one ugly pie outtake 01

Post on 14-Jan-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Sometimes there are moments in the game when something hilarious and unexpected happens. Or perhaps characters are acting in ways that you just don’t want them to appear according to your story. Well I’ve gathered a bunch of pictures that just didn’t fit in my main story. I won’t just be including photos from my most recent chapter, but from past chapters as well. Since I kinda didn’t think of this until now. When I do go into those past chapters, I will point it out. Hope you enjoy the show.

Twitchy is a tub pirate. I have no idea why I never thought to include this side to her. Maybe because it’s just feels so humorous in a situation that is coming off as incredibly serious. Or maybe I feel she just doesn’t want to share her goofy side.

For some reason, this trash compactor has people thinking it’s over where the dishwasher is. XD

Not really mentioned in the most recent chapter (Episode 17), Ralph has grown up and moved out.

Xerxes is very protective of baby Tom, Twitchy and Jerry’s son. When the atrociously evil witch tried to hold Tom in her arms, Xerxes bolted over and scared the bejeebies outta her before I could get Twitchy or Jerry over to interrupt the baby napping.

Faye Faye and Tom have a good relationship. These two autonomously talk to each other. Included as outtake since Faye Faye’s entire childhood has pretty much been cut out.

Faye Faye is a vicious dancer. She tends to get everyone started on the home lot.

Faye Faye even gets guests started in on the smustle.

Tom is a slouch. That is all.

Are you real?

Don’t I look real?

Faye Faye, “Oh no, she bleh’d me!” *worry hands*

During the filming of the scenes at Gargamel’s place, Carmen surprisingly shows up. She makes the most of her time scaring Jill Smith off screen. Forgot to nab photos of it though. Go figure. :?

You just can’t talk in these things.

Look everybody! It’s Nemo!

Faye Faye is temporarily a which and I just loved her moments of witchy-ness.

I got kicked to the curb, eh?

Who am I? Go on, guess!

When I saw Stewart Apocalypso, I was going to have him be the one to kick start the case and link Elmyra to it. However, he proved to be very uncooperative. That’s when I resorted to another sim who just happened to walk on the lot. Do you know who she is?

Bet you didn’t recognize me without some sort of freaky face. I’m Chris Lew. The cheerleader from Elmyra’s college days.

I don’t remember Faye Faye’s personality exactly, but I do remember her aspiration: Fortune. As can be seen in the photo. She wasn’t really happy when her aspiration dived while waiting for certain sims and simselves to show up at Club Pie 2.0.

Episode 16 Outtakes

Shadey, “Would you make a move already?”Toast, “Give me a second, I gotta think, alright?”

Episode 15.2 Outtakes

While dating Twitchy, Jerry happens to notice a couple villains hanging out at the club: Gargamel and Laitus (lead character from my Black Widow challenge).

Jerry, “What are you doing here, Gargamel? Are you trying to ruin my date by trying to sneak into the background?”Gargamel, “Don’t be ridiculous! Even bad guys need time to have some fun.”

Outtakes from Episode 15.3

Hard to believe a popularity sim like Jeannie would ever encounter a social bunny, but she did. I sent her to the club to meet people, but not bunnies!

Of course, when you consider it’s your agenda to noogie everyone you meet, is it any wonder that Jeannie will ever make friends?

Elmyra! Look! It’s Gargamel! Capture him!Elmyra, “I’m off duty.”Gargamel, “That’s the Strangetown police force for ya. Always slacking.”

Ralph introduces himself to Twitchy.

Episode 14 Outtakes

We have yet another perma flaming breadfruit tree. *sigh*

Episode 13.5 Outtake

Elmyra, “Ripp meet Stewart. Stewart, Ripp.”Ripp, “Elmyra is my girl.”Stewart, “No she’s my girl!”

Elmyra, “Have fun boys.”Ripp, “Look, she pointed at me.”Stewart, “No she’s pointing at me!”

Stewart, “Let’s play darts!”Elmyra, “Ok.”Ripp, “No, no. You’re doing it all wrong. Let me show you how to play darts.”Elmyra, “Ripp!”Stewart, “Wasn’t I just playing darts just now?”Ripp, “Haha! I am a better dart player, so that makes me more suitable candidate for Elmyra.”

Ripp, “Elmyra is my girl.”Stewart, “No she’s my girl.”Ripp, “No. MINE!”Stewart, “MINE!”

Ripp, “What are you doing playing chess with Elmyra?”Mr. Dreads, “Honestly? Well you and Stewart were arguing with each other, so I helped myself.”

Episode 13.3 Outtakes

Here’s Jill Smith proving once again that even though she’s dead, that won’t stop her from wandering around town to prove otherwise.

Ratna, “I’m going to get the gnome back!”

Xerxes often visits his secret bubble machine room when Ratna isn’t paying the slightest attention.

Episode 13.2 Outtakes

Candi, “Don’t even think about it Gage.”

Meanwhile, Nemo tries to interrupt a fight between Tank Grunt and Chris Lewis. Recognize her now with her cheerleading outfit on?

Stalker much, Chris?

Lorin! Look! It’s the strangling Servo! Nab him! Make a citizens arrest!Lorin, “What? And ruin my game? No way!”

Nemo, “It’s so hard to eat with this thing on.”

Episode 13 Outtakes (back when I had the lighting mod)

Don’t look now Ajay, but it’s Gargamel! Quick, call the police!Ajay, “Who did what now?”

Gargamel, “Alright Servo, here’s the plan: have as much fun as possible while trying to stand in as many pictures as possible, thusly ruining the fact that we’re supposed to be criminals on the run. Got it?”Servo, “Yes master.”

Gargamel, “I think I found me a new wife. If Jill weren’t waiting for me.”

Gargamel, ”Alright Servo… distract them while I make my power-play!”

No Bella. Just no.

Elmyra! Look! It’s the strangling servo! Nab him!Elmyra, “But I’m too busy enjoying watching the game.”*sigh*


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