one of the world’s greatest tragedies. you are of noble stature and are meant for greatness. no...

Post on 16-Jan-2016






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one of the world’s greatest tragedies

Oedipus Rex

You are of noble stature and are meant for greatness. No Yes

You are a virtuous (good), but not perfect. No Yes

Your fate has been decided, but you try to change it. No Yes Your misfortunes are not wholly deserved. Often times

your punishments exceeds the crime. No Yes Your downfall or problems are partially your own fault,

the result of free choice, not an accident or villainy. No Yes

Aristotle’s “Are you Greek Hero material?”

1-2 Yes’s You are a regular “guy”. This may sound like a let down,

but hey, you get to be saved and your, well, normal. So just relax, say your prayers to the Greek gods, and let the heroes do all the work.

3 Yes’sYou’re a sidekick. You mean well, but you will probably

never get the glory of the hero and your costume isn’t as cool. However, you are under less pressure to save the day.

4-5 Yes’s You are a tragic hero. You are a good person, but you

are burdened because of your flaws. You are doomed because of the choices you made. We may or may not pity you.


• Origins of Greek Theater

• Parts of a Greek Theater

• Sophocles

Introduction to Oedipus Rex

Earliest origins of drama come from Athens, where ancient hymns called “dithyrambs” were sung in honor of the god Dionysus.

These hymns were later adapted for choral processions in which participants would dress up in costumes and masks.

By the 6th Century BC, new public festivals were established held in honor of Dionysus.

These festivals featured competitions in music, singing, dance, and poetry.

Origins of Theater

In 534 or 535 BC, Thespis preformed lines of poetry as if he were characters, thus becoming known as the world’s first actor- it is from him that we get the word “thespian”.

Today, the word “thespian” refers to an actor or actress of drama, tragedy or the dramatic arts in general.

The First Thespian

The first plays had one actor (protagonist) and the chorus.

Aeschylus added a second speaking role, called the antagonist, and reduced the number of the chorus.

Sophocles went on to add a third actor.Euripides added both a prologue, introducing the

subject of the play, and the deus ex machina, a divine figure who wrapped up any loose ends at the close.

Development of Plays

Greek plays were performed in an outdoor theater, used masks, and were almost always performed by a chorus and three actors

No matter how many characters were in the play, only three actors were used

Actors would go back stage after playing one character, switch masks and costumes, and reappear as another character

Most Greek plays, unless revived, were often only performed once

Plays were a matter of competition at festivals

Staging of an Ancient Greek Play

Ancient Athens – 5th Century B. C.

Early Greek theaters were little more than open areas in city centers or markets next to hillsides where the audience, standing or sitting, could watch and listen.

From the late 6th century BC to the 4th and 3rd centuries BC, there was a gradual evolution towards more elaborate theater structures.

Parts of a Greek Theater

Diagram of a Greek Theater

Orchestra: (literally “dancing space”) was normally circular. It was level space were the chorus would dance, sing, and interact with the other actors who were on the stage near the skene

Theatron: (literally “viewing place”) was where the spectators sat. The theatron was usually part of a hillside overlooking the orchestra and often wrapped around a large portion of the orchestra

Skene: (literally “tent”) was the building directly behind the stage. It was above the level of the orchestra and had at least one set of doors where actors could make entrances and exits. There was also access to the roof, for characters playing gods

Parodos: (literally “passageway”) are the paths by which the chorus and some actors made their entrances and exits

Parts of a Greek Theater

He was born in 495 BC about a mile northwest of Athens.

Today, he is known as one of the greatest playwrights of the Golden Age.

Sophocles was also an accomplished actor who performed in many of his own plays.

Wrote more than 120 plays, although only seven have survived in their entirety

Oedipus the King is generally considered his greatest work.


ChorusDionysus and Apollo The Riddle of the SphinxAristotle’s Poetics

Informational Texts- JIGSAW Project

During the early years of the Peloponnesian War, when Oedipus Rex was produced, Athens suffered from political instability and devastating plague.

Sophocles opens his play with a situation that the people of Athens could identify with: a plague with no end in sight!

The city of Thebes is ravaged by plague.

Citizens beg King Oedipus for help.Oedipus tries to take the role of savior

and vows to do everything in his power to apprehend the murderer and save his people.

Oedipus does not realize that his vow will relentlessly lead him to an encounter with himself, his past, and his darkest secrets!!!


Oedipus- his name means “swollen-foot”TeiresiasJocastaChorus of Theban EldersCreonMessengerShepherd of LaiusSecond MessengerThe Chorus

Main Characters:

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