ontiveros portfolio english09

Post on 24-Oct-2014






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design / research portfolio

architecture, landscape architecture, urbanism

Professional works






Professional works

Workshop Instructor Boston Architectural College Maria Arquero & Emilio Ontiveros

Student work: Mark Rego

Mapping as inquiry

The city is a complex device where many

interests -social, economic, politic, spatial, etc-

overlap. The combination of all these factors in

different contexts usually renders intricate

pictures, and challenges any future design


This workshop presents an analytical

framework to operate at very different scales in

increasingly complex environments,

transcending the traditional disciplinary

divisions. Bringing together diverse analytical

and evaluative approaches, this workshop

provides a set of tools to better comprehend

and interpret the surroundings where to

intervene. The explored mapping tactics are

structured on a scalar logic, and revised

through practical exercises. The course is

structured on four parts. For every scale there is

first an introductory presentation regarding the

theories and work of the best specialists at that

dimension, including some indispensable

readings. After a first exercise, there is a more

practical second lecture, dealing specifically

with representation and analytical issues, as

useful references for the students

Ian Mc Harg and Richard T.T. Forman show

how to unveil values and possibilities of any

given territory at the large scale. Considering

the milieu from environmental points of view,

their methods are able to get a large picture to

often find the guidelines of a solid basis,

something that should never be missing in a

coherent project.

At the middle scale, the approaches developed

by Kevin Lynch and Jan Gehl depict urban

fragments from a social and interpretative

angle, considering the collective image of the

city and their inhabitants’ interaction. This scalar

and conceptual jump takes into account

people’s own perspective, minding the abstract

gap present in usual maps and figures.

The disciplinary approach to urban morphology

-as observed in Manuel de Solá-Morales’ work -

pays attention to the specific city systems and

objects, as well as to their mutual relations. This

can be done isolating objective and rational

data that can be compared on a systematic

basis, across different city tissues.

Arriving at the residential scale, Roger

Sherwood explains how only a small number of

basic housing types are logical, while Alexander

Klein provides some graphic lines of attack and

categories from which to judge the plan of a

dwelling unit.

The site chosen to test these different

approaches is North Allston. Students will

engage four short exercises and one final

proposal that will incorporate a set of operative

diagrams taking further previous analysis. By

sharpening the students’ analytical and

representational abilities, the workshop is

conceived as an instrumental basis for incoming


Klein: Evaluation Principles Evaluation Principles after Klein

Professional Works P-01

Student work: Adam Settino

Studio Instructor Boston Architectural College Maria Arquero & Emilio Ontiveros

Professional Works P-02

Housing Hybrids

Housing Hybrids is a mixture between a

Workshop and a Studio. It deals with the ABCs

of residential design –Apartment, Building and

City- and tries to deliver a clear and distinct

understanding of housing tactics and types at

three different scales.

Housing Hybrids first presents an alphabet of

fundamental housing examples and then

requests students to build their own vocabulary

and grammar combining them.

Housing Hybrids directs the students across the

scales of the City, the Building, and the

Apartment through an ABC process:

A. Analyze two examples of each scale with

attention to their design features.

B. Blend those features into a new housing

product at the given scale.

C. Combine the new housing item into the

previous scale mix.

Repeat the process at the next scale.

With every scale change, students also change

their previous set of two examples, of which,

only one may coincide with anyone else’s.

This process eases the interactive aspect of the

class and provokes students to learn by

developing different blending strategies.

The aim of this experimental studio is two fold:

-to provide the students with a library of basic

residential examples: they would learn about

them through exposure, analysis and proposal.

-to train the students to find and use other

projects’ features as references for their own

designs and to do so in a flexible way, being

able to acknowledge -as well as to overcome-

the differences in authorship and scale.

Focusing on the students’ conceptual abilities,

this specific studio is envisaged as an active

foundation for following courses.

The site chosen to test these approaches is

North Allston, Massachusetts. The area offers

very different districts: the extension of Harvard

premises with educational, residential and

sports facilities; a large tract of single-family

units with a few neighbourhood services, some

retail and offices, open areas for leisure and

large scale infrastructure borders.

Students engage three exercises –one in every

scale- each time incorporating different sets of

housing examples and taking further previous

analysis. Common to every scale is the

requirement to understand the basic patterns of

circulation, open spaces, and built structures

and their different program possibilities for the



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Student work: Raymond Gonzalez

Student work: Blas Betancourt

Student work: Mark Rego Student work: George Gomez + Ryan Wills

Social Housing in Europe (VSE)

France, Germany & The Netherlands since WW2

The following work enjoyed a bigger budget and

involved some journeys to the countries subject of

study. Apart from previous tasks, I was in charge to

interview different faculty and professionals in several

places in the Netherlands, as well as in Paris and in

Hamburg. After my stay abroad, I presented a report to

the local faculty. The material gathered, including

transcripts, videos, pictures and some publications

proof useful for the Group. Once again, I was

commissioned part of the investigation, this time

dealing with the typological differences in the three

countries over the last sixty years. I considered time

lapses of 15 years in relation to economic and political

issues and presented two different case-studies from

each country and period.

Professional Works P-03

Researcher Research Group on Social Housing Polytechnic University, ETSAMadrid

Small dwellings (VR)

This study related to the recent political decision of the

Spanish Government on launching a social housing program

to suit the contemporary trend towards reduced households.

The work was commissioned by a developer as a way to

better understand the opportunities out of that new program.

My tasks included assisting the faculty involved at every

stage of the project. First, searching, compiling and

suggesting bibliography and images to illustrate the different

parts of the study. Then reviewing, proofreading and editing

all texts and most images in the complete research and in

part of the book. Acknowledging my work, I was also

commissioned a portion of the study, which resulted in two

chapters on the book. My topic referred to the different types

of small dwellings. I structured the subject first, explaining the

specificity of the contemporary small dwelling as oppose to

that of the modern minimum dwelling and other examples:

and then, relating the actual types with their influence in the

building and in the city scales. One unit, two different arrangements: Central service core and services adjacent to the corridor.

Two individual apartments and equivalent transformed dwelling for a couple. Free University, Berlin.

Research Group on Social Housing

After a selection process within the UPM, I first was

awarded a scholarship to join the Research Group on

Social Housing as a junior researcher. The following

year, after a second selection process, I was appointed

as a PhD researcher. The Research Group involved

several teachers from different departments: urban

design & planning, structures, design, building services

and construction. During my stay, the group was

commissioned two studies on social housing, the first

dealt with small dwellings and the following with

European modern residential structures. Both of these

works were first edited as research papers and then

published as books.

Professional Collaboration. Architect Rubio & Alvarez-Sala architects

Sacyr-Vallehermoso Tower. Madrid

Final Phase Project

This project, winner of an international

competition, gathers different programs of

hotel and offices fitting all into a simple plan

based on three circles and a triangle.

The intersection of these geometries generate

three vertical strips that divide the tower in

three segments. This gaskets serve for both

fire regulations and to lighten the tower, which

façade is made from a double skin of glass

and aluminum flakes.

Urban Renovation Plan. Burgos

Preliminary Proposals

The intervention develops new urban tissues

reacting both to the new station of the high

speed train and the dismantling of the former


The strategies on the three areas to develop

are based on knitting the previously separated

sides of the railway between them and

together with the rest of the city. These new

spaces will become logistic axis with

sequences of different uses along the winding

secondary streets.

Dwellings in Vallecas. Madrid

Final phase project.

This project, in the new extension of Vallecas,

develops ¾ parts of a city block, with 177

dwellings ranging from one to four bedrooms.

There is a specific attention to mechanisms of

scale in the building. Horizontally, its divided

into three different material strips to avoid its

monolothism. Besides, some various levels

holes ease the contact between the inside

and the outside of the block

Towers. Saragossa and Madrid.


Making the most of its previous high rise

experience, the office takes part in different

competitions with a similar subject.

The image shows a double tower with a

vegetation façade, as was presented in a

competition for a plot close to the new High

Speed Train Station of Saragossa.

Following a similar approach, the office wins a

competition for the refurbishment of a big

Hotel in Plaza de España, Madrid. This

project is a complex mix of commercial areas,

a new hotel, dwellings and office space.

Professional Works P-04

Professional Collaboration. Regional Planner and Designer PAU Lander. Madrid

Trends of growth in Madrid region

This commission from the Region of Madrid

elaborates on different approaches to Urban

Planning and Design by activating alternative yet

operative forms to look at the territory.

The research reacts to that indiscriminate

contemporary occupation of land, typical of both

infrastructures and those large pieces such as

commercial malls, office cities, university

complexes, etc. Instead, it elaborates on a more

synthetic reading, assigning much more value to

pre-existent conditions.

The work focuses on the most recent urban

fringes of Madrid Region, distinguishing five

areas of growth in relation to the capital.

This first large-scale approach questions the new

urban spots, and the different systems of

infrastructures in which they are inserted.

After broadly identifying and delimiting those

borders of growth, the research then takes a

closer look at the non built space: the nature

elements, the landscape, etc.

In contrast to the previous phase, on this

intermediate scale, topography, water, and flora

play a mayor role. In fact those features drive the

whole research with the objective to unveil

different factors able to establish keys for the

development of future policies. The work is a

document open to the exploration of these areas,

which may trigger very diverse developments.

Nevertheless, given its specific approach, most of

the interventions are directed to recompose,

reconstruct, or restructure pieces at the regional

scale with valuable landscape elements.

A set of basic generic rules –regarding

landscape, infrastructure and mobility, etc.- acts

like a starting structure, involving a methodology

that is not rigid but continuously adapted to the

specificity of the different territories, with different

degrees of freedom.

Professional Works P-05

Professional Collaboration. Architect Burgos & Garrido Architects

Theatre in Casas Ibañez. Albacete

First & second phase of project development

This project, winner in a national competition,

is divided into pieces in order to keep three

old pines as valuable pre-existing features.

The different pavilions embrace an open

space that acts like an exterior hall from which

all accesses are provided: goods, rehearsal,

administration, and the general public.

This exterior room, under the shadow of he

existing pines, establishes a link to the

previous street, widening it while conferring a

spatial dignity to the entrance.

180 Dwellings in Carabanchel. Madrid

Typological Study

The site is placed in a new area for residential

development in the outskirts of Madrid. The

aim of the project is to develop a structure to

accommodate a large mixture of rented and

owned dwellings. Despite the rigid building

regulations, the proposed housing typologies

enjoy a spatial flexibility that is carefully

studied to suit most of the residents’ needs.

Every dwelling is cross ventilated and double

oriented, ensuring the living room remains on

the sunny side.

The building fills the perimeter, leaving a large

shared garden to the interior of the city block.

Dwellings & Golf Club. Madrid

Competition tender

This project, located in the North of Madrid,

benefits from a magnificent environment.The

residential program is located in a cornise,

over the golf course, to enjoy the best views

and accesses.

There are several dwelling types ranging from

one to three-room apartments, which all fit in

different small housing blocks, never higher

than 4-storeys. The open spaces are carefully

designed to integrate the housing within the


56 Dwellings. San Sebastián. Madrid

First phase of project development

This assignment, currently under construction,

came as a result of the previous residential

project for Moscatelares.

The residential program consists of three

blocks, 5 storey-high, that houses large, three

and four-room apartments. The open areas

include extensive gardens, a swimming pool

and some other sports facilities Professional Works P-06

Introduction: Location and Explanation

Zoom over the different areas

This research project about the forms of

urban tourist resorts is part of the Territorial

Plan of the West Costa del Sol.

Our task is to develop a presentation to

communicate in an orderly way some

examples of different forms of tourist growth.

To fulfill this, we isolate some areas and

study them in detail.

The presentation is conceived in a flexible

way so that it may be exhibited in panels,

become a publication, or be shown as a

PowerPoint presentation.

Comparative Matrix

Urban Morphology

Urban Structure, Parcel Structure,Edification

After pointing out the different case studies in

a Map of the “Costa del Sol”, a graphic index

or a contents chart presents the whole study.

In this grid all chosen locations are shown at

the same scale. This eases the comparison

among different aspects such as the street

system, parcels, and the building structure.

These analyses are backed with an aerial

picture of every zone which help to identify

the actual town and to read the information.

Analytic Files

(Example 05 Casablanca Residential District)

Urban Morphology Analysis

There is a file for every studied location. It

gathers those three aspects mentioned

above, as well as different combinations

among them.

By doing this, we aim to observe some

different and yet traditional urban relations:

streets to parcels, parcels to buildings, and

streets to buildings.

Eventually, some synthetic plans deliver a

number of relevant conclusions drawn from

the analytical process and adding some data

such as the building heights and uses.

Professional Collaboration: Ontiveros & Arquero Architects J. M. Ezquiaga

Tourist Morphologies

Professional Works P-07

85 Dwellings in Moscatelares. Madrid

Competition tender.

This a development of five blocks in two

separate plots. All dwellings are double-

orientation units with façades in 90º. Their

wet core elements are adjacent to a large

courtyard in which the stairs and elevator

are located. The dwellings on basement

ground have all their own gardens while

the penthouses have large terraces.

Dwellings and Municipal Center. Murcia

Second phase of project development

Oriented towards the views of the old

fortification, this project rehabilitates an

area in the town center. Some separated

housing blocks fill the existing gaps while

a simple pavilion, the municipal center,

connect through its section the different

levels of the plot, providing the town with a

garden and a garage

Auditorium and Conservatory. Menorca

Competition, Mention of Honor

This project deals with an extensive

program (including a radio station, offices,

a small hotel and a public garage) on a

rather difficult site. The proposal suggests

a set of courtyards and light boxes that in

a controlled fragmentation characterizes

both the urban image and the interior of

each relevant space.

170 Social Dwellings. Madrid

First & second phase project development

A large housing project that, while keeping

to a continuous general solution, manages

to provide different scales in response to

surrounding considerations and adequate

solar orientations. Among the 20 different

types of dwellings, there are two- storey

dwellings and basement dwellings with

large terraces.

58 ecological dwellings. Albacete

Winner of Competion. Under construction

This project layout aims to achieve the

best orientation: three square blocks

parallel to the front side, an inner garden,

and a larger longitudinal block at the back.

The design of these cross-ventilated

dwellings takes into account the weather

considerations, from the elaborated

façades to the solar heating system

Professional Collaboration. Architect Burgos & Garrido Architects

Professional Works P-08

Professional Collaboration. Urban Designer Ontiveros & Bisbal

Professional Works P-09

6000 dwellings in Sanya. China.


Sanya is the second biggest city of Hainan, a

Chinese island close to Vietnam. Recently,

the local Port Authority decided to refurbish

part of the city and launched an international

contest. The proposal of the Spanish office

‘I3’ was among the few chosen to go on a 2nd

Phase. ‘I3’ asked us to present a quick

proposal for an 80-Ha area close to Sanya’s

west coast.

Site Analysis

Subject schemes are developed to study and

understand the territory. In this site, two rivers

merge into a bigger one. The water level on

the ground is high and the zone periodically

suffers from flooding. The main networks split

in two: the former main road and a small train

track run along the sea shore while the

motorway and the main train line stay further

away from the coast. There are large swamps

and agricultural areas together with

wastelands and seafood farms. Built-up areas

concentrate around the nodes of the road

network, ignoring both the rivers and the sea.

Some constructions are arranged north-south,

the best solar orientation.


To show some continuity and coherence with

the First Phase work, “City of Water”, in which

the water system plays a major role, we

develop that concept into detail giving it a

precise form. This is achieved by turning the

merging of the two rivers into a great river-

lake and arranging consequently a channel-

and-road system, the green areas, etc. The

6000 dwellings, a civic and cultural centre, the

big department stores and the foreseen and

land consuming golf and yacht club, are

placed on several islands and different lake-

coast interventions on solid ground.

Dwelling Types

Our urban pattern investigation searches for a

controlled variety, ensuring sights, ventilation

and shadows, all of these, needs for a holiday

resort in this tropical climate. The different

housing types result from their specific

location, in relation with the water and the

residential density of their surroundings.

Disperse low density areas are close to the

future yacht and golf club, higher residential

densities (100 D/Ha.) are placed to the south,

near the big department stores.

Professional Collaboration. Urban Designer The Andalusian Landscape. BDMO and Daniel Zarza


Daniel Zarza, Urban teacher at Madrid

and now professor at Alcalá de Henares,

was given an UE grant to develop a

investigation about the Andalusian

Landscape. He asked us to help him with

it, and a quick and pragmatic way to begin

that collaboration was to prepare a Power

Point Presentation to show the first

developments of his work.

Matrix of Landscapes

The first and general work approach was

to reduce the subject’s complexity by

structuring the Andalusian landscapes into

a controlled matrix of only 9 different

types. The structuring categories were

based on the geographical characteristics

–mountain, prairie or coast- and the

predominant human activities of the sites:

natural (no activity), rural or urban. On our

search for valid scale approximations we

began with the Coast sites: Doñana, a

natural reserve park; El Ejido, the biggest

vegetable producing area in Europe, and

Costa del Sol an important holiday resort.


Available as a rough and large scale

landscape map, the approx.1:50.000

aerial photographs delivered by the

Andalusian Government served as first

basis. These high resolution pictures

avoid other representation filters, and

help learning to concentrate just on the

visible aspects. On the other hand, these

realistic images don’t tell all the truth but

just show a momentary aspect of the real

thing. All in all, it is a good exercise to

draw what you see, not what you know.


On each location, some spots are

designated relevant and therefore

explained in a more detailed way. Those

zooms show typical patterns, specific

points were some patterns coincide, etc. A

standard 1:10.000 cartography is the used

base, therefore this representation carry

inoculated urban filters and conventional

assumptions. Although this pull us apart

from a certain landscape understanding,

at the same time, it helps us to distinguish

issues that may turn out to be operative

Professional works P-10








90 Social dwellings. Vicálvaro. Competition Ná architects (Castillo, Durántez, Negueruela & Ontiveros)

Competitions C-01

Integration of two neighborhoods, Sanlucar, Cadiz. Competition Bisbal, Perez, Zarza, Castillo & Ontiveros

The project enhances and gives continuity to the rests of the vegetation cornice, which lies on the geological shift that historically separated both neighborhoods

The multi-scalar proposal specifically address the central area of Sanlucar with the renovation and rehabilitation of small squares, wine cellars and warehouses.

This new public landscape connects major city milestones and provides great views between the two parts of the town and beyond, towards the Guadalquivir

Competitions C-02

Retail, offices and dwellings, Saragossa. Competition (runner up) Bisbal, Perez, Castillo & Ontiveros

Texture and constructive view of the façade

Section showing retail space and parking

View from the public space between the building complex (to the left) and the new station for the High Speed Train

Typical floor: to the left the office block

Plans of the two level dwellings

Ground floor: specific circulations for retail space and accesses to office and dwellings

Performance of both the offices and dwelling façades

Competitions C-03

97 social dwellings. Vallecas(runner up) Ná architects (Castillo, Durántez, Negueruela & Ontiveros)

Front elevation showing the horizontal block and the emerging towers

Open space between social dwellings and existent block

The project strategies react to the site’s urban regulations, which neither address the distinct spaces nor the condition of the buildings around the plot.

Typical floor of the towers

Typical floor of the block

Ground Floor

Corner view, the highest tower reacting to the large space in front.

Competitions C-04

Rehabilitation of a former industrial area into a new residential development, Moreda, Asturias. Spain

A diverse set of strategies acts as an informing departure kit for the project, including bioclimatic diagrams, situationist references, and a landscape layer cake.

The renovated area would enjoy a much more open and kind character, being plenty of vegetation and with new public facilities such as a socio-cultural centre

The intervention is subject to evolution, and the renovation begins by opening new entrances and paths to improve accessibility and to ease new opportunities

Europan 9. Competition Castillo, Perea, Promewongse & Ontiveros

Competitions C-05

Several residential types form a catalog for the former industrial complex. The one above maintains the structure of a shed to house dwellings and workshops

A small amount of apartments are newly developed in terms of volume. However they make use of the existent infrastructure and respond to their surroundings

Some dwellings are develop not from the industrial structures but from the space in between. Here, the chutes give the access structure to new housing

Rehabilitation of a former industrial area into a new residential development, Moreda, Asturias. Spain

Europan 9. Competition Castillo, Perea, Promewongse & Ontiveros

Competitions C-06

420 dwellings in Valdebebas. Competition (runner up) Ignacio Bisbal, Elisa Perez & Emilio Ontiveros

Combination of elements -rooms, entrances, storage, etc- create diversity

The project react to the plot: a strip of land between a road along a large forest park to the north and a development of single family houses to the south

Close up look: dwellings group so that main façades avoid close confrontation

Image of an inner courtyard, conceived as a semipublic landscaped playground, connected visually with the large park and physically with the rest of courtyards

Competitions C-07

43 dwellings in barajas, Madrid

3th Floor

Above: Inner view of a large dwelling showing the linear arrangement. Below: diverse street views of the building and as an abstract volume

4th floor

Close up look: dwellings group so that main façades avoid close confrontation

2nd Floor Site plan showing the perimeter position

Ground Floor

Site plan: the plot’s perimeter position

43 Dwelling in Barajas, Madrid. Competition. Clara Vélez & Emilio Ontiveros

Competitions C-08

‘18 dwellings for young & elder people’, Competition. Runner-up Ontiveros & Arquero Architects

Competitions C-09






Academic works

Workshop D.Eberle (Baumschlager/Eberle)

Three Projects in three days

Workshop J. Herreros (Ábalos/Herreros)

Contour Conditions:

Urban Environment & Collective Dwelling

Workshop F. V Dongen (Architecten Cie.)

Evolution through time: Three stage project

The task in this brainstorming workshop is to

develop a project each day and to explain it

to the rest of the class. This way, every one

learns from each other’s design.

Although in Madrid, all projects have very

different locations and therefore site, public

space and scale play a very important role in

discussing them. Moreover, among the

projects some are former public housing

contests and thus can be tested against the

real winners.

Given these features and the little time to

elaborate on the actual designs, every class

result into an enjoyable frenetic critic session

Individual proposal for operative strategies

to approach the problem of urban housing

progressive homogenization:

-Encourage Complexity in the formal system

Urban blocks should differ in shape reacting

accordingly to their location

-Focus on Density growths

Housing complexes should be more dense

and respond to urban density indicators

-Emphasize Programmatic diversity

Buildings should host different activities

compatible with their location and density

-Instigate Typological variety

Different dwellings derived from basic plan

and section types, offer more opportunities

This group work develops a urban block in

Ijburg island, a terrain reclaimed to the sea

close to Amsterdam. The task was to think

the project over time and thus deal with

concepts such as flexibility and evolution.

Our proposal includes an elaborated system

of circulations, providing both a device to

enjoy the unique landscape of this artificial

island, as well as an infrastructure able to

accommodate changes in time.

We then evaluate the project’s changing

stages through three categories: free space/

density, different uses, and economic value.

Master in Collective Housing Polytechnic University, ETSAMadrid MCH 01/02

Academic works A- 01

Workshop Jose Morales

Dwelling open air spaces

Workshop Felix Claus (Claus &Kaan)

A building instead Coderch’s building

Workshop Jacob van Rijs (MvRdV)

Mapping Madrid’s new residential outskirts

This workshop represents a opportunity to

research about the different combinations of

open air spaces in contemporary housing.

Terraces, loggias, galleries, courtyards, etc.

bring landscape inside the dwelling by

providing a space or room with views, light,

fresh air, etc.

A configuration chartt -developed after a

SANAA’s scheme- gathers and presents

projects from architects Schmidt; Le

Corbusier; Candilis, Josic & Woods;

Terragni; Baumgarten; Aalto; Lyon; Van

Dongen; Neutelings; Gazeau; MVRDV,

Gigon+Guyer; Burkhalter+Sumi; as well as

one own design featuring three such spaces

In the 1960s Coderch came to Madrid to

build “el edificio Girasol” a well known

residential complex in one of the most

expensive corners of the city, close to the

world famous fashion stores.

In this context, the task is to built a housing

block consuming all the available floor area.

Some of the proposals respond developing

as many units as possible giving the land’s

high value. As an alternative, this project

proposes less dwellings insisting in the

luxurious character of the area. It mixes

some stores, large terraced penthouses and

double height lofts suitable for fashion

designers, photographers and the likes.

Madrid city is growing very rapidly, although

at a slower pace than its outskirts. The

metropolitan residential belt, currently under

development is thought to host roughly half a

million new inhabitants in the next 10 years.

Unfortunately, the urban design of these new

areas seem much less important than their

immediate economic revenues. They do not

take into account the pre-existing periphery

landscapes, and try to resemble some 19th

century grid model with larger courtyard

blocks and even larger streets, resulting into

schematic and homogeneous zones, as

shown in this mix research-report.

Master in Collective Housing Polytechnic University, ETSAMadrid MCH 02/02

Academic works A- 02

PhD 1st Course Tuition Period Polytechnic University, ETSAMadrid [MArquero & EOntiveros]

Recent Public Housing Developments. Madrid

Prof. L. Moya

This program is developed in three different phases:

First, the course director delivers as an introduction, a

panorama on the last 15 years of public residential

interventions in Madrid.

Then, everyone in the class chooses an example within these

types of development and studies it in depth. This is worked

on different scales: first that of the city or of the district, then

that of the development itself, and last, that of the dwelling.

The project is also approached from diverse points of view in

each of these scales: orientation and relation to the urban

tissues, access and programmatic issues, the structure and

the construction, etc.

Eventually, the PhD students present their research. Thanks to

the relative small size of the class on this subject, every

housing example can be discussed not only by the presenter

and the professor but also by all other students. This makes

every presentation interactive, allowing students to participate

and turning it into an enjoyable critic review.

Along the course there were some visits to some of the most

representative examples of these new residential


Protecting the Urban Heritage and the Natural Environment

Prof. J. Fariña

The course explains the protection levels, as well as the

different legal dispositions, concerning the Natural and Urban


To consider a landscape as heritage, there must be a previous

evaluation. The work first explores and then evaluates two

landscapes: the surroundings of Barajas’ airport and the area

of the future airport in Campo Real.

The evaluation is developed from work on the field. Data of

each visited spot is gathered and stored in files. All files

include a description, a catalog of landscape elements,

photographs, and a small video. Raw data undergoes a

statistical process which then is transformed into a

characterization of the visual landscape of each zone,

providing a basis for the evaluation.

Urgent and Self-Developed Urbanism

Profs. F. Colavidas & J. Salas

Dealing with the basic habitat in developing countries, this

program addresses some general considerations among

which the most important are usually the basics such as

choosing an adequate location and developing the area with

some degree of flexibility but with a tight budget.

Our work is a contemporary research on some of the 1950s

interventions on the periphery of Madrid. Despite the very low

budgets and their temporary condition, many of these projects

still stand up. Some even have been refurbished and remain

a consolidated part of the city fabric. These facts and the

quality of both their urban and architectural design give them

an exemplary role.

Academic works A- 03

Design and Construction of New Urban Territories

Prof. L.F.A. Teixidor

“La Hoya de Villalba” is located in the northern outskirts of

Madrid. This course proposes its study under 4 general aspects:

infrastructures, patterns, centralities and voids.

Developing on the issue of voids, the first work presents some

examples of urban projects in which the non-urbanized space

play the most important role. Afterwards the research focuses

on the site itself. The voids of “La Hoya” are classified according

to their different sizes and characters.

To evaluate the specific values of these areas we consider them

at the same time in both a positive and a negative way:

On the one hand, the voids are considered valuable as a

reservoir of the non-urbanized space in a remarkable

environment. On the other hand, there is the dry void, where no

lake or river is to be found, which has less ecological value than

wetter spaces.

The final conclusion, a hierarchy of protected spaces, is drawn

from the crisscross of the two considerations at different scales.

Constructing the Landscape.

Shaping the outward appearance. Prof. Darío Gazapo

In this course, the approach to the subject of landscape is some

combination between the previous experience at the ETH Zurich

and a personal interpretation of the issues addressed in class.

The academic program introduces several ways of approaching

the landscape, which can be grouped under two main sets,

being the idea of process a common denominator to all of them.

The first group of themes deals with location of/in the place:

coming and going, maps, geometry, and landscape structure are

some of the names of these approaches.

The second group deals with a more individual view or

perception such as inner landscape, landscape of memory,

unconscious landscape, un-programming landscapes and

deconstructing of landscape.

Privacy and Posturban Territories

Prof. Ramón López de Lucio

Gated communities deliver a characteristic landscape. This work

looks at some of these developments, set along the N-VI, a

highway to the Northwest of Madrid.

To fulfill this case study research, we follow a specifically

designed protocol to gather the data. This helps establishing

comparisons and drawing conclusions

Each community is described through a series of files that

include the most relevant data, aerial photographs and some

aspects in which we are particularly interested: limits, street

system, open spaces and singular elements.

Accesses, Boulevards and Closure mechanisms conform the

ABC of landscape for these developments. The research

questions whether communities keep or challenge their original

aspirations to exclusivity, luxury,security and contact with nature .

Academic works A- 04

PhD 1st Course Tuition Period Polytechnic University, ETSAMadrid [MArquero & EOntiveros]

more city, more landscape, more airport?

Developing a “V” layout, our landscape project for

Zurich airport proposes a functional extension of

two of the existing runways, making public the

third one in the middle.

This way we keep the airport fully operational,

allowing at the same time. On the one hand, a

new city growth in the southern area, following

the urban push of that side.

On the other, a challenging landscape, holding

together the existing natural areas and that newly

accessible runway.

Finally we suggest the creation of a temporary

landscape to make people aware of the

consequences that a new parallel runway would

have on its surroundings.

Since its opening, every major change in the

airport has involved a transformation of its

surroundings. Our hypothesis, ‘landing run

traces’, aims to explore this inextricable relation

between runways and landscape.

From an everyday use point of view, the proposal

deals with both the airport’s mechanism and the

people in its surroundings. On the one hand, two

runways are more than enough to cope with

Zurich’s current and future traffic flow –Gatwick

deals with twice as much traffic with just one land

runway. On the other, we have acknowledged the

intensity in which citizens use this area, not only

to work and live, but also for recreational


Considering the urban and natural context, the

surroundings of the airport constitute possibly

Switzerland’s fastest growing conurbation over

the last 50 years, but they still keep some areas

of great biodiversity value. The plan supports the

urban character of the airport, as the stimulus of

what would be the Swiss fourth biggest city if

detached from Zurich.

As far as nature is concerned, the project

improves both the existing conditions and their

public enjoyment connecting previously isolated


The design brings up matters of time and

evolution. It questions the need of a planned

future expansion by the means of a temporary

and interactive landscape performance.

landing run traces. Design Concentration MAS LA ETH Zurich [MArquero & EOntiveros]

Academic works A- 05

landing run traces. Design Concentration MAS LA ETH Zurich [MArquero & EOntiveros]

Academic works A- 06

landing run traces. Design Concentration MAS LA ETH Zurich [MArquero & EOntiveros]

Academic works A- 07

landing run traces. Design Concentration MAS LA ETH Zurich [MArquero & EOntiveros]

Academic works A- 08

Airport Matrix is an approach to explore and

understand the landscape around Zurich

airport. It is conceived to provide us with a

quick and objective idea of the basic structure

of the area, assuming that a territory can be

understood studying a representative small

portion of it.

The method is based on the development of a

matrix (a system of homogenously distributed

points) that takes as a departure grid the

1/25000 cartography covering the airport’s

area. The matrix uses every two crossings of

this grid to get a system of 24 points, which

are 2km away from each other. These 24

points are like a roll of film, that once

developed will give us an unprejudiced idea

about this territory.

In every point we gather a 360º photo and

video panorama, a picture from the spot’s

ground texture and some surrounding or

approach photographs, all these included in

every file.

Each file collects also a series of data

concerning land uses and some landscape

elements. Our sources include a brief

historical analysis based on cartography,

which relates the significant steps in the

development of the airport to its impact on the


As a result of combining field visits with data

analysis, the method tries to convey a precise

approach to the landscape of the airport. We

look for the specific characteristic that makes

every place unique, the different and/or

shared landscape elements that give to every

place its identity and renders it recognisable.

Looking at the visual clues –panorama, video

and pictures- we focus on the opening or

closeness of the landscape regarding the

horizon line, the vegetal structures, the soil

texture and composition, the water system

and other natural or cultural traces of the site.

Besides these visible layers, video collects

audio, which constitute an entirely different

system of traces. Working out this

soundscape will certainly bring up new


Airport Matrix. Urban Nature concentration MASLA ETHZurich [MArquero & EOntiveros]

Academic works A- 09

Airport Matrix. Urban Nature concentration MASLA ETHZurich [MArquero & EOntiveros]

Academic works A- 10

Lessons from the Randstad. BDMO (Bisbal, Delgado, Malo & Ontiveros)

Randstad Matrix

This is a preliminary approach conceived

to provide a quick unprejudiced idea of the

Randstad Holland territory. Such area, the

most populated in the most dense country

of Europe, is conformed as a metropolitan

belt –Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam

and Utrecht- which spreads around an

open space known as the Greenheart.

The Matrix consists of a 30-point grid,

based on a 1/25000 national cartography,

which regularly covers all the study area.

In each of those points a series of pictures

(North, East, West, South) are taken and

specific information is gathered. This

enriching process of learning by discovery

eventually produces a series of statistics

on housing, land use and infrastructures,

and elements of the landscape.


Case study areas are designed and

analysed in files as a way to organise the

information. Through progressive zooms,

this multidisciplinary work studies

residential developments, recreational and

commercial areas, city centres, etc. The

approach starts at a urban scale where

the plot is first located and then explained

through data, schemes, street sections

and pictures.

The next step is a close and detailed look

at a smaller scale. In the case of a

residential structure –see right- the zoom

stops first at the building itself, and then at

the different dwelling types. Pictures,

plans and schemes are again the used

tools. These, together with brief

descriptions, try to help understanding

each item at a glance.


As a result of the work done, different

combinations of data and theory can be

arranged into “lessons”. Thus, a certain

subject is pointed out and didactically

developed in a way that tends to be

suitable for a classroom, a workshop or a


The example –see right- shows part of the

Lesson Madrid-Randstad, that compares

both regions side by side. Again, this is

done through a progressive zoom from

the big territorial scale, to the detailed

plans of both areas’ typical housing types.

Academic works A- 11

Program Arrangement

The use and layout of the different work spaces are set

upon their proximity to the orchards. The ground floor, in

open contact with the terrain, is left for practical and

heavy works involving machinery or sample collection.

The first floor, public and representative, houses an

exhibition hall, a conference room, practical and

theoretical classrooms and a cafeteria. The library, the

investigation laboratories and offices are on third floor.

An interior greenhouse packs the building’s east end.

Graduation Project. Academic Year 2002 Polytechnic University, ETSAMadrid

Academic works A- 12

Agricultural Research Laboratories

Boadilla del Monte, Madrid.

In the west of Madrid, Boadilla del Monte is a town which

major features are being one of the few compact villages

in a spreading suburban area, and having a 1764 palace

complex. The agricultural laboratories are placed across

a small river, opposite and parallel to the palace stepped

gardens. Continuing that tapestry of green carpets, the

experimentation fields are located in the most fertile

terrains, close to the water. On the other hand, the

building is set along an east-west axis, like a contention

wall against the southern hills. The relation established

between the palace, the labs, and their green open

spaces help creating a threshold between the compact

town to the west and the preserved mountains to the east.

Eco•Logical Wrapping

The different façades and the roof share a common

threshold-enclosure, which changes responding to different

factors: interior program requirements, light conditions based

on orientation, sights, etc. The north side of the building gets

great views over the palace gardens and the

experimentation fields. An intense constant flow of people

comes in and out through that façade. Thanks to the

moderate local climate, a simple double glass beneath the

threshold allows enjoying the views without sacrificing

comfort. In contrast, the southern façade deals with a hard

and changing sunlight, unsuitable for laboratories. Inner

circulations are placed along that side which is deepened by

filters and shadowed by plants climbing up to a vegetal

roof.Agricultural Research Laboratories

Design Studios Sequence Polytechnic University, ETSAMadrid

Academic works A- 13

Projects I (4th course)

Arts School & Gallery. Arevalo

this scholar complex houses a small

museum, an auditorium, some classrooms, a

cafeteria, and both students and teachers

rooms. The gallery is the main space and

embraces the rest of the program in a

stepped section towards the town’s river.

Eleven Row Houses. Madrid

The different types of these large single-

family houses are either two or three storeys

high and they all feature a back garden and

an ample courtyard. This open space is the

heart of the house and determines the

arrangement of the living and service areas

Projects II (5th course)

Temporary Housing for Immigrants

Matching a stepped section towards the

river and a filtered façade provides views

with privacy

Arts and Crafts’ School. Berlin

Students’ rooms and relation spaces enjoy

the light and views over the southern square

Carpenter's Shop

Shelves in a shed inserted in the city fabric

Supermarket and Offices Complex

A slim glazed block rises from the garage

below splitting the plot in two different

scaled spaces

Projects III (6th course)

Residential Lodging for Atlethes

Temporary housing and diverse sport

facilities for both individuals and groups.

Open façades and terraces help enjoying

the views of an extensive green site, close

to a river in the outskirts of Madrid. The

modern requirements of light and ventilation

are present in the different typologies, which

vary from the lower fingers, close to the river,

to the 4 storey row houses on the back side,

along the entrance road.

Agricultural Laboratories

A complex program inside a simple and

rigorously modulated building. Small,

controlled experimentation fields in

courtyards and roofs add a landscape feeling

to a highly technical environment.

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