday August 29, 1994

    it nationally. We don't expect a lot of activityin other regions, however, the first single,Takin' Care Of Listeners really smokes, andwe think people may entertain it and play it inother markets."

    The other new pet project at Sony is theregeneration of Canadian pop legend Loverboy.Sony has repackaged and digitally remasteredthe band's biggest hits on an album entitledLoverboy Classics. The release falls right inline with the band's enormously successfulreunion tour currently crossing the US.

    "The thing about Loverboy," saysCamilleri, "is that they have a very strongfollowing in the US and Europe, and we havea world-wide release on them, which is prettyamazing. It's the first act we've had out ofCanada which has been picked up by Legacy(the award -winning catalogue reissue line inNew York).

    "We've already got orders in fromGermany and some of the European affiliates,and the UK is picking up on it. We're excited,considering it's all old catalogue that we'vejust digitally remastered with new packaging.Loverboy is still sellable around the world."

    The band recently reunited for a 45 -datetour of the US, a tour that has sold -out in10,000 seat halls and stadiums. Camilleri saysthat the group's appeal, particularly in themidwestern US, is quite surprising.

    "They had a couple of shows in themidwest where Cheap Trick were opening forthem. I mean they're selling out 10,000 seathalls. Up here, because we're so close toLoverboy, everyone saw them for what theywere, and when they finished, everyone thoughtthat was it. But in the midwestern US, they'restill very strong, radio there has always lovedthem."

    Jesse & Gene's What's In It For Us?album will be shipped to retail in October, inconjunction with a huge record release party.Loverboy continues its US tour throughoutAugust, with Canadian dates still to beannounced.

    HMV opens flagship storein downtown VancouverHMV Canada opened up its first downtownVancouver outlet on August 6, surrounded byday -long celebrations and give-aways tofledgling customers.

    Festivities began with street sampling ofa CD jewel case which offered three CDs for$20. The first 3,000 customers were greetedwith HMV T-shirts. Vancouver band Purealso played a short live set for an enthusiasticcrowd of new customers.

    According to HMV Canada presidentPaul Alofs, "There has been incredible spiritand response to the opening, and to theunveiling of our two other stores in Kelownaand Victoria."

    HMV Canada now has seven locations inBC, including locations on Robson Street,Park Royal Shopping Centre in WestVancouver, Guildford Town Centre in Surrey,Langley's Willowbrook Shopping Centre,Richmond Centre in Richmond, Kelowna'sOrchard Park Centre and Victoria's MayfairShopping Centre.

    Eternal age artist Patrick Bernhardt hits goldAs proof of the spiritual power of his music,Imagine Records artist Patrick Bernhardt'sfirst album, Atlantis Angelis, is now well overgold in Canada.

    Bernhardt, who describes his music as"eternal age", employs the human voice as aninstrument itself, while melding in the Sanskritand other ancient languages into his releases.He has just put the finishing touches on hisnew album which he has entitledReconciliations. The album was recorded atthe Imagine studios in Quebec.

    "My theory," notes a busy Bernhardt,"is that you don't have to understand logicallywith your brain what the meaning of the actuallanguage is. You just have to feel the powerbecause I sing what I call mantra. Mantra iskind of sound structures. The power of thesestructures is that you can feel the inner centrein yourself."

    Bernhardt sees a connection between themind and the body on music.

    "It's emotion. The sound vibrations havean influence on the material body through theemotional body. We say that the psychicactivity of the mind influences the body.Modern sicknesses originate in the mind,because it's a very stressed civilization."

    Bernhardt has designed his music so as toallow an impact on his fans to alleviate thisstress. "It doesn't work by the tranquillity ofthe music. It works through transcendental

    and spiritual sound vibrations. I have thefreedom to do it very quietly or do it like rockmusic or tribal music. I can use percussion, orchants, or backing vocals and electric guitar.

    "I don't differentiate between new agemusic and rock music. Neither does my recordcompany. We don't care about categories.They're artificial. If you look back at theseventies, we didn't have all these crazycategories. We had only two musics: the badand the good. I really don't mind rock, blues,jazz and world beat. I don't like walls."

    While Atlantis Angelis has surpassedgold in Canada, worldwide figures are nowover the half -million mark, a sign of thepotency of this market and the allegiance hisfans draw with his distinctive music.

    So what does a gold record mean to aspiritual journeyman like Bernhardt?

    "A gold record means gratitude. If thepeople love my music, that means they loveme. I'm not from Canada. I was born inAlgiers, so it's very nice for me to feelaccepted not only from the social aspect, butalso from the artistic aspect.

    "This also means that people are moreand more interested in the true identity. I'malways talking about the soul, and the supremesoul, and the inner order of the cosmos. Itmeans that more and more people are interestedin those questions, which is very encouragingfor the future of my music."

    Stage is set for Premiere's annual Focus On VideoFocus On Video, a definitive trade show forthe Canadian video industry, is scheduled forSept. 17-19 at the International Centre inToronto.

    The video trade show was launched byPremiere Magazine nine years ago. This year'sevent is expected to attract more than 6,500delegates.

    The increase in awareness of video byretailers and consumers alike is reflected inthe reported $1.7 billion annual revenuesgenerated by home video in Canada. Theserevenues are more than double that from thetheatrical or recording industries. Even throughthe recession of the past couple of years, videosales broke all sales records.

    The three-day video exposition has firmed125 exhibitors for its 65,000 square feet ofexhibit space. The home video divisions of allmajor studios, including Disney/Touchstone,Warner Bros, MCA/Universal, Fox, ColumbiaTriStar, Paramount, and Orion will once againmount exhibits. Exhibitors will be displayingcomputer software, video games,merchandising security and interactivetechnology. There will also be seminars andopen-end discussions on the future of thehome video. As in previous years, it is expectedthat exhibitors will have a number of celebritieson hand to promote upcoming video releases.

    Premiere Magazine will host its annualVideo Awards Gala on Sept. 17 in the GalaxyBallroom of the Regal Constellation Hotel.Actors Patricia Neal and Douglas FairbanksJr. will be among the invited guests. Theevening will also include a tribute to the lateJohn Candy. His widow, Rosemary Candy,

    will be in attendance.Premiere publisher Salah Bachir, points

    out that "Not only will the evening allow us topay tribute to John Candy, an actor who wasparticularly beloved by video audiences andwhose films will be family favourites fordecades to come, but the appearance of twogreat actors, Patricia Neal and DouglasFairbanks Jr., will give us the opportunity tocelebrate two distinct but equally impressivebodies of work, both of which have found apopular second life on video."

    SCORES continued from page 2shows as innocuous as the news, weather andsports, which are obviously on several timesa day. It can mean some very serious money."

    He also points to the expansion of filmand television into avenues such as pay TV andcable, which merely creates a greater demandfor producers and composers.

    "For films, they have theatrical release,video release, TV, and pay -per -view. Allthese new specialty services have blossomedin the last few years, and they have an insatiabledemand for product."

    The slogan for this year's symposium isAt Warp Speed, which goes a long way toexplaining the rapid expansion of this sector ofthe industry over the past decade. As Perkinssays, film and television scoring can be alucrative enterprise.

    "I think there are an awful lot of talentedpeople in this country who could find thatthere are opportunities in the film and TVmarket that they may have overlooked before.It is a very lucrative market."

  • ick Bernhardt hits gold music, and spiritual sound vibrations. I have the thardt's freedom to do it very quietly or do it like rock

    ell over music or tribal music. I can use percussion, or chants, or backing vocals and electric guitar.

    tusic as "I don't differentiate between new age De as an music and rock music. Neither does my record

    >anskrit company. We don't care about categories. !leases. They're artificial. If you look back at the

    on his seventies, we didn't have all these crazy ntitled categories. We had only two musics: the bad

    rded at and the good. I really don't mind rock, blues, jazz and world beat. I don't like walls."

    nhardt, While Atlantis Angelis has surpassed )gically gold in Canada, worldwide figures are now

    e actual over the half -million mark, a sign of the power potency of this market and the allegiance his

    antra is fans draw with his distinctive music. )f these So what does a gold record mean to a

    - centre spiritual journeyman like Bernhardt? "A gold record means gratitude. If the

    een the people love my music, that means they love me. I'm not from Canada. I was born in

    ns have Algiers, so it's very nice for me to feel ugh the accepted not only from the social aspect, but

    psychic also from the artistic aspect. body. "This also means that people are more mind, and more interested in the true identity. I'm

    always talking about the soul, and the supreme so as to soul, and the inner order of the cosmos. It ate this means that more and more people are interested

    illity of in those questions, which is very encouraging ndental for the future of my music."

    re's annual Focus On Video tow for tied for ntre in

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    will be in attendance. Premiere publisher Salah Bachir, points

    out that "Not only will the evening allow us to pay tribute to John Candy, an actor who was

    particularly beloved by video audiences and whose films will be family favourites for

    decades to come, but the appearance of two great actors, Patricia Neal and Douglas

    Fairbanks Jr., will give us the opportunity to celebrate two distinct but equally impressive

    bodies of work, both of which have found a popular second life on video."

    SCORES continued from page 2 shows as innocuous as the news, weather and sports, which are obviously on several times

    a day. It can mean some very serious money." He also points to the expansion of film

    and television into avenues such as pay TV and cable, which merely creates a greater demand

    for producers and composers. "For films, they have theatrical release,

    video release, TV, and pay -per -view. All these new specialty services have blossomed

    in the last few years, and they have an insatiable demand for product."

    The slogan for this year's symposium is At Warp Speed, which goes a long way to

    explaining the rapid expansion of this sector of the industry over the past decade. As Perkins

    says, film and television scoring can be a lucrative enterprise.

    "I think there are an awful lot of talented people in this country who could find that

    there are opportunities in the film and TV market that they may have overlooked before.

    It is a very lucrative market."


    Toronto International Film Festival Symposium '94: At Warp Speed

    THEY SHOOT, THEY SCORE Keynote Speaker: Howard Shore

    Canadian -born composer best known for scoring Philadelphia, The Fly, Big, Mrs. Doubtfire, Dead Ringers and Silence Of The Lambs

    A one -day seminar specifically organized to bring the music and film industries together to discuss issues that are pertinent to both composer and filmmakers alike.

    In addition to sessions, there will be workshops and hands-on displays featuring a state-of-the-art composer's studio hosted by Saved By Technology.

    Creative, Business and Marketing Seminars - electronic vs. orchestral scoring - new tools to enhance the creative process - the use of soundtrack - copyrights,

    royalties and negotiating process - how do composers and filmmakers work together


    - Composer: Jesus de Montreal, Detournement, Conspiracy Of

    Silence Lou Natale - Composer: Cowboys Don't Cry, Maniac Mansion, Alfred

    Hitchcock Presents Bruce Pittman - Director: The Olden Days Coat, Where The Spirit Lives,

    The Painted Door John McCullough

    - Musical Supervisor: Northern Exposure, The

    Wonder Years George Blondheim - Composer: Whale Music (Opening Night Gala) Michael Small

    - Composer: Wagons East!, The Postman Always Rings Twice Fred Mollin - Composer: Liar Liar, Friday The 13th, Forever Knight Art Ford - Senior Director of Film & Television Music, BMG Music

    Publishing (LA) Paul Farberman

    - VP of Music Business Affairs for Universal Pictures (LA),

    Pat Lucas - Exec. VP/General Manager Film Soundtrack Division of EMI Music Publishing David Basskin

    - President CMRRA

    Paul Spurgeon - Legal Counsel, SOCAN Paul Hoffert

    - Composer

    Tony Tobias - Publisher Heather Mitchell

    - Lawyer

    Sutton Place Grande Hotel Le Meridien 955 Bay Street, Toronto

    Friday September 9, 1994 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

    Tickets are $45.00 plus GST and are available by calling Symposium '94 Registration Office: (416) 967-7775

    Sponsored by SOCAN Presented by CIRPA and the

    Canadian Independent Film Caucus

    With the support of the Government of Ontario through the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation. Special thanks to The Guild of Canadian Film Composers


    'IIIINEM& _`11.01ikk



  • 10 - RPM CHART WEEKLY - Monday August 29, 1994

    EVAXI Ec=,Vancouver's 99.3 FM The Fox held aparty recently, with afternoon drive guy BillCourage broadcasting live from a rentedflatdeck in the CFOX parking lot, situated inthe middle of a busy downtown Vancouverintersection. In addition, The Meat Puppetsand Red Kross performed live during theafternoon, attracting hundreds of passers-byand bringing traffic to a halt. Red Kross andThe Meat Puppets are currently on tour withThe Stone Temple Pilots, and at the parkinglot party, CFOX gave away 10 backstagepasses for the Pilots show at The Plaza ofNations in Vancouver.

    650 CISL, Vancouver's Oldies Station, hasdeclared August as Beatlemania Month, inrecognition of the 30th anniversary of thelegendary group's performance at EmpireStadium on August 22, 1964. 650 CISL Wake -Up Club host Red Robinson was the MC atEmpire Stadium that night, and Robinsonrecently hosted The Beatles At Empire Stadium(on Aug. 22), a one -hour program containingaudio highlights of that show and recollectionsfrom fans who were there. In addition,throughout the month CISL has a BeatlesBrunch every Sunday morning, and listenersalso get a Minute With The Beatles weekdaysat 6:10 am and 7:20 am, with rare clips frominterviews with the band.

    Toronto's 0107 is attempting to outdo allother station giveaway contests. Morning hostBrother Jake Edwards has teamed up with TheKaitlin Group of home builders to give awaya new home to a lucky Q listener this fall.Beginning Sept. 1, whenever listeners hearthe Q107/Kaitlin Homes doorbell ring, the107th caller through will win one of 500 keysthat could open the front door of the home,located in the Bowmanville section ofClarington, Ontario. Beginning Sept. 6, thestation will broadcast live from the house eachand every day through to Nov. 6, when thestation hosts a party to award the new house.The house and the community it's located inwere selected by Brother Jake in conjunctionwith The Kaitlin Group.

    Toronto's MIX 99.9 is attempting tobreak the world record for the most guitaristsjamming on one song. The station is invitingall guitarists to bring their axes to the ThirdAnnual Birthday Beachfest at Kew Gardens,on Monday Sept. 5 at 3 pm. Randy Bachmanwill be on hand to lead the gathering ofguitarists through a rendition of the BTOclassic, Taking Care Of Business.

    Toronto's 104.5 CHUM -FM hit theairwaves Aug. 19 at 4 pm with a six minuteannouncement of its biggest promotion yet.The I Want It All Contest invites listeners tofax in the best reason why they deserve to haveit all. Beginning Sept. 5, the station will startcalling out names from the entries receivedand give the listener 30 minutes to call back toidentify themselves. At the end of the month,the station will hold a huge listener party/livemorning show broadcast and do a reversedraw, with the last name left being the bigwinner. The grand prize is actually a package

    of valuable goodies including: a trip for two toSandals All -Inclusive Resort in Jamaica,$5,000 cash, a Laurentian Bank Visa Cardwith the first $5,000 pre -paid, $5,000 shoppingsprees at Sporting Life and Pickering TownCentre, $5,000 in free food from MiracleFood Mart, Toronto Maple Leafs seasonstickets, six weekends in Montreal at the VogueHotel with first-class transportation on Via,season ski passes at Blue Mountain, apampering retreat once a month at the Spa atElmwood, haircutting for a year at First

    Choice Haircutters, a Konica 35 mm cameraand a year's worth of film and processing fromSooters, a state of the art car stereo fromBlaupunkt, a $5,000 diamond ring fromMappins Jewellers, a 104 -second shoppingspree at Music World and dinner for two everyother week for a year at The Keg.Now that's a prize package.

    CHUM -FM's promotion director,Mary -Ellen Sheppard, informs us that the

    RADIO continued on page 19

    Another letter to Steve - by Ronald T. Robinson

    The value of communication is the response receivedDear Steve: Even as my best buddy in thebusiness (and undeniably a talented jock) youmay find the following a little disconcerting.

    According to our last conversation, youare ready to pack it all in as a result of havingto play 10 -in -a -row and then announce the listfollowed by a positioning statement, liner orpromo . . . or all three.

    Now, just hang on for a minute!As you know, there are a lot of jocks who

    are considering turning the driving of stakesthrough management hearts into a vocation. Isuspect they will meet with the same results asin their current vocation.

    A jock who is musing on this subtlechange of careers may be well served to notethe outcome of their vocational attitudes intheir present pursuits.

    It's one thing for jocks and writers to bepaid -up, card-carrying members of the Societyof the Radio Weird with free T-shirts andparty privileges. Yet, not much of value isgoing to happen for them until they turn pro.

    In the world, being pro presumes at leasttwo things: firstly, a sum of money willchange hands; and secondly, competence.

    In our business, with rare exceptions,there is some of the first and very little of thesecond. In some cases, there is a lot of the firstwith hardly any of the second. And, of course,there are those individuals who enjoy a lot ofthe first as a result of having a lot of thesecond. Most of us in the business however,can name a number of personalitieswith staggering incomes who couldn't buya book with the boss' dough and all oftheir own.

    By the way Steve, the quick and dirtyrationale for that scenario is that the personalityin question happens to fulfil managementrequirements that include many criteria andfew standards.

    Now, here's the rub.While I have allied myself with talent

    and been identified as anti -management, itneeds to be addressed that when it comes tocrunch time, I'm going to side withmanagement, most of the time.

    If these radio stations belonged to me,my first priority would be to find or create acompetent on -air and writing staff. Failingthat, I'm going to be slamming formatics andperformance criteria on the place so fast thatsome insiders might wonder if the joint hadn'tbeen voice -tracked.

    Now I grant you, that's hardly a strategyfor prosperity. I would, however, sleep better,

    knowing that my staff was not inciting thepopulation to insurrection . . . just 'cause itmight make a good bit? I don't need it andneither do my advertisers.

    What I'm alluding to here, Steve, is thatmost managers do not trust their staff tocommunicate an idea effectively, powerfullyand appropriately, and I don't blame them.

    Those of us who have spent the vastmajority of our careers on the air will (at leastprivately, I suspect) admit that not one of ushas been adequately trained to do what we do.

    The crutches have been that: ourexperience is equal to training and that sincewe are in a communication business, ourintuitions about communication and performingare not enough to support our careers. Maybein days gone by, and maybe today for someperformers, but not today for most!

    In 1980, I was introduced to a broadcastphilosophy that I made my self. The resultingattitude required that I be responsible for theresults of my work.

    Way scary!Here's the philosophy in one line, the

    value of my communication is the response Iget.

    Even if it's not verifiable, taking thatattitude is the only position from which abroadcaster can be compelled to learnsomething of value, and change!

    The theory suggests that if something isnot working, that's a cue to do something else.The broadcast practice has been that whensomething is not working -- do it harder. Asa result, we often hear the line "this formatwill work, if only we could get our people toexecute it."

    Once again, I'm reminded of one of mydad's favourites, "You can only buff a turd toso high a gloss."

    So, Stevorino, whaddya think? If we'restuck, who do we blame?

    Well, we could wait for the industry tochange, or we could change.

    We could change by finding out what itis about what and how we say what we say thatimpacts on an audience. Then, and only then,can we, by developing our competence, earnthe confidence of our managers -- and trulyturn pro.

    I'll offer the specifics another time.Just remember, I've turned pro.

    (Ronald T. Robinson is a broadcast trainer/therapist and consultant at 19 WoodbrookWay S.W., Calgary, Alberta T2W 417, phone403-251-5903 or Fax: 403-251-0926.)

  • RPM CHART WEEKLY - Monday August 29, 1994 - 11

    7,L\l RUM [K1

    BARENAKED LADIESMaybe You Should Drive

    SireIReprise45709-PThe danger any artist faces when producing anew album is repeating themselves. For theBarenaked Ladies, that danger was probablymultiplied ten -fold. The group amassed enormoussuccess with its debut album, Gordon, toppingthe 800,000 mark in Canada alone. However the

    cute, comic -strip pop somehow didn't computewith listeners south of the border, who were'tnearly as frenetic about the band as we were inCanada. The challenge for this time out was to

    come up with something equally engaging andentertaining, yet far enough from the cartoon-esque aspect so as not to be tagged with thedreaded label of "novelty act". What the groupdid, in cartoony terms, was leap, like WileyCoyote, halfway into the crevice, then stop inmid-air and struggle back to safety. The musicoccasionally ventures into the realm ofseriousness (Am I The Only One?, You Will BeWaiting), but also slides into the pseudo -comicmode at least once or twice (These Apples, A).Witness the lyrics for the Steven Page penningIntermittently, "Someone somewhere has unglued

    our epoxy. And now I'm kissing you by proxy."Now if that isn't a license for silliness, I don'tknow what is. What the guys did was make astrident leap forward into seriousness, withoutforgetting the campus humour that brought themsuccess in the first place. RR


    JOE DIFFIE -CountryThird Rock From The Sun

    Epic64357-HDiffie has turned more than a few heads with thisalbum, which he co -produced with Johnny Slate.The smooth balladeer has gone a little over theedge, but, despite some of the barbs from critics,Diffie comes out Inking pretty good. The titletrack is already burning up the charts. Diffie'smaterial has substance, and a change of writersand the intensity of his projection should keephim front and centre with his old fans and, ifpromoted and programmed properly, gain himnew fans. He should get a lot of mileage out ofPickup Man, From Here On Out and The CowsCame Home. But don't overlook That Road NotTaken, where Diffie settles back into his smoothballady styling. A little touring on this side of theborder would help. - WG

    EVERYTHING BUT THE GIRL TopAmplified HeartWarner Music -96482-PWhen I first heard the name, Everything But TheGirl, my immediate thought was, oh, oh, thismust be another loud and obnoxious alternativeact just using a cute name to try and get someattention. Then I heard the music, and I was


    hooked. A truly perfect demonstration of the oldadage, you can't judge a book (or CD) by itscover. Ben Watt and Tracey Thorn have beenmaking very nice pop sounds for upwards of tenyears, but have yet to have any kind of commercialsuccess, which is really a shame. This musicdeserves to get some mainstream airplay, somore people would open up that cover anddiscover a very nice sounding duo. The music isacoustically -inclined pop, but without the over -the -top lyrical lecturing one tends to find on somany so called adult alternative releases. Thisduo doesn't wax politics or philosophy - theyunderstand that the most important thing aboutpop music is just that, the music. And the mostimportant lyrical statements are those that wecan all relate to, and not ones with a socialstrategy in mind. Just put this one on, and inviteyour friends to come and experience something

    new, they might actually like it. RR


    tlipOEEN OWEN MR

    KUMBAYA ALBUM 1994 -PoplRockVarious ArtistsSony Music -80206-HThe Kumbaya Festival has become one of finestmessage mediums this country has produced in

    quite a while. Organizer Molly Johnson gatheredtogether some of the biggest names in Canadianmusic for a one -day one-off concert at Toronto'sOntario Place in 1993, and everything is set to goagain in September of this year. To commemorate

    the event, Sony has gathered together many ofthe artists that have and will appear at Kumbaya,with proceeds from the sales of the album goingto AIDS charities in Canada. The album containssome previously -released material (Rush'sNobody's Hera, Sarah McLachlan's Good Enough),but the real treasures here are the songs producedspecifically for this record. Those highlightsinclude Celine Dion's Send Me A Lover, TravelWith Jack by 54.40, and The Holly Cole Trio'stake on the Elvis Costello hit Alison. A strongCancon release with a good cause in mind. -RR

    THE TRACTORSThe TractorsArista -187281The Tractors just might put a new face oncountry, the real roots country. With countryroots comes rock, blues, shuffle, boogie and a lot

    - CountrylRock

    of soul, and The Tractors have created justenough of a blend to capture an all -age group oflistener. Baby Likes To Rock It, written by SteveRipley and Walt Richmond, the team that producedthe album, has been taken as the first single.This should open the door to these countryrevolutionaries, and there are lots more. Thescope and purpose of the band's entertainmentthrust is probably punched home best by theheavy, heavy lineup of guests, which includesBonnie Raitt, J.J. Cale, Leon Russell, Jim Kellner,James Burton and Ry Condor. Like Ripley says,"It's not a typical country album,and it's not atypical country plan." Try on The Tulsa Shuffle,Thirty Days, The Blue Collar Rock and Tryin' ToGet To New Orleans, and you'll feel it. In-storeplay will attract customers. - WG

    LARI WHITE CountryWishesRCA -66395-NWhite has parlayed her Top 40, jazz and big bandexperience into a cozy country feel that sets hera cut above her counterparts. Countryprogrammers recognized her potential when theyshot her first single from this set, That's MyBaby, up the charts. She wrote the song withChuck Cannon. This is her follow-up to Lead MeNot, her debut for RCA, which she admits is a

    slight change in direction. She also changedproducers, with Garth Fundis doing the productionon this one. White's songwriting talent gets animportant showcasing here as well. She wrote orco -wrote eight of the 10 songs on the album.White is a belter with a soft edge that doesn'tallow for tedium. Of particular note is the LindaRonstadt-influenced Go On, which she wrotewith Chris Waters and Tom Shapiro. It should bea single. White reaches on Now I Know, writtenby Chick Rains, Cindy Greene and Don Cook. Butit's that reach that penetrates and becomesmemorable, as is her solo -penning of When ItRains. One not to overlook is That's How YouKnow, written by the WhitelCannon team,featuring a powerful performance by HalKetchum. This could be a big one for White. WG


    EverybodyClwestfWarner Bros. -45632PWow, like, I put this record on and, 000h man,this was some cool stuff. I mean, like, I shouldhave dropped some acid before I listened to thisdisc, it is a wild trip. These dudes from the BigApple really know their '60s tunes, I mean thisthing just bleeds Zeppelin, Hendrix and The Doors.

    Okay, okay, I'll stop. Seriously, this four -membergroup from New York has immersed itself up tothe top of its bell-bottoms in the '60s sound,complete with out -of -left -field tape loops andswirling mellotrons. Yes, mellotrons! The lasttime we heard a mellotron, Dark Side Of TheMoon was still being added at radio. Band


    members Chris Seefried (vocals, guitars and theaforementioned mellotron), Gary Duna (electrickeyboards), Bip (bass) and Alex Alexander (drums,percussion and loops) are signature members ofthe younger generation's '60s revival mission,and their music reflects it. Tracks such as Milk,Wolf and Stone Horses feature fuzzy guitars,swarming, pulsing keyboards and over -the -topvocals by Seefried. Don't know if radio will knowwhat to do with this, but it's interesting listeningto say the least. I1R

    DODIE PETTIT CountrylPopSongs From The JourneyLandfill -111001The musical theatre training shows through heredisplaying Pettit's comfortable vocal range thatembraces the spirited lyrics, no matter what themessage. In fact, the whole makeup of the albumlends itself to the title. Pettit's journey into songis a poutpourri of soul, blues, swing and gospelized

    day-to-day experiences that will easilycommunicate and connect with all ages. Throughher vocal warmth and ability to project, shecreates the passion necessary to structure hermaterial into memorable works. Pettit wrote allthe material here, with the exception of WaterOn A Sinking Ship, which she co -wrote withhusband Kevin Gray. This extraordinarly beautifulduet with Gray should be considered for the ACmarket. All tracks are key, but other standoutsinclude Louisiana Moonshine, The Roadie, whichcould be a left -fielder, and Runnin' With TheWolves. The album was produced by Pettit andKristin Wilkinson and recorded in Nashville. BothPettit and Gray are landed immigrants, the album

    qualifies as three -parts Cancon (MAL). WG

    THUNDERMUG -RockWho's Running My World?Raven Recordings -94712Thundermug first surfaced above the water backin 1972, and enjoyed a modicum of successdomestically, most notably with a song calledAfrica, which peaked at #38 on RPM's Hit Trackschart (RPM - Sept. 231721. More than 20 yearslater, the band is catching the retro wave with anew release which traces a clearly -trodden pathback to 1972. The music is hard -edged guitar

    rock which doesn't stray too far from its '60spsychedelic roots. Songs like Hippy, High andThe Marijuana Song pretty well explain thedirection south that this band has taken, far fromthe '90s norm. The band has also chosen toinclude their big hit, Africa, on this new record.Two of the original members are present (guitaristand vocalist Bill Durst, bassist Jim Corbett),along with new member, drummer CoreyThompson. The album was produced by Durstand Danny Brodbeck, recorded at dB RecordingStudios in London, Ontario. Publicity for thecrew is being handled by Bobby Gale. -RR

  • 12 - RPM CHART WEEKLY - Monday August 29, 1994

    Joe Fox survives 35 years of sales wizardry at SonyWhen they made the Joe Fox sales rep mold 35years ago, it hasn't been used since.

    Fox is the undisputed leader, not tomention survivor, of the much -maligned, butmuch -monied Canadian record retail salesteam that somehow manages to retain itsmystique.

    Fox actually began his career in therecord business 35 years ago as a part-timestock room boy with Columbia Records.Charlie Camilleri, now retired from CBS/Sony, was there when the young Fox came onboard. "I remember him well, and that slygrin of his. He was always putting someoneon. After a short stint in the warehouse, hemoved into the sales force, which he fit like aglove. Everybody liked Joe Fox. He was laidback and always professional. The accountsloved him. He was one of those guys who wasconcerned for the down-and-outers,volunteering his time to help them out andeven helping them out financially. I think hewas making 30 bucks a week, but he wasalways a soft touch for a handout."

    Fox remained in sales ever since, withthe exception of a short stint as Torontobranch manager.

    "This had to be the shortest period inhistory for a branch manager," says Sony'ssenior vice-president of sales, Don Oates."After a couple of weeks, he approached hisboss and said he had the perfect guy for his oldjob sales rep job. It was him. He said hewanted his old job back. Says Oates,facetiously, "he's going to continue to do ituntil he does it right. Seriously, he's going todo it for as long as he wants to."

    Fox is a rare find. His work ethics, hispermanent smile and positive approach to thebusiness have gained him respect from theindustry in general. Over the years, he hasserviced most of the major accounts andsurvived, relatively unscathed.

    Eddie Colero, who hired Fox 35 years

    ago at Columbia, has maintained a closerelationship with his "wonder boy". He recallsthat he "was on attack the day he washired. He was a natural for sales, and it didn'ttake us long to move him out of the warehouse.One of his problems in the early days was hisstuttering. He couldn't say two words in arow. But he was so intent on succeeding insales, he overcame his problem in a shortperiod of time. We were like family. He'dgive you his left arm."

    Ross Ferris, another longtime Columbia/CBS/Sony sales rep, has worked with Fox for22 years. "I heard about Joe for a long timebefore I ever met him. He's become a veryclose personal friend. I remember in the earlydays when he was with the western Ontario

    "But he's a jokester too. Iremember when he came

    back from holidaying in theBarbados. He made out

    his expense report, whichcovered his holiday trip."

    Ross FerrisCBS/Sony sales rep

    division, it took him three weeks to cover thenorth country. It took his successor threedays. Joe isn't the kind of guy who drops in,takes an order and hustles onto the next call.He knows all there is to know about his clientsand their families. He's a very concerned andcaring person.

    "But he's a jokester too. I rememberwhen he came backfrom holidaying in theBarbados. He made outhis expense report,which covered hisholiday trip. He took itinto Eddie Colero, whowas the branch

    manager, and he signed it without even looking.The whole office broke up and Eddie suddenlyrealized he'd been taken again by Joe. Youknow he likes you when he calls you a jerk. It'svery difficult to find anything bad to say aboutthe guy. God knows, I've tried."

    Shelly Rosenberg, now in sales at EMI,worked with Fox at CBS for 13 years. "Hewas a practical joker, but you could never getmade at him, at least not for long. I rememberon my first trip to Europe and I was told I'dhave to get shots. Joe told me the needle waspretty scary because they had to stick it in theball of my foot. I was scared to death, right upto the day I got the shots."

    Garry Newman, now senior vice-president of sales for Warner Music, wasFox's boss when he was Toronto branchmanager for CBS (Sony). "Joe is a gentleman,a wonderful human being, with a great senseof humour. I still have very fond memories ofthe time we spent together at the CBS London,England convention."

    Alan Fletcher, now at Warner Music,was Fox's boss for 11 years when he wasdirector of CBS/Sony' s central region. "Joe isdefinitely a class act. But he's a trickster aswell, in the same mold as his old friend, thelate Jimmy Gordon. He's a very caring personand always kept tabs on people in the industry,offering a helping hand whenever they neededit. The younger people in the business canlearn from Joe, particularly his insights intotrends, which keeps him on top of everythingand most important is his human relations. Joeis a calm and very cool individual. He must be.Imagine being with the same company for 35years."

    Preparing for the CBS convention in London, Ross Ferris, Garry Newman,Shelly Rosenberg and Joe Fox (photo late '70s)

    Columbia Records' Fab 4 sales team, Joe Fox, Shelly Rosenberg, Eddie Coleroand Ross Ferris (photo early '70s).

  • 1 1 to THE LION KING (4 weeks at #1)SoundtracWVarious Artists (Disney)60858

    6 FORREST GUMP SOUNDTRACKVarious Artists (Epic)66329-H

    3 4 6 THE ROLLING STONESVoodoo Lounge (Virgin)39782-F

    4 3 37 ACE OF BASEThe Sign (Arista)07822 18740-N

    5 NEW BARENAKED LADIESMaybe You Should Drive (Sire/Reprise)45709-P

    6 2 24 SOUNDGARDENSuperunknown (A&M)31454 0198-0

    7 7 30 COUNTING CROWSAugust And Everything After (Geffen)24528-J

    8 6 11 STONE TEMPLE PILOTSPurple (Atlantic)82607-P

    9 8 16 ALL -4 -ONEAll -4 -One (Atlantic)82588-P

    10 NEW NEIL YOUNG AND CRAZY HORSESleeps Wth Angels (Reprise)45749-P

    11 9 53 SMASHING PUMPKINSSiamese Dream (Virgin)88267-F

    12 13 68 AEROSMITHGet A Grip (Geffen)24455-J

    El 28 15 GREEN DAYDookie (Reprise)45529-P

    14 10 17 COLLECTIVE SOULHints, Allegations And Things Left Unsaid (Atlantic)82596-P

    15 NEW CHRIS SHEPPARDPirate Rado Sessions Vol. 2/various artists (Quality)2070

    16 14 26 REALITY BITES SOUNDTRACKVarious Artists (RCA)07863 66364-N

    17 12 20 PINK FLOYDThe Division Bell (Columbia)64200-H

    18 15 39 CELINE DIONThe Colour Of My Love (Columbia)57555-H

    19 11 12 BEASTIE BOYSIII Communication (Capitol)28599-F

    20 21 3 GIPSY KINGSGreatest Hits (Columbia)91006-H

    21 18 17 MOISTSilver (EMI)29608-F

    22 19 43 CRASH TEST DUMMIESGod Shuffled His Feet (Arista)74321 16531-N

    23 16 5 COOLIOFantastic Voyage (Tommy Boy/Denon)617

    24 25 41 BLUE RODEOFive Days In July (WEA)93846-P

    25 17 5 HARRY CONNICK JR.She (Columbia)64376-H

    31 2 SLOANTwice Removed (DGC)24711-J

    27 20 7 AALIYAHAge Ain't Nothing But A Number (Jive)01241 41533-N

    28 27 5 WARREN GRegulate ... The G -Funk Era (Violator)314 523 335-0

    2 JANN PADENWiwi Under June fA&M131454 0249-0

    30 24 19 TIM McGRAWNot A Moment Too Soon (Curb)77659-F

    31 33 9 JOHN MELLENCAMPDance Naked (Mercury)314 522 428-0

    32 37 20 CANTO GREGORIANOThe Best Of Gregorian Chant (EMI)65217-F

    33 23 7 ALAN JACKSONWho I Am (Arista)07822 18759-N

    34 22 12 SEAL

    :4 :;17A :oilTW LW WO - AUGUST 29, 1994

    In 5


    El 63




    2 OFFSPRINGSmash (Cargo)86432

    3 UNTAMED & TRUEVarious Artists (MCA)11088

    37 26 13 JON SECADAHeart, Soul & A Voice (SBWERG)29272-F

    38 NEW CLUB EUROPAVarious Artists (Quality)2068

    39 41 42 SARAH McLACHLANFumbling Towards Ecstasy (Nettwerk)30081-H

    40 32 4 RAGGA HEATVarious Artists (Polytel)516 857-0

    41 45 3 JIMI HENDRIXWoodstock (MCA)11063-J

    42 48 49 MARIAH CAREYMusic Box (Columbia)53205-H

    43 29 50 TONI BRAXTONToni Braxton (LaFace/Arista)73008 26007-N

    7 CHAKA DEMUS & PLIERSAll She Wrote (Mango)314 518 848-0

    45 NEW RHEOSTATICSIntroducing Happiness (Sire/Warner Bros.)45670-P

    46 34 5 THE WATCHMENIn The Trees (MCA)11105-J

    47 NEW PRINCECome (Warner Bros.)45700-P

    48 30 4 RHYTHM FORMULA VOL. TWOVarious Artists (Hi-Bias/Ariola)74321 20398-N

    49 39 4 MORE SUN JAMMIN'Various Artists (Sony Music Direct)24011-H

    50 42 13 DJ CLUB MIX 5Various Artists (Polytel)740 012-Q

    51 51 31 SALT N' PEPAVery Necessary (London)422 828 392-0

    52 35 8 HOUSE OF PAINSame As It Ever Was (Attic)1403-J

    53 47 3 DA BRATFunkdafied (So So Def/Columbia)66164-H

    54 36 4 TONY BENNETT'MTV Unplugged (Columbia)66214-H

    55 44 30 ENIGMA 2The Cross Of Changes (Virgin)39236-F

    56 55 3 SHERYL CROWTuesday Night Music Club (ARM)31454 0126-0

    57 54 49 DANCE MIX '93Various Artists (Ouality/MuchMusic)1173

    58 52 14 ERASUREI Say I Say I Say (Mute/Elektra)61633-P

    59 38 16 THE CROW SOUNDTRACKVarious Artists (Atlantic)82519-P

    60 56 I -I VINCE GILLWhen Love Finds You (MCA)11047-J

    61 46 49 THE RANKIN FAMILYNorth Country (EMI)80683-F

    62 50 23 LOREENA McKENNITTThe Mask & Mirror (WEA)95296-P

    85 20 YANNILive At The Acropolis (Private)01005 82116-N

    64 62 11 BOSTONWalk On (MCA)10973-J

    65 59 46 NIRVANAIn Utero (DGC)24607-J

    66 64 26 NEW COUNTRYVarious Artists (WEA)32610-P

    67 66 30 JOHN MICHAEL MONTGOMERYI6ckin' It Up (Atlantic)82559-P


    Canada's Only National 100 Album Survey



    ALBUMS(CD's & Cassettes)

    1E1 53

    D 43










    14 INDIGO GIRLSSwamp Ophelia (Epic)57621-H

    28 CLUB CUTZ VOLUME 5Various Artists (Arida)74321 18484-N 0

    30 ALICE IN CHAINSJar Of Ries (Columbia)57628-H

    71 77 13 THIS IS FREESTYLEVarious Artists (Quality)2046

    72 65 41 ROCH VOISINEAkvays Be There (Star/Select) 41a

    805673 67 10 THE MAVERICKS

    What A Crying Shame (MCA)10961-J

    74 57 41 COLIN JAMESColin James And The Lite Big Band (Virgin)39190-F

    75 61 17 THE GANDHARVASA Soap Bubble And Inertia (Watch)89303-J

    76 82 17 COUNTRY HEAT 4Various Artists (BMG)

    1.74321 18620-N77 69 39 TOM PETTY

    Greatest Hits (MCA)

    E7I 9410813-J

    24 NINE INCH NAILSCp The Downward Spiral (Atlantic)


    vg79 58 5 THE EAGLES

    The Very Best Of (Warner Special Products)32375-P

    80 60 4 LEONARD COHENCohen Live (Columbia)

    Pt80188-H81 86 8 HELMET

    Beoy (InPterscope/Atlanfic)92404-

    0 82 ea 5 DAVID BALLThinkin' Problem (Warner Bros.)45562-P

    83 ea 17 REBA McENTIREFilead411 Mod (MCA)

    84 71 6 KIM MITCHELLItch (Alert)81024-F

    85 72 11 STRICTLY RHYTHM:DEADLY GROOVESVarious Artists (Quality)2055

    86 75 33 PHILADELPHIA SOUNDTRACKVarious Artists (Epic Soundtrax) Pl57624-H

    87 76 13 BLURParklife (EMI)29540-F

    88 78 15 THE PRETENDERSLast Of The Independents (WEA UK)95822-P

    89 79 9 OUTLAWS & HEROESVarious Artists (MuchMusic/Sony)24009-H

    90 80 19 ROXETTECrash! Boom! Bang! (EMI)28727-F

    91 84 7 MAVERICK SOUNDTRACKVarious Artists (Atlantic)82595-P

    92 so 42 PEARL JAMPl Vs. (Epic Associated)

    53136-H93 91 22 BONNIE RAITT

    Iti_IT2g1 In Their Hearts (Capitol)

    94 92 12 R. KELLYPl 12 Play (Jive)

    01241 41527-N

    95 93 19 HOLELive Through This (DGC)Pl24631-J

    96 95 21 US3Hand On The Torch (Blue Note)80883-F

    97 96 14 VAN MORRISONA Night In San Francisco (Polydor)314 521 290-0

    98 97 30 MICHAEL NYMANThe Piano Soundtrack (Virgin)88274-F

    0 99 73 10 SPIN DOCTORSTurn It Upside Down (Epic)52907-H100 81 39 BRYAN ADAMS

    So Far So Good (A&M)31454 0157-Q


  • 1 2 to BE MY BABY TONIGHTJohn Michael MontgomeryNddn' It Up/CD single -P(E.HilVR.Fagan)S.Hendricks (Atlantic)

    2 3 10 SUMMERTIME BLUESAlan Jackson/Who I Am/Album track -N(E.Cochran/J.Capehart) K.Stegall (Arista)El 7 11 DREAMING WITH MY EYES WIDE OPENClay Walker/Clay Walker/Wamer comp 208-P(T.Arata) J.Stroud (Giant)U 6 11 WHISPER MY NAMERandy Travis/This Is Me Warner comp 208-P

    (T.Bruce) K.Lehning (Warner Bros)© 13 11 HALF THE MAN

    Clint Slack/No Time To KilVAlbum track -N(C.Black4-1.Nichols) J.StroucVC.Black (RCA)

    8 9 LOVE A LITTLE STRONGERDiamond Rio/Cbse To The Edge/Album track -NC.Jones/B.Crittenden/G.Swint) M.PowelVT.Du Bois (Arista)

    7 1 16 THE OTHER SIDECharlie Major/The Other Side/BMG comp 26-N(C.Major) S.Fishell (Arista)

    U 14 6 WHAT THE COWGIRLS DOVince GilVWhen Love Reds You/CDsingle-J(V.Gill/R.Nielsen) T.Brown (MCA)

    9 10 13 RED HOT BLUESQuartette/Cuartette/Album track

    (C.Peterson/N.Simmonds) D.GDoherty (Dann)10 12 12 COUNTRY IN THE CITY

    Don Neilson/Based On A True Story/CD single -H(D.Neilson/T.Thomey/E.Ehm) Same (Epic/Them)

    Ell 15 9 POCKET OF A CLOWNDwight Yoakam/This Time/Wamer comp 210-P(D.Yoakam) P.Anderson (Reprise)

    12 4 14 NATIONAL WORKING WOMAN'S HOLIDAYSammy Kershaw/Feelin' Good Train/PolyGram comp 355-0(R.Murrah/P.Teny/J.D.Hicks) B.Cannon/N.Wilson (Mercury)

    ® 18 17 0 WHAT A THRILLThe Mavericks/What A Crying Shame/MCA comp 3-J e i..F4(J.Winchester) D.Cook (MCA)

    19 10 WHAT'S IN IT FOR MEJohn Betty/John Beny/EMI comp 17-F(J.Jarrard/G. BUR) C.Howard (Liberty)

    15 Is 14 INDEPENDENCE DAYMartina McBride/The Way That I Am/CD single -J(G.Peters) P.Worley/E.Seay/M.McBride (RCA)

    20 to DYNAMITEThe Desert Dolphins/Same/CD single(G.Heywood) R.Prescott (Wolfe Lake Music)

    11E1 24 7 XXX'S AND 000'S (An American Girl)Trisha Yearwood/XXX's And 000's/CD single -J(A.RandalVM.Borg) G.Funds/H.Stinson (MCA)

    ilk4 LWAYArtist/Album Title/Where to find it(Songwriter) Producer (Label)


    Canada's Only National 100 Country Survey1W LW VVO AUGUST 29, 1994






    1E3 ST

    32 17


    1E1 54

    18 28

    19 5

    20 22

    El 30

    22 23

    23 9

    24 25

    25 26

    26 31

    El 39

    9 THE MAN IN LOVE WITH YOUGeorge Strait/Easy Come Easy Go/CD single -J(S.Dorf/G.Harju) T.Brown/G.Strait (MCA)

    14 RENEGADES, REBELS AND ROGUESTracy Lawrence/Maveridc SoundtradcAlbum track -P(P.NelsontBoone/E.Clark)Tlawrence/C.Anderson (Atlantic)

    12 HANGIN' INTanya Tucker/Soon/EMI comp 17-F(S.Goard/R.Giles) J.Crutchfieki (Liberty)

    8 THIRD ROCK FROM THE SUNJoe Diffie/Third Rock From The Sun/CD single -H

    (J.Greenebaum/S.VVhipple/T.Martin) J.Slate/J.Diffie (Epic)11 COWBOY BAND 56 57

    Billy Dean/Men'll Be Boys/EMI comp 17-F(M.PowelVJ.Medders) J.BowenlB.Dean (Liberty)

    12 GIRLS WITH GUITARS 57 45VWnonna/Tell Me 1Mry/Album track -J(M.C.Carpenter) T.Brown (MCA)

    to HARD TO SAY 58 st



    Sawyer Brown/Outskirts Of Town/CD single -F

    (M.Miller) MAIller/M.McAnally (Curb)11 SHE CAN'T SAY I DIDN'T CRY

    Rick vinl o/CD single -H

    4 HUMAN HIGHWAYJim Witter/Cassandra Vasik/Borrowed..JCD single -H(N.Young) J.Witter/M.Roth (Sony)

    36 21 11 TAKE THESE CHAINS FROM MY HEARTLee Roy PameIVOn The Road/BMG comp 26-N(F.Flose/1-1.Hea(h)S.Hendricks (Arista)

    37 39 7 YOU SAID ITJoan Kennedy/Higher Grouncl/MCA comp 4-J(T.McHugh/K.Follese) M.Frands (MCA)

    5 WEAR AND TEAR ON MY HEARTGeorge Fox/Mustang Heart/Wamer comp 212-P(G.Fox/B.Gaudo) B.Gaucio (WEA)

    39 40 8 SHE LOVES ME LIKE SHE MEANS ITOrrall & Wright/Orrall & Wright/Warner comp 219)-P(OrralVSpencer/Angelo) Peterzell/Onall/Wright/Stroud (Giant)

    40 41 7 ONE GOOD MAN

    (S.Elogard/R.Giles) S.BogardM.Clute (Arista)Michelle Wright/The Reasons Why/BMG comp 28-N

    49 5 SHE THINKS HIS NAME WAS JOHNReba McEntire/Read My Mind/CD single -J(S.Knox/S.Rosen) T.Brown/R.McEntire (MCA)

    42 27 13 EIGHTEEN INCHES OF RAINIan Tyson/Eighteen Inches Of Rain/Wamer comp 207-P(I.Tyson/P.Alger) J.Rooney/I.Tyson (Stony Plain)

    29 18 LIFESTYLES OF THE NOT SO RICH ...Tracy Byrd/No Crdnary Man/CD single -J(B.HilWV.Tester) J.Crutchfield (MCA)

    32 17 EVERY ONCE IN A WHILEBlackhawlackhawk/Album track -N(H.PauW.Stephenson/D.Robbins) M.Bright/T.Dubois (Arista)

    45 46 9 LOVE ON THE RANGE 78Cindy Church/Love On The Range/Warner comp 209-P

    (N.TunIcham) N.Tinkham/D.Hamilton (Stony Plain)46 47 to BEEN THERE

    Teny McBride & The Ride/Same/CD single -J(D.Schlitz/B.Livesy) J.Leo (MCA)

    47 33 17 STOP ON A DIMELittle Texas/Big Time/Warner comp 205-P(HoweIVGBrien/Seals)StroucVDinapolVGrau (Warner Bros)

    48 so 8 ALL THE COLOURS IN MY RAINBOW 81Greg PauVLove Will/Royalty comp 13(R.H.Smith) R.H.Smith (Royalty)

    63 4 JUKEBOX JUNKIE 82Ken Melbns/Ken Melbns/CD single -H

    (J.Cupit/J.HoneycutVK.Mellons) J.Cupit (Epic)50 36 17 THAT'S WHAT HIGHWAYS ARE FOR 83

    The Goods/So Many Roads/Sony comp 320-H(B.Jones/J.T.Hall) M.Francis (Savannah)

    51 38 17 (Tonight) WE JUST MIGHT FALL IN LOVE ...Hal Ketchum/Every Little Word/CD single -N(A.Andarbon/H.Ketchum)A.Reynolds/J.Rooney (Curb)


    rEl 43

    1E3 44


    52 48

    El 66





    59 65

    19 FOOLISH PRIDETravis TritVTen Feet Tall And Bulletproof/CD track -P(T.Tritt) -G.Brown (Warner Bros)

    5 I TRY TO THINK ABOUT ELVISPatty Loveless/When Fallen Animals Fly/CD single -H(G.Burr) E.Gordy Jr. (Epic)

    7 SMOOTH BOTTOM AUTUMNJohner Brothers/My Brother ..JVVamer comp 211-P

    (B.Johner) R.Hewes (WEA)6 HE'S A GOOD OLE BOY

    Chely Wright/Woman In The Moon/PolyGram comp 359-0(H.Howard) D.BecketVH/Shedd (Polydor)

    7 I'LL GO DOWN LOVING YOUShenandoah/Under The Kudzu/Album back -NC.HartforcVS.Hogin/M.Powell) D.Cook (RCA)

    9 FALLEN ANGELSuzanne GitzVFallen AngeVAlbum tack(D.Bennett/P.Wiggins/S.Gitzi)A.Rodger/S.Kendall (Tomcat)

    9 TELL ME WHERE YOU'VE BEENMortis P.Rainville/Mississauga Man/Album track r: 91 NEW HEART LIKE A HURRICANELarry Stewart/Larry Stewart/CD single -H(M.P.Rainville/D.Rainville) R.Prescott (Narerabit) (T.Bruce/C.VViseman) S.Hendricks (Columbia)


    El 86

    171 83

    El 87

    68 70 7 ROCK -A -BYE HEARTTrina/Best Of My Heart/Album track(M.VVhite/S.Ewing) M.Francis (Ardenne)

    69 52 12 BUT I WILLFaith Hill/Take Me As I Am/Album track -P(T.Seals/E.Selzer/LStewart) S.Hendrid(s (Wamer Bros)

    70 51 to BAD HEART DAYRick Tuppe/Shourra Seen Her Comin'/CD single

    (RTippe/L.Wayne) D.Pomeroy (Moon Tan)2 THE CITY PUT THE COUNTRY BACK IN ME

    Neal McCoy/No Doubt About It/Wamer comp 215-P(M.Geizer/W.Mullis/M.Huff man) B.Beckett (Atlantic)

    El 82 3 ALL THE THINGS I DOTim Thomey/Some Other Time/CD single -H(T.Thomey/E.Ehm) T.Thomey/E.Ehm/G.Luciani (Epic)

    2 HARD LUCK WOMANGarth BroolcsMss My Ass/Album track -0(P.Stanley)A.ReynoUs (Mercury)

    3 TRAMP MINERThe Rankin Family/North Country/CD single -F(J.Rankin) C.Irschick (EMI)

    75 8o 4 FISH AIN'T BITIN'David Lee Murphy/Cut With A Bang/MCA comp 5-J(D.LMurphy) T.Brown (MCA)

    76 81 4 THIS TIME OF YEARDiane Raeside/No album/Roto Nob comp 20124(R.Wellman) R.Cousins (Roto Noto)

    2 MAN OF MY WORDCollin Raye/Extremes/CD single -H(A.SharnbliNG.Burr) J.Hobbs.E.Seay/P.Woriey (Epic)

    58 16 EVERYTHING TO MEJoel Feeney/Life Is But A Dream/MCA comp 3-J(J.Feeney/C.Farren) C.Farren/H.Parrott (MCA)

    89 2 WHEN YOU WALK IN THE ROOMPam Tullis/Sweethearrs Dance/BMG comp 28-N(J.De Shannon) P.Tullis/S.Fishell (Arista)

    80 84 3 IF I EVER LOV

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