onsecration sunday november 4th…the armed services outreach ommittee will be honoring all servant...

Post on 27-Sep-2020






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2-3 Worship & Learning

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Servant Schoolhouse

Consecration Sunday November 4th ~ Pastor Eric

The dictionary definition of consecrate is: To dedicate, set apart or declare sacred

Many of us have something in our lives we consider “sacred”. By that I mean nothing gets in the way of our enjoying whatever it may be. For some it’s a mid-winter warm weather vacation, for other’s it’s the annual “opener” of fishing or hunting season. I know people whose cabin, car or bicycle is sacred to them and still others have a sacred family heirloom. Whether big, small, expensive or inexpensive some thing or experience we consider sacred always takes priority in our life. On Sunday November 4th we will consecrate, set apart and pray over all of the sacred pledges and commitments people have made to The Lord’s ministry through Servant of Christ for 2019. They really are sacred because of the amazing ministry that touches so many lives through Servant of Christ. Every fall someone will inevitably ask me when we talk about the financial aspect of stewardship “How much does Servant of Christ get from the denomination (ELCA) or the United Way and other outside groups?” The answer is The Lord’s work at and through Servant of Christ is supported only by the generosity of people who consider Servant of Christ their church home. The gifts enable God to work through this congregation to change lives in our community, our country and around the world. I hope you’ll join me and Joan by returning your pledge card for 2019 on or before Consecration Sunday November 4th and stepping out in faith and experience the joy that comes from pledging and going to the next level in your giving. God is good! God is trustworthy! Whatever your gift and however you give that gift I hope you’ll do so with joy and gratitude for all that God has done for you on the cross and at the empty tomb. May God bless you on your giving journey. Blessings and see you in church this Sunday Pastor Eric

You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity,

which will produce thanksgiving to God

through us; for the rendering of this ministry

not only supplies the needs of the saints but also overflows

with many thanksgivings to God.

2 Corinthians 9:11-12

verse of the month

May 2018

inside this issue

November 2018

Mission Statement for Servant of Christ Lutheran Church: Making Disciples

Core Values of Servant of Christ Lutheran Church: Prayer Weekly Worship Biblical Literacy Spiritual Friendship Serving Giving

Daylight Savings (don’t forget to set your clocks back 1 hour on

Sunday, November 4!)


Prayer Resources on the Web

Visit our website for a resource on prayer. Go to www.elca.org/prayer which is part of the ELCA website. The page provides resources for individuals seeking to expand their prayer life. Contents of the page include meditation, healing, prayer requests, daily Bible readings and a short course called “Prayer 101”. This is an EXCELLENT resource, check it out!

Servant of Christ Mission Making Disciples

We are committed in every aspect of life to encourage

the ministry of the congregation and

individuals to grow in the following biblical marks of

discipleship: Prayer, Weekly Worship,

Biblical Literacy, Spiritual Friendship, Serving and Giving

Bringing Communion to People in Their Homes! Please let Pastor Eric or Pastor Melissa know if there is a Servant of Christ member unable to attend worship due to medical reasons. The Pastors would be happy to bring communion to them in their home. Just call the church office at 763-427-5070.


our mission


worship & learning

Sunday, 11/4 ~ Consecration Sunday “Iron Sharpens Iron 2 of 4: Marks of Biblical Community” Text: Galatians 6:1-10 Theme: A spiritual friend helps bear our burdens and we as a spiritual friend bear another’s burden. A spiritual friend reminds us of what’s most important in life and also at times might hold us accountable. Questions to Think About as You Read: What is the difference between a good friend we might talk to about stuff

and a spiritual friend? What can it be so difficult to find a spiritual friend? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sunday, 11/11 ~ All Saints Lighting of Candles “When Iron Sharpens Iron 3 of 4: Who Needs Community?” Text: Psalm 133 Theme: Whether it’s family, friends, people at church or school mates we all in-teract with people each day. This passage reminds us how good life can be when people get along. Questions to Think About as You Read: How might a spiritual friendship help us get along better with others? Can you think of a time when most of your relationships “felt good”? If so, is

there a common thread that runs through them? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday, 11/18 “Iron Sharpens Iron 4 of 4: When the Church Comes Up Short” Text: Romans 3:23 & Matthew 7:1-6 Theme: Despite all of the talk about love and forgiveness we hear in church sometimes people get hurt by others in church. Though not usually intentional it does happen. When it does how can we deal with it effectively? Questions to Think About as You Read: Have you or someone you know ever been hurt by something someone said

or did in church? Why does that hypocrite label tend to stick when the church comes up short? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursday, 11/21 Thanksgiving Eve service 7:00 pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday, 11/25 “A Heaven Sent Message” Text: Luke 1:25-38 Theme: In this passage the Angel Gabriel comes to Mary and announces that she would bear a son and his name would be Jesus. This would be very contro-versial on a lot of different levels and yet Mary was willing to be a servant of The Lord. Questions to Think About as You Read: When does God call us to be a servant when it might be counter-cultural? In what ways do you feel like you are serving God?


Worship & Music ministry—Cathy

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed,

do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”

Colossians 3:17 I am thankful to the people at Servant of Christ for sharing your time, talents and resources. Thank you to the contemporary band, the choir, the traditional band, the ushers, hospitality team, pastors, communion servers, teachers, guides, prayer team members, groups, mentors and leaders that make this place a dynamic church. It is a pleasure to be part of this team! I pray for you and your family as you enter the busy time of the Thanksgiving and Christmas. I hope that you can find some moments to rest in God’s love and faithfulness. I hope that you find moments to re-charge for God’s service. God is using you and the members of SOC to further His kingdom and spread the word of His love, joy and peace. Thank you for all you do! Peace, Cathy Yseth

worship & learning

Christmas Worship Services

Sunday, December 2: A Christmas Concert – “Worthy is the Lamb” Bring your friends and families to our Choir & Contemporary Music Christmas Concert Sunday, December 2 at 9 & 10:45 am Worship services. Come for one service or stay for both! Monday, December 24: Christmas Eve Candlelight Services Friends and families are always welcome to join us for our Christmas Eve Worship Services! Our worship time are as follows: 10:00 am, 1:00 & 3:00 pm Candlelight Services and 5:00 pm Candlelight with Communion.

SOC Adopt-A-Family for Christmas Ministry

Each year our congregation participates in an amazing program called “Adopt – a –Family for Christmas.” We “adopt” individuals or families from our community, schools and from our church family that are in need of a Christmas blessing. If you know of someone this year who could benefit from being a part of this program because they are going through a difficult time please contact Pastor Melissa with their name by Sunday November 12th. All information is kept strictly confidential. Gift tags will be available to pick up on November 19th and gifts must be purchased, wrapped with the attached tags and dropped off at SOC no later than Sunday December 17th.

Consecration Sunday —November 4 Consecration Sunday is the day each year where we celebrate and consecrate/dedicate people’s financial commitments to the Lord through Servant of Christ. If you haven’t already sent in your pledge bring it to worship on this day. Remember: Servant of Christ and its many wonderful ministries exist only because of people’s generosity. SOC receives no outside help from United Way or any other agency. We can do what we do only because of you. Also, please remember to fill out another Simply giving form if you are changing your donation amount.


2019 Stewardship Update Thank you to everyone who has taken time to return you commitment card to financially support the Lord’s ministry through Servant of Christ for 2019. If you haven’t had the chance to return a commitment card we’d like to encourage you to do so. If for some reason you have misplaced your packet please call the church office at 763-427-5070 and ask Tammy Lund for a replacement.

2018 Veterans’ Day Recognition — November 11

The Armed Services Outreach Committee will be honoring all Servant of Christ Veteran’s on Sunday, November 11th at both ser-vices. Information on how to include a veteran in the Recognition presentation is included in the Sunday bulletin. All information and photos must be submitted by November 5th. If you have a family member who is currently serving in the mili-tary, or know of someone you’d like us to support with prayer and outreach mailings, please fill out the information included in the bulletin, or on the bulletin board in the Narthex, or provide the following information to the email address listed below: Name, Rank, Mailing Address Association to SOC (family member, friend, etc.) Any upcoming deployments Photo (if available) New this year: If you have previously submitted someone as an “active” military veteran, please update Peggy with their rank (if it has changed), or if they are no longer “actively” serving so that their information is listed in the presentation correctly. For more information contact Peggy Wadman at 763-464-2960 or peggy.wadman@gmitravelinc.com


Count Your Blessings ~ Pastor Melissa Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

Matthew 5:3-6

As Thanksgiving is growing closer, I am reminded of something that my Great-Grandma Brinkmann used to say a lot, “Count your blessings!” When she was around we kids would never let a complaint pass our lips for fear she would say to us, “Count your blessings!”

Thanking God for a house, for food, for family and friends is one of the things we often do around Thanksgiving (besides eat turkey and watch football!) But when we read Jesus words from Matthew we get a very different picture of what blessings mean.

Jesus list is from a sermon he gave that we now call the Beatitudes. The bless-ings that Jesus lists are things we wouldn’t often put on our list. We wouldn’t often see these things as a possible way that God might bless us, but Jesus seems to be saying that God can use even these circumstances to bless us.

Who knew? Who knew that when you were feeling down in the dumps after losing your job, boyfriend/girlfriend, or health that God could meet you in that place and offer you hope in the eternal future of the kingdom of heaven? Who knew that all of your grief and tears over your parents or children would be comforted not only by God, but by other Christians who cared? Sometimes we might be surprised that during those times of emptiness God sees the hole in our heart and fills it with himself.

So whatever your current circumstances might be in life, know that God can work through them to bless you in ways that you can’t imagine right now. I think that’s what made my Great-Grandma Brinkmann sing her favorite hymn so often:

Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your blessings, see what God has done! Count your blessings, name them one by one.

And it will surprise you what the Lord has done!

I pray that God will bless you in surprising ways so that you can be a blessing to others!

In Christ, Pastor Melissa

Donuts and Coffee Just a reminder that without the support of generous people like you, we would not be able to have donuts and coffee each Sunday in the Fellowship Hall.

faith walk & talk

Lifetree Café November Topics

Lifetree Café is an hour-long experience where you can meet with others to discuss a variety of engaging topics. Nov. 6th – No Lifetree Café due to General Election

Nov. 13th – Saluting Those who Serve: Stories from the Tuskegee Airman

Nov. 20th – The Bible: Real? Relevant? Reliable?

Nov. 25th Overcoming Childhood Pain: Facing unresolved family issues

Questions? Contact the Church Office


Brookdale-Champlin Worship Services On the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 1:15 pm, Pastor Melis-sa Maltman or Pastor Eric Wal-bolt lead worship for the resi-dents and visitors at the Brookdale-Champlin Senior Liv-ing Complex. The worship service is open to all who wish to attend. If you know someone there, please feel free to invite them. Current worship service dates are listed below:

Tuesday, November 13 Tuesday, December 11

bible studies

Blessings of the Quilts The SOC Quilters have been very busy over the past months. In October there were 300 quilts and 26 pillows displayed in the sanctuary on Sunday morning and were blessed during the worship services . They were then given to the following places: Anoka Hennepin School District homeless youth, Bags of Love in Anoka County, Bar None Boy's School in St. Francis. Also Clearwater County Home Nursing Services which includes Hospice, Home Health Care patients, Babies of teenage Mom's and where ever the need is. Thanks to Thrivent for their continued monetary donations and to Men's Game Feed. It is very much appreciated. If you have any questions, please call Sheri Buhmann @ 763 464 2724 or Becky Panser @ 612 501 7722


Your Gifts to Servant of Christ Make A Huge Difference! Imagine being able to feed a desperately hungry person for a week. In October we collected over 500 pairs of shoes for the “Shoe Away Hunger program”. Each of those pairs of shoes will be re-sold and the money will feed a person in need for a week. Because of the generosity of many at SOC over 500 people will be fed for a week. Pretty Amazing!! Keep up the generosity in so many ways.

6 am Wednesday Women’s Bible Study

Women of all ages are welcome to join our group every Wednesday morning at Mill Pond Gables in Champlin for about an hour to study God’s Word. It is a great way to start the day. Don’t worry if you cannot stay for the whole hour/come and go as your Schedule allows. For further questions call the church office at 763-427-5070. Remember, God loves each one of us. You are precious in His sight.

Saturday Morning Men’s Study

We’ll gather on Saturday, November 17th

from 9-10 in the Family Room at the back

of the Sanctuary. We will continue our

study of God’s Word by looking at Paul’s

letter to the Philippians. Please note the

time of 9 AM this is so some of the men

from the 8 AM Bible study can join us if

they’d like.

Young at Heart

Monday, November 5th Young At Heart will meet Monday, November 5th at 11:30 am in The Family Room. We will continue our study of Paul’s letter to the followers of Jesus at Colossae also known as the Colossians. Don’t forget to bring your lunch for the hot coffee and hot conversation.

Resolute Men’s Bible Study

Great news! The Resolute Men’s Bible Study returned on September 22nd. This fall we will be using Resolute’s new book and video, “Attributes for Men.” Last year we covered “Foundations for Men” and “How to study the Bible.” We meet weekly on Saturday mornings at 8AM for 1 hour in the Fellowship Hall.

For further information Tim Carlson at tim@gonyeahomes.com,

Bill Barnes at billbarnes49@icloud.com or Kevin Sinton at kevinsinton@TEAM_IND.com

ministry & mission

Financial Peace University

Tired of Worrying about Money and Debt?

We all need a plan for our money. Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University class will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely and much more. The course is nine weeks and offered Tuesday evenings beginning January 8th and ending Tuesday March 5th 6:30-8PM. The cost for the materials is $109. If you have already purchased materials and gone through the class you can attend this class for free. Lessons topics include; Super Saving, Dumping Debt, The Role of Insurance, Retirement and College Planning. On average Financial Peace University graduates pay of $5300 in debt and save $2700 in only the first 90 days! Start the new year our on the right foot – enroll in Financial Peace University today! Register on-line at www.daveramsey.com/fpu/home and click “Find a Class” or contact Pastor Melissa for more information at melissam@servantofchrist.com


Learn about the meaning of baptism and how to arrange for bap-tism here at Servant of Christ. We invite all ages to be baptized. Classes are held on the first Sunday every other month at 12 noon in the Family Room at the back of the Sanctuary.

The next Baptism class is December 9th

2019 February 3rd

congregation news

SOC Quilting Group — Meets only November 8

th this month

Come and join us in the Fellowship Hall at church between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. You can come when you can, leave when you need to… whatever fits your schedule. If you can tie a knot…that is all the talent you need! We take a break for noon lunch (which is provided) and an afternoon coffee break. We have some good laughs and wonderful fellowship.

For more details, please call Sherri at 763-464-2724 or Becky at 612-501-7722.

Blessings of the Quilts The SOC Quilters have been very busy over the past months. In October there were 300 quilts and 26 pillows displayed in the sanctuary on Sunday morning and were blessed during the worship services . The completed quilts and pillows have been given to the following places; Anoka Hennepin School District homeless youth, Bags of Love in Anoka County, Bar None Boy's School in St. Francis. Also Clearwater County Home Nursing Services which includes Hospice, Home Health Care patients, babies of teenage Mom's and where ever the need is. Thanks to Thrivent for their continued monetary donations and to Men's Game Feed. Their assistance is very much appreciated.

SOC Turkey Bingo November 17

Kids of all ages! Come join the SOC Red Hatters for Turkey Bingo, Saturday, November 17 from 1-3:00 .m. in the Fellowship Hall! Cost is $1.00 per Bingo card. Bingo Prize: Turkeys of course (or gift cards)! Free popcorn will be served and there will be treats and beverages for sale. Proceeds will be used for our various service projects. Check the Sunday bulletin for more details. For more information please call Teale Colston at 763-427-3598

New Member Class & Lunch


If you’ve been visiting or have been attending regularly, we consider you an im-portant part of Servant of Christ and we invite you to consider becoming a member. A New Member class & luncheon has been rescheduled for Sunday, November 4th at 12 noon. New members will be re-ceived November 18th at the 9:00 & 10:45 am worship services. If you’re interested in becoming a member or attend the class, please make sure you complete the form in the Opportunities section of the bulletin. You may also call the church office at 763-427-5070 or email Barb at barba@servantofchrist.com


If you’re a Thrivent member we wanted to let you know of two ways you can use your membership to benefit SOC. One way is through Thrivent Choice Dollars which are dollars that Thrivent gives you every so often depending upon what you have with them. The Thrivent Choice Dollars can be directed to the church organization of your choice or other organizations within the community. Another program are Action Team grants which are applied for online on an as needed basis. You may apply for two per year. Organizations within the church or community can use these funds for events, fundraisers, nonprofit groups, etc. Example Servant Supper between all of us we should be able to do an action team per month for them to purchase food and or toiletries. If you’re not sure how to use these funds, please contact Mona Pasko mpasko@q.com 763-712-8574 or Teale Colson tealec@comcast.net 763-427-3598. They want to help you apply for these benefits so you can help others in your church and/or community.

Servant Supper – November 25th

Servant Supper has continued to be a great experience of sharing with one another and with the guests who come. Our guests have experienced growing deeper in understanding Christ’s love. We have had an average of about 50-70 peo-ple each month, which is awesome. This meal is open to everyone. We serve from 5:00-6:00 p.m. It’s incredible the amount of support and volunteers that have been here each month helping out. Please consider getting involved in this wonderful ministry.


Dates to Remember

November 4 – Christmas skit tryouts

November 11 – Christmas practice for skit & Christmas choirs

November 18 – Christmas practice for skit & Christmas choirs

November 18 – 1st Grade Stepping Stone

November 25 – No Sunday School

December 2 – Christmas practice for skit & Christmas choirs

December 9 – Christmas Event

December 23 & 30 – No Sunday School

Stepping Stones of Faith

Stepping Stones of Faith take place on Sundays when we take a few minutes in service to recognize where children are in their faith journey. On each of these dates, the children come with their class to service and we give each child a gift and a blessing. The children return to the classroom with their group.

Nov 18 – 1st grade Feb 24 – 2nd grade Mar 31 – 5th grade

April 28 – First Communion for 4th grade May 12 – 6th grade

childrens ministry from Anne

Memories of the Manger, our Christmas event

will be happening this year on December 9th!

Please mark your calendars for this interactive event! Invite a family member, friend or neighbor to come enjoy time together, experience community and ultimately come to know Jesus a little better!

The event will take place 3:00-5:30 pm on Sunday, December 9th

As always, all Sunday School students will be sing-ing but there are opportunities for students to be part of the skit and/or the Christmas choir. Here are some dates if your child is interested in the other opportunities.


SKIT TRYOUTS - for 3rd – 6th grades

November 4th, 12:00 -1:00 in the sanctuary Skit participants must be available for the following practices in order to participate: Sunday, November 11 12:45-2:00 pm

Sunday, November 18 12:45-2:00 pm

Sunday, December 2 12:45-2:00 pm



this year all Sunday School students will be singing

during the Christmas Event but if your student

would like another opportunity to sing, they can

join one of the Christmas Choirs

Choir participants must be available for all practic-

es on November 11,18 and December 2

3rd - 6th grade - 12:00-12:45 pm

3 y.o. - 2nd Grade - 12:45-1:30 pm

Yes, 3rd – 6th grade can participate in both the skit

and choir!

We look forward to celebrating the birth of Christ with you! Questions: Contact Anne Larsen annel@servantofchrist.com or call 763.427.5070

Family First Sundays

These Sundays are for 1st grade through 6th grade. On these

Sundays parents come with their children to class. As families,

you experience and grow in your faith together! Our next two

dates will be January 27 and March 24.

Mark your calendars!

January 27, 2019

March 24, 2019


outreach & fellowship

Speaker Topics: Nov. 1 “Grief Is a Family Affair”

Nov. 8 “Blue Christmas: When All Isn’t Merry and Bright”

Nov. 15 “Prayer and Healing Service”

Groups available: Death of a spouse, parent, child, grandparent, sibling, friend, pregnancy or infant loss, loss by suicide

Meeting Location: Faith Lutheran Church 11115 Hanson Blvd NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433 (763) 755-3530 Time: Thursdays 6:45—9 p.m. Agenda: Registration 6:45—7:00 Speaker 7:00—7:45 Hospitality 7:45 — 8:00 Small Groups 8:00—9:00 *Registration takes place the day of the program at the host church. *Each session is complete in itself. *You are welcome to attend one or all

GROWING THROUGH LOSS© Purpose: This series provides an opportunity for individuals to obtain information and support for a variety of grief and loss issues. Have you experienced: the death of a loved one

pregnancy or infant loss

loss by suicide Do you feel: alone in your grief, in need of support, or are you

interested in learning more about the grief process?

Mark your calendars! Servant of Christ is hosting a monthly Game Night the third Sunday of the month, in

the Fellowship Hall. Bring a game to share or learn a new game. Come alone or with friends and family. Do you know

someone who loves games? Share the news of Game Night at SOC!

We play a variety of games like Chronology, Codenames, and Wizard. There was Ping Pong, and even a Cribbage match. There was a camel race and a horse race too – OK, not literally, but some gamers played Camel Up and Long Shot, two betting games involving strategy & a bit of luck too!

Join us next time for the fun, fellowship, and friendship! Questions: Contact Julie Rose at 763-458-5709 or julie@mnrosefamily.net

Fall months 6:30 – 8:30 pm November 18

Winter months 3:00 – 5:00 pm December 16

January 20 February 17

Spring months 6:30 – 8:30 pm

March 17 April 14* May 19

*Due to Easter, we will host

Game Night on the

second Sunday of April.

Coming this January 26th: “5 Keys to Better Relationships:

A Relationship Tune-Up” We often unintentionally undermine important relationships with our attitudes, words and behaviors. The relationships might include friendships, marriage, co-workers, parent/child and more. The result is primary life relationships are less harmonious and often less fulfilling than they could be if we paid attention to a few simple keys. This workshop is designed for anyone who wants to maximize their personal effectiveness and find greater joy and fulfillment in their relationships. Pastor Eric and Joan Pechauer (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist) will lead the workshop from 9-11:30 in the fellowship hall. Childcare will be available. An RSVP would be appreciated so we know how much food to get and how many materials will be needed. You can RSVP to Pastor Eric at Pastorhook@ServantofChrist.com or Joan at Pechauer1@msn.com or look for it in the bulletin beginning in December.

Lent Speakers for 2019 Do you or someone you know (a friend, neighbor or coworker perhaps) have an impactful testimony to be shared? I am currently searching out people who might be willing to share their testimony on Wednesday nights during next year’s Lenten services.

If you or someone you know

would like more information I’d love to have that conversation.

Please contact Pastor Eric at the

church by phone 763-427-5070 or email



junior high ministry/senior high ministry from calvin

Fall Retreat for Confirmation! November 16th-18th

The fall retreat to Camp WAPO is for all 7th and 8th graders, and optional for 9th graders. There will be a one-time “opt in” option for 9th graders at the Open House/Orientation night, so make sure you attend. We’ll do a fall retreat every year with the intent of students getting to know each other better, giving leaders the opportunity to get to know their students on a deeper level, and to give us all an opportunity to worship God, dig into the Bible, and encounter God in new and fresh ways. This retreat will be an experience that you’ll remember for years to come!


Experience Worship Night, Wednesday November 28th

Experience Worship is a night when we’ll dig into our faith through art, music, and new experiences. We’ll be in large group all night, and we’ll have the chance to meet God in a fresh and new way. Throughout the night we’ll have different things that the students can do/experience that is related to faith and their senses. My prayer is that this is a night when the Holy Spirit shows up in the lives and students and refines their minds, hearts and souls.


Confirmation Rehearsal and Service Dates 9th graders – MARK YOUR CALENDARS!

Rehearsal: Friday, May 17th from 6-8pm for Parents and Students. Pictures for students and small group leaders will be during the rehearsal (parents, bring checkbooks to order pictures that night). Service: Saturday, May 18th at 10am (students arrive at 9:15am). The services usually lasts about 1.5 hours.


Join us on Wednesday Nights!

We meet on Wednesday nights for worship, a short

message, and discussion groups. There is also plenty

of time to hang out and talk or play games because

we’re not robots. In our Sr. High group we split up

randomly for small groups each week to talk about

the Bible verse and the message. Come and try it


Average night:

5:30-6pm – Pizza in the Fellowship Hall (1st Wednesday of the month we order food and eat

it downstairs)

6:00-6:15 – Worship with Marc in the Sanctuary

6:15-6:30 – Youth Room for games

6:30-6:40 – Message

6:40-7:25 – Discussion Groups

7:25-7:30 – Announcements and wrap up

Schedule for November

November 7th – We’ll cater in some food. Bring $5

for food and pop! We’ll also continue our series on

The Gospel this night.

November 14th – Wrap up the Gospel Series

November 21st – No Sr. High (Thanksgiving break!)

November 28th – Experience Worship Night (in the

Youth Room)

Friday, November 30th – Hayride at Bunker Beach!

$5/person, meet at church at 6:30pm, back at



Ongoing Events

Sundays: Worship Services 9:00 am Traditional 10:45 am Contemporary Sunday School 9:00 & 10:45 am Childcare available for infants through 3 year olds Mondays: 9:15 am & 12:45 pm Preschool 6:00 pm Contemporary Rehearsal/Sanctuary 6:30 pm Choir Rehearsal/Fellowship Hall Tuesdays: 9:15 am & 12:45 pm Preschool 11:00 am Staff Meeting Noon Bulletin Deadline 7:00 Lifetree Café *7:00 pm Al-Anon *7:00 pm AA Meeting Wednesdays: 6:00 am Women’s Bible Study- Mill Pond Gables 9:15 am & 12:45 pm Preschool 5:30 pm Confirmation—pizza 6:00 pm Sr. High group Thursdays: 9:15 am & 12:45 pm Preschool Fridays: 9:15 am Preschool Saturdays: 8:00 am Resolute Men’s Bible Study

*Not a church function

Holy Communion Services are 1st & 3rd Sunday

Upcoming November & December Events

Nov 2, Friday 7:00 pm Jr High Take Over Night Nov 4, Sunday Consecration Sunday 12:00 pm New Member Class & Luncheon 12:00 pm Sunday School Program Tryouts Nov 5, Monday 11:30 am Young at Heart Nov 6, Tuesday 9:30 am Adult Bible Study 6:30 pm Adult Bible Study 7:00 pm NO Lifetree Café Nov 8, Thursday 9:00 am Quilting Nov 11, Sunday All Saints Sunday 10:30 am Praying Together Team 12:00 pm Sunday School Program Practice Nov 12, Monday NO Contemporary Band Rehearsal Nov 13, Tuesday 1:15 pm Brookdale Champlin Worship/Offsite Nov 16, Friday 3:00 pm Scrapbooking starts Wapo Retreat Nov 17, Saturday Wapo Retreat 8:00 am Men’s Bible Study 10:00 am Red Hatters Turkey Bingo 3:00 pm Scrapbooking ends Nov 18, Sunday Wapo Retreat First Grade Stepping Stone New Members Received 12:00 pm Sunday School Program Practice 6:30 pm Game Night Nov 19, Monday - Nov 23, Friday NO Preschool Nov 22, Thursday—Nov 23, Friday Thanksgiving—Office Closed Nov 25, Sunday NO Sunday School 5:00 pm Servant Supper Nov 29, Thursday 6:30 pm Red Hatters Decorate FH Nov 30, Friday 5:45 pm Sr. High Event—Hay Ride Dec 1, Saturday 8:00 am Choir Concert Practice Dec 2, Sunday Choir Concert—BOTH services 12:00 pm Baptism Class 12:00 pm Christmas Event Practice Dec 3, Monday 11:30 am Young at Heart 8:00 pm Litany Band

You can download an SOC monthly calendar from our church website


calendar of events


Servant Schoolhouse Preschool

There are many things for us to be thankful for this month at preschool! We will be talking about the meaning

behind Thanksgiving, as well as making some fun art projects to coincide with this holiday. The kids will be

cutting out paper turkey feathers then telling us something they are thankful for before adding the feathers

to our large turkey bulletin board.

Our special guest this month is James Hersch. He is a songwriter/musician who will sing with the kids and

help them create their own class song about things they are thankful for.

For those of you with children, be sure to remind them on a daily basis what a true blessing they are to you.

Always remember that God entrusted his children to you, and this is such an amazing opportunity to be pre-

sented with! From Servant Schoolhouse, may you have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

Stop by and see us anytime! If you have any questions,

Contact Diane at dianep@servantofchrist.com

outreach & fellowship


We welcome your donations through any method you choose to give. And for those who choose to give electronically through Simply Giving, we want to offer a special word of thanks. Simply Giving, provides much-needed donation consistency and strengthens our stewardship program. Electronic and traditional givers accustomed to texting can now give through Give+ Text. Make one-time or recurring offerings by simply sending a text to our secure account at 763-401-7586. It’s a convenient solution when you can’t attend services or don’t have cash or checks with you. We hope you’ll try this new way to give. Stop by the church office or visit our website under online giving to learn more. We thank you and all givers for supporting our mission.

Scrapbook & Craft Weekend November 17—November 18

Come join us upstairs in the Fellowship Hall starting at 3:00 p.m. on Friday, November 17th through

Saturday, November 18th at 3:00 p.m.

Bring your scrapbooks/photo albums, sewing, card making crafts, beading, etc…stay the whole time or

come and go as your schedule allows.

For more information, Teale Colston at 763-427-3598

or Mona Pasko 763-712-8574


Regular Worship Hours — 9:00 & 10:45 am Childcare available for infants through 3 years old Sunday School 9:00 & 10:45 am

Office hours: 8:00-4:00 Monday—Friday

New Member Class—November 4

Baptism Class—December 2

Daylight Savings—Sunday, November 4

Consecration Sunday—November 4

All Saints Sunday—November 11

Thanksgiving Eve Service & Pie Social—Wed. Nov. 21



PERMIT NO. 15753

Church contacts

Servant of Christ Lutheran Church 740 East Hayden Lake Road, Champlin, MN 55316 Phone: 763-427-5070 Fax: 763-427-4379 Website: www.servantofchrist.com Pastor Eric Walbolt: pastorhook@servantofchrist.com Pastor Melissa Maltman: melissam@servantofchrist.com Anne Larsen, Children’s Ministry Director: annel@servantofchrist.com Calvin Konop, Sr./Jr. High/Confirmation Ministry Director: calvink@servantofchrist.com Susan Huemann, Choir Music Ministry Director: sueh@servantofchrist.com Cathy Yseth, Contemporary Music Ministry Director: cathyy@servantofchrist.com Pat Gallagher, Nursery Care Ministry Director Church Office Tammy Lund: tammyl@servantofchrist.com Barb Ames: barba@servantofchrist.com Servant Schoolhouse Preschool 763-427-7765 Diane Poling, Director: dianep@servantofchrist.com

740 East Hayden Lake Road

Champlin, MN 55316


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