online marketing- understand all about digital ecosystem

Post on 31-Oct-2014






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Understand about Search, Mobile and Display eco system. All about Digital marketing.


Online Marketing

1. What is Online Advertising

2. Types of Online Advertising

3. Ad Networks

4. Search Campaigns

5. Digital Display Campaigns

6. Tracking and Measuring ROI


Why Online Marketing

Type of Online Advertising

1. Display Advertising

2. Search Advertising

3. Mobile Advertising

4. Social Advertising

5. Present is many other forms as well.

Digital Advertising Landscape

Display Eco-system

Search Eco System

Mobile Advertising Ecosystem

Social Advertising Eco System

Ad Networks

Diff Types of Ad Networks

Display Network

Performance Network

Incentivized Networks

Mobile Network

CPM/Premium Network

Google AdRollMicrosoftKomli MediaExponentialMany More

Click RocketLeadBoltInMobiChartboostMany More

TapjoyApp Engage


Millenial MediaMicrosoft AdvertisingGoogle

Search Campaigns

Types of campaign- Lead Gen, Brand Awareness, Sales and many

more depending on Campaign objective.

Typical Performance Metrix- CTR, and CPA.

Other Metrices are- CPC, CPM

1- Your Keyword CTR- How often your keyword led to click on ad.

2- Landing Page Quality- How relevant, Transparent and Easy to navigate

3- Call to Action on ad- Is it defined accurately.

4- Your Keyword/ad Relevance

5- Geographic Performance- How successful your account performance have been in the regions that you are targeting.

6- Your targeted devices- How well your ads are doing on diff targeting devices i.e. Laptop/Desktop, Mobile, Tablet etc.

Optimization points for Search Campaign

Display Campaigns

Online Display Advertising:

1- Run thru Ad exchange- Less Costly, Works best when websites users suits to your target audiences.

2- Purchase Ad Space Directly on Specific website- Comes are premium prices, more control on which website you want your ads to be places.

3- Pricing Model- CPC, CPM or CPA.

1. Integrate your online and offline marketing strategies

2. Pay attention to your creative. It should be informative, clear, concise and interesting. Keep the message and Wording Simple

3. Pay attention to the placement of ad on website

4. Avoid intrusive type of display (pop ups).

5. Ensure ads are promoted on sites where you have relevant audiences.

6. Periodically measure ROI of your campaign thru tracking tools.

Tips for Successful Online Advertising

Tools to use


2- Google Analytics

3- Microsoft Adcentre

4- Awstats

5- Yahoo Site Explorer

6- Every Display network or direct pubs provide interface to track campaign performance

Tracking and Measuring ROI

Twitter- @neerajkushwaha


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