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Post on 14-Mar-2020






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176 (WL1)

Word List

apply to \´"plaI t´\ (v) = to request sthfrom sb in writing zgłosiç si´ do,zło˝yç podanie, aplikowaç

arrange \´"reIndZ\ (v) = to make thenecessary plans and preparationsfor sth to happen zaplanowaç,ustaliç, umówiç

au pair \´U "pe´\ (n) = a nanny fromabroad opiekunka do dzieckamieszkajàca okresowo u rodziny ipomagajàca w domu z zamian zawy˝ywienie, kieszonkowe i nauk´j´zyka

builder \"bIld´\ (n) = sb who makesbuildings budowniczy

career prospects (phr) = thepossibilities of future success in ajob perspektywy rozwojuzawodowego

degree \dI"gri…\ (n) = a course of studyat a college or university; acertificate dyplom (ukoƒczeniastudiów)

enclose \In"kl´Uz\ (v) = to put insidezałàczyç, dołàczyç

estate agent \I"steIt ÆeIdZ´nt\ (n) = sbwho works for a company thatsells houses and land for peoplepoÊrednik w obrocienieruchomoÊciami

experience \Ik"spI´ri´ns\ (n) = thegrowth of knowledge and skillswhich is acquired by doing sthdoÊwiadczenie

fashion designer \"fœS´n dIÆzaIn´\ (n) =sb who designs clothes projektantmody

firefighter \"faI´ÆfaIt´\ (n) = sb whosejob is to put out fires stra˝ak

flexible \"fleksIb´l\ (adj) = able toadapt to different conditions asthey occur elastyczny

flight attendant \"flaIt ´Ætend´nt\ (n) =sb who works on an aeroplanehelping passengers steward,stewardessa

florist \"flÅrIst\ (n) = sb who owns orworks in a store which sells plantsand flowers kwiaciarz, kwiaciarka

full-time \ÆfUl "taIm\ (adj) = working forthe whole part of the working dayna pełny etat, w pełnymwymiarze godzin

gardener \"gA…dn´\ (n) = sb who takescare of plants ogrodnik

medical researcher \ÆmedIk´l rI"s‰…tS´\(n) = sb who works to find curesfor diseases naukowiec zajmujàcysi´ medycynà

payable \"peI´b´l\ (adj) = that shouldbe paid płatny, wypłacany

poorly-paid \ÆpO…li "peId\ (adj) = notearning much money słaboopłacany

qualification \ÆkwÅlIfI"keIS´n\ (n) = askill or quality needed for a job ortask kwalifikacja

reference \"ref´r´ns\ (n) = a letter thatis written by sb who knows me todescribe me and say if I amsuitable for a job or coursereferencje, rekomendacje

salary \"sœl´ri\ (n) = payment forprofessional or office work (usuallypaid monthly) pensja(miesi´czna)

sales assistant \"seIlz ´ÆsIst´nt\ (n) = sbwho sells things in a shopsprzedawca/sprzedawczyni

stockbrocker \"stÅkÆbr´Uk´\ (n) = sbwho buys and sells stocks andshares makler giełdowy

tour guide \"tU´ gaId\ (n) = sb with alot of knowledge of a given areawho takes groups of touristssightseeing przewodnikturystyczny

training \"treInIN\ (n) = preparation oreducation for a sport, an academicsubject or a job szkolenie

well-paid \Æwel "peId\ (adj) = earning alot of money dobrze płatny

adapt \´"dœpt\ (v) = to adjustprzystosowaç, dostosowaç

aim to \"eIm t´\ (v) = to try or plan todo sth mieç na celu, dà˝yç do

awareness \´"we´n´s\ (n) = knowledgeor understanding of a particularsituation or subject ÊwiadomoÊç

beyond the limits (phr) = past thepossibilities of sb or sth pozazasi´giem

bond \bÅnd\ (n) = a strong connectionand feeling of love and friendshipshared between people wi´ê

bring up \ÆbrIN "øp\ (phr v) = to raise achild wychowaç

company \"kømp´ni\ (n) = the state ofbeing with others towarzystwo

dedicated to \"dedIkeItId t´\ (adj) =devoted and committed tooddany (czemuÊ), zaanga˝owanyw coÊ

demonstrate \"dem´nstreIt\ (v) = toshow zademonstrowaç, pokazaç,zaprezentowaç

develop \dI"vel´p\ (v) = 1) to create;2) to grow; to progress tworzyç,opracowywaç; rozwijaç si´,rosnàç

dorsal fin \"dO…s´l fIn\ (n) = the fin onthe back of a sea animal that helpsit to swim płetwa grzbietowa

encounter \In"kaUnt´\ (n) =an unexpected meeting spotkanie

feared \fI´d\ (adj) = causing fear; scarystraszny, przera˝ajàcy

ferocious \f´"r´US´s\ (adj) = fierce dziki,przera˝ajàcy, niebezpieczny

gradually \"grœdZu´li\ (adv) = in a slowmanner over a long period of timestopniowo

highlight \"haIlaIt\ (v) = to attractattention to sth importantpodkreÊlaç, uwypuklaç

hypnotise \"hIpn´taIz\ (v) = to put sb ina sleep-like state zahipnotyzowaç

immobility \ÆIm´"bIlIti\ (n) = inability tomove bezruch, znieruchomienie

interaction \ÆInt´r"œkS´n\ (n) =interplay; communicationinterakcja, dialog

interpret \In"t‰…prIt\ (v) = to decide onwhat the meaning or significanceof sth is; to understandzinterpretowaç, zrozumieç

marvel at \"mA…v´l ´t\ (v) = to beamazed by sth zdumiewaç si´,podziwiaç

mindless \"maIndl´s\ (adj) =thoughtless bezmyÊlny

Module 1 Work


Abbreviations(adj) adjective (adv) adverb (conj) conjunction(idm) idiom

(n) noun(phr) phrase(phr v) phrasal verb (pl n) plural noun

(pp) past participle(prep) preposition(prep phr) prepositional phrase(pres p) present participle

(pron) pronoun(v) verb(sb) somebody(sth) something

177 (WL2)

Word List

nightmare \"naItme´\ (n) = a baddream koszmar

observe /´b"z‰…v\ (v) = to watchcarefully obserwowaç

operation \ÆÅp´"reIS´n\ (n) = a businessventure działalnoÊç, firma

perception \p´"sepS´n\ (n) = the ideathat I have of sth postrzeganie,rozumienie

pet \pet\ (v) = to stroke and touch ananimal gently głaskaç

posture \"pÅstS´\ (n) = the position inwhich sb stands or sits; a bodyposition postawa

predator \"pred´t´\ (n) = an animalthat hunts and eats other animalsdrapie˝nik

prey /preI\ (n) = an animal that ishunted and eaten by other animalszdobycz

rewarding \rI"wO…dIN\ (adj) = fulfilling;satisfying satysfakcjonujàcy,przynoszàcy zadowolenie

seek \si…k\ (v) = to try to accomplishsth ubiegaç si´ o coÊ, dà˝yç doczegoÊ

snout \snaUt\ (n) = the long nose ofsome animals pysk, ryj

status \"steIt´s\ (n) = sb’s social/professional level status, pozycja,stan rzeczy

abandon \´"bœnd´n\ (v) = to desertporzuciç, opuÊciç

a couch potato (idm) = sb whospends lots of time sitting on thesofa watching TV leniuch

a pain in the neck (idm) = sb/sththat is very annoying utrapienie

applicant \"œplIk´nt\ (n) = sb whoapplies for a job kandydat (dopracy), aplikant

apply for \´"plaI f´\ (v) = to request sthin writing ubiegaç si´ o, zło˝yçpodanie (np. o prac´)

as hard as nails (idm) = very toughtwardy jak skała

attached to \´"tœtSt t´\ (adj) = joinedto przywiàzany (emocjonalnie)

behind the times (idm) = old-fashioned staromodny,staroÊwiecki

benefit \"ben´fIt\ (n) = an advantagekorzyÊç, po˝ytek

big-headed \ÆbIg "hedId\ (adj) =conceited zarozumiały

border \"bO…d´\ (n) = the official linethat separates two countries orstates granica

buyer \"baI´\ (n) = sb who buys ahouse, a car, etc nabywca, kupiec

candidate \"kœndIdeIt\ (n) = sb who isconsidered for a position kandydat

chair \tSe´\ (n) = sb in charge of ameeting/group przewodniczàcy(rady), prowadzàcy (zebranie)

cold-hearted \Æk´Uld "hA…tId\ (adj) =unfeeling nieczuły, zimny

colleague \"kÅli…g\ (n) = sb that youwork with kolega/kole˝ankaz pracy

commit myself (phr) = to promise todo sth zobowiàzaç si´,zdeklarowaç si´

comrade \"kÅmreId\ (n) = a companionkompan, towarzysz

congratulate on \k´n"grœtSUleIt Ån\ (v)= to praise sb for an achievementpogratulowaç komuÊ czegoÊ

conservative \k´n"s‰…v´tIv\ (adj) = notliking changes konserwatywny

consumer \k´n"sju…m´\ (n) = sb whobuys things and serviceskonsument, klient

control \k´n"tr´Ul\ (v) = to havecomplete power over sb or sthkontrolowaç

crew \kru…\ (n) = a group of people whowork together on a ship or planezałoga

customer \"køst´m´\ (n) = sb who buysgoods or services from a shop orbusiness; a shopper klient

cut down on \Ækøt "daUn Ån\ (phr v) =to reduce ograniczyç, zredukowaç

deal \di…l\ (v) = to handle zajmowaçsi´ czymÊ, radziç sobie z czymÊ

direct \dI"rekt\ (v) = to be in charge ofan organisation/activity kierowaç,zarzàdzaç, dowodziç

discontinue \ÆdIsk´n"tInju…\ (v) = to stopusing or doing sth przerwaç,zaprzestaç, zrezygnowaç z czegoÊ

dismiss \dIs"mIs\ (v) = to ask sb toleave a job zwolniç z pracy

earnings \"‰…nINz\ (pl n) = the incomefrom work zarobki, dochody

easy-going \Æi…zi "g´UIN\ (adj) = calmand tolerant beztroski,wyluzowany

emotional \I"m´US´n´l\ (adj) = havingor causing strong feelingsuczuciowy, emocjonalny

employee \Im"plOIi…\ (n) = sb whoworks for sb else pracownik,zatrudniony

employer \Im"plOI´\ (n) = sb that youwork for pracodawca

fill out \ÆfIl "aUt\ (phr v) = to write allthe necessary information on aform wypełniç

fire \faI´\ (v) = to dismiss sb from ajob wywaliç/wyrzuciç z pracy

good-natured \gUd "neItS´d\ (adj) =naturally friendly dobroduszny,przyjazny

gullible \"gølIb´l\ (adj) = being easilytricked into believing sth that sbhas said naiwny, łatwowierny

hand in my notice (phr) = to tell myemployer that I’m going to leavethe job soon zło˝yçwypowiedzenie

have a heart of gold (idm) = to bekind and nice mieç złote serce

limit \"lImIt\ (n) = the greatestnumber/amount possible orpermitted granica, limit,ograniczenie

live on \"lIv Ån\ (phr v) = to findmoney to sustain myselfutrzymywaç si´ z

moody \"mu…di\ (adj) = changing moodfrequently; becoming angry oraggressive suddenly kapryÊny,humorzasty

narrow-minded \Ænœr´U "maIndId\(adj) = unwilling to accept otherpeople’s ideas ciasny,ograniczony, o wàskichhoryzontach

note \n´Ut\ (n) = a short letter notatka;krótka wiadomoÊç

partner \"pA…tn´\ (n) = sb that I amclosely involved with in a business,marriage, etc partner

patient with \"peIS´nt wID\ (adj) =staying calm; being able to acceptannoyance cierpliwy

pension \"penS´n\ (n) = a retirementfund emerytura

perfectionist \p´"fekS´nIst\ (n) = sbwho refuses to do or acceptanything that isn’t as good as itcould possibly be perfekcjonista,perfekcjonistka

perks \p‰…ks\ (pl n) = advantages orbenefits, such as money or goods,which I am given because of myjob dodatek (do pensji),dodatkowa korzyÊç


178 (WL3)

Word List

permit \"p‰…mIt\ (n) = an officialdocument which states that I maydo sth zezwolenie

personnel \Æp‰…s´"nel\ (pl n) = staffpersonel

post \p´Ust\ (n) = a job; a work positionstanowisko, posada

profit \"prÅfIt\ (n) = the money earnedfrom a business after its expenseshave been paid zysk, dochód

promotion \pr´"m´US´n\ (n) = a moveto a more important position inyour job awans

put by \ÆpUt" baI\ (phr v) = to save moneyodło˝yç, zaoszcz´dziç

qualified for \"kwÅlIfaId f´\ (adj) =trained; having a degree, diploma,etc posiadajàcy odpowiedniekwalifikacje

quick-tempered \ÆkwIk "temp´d\ (adj) =getting angry easily porywczy,wybuchowy, nieopanowany

quit \kwIt\ (v) = to leave a job, a team,a school, etc zrezygnowaç,(po)rzuciç

raise \reIz\ (v) = to increase podnieÊç,zwi´kszyç

relaxed \rI"lœkst\ (adj) = calm; notworried rozluêniony,zrelaksowany

resign \rI"zaIn\ (v) = to formallyannounce that I am leaving a postor position zrezygnowaç, ustàpiç

responsible for \rI"spÅnsIb´l f´\ (adj) =being in charge of; having theduty to take care of sb or sthodpowiedzialny za

retire \rI"taI´\ (v) = to stop workingand receive a pension przejÊç naemerytur´

rise \raIz\ (v) = to become higherwzrastaç, podnieÊç si´

run a business (phr) = to operate acompany prowadziç firm´

run out of \Ærøn "aUt ´v\ (phr v) =to have no more of sth leftskoƒczyç si´ (o np. pieniàdzach)

sack \sœk\ (v) = to fire sb from a jobwyrzuciç z pracy, zwolniç

self-conscious \Æself "kÅnS´s\ (adj) =uncomfortable about what peoplethink about me skr´powany,zakłopotany, nieÊmiały

sensible \"sensIb´l\ (adj) = based onlogic rather than emotionsensowny, rozsàdny

sentimental \ÆsentI"mentl\ (adj) =showing or expressing feelings in arather foolish way sentymentalny,uczuciowy, czułostkowy

situation \ÆsItSu"eIS´n\ (n) = a state ofaffairs sytuacja

soft-spoken \ÆsÅft "sp´Uk´n\ (adj) =having a quiet voice o łagodnymgłosie

specialise in \"speS´laIz In\ (v) = to study/work in one subject/type of businessspecjalizowaç si´ w

take out \ÆteIk "aUt\ (phr v) = to obtaina loan, a licence, etc by fulfillingcertain conditions uzyskaç,zaciàgnàç (np. kredyt)

team \ti…m\ (n) = a group of peoplewho do sth together, especiallya sport zespół

thick-skinned \ÆTIk "skInd\ (adj) = nothurt by criticism gruboskórny,odporny na krytyk´

ties \taIz\ (pl n) = connections wi´zi,zwiàzki

trainee \ÆtreI"ni…\ (n) = sb employed at alow level in a job in order to learnthe skills needed for that jobpraktykant/praktykantka,sta˝ysta/sta˝ystka

under pressure (phr) = stressed podpresjà, w warunkach stresu

vacancy \"veIk´nsi\ (n) = a job orposition which has not been filledwakat, wolna posada

warning \"wO…nIN\ (n) = a statementwhich informs sb that sthunpleasant or dangerous is likelyto happen ostrze˝enie

adjust \´"dZøst\ (v) = to become morefamiliar with a new situationprzystosowaç si´

animator \"œnImeIt´\ (n) = sb who usesdrawings, puppets or models tomake films animator, animatorka(twórca filmów animowanych)

anorak \"œn´rœk\ (n) = a waterproofjacket ocieplana kurtka z kapturem, anorak

approximately \´"prÅksIm´tli\ (adv) =roughly; about; around około, w przybli˝eniu

backpack \"bœkpœk\ (n) = a bag thatyou carry on your back plecak

contemporary dance (phr) = moderndance taniec współczesny

contract \"kÅntrœkt\ (n) = a legalagreement between two or morepeople or businesses, or betweenan employer and an employeekontrakt, umowa o prac´

determined \dI"t‰…mInd\ (adj) = certainthat I am going to do, get or besth zdecydowany,zdeterminowany

dungarees \ÆdøNg´"ri…z\ (pl n) = a one-piece garment consisting oftrousers, a piece of cloth whichcovers the chest and straps whichgo over the shoulders ogrodniczki;kombinezon

faint \feInt\ (v) = to lose consciousnesszemdleç

fee \fi…\ (n) = money paid for a certainservice opłata za usług´

fluent \"flu…´nt\ (adj) = expressed easilyand correctly in a foreign languagebiegły, płynny (np. w posługiwaniu si´ j´zykiemobcym)

footwear \"fUtwe´\ (n) = shoes, boots,etc obuwie

graduate \"grœdZueIt\ (v) = tocomplete my studies and leaveschool or university koƒczyçstudia, zostaç absolwentem

member of staff (phr) = an employeeof a company pracownik, członekpersonelu

motivate \"m´UtIveIt\ (v) = to cause sbto behave in a certain waymotywowaç, zach´caç

ponytail \"p´UniteIl\ (n) = hair tied backso that it hangs down like a horse’stail koƒski ogon (typ uczesania)

pursuit \p´"sju…t\ (n) = an attempt atachieving sth poszukiwanie,dà˝enie, poÊcig

separate \"sep´r´t\ (adj) = kept awayfrom other people/thingsoddzielony, odseparowany

situated \"sItSueItId\ (pp) = locatedpoło˝ony, znajdujàcy si´ w

catering company (phr) = a companythat provides food for parties,events, etc firma cateringowa(zajmujàca si´ aprowizacjà i obsługà)

efficient \I"fIS´nt\ (adj) = able to dotasks successfully without wastingtime or energy wydajny,skuteczny



179 (WL4)

Word List

financial security (phr) = havingenough money to keep us safe andfree from worry bezpieczeƒstwofinansowe

hazardous \"hœz´d´s\ (adj) = dangerousniebezpieczny

living expenses (phr) = the moneywe spend on food, bills, etcwydatki na ˝ycie

master \"mA…st´\ (v) = to become anexpert at sth opanowaç (wiedz´,znajomoÊç czegoÊ)

relevant \"rel´v´nt\ (adj) = importantor significant in a situationdotyczàcy (czegoÊ), odnoszàcysi´ (do czegoÊ)

admit \´d"mIt\ (v) = to let in wpuÊciç,zezwoliç na wejÊcie

allow \´"laU\ (v) = to make sth possible;to let; to permit pozwalaç,umo˝liwiaç

approve \´"pru…v\ (v) = to judge sth tobe right; to think well of sthaprobowaç, pochwalaç, popieraç

cater to \"keIt´ t´\ (v) = to satisfy sb’sneeds obsługiwaç, zaspokajaç(czyjeÊ potrzeby)

detect \dI"tekt\ (v) = to become awareof sb/sth unclear or out of sightwykrywaç, dostrzegaç

discern \dI"s‰…n\ (v) = to see sth that isunclear rozeznaç si´, dostrzec

equip \I"kwIp\ (v) = to provide toolsthat are needed for a particularpurpose wyposa˝yç, zaopatrzyçsi´

let \let\ (v) = to allow sb to do sthpozwalaç

observe \´b"z‰…v\ (v) = to watch sb/sthcarefully obserwowaç

perceive \p´"si…v\ (v) = to see andunderstand sth postrzegaç,uÊwiadamiaç sobie

provide \pr´"vaId\ (v) = to give sb sththat they need dostarczaç,zapewniaç

supply \s´"plaI \ (v) = to give sb aquantity of sth that they want orneed dostarczaç, zaopatrywaç

a feast for the senses (phr) = lots forthe eyes to see, the ears to hear,the nose to smell, etc uczta dlazmysłów

chaotic \keI"ÅtIk\ (adj) = in a totallyconfused state chaotyczny

chatter \"tSœt´\ (n) = a noisy talktrajkotanie, paplanina, gwar

cloak \kl´Uk\ (n) = a loose outergarment without sleeves peleryna

come to life (phr) = (of stories, etc) toappear realistic o˝ywiç, sprawiç,˝e coÊ wydaje si´ rzeczywiste

entirely \In"taI´li\ (adv) = completely;absolutely całkowicie, wyłàcznie

explore \Ik"splO…\ (v) = to examine; tolook into badaç, eksplorowaç

ghost tour (phr) = a tour round aplace talking about/looking forghosts nocne zwiedzaniepołàczone z gaw´dami o duchach

highlight \"haIlaIt\ (n) = the mostinteresting or exciting part of anactivity punkt kulminacyjny;główna atrakcja

jump out of my skin (idm) = to be sosurprised that the body makes asudden sharp movementpodskoczyç, wzdrygnàç si´(wskutek przera˝enia lub szoku)

lose sight of (phr) = to no longer beable to see sth straciç z polawidzenia/z oczu

lush \løS\ (adj) = (of vegetation)having many leaves and lookinghealthy and strong bujny,dorodny

shadow \"Sœd´U\ (n) = a dark shape ona surface caused by sth standingbetween the light and the surfacecieƒ

snatch \snœtS\ (v) = to take sth awayfrom sb quickly and violentlyzłapaç, schwytaç, porwaç

tree trunk (phr) = the body of a treepieƒ drzewa

underground vault (phr) = a longnarrow chamber below groundpodziemna krypta

unique \ju…"ni…k\ (adj) = being the onlyone of its kind wyjàtkowy,niepowtarzalny

vegetation \ÆvedZ´"teIS´n\ (n) = plants,trees and flowers roÊlinnoÊç

affect \´"fekt\ (v) = to have an impacton oddziaływaç, mieç wpływ na

appreciated \´"pri…SietId\ (adj) =recognised as valuable orimportant doceniony

beach resort (phr) = a holidaydestination by the sea with hotelsand other facilities nadmorskamiejscowoÊç wypoczynkowa

boast \b´Ust\ (v) = to feature adesirable characteristic chlubiç si´,szczyciç si´

breeze \bri…z\ (n) = a gentle windwietrzyk, bryza

cave \keIv\ (n) = a natural hole in theside of a cliff or mountain jaskinia,grota

challenge \"tSœlIndZ\ (n) = a difficultsituation that demands effortwyzwanie

chant \tSA…nt\ (v) = to sing religioushymns or songs Êpiewaç,intonowaç

civil war (phr) = the occasion when acountry splits into two opposingsides that fight against each otherwojna domowa

colonise \"kÅl´naIz\ (v) = (of a country)to claim authority over an areaand send citizens to live thereskolonizowaç, dokonaçkolonizacji

commercial \k´"m‰…S´l\ (adj) = relatedto buying and selling thingskomercyjny, handlowy

confide \k´n"faId\ (v) = to tell sb sthsecret zwierzyç si´ komuÊ

dotted with \"dÅtId wID\ (pp) = havingthings scattered in randompositions in an area usiany,upstrzony

downside \"daUnsaId\ (n) =a disadvantage wada, słaba strona

elaborately decorated statues (phr)= stone figures with lots ofdecoration bogato zdobioneposàgi

emergency \I"m‰…dZ´nsi\ (n) = a seriousor dangerous situation that needsimmediate action nagły wypadek,sytuacja kryzysowa

fascinating wall paintings (phr) =very interesting pictures paintedon the walls fascynujàcemalowidła Êcienne

first-rate \Æf‰…st "reIt\ (adj) = excellent;extremely good pierwszorz´dny,doskonały

gain independence (phr) = (ofa country) to break free fromanother country’s rule uzyskaçniepodległoÊç

2aModule 2 Travel & Shopping

Language Focus 1

Word List

get by \Æget "baI\ (phr v) = to deal withthings well despite difficultiesdawaç sobie rad´, radziç sobiefinansowo

give in \ÆgIv "In\ (phr v) = to stopopposing a desire, a temptation, awish, etc poddaç si´, ulec (np.pokusie)

glorious \"glO…ri´s\ (adj) = magnificentcudowny, wspaniały; chlubny

golden sands (phr) = yellow sandybeaches złote piaski

gorgeous \"gO…dZ´s\ (adj) = verybeautiful olÊniewajàcy,zachwycajàcy

growing economy (phr) = the factthat a country becomes richerrosnàca, rozwijajàca si´gospodarka

guidebook \"gaIdbUk\ (n) = a book thatgives tourists information abouta town, an area or a countryprzewodnik turystyczny (w formieksià˝kowej)

heritage site (phr) = an area/placeprotected by UNESCO because it ishistorically or culturally importantzabytek znajdujàcy si´ na liÊciedziedzictwa UNESCO

highly recommend (phr) = to believestrongly that other people shouldsee or experience sth goràcopolecaç

inland \In"lœnd\ (adv) = in a directionaway from the sea and towardsthe centre of an area of landw głàb làdu

instalment \In"stO…lm´nt\ (n) = anepisode; a part of a series odcinek(np. serialu lub powieÊci)

jet lag (phr) = a feeling of tirednessand confusion after a long journeybetween places that have a timedifference złe samopoczuciewywołane ró˝nicà pomi´dzystrefami czasowymi

just off the coast (phr) = not far fromthe part of a country where theland meets the sea niedalekowybrze˝a

lantern \"lœnt´n\ (n) = a light with aprotective case and a handlelampion

lasting impression (phr) = an effector admiration that continues for along time trwałe wra˝enie

light candles (phr) = to set fire to thewick that runs through a solidpiece of wax zapaliç Êwiece

loss of life (phr) = the fact thatpeople die straty w ludziach

magical atmosphere (phr) = a senseof magic in the air magicznaatmosfera

monk \møNk\ (n) = a member of agroup of religious men who liveaway from society mnich

monks chanting (phr) = members ofan all-male religious group singingreligious songs Êpiew mnichów

nestled \"nes´ld\ (pp) = located in a safe,sheltered position close to sth elseschowany, ukryty

optimism \"ÅptImIz´m\ (n) =hopefulness optymizm

overall \Æ´Uv´r"O…l\ (adv) = in generalw sumie, ogólnie

passer-by \ÆpA…s´ "baI\ (n) = a personwho walks past sb or sthprzechodzieƒ

pray \preI\ (v) = to speak to a godeither to ask for help or givethanks modliç si´

put up \ÆpUt "øp\ (phr v) = to stick orfasten sth to a wall so that it canbe seen przymocowaç, wznosiç,dekorowaç

sample \"sA…mp´l\ (v) = to tastepróbowaç, kosztowaç

sink back \ÆsINk "bœk\ (phr v) = to relaxinto a comfortable positionzanurzyç si´, usiàÊç wygodnie(np. w fotelu)

snooze \snu…z\ (v) = to sleep lightly fora short period of time drzemaç

soft breeze (phr) = a gentle winddelikatny wiaterek

strike \straIk\ (v) = (of sth bad) tosuddenly happen nawiedziç(o nieszcz´Êciu, katastrofie)

stroll \str´Ul\ (n) = a slow relaxed walkspacer, przechadzka

stunning \"stønIN\ (adj) = amazing;very attractive zachwycajàcy,oszałamiajàcy

temptation \temp"teIS´n\ (n) = a desireto have or do sth that I probablyshouldn’t have or do pokusa, ch´ç

traveller’s cheque (phr) = a type ofmoney used by tourists czekpodró˝ny

treat \tri…t\ (v) = to behave towards sbin a certain way potraktowaç

vast \vA…st\ (adj) = extremely largeogromny, nieprzebrany, rozległy

waves lapping gently on the shore(phr) = when the sea is calm andthe water gently touches the landfale muskajàce delikatnie làd

within easy access of (phr) = not faraway from sth w niewielkiejodległoÊci od

account \´"kaUnt\ (n) = a formalarrangement in which a bankholds money for a person orbusiness konto

admit \´d"mIt\ (v) = to allow sb toenter wpuszczaç (do Êrodka)

all-day \ÆO…l "deI\ (adj) = lasting 24 hourscałodobowy

allow \´"laU\ (v) = to permit; to letpozwalaç, umo˝liwiaç

allowance \´"laU´ns\ (n) = a sum ofmoney paid regularly to a personzasiłek; dodatek; przydział

ancient \"eInS´nt\ (adj) = belonging toa distant past, especially before theend of the Roman Empirestaro˝ytny

appeal \´"pi…l\ (n) = an attractive orinteresting quality czar, urok,atrakcyjnoÊç

archaeological site (phr) = a placethat has ancient ruins whicharchaeologists are interested instanowisko archeologiczne

bargain \"bA…g´n\ (n) = sth bought at acheaper price okazja, dobryinteres

board \bO…d\ (v) = to embark; to geton wsiàÊç (np. do pociàgu)

budget \"bødZIt\ (n) = an amount ofmoney available to spend bud˝et;iloÊç pieni´dzy do wydania

bumpy \"bømpi\ (adj) = (of a flight)having irregular movements z turbulencjami (o locie),nierówny, wyboisty

cancellation \Ækœns´"leIS´n\ (n) =thefact that a scheduledjourney/event is cancelled anddoes not take place odwołanie,anulowanie (np. lotu)

check in \ÆtSek "In\ (phr v) = to registeras a guest at a hotel or as apassenger at an airportzameldowaç si´ (w hotelu);zgłosiç si´ do odprawy (nalotnisku)


180 (WL5)

181 (WL6)

Word List

crater \"kreIt´\ (n) = a large hole in theground caused by an objecthitting it with force; a large pitforming the mouth of a volcanokrater

credit \"kredIt\ (n) = a method ofpaying for goods at a later timekredyt

day trip (phr) = a journey to a placeand back again on the same dayjednodniowa wycieczka

delay \dI"leI\ (n) = the occasion whenwe have to wait longer thanexpected for a scheduled eventopóênienie

departure lounge (phr) = a placewhere we wait before boarding aplane at an airport hala odlotów

discount \"dIskaUnt\ (n) = a reductionin the amount of money that Ihave to pay for sth zni˝ka, rabat

dock \dÅk\ (v) = (of a ship) to sail intoand stay at a port for a period oftime przybiç, zawinàç do portu

drive a hard bargain (idm) = toargue with determination toachieve a favourable deal stawiaçtwarde warunki

embark \Im"bA…k\ (v) = to go on boarda ship or plane wsiadaç (dosamolotu, na statek)

exchange rate (phr) = the value of acurrency, used when changing itinto another currency kurswymiany (walut)

exit \"egzIt\ (n) = a place where we canleave; the way out wyjÊcie

foreign currency (phr) = coins andbanknotes used in a particularcountry obca waluta

fund \fønd\ (n) = a sum of moneyfundusz; datek

get on \Æget "Ån\ (phr v) = to board abus, train, etc wsiàÊç (doautobusu, pociàgu)

guided tour (phr) = a journey arounda place that is led by a tour guidewycieczka z przewodnikiem

have itchy feet (idm) = to want toleave a place and travel nie mócusiedzieç na jednym miejscu

historic \hI"stÅrIk\ (adj) = beingimportant in history historyczny(majàcy historyczne znaczenie)

historical \hI"stÅrIk´l\ (adj) = connectedwith the study or representation ofthings from the past historyczny(który si´ wydarzył, miał miejsce)

hit the road (idm) = to set off ona journey wyruszyç w drog´

instalment \In"stO…lm´nt\ (n) = a smallamount of money that one pays atspecific times instead of all at oncerata

jam \dZœm\ (n) = a large number ofvehicles close together and unableto move korek uliczny

land \lœnd\ (v) = (of a plane) to touchthe ground wylàdowaç

leaving \"li…vIN\ (pres p) = going awaywyjazd

let \let\ (v) = to allow sb to do sthpozwalaç

live out of a suitcase (idm) = to beconstantly travelling ˝yç nawalizkach

messy \"mesi\ (adj) = disorderlyzabałaganiony, niechlujny

on board \Ån "bO…d\ (prep phr) = insidean aeroplane or ship na pokładzie

on display \Ån dI"spleI\ (prep phr) = ina particular place for people to seeeasily na wystawie

one-way \Æwøn "weI\ (adj) = (of a ticket)outward; not returning (bilet) w jednà stron´

outbound \"aUtbaUnd\ (adj) = on thejourney to somewhere (podró˝) dojakiegoÊ miejsca

package holiday (phr) = a holidayarranged by a travel agencywakacje/urlop zorganizowaneprzez biuro podró˝y

pick sb up \ÆpIk "øp\ (phr v) = to collectsb (usually by car) and take themsomewhere odebraç kogoÊ (np. z dworca kolejowego) i podwieêçgdzieÊ

purchase \"p‰…tS´s\ (v) = to buy kupiç,nabyç

put on hold (phr) = to delay; topostpone opóêniç, przeło˝yç napóêniejszy termin

receipt \rI"si…t\ (n) = a piece of papergiven to a customer by a shopowner to show that the customerhas paid for the item(s) that theypurchased paragon

refund \rI"fønd\ (n) = a sum of moneypaid back to sb zwrot pieni´dzy

retirement \rI"taI´m´nt\ (n) = the timewhen a worker leaves his job andstops working completelyemerytura

return \rI"t‰…n\ (adj) = (of a ticket) for ajourney going away and coming back(bilet) w obie strony

rip-off \"rIp Åf\ (n) = sth that is notworth what I paid for itprzepłacony zakup

rough \røf\ (adj) = (of the sea) withbig waves burzliwy, niespokojny

seaside resort (phr) = a place close tothe sea where sb can spend theirholidays nadmorska miejscowoÊçwypoczynkowa

self-catering apartment (phr) =holiday accommodation with akitchen where we can make ourown meals mieszkanie zwy˝ywieniem we własnymzakresie

set off \Æset "Åf\ (phr v) = to start ajourney wyjÊç, wyruszyç

special deal (phr) = a product witha reduced price specjalna zni˝ka

steep cliff (phr) = a high rockformation strome urwisko

stop off \ÆstÅp "Åf\ (phr v) = to take ashort break during a journey inorder to do sth zrobiç sobiekrótkà przerw´ w podró˝y

take off \ÆteIk "Åf\ (phr v) = (of anaeroplane) to leave the ground; todepart (o samolocie)wystartowaç, wznieÊç si´ w gór´

tasty local dish (phr) = delicious foodspecific to a certain place or areasmaczne miejscowe danie

tough \tøf\ (adj) = difficult trudny,wymagajàcy

tourist attraction (phr) = a popularplace that tourists visit atrakcjaturystyczna

travel light (idm) = to travel with fewbelongings podró˝owaç z niewielkà iloÊcià baga˝u

unspoilt countryside (phr) = anaturally beautiful area with noman-made alterationsdziewiczy/nieska˝ony krajobraz

value \"vœlju…\ (n) = the price that isconsidered a fair amount for sthtu: dobra cena

weekend break (phr) = a tripsomewhere for Saturday andSunday wyjazd na weekend

youth hostel (phr) = a place that issimilar to a hotel but with fewerfacilities and cheaper room ratesschronisko młodzie˝owe

182 (WL7)

Word List

archway \"A…tSweI\ (n) = an entrancepassage in the form of an archwejÊcie zwieƒczone łukiem;brama

catch my breath (phr) = to pauseduring a strenuous activity tobreathe more regularly złapaçoddech

check sth out \ÆtSek "aUt\ (phr v) = toinvestigate sth zbadaç, sprawdziç

collapse \k´"lœps\ (v) = to fall downzemdleç, zasłabnàç

courtyard \"kO…tjA…d\ (n) = an open areasurrounded by buildings or wallsdziedziniec

embarrassment \Im"bœr´sm´nt\ (n) =the feeling of being uncomfortableor nervous za˝enowanie,zakłopotanie, skr´powanie

guaranteed \Ægœr´n"ti…d\ (pp) = assuredz pewnoÊcià, posiadajàcygwarancj´

hand gesture (phr) = a signal/signmade with the hand ruch/gestr´kà

it’s the thought that counts (phr) =the thought behind an action ismore important than the actionliczà si´ intencje

overjoyed \Æ´Uv´"dZOId\ (adj) =delighted ogromnie ucieszony,wielce uradowany

overwhelming \Æ´Uv´"welmIN\ (adj) =having a strong effect on sbprzemo˝ny, nieprzeparty

premises \"premIsIz\ (pl n) = all thebuildings and land that a businessoccupies in one place obiekt

promenade \ÆprÅm´"nA…d\ (n) = a pavedpublic road along the seafrontpromenada, deptak

seafront \"si…frønt\ (n) = the part of atown on the coast next to thebeach bulwar nadmorski

shopaholic \ÆSÅp´"hÅlIk\ (n) = sb who isaddicted to shopping zakupoholik

sunstroke \"sønstr´Uk\ (n) = an illnesscaused by spending too muchtime in hot sunshine udarsłoneczny

blazing \"bleIzIN\ (adj) = burningbrightly jaskrawy, oÊlepiajàcy,palàcy, piekàcy

breathlessly \"breTl´sli\ (adv) = ina way that causes sb to pant beztchu

cosy \"k´Uzi\ (adj) = (of a room)comfortable and pleasant,especially because it is small andwarm przytulny

deafening \"def´nIN\ (adj) = extremelyloud ogłuszajàcy

freezing \"fri…zIN\ (adj) = extremelycold lodowaty

board \bO…d\ (v) = to get on; toembark wejÊç na pokład (np.samolotu)

catch \kœtS\ (v) = to take a bus, atrain, etc somewhere zdà˝yç,złapaç

change trains (phr) = to get off onetrain and get on another to reacha destination przesiàÊç si´(z jednego pociàgu na drugi)

excursion \Ik"sk‰…S´n\ (n) = a shortjourney made for pleasure,enjoyment or educationalpurposes wycieczka

fasten \"fA…s´n\ (v) = to attach sthfirmly to another object or surfacezapiàç (np. pas bezpieczeƒstwa)

flight \flaIt\ (n) = a journey made byflying in an aeroplane lot

give sb a lift (phr) = to give sb a ridein my car somewhere podwieêçkogoÊ

journey \"dZ‰…ni\ (n) = the act oftravelling from one place toanother podró˝

miss \mIs\ (v) = to fail to catch a bus, atrain, etc spóêniç si´, nie zdà˝yçna (np. autobus)

secluded \sI"klu…dId\ (adj) = (of place)quiet and private ustronny,odosobniony

trip \trIp\ (n) = a short journeywycieczka, krótka podró˝

voyage \"vOIIdZ\ (n) = a journey on aship or in a spacecraft rejs

affect \´"fekt\ (v) = to have aninfluence on sb/sth mieç wpływna coÊ

basic needs (phr) = food, water,warmth, etc podstawowepotrzeby

bullying \"bUliIN\ (n) = the act of usingmy strength or power to hurt orfrighten weaker people (usually atschool) tyranizowanie, zn´caniesi´, wymuszanie

carbon dioxide (phr) = a gas in theair we breathe dwutlenek w´gla

child labour (phr) = the state ofemploying children to work pracadzieci

crime \kraIm\ (n) = an act which is notlegal and may be punished by lawprzest´pstwo

decline \dI"klaIn\ (v) = to becomeworse obni˝aç si´, spadaç;pogarszaç si´

deforestation \di…ÆfÅrI"steIS´n\ (n) = thecutting down of trees wylesianie,wycinanie lasów

employment \Im"plOIm´nt\ (n) = thestate of being paid to work for acompany zatrudnienie

exploitation \ÆeksplOI"teIS´n\ (n) = theact of using sb/sth to myadvantage wyzysk

family planning (phr) = choosingwhen to have children and howmany to have planowanie rodziny

famine \"fœmIn\ (n) = a situation inwhich large numbers of peoplehave little or no food, and many ofthem die kl´ska głodu

figure \"fIg´\ (n) = a number liczbafossil fuels (phr) = substances, such as

coal or oil, which are made fromnaturally destroyed parts of deadanimals or plants, and are burnt toprovide heat or power paliwakopalne

global warming (phr) = a rise in theEarth’s temperature caused bypolluted gases globalneocieplenie

greenhouse gases (phr) = gases thatare created from burning fossilfuels and cause our atmosphere toheat up gazy cieplarniane

homelessness \"h´Uml´sn´s\ (n) = thecondition of not having a homebezdomnoÊç

illegal downloading of songs/films(phr) = the act of downloadingcopyrighted material from theInternet without paying for itnielegalne pobieraniepiosenek/filmów z internetu

issue \"ISu…\ (n) = a matter kwestia,zagadnienie

melt \melt\ (v) = to change from solidto liquid when heated topnieç

overfishing \Æ´Uv´"fISIN\ (n) = the act ofcatching too many fish nadmiernyodłów

Language Focus 2

Module 3 Our World



183 (WL8)

Word List

overpopulation \Æ´Uv´pÅpjU"leIS´n\ (n) =the condition of having too manypeople for the resources availablein a place przeludnienie

ozone depletion (phr) = thereduction of ozone in theatmosphere zmniejszanie si´warstwy ozonowej

polar ice caps (phr) = the hugemasses of ice at the North andSouth Poles czapy lodowe nabiegunach

poverty \"pÅv´ti\ (n) = the condition ofbeing extremely poor ubóstwo,bieda

standard of living (phr) = theamount of money and comfortthat certain people have standard˝ycia

starvation \stA…"veIS´n\ (n) = extremesuffering or death because of lackof food głód, Êmierç głodowa

trap \trœp\ (v) = to catch; to hold in aplace uwi´ziç, zatrzymaç

abandon \´"bœnd´n\ (v) = to leave aplace, a thing or a personporzuciç, opuÊciç

at risk \´t "rIsk\ (prep phr) = in dangerw niebezpieczeƒstwie

atoll \"œtÅl\ (n) = a landmass madefrom coral atol (wyspa koralowa)

attitude \"œtItju…d\ (n) = a way ofthinking and acting stosunek,postawa

aware of \´"we´r ´v\ (adj) = knowingabout sth Êwiadomy

be moved to tears (phr) = to beupset to the point of cryingwzruszyç si´ do łez

brutal \"bru…tl\ (adj) = cruel; violentbrutalny

but for (phr) = if it hadn’t been forgdyby nie

cholera \"kÅl´r´\ (n) = a serious, oftendeadly, disease of the stomach andintestines found mainly in tropicalcountries cholera

citizen \"sItIz´n\ (n) = a member ofa country, city, etc obywatel

claim \kleIm\ (v) = to believe sth to betrue twierdziç

climate change (phr) = the fact thatthe weather and temperatureschange around the world zmianaklimatyczna

consequence \"kÅnsIkw´ns\ (n) = aresult konsekwencja, skutek

contaminated \k´n"tœmIneItId\ (adj) =harmful because of chemicals orradiation zanieczyszczony,ska˝ony

declare \dI"kle´\ (v) = to formallyannounce ogłosiç, zadeklarowaç

demand \dI"mA…nd\ (v) = to ask firmlyand forcefully za˝àdaç

depend on \dI"pend Ån\ (v) = to beaffected or determined by sthzale˝eç od, byç uzale˝nionym od

draw up \ÆdrO… "øp\ (phr v) = to writedown or create a suggestion orplan sporzàdziç, opracowaç

drought \draUt\ (n) = a long period oftime in which no rain falls susza

due to \"dju… t´\ (prep) = as a result of;because of z uwagi na, z powodu,dzi´ki

effect \I"fekt\ (n) = a result; aconsequence efekt, rezultat,skutek

emerge \I"m‰…dZ\ (v) = to become knownwyłaniaç si´, ukazywaç

emergency shipment (phr) = a cargoof emergency supplies awaryjnadostawa

emigrate \"emIgreIt\ (v) = to leave mycountry in order to go and live inanother country wyemigrowaç

emotional \I"m´US´n´l\ (adj) = causingstrong feelings emocjonalny,uczuciowy

entirely \In"taI´li\ (adv) = totally; fullyw pełni, całkowicie

forefather \"fO…ÆfA…D´\ (n) = an ancestorprzodek

gas emissions (phr) = gas releasesemisja gazów

geological makeup (phr) = what sthnatural is made of, especiallyconcerning rock budowageologiczna

groundwater \"graUndÆwO…t´\ (n) =water that comes naturally fromunder the ground wody gruntowe

grow crops (phr) = to cultivate plantsto eat uprawiaç roÊliny

home-grown food (phr) = ediblecrops grown in our own countrylokalna/rodzima ˝ywnoÊç

homeland \"h´Umlœnd\ (n) = our nativecountry ojczyzna

import \"Im"pO…t\ (v) = to bring into acountry through legal meansimportowaç

inevitable \I"nevIt´b´l\ (adj) = certainto happen and can’t be preventedor avoided nieunikniony

inland \In"lœnd\ (adv) = in a directionaway from the sea and towardsthe centre of an area of land wgłàb làdu

issue \"ISu…\ (n) = a matter kwestia,zagadnienie

lack \lœk\ (sing n) = an absence of sth;a shortage brak

negotiator \nI"g´USieIt´\ (n) = sb whomediates between two parties toreach an agreement negocjator

outline \"aUtlaIn\ (v) = to give the mainideas of sth zarysowaç,przedstawiç w skrócie

phenomenon \fI"nÅmIn´n\ (n) = sththat happens and is studiedbecause it is difficult to understandzjawisko

proposal \pr´"p´Uz´l\ (n) = an idea; aplan propozycja

rainwater \"reInwO…t´\ (n) = water inthe form of rain deszczówka

remain \rI"meIn\ (v) = to continue to bepozostaç

representative \ÆreprI"zent´tIv\ (n) = sbwho acts on behalf of anotherperson or group of peopleprzedstawiciel

sea levels (phr) = the height of seawater compared to the landpoziom wód

significant \sIg"nIfIk´nt\ (adj) =important istotny, wa˝ny

significantly \sIg"nIfIk´ntli\ (adv) =considerably znaczàco, istotnie

sink \sINk\ (v) = to go below thesurface of the water zatonàç

soil \sOIl\ (n) = the top layer of earthin which plants grow gleba

spell \spel\ (v) = to mean; to result insth zwiastowaç, zapowiadaç

state of emergency (phr) = a periodwhen emergency measures are putin place to safeguard people stanwyjàtkowy

thermal expansion (phr) = the act ofgetting bigger because of heatrozszerzanie si´ wraz zewzrostem temperatury

uninhabitable \ÆønIn"hœbIt´b´l\ (adj) =unsuitable for people to live therenienadajàcy si´ do zamieszkania

vividly \"vIvIdli\ (adv) = clearly ˝ywo,barwnie, jaskrawo

water shortage (phr) = not having asufficient supply of water to meetneeds niedobór wody


184 (WL9)

Word List

active volcano (phr) = a volcanowhich may erupt at any timeczynny wulkan

advanced \´d"vA…nst\ (adj) = verymodern; ahead of the timezaawansowany, nowoczesny

affect \´"fekt\ (v) = to influencewpływaç na coÊ

aftershock \"A…ft´SÅk\ (n) = a tremorafter an earthquake wstrzàswtórny

afterthought \"A…ft´TO…t\ (n) = an ideawhich was not originally intendedbut was thought of later refleksja

ash \œS\ (n) = the greyish-white orblack powder created when avolcano erupts popiół

awake \´"weIk\ (adj) = not sleepingprzebudzony, czujny

be/get trapped (phr) = to get caughtand held in a place byçuwi´zionym; wpaÊç w pułapk´

bitterly cold (phr) = extremely coldbardzo zimny

blizzard \"blIz´d\ (n) = a snowstormwith strong winds zamieç Ênie˝na,Ênie˝yca

casualty \"kœZu´lti\ (n) = sb woundedor killed in an event ofiara(wypadku, katastrofy)

chop down \ÆtSÅp "daUn\ (phr v) = tocut down Êciàç

clean up \Ækli…n "øp\ (phr v) = to makesth neat and tidy posprzàtaç,uporzàdkowaç

collapse \k´"lœps\ (v) = to fall downzawaliç si´, zapaÊç si´

contaminate \k´n"tœmIneIt\ (v) = tomake a substance harmful byputting sth in it skaziç,zanieczyÊciç

coral reef (phr) = a formation madeof small sea creatures called coralrafa koralowa

corrected \k´"rektId\ (adj) = maderight poprawiony, skorygowany

count on \"kaUnt Ån\ (v) = to rely on sbliczyç na, polegaç na

damage \"dœmIdZ\ (v) = to harm; toinjure uszkodziç

devastating \"dev´steItIN\ (adj) = highlydestructive niszczycielski,druzgocàcy

dispose of \dI"sp´Uz ´v\ (phr v) = tothrow away unwanted thingspozbyç si´

downpour \"daUnpO…\ (n) = a suddenand unexpected heavy fall of rainulewa

endangered species (phr) = a class ofanimals or plants which is indanger of becoming extinctgatunek zagro˝ony wygini´ciem

eruption \I"røpS´n\ (n) = an instance ofhot rocks and ash exploding out ofthe top of a volcano wybuch,erupcja

evacuate \I"vœkjueIt\ (v) = (of a groupof people) to move away from aplace of danger to somewheresafer ewakuowaç

exhaust fumes (phr) = gases releasedby a vehicle when the engine isrunning spaliny

experiment on \Ik"sperIment Ån\ (v) =to carry out tests to learn sth or todiscover if sth works or is trueeksperymentowaç na

explosion \Ik"spl´UZ´n\ (n) = a forcefuloutburst of a bomb eksplozja,wybuch

forecast \"fO…kA…st\ (n) = a predictionabout sth based on giveninformation prognoza (np.pogody)

frost \frÅst\ (n) = the cold weatherconditions which allow a thin layerof powdery ice to form (also calledfrost) mróz

gain access to sth (phr) = to find away to get/have sth uzyskaçdost´p do czegoÊ

greenhouse effect (phr) = anincrease in the amount of carbondioxide and other gases in theatmosphere consideredresponsible for global warmingefekt cieplarniany

gust \gøst\ (n) = a short and suddenrush of wind poryw, podmuch(wiatru)

hurt \h‰…t\ (v) = to cause injury or painzraniç

illiteracy \I"lIt´r´si\ (n) = inability toread and write analfabetyzm

improved \Im"pru…vd\ (adj) = betterthan before ulepszony,usprawniony, polepszony

industrial waste (phr) = wasteproducts from factories odpadyprzemysłowe

infect \In"fekt\ (v) = to affect with adisease-causing organism zakaziç

influence \"Influ´ns\ (v) = to have aneffect on wpłynàç

injure \"IndZ´\ (v) = to hurt or woundzraniç, spowodowaç uraz

innocent \"In´s´nt\ (adj) = not guilty ofdoing sth wrong niewinny

knock \nÅk\ (v) = to hit sth, such as adoor, in a fast action in order toget attention zapukaç

lost lives (phr) = dead peopleofiary w ludziach

minus \"maIn´s\ (adj) = below zerominus, poni˝ej zera

missed \mIst\ (pp) = being absent andmaking sb feel sad wyt´skniony(o osobie nieobecnej, za którà si´t´skni)

oil spill (phr) = the condition when anoil tanker spills oil into the seawyciek ropy

ozone layer (phr) = the part of theEarth’s atmosphere which protectsus from the Sun warstwaozonowa

pass \pA…s\ (v) = to be given to sb elseas an inheritance; to die; to passaway przejÊç w czyjeÊ r´ce jakospadek, odejÊç (umrzeç)

pay the price (phr) = to deal with theconsequences of an actionzapłaciç cen´

poison \"pOIz´n\ (v) = to make sthdangerous by putting a lethalsubstance in it zatruç, otruç

pollute \p´"lu…t\ (v) = to make air, soilor water dirty zanieczyszczaç

poor sanitation (phr) = substandardsewage and other systems fordealing with human waste złewarunki sanitarne

powder \"paUd´\ (n) = a substanceconsisting of very fine small piecesproszek, puder

prevent from \prI"vent fr´m\ (v) = tostop sth from happeningzapobiegaç czemuÊ

primary \"praIm´ri\ (adj) = main; themost important główny,podstawowy

put forward \ÆpUt "fO…w´d\ (phr v) = tosuggest przedstawiç,zasugerowaç

put out \ÆpUt "aUt\ (phr v) = toextinguish ugasiç

racial discrimination (phr) = treatingsb differently because of their raceor skin colour dyskryminacjarasowa


185 (WL10)

Word List

recognition \Ærek´g"nIS´n\ (n) = thestate of being able to identifysb/sth bycie rozpoznawalnym,poznanie

reject \rI"dZekt\ (v) = to not accept sthor agree to do sth; to turn downodrzuciç

result from \rI"zølt fr´m\ (v) = tohappen as a consequence of sthelse wynikaç z czegoÊ, byç czegoÊskutkiem

rising \"raIzIN \ (adj) = getting higherwzrastajàcy, rosnàcy

ruin \"ru…In\ (v) = to destroy zrujnowaçspoil \spOIl\ (v) = to damage; to do

harm zepsuçsufferer \"søf´r´\ (n) = sb who suffers

from an illness osobacierpiàca/poszkodowana

throw away \ÆTr´U ´"weI\ (phr v) = toget rid of sth wyrzucaç, pozbywaçsi´

torrential rain (phr) = very heavy rainrz´sisty/ulewny deszcz

trust \trøst\ (v) = to believe that sb isgood and honest and will notharm me ufaç, wierzyç

turn off \Æt‰…n "Åf\ (phr v) = to switchoff; to stop wyłàczyç

upset \øp"set\ (v) = to make sbunhappy zmartwiç, zasmuciç

wreck \rek\ (v) = to damage; todestroy zniszczyç, powa˝nieuszkodziç

addiction \´"dIkS´n\ (n) = anuncontrollable desire to have sthregularly uzale˝nienie

affordable housing (phr) =accommodation that people onlow incomes can afford to live inbudownictwo socjalne

crack down \Ækrœk "daUn\ (phr v) =to start dealing with bad orillegal behaviour in a moresevere way wziàç si´ za coÊ,rozprawiç si´ z czymÊ

distribution \ÆdIstrI"bju…S´n\ (n) = theprocess of sharing, spreading orsupplying sth dystrybucja

gain employment (phr) = to findpaid work znaleêç zatrudnienie

health risks (phr) = dangers to ourhealth zagro˝enia dla zdrowia

increasingly \In"kri…sINli\ (adv) = moreand more coraz bardziej, corazcz´Êciej

law-abiding \"lO… ´ÆbaIdIN\ (adj) =following legal rules praworzàdny,przestrzegajàcy prawa

legitimately \l´"dZItIm´tli\ (adv) =legally; rightfully zgodnie zprawem, legalnie

malnourishment \Æmœl"nørISm´nt\ (n) =the state of being underfedniedo˝ywienie

merchandise \"m‰…tS´ndaIz\ (v) =products for sale towar, produkty

morality \m´"rœlIti\ (n) = the beliefthat some behaviour is right andsome is wrong moralnoÊç

piracy \"paIr´si\ (n) = illegally copyingcomputer programs, music, films,etc and selling them piractwo(nielegalne kopiowanie plików)

struggle \"strøg´l\ (v) = to experiencedifficulty with sth walczyç,zmagaç si´

treatment centre (phr) = medicalcentre oÊrodek leczniczy

waiting list (phr) = a list of peoplewho have asked for sth whichis not immediately available butwhich they might be able toreceive in the future listaoczekujàcych

installation \ÆInst´"leIS´n\ (n) = puttingsome equipment in position orinto working order instalacja,monta˝

landfill \"lœndfIl\ (n) = a large deephole where large amounts ofrubbish are put wysypisko

renewable \rI"nju…´b´l\ (adj) = (ofenergy) generated by naturalsources, such as wind, water andsunlight odnawialny

carbon emissions (phr) = carbondioxide gas released into theatmosphere emisja dwutlenkuw´gla

carpooling \"kA…pu…lIN\ (n) = thepractice of a group of peopletaking turns to drive each other towork, or drive each other’schildren to school, rather thanusing separate cars naprzemiennepodwo˝enie si´ samochodemprzez grup´ osób

global proportions (phr) = beingextremely important; affecting thewhole world (o) rozmiarachglobalnych, (o) zasi´guglobalnym

hunger \"høNg´\ (n) = the need forfood głód

irrigation system (phr) = a means ofautomatically watering plants andcrops system nawadniajàcy

yield \ji…ld\ (n) = a harvest; theamount of sth produced or grownprodukcja, uzysk, plon

litter \"lIt´\ (n) = garbage; rubbishÊmieci

rubbish \"røbIS\ (n) = garbage; trashÊmieci

waste \weIst\ (n) = anything whichhas been used and is not neededanymore odpady

bite my lips (phr) = to press the softparts of the front of my mouthbetween the teeth przygryêçwargi

bite my nails (phr) = to press thehard parts on the end of myfingers between the teeth ogryzaçpaznokcie

doubtful \"daUtf´l\ (adj) = unsure;having doubts powàtpiewajàcy,pełen wàtpliwoÊci

frustrated \frø"streItId\ (adj) = annoyedand discouraged sfrustrowany

have a broad smile (phr) = to stretchmy mouth wide and/or show theteeth in pleasure szeroko si´uÊmiechaç

insecure \ÆInsI"kjU´\ (adj) = notconfident about my abilities,knowledge, etc niepewny

lower the corners of my mouth(phr) = to drop the outer edges ofmy mouth lower than the restrobiç ponurà min´ przezopuszczenie kàcików ust

open mouth (phr) = having droppedthe lower jaw (z) otwartymi (zezdumienia) ustami

point my finger at sb (phr) = toextend my index finger in sb’sdirection to draw attention tothem wskazaç kogoÊ palcem

Language Focus 3

Module 4 Moods & Feelings




186 (WL11)

Word List

raised eyebrows (phr) = with myeyebrows lifted up with the facialmuscles uniesione brwi

rub my neck (phr) = to move myhand backwards and forwards overthe back of the necktrzeç/pocieraç kark

scratch my head (phr) = to run mynails on the top of the headdrapaç si´ w głow´

stand with crossed legs and foldedarms (phr) = to stand with all thelimbs tucked in and overlappingeach other staç ze skrzy˝owanyminogami i zało˝onymi r´kami

tense \tens\ (adj) = anxious; nervousnapi´ty, spi´ty

yawn \jO…n\ (v) = to open my mouthvery wide and breathe in more airthan usual ziewaç

accomplishment \´"kømplISm´nt\ (n) =an achievement osiàgni´cie

adrenaline \´"dren´lIn\ (n) =a substance that the bodyproduces when we are angry,scared or excited adrenalina

alone \´"l´Un\ (adv) = withoutconsidering anything else tylko,jedynie

beneficial \Æben´"fIS´l\ (adj) = helpfuland good dobroczynny, korzystny

blood flow (phr) = the movement ofblood around the body przepływkrwi

by far (phr) = more than the restniewàtpliwie, zdecydowanie

chronic stress (phr) = long-termanxiety długotrwały stres

continually \k´n"tInju´li\ (adv) = all thetime wcià˝, ustawicznie

cortisol \"kO…tIzÅl\ (n) = a hormone inthe body kortyzol

counsellor \"kaUns´l´\ (n) = sb whogives advice on a specified subject(e.g. personal or social problems)doradca, psycholog

cure \kjU´\ (n) = a treatment ormedicine that makes a diseasedisappear lekarstwo

disease \dI"zi…z\ (n) = a serious illnesschoroba

disheartened \dIs"hA…tnd\ (adj) =disappointed zniech´cony,przygn´biony

distinguish between \dI"stINgwISbItwi…n\ (v) = to tell the differencebetween two or more thingsrozró˝niç mi´dzy

distress \dI"stres\ (n) = a medical termfor negative stress negatywnystres; cierpienie, rozpacz

embrace \Im"breIs\ (v) = to acceptzaakceptowaç, przyjàç dowiadomoÊci

energise \"en´dZaIz\ (v) = to giveenergy to sb/sth dodaç wigoru,wzmocniç, pobudziç

ensure \In"SU´\ (v) = to make certainupewniç si´, zagwarantowaç,zapewniç

eustress \ju"stres\ (n) = a medical termfor positive stress lekki(pozytywny) stres

evolve \I"vÅlv\ (v) = to develop; tochange wyewoluowaç, zmieniçsi´

face \feIs\ (v) = to deal with a problemthat will affect me stawiç czoła,uporaç si´ z

former \"fO…m´\ (adj) = the first of twothings previously mentionedpierwszy (z dwóch wymienionychwczeÊniej elementów), tenwczeÊniejszy

fully functional (phr) = workingproperly w pełni sprawny

handle \"hœndl\ (v) = to deal or copewith a problem or situation radziçsobie

hard-earned cash (phr) = the moneythat I have worked hard to earnci´˝ko zarobione pieniàdze

health benefits (phr) = positiveeffects on our health korzyÊcizdrowotne

hormone \"hO…m´Un\ (n) = a chemicalmade by living cells, which makesan organ of our body do sthhormon

immune system (n) = the systemconsisting of all the organs andprocesses in our body, whichprotects us from illness andinfection system immunologiczny

in effect (phr) = in realityw rezultacie, w rzeczywistoÊci

in the short term (phr) = from nowtill a time in the near future nakrótkà met´

industry \"Ind´stri\ (n) = all thecompanies, factories and peoplethat produce things for saleprzemysł

inescapable \ÆInI"skeIp´b´l\ (adj) =unavoidable nieunikniony

initial \I"nIS´l\ (adj) = happening at thebeginning poczàtkowy

loud and clear (phr) = very clear andeasy to understand głoÊnyi wyraêny

make sth worth it (phr) = to makesth deserve the effort I put into it(o wysiłku) opłaciç si´

massage ball (phr) = a foam orrubber ball which sb squeezes torelieve stress kula do masa˝u

mild \maIld\ (adj) = not severełagodny, umiarkowany, delikatny

minimise \"mInImaIz\ (v) = to lower sthbad to the lowest possible levelzminimalizowaç, zmniejszyç

neurological disease (phr) = anillness related to the nerveschoroba nerwowa

on the contrary (phr) = the oppositeof what has just been stated is truewprost przeciwnie

perceive \p´"si…v\ (v) = to see andunderstand sth postrzegaç

physical exercise (phr) = activities toexercise the body çwiczeniafizyczne

positive effect (phr) = sth that hasa good influence pozytywnyskutek

practitioner \prœk"tIS´n´\ (n) = sb whopractises medicine lekarz praktyk

professional assistance (phr) = helpfrom sb who is a professional intheir field fachowa pomoc

psychiatrist \saI"kaItrIst\ (n) = a doctorof emotional problems psychiatra

psychologist \saI"kÅl´dZIst\ (n) = sbwho treats illnesses of the mindpsycholog

push my body to the limit (idm) = togo to the extent of my physicalability daç z siebie wszystko

secrete \sI"kri…t\ (v) = to produce liquidwydzielaç

sensation \sen"seIS´n\ (n) = a generalfeeling or impression wra˝enie,odczucie

serve a function (phr) = to performa task pełniç funkcj´

speed up \Æspi…d "øp\ (phr v) = to gofaster przyspieszyç

sth takes a heavy toll on sb (idm) =sth has a seriously bad effect on sbmieç fatalny wpływ na


187 (WL12)

Word List

strengthen \"streNT´n\ (v) = to makesth stronger wzmocniç

stress management practitioner(phr) = a doctor who helps peopleto deal with stress osobaprofesjonalnie zajmujàca si´leczeniem stresu

stress-related illnesses (phr) =diseases related to the amount ofanxiety in our life chorobywywołane stresem

suffer from \"søf´ fr´m\ (v) = to have adisease skar˝yç si´ na, cierpieç na

the heart beats (phr) = the heartmoves and pumps blood sercebije

the risk of (phr) = the threat of sthryzyko, groêba

to a large extent (phr) = mostlyw du˝ym stopniu

treat a condition (phr) = to takemedicine or do sth to recover froma health problem leczyçschorzenie

under circumstances of (phr) =in a situation of wokolicznoÊciach, w kontekÊcie

undoubtedly \øn"daUtIdli\ (adv) = in away which emphasises that sthexists or is true niewàtpliwie, bezwàtpienia

workout \"w‰…kaUt\ (n) = an exerciseroutine zaprawa, trening,çwiczenia

a matter of life and death (idm) = avery serious and life-threateningissue sprawa ˝ycia i Êmierci

attempt \´"tempt\ (v) = to make aneffort usiłowaç, próbowaç

break up \ÆbreIk "øp\ (phr v) = (of acouple) to split up rozejÊç si´,przestaç byç razem

breathe new life into sth (idm) = torefresh sth old tchnàç w coÊ ˝ycie,o˝ywiç

bring about \ÆbrIN ´"baUt\ (phr v) = tocause sth to happenspowodowaç, wywołaç

content \k´n"tent\ (adj) = fairly happyand satisfied zadowolony

costly \"kÅstli\ (adj) = costing a lot ofmoney kosztowny, drogi

deal with \"di…l wID\ (phr v) = to tryand solve poradziç sobie

depressed \dI"prest\ (adj) = feeling verysad and generally unhappyprzygn´biony, w depresji

deserve \dI"z‰…v\ (v) = to earn sthbecause of my good actions/qualities zasługiwaç na

devastated \"dev´steItId\ (adj) =extremely shocked and upsetzdruzgotany, załamany

divorced \dI"vO…st\ (adj) = havingended a marriage rozwiedziony,rozwiedziona

engaged \In"geIdZd\ (adj) = havingpromised to marry sb zar´czony,zar´czona

fall apart \ÆfO…l ´"pA…t\ (phr v) = to losemy emotional calm załamaç si´

fall for \"fO…l f´\ (phr v) = to fall in lovewith sb zakochaç si´ w

fulfil \fUl"fIl\ (v) = to do what I saidthat I would do spełniç,zrealizowaç

full of life (idm) = energetic pełen˝ycia

gap year (phr) = a year taken offuniversity to gain life experiencerok przerwy przed pójÊciem nastudia

get promoted (phr) = to be given amore important job or rank in theorganisation that I work for dostaçawans

hand down \Æhœnd "daUn\ (phr v) =to give sth to a younger familymember because I want them tohave it przekazaç coÊ (w ramachspadku)

improve \Im"pru…v\ (v) = to become ormake sth better polepszyç,usprawniç

in the prime of our life (idm) = atour physical peak w najlepszymokresie ˝ycia

invaluable \In"vœlju´b´l\ (adj) =extremely useful nieoceniony

laid off \leId "Åf\ (pp) = having lost myjob because there is no more workfor me to do zwolniony (z pracy)

make sb redundant (phr) = to lay sboff zwolniç kogoÊ

open up \Æ´Up´n "øp\ (phr v) = to startsaying exactly what I think or feelotworzyç si´

petrified \"petrIfaId\ (adj) = extremelyfrightened; paralysed with fearsparali˝owany strachem,osłupiały

priceless \"praIsl´s\ (adj) = being wortha large amount of moneybezcenny

progress \pr´"gres\ (v) = to improve ordevelop in skills, knowledge, etcrobiç post´py

prolong \pr´"lÅN\ (v) = to extend; tolengthen przedłu˝yç

prompt \prÅmpt\ (v) = to encouragesb; to cause sth to happen as areaction zach´ciç, skłoniç (kogoÊdo czegoÊ); wywołaç,spowodowaç, doprowadziç do

pursue \p´"sju…\ (v) = to keep trying toachieve sth realizowaç, dà˝yç do

renovate \"ren´veIt\ (v) = to repair andimprove sth and get it into goodcondition odnowiç

restore \rI"stO…\ (v) = to cause sth or sbto be in a particular situation againprzywróciç, odnowiç, odbudowaç

satisfied \"sœtIsfaId\ (adj) = pleasedzadowolony

satisfy \"sœtIsfaI\ (v) = to be goodenough for a purpose spełniç,zadowoliç

seek \si…k\ (v) = to look for poszukiwaçself-centred \Æself "sent´d\ (adj) =

thinking about myself all the timeegocentryczny

senior citizen (phr) = a pensionersenior

settle down \Æsetl "daUn\ (phr v) = tostart having a quiet lifeustatkowaç si´

sth is worth (phr) = sth is consideredto have a certain value coÊ jestwarte

sort out \ÆsO…t "aUt\ (phr v) = to do whatis necessary to solve a problem ororganise the details załatwiç,ustaliç, uporzàdkowaç

take care of (phr) = to look after sbzajmowaç si´ czymÊ

that’s life! (phr) = bad events willsometimes happen and have to beaccepted Takie jest ˝ycie!

toddler \"tÅdl´\ (n) = a young childwho has only just learnt to walkbrzdàc, szkrab, dziecko uczàce si´chodziç

upbringing \"øpÆbrININ\ (sing n) = theway parents educate and treattheir children as they grow upwychowanie

value \"vœlju…\ (v) = to think sb or sth isimportant, and appreciate themceniç sobie

voting age (phr) = being old enoughto vote wiek uprawniajàcy dogłosowania


188 (WL13)

Word List

widow \"wId´U\ (n) = a woman whosehusband has died wdowa

wind down \ÆwaInd "daUn\ (phr v) = torelax odpr´˝yç si´, zrelaksowaç

worthless \"w‰…Tl´s\ (adj) = having novalue or use bezwartoÊciowy

adolescence \Æœd´"les´ns\ (n) = theperiod between childhood andadulthood okres dorastania

adopted \´"dÅptId\ (adj) = (of a child)legally taken by a family to belooked after as their ownadoptowany

bond \bÅnd\ (n) = a legal writtenagreement or promise; a strongconnection zobowiàzanie; wi´ê

confident \"kÅnfId´nt\ (adj) = assuredpewny, przekonany

debate \dI"beIt\ (n) = a formaldiscussion on a subject on whichpeople have different viewsdebata, dyskusja

energetic \Æen´"dZetIk\ (adj) = activeaktywny, energiczny

enhance \In"hA…ns\ (v) = to improve thevalue, quality or attractiveness ofsth ulepszyç, poprawiç,wzmocniç

gene \dZi…n\ (n) = a section of DNAwhich codes for an inheritedcharacteristic, e.g. eye colour gen

get the brain ticking (phr) = to getmy brain to start thinking o˝ywiçumysł, pobudziç myÊlenie

inherit \In"herIt\ (v) = to be left money,property, etc in sb’s willodziedziczyç

inseparable \In"sep´r´b´l\ (adj) = (oftwo or more people) unable to beseparated nierozłàczny,nierozdzielny

nurture \"n‰…tS´\ (v) = to care for achild while growingwychowywaç, piel´gnowaç

obsessed with \´b"sest wID\ (adj) =thinking about sth all the timemajàcy obsesj´ na jakimÊ punkcie

poverty \"pÅv´ti\ (n) = the condition ofbeing extremely poor ubóstwo

social element (phr) = an aspect ofsth that involves interacting withother people aspekt społeczny

social environment (phr) = therelationships that sb has with otherpeople Êrodowisko społeczne

take up \ÆteIk "øp\ (phr v) = to start anew activity zainteresowaç si´czymÊ

tune \tju…nz\ (n) = a melody melodiauntroubled \øn"trøb´ld\ (adj) = relaxed

beztroski, spokojnywealth \welT\ (n) = the possession of a

large amount of money, propertyor other valuable thingsbogactwo, zamo˝noÊç

decrease \dI"kri…s\ (v) = to become lesszmniejszyç si´

fulfil \fUl"fIl\ (v) = to make sth cometrue spełniç, zrealizowaç

reduce \rI"dju…s\ (v) = to becomesmaller or less in price, number,etc obni˝yç, zredukowaç

sample \"sA…mp´l\ (v) = to tastepróbowaç, kosztowaç

serve \s‰…v\ (v) = to act as posłu˝yçshrink \SrINk\ (v) = to become smaller

in size skurczyç si´

art movement (phr) = an influentialart style or trend kierunek wsztuce

audience \"O…di´ns\ (n) = a group ofpeople gathered to watch a play,film, etc widownia, publicznoÊç

be inspired by (phr) = to beinfluenced by inspirowaç si´(czymÊ)

be performed \bi p´"fO…m\ (v) = (of aplay) to be put on zostaçwystawionym (o spektaklu itp.)

cast \kA…st\ (n) = all the actors in a film,play or show obsada(w filmie)

exhibit \Ig"zIbIt\ (v) = to show sthpublicly wystawiaç (np. dziełasztuki)

exhibition \ÆeksI"bIS´n\ (n) = a publicevent where paintings, sculptures,etc are shown openly wystawa

focus on \"f´Uk´s Ån\ (phr v) = toconcentrate on skupiaç si´ na

full house (phr) = (of a theatre) withall the seats reserved pełnawidownia

landscape painting (phr) = a paintingof a scene in the countrysidepejza˝

lighting effects (n) = special visualeffects created by lights efektyÊwietlne

live \laIv\ (adv) = happening now na˝ywo

release \rI"li…s\ (n) = a new CD or filmthat is available for people to buyor see nowe wydawnictwo (np.album z muzykà lub film)

stage \steIdZ\ (n) = the raised area of atheatre that actors and performersstand on scena

works of art (phr) = pieces of artdzieła sztuki

absorb \´b"sO…b\ (v) = to interest sb agreat deal and take up all theirattention and energy pochłaniaç(np. czyjàÊ uwag´)

animated characters (phr) = cartooncharacters postaci z kreskówek

animation \ÆœnI"meIS´n\ (n) = theprocess of making films in whichdrawings or puppets appear tomove animacja

apply \´"plaI\ (v) = to use; to put intopractice stosowaç

aspect \"œspekt\ (n) = a feature; acharacteristic aspekt

authentic \O…"TentIk\ (adj) = realautentyczny, prawdziwy

box office hit (phr) = a film’s successin terms of the number of ticketssold sukces kasowy

catch up to \ÆkœtS "øp t´\ (phr v) = toprogress to the same level orstandard as sb else nadrobiç,dogoniç, zrównaç si´ poziomemz

come along \Ækøm ´"lÅN\ (phr v) = toarrive; to appear pojawiç si´,przybyç

computer-generated imagery (phr)= images made by computergraphics obraz generowanykomputerowo

copy \"kÅpi\ (v) = to produce sth thatlooks like the original thing; toimitate skopiowaç, naÊladowaç

detailed \"di…teIld\ (adj) = having lots ofdetail szczegółowy, drobiazgowy

develop \dI"vel´p\ (v) = to make; tocreate tworzyç, rozwijaç

digital character (phr) = a charactermade with computer graphicspostaç wygenerowana cyfrowo

enhance \In"hA…ns\ (v) = to improve sthulepszyç, poprawiç, wzmocniç

equipped with \I"kwIpt wID\ (pp) =having specific equipmentwyposa˝ony w

5aLanguage Focus 4

Module 5 Art


189 (WL14)

Word List

expert in \"eksp‰…t In\ (phr) = sb who isvery knowledgeable about aparticular area ekspert w (jakiejÊdziedzinie)

eyepiece \"aIpi…s\ (n) = the glass piecein a telescope, microscope orcamera okular

facial expression (phr) = the look onsb’s face showing what they thinkand feel wyraz twarzy

field of knowledge (phr) = a subjectarea dziedzina wiedzy

full range (phr) = including all thepossible options pełny zakres

fusion \"fju…Z´n\ (n) = the joining oftwo or more things to form onefuzja, połàczenie

groundbreaking \"graUndÆbreIkIN\ (adj)= very new and different fromother things przełomowy

headgear \"hedgI´\ (n) = apparatusthat we wear on the head nakryciegłowy

human expression (phr) = a way inwhich humans physically expressthemselves ludzki wyraz (np.twarzy)

humanoid tribe (phr) = a group ofaliens who have humanlike bodieswith two arms, two legs and ahead plemi´ istotczłekopodobnych

influence \"Influ´ns\ (v) = to have aneffect on sb wpływaç

integrate with \"Int´greIt wID\ (v) = tomix or join with zintegrowaç,połàczyç

interact \ÆInt´r"œkt\ (v) = tocommunicate komunikowaç si´,oddziaływaç na siebie wzajemnie

landscape \"lœndskeIp\ (n) = an area ofcountryside or land of a particulartype krajobraz

lead the way (idm) = to be the first todo sth prowadziç, byç na czele

lifelike \"laIflaIk\ (adj) = almost real jak˝ywy, realistyczny

light year (phr) = the distance thatlight can travel in one year rokÊwietlny

limitation \ÆlImI"teIS´n\ (n) = arestriction; stopping sth fromprogressing further ograniczenie

live action scene (phr) = a scene in afilm with real actors and setsscena realistyczna/z udziałemprawdziwych aktorów

make a dream come true (idm) = torealise my goals spełniç marzenie

marker \"mA…k´\ (n) = a thing thatshows the position or existence ofa particular quality or featureznacznik, wskaênik

motion capture techniques (phr) =ways to film small movements touse in animation technikirejestracji ruchu

muscle \"møs´l\ (n) = a piece of elasticbody tissue that can be tightenedor relaxed to produce movementmi´sieƒ

one-of-a-kind \Æwøn ´v ´ "kaInd\ (adj) =unique jedyny w swoim rodzaju

production stage (phr) = the area ina studio where a film or TV show isproduced strefa produkcji

realistic movement (phr) = amovement that seems realrealistyczny ruch

record \rI"kO…d\ (v) = to put sounds andpictures onto a tape, so that theycan be seen and heard laternagraç

reflector \rI"flekt´\ (n) = an object witha surface that reflects lightÊwiatełko odblaskowe

simulation camera (phr) = a specialcamera used to film animatedsequences kamera u˝ywana dofilmowania scen animowanych

special effects (phr) = computergraphics or technical skills used ina play or film to create an illusionefekty specjalne

state-of-the-art technology (phr) =the very latest technologynajnowsza technologia

surrounding (phr) = the area aroundsb or sth otoczenie

take sth a step further (idm) = toadvance sth more zrobiç krokdalej

the media \D´ "mi…di´\ (pl n) =television, radio and newspapersmedia, Êrodki masowegoprzekazu

three-dimensional computergraphics (phr) = 3D picturesproduced on computerstrójwymiarowa grafikakomputerowa

truly \"tru…li\ (adv) = really naprawd´,prawdziwie

virtual image (phr) = an image madeby a computer that seems realobraz wirtualny

visual effects (phr) = images createdby special equipment efektywizualne

widely \"waIdli\ (adv) = to a largedegree szeroko

author \"O…T´\ (n) = sb who writes abook, an article, etc autor/autorka,pisarz/pisarka

backing singers (phr) = the singerswho accompany the main singerwokaliÊci wspierajàcy

book tickets (phr) = to reserve ticketsfor a concert, a cinema, a journey,etc zarezerwowaç bilety

box office (phr) = the place where webuy tickets for a film, a play, etckasa biletowa

bring out \ÆbrIN "aUt\ (phr v) = torelease a music album or filmwydaç, opublikowaç

bring the house down (idm) = tomake the audience laugh, clap orcheer loudly for a long timebecause they liked theperformance dostaç owacj´

broadsheet \"brO…dSi…t\ (n) = a large-sized newspaper usuallyconsidered serious in contentgazeta du˝ego formatu

call off \ÆkO…l "Åf\ (phr v) = to cancel anactivity odwołaç

canvas \"kœnv´s\ (n) = a strong heavycloth used by artists for painting onpłótno (malarskie)

chapter \"tSœpt´\ (n) = each of theseparate parts that a book isdivided into rozdział

choir \kwaI´\ (n) = a group of peoplewho sing in public, usually duringchurch services chór

column \"kÅl´m\ (n) = an article on aparticular subject in a newspaperor magazine kolumna, szpalta;felieton, artykuł

composer \k´m"p´Uz´\ (n) = sb whowrites music kompozytor

conductor \k´n"døkt´\ (n) = sb whodirects an orchestra dyrygent

convincing \k´n"vInsIN\ (adj) =believable przekonujàcy

coverage \"køv´rIdZ\ (n) = thereporting of a piece of newsrelacja, sprawozdanie

current affairs (phr) = political eventsand social problems discussed inthe media sprawybie˝àce/aktualne


190 (WL15)

Word List

document \"dÅkjUment\ (v) = to recordthe details of an event or processudokumentowaç, zarejestrowaç

dressing room (phr) = a room wherean actor gets into costumegarderoba

dubbed \døbd\ (adj) = having thesounds and speech on a film or TVprogramme changed to a differentlanguage z dubbingiem

earn a nomination (phr) = to be inthe running for an award zdobyçnominacj´

editorial \ÆedI"tO…ri´l\ (n) = the part ofthe newspaper where the editorwrites his/her comments artykułredakcyjny/wst´pny

fiction \"fIkS´n\ (n) = sth that is nottrue or real beletrystyka, literaturapi´kna

gifted \"gIftId\ (adj) = having a specialtalent or ability uzdolniony,utalentowany

glossy \"glÅsi\ (adj) = (of a magazine)printed on shiny high-qualitypaper lÊniàcy, błyszczàcy,ilustrowany

harmony \"hA…m´ni\ (n) = notes ofmusic combined together in apleasant way harmonia

headlines \"hedlaInz\ (pl n) = thewords in large letters above anewspaper story tytuły prasowe,nagłówki

highlight \"haIlaIt\ (n) the mostinteresting or exciting part of anevent punkt kulminacyjny;główna atrakcja

in reality \In ri"œlIti\ (prep phr) = inreal life w rzeczywistoÊci

keep my feet on the ground (idm) =to remain practical and see thingsas they really are twardo stàpaçpo ziemi

melody \"mel´di\ (n) = a tune melodiamorning paper (phr) = the morning

edition of a daily newspapergazeta poranna

novel \"nÅv´l\ (n) = a long writtenstory with imaginary charactersand events powieÊç

oils \OIlz\ (pl n) = paints made from oilsfarby olejne

on screen \Ån "skri…n\ (prep phr) =appearing on the cinema/TVscreen na ekranie

on stage \Ån "steIdZ\ (prep phr) =appearing on a theatre stage nascenie

out of print \ÆaUt ´v "prInt\ (prep phr) =(of a book) its copies are no longerbeing produced wyczerpany(o nakładzie ksià˝ki)

out of stock \ÆaUt ´v "stÅk\ (prep phr) =(of a product) temporarilyunavailable in a shop wyprzedany

outstanding \aUt"stœndIN\ (adj) =extremely good wyró˝niajàcy si´,wybitny

paintbrush \"peIntbrøS\ (n) = a toolwith small pieces of hair used topaint a surface or create a picturep´dzel malarski

perform \p´"fO…m\ (v) = to act or do sthmusical, theatrical, etc to entertainan audience graç, braç udziałw przedstawieniu

premiere \"premie´\ (n) = the firstshowing/performance of afilm/play premiera

prop \prÅp\ (n) = an object used bythe actors performing in a play orfilm rekwizyt

publisher \"pøblIS´\ (n) = the companythat produces a book, a magazine,a newspaper, etc wydawca

put off \ÆpUt "Åf\ (phr v) = to delaydoing sth until later odkładaç napóêniejszy termin

put sth down to sth else \ÆpUt "daUn t´\(phr v) = to think that sth iscaused by sth else zło˝yç coÊ nakarb czegoÊ

rehearsal \rI"h‰…s´l\ (n) = a run-throughof a play or dance before theperformance próba

release \rI"li…s\ (v) = to make sthavailable for people to buy wydaç,opublikowaç

screenwriter \"skri…nÆraIt´\ (n) = sb whowrites the script of a film or TVshow; a scriptwriter scenarzysta

sign up \ÆsaIn "øp\ (phr v) = to sign acontract officially agreeing to dosth, or to become a member of aclub, etc zapisaç si´

sing my heart out (idm) = to sing tothe best of my ability Êpiewaç z maksymalnym zaanga˝owaniem

single \"sINg´l\ (n) = an individual songby an artist released for sale singiel

steal the show (idm) = to get a lot ofattention or praise because Iperform better than anyone else ina show or other event przyçmiçreszt´ obsady, skupiç na sobiecałà uwag´

stunt \stønt\ (n) = a difficult ordangerous action wyczyn, popis,numer kaskaderski

support \s´"pO…t\ (n) = help orencouragement given to sb in anespecially difficult situationwsparcie, zach´ta

sweep the board (idm) = to wineverything that is availablezgarnàç całà pul´

tabloid \"tœblOId\ (n) = a small-sizednewspaper containing light articlesand gossip tabloid, brukowiec

the centre of attention (phr) = sbthat everyone is paying attentionto centrum uwagi

viewing habits (phr) = what peopleregularly watch on TVprzyzwyczajenia widzów,oglàdalnoÊç

acting talent (phr) = sb’s naturalability to act well talent aktorski

breathtaking performance (phr) =an outstanding performancewyst´p zapierajàcy dech w piersiach

countless awards (phr) = a largenumber of prizes rozlicznenagrody

growl \graUl\ (v) = to make a deeprough sound in the throat, usuallyin anger warczeç, pomrukiwaç

in the flesh (idm) = face-to-faceosobiÊcie, we własnej osobie

main role (phr) = the leading partgłówna rola

standing ovation (phr) = an audiencestanding up and applauding toshow their admiration owacja nastojàco

story spans (phr) = a story covers acertain period of time fabułarozgrywa si´ w czasie

supporting cast (phr) = the otheractors apart from the leading onesaktorzy drugoplanowi

unreleased \ÆønrI"li…st\ (adj) = (of a CD,a film, etc) not available to thepublic yet przedpremierowy

upcoming \"øpÆkømIN\ (adj) =happening in the near futurezbli˝ajàcy si´, nadchodzàcy

venue \"venju…\ (n) = a place wherea special event happens miejsce(spotkania, koncertu, imprezy)


191 (WL16)

Word List

worth renting (phr) = (of a DVD)deserving the money it costs torent it warty wypo˝yczenia

genre \"ZÅnr´\ (n) = a particular type ofan art form gatunek (np. filmowy)

page-turner \ÆpeIdZ "t‰…n´\ (n) = a veryinteresting book that makes uswant to keep reading it ksià˝kaczytana jednym tchem

predictable \prI"dIkt´b´l\ (adj) =expected; anticipatedprzewidywalny

sequel \"si…kw´l\ (n) = a book, a film ora play which continues the story ofa previous version dalszy ciàg,kontynuacja (np. ksià˝ki lub filmu)

simplistic \sIm"plIstIk\ (adj) = very easyto understand naiwnie prosty,nazbyt uproszczony

spectacular \spek"tœkjUl´\ (adj) =impressive widowiskowy,spektakularny, imponujàcy

spooky \"spu…ki\ (adj) = frightening andghostly nawiedzany przez duchy,upiorny, straszliwy

suspense \s´"spens\ (n) = a feeling ofworry or excitement about sth thatwill happen napi´cie, nastrójoczekiwania

tragic \"trœdZIk\ (adj) = extremely sadas it involves suffering or deathtragiczny

peak \pi…k\ (adj) = of the best, highestor greatest level or amount szczyt(sezonu)

prime time (phr) = peak viewing timesgodziny najwi´kszej oglàdalnoÊci

subtitled \"søbtaItld\ (adj) = having thewords of a film character written insmall captions at the bottom ofthe screen (especially when inanother language) z napisami

give sb/take top billing (phr) = (in ashow, a film, etc) to be advertisedas the most important actor byçprzedstawianym jako gwiazda

translate \trœns"leIt\ (v) = to changewords into a different languageprzetłumaczyç, przeło˝yç

break my arm (phr) = to break a bonein my arm złamaç r´k´

burn my hand (phr) = to injure myhand with heat doznaç oparzeniadłoni

graze my knee (phr) = to scrape theskin off my knee (usually by fallingdown) otrzeç kolano

have a cough (phr) = to force air outof my lungs through my throatwith a short loud sound kaszleç

have a fever (phr) = to have a hightemperature mieç wysokàgoràczk´

have a headache (phr) = to have apain in the head cierpieç na bólgłowy

have a sore throat (phr) = to have apain in the space inside the frontof the neck mieç ból gardła

have backache (phr) = to have a painin the back odczuwaç ból pleców

have the measles (phr) = to sufferfrom an illness which includes ared rash and a high temperaturebyç chorym na odr´

have toothache (phr) = to have apain in a tooth cierpieç na bólz´ba

pull a muscle (phr) = to injure amuscle by stretching it too far sothat it is very painful naciàgnàçmi´sieƒ

sprain my ankle (phr) = to cause aninjury to the joint that connectsthe foot to the leg by a suddenmovement zwichnàç nog´ wkostce

a bite to eat (phr) = a snack coÊ nazàb

accidentally \ÆœksI"dentli\ (adv) = noton purpose; by mistakeprzypadkowo

almond \"A…m´nd\ (n) = a type of nutmigdał

apple pips (phr) = the seeds in themiddle of an apple pestki jabłka

bitter \"bIt´\ (adj) = having a sharpunpleasant taste gorzki

cancer causing (phr) = having theability to cause the developmentof cancerous growths in the bodywywołujàcy raka, rakotwórczy

capture \"kœptS´\ (v) = to catch; totrap pojmaç, schwytaç

carcinogenic \ÆkA…sIn´"dZenIk\ (adj) =likely to cause cancer rakotwórczy

chewed \tSu…d\ (pp) = crushed by theteeth ˝uty

chopped \tSÅpt\ (pp) = cut into smallpieces with a knife siekany

colonist \"kÅl´nIst\ (n) = sb who goesto live in a country which is underthe control of a more powerfulcountry kolonizator

compound \"kÅmpaUnd\ (n) =a chemical that combines two ormore elements zwiàzek chemiczny

countless \"kaUntl´s\ (adj) = endless;numerous niezliczony

crushed \krøSt\ (pp) = ground orpressed until flat zgnieciony,zmia˝d˝ony

cyanide \"saI´naId\ (n) = a powerfulpoison cyjanek

damp \dœmp\ (adj) = moist; slightlywet wilgotny

deadly nightshade (phr) =a poisonous plant pokrzyk wilczajagoda

deadly poison (phr) = a toxicsubstance that can kill Êmiertelnatrucizna

deadly secret (phr) = informationthat is dangerous to knowÊmiertelna tajemnica

decay \dI"keI\ (v) = to be graduallydestroyed by a natural processgniç, rozkładaç si´

discourage \dIs"kørIdZ\ (v) = to try andstop sth happening zniech´caç

enemy \"en´mi\ (n) = an opponent; sbwho tries to harm us wróg,przeciwnik

export \"ekspO…t\ (n) = a product soldto another country produkteksportowany

fall into a coma (phr) = to becomeunconscious for an indefinite timezapaÊç w Êpiàczk´

fatal combination (phr) = two ormore things which when mixedcan kill Êmiertelnakombinacja/połàczenie

fool \fu…l\ (v) = to trick; to deceiveoszukaç, wyprowadziç w pole

fungus \"føNg´s\ (n) = (pl: fungi) anorganism that gets its food fromdecaying material grzyb

harmless \"hA…ml´s\ (adj) = notdangerous nieszkodliwy

heat-processed \"hi…t Æpr´Usest\ (adj) =treated with heat poddanyobróbce cieplnej

highly poisonous (phr) = very toxicbardzo toksyczny


Language Focus 5

Module 6 Food & Health


192 (WL17)

Word List

hydrogen cyanide (phr) = a powerfulpoison cyjanowodór

illegal \I"li…g´l\ (adj) = against the lawnielegalny

in particular (phr) = particularly;especially w szczególnoÊci,zwłaszcza

innocent appearance (phr) = lookinglike it can do no harm niewinnywyglàd

lurk \l‰…k\ (v) = to hide and waitsomewhere czaiç si´

mushroom \"møSrUm\ (n) = a fungus,i.e. a plant without flowers, leavesor green colouring, with a shortstem and a round top grzyb

oil \OIl\ (n) = a thick liquid used forcooking oliwa

organism \"O…g´nIz´m\ (n) = an animalor plant organizm

paste \peIst\ (n) = a soft, wet, thickmixture which can be spread easilypasta, papka

peckish \"pekIS\ (adj) = slightly hungrynieco głodny

poison \"pOIz´n\ (n) = a substance thatcan be fatal trucizna

potentially fatal (phr) = able to kill incertain circumstances potencjalnieÊmiertelny

powder \"paUd´\ (n) = a substanceconsisting of very fine small piecesproszek, puder

raw \rO…\ (adj) = uncooked surowyrazor-sharp knife (phr) = a very sharp

cutting utensil nó˝ ostry jakbrzytwa

recipe \"resIpi\ (n) = a list ofingredients and a set ofinstructions telling us how to cooksth przepis kulinarny

remove \rI"mu…v\ (v) = to get rid of sth;to make sth disappear usunàç

seed \si…d\ (n) = a small hard part fromwhich a new plant grows ziarno

self-defence system (phr) = a meansof protecting myself from attacksystem samoobrony

Shiitake mushroom (phr) = a type ofedible fungus twardnik japoƒski(gatunek jadalnego grzyba)

sliced \slaIst\ (pp) = cut into equal thinpieces pokrojony na plasterki

slip \slIp\ (v) = to lose my balance andfall while moving on a wet or icysurface poÊlizgnàç si´

solanine \"s´Ul´naIn\ (n) = a poisonouschemical solanina

spy \spaI\ (n) = sb whose job is to findout secret information aboutanother country or organisationszpieg

stem \stem\ (n) = the thin and longpart of a plant on which theflowers and leaves grow łodyga

stomach upsets (phr) = stomachache, diarrhoea and vomitingrozstrój ˝ołàdka

swallow \"swÅl´U\ (v) = to cause foodto go from the mouth down intothe stomach połykaç

take a closer look (phr) = to look atsth more carefully przyjrzeç si´ zbliska

thrive \TraIv\ (v) = to grow strong andhealthy pi´knie rosnàç, rozwijaçsi´

trace \treIs\ (n) = a very small amountof sth Êlad (niewielka iloÊç)

tumour \"tju…m´\ (n) = a mass ofdiseased cells which might cause alump or cancer guz

victim \"vIktIm\ (n) = a person or ananimal that is injured or killedofiara

weak \wi…k\ (adj) = exhausted słabywhite button mushroom (phr) = the

most common type of ediblefungus pieczarkadwuzarodnikowa

add \œd\ (v) = to put sth with sth elseor a group of other things dodaç

apply \´"plaI\ (v) = to put a substanceonto a surface nakładaç,smarowaç

bake \beIk\ (v) = to cook bread orcakes in an oven piec wpiekarniku

be a real pain in the neck (idm) = tobe very annoying and irritatingbyç prawdziwym utrapieniem

beat \bi…t\ (v) = to mix togetherrozbełtaç, ubiç

be obsessed with sth (phr) = tothink about sth all the time mieçobsesj´ na punkcie czegoÊ

bite \baIt\ (v) = to close my teethupon sth gryêç

bland \blœnd\ (adj) = (of foods)tasteless mdły, nijaki, bez smaku

bloated \"bl´UtId\ (adj) = (of a part ofthe body) enlarged due to liquidor gas spuchni´ty, wzd´ty(brzuch)

boil \bOIl\ (v) = to heat a liquid untilbubbles appear ugotowaç,doprowadzajàc do temperaturywrzenia

bruise \bru…z\ (n) = an injuryappearing as a purple mark on thebody siniec

chew \tSu…\ (v) = to bite food andbreak it into small pieces ˝uç,prze˝uwaç

cold \k´Uld\ (n) = an infection thatincludes a cough, a runny noseand sneezing przezi´bienie

come down with \Ækøm "daUn wID\(phr v) = to get an illnesszachorowaç na

cook \kUk\ (v) = to prepare food foreating by heating it gotowaç

cope (with sth) \k´Up\ (v) = to dealwith a situation successfully radziçsobie (z czymÊ)

cough \kÅf\ (n) = the action of forcingair out of our lungs through ourthroat with a short loud soundkaszel

cramps \krœmps\ (pl n) = sharp painsin the abdomen skurcze

craving (for sth) \"kreIvIN\ (n) = astrong desire to eat sth inparticular pragnienie (czegoÊ)

creamy \"kri…mi\ (adj) = (of food ordrink) thick and smooth orcontaining a lot of creamkremowy, Êmietankowy

crunch \krøntS\ (v) = to eat sth bymaking a loud crushing soundchrupaç

crunchy \"krøntSi\ (adj) = pleasantlyhard or crisp so that it makes anoise when we eat it chrupiàcy,chrupki

cure \kjU´\ (v) = to cause a disease orillness to end or disappear withmedical treatment wyleczyç

cut \køt\ (v) = to divide into piecesusing scissors or a knife pociàç

cut down on \Ækøt "daUn Ån\ (phr v) =to use or do less of sth ograniczyç,zredukowaç

decrease \dI"kri…s\ (v) = to become lesszmniejszyç si´, zmaleç

diarrhoea \ÆdaI´"rI´\ (n) = liquid bodywaste due to illness biegunka

fever \"fi…v´\ (n) = a higher bodytemperature than usual goràczka

flu \flu…\ (n) = an illness withsymptoms including a hightemperature and a runny nosegrypa


193 (WL18)

Word List

food poisoning (phr) = an illnesscaused by eating bad foodzatrucie pokarmowe

fresh \freS\ (adj) = (of food) maderecently Êwie˝y

fry \fraI\ (v) = to cook in hot oil or fatsma˝yç

get in shape (phr) = to become fitterand in better physical conditiondojÊç do formy, zadbaç o lini´

grate \greIt\ (v) = to rub food over asharp metal utensil so that it is cutinto very small pieces trzeç natarce

grill \grIl\ (v) = to cook by using verystrong heat directly above orbelow food sma˝yç na ruszcie,grillowaç

have a big mouth (idm) = to tellpeople’s secrets to others mieçdługi j´zyk

have a sweet tooth (idm) = to likeeating sugary food uwielbiaçsłodycze

headache \"hedeIk\ (n) = a pain in thehead ból głowy

heal \hi…l\ (v) = to become healthyafter an injury or illness wyleczyçsi´, zagoiç si´

hives \haIvz\ (pl n) = raised red bumpson the skin, usually as an allergicreaction to sth pokrzywka(choroba)

hot and spicy (phr) = having a verystrong flavour ostro przyprawiony,ostry i pikantny

lick \lIk\ (v) = to move my tongueacross the surface of sth lizaç

melt \melt\ (v) = to change from solidto liquid when heated topnieç,topiç si´

migraine \"mi…greIn\ (n) = a severeheadache which affects one side ofthe head and can cause distortedvision and nausea migrena, ostryból głowy

mix \mIks\ (v) = to blend sth with sthelse wymieszaç, połàczyç ze sobà

munch \møntS\ (v) = to chew foodnoisily chrupaç; ˝uç, prze˝uwaç

nausea \"nO…zi´\ (n) = a feeling ofsickness and vomiting mdłoÊci,nudnoÊci

neck \nek\ (n) = the part of the bodythat connects the head to thebody szyja

nose \n´Uz\ (n) = the part of the bodyon the face that we use to smellwith nos

oven \"øv´n\ (n) = a kitchen applianceused for baking or roasting foodpiekarnik

pain \peIn\ (n) = extreme discomfortból

painkiller \"peInÆkIl´\ (n) = themedicine that we take to relieveourselves of physical pain Êrodekprzeciwbólowy

pass out \ÆpA…s "aUt\ (phr v) = to faintzemdleç, straciç przytomnoÊç

peel \pi…l\ (v) = to remove the skin offruit and vegetables obieraç zeskórki

poach \p´UtS\ (v) = to cook gently inboiling water dusiç (gotowaçw małej iloÊci wody lub mleka)

pour \pO…\ (v) = to transfer a liquidfrom one container to anothernalaç, wlaç

prescribe \prI"skraIb\ (v) = (of a doctor)to say what medicine or treatmentsb should have zapisaç lekarstwo,wypisaç recept´

pull sb’s leg (idm) = to tease sb orfool them into believing sth thatisn’t true, as a joke nabraç kogoÊ

put on \ÆpUt "Ån\ (phr v) = to gain(weight) przybraç (na wadze)

rash \rœS\ (n) = a dry red infected areaof the skin that is itchy wysypka

reaction \ri"œkS´n\ (n) = an action orfeeling caused by sth reakcja,oddziaływanie

recover from \rI"køv´ fr´m\ (v) = to goback to a normal physical ormental state wyzdrowieç

relieve \rI"li…v\ (v) = to make sthunpleasant less intense, or cause itto disappear completely ul˝yç,przynieÊç ulg´

rich (in sth) \rItS\ (adj) = (of a food)containing a lot of sth bogaty w

ripe \raIp\ (adj) = (of fruit) ready to eatdojrzały

rise \raIz\ (v) = to become higherwzrosnàç

roast \r´Ust\ (v) = to cook food in anoven piec (np. mi´so wpiekarniku)

rotten \"rÅtn\ (adj) = (of food)decayed; so reduced in qualitythat it can’t be used zgniły,zepsuty

salty \"sO…lti\ (adj) = containing a lot ofsalt słony

sip \sIp\ (v) = to drink in smallamounts popijaç, sàczyç małymiłykami

snack \snœk\ (v) = to eat a smallamount of food podjadaç,zagryzaç

sour \saU´\ (adj) = having a sharp,unpleasant, acidic taste likevinegar or lemon juice kwaÊny

spread \spred\ (v) = to use a knife tocover food with another, softerfood rozsmarowaç

sprinkle \"sprINk´l\ (v) = to add smallquantities of sth to sth else tu:posypaç, spryskaç

stew \stju…\ (v) = to cook in liquid in aclosed dish dusiç

stir \st‰…\ (v) = to mix materials using aspoon zamieszaç

sweet \swi…t\ (adj) = containing a lot ofsugar słodki

take pleasure in sth (phr) = to enjoysth czerpaç z czegoÊ przyjemnoÊç

temperature \"tempr´tS´\ (n) = ameasure of how hot or cold sth istemperatura

thicken \"TIk´n\ (v) = (of a foodsubstance) to become denserg´stnieç

throat \Tr´Ut\ (n) = the front insidepart of the neck gardło

throw \Tr´U\ (v) = to move the handquickly and let the object that I amholding go so that it flies throughthe air rzuciç

treat \tri…t\ (v) = to cure leczyçvision \"vIZ´n\ (n) = the ability to see

widzenie, wzrokwaist \weIst\ (n) = the part of the

body above the hips talia, wci´ciewhisk \wIsk\ (v) = to mix sth using a

metal utensil (also called a whisk)ubijaç (trzepaczkà)

crops \krÅps\ (pl n) = plants cultivatedin large amounts roÊliny uprawne

depressed \dI"prest\ (adj) = sad andunable to enjoy anythingprzygn´biony

gene \dZi…n\ (n) = a section of DNAthat codes for an inheritedcharacteristic, e.g. eye colour gen

intellectual property law (phr) = arule which states that sb’s idea,invention, creation, etc can beprotected by law from beingcopied by sb else prawowłasnoÊci intelektualnej

nutritionist \nju…"trIS´nIst\ (n) =a dietician dietetyk


194 (WL19)

Word List

overweight \Æ´Uv´"weIt\ (adj) = havingexcess weight majàcy nadwag´

pass down \ÆpA…s "daUn\ (phr v) = togive sth to the next generationprzekazaç (z pokolenia napokolenie)

potential \p´"tenS´l\ (n) = abilitypotencjał, mo˝liwoÊç

resist \rI"zIst\ (v) = to stop myself fromdoing sth although I would like todo it oprzeç si´, powstrzymaç odczegoÊ

seed \si…d\ (n) = a small round or ovalobject produced by a plant fromwhich new plants can grow ziarno

alcohol \"œlk´hÅl\ (n) = a liquid whichcan make us drunk, and is alsoused in fuel and medicines alkohol

allergic \´"l‰…dZIk\ (adj) = experiencingadverse effects when I inhale,touch or eat a certain substanceuczulony

antibodies \"œntIÆbÅdiz\ (pl n) =proteins produced in the bloodwhich fight diseases by attackingand killing harmful bacteriaprzeciwciała

bacteria \bœk"tI´ri´\ (pl n) = smallliving organisms that can oftencause a disease bakterie

balanced diet (phr) = a diet thatcombines the proper kind andamount of food needed tomaintain health and growthzrównowa˝ona dieta

breathing difficulties (phr) = thecondition of having problemsmoving air in and out of the lungstrudnoÊci z oddychaniem

comfort food (phr) = food that sbeats to make them feel better coÊdo zjedzenia na popraw´ nastroju

course \kO…s\ (n) = each of the parts ofa meal (starter, main course,dessert, etc) danie

crash diet (phr) = a way of losingbody weight quickly by eatingvery little intensywna dietaodchudzajàca

dairy products (phr) = foods madefrom milk, e.g. cheese, yoghurt,etc produkty mleczne, nabiał

digestive system (phr) = the set oforgans in our body that digest thefood we eat układ trawienny

energy drink (phr) = a drink thatcontains a lot of glucose to giveenergy napój energetyczny

fast food (phr) = unhealthy food,such as a burger, which is quick tocook or is already cooked, and istherefore served very quickly in arestaurant fast food; jedzenieserwowane w barach szybkiej obsługi

fizzy drink (phr) = a drink made withcarbonated water napój gazowany

helping \"helpIN\ (n) = a quantity of foodenough for one person at a mealporcja

hot dish (phr) = a dish that is servedhot goràce danie

illness \"Iln´s\ (n) = the fact orexperience of being ill choroba

immune system (phr) = the organsand processes in the body whichprotect us from illness andinfection system odpornoÊciowy

injury \"IndZ´ri\ (n) = physical harm ordamage to the body uraz,kontuzja

intolerant to \In"tÅl´r´nt t´\ (adj) =unable to digest a particular foodin a normal way without feeling illcierpiàcy na nietolerancj´ (naprodukty ˝ywnoÊciowe)

junk food (phr) = food with little tono nutritional value niezdrowejedzenie o niskiej wartoÊciod˝ywczej

portion \"pO…S´n\ (n) = an amount offood served in a restaurant porcja

respirator \"respIreIt´\ (n) = apparatusthat helps sb breathe respirator,aparat do oddychania

serving \"s‰…vIN\ (n) = an amount offood enough for one person, asshown in recipes porcja

sickness \"sIkn´s\ (n) = nausea; beingabout to vomit wymioty, mdłoÊci

side dish (phr) = a dish thataccompanies a main meal dodatekdo dania głównego, przystawka

soft drink (phr) = a non-alcoholicdrink napój bezalkoholowy

sparkling water (phr) = fizzy/carbonated water woda gazowana

still water (phr) = bottled water thatis not fizzy woda niegazowana

symptom \"sImpt´m\ (n) = a sign that Ihave a particular illness symptom,objaw

tap water (phr) = water from the tapthat we can drink woda z kranu

traditional dish (phr) = a dish thathas been eaten in a certainplace/way for a long timetradycyjna potrawa

vast \vA…st\ (adj) = extremely largeogromny, niezmierny

vegetarian diet (phr) = a diet thatdoes not include meat dietawegetariaƒska

ancient \"eInS´nt\ (adj) = very oldstaro˝ytny

associated with \´"s´USieItId wID\ (pp)= one thing connected withanother in sb’s mind kojarzony z

disappearance \ÆdIs´"pI´r´ns\ (n) = thefact that sth goes missingznikni´cie

evidence \"evId´ns\ (n) = proof dowód,Êwiadectwo

extraterrestrial \Æekstr´t´"restri´l\ (adj)= originating from another planetpozaziemski

hit headlines (phr) = (of a piece ofnews) to be front-page news trafiçna czołówki gazet

occurrence \´"kør´ns\ (n) = an eventzdarzenie, zjawisko

ocean floor (phr) = the bottom of thesea dno oceanu

press release (phr) = a publicstatement given to newspapers topublish komunikat prasowy

sink \sINk\ (v) = to fall beneath thewater zatonàç

supernatural \Æsu…p´"nœtS´r´l\ (adj) =not explained by sciencenadprzyrodzony

accomplish \´"kømplIS\ (v) = tosucceed in doing sth zrealizowaç,ukoƒczyç

accuracy \"œkjUr´si\ (n) = the state ofbeing exact and correctdokładnoÊç

acre \"eIk´\ (n) = a unit of land equalto 4,047 square metres akr(jednostka powierzchni = ok. 4tys. metrów kw.)

aliens \"eIli´nz\ (pl n) = creatures fromanother planet kosmici, obcy,istoty z innej planety


Module 7 Civilisations &Science

Language Focus 6

195 (WL20)

Word List

amplify \"œmplIfaI\ (v) = to make sthlouder/stronger wzmacniaç,powi´kszaç

astronomical calendar (phr) = a tableshowing the days, weeks andmonths of the year related to thestars kalendarzastronomiczny/gwiezdny

awe \O…\ (n) = wonder podziw,nabo˝na czeÊç

be confronted \bi k´n"frøntId\ (v) = toface or meet sth zetknàç si´

burial ground (phr) = a graveyardcmentarz

clearly visible (phr) = easily seenwyraênie widoczny

coastline \"k´UstlaIn\ (n) = the part ofthe land that is next to the sealinia brzegowa; wybrze˝e

construct \k´n"strøkt\ (v) = to buildskonstruowaç, zbudowaç

decompose \Ædi…k´m"p´Uz\ (v) = to rotrozkładaç si´

defy explanation (phr) = to beimpossible to explain niepoddawaç si´ wyjaÊnieniom

depict constellations (phr) = (ofpictures, etc) to show anarrangement of stars in the skyprzedstawiaç gwiazdozbiory

encode \In"k´ud\ (v) = to work codedinformation into sth zakodowaç,zaszyfrowaç

energy field (phr) = an area aroundsth which contains somemysterious power poleenergetyczne

exceed \Ik"si…d\ (v) = to be more thana number/limit przekraczaç

faraway \ÆfA…r´"weI\ (adj) = being ata great distance from a certainpoint daleki, odległy

feat \fi…t\ (n) = sth difficult whichrequires skills to achieve wyczyn,dokonanie

gather \"gœD´\ (v) = to collect and puttogether zbieraç, gromadziç

giant stone monoliths (phr) = verylarge statues made of rockgigantyczne kamienne posàgi

guard \gA…d\ (v) = to protect sth pełniçstra˝, chroniç

healing site (phr) = a place said tohave powers to heal wounds andcure diseases miejsce znanez uzdrowieƒ

in disbelief \In ÆdIsbI"li…f\ (prep phr) =without believing sth to be truez niedowierzaniem

intriguing site (phr) = a fascinatingplace intrygujàce miejsce

isolated \"aIs´leItId\ (adj) = far awayfrom other people; secludedodludny, odosobniony

landing strip (phr) = a piece ofasphalt used for landing planespas do làdowania, làdowisko

massive \"mœsIv\ (adj) = very bigmasywny, ogromny

perfectly aligned (phr) = accuratelylined up with sth ustawionyidealnie (wzgl´dem czegoÊ)

provoke feelings (phr) = to make sbhave certain feelings wywoływaçuczucia

puzzle \"pøzl\ (v) = to confuse sbstanowiç zagadk´, dawaç domyÊlenia

raise questions (phr) = to bring upquestions rodziç pytania

razor blade \"reIz´ bleId\ (n) = a sharptool used for shaving ˝yletka

religious significance (phr) = beingimportant to a particular religionznaczenie religijne

set eyes on (phr) = to see sth for thefirst time zobaczyç/ujrzeç coÊ

shake my head (phr) = to move myhead from side to side potrzàsnàçgłowà

sheer \SI´\ (adj) = and only this sam,sama

shrouded in \"SraudId In\ (pp) = hiddenby being covered with sthspowity, otulony (czymÊ)

sth lives up to my expectations (phr)= sth is as good as I expected it tobe (coÊ) spełnia oczekiwania

sth makes my jaw drop (idm) = sthmakes me feel surprised, thereforeI open my mouth wide (coÊ)powoduje, ˝e szcz´ka opada

speechless \"spi…tSl´s\ (adj) = unable tospeak because of surprise, shock oramazement oniemiały, niemy

stand in the presence of (phr) = tobe in the same place as sb/sth staçw czyjejÊ obecnoÊci

summit \"sømIt\ (n) = the top of sth(usually a mountain) szczyt,wierzchołek

surreal \s´"rI´l\ (adj) = seemingdreamlike and unrealsurrealistyczny

taunt \tO…nt\ (v) = to tease sb; to causea reaction dokuczaç, szydziç

wonder \"wønd´\ (n) = amazementzdumienie, zdziwienie

workmanship \"w‰…km´nSIp\ (n) = theskill with which sth was madewykonawstwo, fachowoÊç

a cock and bull story (idm) = amade-up story; an outcome ofimagination bajeczka, zmyÊlonahistoria

abduction \œb"døkS´n\ (n) = akidnapping porwanie,uprowadzenie

be in the dark (idm) = to not knowthe truth about sth nie mieç o czymÊ poj´cia

calm down \ÆkA…m "daUn\ (phr v) = tobecome relaxed and quietuspokoiç si´

carving \"kA…vIN\ (n) = a shape orpattern cut into stone, wood,glass, etc rzeêba

come across \Ækøm ´"krÅs\ (phr v) = tofind by chance natknàç si´przypadkiem, natrafiç (na coÊ)

complicated \"kÅmplIkeItId\ (adj) = (ofa work of art) consisting of manyfine details skomplikowany,zło˝ony

concrete evidence (phr) = definiteproof definitywny/ostatecznydowód

conquer \"kÅNk´\ (v) = to defeat sbwith an army podbijaç, pokonaç

constellation \ÆkÅnst´"leIS´n\ (n) = anarrangement of stars in the skykonstelacja, gwiazdozbiór

cover up \Ækøv´r "øp\ (phr v) = to notreveal zakryç, zatuszowaç

decline \dI"klaIn\ (v) = to grow smalleror worse pogorszyç si´; chyliç si´ku upadkowi, traciç na znaczeniu

emit \I"mIt\ (v) = to give off emitowaçencounter \In"kaUnt´\ (v) = an

unexpected meeting spotkanie,kontakt

expand \Ik"spœnd\ (v) = to becomebigger zwi´kszaç si´, rozszerzaçsi´

exploration \Æekspl´"reIS´n\ (n) = theact of investigating a placebadanie, eksploracja

extend \Ik"stend\ (v) = to cover aparticular area rozciàgaç si´

fake \feIk\ (adj) = not realnieprawdziwy, fałszywy

flourish \"flørIS\ (v) = to grow wellkwitnàç, dobrze prosperowaç


196 (WL21)

Word List

gravity \"grœvIti\ (n) = a natural forcethat attracts objects to each otherand makes things fall to theground grawitacja

hide sth behind closed doors (idm)= to not reveal sth to the publicukrywaç coÊ przed opiniàpublicznà

land \lœnd\ (v) = to come down to theground wylàdowaç

launch \lO…ntS\ (v) = to send aspacecraft into the sky wystrzeliç

light year \"laIt jI´\ (n) = the distancethat light can travel in a year rokÊwietlny

mysterious powers (phr) = abilities orqualities that cannot be explainedtajemne moce

orbit \"O…bIt\ (v) = to travel around aplanet krà˝yç, okrà˝aç

pass out \ÆpA…s "aUt\ (phr v) = to loseconsciousness zemdleç, straciçprzytomnoÊç

put forward \ÆpUt "fO…w´d\ (phr v) = tosuggest (a new theory)przedstawiç, zaproponowaç

remote \rI"m´Ut\ (adj) = far away fromanything daleki, odległy

rotate \r´U"teIt\ (v) = to revolveobracaç si´

shooting star \"Su…tIN stA…\ (n) = a starthat moves quickly across the skyspadajàca gwiazda

sighting \"saItIN\ (n) = an instancewhere sth strange is seenpojawienie si´, zaobserwowanie

solar system \"s´Ul´ ÆsIst´m\ (n) = a sunand the planets around it UkładSłoneczny

space shuttle \"speIs ÆSøtl\ (n) =a human spacecraft promkosmiczny, wahadłowiec

temple \"templ\ (n) = a place ofworship Êwiàtynia

the truth will come out (idm) = thetruth will be made known prawdawyjdzie na jaw

unlock \øn"lÅk\ (v) = to reveal sth; toexplain sth ujawniaç, odsłaniaç

unsolved \Æøn"sÅlvd\ (adj) = (ofa mystery) without answersniewyjaÊniony, nierozwikłany

worship \"w‰…SIp\ (v) = to idolise orpraise sth/sb czciç, wyznawaç

alien encounter (phr) = a meetingwith creatures from other planetskontakt z przedstawicielamicywilizacji pozaziemskiej

debris \"debri…\ (n) = broken pieces ofsth that has been destroyedszczàtki

distant galaxies (phr) = collections ofstars and planets that are far awayodległe galaktyki

dome-shaped ceiling (phr) = theinside surface of a room when welook up that is rounded sufitw kształcie kopuły

experimental \IkÆsperI"ment´l\ (adj) =relating to sth that has not beentried or tested yeteksperymentalny, doÊwiadczalny

in depth \In "depT\ (prep phr) = ingreat detail dogł´bnie,szczegółowo

literate \"lIt´r´t\ (adj) = able to readand write piÊmienny, umiejàcyczytaç i pisaç

planetarium \ÆplœnI"te´ri´m\ (n) = aplace where moving images of thesky at night are shownplanetarium

simultaneously \ÆsIm´l"teInI´sli\ (adv) =at the same time równoczeÊnie,jednoczeÊnie

soar \sO…\ (v) = to fly high abovewzlecieç, poszybowaç do góry

speculation \ÆspekjU"leIS´n\ (n) =guessing the answers to a questionthat I don’t have all the answersfor spekulacja

wonders of the universe (phr) = theamazing things in space cudawszechÊwiata

wreckage \"rekIdZ\ (n) = the remains ofa vehicle after an accident wrak

design \dI"zaIn\ (n) = a drawing orplan of sth projekt, rysunek

invent \In"vent\ (n) = to think of andmake sth new wynaleêç

pattern \"pœt´n\ (n) = an organisedarrangement of shapes and lineswzór, wzorzec

peak \pi…k\ (n) = the highest level ofsth szczyt

point \pOInt\ (n) = a specific placemiejsce, punkt

recover \rI"køv´\ (v) = to get back sthlost odzyskaç

sign \saIn\ (n) = a mark or shape thathas a particular meaning znak

top \tÅp\ (n) = the highest part of sthgóra, wierzchołek

uncover \øn"køv´\ (n) = to revealodkryç, odsłoniç, rozwikłaç

nursery school \"n‰…s´ri sku…l\ (n) = aschool for children between 3 and5 years old przedszkole

primary school \"praIm´ri sku…l\ (n) = aschool for young children, usuallyaged 5 to 11 szkoła podstawowa

secondary school \"sek´nd´ri sku…l\ (n)= the school that we attendbetween the ages of 11 and 18szkoła Êrednia

sixth form college \"sIksT fO…m ÆkÅlIdZ\(n) = (in Britain) a schoolproviding education for studentsaged 16-18 (w Wlk. Brytanii)szkoła Êrednia dla uczniów wwieku 16-18 lat

state school \"steIt sku…l\ (n) = a schoolrun by the government thatprovides free education szkołapaƒstwowa

accessible \´k"sesIb´l\ (adj) = easilyreached dost´pny

critical thinking (phr) = developingour own ideas by considering asituation carefully myÊleniekrytyczne

curriculum \k´"rIkjUl´m\ (n) = thesubjects that are taught in a schoolprogram nauczania

dedicate to \"dedIkeIt t´\ (v) = todevote to poÊwi´ciç

environmental conservation (phr) =protection of animals, plants andnatural resources ochronaÊrodowiska naturalnego

expand /Iks"pœnd/ (v) = to increase insize, number, amount orimportance zwi´kszyç, rozszerzyç

former \"fO…m´\ (adj) = havingpreviously been in another statepoprzedni, były, wczeÊniejszy

founder /"faUnd´/ (n) = sb whoestablished an institution or anorganisation zało˝yciel

freshman /"freSm´n/ (n) = (in the US�)a student in the first year at a highschool or university nowystudent/uczeƒ; pierwszoroczniak

fulfil \fUl"fIl\ (v) = to achieve a goalspełniç, zrealizowaç

gateway /"geItweI/ (n) = the place thatwe go through to get access to acertain area wejÊcie, bramawjazdowa

get a glimpse of sth (phr) = to see asmall part of sth; to see sth brieflyujrzeç coÊ przelotnie



Language Focus 7

Module 8 Education

197 (WL22)

Word List

greenhouse \"gri…nhaUs\ (n) = a glassstructure used for growing andprotecting plants and vegetablesszklarnia, cieplarnia

handle \"hœnd´l\ (v) = to control (avehicle) kontrolowaç, obsługiwaç,radziç sobie

hands-on learning (phr) = acquiringknowledge by actually doing sthinstead of just observing naukapoprzez praktyczne działanie

laboratory \l´"bÅr´tri\ (n) = a room orbuilding used for scientificresearch, experiments andteaching laboratorium

low income (phr) = having littlemoney to live on niskie dochody

marine science \m´"ri…n saI´ns\ (n) =the study of sea life nauki o morzu

maritime culture \ÆmœrItaIm "køltS´\ (n)= the traditions and technologicaladvances related to the sea kulturamorska

measure \"meZ´\ (v) = to use a deviceto discover the proportions, size oramount of sth mierzyç

motivated \"m´UtIveItId\ (adj) =determined to achieve sthzmotywowany, zdeterminowany

navigate \"nœvIgeIt\ (v) = to find myway at sea by using a mapnawigowaç, kierowaç (np.statkiem)

occupy \"ÅkjUpaI\ (v) = to take upspace in an area zajmowaç

oyster \"OIst´\ (n) = a type of shellfishostryga

peers \pI´z\ (pl n) = the people of thesame age, profession or socialgroup rówieÊnicy

public high school (phr) = (in theUSA) a free school paid for by thegovernment for children betweenthe ages of 14 and 18 (w USA)szkoła Êrednia dla uczniów w wieku 14-18 lat

ratio /"reISi´U/ (n) = the relationshipbetween two numbers or amountsstosunek, proporcja

regatta /rI"gœt´/ (n) = an event madeup of a series of boat races regaty

renovated \"ren´veItId\ (adj) = changedor repaired to return to goodcondition odnowiony, poremoncie

resounding /rI"zaUndIN/ (adj) =impressive; great głoÊny, donoÊny,odbijajàcy si´ szerokim echem

rowing \"r´UIN\ (n) = the sport ofmoving a boat through the waterusing oars wioÊlarstwo

stimulate \"stImjUleIt\ (v) = to make sbfeel interested or enthusiasticabout sth stymulowaç, pobudzaç

syllabus \"sIl´b´s\ (n) = the topicscovered in a course of studyprogram przedmiotu szkolnego

tend to \"tend t´\ (v) = to look afterzajmowaç si´, opiekowaç si´

thrive /TraIv/ (v) = to grow anddevelop well; to flourish pi´knierosnàç, rozwijaç si´

tilapia fish /tI"lœpi´ fIS/ (n) = acommon name for around ahundred species of fish, originallyfrom Africa tilapia (gatunek ryby)

train /treIn/ (v) = to practise a sport inorder to compete trenowaç

vibrant \"vaIbr´nt\ (adj) = exciting;active dynamiczny, t´tniàcy˝yciem

accredit /´"kredIt/ (v) = to officiallydeclare that sth is of an acceptablestandard uznawaç, udzielaçpełnomocnictwa

acquire skills (phr) = to learn newabilities zdobyç, przyswoiç (noweumiej´tnoÊci)

admit to /´d"mIt t´/ (v) = to agree thatsth is true przyznaç si´ do(czegoÊ)

arrange /´"reIndZ/ (v) = to organise forsth to take place at a certain timeand place ustaliç, zorganizowaç,zaaran˝owaç

attend lessons (phr) = to go toclasses ucz´szczaç nalekcje/zaj´cia

boarding school /"bO…dIN sku…l/ (n) = aschool where children can live andstudy during the academic yearszkoła z internatem

certificate /s´"tIfIk´t/ (n) = an officialdocument that we receive whenwe have completed a course ofstudy or training Êwiadectwo,zaÊwiadczenie, certyfikat

cheat in /"tSi…t In/ (v) = to act in adishonest way to gain sth,especially in an exam or a gameoszukiwaç podczas (np. gry)

comprehensive school /ÆkÅmprI"hensIvsku…l/ (n) = a secondary school forboys and girls of all abilities agedover 11 szkoła Êredniaprzyjmujàca wszystkich uczniówbez wzgl´du na zdolnoÊci

compulsory subject (phr) = a subjectwhich we must study przedmiotobowiàzkowy

conductor /k´n"døkt´/ (n) = sb whodirects a choir or an orchestradyrygent

deadline /"dedlaIn/ (n) = the time bywhich sth must be doneostateczny termin (zrobieniaczegoÊ)

degree /dI"gri…/ (n) = a qualificationgiven for successfully completing auniversity course stopieƒ, tytuł(np. magistra)

diploma /dI"pl´Um´/ (n) = a documentshowing that we have completed acourse of study and practicaltraining dyplom, Êwiadectwo

distance learning (phr) = a system ofeducation in which people studyat home with the help of theInternet, and email their work toteachers edukacja na odległoÊç

dress rehearsal /"dres rIÆh‰…s´l/ (n) =the final practice of a play with thecostumes, lights, etc as they willbe used in the performance próbageneralna

drop out /ÆdrÅp "aUt/ (phr v) = to leaveschool, college or universitywithout finishing my studiesporzuciç, wycofaç si´, wylecieç(ze szkoły)

enrol on a course (phr) = to sign upfor a series of lessons zapisaç si´na kurs

expel /Ik"spel/ (v) = to force sb toleave school because of sth wrongthey have done wyrzuciç, wydaliç(np. ze szkoły)

fail /feIl/ (v) = not to pass an examnie zaliczyç, nie zdaç

focus on /"f´Uk´s Ån/ (v) = toconcentrate on sth skupiç si´ na,skoncentrowaç

grade /greId/ (n) = a number or lettergiven for school work or in anexam, which shows how well sbhas done ocena

graduate /"grœdZueIt/ (v) = tosuccessfully complete myeducation at university or collegeskoƒczyç studia

hand in /Æhœnd "In/ (phr v) = to give sba piece of work or an officialdocument wr´czyç, dostarczyç

headmaster /Æhed"mA…st´/ (n) = (inBritain) the head male teacher at aschool (w Wlk. Brytanii) dyrektorszkoły

intensive course (phr) = a coursewhich involves a lot of work in ashort period of time intensywnykurs



Word List

learn poems by heart (phr) = toremember pieces of writing, whichusually rhyme, using only mymemory uczyç si´ wierszy napami´ç

lecture /"lektS´/ (n) = a formal talkgiven in order to teach peopleabout a particular subject wykład

major in /"meIdZ´r In/ (v) = (in theUSA) to specialise in specjalizowaçsi´ w (danym przedmiocie)

mark /mA…k/ (n) = (in Britain) a gradefor academic work stopieƒ

participate in /pA…"tIsIpeIt In/ (v) = totake part in uczestniczyç w

prejudice /"predZUdIs/ (n) = anunreasonable opinion about sth,which is not based on facts orexperience uprzedzenie

pupil /"pju…p´l/ (n) = a child who isbeing taught in a school uczeƒ (wszkole podstawowej)

qualification /ÆkwÅlIfI"keIS´n/ (n) = sthwhich is awarded when wesuccessfully finish a course or passan exam kwalifikacje

recognise /"rek´gnaIz/ (v) = to knowsb/sth because I have seen thembefore rozpoznaç

run across /"røn ´krÅs/ (phr v) = tomeet sb that I know unexpectedlywpaÊç przypadkiem na kogoÊ,spotkaç

run away /Ærøn ´"weI/ (phr v) = to leavesuddenly wybiec, uciec

run into /"røn Int´/ (phr v) = (of avehicle) to crash into sth wjechaçw/na

run out of /Ærøn "aUt ´v/ (phr v) = tohave no more of sth left (o czymÊ)skoƒczyç si´, wyczerpaç

single-sex school /ÆsINg´l seks "sku…l/(n) = a school where either girls orboys are taught szkoła wyłàczniem´ska lub wyłàcznie ˝eƒska

specialise in /"speS´laIz In/ (v) = tofocus on a particular subject robiçspecjalizacj´ z (czegoÊ)

specialist school /"speS´lISt sku…l/ (n) =a school which focuses on aparticular area of education, suchas music or sports szkołaspecjalistyczna

student /"stju…d´nt/ (n) = sb who isstudying at a university or collegestudent (w szkole Êredniej i/lubna studiach)

term /t‰…m/ (n) = each of the threeperiods of time that a school oruniversity year is divided intotrymestr

tutor /"tju…t´/ (n) = a teacher at auniversity or college opiekunnaukowy, promotor, nauczycielakademicki

vocational school /v´U"keIS´n´l sku…l/(n) = a school which providestraining and teaches skills forparticular professions szkołazawodowa

abroad /´"brO…d/ (adv) = in a foreigncountry za granicà

adhere to /´d"hI´ t´/ (v) = to follow aset of rules przestrzegaç,stosowaç si´ do

balance /"bœl´ns/ (v) = to keep twodifferent things in the correctproportions równowa˝yç,bilansowaç

be on cloud nine (idm) = to be veryhappy nie posiadaç si´ zeszcz´Êcia, byç w siódmym niebie

burden /"b‰…d´n/ (n) = a duty orresponsibility that causes worry ordifficulty brzemi´, ci´˝ar

clique /kli…k/ (n) = a group of peoplewho spend a lot of time togetherand are unfriendly to people whoare not in their group klika,grupka

conduct /"kÅndøkt/ (n) = behaviourzachowanie

culture shock (phr) = the confusionthat sb feels when they go to aforeign country szok kulturowy

discipline /"dIsIplIn/ (n) = a code ofbehaviour controlled by rules andpunishments dyscyplina

dress code (phr) = rules about whatclothes sb has to wear zasadyubioru (w danej szkole lub firmie)

equal footing (phr) = having thesame opportunities na równejstopie, na tych samych zasadach

exceed /Ik"si…d/ (v) = to be more thana particular amount przewy˝szaç,przekraczaç (jakàÊ wielkoÊç)

expectation /Æekspe"kteIS´n/ (n) = ahope that sth good will happenoczekiwanie, nadzieja

fall short of sth (phr) = to not reachthe expected standard nie spełniç(oczekiwaƒ), nie dorosnàç do(czegoÊ)

grant /grA…nt/ (n) = money given to sbby the government to pay for theireducation grant, stypendium

impose /Im"p´Uz/ (v) = to force sb toaccept sth narzucaç, wprowadzaç

infringement / ``In"frIndZm´nt/ (n) =violation naruszenie, pogwałcenie

mature /m´"tSU´/ (v) = to developemotionally and behave sensiblydojrzewaç, dorastaç

motivate /"m´UtIveIt/ (v) = to make sbwant to do sth; to encouragemotywowaç, zach´caç

practical /"prœktIk´l/ (adj) = usefulpraktyczny

promote /pr´"m´Ut/ (v) = to encouragepromowaç, szerzyç

recommend /Ærek´"mend/ (v) = tosuggest sb for a particular jobrekomendowaç, zalecaç

reverse /rI"v‰…s/ (adj) = opposite towhat is usual or expectedodwrotny

settle /"setl/ (v) = to get used to livingin a new place osiàÊç, osiedliç si´

stifle /"staIf´l/ (v) = to prevent sthfrom developing dławiç, tłumiç,pohamowywaç

undergraduate degree (phr) = anacademic qualification given by auniversity to sb who does notalready have a degree stopieƒlicencjata

valid /"vœlId/ (adj) = logical or true;acceptable prawidłowy, wa˝ny,sensowny

commute /k´"mju…t/ (v) = to travel toand from work every daydoje˝d˝aç (do pracy)

constructive /k´n"strøktIv/ (adj) =creative and useful konstruktywny,twórczy

diverse /daI"v‰…s/ (adj) = of a largevariety ró˝norodny

merit /"merIt/ (n) = a good feature orquality wartoÊç, zaleta

social interaction (phr) =communicating with people andreacting to them kontaktymi´dzyludzkie

advantage /´d"vA…ntIdZ/ (n) = a positivepoint; a benefit zaleta; przewaga,korzyÊç

asset /"œset/ (n) = a person or thingthat is useful or valuable to sb/sthatut, zaleta

credentials /krI"denS´lz/ (pl n) =achievements and experienceswhich make sb suitable for aspecific job kwalifikacje,referencje

Language Focus 8




Word List

detention /dI"tenS´n/ (n) = apunishment where a pupil is madeto stay at school after the otherchildren have gone home karazatrzymania po lekcjach

distinction /dI"stINkS´n/ (n) = havingthe qualities which make sbexcellent wyró˝nienie

exercise /"eks´saIz/ (v) = to dophysical activity çwiczyç

hold a competition (phr) = toorganise an event zorganizowaçkonkurs

in favour of (phr) = approving of oragreeing with sth za czymÊ, nakorzyÊç, na rzecz

keep /ki…p/ (v) = to make sb stay in acertain place przetrzymywaç

lieutenant /lu…"tenant/ (n) = a militaryrank porucznik

maintain /meIn"teIn/ (v) = to cause asituation to continue utrzymaç,podtrzymaç

opportunity /ÆÅp´"tju…nIti/ (n) = achance sposobnoÊç, okazja

possibility /ÆpÅsI"bIlIti/ (n) = likelihood;probability mo˝liwoÊç

practise /"prœktIs/ (v) = to do sthrepeatedly in order to improvetrenowaç, çwiczyç

quality /"kwÅlIti/ (n) = a high standardjakoÊç

rank /rœNk/ (n) = the position that sbhas in the army, navy, police, etcstopieƒ (w wojsku), ranga

rebuild /ri…"bIld/ (v) = to build sthagain after it has been destroyedodbudowaç

refresh /rI"freS/ (v) = to renewodÊwie˝yç, odnowiç

renovate /"ren´veIt/ (v) = to repair andpaint an old building so that itlooks in good condition againodnawiaç, remontowaç

restore /rI"stO…/ (v) = to bring back sthto its former condition przywracaç

stage /steIdZ/ (v) = to organise andpresent a play, a concert, etcwystawiaç (sztuk´, spektakl)

accurate \"œkjUr´t\ (adj) = correct anddetailed trafny, poprawny

attain \´"teIn\ (v) = to gain; to achieveosiàgnàç

attempt \´"tempt\ (v) = to make aneffort to do sth usiłowaç,próbowaç

Bachelor of Science (phr) = a firstdegree in a science subjectlicencjat w zakresie nauk Êcisłych

background \"bœkgraUnd\ (n) = aperson's upbringing, culture,education and experiencepochodzenie społeczne,Êrodowisko

cab \kœb\ (n) = a taxi taksówkadisplay \dI"spleI\ (v) = to exhibit

wystawiaç, pokazywaçdispose of \dIs"p´Uz ´v\ (v) = to throw

away sth that I don’t need or wantpozbyç si´ (czegoÊ), wyrzuciç(coÊ)

ensure \In"SU´\ (v) = to make sure thatsth happens upewniç si´,zagwarantowaç

establish \I"stœblIS\ (v) = to create orintroduce sth stworzyç, zało˝yç

knowledgeable \"nÅlIdZ´b´l\ (adj) =having a clear understandingabout a particular subject znajàcysi´ na rzeczy

laboratory equipment (phr) = toolsand apparatus found in a labsprz´t laboratoryjny

on average \Ån "œv´rIdZ\ (prep phr) =how many times sth generallyhappens przeci´tnie, Êrednio

operate \"Åp´reIt\ (v) = to functionfunkcjonowaç, działaç

proficient in \pr´"fIS´nt In\ (adj) =skilled and experienced in sthbiegły w

qualification \ÆkwÅlIfI"keIS´n\ (n) = aparticular skill in or knowledge of asubject kwalifikacja

recent \"ri…s´nt\ (adj) = havinghappened a very short time agonajnowszy, niedawny

sample \"sA…mp´l\ (n) = a part of awhole used to show what the restis like próbka

utensil \ju…"tens´l\ (n) = a tool or objectused in a kitchen or laboratorynarz´dzie, przyrzàd

aware \´"we´\ (adj) = knowing aboutsth Êwiadomy

contribute to \k´n"trIbju…t t´\ (v) = togive sth towards sth elseprzyczyniç si´ do czegoÊ

declare sth open (phr) = to officiallyannounce that sth is open ogłosiçotwarcie czegoÊ

economic benefits (phr) =advantages measured in financialterms korzyÊci ekonomiczne

generate \"dZen´reIt\ (v) = to create; toproduce wywołaç, wytworzyç

harmful to \"hA…mf´l t´\ (adj) = able tocause harm/damage to sthszkodliwe dla

host \h´Ust\ (n) = sb who has guestsgospodarz

imported products (phr) = goodsthat are brought into a countryfrom another country to be soldprodukty importowane

landowner \"lœndÆ´Un´\ (n) = sb whoowns a piece of land posiadaczziemski

local customs (phr) = traditions andcommon practices in a particularplace miejscowe zwyczaje

local produce (phr) = fruit andvegetables that are grown ina place and eaten by the peoplethere produkty lokalne/miejscowe

locally-owned \Æl´Uk´li "´Und\ (adj) =owned by the people who live ina place w posiadaniu miejscowejludnoÊci

on average \Ån "œv´rIdZ\ (prep phr) =how much time sth usually takesÊrednio, przeci´tnie

preserve \prI"z‰…v\ (v) = to keep sth inits current state zachowaç,chroniç

recycle \Æri…"saIk´l\ (v) = to collect andprocess things like cans, glass orpaper, so that they can be usedagain recyklingowaç

reduce \rI"dju…s\ (v) = to make sthbecome smaller or less in price,number, etc zmniejszyç,zredukowaç

respect \rI"spekt\ (v) = to care aboutsb’s wishes, beliefs and rightsszanowaç

reuse \Æri…"ju…z\ (v) = to use sth morethan once u˝yç ponownie

ridge \rIdZ\ (n) = a long narrow pieceof raised land at the top of amountain grzbiet górski, graƒ

route \ru…t\ (n) = a way from one placeto another trasa

rugged beauty (phr) = (ofcountryside) rough and wildnatural beauty surowe pi´kno

scarce \ske´s\ (adj) = very littleograniczony, rzadki,niewystarczajàcy

CLIL/Culture 2CLIL/Culture 1


Word List

scenic glen (phr) = a naturallybeautiful narrow valley (inScotland) pi´kna dolina górska (wSzkocji)

sparsely-populated \ÆspA…sli "pÅpjUleItId\(adj) = having very few inhabitantssłabo zaludniony

support \s´"pO…t\ (v) = to help abusiness to prosper by doing ourshopping there or using thefacilities wspieraç

surrounded by \s´"raUndId baI\ (pp) =having a lot of sth all aroundotoczony (czymÊ)

tour operator \"tU´r ÆÅp´reIt´\ (n) = acompany that provides holidays inwhich travel and accommodationare booked for you organizatorwycieczek, biuro podró˝y

uninterrupted \ÆønInt´"røptId\ (adj) =with nothing blocking thecontinuation of sth bez przerw,bez zakłóceƒ

usage \"ju…sIdZ\ (n) = the amount of sththat is used zu˝ycie

active geyser (phr) = a hot waterspout from under the groundwhich erupts from time to timeczynny gejzer

boiling point (phr) = the temperatureat which sth starts to boiltemperatura wrzenia

canyon \"kœnj´n\ (n) = a large valleywith very steep sides kanion

channel \"tSœnl\ (n) = a passage cutinto the surface or under theground, along which water flowskanał

crevice \"krevIs\ (n) = a crack oropening in a rock szczelina, rysa

date back \ÆdeIt "bœk\ (phr v) = to havestarted or have been made at aparticular time in the pastpochodziç z (jakiegoÊ okresu)

diminish \dI"mInIS\ (v) = to decreasezmniejszaç si´, maleç

erupt \I"røpt\ (v) = (of a volcano/geyser) to have material exploringdramatically from insidewybuchnàç (o wulkanie)

establish \I"stœblIS\ (v) = to introduce anew quality zało˝yç, otworzyç

extend \Ik"stend\ (v) = to continue overa particular distance or arearozciàgaç si´

formation \fO…"meIS´n\ (n) = the act ofsth being created tworzenie si´,formowanie

geothermal energy (phr) = thepower from the heat inside theEarth energia geotermalna

heat \hi…t\ (n) = the quality of beinghot goràco, wysoka temperatura

heat source (phr) = sth that produceshigh temperatures êródło ciepła

highly-pressurised \ÆhaIli "preS´raIzd\(adj) = under a lot of pressure podwysokim ciÊnieniem

hot springs (phr) = the flow of hotwater from deep in the Earthgoràce êródła

hunting ground (phr) = an area ofland that is used by a group ofnative people for hunting animalsteren łowiecki

increase \In"kri…s\ (v) = to becomegreater in number, level or amountzwi´kszaç si´, rosnàç

key component (phr) = a main partof sth bigger kluczowykomponent/składnik/element

magma \"mœgm´\ (n) = molten rockmagma

near \nI´\ (v) = to get close to zbli˝yçsi´ do

occur \´"k‰…\ (v) = to happen zdarzyçsi´

pathway \"pA…TweI\ (n) = a route/wayin which sb/sth can travel alongÊcie˝ka

plumbing system (phr) = a series ofpipes that allow water to movefrom one place to another sieçwodno-kanalizacyjna

release \rI"li…s\ (v) = to set freeuwolniç, wypuÊciç

remain \rI"meIn\ (v) = to continue tobe pozostaç

renowned for \rI"naUnd f´\ (adj) =well-known for sth znany z

rock \rÅk\ (n) = the hard substancethat forms the surface of the Earthskała

settle \"setl\ (v) = to start livingsomewhere permanently osiàÊç,osiedliç si´

squeeze \skwi…z\ (v) = to make sthpass through a very small spaceprzecisnàç si´

supercharged \"su…p´ÆtSA…dZd\ (adj) = fullof lots of energy przesyconyenergià

supply \s´"plaI\ (n) = the amountavailable for use zasób

surface \"s‰…fIs\ (n) = the exterior; thetop part of sth powierzchnia

surrounding \s´"raUndIN\ (adj) =around a place otaczajàcy

tribe \traIb\ (n) = a group of people ofthe same race, language andcustoms plemi´

underground /Æønd´"graUnd/ (adv) =beneath the surface of the Earthpod ziemià

water mass (phr) = an amount of watermasa wody

water pressure (phr) = the force atwhich water comes out of theground or a tap ciÊnienie wody

acceptable \´k"sept´b´l\ (adj) =approved of do przyj´cia,akceptowalny

aggravate \"œgr´veIt\ (v) = to makeworse pogorszyç, utrudniç

aggression \´"greS´n\ (n) = hostilityagresja

approach \´"pr´UtS\ (n) = a way ofdoing sth podejÊcie

bullying \"bUliIN\ (n) = the act of usingmy strength or power to hurt orfrighten weaker people (usually atschool) tyranizowanie, zn´caniesi´, wymuszanie

bystander \"baIÆstœnd´\ (n) = a personwho is standing near a placewhere sth is happening withoutparticipating; an onlookerobserwator przypadkowy,przechodzieƒ

curriculum \k´"rIkjUl´m\ (n) = a groupof subjects studied in a school orcollege program nauczania

deal effectively with sth (phr) = tohandle a situation well skuteczniesobie z czymÊ poradziç

defuse the situation (phr) = toremove the tension from asituation rozładowaç sytuacj´

develop relationships (phr) = to formfriendly/social connections withpeople nawiàzywaç stosunki

effective way (phr) = the best waythat achieves the goal skutecznysposób

emotional well-being (phr) = goodmental health zdrowieemocjonalne

CLIL/Culture 3

CLIL/Culture 4


Word List

employment opportunity (phr) = achance of a job szansa naznalezienie pracy

engage sb in sth (phr) = to involve sbin a converstation or activitywciàgnàç kogoÊ w coÊ

get off \Æget "Åf\ (phr v) = to leave aplace opuÊciç, wyjechaç z

goal \g´Ul\ (n) = an ambition; a targetcel, ambicja

intervene \ÆInt´"vi…n\ (v) = tointentionally become involved in adifficult situation in order toimprove it or prevent it fromgetting worse interweniowaç

isolated /"aIs´leItId/ (pp) = feelingalone odizolowany, osamotniony

job training (phr) = the chance totrain for a certain type of workszkolenie zawodowe

pavement \"peIvm´nt\ (n) = a longstrip covered with flat stones atthe side of a road chodnik

peer support (phr) = help and advicefrom people of our own agewsparcie grupy rówieÊniczej

premises \"premIsIz\ (pl n) = all thebuildings and land that a businessoccupies in one place teren, obiekt

proactive strategy (phr) = a plan totake positive action before aproblem arises strategieprofilaktyczne, zapobiegawcze

reactive strategy (phr) = a plan totake action once a problem hasarisen strategia reaktywna(w odpowiedzi na negatywnezjawisko)

rejected /rI"dZektId/ (pp) = notaccepted by our peers odrzucony

rent \rent\ (v) = to regularly pay a sumof money to use sth that does notbelong to me, usually foraccommodation wynajmowaç

school community (phr) = all thestudents and teachers at a schoolspołecznoÊç szkolna

self-esteem \Æself Is"ti…m\ (n) = self-confidence; self-respect poczuciewłasnej wartoÊci

social worker (phr) = sb who workswith members of the public toimprove their social/livingconditions pracownik socjalny

source of income (phr) = a way ofearning money êródło dochodu

support group (phr) = a group ofpeople who meet to discuss aspecific problem and offer adviceand support grupa wsparcia

sweep \swi…p\ (v) = to clean with abroom zamieÊç

tackle \"tœk´l\ (v) = to deal withuporaç si´, stawiaç czoło

utilise \"ju…tIlaIz\ (v) = to use u˝ywaç

academic life (phr) = a career in thefield of education kariera nauczelni

application \ÆœplI"keIS´n\ (n) = the actof putting a substance onto asurface zastosowanie, nało˝enie(np. farby)

art enthusiast (phr) = sb who reallylikes art entuzjasta sztuki

art movement (phr) = a particularstyle of art kierunek w sztuce

blend \blend\ (v) = to mix zmieszaç,wymieszaç

brush stroke (phr) = a mark left on apainting by a brush with paint on itpociàgni´cie p´dzla

categorise \"kœtIg´raIz\ (v) = to putthings into groups according tocertain criteria kategoryzowaç

coin \kOIn\ (v) = to invent a wordukuç, wymyÊliç (wyraz, zwrot)

commonly referred to as (phr) =usually called powszechnienazywany

connotation \ÆkÅn´"teIS´n\ (n) = animplication konotacja, skojarzenie

construct \k´n"strøkt\ (v) = to build; tocreate budowaç

decipher \dI"saIf´\ (v) = to work outwhat sth says or showsodszyfrowaç, odczytaç

define \dI"faIn\ (v) = to explain themeaning okreÊliç, zdefiniowaç

derive from \dI"raIv fr´m\ (v) = tocome from wywodziç si´,pochodziç od

distinctive \dI"stINktIv\ (adj) =characteristic; easily recognisablecharakterystyczny, wyró˝niajàcysi´

distort /dI"stO…t/ (v) = to twist theshape or change the appearanceof sth zaburzyç, zniekształciç

expressive \Ik"spresIv\ (adj) = showingmy feelings or intentionsekspresywny, pełen wyrazu

fall under \"fO…l ønd´\ (v) = to begrouped into a certain categorynale˝eç do (danej kategorii)

fantasy novel (phr) = a storyinvolving imaginary creaturespowieÊç nale˝àca do nurtufantasy

follower \"fÅl´U´\ (n) = sb whosupports a particular belief orfollows a particular lifestylezwolennik, naÊladowca

generations to come (phr) = thepeople who will be born in thefuture przyszłe pokolenia

geometric form (phr) = a formrelating to standard shapes,i.e. square, triangle, etc figurageometryczna

in my prime (phr) = the time in mylife when I am most active,productive or powerful w kwieciewieku, u szczytu rozwoju

influential \ÆInflu"enS´l\ (adj) = being ina position of power over othersand therefore able to bring aboutactions that I desire wpływowy

initially \I"nIS´li\ (adv) = in thebeginning poczàtkowo

inspire \In"spaI´\ (v) = to be the sourceof an idea or motivationinspirowaç

live on \ÆlIv "Ån\ (phr v) = (of a book,film, etc) to remain popular trwaç,˝yç nadal

mock \mÅk\ (v) = to tease; to ridiculedrwiç, kpiç, przedrzeêniaç

move on \Æmu…v "Ån\ (phr v) = to stopdoing sth and start sth differentzajàç si´ (czymÊ innym)

notable \"n´Ut´b´l\ (adj) = remarkable;distinguished znakomity, wybitny

pattern \"pœt´n\ (v) = a design wzórplace emphasis on (phr) = to

stress/emphasise sth poło˝yçnacisk na

predecessor \"pri…dIses´\ (n) = sb whohad my job before me poprzednik

relatively \"rel´tIvli\ (adv) = to acertain degree stosunkowo,wzgl´dnie

rely on \rI"laI Ån\ (phr v) = to dependon sb/sth polegaç na

scope /sk´Up/ (n) = the area thatsb/sth deals with zakres, zasi´g

subject \"søbdZIkt\ (n) = a topic; atheme temat

subject matter (phr) = the topic of apainting, a book, etc tematyka,temat

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Word List

tiny dot (phr) = a very small roundmark maleƒki punkt

trilogy \"trIl´dZi\ (n) = a series of threebooks, films, etc with the samecharacters or subject trylogia

unremarkable \ÆønrI"mA…k´b´l\ (adj) =not particularly noteworthybezbarwny, nieciekawy

vivid /"vIvId/ (adj) = (of colours) bright˝ywy, sugestywny

witness \"wItn´s\ (v) = to be presentand see sth Êwiadek

account for \´"kaUnt f´\ (phr v) = toconstitute stanowiç

army \"A…mi\ (n) = an organised groupof people armia

average \"œv´rIdZ\ (adj) = common;typical typowy, przeci´tny

be made up of \bi ÆmeId "øp ´v\ (phr v)= to consist of składaç si´ z

by law \baI "lO…\ (prep phr) = legallyprawnie, zgodnie z prawem

calculate \"kœlkjUleIt\ (v) = todetermine a number or an amountfrom information that I alreadyhave obliczyç

carbohydrate \ÆkA…b´U"haIdreIt\ (n) = afood substance that gives the bodyenergy, usually found in sugar andstarch w´glowodan

claim \kleIm\ (v) = to state that sth istrue twierdziç, uwa˝aç

component \k´m"p´Un´nt\ (n) = anypart of which sth is madekomponent, składnik, element

consume \k´n"sju…m\ (v) = to eat ordrink sth spo˝ywaç, konsumowaç

consumer \k´n"sju…m´\ (n) = theultimate user of a product orservice konsument

daily allowance (phr) = an amount ofsth given/allowed to be used perday dzienne spo˝ycie

determine \dI"t‰…mIn\ (v) = to find outokreÊliç, zdefiniowaç

disability \ÆdIs´"bIlIti\ (n) = sth thattakes away a normal ability,especially as a result of a birthdefect, an accident or a diseaseniepełnosprawnoÊç, ułomnoÊç

elderly people (phr) = very oldpeople starsze osoby

fat \fœt\ (n) = an oil substance foundin some foods tłuszcz

food label (phr) = a piece of paperattached to food packaging statingthe nutritional informationetykieta produktu spo˝ywczego

fully understand (phr) = tocompletely understand sth w pełnizrozumieç

highly-respected \ÆhaIli rI"spektId\(adj) = admired by a large numberof people wielce szanowany,cieszàcy si´ du˝ym szacunkiem

home-delivered \Æh´Um dI"lIv´d\ (pp) =sent to sb’s house dostarczany dodomu

in relation to (phr) = relating toanother thing wzgl´dem, w odniesieniu do

ingredient \In"gri…di´nt\ (n) = a fooditem used to make a particulardish składnik

intensively \In"tensIvli\ (adv) =in a way that involves a lot ofeffort in a short time intensywnie

label \"leIb´l\ (v) = to put a piece ofpaper with information on sthetykietowaç

lunch club (phr) = a place wherepeople meet to eat a midday mealklub organizujàcy spotkania przylunchu

manufacturer \ÆmœnjU"fœktS´r´\ (n) = aperson or company that producessth for sale producent

mineral \"mIn´r´l\ (n) = a valuable oruseful chemical substance which isformed naturally in the groundminerał

nutrient \"nju…tri´nt\ (n) = a substancethat helps animals and plants togrow substancja od˝ywcza

nutrition \nju…"trIS´n\ (n) = all thevitamins, minerals, etc necessaryfor a body to grow and be healthyod˝ywianie

nutritional benefit (phr) = the goodinfluence which food has on ourhealth korzyÊci od˝ywcze

nutritional demands (phr) = theneed for certain food substancesto maintain health potrzeby˝ywieniowe

packaged food (phr) = food thatcomes in a packet, a box, etc˝ywnoÊç pakowana

property \"prÅp´ti\ (n) = a specialquality that sth has cecha

protein \"pr´Uti…n\ (n) = a foodsubstance that is necessary for agrowing healthy body białko,proteina

recommended \Ærek´"mendId\ (adj) =suggested; proposed as suitablezalecany

round down to \ÆraUnd "daUn t´\ (phr v)= to reduce an amount to thenearest whole number zaokràgliçw dół

serviceman \"s‰…vIsm´n\ (n) = sb in amilitary service (army, navy, airforce)wojskowy, ˝ołnierz, mundurowy

serving \"s‰…vIN\ (n) = an amount offood enough for one personporcja

serving size (phr) = the amount offood given to a person to eatporcje jedzenia, które sàpodawane

social interaction (phr) = the act ofcommunicating with peoplekontakty społeczne

spread \spred\ (v) = to move outwardsin all directions rozprzestrzeniaçsi´

substance \"søbst´ns\ (n) = a solid, aliquid or a gas with particularcharacteristics substancja

technical /"teknIk´l/ (adj) = (oflanguage) scientific; difficult tounderstand techniczny

veteran \"vet´r´n\ (n) = sb who hasfought in a war and survivedweteran

vitamin \"vIt´mIn\ (n) = a substanceessential for normal growth andactivity of the body, which isobtained naturally from plant andanimal foods witamina

absorb \´b"zO…b\ (v) = to take sth ingradually wchłaniaç

active volcano (phr) = a mountainwhich could explode with lava atany time wulkan aktywny

analogy /´"nœl´dZi/ (n) = a comparisonbetween two things/situations,showing how alike they arepodobieƒstwo, analogia

associate with \´"s´USieIt wID\ (v) =to think of sth in relation to sth elsekojarzyç (coÊ) z czymÊ

carbon dioxide (phr) = a gas in theair we breathe dwutlenek w´gla

carbon-based substance (phr) = amaterial having a high carboncontent substancja oparta naw´glu

chunk \tSøNk\ (n) = a large piecekawałek

collide \k´"laId\ (v) = to crash into sthzderzyç si´

CLIL/Culture 7

CLIL/Culture 6


Word List

comet \"kÅmIt\ (n) = a body of rockand ice that moves around the Sunat a great distance from it, and isseen on rare occasions from theEarth as a bright line in the skykometa

comprise \k´m"praIz\ (v) = to be madeup of składaç si´, byç zło˝onym z

concentration \ÆkÅns´n"treIS´n\ (n) = alarge amount or number of sth ina specific area skupienie,koncentracja

diameter \daI"œmIt´\ (n) = themeasurement from one side to theother of a round object Êrednica

dust particles (phr) = very tiny piecesof dust drobinki pyłu

ecosystem \"i…k´UÆsIst´m\ (n) = all theliving things in an area and theway they affect each other and theenvironment ekosystem

eruption \I"røpS´n\ (n) = an explosionfrom a volcano wybuch, erupcja

fiery streak (phr) = a blazing lineognista smuga

galactic \g´"lœktIk\ (adj) = relating togalaxies galaktyczny

gas \gœs\ (n) = a substance that is notsolid or liquid (like the air) gaz

gravity \"grœvIti\ (n) = a natural forcethat attracts objects to oneanother and makes things fall tothe ground grawitacja

infancy \"Inf´nsi\ (n) = the early stagesof life wczesne dzieciƒstwo,niemowl´ctwo

lava \"lA…v´\ (n) = molten rock lawameasure \"meZ´\ (v) = to have a

length, height, etc of mierzyçorbit \"O…bIt\ (v) = to move around sth

okrà˝aç, orbitowaçouter space (phr) = the space that is

far away from our galaxyprzestrzeƒ kosmiczna

outstanding \ÆaUt"stœndIN\ (adj) =amazing wyró˝niajàcy si´,wybitny

particle \"pA…tIkl\ (n) = a very smallpiece of sth czàsteczka

pea-sized \"pi… saIzd\ (adj) = having thesize of a pea wielkoÊci ziarnagroszku

pour out \ÆpO…r "aUt\ (v) = (of a liquid)to come out wylewaç si´

primarily \"praIm´r´li\ (adv) = mainlygłównie, zasadniczo, przedewszystkim

proximity \prÅk"sImIti\ (n) = closenessbliskoÊç poło˝enia

rocky core (phr) = a centre made ofrock skalne jàdro

solar system /"s´Ul´ ÆsIst´m/ (n) = theSun and the planets that goaround it Układ Słoneczny

solid form (phr) = being completelyhard all the way through kształtstały/zbity

tar \tA…\ (n) = a black sticky substancesmoła

transform \trœns"fO…m\ (v) = to changeinto sth else zmieniaç,przekształcaç si´

vapour \"veIp´\ (n) = gas oparvolcanic activity (phr) = the

condition when a volcano rumblesand gives off gases, ash and lavaaktywnoÊç wulkaniczna

water vapour (phr) = water in a gasform para wodna

advance \´d"vA…ns\ (v) = to go forwardprzemieszczaç si´, posuwaç si´naprzód

aim sth at sb (phr) = to point sth insb’s direction celowaç w kogoÊ

astonishment \´"stÅnISm´nt\ (n) =extreme surprise zdumienie

bare \be´\ (adj) = (of walls) notcovered with anything goły,odkryty, odsłoni´ty

blow \bl´U\ (n) = a hit cioscling onto sth (phr) = to hold sth

tightly uczepiç si´, kurczowo si´trzymaç

companion \k´m"pœnj´n\ (n) = sb that Ispend time with or travel withkolega, towarzysz

compose \k´m"p´Uz\ (v) = to form; toconstruct stworzyç,skomponowaç, zbudowaç

counter \"kaUnt´\ (n) = (of a shop,bank, etc) a long narrow surfacewhere people are served lada

depict \dI"pIkt\ (v) = to show orrepresent przedstawiaç, ukazywaç

desperate \"desp´r´t\ (adj) = feelingthat I would do anything tochange a situation zdesperowany,zdeterminowany

devour \dI"vaU´\ (v) = to eat sth withgreat enthusiasm jeÊç łapczywie,pochłaniaç

excel /Ik"sel/ (v) = to do sth very wellwybijaç si´, osiàgaç znakomitewyniki

gaze \geIz\ (v) = to look steadily atsb/sth for a long time wpatrywaçsi´

hang \hœN\ (v) = (past tense/pastparticiple: hanged) to kill sb bysuspending them by the neckpowiesiç (kogoÊ)

hint \hInt\ (v) = to make a suggestionin an indirect way sugerowaç,dawaç do zrozumienia

institution \ÆInstI"tju…S´n\ (n) = abuilding where orphans, mentallydisabled or elderly people arelooked after instytucja, domopieki

minister /"mInIst´/ (n) = a position ofauthority in the Church of Englandpastor

misery \"mIz´ri\ (n) = unhappinessnieszcz´Êcie, niedola

nudge \nødZ\ (v) = to push sb gentlywith my elbow szturchnàç

oatmeal \"´Utmi…l\ (n) = a breakfastfood made from a type of crushedgrain cooked with milk or waterowsianka

pale \peIl\ (adj) = having less colourthan usual blady

polish \"pÅlIS\ (v) = to make sth shinepolerowaç, czyÊciç

position \p´"zIS´n\ (v) = to place sth orsb somewhere umieszczaç,rozmieszczaç

pour \pO…\ (v) = to make a liquid flowout of a container in a controlledway nalewaç

public \"pøblIk\ (adj) = provided foreveryone to use publiczny

scientific breakthrough (phr) = animportant discovery in the field ofscience przełom naukowy

split up \ÆsplIt "øp\ (phr v) = to separatesb from the person or people theyare attached to rozstaç si´

stare at \"ste´r ´t\ (v) = to look atsth/sb for a long time wpatrywaçsi´, gapiç si´

starvation \stA…"veIS´n\ (n) = extremesuffering or death because of alack of food głód; Êmierç głodowa

suffer \"søf´\ (v) = to experience painor unpleasant emotions cierpieçna, skar˝yç si´ na

tender \"tend´\ (adj) = (of age) youngtu: młody (wiek)

torture \"tO…tS´\ (n) = an act of causingpain tortura

whisper \"wIsp´\ (v) = to speak in a softquiet voice szeptaç

wink at \"wINk ´t\ (v) = to close andopen one eye quickly to convey amessage to sb mrugnàç do

CLIL/Culture 8

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