online learning excellence (our manifesto)

Post on 12-Jan-2015






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What can we do to grow online education in entrepreneurship - to do it right?


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Online Learning

Excellence (OLE!)

STAR Online Learning

Excellence Program


Written by:

Ayman El Tarabishy

George Solomon

Norris Kruegger

Geoff Archer

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The STAR Online Learning Excellence Program is a comprehensive training and mentoring

program for entrepreneurship educators. Participants learn firsthand, educator-to-educator, how

to identify and tailor the best possible learning tools and exercises for specific online learning

objectives. Award-winning trainers help make online experiential learning more than just a

collection of activities, leading a revolution in entrepreneurial learning. The STAR Online

Learning Excellence Program is a comprehensive, memorable, and high impact learning

entrepreneurship course.

What Is Online Learning Excellence?

A key to online learning excellence is understanding how people actually learn, how a person

moves from novice to expert. Educational psychology tells us that we can think of learning in

terms of a roadmap from A to B. At point A we provide inputs—learning content and

experiences. These inputs become throughputs that are transformed by a process within and

between learners that is guided by teacher/facilitators. The results are learning outputs, B, that

represent expertise.

A: Inputs Throughputs B: Outputs

The throughput transformation process involves the development of a new mindset, in addition

to skills and knowledge. In other words, effective learning is not about training memory but

about developing minds.

By blending online and classroom experiences it is possible to design and deliver a radically

new learning model. This new model can drive a dramatic increase in individuals’ learning,

creating an entrepreneurial mindset that results in expert entrepreneurial thought and action.

For Example: With online/blended classes we can fully implement a learning experience

by which individuals absorb the material on their own, in multimedia ways, then

collaborate online (using both synchronous and asynchronous methods) and, finally, use

face-to-face classroom time to identify, explore, and address deeper issues.

The Nature of the Learning Throughput Process

“Learning is not about filling a pail; it’s about lighting a fire.”

– WB Yeats

The learning throughput process involves a transformation in participants, specifically in their

mindsets. Transformational learning, as defined by the educational scholar and researcher

Jack Mezirow, involves deep cognitive changes in the assumptions that lie beneath our thinking.

Most people operate most of the time on autopilot. That is, automatic processing circuits in our

brains make decisions about actions and, if we’re lucky, tell us why and how. It is hard enough

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to change conscious, intentional thinking; changing deeply anchored assumptions requires a

deep form of experiential learning. This also means that the learners’ motivation must move

from extrinsic—learning in order to get desired rewards—to intrinsic, that is, motivation to learn

because of a deep desire for personal development through increased knowledge and skill.

“Experience is not what happens to you, it is what you do with what happens.”


Deeply anchored assumptions are changed by crucial developmental experiences involving

activities that drive cognitive change. The STAR Online Learning Excellence Program begins

with participants identifying the changes they want to see in their students. Participants then

work to identify the important and necessary developmental experiences needed to produce

those changes.

Tools and Techniques

How do we translate “critical developmental experiences” into actual online and classroom

activities? A frequent criticism of online learning is that, unlike classroom learning, online

learning cannot be experiential. Believe it or not, truly experiential, deeply transformative

learning can be facilitated—even enhanced—through online learning. The STAR OLE program

is designed to enable participants to create experiential, transformative online learning


For Example: In the classroom good simulations can be extremely effective experiential

learning tools. However, the direct impact of the physical reality of the classroom can

hamper that effectiveness, An online simulation activity encourages students’ deep

engagement because their imaginations are engaged, as in any good simulation, but not

contradicted by direct perceptions of a classroom.


While online learning is not strongly affected by the learning platform used, different platform-

type mechanisms have different strengths. Kauffman’s iStart was designed to support student

entrepreneurship competitions. The Dell Social Innovation Challenge and the William James

Foundation competition have similar aims in the social entrepreneurship realm. Moreover,

such platforms can develop into more general-use tools. The iStart platform, for instance, has

morphed into a great tool for building teams and to access information for student projects of

any kind using volunteered internet sources.

Many of the STAR Online Learning Excellence participants will have experience (or their school

will) with Blackboard, WebX or Digital Chalk. Or they may have used the platforms by Who

Owns the Ice House or FastTrac. The STAR Online Learning Excellence program will help

participants identify their own strategies and how to optimize their use.

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Social Media

In the classroom, instructors often ban smartphones or laptops, reasoning that students will

simply look up the answers to questions or give the appearance of having knowledge when

what they have is skill at using others and the internet to quickly access information. In online

learning it’s not possible to enforce such bans, and some see this as a limitation. However,

education guru Marc Prensky argues that the use of social media to get information is a

strength, not a weakness, and should be encouraged, in the classroom as well as online. The

STAR Online Learning Excellence program will show particpants how to use students’ existing

web skills to enhance learning and move them from extrinsic motivation to intrinsic motivation.

For Example: In inner-city Portland, the use of social media was encouraged, resulting in

the disadvantaged youth in the program doing extra homework… without extra credit.

This is an example of moving learning from an extrinsic motive base to one of intrinsic


Changing the Game

Understanding how to use tools and techniques for maximum positive impact permits one to

effectively manage and radically transform the online learning process. It’s even possible to

radically transform the grading process and turn it into a positive experience!


Again, let’s think Inputs Throughputs Outputs

Assessment is, of course, important at all three stages. However, online tools permit

assessment in ways that were never before possible. Customized learning for every student

becomes a reality, even in a large program. Specific micro-activities can be subject to

assessments that increase learning impact. And assessment of an entire course or program

becomes far more meaningful.

The Folly of Rewarding A While Hoping for B

The old management maxim that our metrics need to match our actual goals is critically true in

human learning. What are the desired changes? How are those changes achieved? ARE they

being achieved? And, are these the changes that are really the right changes? Learning how

to learn—“double-loop” learning—is often cited as a crucial goal but is rarely assessed. It can,

however, be monitored with tools that are designed for that aim. One key is to get learners

themselves deeply engaged in assessment, tapping their unique—if biased—insights. (Which

are no more biased than the insight of teacher/facilitators!) But what if we can’t assess the

desired outcomes? What then? The field of human resource management provides some good

tools, such as lesson plans.

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Lesson Plans?

How many of us use formal lesson plans? How many of us have even seen a real one? There

are few examples to be found in entrepreneurship learning. However, if one wants an arithmetic

lesson plan for second graders, there are accessible repositories with over 100 lesson plans for

proven best practices.

Inputs Throughputs Outputs are at the heart of lesson plans. The STAR Online Learning

Excellence program will show how they work. As we build a community of skilled online

educators, the STAR Online Learning Excellence program will also build a master repository of

outstanding (and effective) entrepreneurship lessons.


The STAR Online Learning Excellence program will provide participants with examples of some

great practices from “guest star” friends and allies. They can become allies of program

participants, too. These invited resource persons will give brief descriptions the resources they

have to offer.

We have carefully selected this group of key resource persons. Some will present in person,

some by video and some by proxy. There will be a list of these key individuals in our master

resource guide.

There will also be brief presentations that overview important strategies to boost learning, such

as project-based learning, problem-based learning, situated learning, and the inverted


All of the above information will be available on a members-only STAR Online Learning

Excellence website. And STAR Online Learning Excellence participants will be a central part of

that resource. The community of STAR Online Learning Excellence participants is itself a great


There will, of course, be academic/intellectual resources as well. There’s an old joke that a

professor was using action learning, with active involvement of students in a real, problem-

focused discussion. The dean stopped by and watched for a while, then said to the prof, “Don’t

worry, I’ll come back when you’re teaching.” This old story demonstrates how little some people

know about 21st century learning!

Here are links that can help to better define the aims of the STAR Online Learning Excellence

program: (an early article) (entrepreneurship in practice) (grounding in theory and concepts)

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A great online or blended experience can be powerful on its own, but its real power comes from

making it a lasting experience, one that inspires participants to want more learning.

One key to this is building a community. Building a community of practice around online/blended

entrepreneurship training is no easy task. Participants in the STAR Online Learning Excellence

program are the key to it. The STAR Online Learning Excellence program can give participants

a jumpstart on maintaining effective blended online/classroom learning experiences by helping

participants create a living community. In this respect, STAR Online Learning Excellence

program participants will be pioneers—and the STAR Online Learning Excellence program will

have proven successful.

Problem-based learning (and project-based) has the attribute of spawning more problem-based

learning. Once students have gone through a serious PBL experience, they tend to get hungry

for more. The aim of STAR Online Learning Excellence is building learning capacity in

participants who will then be capable of building learning capacity in students. If this is done

right, learning capacity will be built into the institutions program participants are part of. That’s

what the constructivistic learning model brings to the table. By training minds, not just

memories, it’s possible to have a deep ripple effect of positive change throughout a society.

Making Your Program Safe for Entrepreneurial Learning

There are back-home institutional and “political” issues that should be noted. That is, promoting

online/blended learning skillfully enough to set off ripple effects in an organization will not make

everyone happy—remember that dean mentioned above! So, it’s important to recognize that

effective entrepreneurship education is disruptive, in the classical sense as used by

Schumpeter. And some will see this as not just disruptive but as downright subversive.


Sustainability means doing the right things the right way and for the right reasons. That means

getting the right people involved. Those who choose to participate in the STAR Online Learning

Excellence program are likely to be the “right” people for building a community of effective

entrepreneurship educators.

A key aim of the STAR Online Learning Excellence program is helping participants design a

program that works brilliantly for them, one that offers continuity, connectivity and confidence.

There will be vigorous discussion of both barriers and success stories. As entrepreneurs

ourselves we understand the entrepreneurial lesson that… we’re all in this together!

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● Recognition as comprehensive sponsors

● Public recognition as sponsor of the Best STAR Online Learning Excellence Award (at

USASBE Awards event)

● Two complimentary registrations at the USASBE Conference

● A dedicated insert in USASBE conference materials

● Access to two mass emailings of the Online Learning Excellence newsletter

● Involvement in a 45-minute webinar session in which the sponsor’s organization and

service or product will be promoted

● Twenty minutes for a presentation at Online Learning Excellence training events

● Recognition at all Online Learning Excellence workshops and training events, along with

participation in the STAR program.

● Logo recognition on the Online Learning Excellence website,,

with a link to the sponsor’s website

● Sponsors’ logos appear on all printed promotional emails, materials and videos

● Sponsors’ banners will be displayed at STAR Online Learning Excellence training events

and at the USASBE conference booth

● Sponsors will have a full page color ad in the STAR Online Learning Excellence training

program handbook


● Recognition of comprehensive sponsorship

● ONE complimentary registration at the USASBE Conference

● Access to ONE email blast of the STAR Online Learning Excellence newsletter

● A webinar session (30 minutes) promoting their organization/service/product

● A fifteen minute presentation at the STAR Online Learning Excellence training seminar

● Recognition at all STAR Online Learning Excellence workshops and training events,

including participation in the STAR program

● Logo recognition on the STAR Online Learning Excellence website,, with link to sponsoring company’s website

● Sponsor logo on all printed promotional emails, materials and videos

● Company banner displayed at the STAR Online Learning Excellence training event and

at the USASBE conference booth.

● Full page color ad in training program handbook

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● Recognition with a ten minute presentation at the STAR Online Learning Excellence

training event

● Recognition at all STAR Online Learning Excellence workshops and training events,

including participation in the STAR program.

● Logo recognition on the STAR Online Learning Excellence website,, with link to the sponsoring company’s website

● Sponsor logo on all printed promotional emails, materials and videos

● Company banner displayed at the STAR Online Learning Excellence training event and

at the USASBE conference booth

● Half page color ad in training program handbook


ONE STAR PRESENTER FEE ($100/minute of

presentation time)

Sponsors may choose to present at the conference and address delegates directly. The

organizers are happy to incorporate your business into the agenda to maximize impact.

● Limit 30 minute presentations for sponsors

● Technology and a/v available on-site

For more information on sponsorship opportunities, or to make a contribution, please contact:

Dr. Ayman El Tarabishy

Associate Teaching Professor of Management, George Washington University (GWU)

2201 G. Street NW, Funger Hall Suite 315

Washington, DC 20052 USA

Phone: +1 202 994-0704


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