one wrong turn -€¦ · include: a short description of your school, your daily...

Post on 16-Jul-2020






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Minsthorpe Community College

Year 7 Key Piece of Work (KPOW)

Date Set: Monday 29th June

Deadline: Monday 6th July

Subject: English

Year Group: 7

This week you are required to complete and submit one KPOW for each of your subject areas. The

details of the task are below:

Y7 English Key Piece of Work (KPOW): This half term, you have been learning all about Greek Myths and Legends and have been introduced to the world of the Greek gods. It is said that the Greek gods resided on Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece. For your KPOW, you need to use one of the images below as inspiration to create a short narrative (story). Your story does not have to include reference to the Greek gods as characters - but it could if you want. Aim for 1.5- 2 sides of A4.

Some possible ideas to help you. Use one of the following or make up your own!

1. Title: “One wrong turn”.

Ideas for storyline: You are part of an expedition attempting to climb the mountain. Your journey begins well as you venture through the beautiful scenery. But then… someone makes a mistake and you find yourselves in grave danger!

2. Title: “A doomed flight”

Ideas for storyline: You are on board a plane, heading for a summer holiday in Greece. You can describe your excitement at the journey and all of the things you will look forward to on your holiday. However… your plans are left in tatters when your plane experiences difficulty and crashes on

the mountain, leaving only a few survivors. Not only have you got to figure out how to be rescued, you also discover something old and mysterious on top of the mountain…

3. Title: “Greek mythology…Retold by…. “

Write a short story inspired by the gods of Mount Olympus, focusing on Zeus. This is a challenging option but if you have enjoyed learning about the different characters, have a go!

Y7 KPOW Success Criteria: STRUC- You must structure your response carefully. Focus in particular on how your story will begin, develop and end. AV- Try to use ambitious vocabulary for effect CD- Try to use a range of language devices in your story that are appropriate and effective. SS- Try to vary your sentence structures for effect. CLEAR- Your writing much be clearly expressed. Proof read to ensure it makes sense throughout!

You should spend approximately 1 hour completing this piece of work as it should demonstrate both

effort and quality.

Once you have completed and checked your work, please submit it via Firefly or using your College

email. You can attach your work as a document or take a photo of it.

You will be given an effort grade for your KPOW based on the effort you have put in and the quality

of your work.

If you complete the KPOW for all subjects have a go at the extension tasks set by your teachers.

Y7 English Extension Tasks (only to be attempted once all KPOWs are complete): Create a summary, revision poster of all of the characters you have learnt about this half term, with mind maps of each of the key pieces of information you have discovered about them. Focus on:

- Zeus - Prometheus - Pandora - Baucis and Philemon - Hermes - Paris - Helen - Odysseus - Achilles

Minsthorpe Community College

KS3 Key Piece of Work (KPOW)

Date Set: Monday 29th June

Deadline: Monday 6th July

Subject: Maths

Year Group: 7

This week you are required to complete and submit one KPOW for each of your subject areas.

Y7 Maths Key Piece of Work (KPOW): Complete the task set on Firefly by your teacher. You will need to be creative as well as analytical in showing your understanding of how to answer maths questions. Try to use as many different representation as possible. There is an example of what a good one looks like in the document set by your teacher. You can send your work in as photos or scanned documents.

Y7 KPOW Success Criteria: Accurate maths.

Clear presentation.

Showing understanding.


Variety of representations used.

You should spend approximately 1 hour completing this piece of work, as it should demonstrate effort and quality.

Once you have completed and checked your work, please submit it via Firefly or using your College email. You can

attach your work as a document or take a photo of it.

Teachers will provide feedback on the KPOW that you submit which will include strengths but also ways in which it

could be improved. Please act on this feedback and re-submit your KPOW when you have improved it.

You will then be given an effort grade for the KPOW based on the effort you have put in, the quality of the work and

how you have acted on feedback.

If you complete the KPOW for all subjects have a go at the extension tasks set by your teachers.

Y7 Maths Extension Tasks (only to be attempted once all KPOWs are complete): Using the numbers 1, 6, 4, 2 only once per calculation, and the operations x, -, /, + make the numbers 1 to 50. Eg 6 x 4 + 2 = 26

Minsthorpe Community College

Year 7 Key Piece of Work (KPOW)

Date Set: Monday 29th June

Deadline: Monday 6th July

Subject: Science

Year Group: 7

This week you are required to complete and submit one KPOW for each of your subject areas. The details of the task

are below:

Y7 Science Key Piece of Work (KPOW): Choose 3 tasks to complete from the table. You must choose one task from each science (biology, chemistry and physics) and one task from each colour (green, blue and pink).

Biology Chemistry Physics

Draw a labelled diagram of a plant cell and an animal cell. Choose 4 components of a cell (plant or animal) and describe their function. Explain the role of insects in plant reproduction.

Draw particle diagrams for the three states of matter (solid, liquid and gas). Give definitions for the keywords; element, compound and mixture. You could also draw diagrams to support your definitions. Explain how to separate a mixture of salt and sand.

Draw labelled force diagrams for a car that is stationary, a car accelerating and a car decelerating. Give the definition and some examples of contact and non-contact forces Explain how we get days, years, months and seasons.

Make it clear which question you are answering E.g. 1. Chemistry (green) -

Remember – Describe – Stating the facts. E.g. During chromatography, the ink travels up the paper. Explain – Giving a reason. E.g. The ink travels up the paper because it dissolves in the solvent.

Y7 KPOW Success Criteria: I can draw labelled scientific diagrams. Diagrams should be drawn in pencil and labelled using a ruler. Cell diagrams should include labels for cell membrane, nucleus and cytoplasm for both as well as vacuole, cell wall and chloroplasts for plants. Particle diagrams should include at least particles. Forces should be drawn as arrows always coming out of the object and remember forces are always in pairs. If you cannot draw a car just draw a box with the word car in. I can describe / give definitions for key scientific vocabulary. Your definitions should describe what the word means in a scientific context. You can choose any 4 components of cells mentioned above and describe what their role is in the cell. I can explain scientific processes. Biology – You will need to state what an insect does and how this helps to pollinate the plant. Chemistry – You will need to say what needs to be done and explain how each step helps to separate the sand from the salt. Physics – You will need to say how long a day, week, month and season is and why they are this long (what causes them?).

You should spend approximately 1 hour completing this piece of work as it should demonstrate both effort and


Once you have completed and checked your work, please submit it via Firefly or using your College email. You can

attach your work as a document or take a photo of it.

You will be given an effort grade for your KPOW based on the effort you have put in and the quality of your work.

If you complete the KPOW for all subjects have a go at the extension tasks set by your teachers.

Y7 Science Extension Tasks (only to be attempted once all KPOWs are complete): If you finish the 3 tasks you choose as the KPOW then have a go at completing some of the other tasks in the table.

Minsthorpe Community College

Year 7 Key Piece of Work (KPOW)

Date Set: Monday 29th June

Deadline: Monday 6th July

Subject: French

Year Group: 7

This week you are required to complete and submit one KPOW for each of your subject areas. The details of the task

are below:

Y7 French Key Piece of Work (KPOW): Writing revision topic: “all about me”, “my family” and “school ”. Imagine you are a new Year 7 student from Hogwarts school or a new student from Minsthorpe. Remember nothing has to be true. Your task is to introduce yourself to others with lots of details and information.

1. Introduce yourself to your new friends. Include: your name, age, date of birth, favourite colour, sport, hobby, describe your personality.

2. Describe your family. Include: family members there are in your family, their personalities, pets, if you get on well with them or not.

3. Describe your school. Include: a short description of your school, your daily routine at school, the school subjects you study, like, dislike and why. School subjects you used to study at primary school, your plans for the future.

• Remember to use your vocab book and all the vocab sheets to help you.

• Don’t forget to use your planner P105 (French page) for extra vocab such as connectives, openers, opinions, time-phrases and intensifiers.

• Your sentences should be long, detailed, in the correct tense and include lots of opinions – think about the standard of work you are normally expected to produce in French lessons.

• Do NOT use Google translate to write your paragraphs (unless for key words) – your teacher will be able to spot it and you will be asked to do the task again.

Y7 KPOW Success Criteria:

• Write long sentences including lots of details and information.

• Your verbs in the present tense are spelt correctly.

• Include a range of connectives, opinions and openers to develop your sentences.

• You try to include verbs in the past and future tense.

• You include a range of reasons to say “why” you like/dislike things.

You should spend approximately 1 hour completing this piece of work as it should demonstrate both effort and


Once you have completed and checked your work, please submit it via Firefly or using your College email. You can

attach your work as a document or take a photo of it.

You will be given an effort grade for your KPOW based on the effort you have put in and the quality of your work.

If you complete the KPOW for all subjects have a go at the extension tasks set by your teachers.

Y7 French Extension Tasks (only to be attempted once all KPOWs are complete):

• Create 15 questions with answers about the writing you have just done to test another student.

• Go on Memrise and try to achieve as many points as you can each day.

Minsthorpe Community College

Year 7 Key Piece of Work (KPOW)

Date Set: Monday 29th June

Deadline: Monday 6th July

Subject: History

Year Group: 7

This week you are required to complete and submit one KPOW for each of your subject areas. The details of the task

are below:

Y7 History Key Piece of Work (KPOW): Title: The Peasant’s Revolt The two links below are available for you to view or read, if you feel you need some extra information to help you with this KPOW. Video: Website: Your task is to create an informative newspaper article about the Peasants Revolt. It should include the following: A Newspaper title/name and date it was written A Subheading to introduce what your article is about Information about the event (The bitesize page has a detailed story made up of 10 bullet points to talk you through what happened) A made-up witness statement A picture (can be drawn or found online) Here is an example of how you may want to layout your newspaper.

Y7 KPOW Success Criteria: You should have used the following keywords: Peasant’s Revolt, Wat Tyler, King Richard II, 1381, London, Mile-End, Smithfield, Essex, John Ball, Lord Mayor of London. As mentioned above your newspaper should include the following: A Newspaper title/name and date it was written A Subheading to introduce what your article is about Information about the event. (Think: Who, What? Where? When? Why?) A made-up witness statement A picture (can be drawn or found online) Success criteria for your information:

- Good articles will describe the event using the keywords above. The article will be set out like a real newspaper and presented neatly.

- Great articles will ALSO include a drawing of a key moment within the Revolt. - Even better articles will ALSO include a made-up witness statement from a peasant, the King or the Lord


You should spend approximately 1 hour completing this piece of work as it should demonstrate both effort and


Once you have completed and checked your work, please submit it via Firefly or using your College email. You can

attach your work as a document or take a photo of it.

You will be given an effort grade for your KPOW based on the effort you have put in and the quality of your work.

If you complete the KPOW for all subjects have a go at the extension tasks set by your teachers.

Y7 History Extension Tasks (only to be attempted once all KPOWs are complete):

• Option one: Work through the information and have a go at the quizzes on SENECA. Use the link to join the Year 7 History group, so we can see your progress: Or if you already have a Seneca account you can simply join the class using the code: gioxht2lvy

• Option two: Work through the information about Oliver Cromwell on Bitesize and create a Facebook profile to educate people about who he was and what he did.

• Option three: Create an information poster or leaflet to prepare Year 6 students for Year 7 History. Include information about the topics they will study and the parts you love most about your experience as a Year 7 student studying History.

Minsthorpe Community College

Year 7 Key Piece of Work (KPOW)

Date Set: Monday 29th June

Deadline: Monday 6th July

Subject: Geography

Year Group: 7

This week you are required to complete and submit one KPOW for each of your subject areas. The details of the task

are below:

Y7 Geography Key Piece of Work (KPOW): The Chernobyl nuclear disaster was caused by a bad design of the power station. Do you agree? Synopsis On 26th April 1986 reactor 4 exploded releasing deadly radiation. It would eventually contaminate much of Europe. Some people argue that the Soviet era RBMK reactor was poorly designed and led to the disaster. Others argue it was the failings of the Deputy Chief Engineer, Anatoly Dyatlov, on the infamous night in question. Key research points Anatoly Dyatlov – Deputy Chief engineer (he was in charge the night of the disaster) at Chernobyl. He wanted to do a test. If he got it right he would get a job that paid more. He ignored some of the rules of the power station. AZ5 emergency off switch – It is supposed to shut-down the power station if there is a problem. It didn`t work. RBMK reactor – The type of nuclear reactor built at Chernobyl. Following the disaster all RBMK reactors were upgraded to stop another such disaster. Pripyat – The city closest to the Chernobyl power station. It was evacuated shortly after the explosion. It is still unsafe to live there for another 25000 years due to radiation. Useful websites: (Easy to read) (More challenging to read) ( A video to watch)

Y7 KPOW Success Criteria:

• Describe the location of Chernobyl. A simple map is fine.

• Explain why some people believe the power station design was the cause of the disaster

• Explain why some people believe Anatoly Dyatlov was to blame

• Write a conclusion stating your opinion. There is no right or wrong answer You may produce the piece of work as a newspaper article; piece of writing or PowerPoint presentation.

You should spend approximately 1 hour completing this piece of work as it should demonstrate both effort and quality.

Once you have completed and checked your work, please submit it via Firefly or using your College email. You can attach your

work as a document or take a photo of it.

You will be given an effort grade for your KPOW based on the effort you have put in and the quality of your work.

If you complete the KPOW for all subjects have a go at the extension tasks set by your teachers.

Y7 Geography Extension Tasks (only to be attempted once all KPOWs are complete): Explain how a nuclear reactor works to produce electricity. You can draw a diagram or produce a PowerPoint.

Minsthorpe Community College

Year 7 Key Piece of Work (KPOW)

Date Set: Monday 29th June

Deadline: Monday 6th July

Subject: CDM

Year Group: 7

This week you are required to complete and submit one KPOW for each of your subject areas. The details of the task

are below:

Y7 CDM Key Piece of Work (KPOW): PART A – Answer these e-safety questions

1. What is the simplest way to stay safe online? a. Don’t keep your computer on overnight b. Don’t connect your computer to the internet c. Don’t give out personal information

2. What is a virus? a. A program that make the user feel unwell b. A program which replicates itself and spreads to other computers via attachments c. A program that stops a computer from working

3. What is spyware? a. A program which replicates itself and spreads to other computers via attachment b. A program which monitors computer activity in an attempt to steal passwords or financial information c. Hardware that controls a computer without the user’s knowledge

4. What is phishing? a. Sending a program which replicates itself and spreads to other computers via attachments b. Controlling a computer without the user’s knowledge c. Sending an email designed to trick the recipient into giving away personal information

5. What is malware? a. A program that installs and runs on a computer without the user’s knowledge b. Faulty software c. Hardware that controls a computer without the user’s knowledge

6. Which of the following is a way to help keep a computer free of malware? a. A filter b. A firewall c. Not opening emails from unknown or unfamiliar source

PART B – Flowcharts knowledge & design Flowcharts are a way of displaying how data flows. Flowcharts use symbols, these symbols (or shapes) are connected together to show what happens to data and where it goes.

1. For each question draw the correct flowchart symbol: a) Which symbol is used for an input/output in a flowchart?

b) Which symbol is used for a decision in a flowchart?

c) Which symbol is used to show the flow of data around flowchart?

d) All flowcharts start with which symbol?

e) A process symbol is often used for calculations, what does this look like?

2. Draw a flowchart to show the process of visiting a McDonalds drive through restaurant. Try and include the correct flowchart shapes (including start & stop) and the arrows The steps of your flowchart might include:

a. Drive up to sign & decide what you want b. Speak to server & order c. Server repeats your order back to you & tells you the price d. Staff processes your food order e. Move car to serving window f. Pay for your order & collect your food g. Drive off

You could add decisions in too. For example if at step 3, when the server repeats your order, if it isn’t correct, you might need to say your order again.

Y7 KPOW Success Criteria: PART A – E-safety

• Demonstrate your understanding of staying safe on-line by reading the questions carefully, thinking about the questions and selecting the best response.

• You can submit your answers as 1b, 2a etc PART B – Flowcharts

• Carefully draw the flowchart symbols, you can write the name of the symbol next to it, if you wish.

• Try and use the correct shapes for your drive-through flowchart. Remember to include a start and stop.

• Remember to use arrows to link the shapes together.

You should spend approximately 1 hour completing this piece of work as it should demonstrate both effort and


Once you have completed and checked your work, please submit it via Firefly or using your College email. You can

attach your work as a document or take a photo of it.

You will be given an effort grade for your KPOW based on the effort you have put in and the quality of your work.

If you complete the KPOW for all subjects have a go at the extension tasks set by your teachers.

Y7 CDM Extension Tasks (only to be attempted once all KPOWs are complete): Create a leaflet for the new Y7 students about staying safe on-line. Think about the graphics you would add, the title of the poster and font style you would use to make it stand out!

Minsthorpe Community College

KS3 Key Piece of Work (KPOW)

Date Set: Monday 29th June

Deadline: Monday 6th July

Subject: ART

Year Group: 7

This week you are required to complete and submit one KPOW for each of your subject areas.

Y7 Art Key Piece of Work (KPOW): To develop your observational drawing skills To learn how to manage your time under exam conditions – please time yourself for 40 minutes. Watch the video first on YouTube.

• Look carefully at the SHOE and draw the outlines first.

• Keep the pencil light so you can rub out any mistakes easily.

• Fill the paper.

• Try to add a variety of tone to show 3D qualities. Here are some examples – you can research on YOUTUBE for drawing tutorials or follow this link to a good one

Y7 KPOW Success Criteria:

You should spend approximately 1 hour completing this piece of work, as it should demonstrate effort and quality.

Once you have completed and checked your work, please submit it via Firefly or using your College email. You can attach your

work as a document or take a photo of it.

Teachers will provide feedback on the KPOW that you submit which will include strengths but also ways in which it could be

improved. Please act on this feedback and re-submit your KPOW when you have improved it.

You will then be given an effort grade for the KPOW based on the effort you have put in, the quality of the work and how you

have acted on feedback.

If you complete the KPOW for all subjects have a go at the extension tasks set by your teachers.

Y7 Art Extension Tasks (only to be attempted once all KPOWs are complete): You could redraw the shape of your shoe but add one colour and use this as the darker tone to make it look 3D, see below.

Minsthorpe Community College

KS3 Key Piece of Work (KPOW)

Date Set: Monday 29th June

Deadline: Monday 6th July

Subject: Music

Year Group: 7

This week you are required to complete and submit one KPOW for each of your subject areas.

Y7 Music Key Piece of Work (KPOW): As your final piece of work this school year we would love to celebrate being musical and to see/hear you making some music. We know that some of you love making music and have instruments at home, whilst others do not have a keyboard or guitar etc. Fear not! Here is what we would like you to do: You have options. Please choose the one that suits you:

1. Perform any song on the instrument of your choice (min 30 secs) (piano, guitar, trombone, cello, clarinet, drums etc)

2. Sing a song of your choice. This could be a song you have written or any existing song. Use a backing track from Youtube if you can, or just sing acapella.

3. Create an instrument and perform a song (it could be a drum kit from pots, paint cans etc.) 4. Perform a song using an app on your phone. It could be a piano teaching app or guitar app. 5. Perform a rap (you could write this or it could be an existing rap). This isn’t singing. Think of it

more like rhythmic poetry. 6. Perform some beatboxing or body percussion. All you need is yourself!

Here are some links to give you some examples Body percussion -

Beat boxing -

Y7 KPOW Success Criteria: See above

You should spend approximately 1 hour completing this piece of work, as it should demonstrate effort and quality.

Once you have completed and checked your work, please submit it via Firefly or using your College email. You can

attach your work as a document or take a photo of it.

Teachers will provide feedback on the KPOW that you submit which will include strengths but also ways in which it

could be improved. Please act on this feedback and re-submit your KPOW when you have improved it.

You will then be given an effort grade for the KPOW based on the effort you have put in, the quality of the work and

how you have acted on feedback.

If you complete the KPOW for all subjects have a go at the extension tasks set by your teachers.

Y7 Extension Tasks (only to be attempted once all KPOWs are complete):

Minsthorpe Community College

KS3 Key Piece of Work (KPOW)

Date Set: Monday 29th June

Deadline: Monday 6th July

Subject: Performing Arts

Year Group: 7

This week you are required to complete and submit one KPOW for each of your subject areas.

Y7 Performing Arts Key Piece of Work (KPOW): Scenes 1-10 of ‘The Terrible Fate of Humpty Dumpty’ have now been uploaded to Firefly. Some of you will have already completed some of the reading of this script, start form the scenes you haven’t yet completed. If you haven’t read any of the script yet, start from Scene 1 Read each scene and try to complete the activity attached to the scene. Each Scene has 5 questions that you must answer after you have read the scene. This can be found here For this week’s task we are asking that you read 3 scenes and answer the questions that follow the scene. When answering the questions, the answers can be typed or hand written, but must be given in full sentences.

Y7 KPOW Success Criteria: Good knowledge of the story Good understand of the main characters and the relationships between the characters

• Ensure you read the full scene before answering the questions.

• Answer the questions using full sentences.

• Always check your spelling, punctuation and Grammar.

• Present your work neatly, whether this is hand written or typed.

You should spend approximately 1 hour completing this piece of work, as it should demonstrate effort and quality.

Once you have completed and checked your work, please submit it via Firefly or using your College email. You can

attach your work as a document or take a photo of it.

Teachers will provide feedback on the KPOW that you submit which will include strengths but also ways in which it

could be improved. Please act on this feedback and re-submit your KPOW when you have improved it.

You will then be given an effort grade for the KPOW based on the effort you have put in, the quality of the work and

how you have acted on feedback.

If you complete the KPOW for all subjects have a go at the extension tasks set by your teachers.

Y7 Performing Arts Extension Tasks (only to be attempted once all KPOWs are complete): If you have completed all your KPOWs you can continue to read the script and scenes available.

Minsthorpe Community College

Year 7 Key Piece of Work (KPOW)

Date Set: Monday 29th June

Deadline: Monday 6th July

Subject: Design Technology

Year Group: 7

This week you are required to complete and submit one KPOW for each of your subject areas. The details of the task

are below:

Y7 Design Technology Key Piece of Work (KPOW):

1. What is the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy? 2. Name 3 sources of non-renewable energy? 3. Name 3 sources of renewable energy?

4. Explain what is meant by the term “carbon footprint”?

5. Explain why and how using non-renewable energy negatively affects the environment?

Optional extra: have a go at writing responses to this last questions as well and submit it with your KPOW too (you will be ahead if you do).

6. Select one way in which we collect renewable energy, explain how it works in detail (using pictures to help) and

label its advantages and disadvantages. Hydroelectric dam, wind turbines, solar panels, wave energy generators Your sentences should be long, detailed and include lots of opinions – think about the standard of work you are normally expected to produce

Y7 KPOW Success Criteria:

• All required information is included for each answer/paragraph.

• Sentences are written in full and begin with an opener.

• Use labelled sketches/pictures to help you to explain your answer.

You should spend approximately 1 hour completing this piece of work as it should demonstrate both effort and


Once you have completed and checked your work, please submit it via Firefly or using your College email. You can

attach your work as a document or take a photo of it.

You will be given an effort grade for your KPOW based on the effort you have put in and the quality of your work.

If you complete the KPOW for all subjects have a go at the extension tasks set by your teachers.

Y7 Design Technology Extension Tasks (only to be attempted once all KPOWs are complete):

• Answer Q6 – use the

• Create a learning mat (visual mind map with pictures), using your answers to this KPOW task, that would help you to teach others about the topic of energy.

Minsthorpe Community College

Year 7 Key Piece of Work (KPOW)

Date Set: Monday 29th June

Deadline: Monday 6th July


Year Group: 7

This week you are required to complete and submit one KPOW for each of your subject areas. The

details of the task are below:

Y7 Food Key Piece of Work (KPOW): Task 1- What is food provenance? You will be looking into the diets of a chosen target group. You will do this so you have an awareness of what specific foods can be eaten and targeted at this group. Research into what it is. For each of the below foods, find out:

• Which countries it mainly grows in • What time of year it grows- IE the season of the year ( spring/summer/autumn/winter) • Find a picture of the food product • Find a recipe with the food product in

Task 2- What is Seasonality? Research into what it is, and then fill in the sheet. (or draw it out if you need to) Fill in which foods fall into each season, you may draw them and label. Fill in the questions on the sheet.

Y7 KPOW Success Criteria:

• Carry out research into the topic, then present your findings as you choose- using a PowerPoint or word, or on a piece of paper.

• You should be able to explain what food provenance is and seasonality is, and give examples.

• You must write in full sentences

• Complete all sections

• Add colour to your sketches of the food, using pencil crayon

You should spend approximately 1-2 hours completing this piece of work as it should demonstrate

both effort and quality.

Once you have completed and checked your work, please submit it via Firefly or using your College

email. You can attach your work as a document or take a photo of it.

You will be given an effort grade for your KPOW based on the effort you have put in and the quality

of your work.

If you complete the KPOW for all subjects have a go at the extension tasks set by your teachers.

Y7 Food extension Tasks (only to be attempted once all KPOWs are complete):

• Write a quiz on the facts you have found out about food provenance and seasonality.

• Make some flashcards that would help you to learn your answers or to test other people, eg food on one side and which season its from on the other.

Learning at Home

Year 7,8,9, and 10 CORE PE


Date: Monday 29th June – Friday 10th July (2 weeks)

During the next two weeks, please select at least one task from the selection below to complete for this subject. You may choose

to do more than one task.

Look carefully at the tasks which are specifically linked to your GSCE/Vocational courses for Y9 onwards.

Online Activity Research a healthy balanced diet What is the eat-well plate? What are macro nutrients? Why is water important in our diet? What nutrient should make up the largest proportion of your diet?

Paper and pens Write your own cheerleading chant. Could you link your chant to lockdown? Example cheers and chants: Go team! Go team! Who do we mean? We'll say it loud, Because we're proud.

P-A-N-T-H-E-R-S! Panther pride! Panther pride! We're steppin' up, so step aside! We're the best; we're here to win Panther power's here again!

Be Creative Using the cheerleading moves shown below (on the next page) create your own cheerleading routine – with or without music.

Connecting with your peers Video yourself completing your cheerleading routine and send it to a friend

- Can you teach your friend your routine?

- Can you ask for some feedback on your routine on how to improve it?

Preparation for Y9 – GCSE & Vocational Courses (if you are studying this subject from Y9 onwards have a go at one or more of the tasks below which your teachers have set to help give you a head-start to your new course) GCSE PE Research the functions of the cardiovascular system. What are the 4 components of the blood GCSE Sport Research the treatment process for soft tissue injuries - R.I.C.E Give an example of a soft tissue injury

If you can, please submit any tasks that you complete to your class teacher who will look forward to seeing what you have

managed to do.

If you need any help or guidance, please ask your class teacher using Firefly or your school email. They will give you ideas and


We will reward your efforts with achievement points and some of you may receive recognition from Mrs. Merritt and Mr.


Keep up the good work – we are so proud of you!


B-E-S-T! Give me a B! Give me an E! Give me an S! Give me a T! What's that spell? Best! Best! Put us to the test! We'll beat the Hornets! We won't give 'em a rest!










Low V





T Broken







Bow and



High V

Minsthorpe Community College

Year 7 Key Piece of Work (KPOW)

Date Set: Monday 29th June

Deadline: Monday 6th July

Subject: SMSC

Year Group: 7

This week you are required to complete and submit one KPOW for each of your subject areas. The details of the task

are below:

Y7 SMSC Key Piece of Work (KPOW):

The life and impact of Mary Seacole Watch the 10 minute Video clip of Mary Seacole. Click on the link below. Read the information sheet on Mary Seacole (document attached). Answer these questions in detail using your knowledge from the video and the written text.

Y7 KPOW Success Criteria:

• Make sure you watch the video and read the text.

• All questions are answered.

• Answers are detailed.

• Proofread – capital letters, full stops and correct spellings of words.

• Use key vocabulary and explain the meanings of these in your writing.

You should spend approximately 1 hour completing this piece of work as it should demonstrate both effort and


Once you have completed and checked your work, please submit it via Firefly or using your College email. You can

attach your work as a document or take a photo of it.

You will be given an effort grade for your KPOW based on the effort you have put in and the quality of your work.

If you complete the KPOW for all subjects have a go at the extension tasks set by your teachers.

Y7 SMSC Extension Tasks (only to be attempted once all KPOWs are complete):

• Research a black woman who has made history / was / is famous.

• Create a piece of work with 10 facts about her on it. This person can be from the past or present.

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