one man band

Post on 20-May-2015






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“One Man Band” Interface Graphics

Graphic #1

Graphic #2

Graphic #1 Interface




Female vocals


Graphic #2 Interface







Tools Used

Colour Schemes

Colour Scheme: I decided to go with these types of colours since these colours are extremely vibrant and eye catching, meaning that they will to make different elements of the graphic to stand out. Also, the main target audience will be children aged 11 and above, incidentally these colours will help to make the graphic instantly grab the audience’s attention. I found that the vector graphic that I used as inspiration used bright and vibrant colours will in order to make the central graphic stand out. If I decide to keep the main graphic black, I could always use these colours in a pattern to form the background.

Colour Schemes

Colour Scheme: I tried to incorporate a city based theme into this graphic, especially an American based city theme, since Jazz bands are most associated with America, especially New York. Black and yellow will be the main colour scheme that will dominate the graphic since I feel that they most represent a city, for instance the yellow taxi’s, not to mention black and yellow mainly connotes danger, which represents the busy city life. These two colours will contrast well with each other causing the graphic to stand out.

Black & White?

I made these two graphics in black and white in order to work more easily with the different shapes that combine together to make the graphic. Incidentally, these are only the first drafts, therefore I focused more on the design rather than the colours. Since the designs uses very simplistic shapes I felt that it would help to make it stand out by using solid colours than concentrating on things like shadows, toning and blending colours together.

Pros & Cons – Graphic #1

Pros:• Variety of instruments

• Different elements merge well together

• Image blends together

• Could incorporate different genres into the graphic

• Can use bright and vibrant colours to make it stand out

• Made of simple shapes so it is easy to work with

• Bold and eye-catching

Cons:• Attracts only a female audience

• Could use more instruments

• More could be added to make the graphic bigger and have more variety

• Graphic needs to be finished

• Colour scheme needs to be applied, or at least given thorough research into what would be advantageous to make the graphic interesting

• The flowers are not really relevant

• Could add more relevant images

Pros & Cons – Graphic #2

Pros:• Jazz band theme

• Uses a specific theme that applies to a specific audience

• Symmetrical appearance makes the graphic look clean and not hard on the eye

• Very bold

• A good colour scheme can be incorporated into the image to make it standout more

Cons:• Attracts a niche audience

• Specific to only one genre

• Some parts of the graphic are difficult to see

• Needs to add more instruments in order to keep the audience’s attention longer

• The image is quite bare, needs more adding to it

• Colour scheme could consist of only two colours, could add more variety

Which Graphic?

• Personally, I think Graphic #1 is the better option, for the simple fact is that it provides so much more material that I can work with. For instance, I could incorporate more than one genre into it, such as rock (guitar and drums) and pop (female singer). I could even include dance into the graphic by mapping dance sound effects to the images of the flowers.

• Graphic #1 has so much more than Graphic #2 in a lot of ways, such as:o More colours in colour scheme o More instruments available o Bigger image o Blends well together

• However, Graphic #2 is still a good image to work with as it is more specific to theme. Yet, I still feel that despite Graphic #1 attracting only a female audience, Graphic #2 would attract a niche audience since people who are only interested in Jazz music would be attracted by the website. Incidentally, that is what makes Graphic #1 better because it just adds more variety as it can attract audiences that prefer different genres.

Target Audience

The client has asked for the website to target children aged 11 and above. This has greatly influenced the design of my interface since I have gone for the more simplistic look -using bold shapes and grouped them together to make a basic interface.  Incidentally the bright and vibrant colours are going to be a means of attracting the audience's attention. The bright colours should be interesting to the audience and are a way of expressing variety and excitement. The bright colours should make the design look funky and original.  Since I am attracting more of a feminine audience rather than males, I am focusing on colouring the graphic pink and yellow, adding a bit of blue to the array so that the colours will contrast well together.

Target Audience Table

• Age: 11-16• Gender: Female •  Occupation: Student, High School Student•  Demographic: E - (unemployed, students in full time

education)• Sexuality: Any • Ethnicity: Any • Interest: Needs to have an interest in making music, or the

music genre provided  

Secondary Audience

The secondary audience would be anyone that has an interest in making music. It doesn't have to be teenagers in particular, for instance, children below the age of 11 will be able to use it if they want to.  I think the design goes for a younger audience because it is simple, basic and will have bright and vibrant colours to make it eye catching. Because of the interface's simplicity and the fact that there will be an audio based tutorial available, young children will be able to use this interface with ease.  However, the reason that I don't think that it will appeal to an older audience (say anyone over the age of 16) is because the interface is too cartoony. A more mature audience would want a far more interesting design, say perhaps an image of a band or singer, and have more duller and calmer colours than the ones that I will be using.  The reason that I think it will apply to a teenage audience is because I am trying to make the graphic look funky, through the use of bold shapes and vibrant colours that will make the design look rather abstract.

Secondary Audience

• Age: 11 and below • Gender: Male •  Occupation: Primary School Student • Sexuality: Any • Ethnicity: Any • Interests: Have a general interest in music for entertainment


Sounds/Instruments That Might Be Used

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