online brochure ais 2012-2013 - arnhem international school

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Arnhem International School

“We aim to enable and encourage all our pupils to achieve their full educational and social

potential within an international environment”

primary and secondary

Preface 3

Arnhem International School – What to expect 4

Who are we? 5

Our Philosophy 6

IB Learner Profile 7

Educational Programmes 8

Primary Programme 8

Secondary Programme 9

Parents and Contact/International Parents’ Council (IPC) 13

Memberships 13

Primary Department 14

The Primary Schoolday 15

Secondary Department 16

Mission Statement 17

Class tutors and care 17

Careers Counselling 17

Subjects & Timetable 18

EAGLE and Extra Curricular Activities 20

Model United Nations 20

Learning Resources Centre (LRC) 21

Student Council 21

Practical Matters 22

Insurance 22

School Fees 22

Travel Information 22

Holiday Schedule 23

Application and Admission Procedures at AIS 23

Placement 23

From Primary into Secondary 23

From MYP to DP 23

Further Information 23



This is the brochure of Arnhem International School. It

has been written for prospective pupils and their par-

ents and everyone else who has an interest in Arnhem

International School.

Primary and Secondary departments, even though being

currently physically separated by a 600 metre walk, can be

seen as one in terms of programme, population, faculty,

finance and administration.

We wish all pupils a successful academic year, in terms of

both education and their personal and social development.

Ms. G. Eaton Mr. J. Katzer

AIS Primary Department AIS Secondary Department



An International School with a Dutch character. Being

within a Dutch school the pupils are in daily contact with

normal Dutch school life.

Dutch festivals, traditions, and cultural events play a major

part in the International School calendar.

The International pupil population is truly International

arriving in Arnhem from all over the world. The Interna-

tional Community bids a warm welcome and the seemingly

contradictory phrase “To be different is normal”, truly applies

in The Arnhem International School, where friends from

all over the world are made for life.



The Secondary Department is an IB World School following

the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme

(IB-MYP) and the Diploma Programme (IB-DP). Both

Primary and Secondary curricula are flanked by extended

activities and group learning experiences taking place every

other week.

We offer small classes in which teachers work closely with

pupils. This enhances pupils’ individual success. The language

of instruction is English. Extra support is available to pupils

with English as an additional language. We also organize a

wide range of trips and excursions in the Netherlands and


The school is well equipped: All classrooms have interactive

whiteboards, computers and educational software is avail-

able and used in and outside the classroom. Both Primary and

Secondary pupils have access to a sports hall, in addition to

a neighbouring sports facility providing a range of sporting

opportunities. There are swimming lessons for two year

groups in the Primary Department. There are digital learning

opportunities in the Primary school. There are several science

labs with full-time lab technicians and multimedia learning

resources centres available in the Secondary, too.

AIS is offering a school year with great variety for pupils

to further prosper in different realms. For this is what

international education is all about – enriching the world

of learning.

Ms. G. Eaton Mr. J. Katzer

AIS Primary Department AIS Secondary Department

Arnhem International School was set up in 1986. The school

caters for the needs of the expatriate population in the region

of Arnhem, the Netherlands, and the border area with

Germany. We have pupils from over 45 nationalities in our

Primary and Secondary Departments.

The Primary Department is located in the Dr. Aletta Jacobs

School, a Dutch state primary school, comprising a Dutch

Department and the International Department. The Second-

ary Department is part of the Lorentz Lyceum, a Dutchy

comprehensive school with a long tradition. This situation

enables the pupils in our care to benefit from the richness

of the many cultures in the International Department and to

learn about the Dutch way of life and the Dutch language.

The Primary Department has 9 groups covering eight year

groups with approximately 140 pupils from the ages 4 – 12

years old.

The Secondary Department has approximately 160 pupils,

45% in the upper school (age 16 – 18 years; DP1 and DP2) and

55% in the middle school (age 12 – 16 years; MYP2 – MYP5)

and 35 teaching staff.

The Primary educational programme is based on the Na-

tional Curriculum for England and Wales, adapted for use

with our International children. The staff continuously

evaluates and compares the school’s curriculum with the

current International curricula on offer from the IPC, IB

and Cambridge University.



Due to a very favourable pupil-teacher ratio the teachers

are able to build up a close relationship with children and

identify specific individual needs.

All teachers are trained and qualified and have educational

materials and support readily available.

Within each class there are pupils from many different cul-

tural, social and educational backgrounds, and children may

arrive or leave at any time during the year. Some children

will not speak English upon arrival and many children have

first languages other than English.

Staff development is encouraged and the International

Department works in conjunction with 12 other Dutch

Inter national Primary and Secondary Schools in the

Netherlands to provide “In Service Training” opportunities”

for staff. The schools also cooperate in curriculum develop-

ment and exchange experiences on educational methods

and materials.

As part of the continuous development and monitoring of

the curriculum, the international staff take an active part in

workshops, presentations and seminars with other Inter-

national and local Dutch schools.

As a participant of the European Council for International

Schools (ECIS), the school is able to review and assess the

latest developments in international education. Teachers

have access and participate regularly in IB workshops for

the Primary Years, the Middle Years, and the Diploma Pro-

gramme. This is in addition to meeting the requirements

specified by the Dutch Ministry of Education.

Staff of the Primary and Secondary school liaise on a regular

basis for the specific purpose of curriculum development

and the transfer of children.



� Open-minded

They understand and appreciate their own cultures and

personal histories, and are open to the perspectives, values

and traditions of other individuals and communities.

They are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range

of points of view, and are willing to grow from the expe-


� Caring

They show empathy, compassion and respect towards

the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal

commitment to service, and act to make a positive

difference to the lives of others and to the environment.

� Risk-taker

They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty

with courage and forethought, and have the independ-

ence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies.

They are brave and articulate in defending their beliefs.

� Balanced

They understand the importance of intellectual, physical

and emotional balance to achieve personal well-being

for themselves and for others.

� Reflective

They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning

and experience. They are able to assess and under stand

their strengths and limitations in order to support their

learning and personal development.

Both Primary and Secondary subscribe to the IB Learner

Profile. We aim to foster the development of these qualities

in our pupils. A successful pupil will identify with them.

The 10 elements are:

� Inquirers

They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the

skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and

show independence in learning. They actively enjoy

learning and this love of learning will be sustained

throughout their lives.

� Knowledgeable

They explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local

and global significance. In so doing, they acquire in

depth knowledge and develop understanding across a

broad and balanced range of disciplines.

� Thinkers

They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills cri-

tically and creatively to recognize and approach com-

plex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions.

� Communicators

They understand and express ideas and information

confidently and creatively in more than one language

and in a variety of modes of communication. They work

effectively and willingly in collaboration with others.

� Principled

They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense

of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the

individual, groups and communities. They take respon-

sibility for their own actions and the consequences that

accompany them.



primary programmeThe Primary’s educational programme is based on the

National Curriculum for England and Wales and has been

adapted for use with our international children. Full details of

this curriculum can be found on or www.

Language is taught at the level appropriate to each child’s

needs. When children have specific needs they receive help,

and as they become competent in specific skills, they are

able to reach the next level. In this way, each child progresses

at the most suitable pace for his/her individual needs and


Mathematics is taught with each child individually linked

to a core scheme at the appropriate level. Mathematical

activities in project work reinforce subject knowledge.

Language is developed through an individual approach

derived from a variety of sources to include reading, writing,

spelling and comprehension. This is complemented by a

substantial amount of language activity incorporated within

project work and is supported by a variety of drama activities.

Other curriculum areas, including science, geography, his-

tory and creative art are grouped within project work. Each

group covers one major topic per term, which over the school

year gives a balanced cover of all the major curriculum areas.



For International children, covering these major subject areas

in a “themed framework” becomes more relevant and inter-

esting. They are often able to benefit by being able to exchange

first-hand experiences from both their own countries and

other countries where they have lived. Out of school field

trips for all year groups are an important feature of the pro-

ject. A great emphasis is placed on creativity in all areas of

the curriculum.

Younger groups have more educational play activities with

reading and writing being taught in the infant’s group.

Children have regular Dutch lessons given in small differ-

entiated groups given by native Dutch speaker. English as a

second language is offered to children who require extra

English language tuition. The younger groups have one

swimming lesson each week in addition to one physical

education lesson. The other groups have two lessons of

physical education. A music teacher provides a lesson for

each class per week.

Special needs expertise is available within the school, to assist

those children who need educational support, or for those

needing accelerated learning programmes.

secondary programme

International Baccalaureate

Founded in 1968, the International Baccalaureate Organisa-

tion (IB) is a non-profit educational foundation, a recognized

leader in the field of international education, encouraging

students to be active learners, well-rounded individuals

and engaged world citizens. The IB works with 3,001 schools

in 139 countries to offer the three IB programmes to approx-

imately 837,000 students aged 4 to 19 years. Please visit y for more information.

The Secondary Department offers the IB Middle Years Pro-

gramme and the IB Diploma Programme.

IB Middle Years Programme (age 11 – 16)

The IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) is designed to help

students develop the knowledge, understanding, attitudes

and skills necessary to participate actively and responsibly

in a changing world.

It is designed for students aged 11 to 16. This period,

encompassing early puberty and mid-adolescence, is a

particularly critical phase of personal and intellectual

development and requires a programme that helps students

participate actively and responsibly in a changing and

increasingly interrelated world.

Learning how to learn and how to evaluate information

critically is as important as learning facts.

What does the curriculum contain?

The curriculum is illustrated by an octagon with eight

academic areas or subject groups surrounding the five areas

of interaction. The IB learner profile appears at the centre.


Students learn subjects from each of the eight subject groups

through the five areas of interaction: approaches to learning,

community and service, human ingenuity, environment,

and health and social education.

The overall philosophy of the programme is expressed through

three fundamental concepts – intercultural awareness, holistic

learning, communication – that support and strengthen all

areas of the curriculum. The emphasis is on the fluidity of the

curricular framework and the interrelatedness of the subjects.

Aspects of the areas of interaction are addressed naturally

through the distinct disciplines.


What are the five areas of interaction?

Approaches to Learning (AtL): Through AtL teachers

provide students with the tools to enable them to take

responsibility for their own learning, thereby developing an

awareness of how they learn best, of thought processes and

of learning strategies.

Community and Service: This component requires students

to take an active part in the communities in which they live,

thereby encouraging responsible citizenship.

Human Ingenuity: Students explore in multiple ways the

processes and products of human creativity, thus learning to

appreciate and develop in themselves the human capacity to

influence, transform, enjoy and improve the quality of life.

Environments: This area aims to develop students’ awareness

of their interdependence with their physical, and other,

environments, so that they understand and accept their


Health and Social Education: This area deals with physical,

social and emotional health and intelligence – key aspects of

development leading to complete and healthy lives.

IB Diploma Programme (age 16 – 18)

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme is

a challenging and demanding two-year curriculum, primarily

aimed at students aged 16 to 19. It leads to a qualification that

is widely recognized by the world’s leading universities.


What is in the curriculum?

The curriculum contains six subject groups together with a

core made up of three separate parts. This is illustrated by a

hexagon with the three parts of the core at its centre.

Students study six subjects selected from the subject groups.

Normally three subjects are studied at higher level and the

remaining three subjects are studied at standard level.

All three parts of the core – Extended Essay, Theory of

Knowledge, and Creativity, Action and Service – are central

to the philosophy of the Diploma Programme.

Extended Essay (EE): The Extended Essay offers the opportu-

nity to investigate a topic of individual interest, and acquaints

students with the independent research and writing skills

expected at university. It has a prescribed limit of 4,000 words.

Theory of Knowledge (TOK): The interdisciplinary TOK

course is designed to provide coherence by exploring the

nature of knowledge across disciplines, encouraging an

appreciation of other cultural perspectives. It is assessed

through an essay and a presentation.

Creativity, Action, Service (CAS): Participation in the

school’s CAS programme encourages students to be involved

in artistic pursuits, sports and community service work,

thus fostering students’ awareness and appreciation of life

outside the academic arena.


The school maintains close contact with parents. All teach-

ers are available for consultation should parents have any

questions or concerns. Parents receive regular information in


Moreover, there is an International Parents’ Council. It works

closely with the teaching staff and school management. The

IPC is active in many areas including supporting the school

in maintaining high educational standards. It also assists in

facilitating extracurricular activities and providing some

financial resources. To strengthen the sense of community,

social activities are organised throughout the school year for

pupils and their parents. For parents new to Arnhem Inter-

national School, the IPC is often the first port of call.



AIS is an International Baccalaureate Organisation World

School as well as a member of the European Council of

International Schools, ECIS.

Moreover, AIS is an active member of the Dutch Interna-

tional Schools organisation, DIS. DIS is a network of some

twenty primary and secondary schools in the Netherlands,

all supported by the Dutch Ministry of Education. These

schools work with each other to improve the quality of inter-

national education in the Netherlands.


PRIMARY DEPARTMENTThe class groups or year groups are organised in accordance with the

U.K. curriculum and the entry age to Dutch Secondary Education,

that being reaching 12 years of age before 31st October in the relevant

school year.

International Primary Organisation a

Reception rising 5 year olds

Year 1 rising 6 year olds

Year 2 rising 7 year olds

Year 3 rising 8 year olds

Year 4 rising 9 year olds

Year 5 rising 10 year olds

Year 6 rising 11 year olds

Year 7 rising 12 year olds

Dutch Lessons All years

Learning Support All years

Music Teacher All years

P.E. Teacher All years


the primary schooldayEach day, before or after the morning playtime, the children

have “fruit break”, a time when children may eat a healthy

snack. We ask parents to help us to encourage healthy eating

habits by providing something nourishing for both “fruit

break” and lunch.

All children eat packed lunches in the classroom and then,

depending on the weather, play inside or outside under


At the end of school, children meet their parents/guardians in

the playground. Children in Group 1 are not allowed out of

the schoolbuilding until there is some-one to meet them. Older

children are requested to go back into school and inform a

teacher if no one has arrived to meet them.

At the beginning of the school year, there is an information

evening organised where class teachers give individual pre-

sentations to parents on the daily routine relevant to their

class. The class teacher will also provide a “class information

booklet” to parents.

Daily Timetable

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

08.15 Staff on duty outside the school

08.20 School opens

08.30 Morning lessons start

10.00 – 10.30 Fruit break and play time

12.00 – 12.50 Lunch time

13.00 Afternoon lessons start

15.00 End of schoolday


08.20 School begins

08.30 Morning lessons start

10.00 – 10.30 Fruit break and play time

12.15 End of schoolday


The Secondary Department is part of Lorentz Lyceum, a

Dutch comprehensive school going back 140 years. Nobel

Prize winner Hendrik Anton Lorentz, after whom the school

is named, was a Mathematics teacher here for some time.

AIS Secondary is located on a separate floor within the

Lorentz building; the B10-hall. Most of our classrooms are

SECONDARY DEPARTMENThere and our hall provides space for silent study – it can also

be described as the social focal point of AIS. Some school

functions take place here, too. We have our own Learning

Resource Centre (LRC), well equipped with computers and

books and the offices of management in this area. We share

science labs and gym facilities with Lorentz Lyceum.


mission statement Enabling and encouraging all our students to achieve their

full educational and social potential within an international

environment, by providing a supportive secure community

that develops each student’s interest, abilities and awareness

of responsibilities, in the evolving, information – centred,

global community.

class tutors and care The family plays an important role in a child’s development;

we therefore encourage parents to maintain close ties with

school and teachers. Form tutors are the first contact between

pupils, parents and school. After mid-term evaluations and

reports, parent teacher evenings are scheduled to discuss a

pupil’s academic and social development with tutors and

teachers. Parents can meet teachers or their child’s tutor at any

time during the school year.

careers counsellingDuring their time at school, the Careers Counsellor will stay

in close contact with the pupils, to help them decide about

their future. This involves a long process of orientation,

collection of information, visiting of open days and finally

making a decision.

All pupils have access to a computer-based job and professions

test in school that will help them develop ideas about their

future options. The Careers Counsellor will encourage pupils

to work with this programme and will discuss results with

them. Pupils will receive assistance with their applications to

institutes of higher education in the Netherlands and abroad.

careers counselling


Subject/Form MYP2 MYP3 MYP4 MYP5 DP1 DP2

English first language HL 4 4 4 4 5 5

English first language SL         3 3

English Second language 2+3 3 3 3 3 4 4

English Second language 4+5 3 3 3 3   3 3 3 3

Support English 1 1 1 1  

Dutch First Language 3 2 2 3 5 52 3 3 2

Dutch Second Language 1+2 3 3 3 3 4 43 3 3 3

Dutch Second Language 3+4 3 3 3 3   3 3 3 3

French Second 2 2 2 2 4 4

German Second Language 4+5     5 52 2

Spanish Second Language 4+5     4 42 2

Self taught         1 1

Mathematics 4 4 4 4  

Maths HL         55

Maths SL         33

Math Studies         33

Math support 1 1        

Coordinated Science (bio) 4 4 2 2  

Coordinated science Physics     2 2  

Coordinated Science chem     2 2  

subjects & timetableLessons may be timetabled differently according to the demands of the changing situations.


Subject/Form MYP2 MYP3 MYP4 MYP5 DP1 DP2

Biology SL         3 3

Biology HL         5 5

Physics HL/SL         5 5 5

Chemistry HL/SL         5 5 5

Economics HL         5 5

Economics SL         3 3

History HL/SL         5 55

Geography HL/SL         5 55

Hum - Geo 2 2 2 2  

Hum - His 2 2 2 2  

Hum - Ec     2 2  

Physical Education 2 2 2 2 2

Physical Education Theory       1  

Technology & ICT 2 2 2 2  

Arts 2 2 2* 2*   2* 2*

Drama 2 2 2* 2*   2* 2*

Music 2 2        

Theory of Knowledge       2 1

Tutorial 1 1 1 1 1 1

Eagle 1 1 1 1 1

Elective, i.e., either Arts or Drama

colour indicates possibly combined classes

hours allocation depends on class size and might be less than stated.


The school has a very active Model United Nations tradi-

tion. AIS hosts its own Model United Nations, ARMUN,

conference in autumn being linked to the Airborne Youth

Conference in which DP1 and MYP5 are involved as or-

ganisers and participants. We are proud to be the only

Dutch school represented at the annual Student League of

Nations in Geneva, and we participate in a number of

MUN Conferences in the Netherlands, often in combina-

tion with the Bilingual Department of Lorentz Lyceum.

Preparation for and participation in MUN conferences give

pupils an opportunity to develop public speaking, debating

and organisational skills, as well as a wealth of knowledge

and understanding of current affairs.

model united nations

EAGLE is short for Extended Activities and Group Learning

Experiences. Every second Tuesday EAGLE is planned for all

classes. These afternoons make up a vital and integrated

part of the programme. Pupils will take part in a wide range

of workshops and other activities. Some of these will be linked

to the curriculum or will even be seen as an inextricable part

of that programme, while other events may have a more

festive character. Sports also make up a fair part of EAGLE.

Pupils and parents will receive an overview of the pro-

gramme in September.

Moreover, a variety of school-trips within the Netherlands

and abroad are part of the educational experience at AIS.

eagle and extra curricular activitiesDaily Timetable

Period Times

1 08.30 – 09.15

2 09.15 – 10.00

3 10.00 – 10.45

Break 10.45 – 11.10

4 11.10 – 11.55

5 11.55 – 12.40

Break 12.40 – 13.10

6 13.10 – 13.55

7 13.55 – 14.40

Break 14.40 – 14.55

8 14.55 – 15.40

9 15.40 – 16.25

10 16.25 – 17.10


Our pupils elect from amidst themselves our active Student

Council. The Student Council organises a number of events f

during the year and often functions as an intermediary

between the staff and the pupils. They regularly meet withy

the management of the school.

The Learning Resources Centre provides a wide selection of

materials to support and enrich the curriculum.

All resources whether text or audio-visual are indexed and

managed by the AURA Library System. As well as the more

traditional sources, a range of CD-ROMs and the Internet

are available for information searches.

During class times the LRC can be accessed by pupils and

teachers. These times can be used for research, completion

of homework, or reading for leisure.

Information Literacy & Media Awareness lessons are

taught within the context of the curriculum. Resource

based units are planned and taught co-operatively with

pupils’ independent learning. The LRC is a silent area.

learning resources centre (lrc)

student council


PRACTICAL MATTERSinsuranceThe school has insurance for pupils and accompanying

teachers for day trips and school trips.

school feesThe current school fees for Primary and Secondary are

contained in the respective application packages.

travel information Public transport in the Netherlands is good. Pupils living in

towns such as Ede, Deventer, Zutphen and Oss take the train

or the bus to Arnhem Central Station.

Buses only take ten minutes from Arnhem Central Station to

the school. Line 7 (direction Rijkerswoerd) runs approximate-

ly every 10 minutes and stops near the Groningen singel.

The bus to Elst leaves the station twice hourly and passes by

the school as well. From Nijmegen there is an excellent ex-

press bus service, the Interliner, which stops at the nearby

Kronenburg shopping centre.

The Netherlands is relatively flat with many dedicated cycle

paths or lanes making cycling very popular. Many inter-

national parents living reasonably close to the school take

advantage of this environmentally friendly means of school


The two departments of the AIS are within easy walking

distance of each other. The AIS organizes a door-to-door

bus service for pupils living in the district of Kleve in

Germany. Pupils from other areas in Germany can join the

bus at a collection point in the district of Kleve.


In the Primary Department, placement is essentially made

according to age, with children being placed in groups with-

in their own age range.

The school reserves the right to make the final decision

concerning group placement.

from primary into secondaryDuring their last year in the Primary Department pupils

will visit the Secondary Department and spend a day there. An

information evening for parents regarding Secondary will y

follow. Parents are then asked to apply for entry into the

Secondary Department should they wish so.

from myp to dpThe IB DP is an academically rigorous and challenging

programme. Transition from MYP into DP is not automatic

– entry requirements must be fulfilled in order to be admitted.

Students apply with their grades from Report 2 in MYP5.

New students will have to provide documentation that shows

their level of performance and achievement.

further information� For procedures and policies regarding Arnhem Inter-

national School:

� For information regarding the International Baccalau-

reate Organisation (MYP and DP Programme):

� For information regarding International Education in

the Netherlands:

� The European Council of International Schools can be

found here:

� More information on Dutch International Schools:

holiday schedule

Summer Holiday: six or seven weeks (may vary)

Autumn Holiday: one week

Christmas Holiday: two weeks

Spring Holiday: one week

May Holiday: one or two weeks (may vary)

Detailed lists containing all holidays are available on the

website from school, and are included in our application


application and admission procedures at aisThe application procedure is straightforward. Parents should

contact the school to request application documents and

make an appointment to start the intake procedure. In a per-

sonal meeting placement and programme (DP only) will

be discussed and decided. The availability of places will be

communicated, too.

An application form should then be sent to the school by

e-mail or post. Once the school has received the application

form together with any other necessary documentation

the school will confirm your place. The financial process

begins once the child arrives at the school.

placementRelevant information and education background information

are taken into consideration in order to determine the correct

placement of a child.


arnhem international schoolsecondary department Lorentz Lyceum

Groningensingel 1245

6835 HZ Arnhem

The Netherlands

Tel : +31 (0)26 – 320 28 40

Fax : +31 (0)26 – 320 01 13

Email :

Website :

arnhem international schoolprimary department Dr. Aletta Jacobs School

Slochterenweg 27

6835 CD Arnhem

The Netherlands

Tel : +31 (0)26 – 323 0729

Email :

Website :

AIS Primary is part of De Basis

AIS Secondary is part of Quadraam

Group for Education in Gelderland

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