online application form for doctoral studies and for ... · online application form for doctoral...

Post on 17-Sep-2018






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Online Application Form for Doctoral Studies and for Degree Programmes with Unrestricted Admission

Intended degree

Please select the intended degree. Degree type * Please select… Bachelor of Science Doctoral Degree All fields marked with “ * “ are mandatory. back next

Online Application Form for Doctoral Studies and for Degree Programmes with Unrestricted Admission

Subject of Study

Degree type: Doctoral Degree Please enter the desired subject of study and select semester of application. Subject of Study Please select (main subject) * Course Semester * 1

Semester * Please select ____________________________________________________________________________ Form of Study * Doctoral Studies ____________________________________________________________________________ All fields marked with “ * “ are mandatory. back next

Subject of Study:


Architecture Landschaftsarch./Umweltpl

Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning


Civil engineering Lebensmittelwissenschaft

Food Science


Construction engineering Maschinenbau

Mechanical Engineering

Beein. D. Verhaltens

Impact of behaviour Mathematik



Vocational education Mathematik/Informatik

Mathematics / Computer Science


Educational Studies Mechatronik



Biology Metalltechnik

Metals Technology


Biomedical Engineering Meteorologie



Chemistry Mineralogie


Computergestützt Ing. Wi

Computational Engineering Nanotechnologie



German Studies Ökotrophologie

Home Economics and Nutrition


Electrical Engineering Pädagogik

Educational theory


English Studies Philosophie



Adult Education Photonen


E-Techn./Techn. Inform

Electrical Engineering / Technical Informatics



E- und Informationstechnik

Electrical Engineering and Information Technology


Political Science

Evangelische Theologie

Protestant Theology Psychologie


Farbtech. Raumgestaltung

Colour Technology and Interior Decoration




French studies Religionswissenschaft

Study of Religions


Horticulture Religionswiss./WuN

Study of Religions (Ethics)


Horticultural Sciences Sachunterricht

Social Studies and Science

Geodäsie u. Geoinformatik

Geodesy and Geoinformatics Schulpädagogik

School education theory


Geography Sonderpädagogik

Special Needs Education


Geology Sozialpsychologie

Social psychology


Earth Sciences Sozialwissenschaften

Social Sciences


History Soziologie Sociology


Plant Operations and Manufacturing of Wood Products


Spanish Studies


Computer Science Sport Sports

Italienisch Italian Studies Stoffströme Wasser/Boden Material flows water/soil

Katholische Theologie

Catholic Theology Textil-u.Bekleidungstech.

Textile and clothing technology


Arts Wirtschaftswissenschaft

Economics and Management

Online Application Form for Doctoral Studies and for Degree Programmes with Unrestricted Admission

Personal Details ___________________________________________________________________________

First Name * Surname * Gender * Please select male/female Academic Title Additional names Date of Birth * (DD-MM-YYYY) Help Place of Birth * Name at Birth Nationality * Germany Help Country of Birth * Germany

Second nationality _____________________________________________________________________ All fields marked with “ * “ are mandatory. back next

List of countries

Afghanistan Afghanistan Liechtenstein Liechtenstein

Ägypten Egypt Litauen Lithuania

Albanien Albania Luxemburg Luxembourg

Algerien Algeria Madagaskar Madagascar

Amerikanisch-Samoa American Samoa Malawi Malawi

Ameri. Jungferninseln Virgin Islands (U.S.) Malaysia Malaysia

Andorra Andorra Malediven Maldives

Angola Angola Mali Mali

Antigua und Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda Malta Malta

Äquatorialguinea Equatorial Guinea Marokko Morocco

Arabische Republ. Syrien Syria Marshall-Inseln Marshal Islands

Argentin, Antarktis Argentina Antarctica Martinique Martinique

Argentinien Argentina Mauretanien Mauritania

Armenien Armenia Mauritius Mauritius

Aruba Aruba Mazedonien Macedonia, Rep. of.

Aserbaidschan Azerbaijan Mexiko Mexico

Äthiopien Ethiopia Mikronesien Micronesia, Federal States of,

Australien Australia Moldawien Moldova, Republic of

Bahamas Bahamas Monaco Monaco

Bahrain Bahrain Mongolei Mongolia

Bangladesch Bangladesh Montenegro Montenegro

Barbados Barbados Mosambik Mozambique

Belgien Belgium Myanmar Myanmar, Burma

Belize Belize Namibia Namibia

Benin (Dahome) Benin Nauru Nauru

Bhutan Bhutan Nepal Nepal

Bolivien Bolivia Neuseeland New Zealand

Bonaire, Saba, St. Eust. Island of Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius

Nicaragua Nicaragua

Bosnien und Herzegowina

Bosnia and Herzegovina Niederlande Netherlands

Botswana Botswana Niger Niger

Bouvetinsel (Norw. Übers.)

Bouvet Island Niue Niue

Brasilien Brazil Nördl. Marianen (US) Northern Mariana Island

Brit. Überseegeb. Außerh. EU

British overseas territories

Nordfolkinseln (Austr. Ü.) Norfolk Island

Brunei Darussalam Brunei Darussalam Norw. Abh. Geb. Europa Norwegian territories

Bulgarien Bulgaria Norwegen Norway

Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Ohne Angabe Unattributed

Burundi Burundi Oman Oman

Chile Chile Österreich Austria

China (VR) China Pakistan, Islamnische Rep.


Cookinseln Cook Islands Palästinens. Gebiete Palestinian National Authority

Costa Rica Costa Rica Palau Palau

Curacao Curacao Panama Panama

Dänemark Denmark Papua-Neuguinea Papua New Guinea

Deutschland Germany Paraguay Paraguay

Dominica Dominica Peru Peru

Dominikanische Republik Dominican Republic Philippinen Philippines

Dschibuti Djibouti Polen Poland

Ecuador Ecuador Portugal Portugal

Elfenbeinküste Ivory Coast Puerto Rico Puerto Rico

El Salvador El Salvador Réunion Reunion Island

Eritrea Eritrea Ross-Nebengeb. (Neuseel.)

New Zealand Antarctica

Estland Estonia Ruanda Rwanda

Färöer (Dänisches Übers.)

Faroe Islands Rumänien Romania

Fidschi-Inseln Fiji Russische Föderation Russian Federation

Finnland Finland Saint Lucia Saint Lucia

Frankreich France Salomonen Solomon Islands

Franz. Abh. Geb. (Afrika) French oversea territories Sambia Zambia

Franz. Antarktis French Antarctica Samoa Samoa

Franz. Polynesien French Polynesia San Marino San Marino

Gabun Gabon Sao Tome und Principe Sao Tome and Principe

Gambia Gambia Saudi-Arabien Saudi Arabia

Georgien Georgia Schweden Sweden

Ghana Ghana Schweiz Switzerland

Gibraltar Gibraltar Senegal Senegal

Grenada Grenada Serbien Serbia

Griechenland Greece Seychellen Seychelles

Grönland (Dän. Übers.) Greenland Sierra Leone Sierra Leone

Guadeloupe (Franz.) Guadeloupe Simbabwe Zimbabwe

Guam (US-Übersee) Guam Singapur Singapore

Guatemala Guatemala Slowakei Slovakia

Guayana (Franz.) French Guiana Slowenien Slovenia

Guinea Guinea Somalia Somalia

Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Spanien Spain

Guyana Guyana Sri Lanka (Ceylon) Sri Lanka

Haiti Haiti Staatenlos Stateless

Heard & McDonaldinseln Heard and Mc Donald Islands

St. Kitts und Nevis Saint Kitts and Nevis

Honduras Honduras St. Martin Saint Martin

Hong Kong Hong Kong St. Pierre und Mi (Franz) St. Pierre and Miquelon

Indien India St. Vincent u.d. Grenadines

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Indonesien Indonesia Südafrika South Africa

Irak Iraq Sudan Sudan

Iran Iran Surinam Suriname

Irland Ireland Swasiland Swaziland

Island Iceland Tadschikistan Tajikistan

Israel Israel Taiwan Taiwan

Italien Italy Tansania Tanzania

Jamaika Jamaica Thailand Thailand

Japan Japan Timor-Leste East Timor

Jemen Yemen Togo Togo

Jordanien Jordan Tokelau (Neuseeland) Tokelau

Kambodscha Cambodia Tonga Tonga

Kamerun Cameroon Trinidad und Tobago Trinidad and Tobago

Kanada Canada Tschad Chad

Kap Verde Cape Verde Tschechische Republik Czech Republic

Kasachstan Kazakhstan Türkei Turkey

Katar Qatar Turkmenien Turkmenistan

Kenia Kenya Tuvalu Tuvalu

Kirgisien Kyrgyzstan Uganda Uganda

Kiribati Kiribati Ukraine Ukraine

Kokosinseln Cocos (Keeling) Islands Ungarn Hungary

Kolumbien Columbia Ungeklärt Unsolved

Komoren Comoros Uruguay Uruguay

Kongo (Dem. Republik) Democratic Republic of the Congo

USA United States

Kongo, Republik Congo, Republic of Usbekistan Uzbekistan

Korea, Nord, Demokr. VR Korea, Democratic People’s Rep.

Vanuatu Vanuatu

Korea, Republik Korea, Republic of Vatikanstadt Holy See

Kosovo Kosovo Venezuela Venezuela

Kroatien Croatia Vereinigte. Arab. Emirate United Arab Emirates

Kuba Cuba Vereinigtes Königreich United Kingdom

Kuwait Kuwait Vietnam Vietnam

Laotische Dem. Volksrep. Lao, People’s Democratic Republic

Wallis und Futuna Wallis and Futuna Islands

Lesotho Lesotho Weihnachtsinseln Christmas Island

Lettland Latvia Weißrussland (Belarus) Belarus

Libanon Lebanon Zentralafrik. Republik Central African Republic

Liberia Liberia Zypern Cyprus

Libyen Libya

Online Application Form for Doctoral Studies and for Degree Programmes with Unrestricted Admission

Addresses and Communication ___________________________________________________________________________


Help Street and House No. * Address Line 2 (c/o, room, appartment.) Country Germany Postal Code * Town/City * _____________________________________________________________________ Communication Help Telephone Number *

Email Address * _____________________________________________________________________ All fields marked with “ * “ are mandatory. back next

Online Application Form for Doctoral Studies and for Degree Programmes with Unrestricted Admission

German university entrance qualification (“HZB”) ___________________________________________________________________________

German university entrance qualification – for example “Abitur”

Type of German university entrance qualification* Please select Date of issue of entrance qualification * (DD.MM.YYYY)

If your mark doesn’t correspond to the German marking system, please leave the field “entrance qualification mark” empty Entrance qualification mark

City where you received your entrance qualification Please select in Germany * If you received your entrance qualification in Germany, please do not select the option “Ohne Angabe” in the following field. Please select “Bitte auswählen” Country where you received your entrance qualification* Please select (foreign country) _____________________________________________________________________ All fields marked with “ * “ are mandatory. back next

Type of German university entrance qualification

If you did not receive your university entrance qualification in Germany, please select “Allg. Hochschulreife Ausland” (general higher education entrance qualification in a foreign country) or “fachgeb. HSReife Ausland” (subject-related university entrance qualification in a foreign country).

Online Application Form for Doctoral Studies and for Degree Programmes with Unrestricted Admission

Previous Studies ___________________________________________________________________________

Country where you started university Please select If you studied in a foreign country, for first university please select “Bitte auswählen”

First University * Please select Help

If you have not been enrolled before, please select the coming semester.

Semester of First Enrolment * Please select


Have you previously been enrolled at Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover? If so, please enter your previous enrolment number here!

Previous Enrolment Number: _________________________________________________________________________ Semester Counter

Only complete if you have already studied before. Enter the number of semesters studied at German universities/universities of applied sciences, including any semesters of academic leave or internships, but excluding time spent at a “Studienkolleg” (foundation course)!

Number of previous semesters at university 0 Help

of which

Semesters of academic leave 0 Help

Internship semesters 0 Help

Additional semesters spent at a Studienkolleg 0

Semesters of interruption 0 Help

Reason for interruption of study Please select

Semesters of study in the former GDR

Kind of study (former GDR) Please select


All fields marked with “ * “ are mandatory.

back next

Online Form for Doctoral Studies and for Degree Programmes with Unrestricted Admission

Studies Abroad ___________________________________________________________________________

Have you spent time abroad in relation to the programme for which you are now applying? If yes, please enter information about the country, the number of months spent there (round up to full months; for less than one month enter 0),the type of stay and type of mobility programme. Otherwise, please click “next”

Country Please select Number of months Please select Begin End Type of stay abroad Please select Type of mobility programme Please select _______________________________________________________________ Country Please select Number of months Please select Begin End Type of stay abroad Please select Type of mobility programme Please select ________________________________________________________________ All fields marked with an “ * “ are mandatory. back next

Online Application Form for Doctoral Studies and for Degree Programmes with Unrestricted Admission Profession and Internship ___________________________________________________________________________ Please specify activities undertaken after obtaining the higher education entrance qualification! Vocational qualification No / Yes Internship/traineeship for 1

st degree course No / Yes

Internship/traineeship for 2

nd degree course No / Yes

________________________________________________________________ All fields marked with “ * “ are mandatory. back next

Online Application Form for Doctoral Studies and for Degree Programmes with Unrestricted Admission

Final Remarks ___________________________________________________________________________

Note: Your application will only be considered if you have entered your information online AND the written application documents have been received by the application deadline (midnight, 30

th September or

31st March) at Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover. To ensure timely receipt, allow for

about three days delivery time.

In principle, applications for doctoral studies may be submitted at any time. ____________________________________________________________________________

Complete and true information, declaration

Based on my statements above, which I declare to be true and complete, I hereby apply for admission to an academic programme.

With knowledge of the criminal liability for false declarations, I hereby declare that I have not concealed periods of study spent or degrees obtained at German universities.

I acknowledge

that false, fictitious or concealed information that is determined at a later date, may result in expulsion (“Exmatrikulation”);

that for each semester, re-registration for studies must occur by paying the relevant semester fees by the stipulated deadline and that failure to do so may result in termination of enrolment.

I am aware that false declarations may result in revocation of enrolment. _____________________________________________________________________________________

By submitting the entered information, I confirm my agreement with the statements above.

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Online Application Form for Doctoral Studies and for Degree Programmes with Unrestricted Admission

Completion of Application ___________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for entering your data. Your APPLICATION NUMBER is ??


Please click "PDF Druck" first! Afterwards, you can follow the link(s)! ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Print Cover Letter Please print the cover letter addressed to Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, which is provided as PDF via the following button.

Print PDF

Please enclose the documents specified in the printout. Please sign the printout and send it together with the documents by the deadline, to Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover Immatrikulationsamt Welfengarten 1 30167 Hannover _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Certifications Your notifications for proof of enrolment (student ID card, certificate of enrolment) will be sent to you automatically once your complete documents have been received. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Information for doctoral students

"Promotion plus" flyer Graduate Academy flyer Graduate Academy information _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Security information: Please close the browser to prevent subsequent users from viewing the data you have entered. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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