ontario's southwest spring conference 2014 - social media tips & tricks - sofie andreou

Post on 10-May-2015






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www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

All digital Roads Lead to YOU! TIPS & TRICKS With Social Media By @SofieAndreou


How many people’s twitter feeds is this this tweet distributed too? You have 2,000 followers and @GarlicsLdn has

2,000 followers on twitter!?

“@GarlicsLdn ‘s Slow Roasted Garlic Bisque is to die for!”

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727


How many people’s twitter feeds is this this tweet distributed too? You have 2,000 followers and @GarlicsLdn has

2,000 followers on twitter!?

“.@GarlicsLdn ‘s Slow Roasted Garlic Bisque is to die for!”

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727


Don’t start a Tweet you’re aiming OUT to all of your followers with someone’s handle.

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Social Media Tips and Tricks

Please take photos or videos &

Mention @SofieAndreou

& Use the #OSWConf2014

Your Tribe will Retweet YOU!

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Getting Heard

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Strategy First – TIP

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1. Why do you want online followers? State your purpose. 2. Who do you want following you and why will they follow you? 3. What social platforms will you use? (where are your followers) 4. How will you measure success? 5. Choose your Keywords 6. List your possible material creators? (Clients, Staff, Suppliers, Industry Experts, Media) 7. Who will be accountable for measuring and coordinating efforts? 8. List your ambassador/giants possibilities – those giants with a large number of social followers who will retweet or share your posts. 9. Create your schedule – how often can your organization post? Twice a day, three times a week?

Getting Found – TRICKS

www.SofieAndreou.com @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727 www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Getting Found – TRICKS

www.SofieAndreou.com @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727 www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

• Link back to your site • Consistent Keyword • Photo or Video • Tribe to Share

Getting Found – TRICKS

www.SofieAndreou.com @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727 www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

1. Choose your voice & content WHY do people want to hear from you? WHAT are you the expert on? WHERE will you get your information (THIS IS KEY!) WHO’s information will you share (other then your own)? HOW will you present yourself?

2. See what works

Often 80 characters or less, with VIDEOs, Photos or Links KEY is to get them to ENGAGE with your Posts or Tweets

Share, Retweet, Like, Comment

3. How often can you post & what time? Facebook – twice a day max, three times a week min 10am, 2pm & 8pm are peek times Friday’s people are MOST likely to engage

Growth happens while they visit you!

Direct all digital active back HOME! - TIP

All digital roads lead back to your website. Create your Web within the Web! • Website should include a Blog

• Write simple blogs which include Images or Video experiences • Invite your community or clients as guest bloggers • Use those Articles as material for your Social Media

• Your Website Address should be everywhere physically & virtually • Links to your Website from Partners, Directories, Google, Social Media

www.SofieAndreou.com @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Growth through working as a Community – TIPS & TRICKS

Be each other’s public relations agents … whether on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, YouTube or Pinterest.

Create a simple local Hashtag

Localize your Pins!

Tap each other by mentions

Give each other Excellent material to share

Tips, Videos, Photos, Lists, Insights, Behind the Scenes, Questions,

Coupons, Contests, Free Tickets, Articles, Event Info

Train your Staff & Clients to share their experiences

Different Staff share different items on different days

Listen for community & share or comment

Encourage clients to share experiences and share

www.SofieAndreou.com @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727 www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Growth through working as a Community - TIPS



www.SofieAndreou.com @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727 www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Growth through working as a Community - TIPS


www.SofieAndreou.com @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727 www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Growth through working as a Community - TIPS



www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Growth through working as a Community – TIPS


www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Growth through working as a Community - TIPS


www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Growth through working as a Community – TRICKS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Growth through working as a Community - TRICKS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Growth through working as a Community - TRICKS

Growth through working as a Community

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Growth through working as a Community - TRICKS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Growth through working as a Community - TRICKS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Growth through working as a Community - TRICKS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Targeting your Tribe - Trick

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Targeting your Tribe - Trick

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Targeting your Tribe - Trick

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Keywords or die - TIP

Choose your Keywords and make sure they’re in your Website’s Text Description, Website Title, Page Titles, Image Titles, Keyword areas Find your keywords by going to google.adwords.keywordtools Keywords MUST be used in your Social Media Posts Keywords define your SEO

www.SofieAndreou.com @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Keywords or die - TRICKS

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Keywords or die - TRICKS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Keywords or die - TRICKS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Keywords or die - TRICKS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Keywords or die - TRICKS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Keywords or die - TRICKS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727





“Training” for Growth - TIP Tell your clients WHERE you are

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

“Training” for Growth - TIP Tell your clients WHERE you are

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

“Training” for Growth - TIP Tell your clients WHERE you are

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

“Training” for Growth - TIP Tell your clients WHERE you are

• Hashtags Choose and promote a single official hashtag. It should be clear but concise. The TV show Glee uses #OSCARS to organize conversations around its episodes and stars.

• Accounts Your viewers may not know you’re on Twitter. Display your hashtag or username on air to convert fans into followers.

• Live-tweet Live-tweeting during a show shapes and drives the Twitter conversation and gives your fans a reason to follow you.

• Content Use Twitter to amplify the reach of content, assets and campaigns you’ve created from other marketing channels. Many marketers add hashtags to their TV ads and feature these commercials on Twitter to extend the life of a 30-second spot.

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

“Training” for Growth - TIP Tell your clients WHERE you are

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727


“Training” Brand - TIP Consistency

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Cool Stuff – GOOGLE! - TRICK


www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Cool Stuff – GOOGLE! - TRICK


www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Cool Stuff - Apps for Facebook http://woobox.com/pricing - TRICK

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

MUSTs on Twitter - TIP

• Keyword • Hashtag • Mention • Video or Photo • Link Back

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

MUSTs on Twitter - TIP

• Keyword • Hashtag • Mention • Video or Photo • Link Back

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

MUST! - Put your Events on Facebook

Then get Staff & Giants to SHARE! - TRICK

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

MUST! - Put your Events on Facebook

Then get Staff & Giants to SHARE! - TRICK

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727


You should leverage the POWER of Video - TRICKS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

Magic of Video - TRICK


www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

VIDEO! • Canadians watch more VIDEO then any other country • People stay one your website 2mins longer when there’s a video • Video attached to a Social Media Post get shared more then

other Posts without • Videos should be under 2mins long • YouTube video on your Website or in your Blogs INCREASE your

SEO! • Videos are easy and cheap to make now!

• Animoto • YouTube • Vine

You should leverage the POWER of Video – TIPs & TRICKs

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

MUSTs on YouTube - TIPs


www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727


MUSTs on YouTube – Lists TRICKS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

You should know - Who’s Online

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You should know – Why they’re online

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You should know – Why they’re online

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

You should know – Your RESULTS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

You should know – Your RESULTS - TIPS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

You should know – Your RESULTS TRICKS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

You should know – Your RESULTS TIPS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

You should know – Your RESULTS TIPS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

You should know – Your IMPACT TIPS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

MUST Create YOUR KLOUT Account!

You should know – Your IMPACT TRICKS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

You should manage & plan TIPS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

You should manage & plan TIPS & TRICKS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

You should manage & plan TRICKS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

You should Promote - TRICKS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

You should Promote - TRICKS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727


You should CAPTURE emails! - TRICKS

www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

You could take my Online Social Media Training


www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

My Services: • Social Media Setup • Social Media Posting & Monitoring • Online Marketing Strategies • Online Marketing Training • Online Marketing Coaching • Animoto & YouTube Video Services

You could use any one of my Social Media Services!


www.SofieAndreou.com #OSWConf2014 @SofieAndreou 705-931-0727

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