opal beach 2

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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Week two of Opal Beach.


Opal Beach – Week 2

Hey there, and welcome back to both my legacy and my build a city challenge! This update will be of the Carson's again, but after this chapter we will see some expansion in

the neighborhood and then each family will have their own chapter for each week. As always, thank you for reading and enjoy!

Just for anyone who is curious, this is the house so far. It's not much, but I'm sure it will grow to be a mansion in due time. Kaylynn brought in 17,000 simoleans, by the way, which we will use to decorate.

When we were last with the Carson's, Joe and Kaylynn had just professed their love for each other and Kaylynn had moved in, bringing a substantial sum of money with her.

That night the two lovebirds found themselves sitting at the new dinner table, a plate of leftover spaghetti in front of each of them.

Joe: Kaylynn, as you know, I love you.Kaylynn: Yes, I love you too.Joe: Well...I have something I want to ask you...Kaylynn: Where are you going with this, Joe?

Joe: I just wanted to know if you would do the honor of becoming my wife. Will you marry me?Kaylynn: OH! Yes, yes of course I'll marry you! Yes! Yes! Yes!

With Kaylynn's acceptance under his belt, Joe took her hand and slipped the ring on her finger.

Joe: I love you so much, you know that right?Kaylynn: I do know that, you tell me every hour. I love you too.

With the engagement behind them, the two decided to celebrate that night in the best of ways.

Kaylynn is a family sim with the lifetime want to marry off six children. Which probably will not happen because six children costs a lot of money, which the family does not have at the moment. She is a Cancer with 6 neat, 3 shy, 6 active, 4 serious, and 6 nice. Her natural hobby is tinkering.

Morning came quickly and Joe couldn't help but hold his soon to be wife in his arms. In a few moments, they would have to rise and greet the day, prepare the wedding, and finally tie their hands together in union. Joe wanted to take advantage of the little quiet time he had.

When it was finally time for the pair of them to rise, Joe went and did what he did every morning: prepare breakfast.

Joe: (to himself) It's nice to be starting the morning off with my new family. Now to only get married so to make our family official!

A fancy, public wedding didn't seem like a necessary charade for him, and he was certain Kaylynn felt the same way. In all honesty, just performing the ceremony in his small kitchen sounded nicer than anything a wedding planner could come up with. He didn't need guests and cake and feasts to celebrate, he only needed his love for Kaylynn, and her love for him, the most beautiful thing a man could have.

That's just what the pair did. That night, Joesph and Kaylynn joined hands in the comfort of their very own kitchen.

Joe: Kaylynn, will you do me the honor of being my wife?Kaylynn: I do. And will you, Joesph, do me the honor of being my husband?Joe: I do. Of course I do!

With a kiss on the lips to seal their promises and love, the two were married.

Joe: So, how are you feeling?Kaylynn: Crazy.Joe: ...crazy? How?Kaylynn: Crazy in love of course. It's weird, I never pictured myself as the romantic type. But then you walked into my life with your wooing and your flattery and your outright love and I knew I was a goner.

Joe: Well, I'm glad I could be of some help then, my dear. Now come here and kiss me, I miss your sweet lips already.Kaylynn: It would be my pleasure.

The next few days were filled with cooking and painting and gardening and treasure digging, as well as a number of other different ways to make money. The couple longed for a child, but they knew that it wouldn't be fair to bring a child into the world when they were thoroughly unprepared to raise it.

They even started a small business in the comfort of their home. It was a simple enough affair, Joe spent a couple hours baking deserts in the kitchen, and Kaylynn manned the cash register and occasionally made sales to various customers.

They even began taking in loyal customers. People who wanted their daily berry pie, or Sunday Baked Alaska all crowded up the couple's foyer with shopping bags and cold, hard cash. Kaylynn wasn't amazing with handling money or using the cash register, but she got by. The business was soon up to a rank two.

One day as Joe was restocking, he took a quick glance at their numbers. With the loyal customers they had made, and the amount of things they were able to sell, the couple soon found themselves with a little more money than they knew what to do with. With this fact in hand, Joe came up with a clever next step in his plan.

It turned out that Kaylynn was thinking of the exact same thing.

Joe: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?Kaylynn: I sure hope you're thinking what I'm thinking, otherwise this would just be creepy.

Unfortunately, the next morning (or perhaps fortunately in terms of the Law Enforcement career), Joe caught on fire while trying to make Crepes Suzette.


After Kaylynn finished laughing at his clumsiness, she phoned the fire department, which came quickly.

Note: The observant reader would notice that I have a security alarm installed, this is simply become of a misunderstanding of the Law Enforcement rules. As soon as I realized my mistake, all alarm systems were removed from the property until I unlock them.

Kaylynn: Over here, boys! Now come save my silly husband or his burnt ghost won't let me hear the end of it!

With the fire soon put out, the two resumed their normal lives of snowman building, bakery cooking, business running, and love. Joe, although shaken, was glad he had helped the unlocking of the Law Enforcement career to progress, albeit accidentally. If it meant his future children could be police officers, then he was happy to help.

On the topic of future children, of course, the prospect of the little pitter-patter of tiny feet was heightened when Kaylynn found herself pregnant with her first child. Joe was delighted of course, and called every single person he knew to let them know the big news. Meanwhile, Kaylynn spent her days in the more productive way of painting in order to win the future trio more money to live off of.

Joe: I'm so glad that you're going to be the mother of my children, Kaylynn. You're so beautiful.Kaylynn: Thanks, sweetheart. I couldn't have done any of this without you, you know.Joe: Me? Ha, I barely helped. You're the one carrying our child in your belly, you're the one feeding it. I'm just taking up space and cooking.Kaylynn: You couldn't take up space if you tried, Joe! Now tell me, what will parenthood be like?Joe: ...parenthood?

Joe: Parenthood will be falling asleep at the table from pure exhaustion, your face landing in your food and drool coming from your chin. It will be dirty diapers at 2 am, and grumpy toddlers, and rebellious teenagers. It will be fights over curfew, and boys, and 'you can't leave the house looking like that'! Yes, parenthood will be all of these things...but it will be worth it when you see the smile on your child's face at graduation, when you see them walk down the aisle, when you see them hold their own child in their arms. Parenthood will be absolutely amazing, I promise.

Kaylynn's pregnancy progressed at a normal rate with very little incidents. Soon she had grown as big as a house, and she walked around tenderly with swollen feet. Oftentimes she chose to stay in bed on account of the pain the baby gave to her back. It was rough work, but it was worth it knowing that her first child would soon be in her arms.

In the rare times that she wasn't sleeping, she would take up residence at the cash register, ringing up customers and taking even more money for the child that grew within her.

Kaylynn: Darn, machine!

She shouted as the cash drawer flew out suddenly.

Kaylynn: You could have hurt the baby! You're lucky you're not thrown in some ditch somewhere because of your insolence.

Sometimes, the mood swings were a bit too much for her to handle.

One day, as she was cooking dinner, Kaylynn felt a sharp pain in her belly. She ignored it at first, but then the pain increased to the point that had to stop what she was doing to double over.

Kaylynn: Joe? Joe! Come here, the baby's coming!

Pain ripped through her body again, and Kaylynn felt the involuntary need to push. She screamed.


When all the pain, and pushing, and screaming, and threatening was said and done, Kaylynn found herself holding a wonderful baby boy.

Kaylynn: What should I name you, young man?

After a few minutes of consideration, she decided on Stanley, which meant 'From the Stony Field'. It wasn't much of a name, but it was true. Stanley was from the stony field of restrictions, and it was his job to rise up and unlock jobs.

Kaylynn: Welcome to the world, Stanley Carson.

Stanley has his mother's dark blue eyes and his father's brown hair. He also has his father's skintone, I believe. Don't expect much variation this generation, both Kaylynn and Joe are carrying dominant genes.

Kaylynn and Joe were very good to Stanley, feeding him when he was hungry and changing his diaper when it was poopy. They wiped every tear off his face, and played with him until he would smile and laugh. All in all, the days were tough, but they were filled with joy, and time passed quickly.

Meanwhile, Joe decided to close the home business and reopen in a small lot just a mile from their home. The business they renamed, as well, calling it Kay Bakery. That was Joe's idea, as he wanted to have a building that honored his darling wife.

The place wasn't much to look at, what with it's unmatched walls and silly furniture. But it was enough to start, and it was destined to grow into something much bigger and better, if only it is shown a little bit of love. And love it was shown, Joe and Kaylynn adored it, it symbolized everything about the couple – easy going, humble, and delicious. They were certain it would succeed one day.

The couple took turns watching the store, selling to returning customers and helping the new ones. The business soon grew to rank one, but it fell as soon as a few grumpy people decided they weren't getting enough attention.

But what could they do about it? Some people would simply be unhappy no matter how much you tried to help them.

Stanley grew up as well, into an adorable little boy who just couldn't stop smiling. It was obvious that he loved his parents by the way he would ask for them at all hours of night, wanting attention or a playmate, or in rare cases, for someone to take care of him.

For the most part he was pretty self-dependent.

Unfortunately, within a few days of operating the bakery, disaster struck. Roaches! Kaylynn wanted to call the exterminator, but they were out of service until the town was settled a little more. There would be no reason for them to operate at Opal Beach if they were only serving a few families a year.

Despite the roaches best effort to infiltrate the business, they did not succeed as much as they originally hoped. Instead, a reporter came into the store, asking questions and testing toilets to see how the business was doing. She seemed satisfied when she left for the night, and later Joe and Kaylynn were rewarded with a Best of the Best reward.

Stanley was growing bigger everyday, and soon enough he had learned to walk and talk and use the potty. Kaylynn couldn't believe how quickly the years had gone by. Wasn't it just yesterday that she had met Joesph?

Joe loved Stanley too, and was just as shocked as Kaylynn as to how quickly time had passed. On the last day of the week, Joe scooped his son into his arms and snuggled him until the boy began to wiggle in an attempt to free himself. Soon he would be too big to hold, and he would be embarrassed to even be seen with his father in public. Joe wasn't looking forward to those days at all.

Joe: Never grow up, son. I don't think I could handle it.Stanley: I grow big, daddy.Joe: No, don't grow big. Stay small forever, please.Stanley: But I wanna be tall like you and mommy.Joe: No you don't, Stan. Too many responsibilities, not enough huggles. You don't want that, I promise.

Well, that's all we have for this week, folks. Next time, a new family will be introduced and I will finally be able to put out two updates. Oh the joys of writing. :) Thanks for reading, see you next time!


Sims: 3Households: 1Owned lots: 2Sim Multiplier: 2

Population: 6

Burglaries: 1Fires: 1

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