open education licensing

Post on 21-Jan-2018






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OEL Project

In this Presentation

• Overview of Open Education Practices

• Introduction to the Open Education Licensing (OEL) project

• The research (survey) outcomes

• The OEL Toolkit Demo

• Key Legal Issues

But, before starting…

What does'Open Educational Resource'

mean to you?

Paris ‘OER declaration’

UNESCO 2012 Paris OER declaration:Teaching, learning and research materials in anymedium, digital or otherwise, that reside in the publicdomain or have been released under an open licencethat permits no-cost access, use, adaptation andredistribution by others with no or limited restrictions

The evolution of ‘open’ in higher ed.

• Distance education (anywhere, anytime, no pre-requisites for entry and alternative pathways for exit)

• Universities establish Open Access repositories of scholarly resources

• Open Educational Resources (OER)

• 2012 Year of the MOOC

Online education in Australia

• 2012 – year of the MOOC

• Australian teachers rely on educational statutory licences (in closed environments)

• Australia has no Fair Use

• © & licensing – critical challenge for sector

• Meaning of ‘open’?

• Need understanding of Open Licences – some more open than others!

• OER – 5 Rs – more than just online access!

Copyright in Australia

• Current Australian law less flexible than other jurisdictions

• Purpose-based Fair Dealing / statutory educational licences

• ALRC report on Copyright & the Digital Economy / Productivity Commission – recommend Fair Use

• Exposure Draft 2016 – may simplify educational licences

• Online education will still need Open Licences!

Expansion of MOOCs

• Aust MOOCs / other ‘open’ course offerings steadily increasing

• 7 Aust unis OERu partners

• Business models differ

• Experimenting with payment for add-ons (credit/online tutoring)

• Commitment to Open Licensing for re-use?

’Open’ at Australian universities

Open MOOCs (P2Pu, OERu)



Blackboard Coursesites

Open2Study (OUA)

Other (iTunes U, Edcast, Class2Go, Canvas,

Future Learn, OpenLearning etc)


MOOC platforms used by Australian universities 2014

Open MOOCs (P2Pu, OERu)



Blackboard Coursesites

Open2Study (OUA)

Other (iTunes U, Edcast, Class2Go,Canvas, Future Learn, OpenLearningetc)

Open licensing at Australian universities

No MOOC offered

All rights reserved

Open licence (Creative Commons)

University MOOC Offerings in Australia by licensing 2014

No MOOC offered

All rights reserved

Open licence (Creative Commons)

Open Education Licensing project

• Joint Swinburne / University of Tasmania

• 2 yr research & development

• Funding from Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching

Examining OEP in Australian unis

Developing practical info / licensing tools

Project Plan

• June 2015 – Surveyed 389 staff from 38 Austuniversities – 33.9% response rate

• Asked managers / teachers / info experts– Role of OEP in their institution

– Current / planned ‘open’ activities

– Platforms / licences used

– Policy/strategic reasons

– IP issues

• 2016 – used responses to develop OEL Toolkit

Library/Information Management Professionals


Educational/Instructional Designers


Copyright Officers16%


Senior Executives7%



Technology Professionals


Survey Response Groups by Role

Research outcomes/ about the sample

Types of learning and teaching

resources created by others that are

used or adapted

88% of participants use material found openly available on the internet

65% use scholarly publications.

Other popular responses included:

• resources created collaboratively in their organisation

• resources created by colleagues in their institution

• government produced resources

• resources created in another institution

• commercially produced resources

Platforms used by Australian universities to

deliver open educational services

Why are Australian Universities participating in

OER initiatives?

• Enhancing global profile of institution’ (with 59% of

participants saying it was very important)

• Attracting more/new students.

• Innovating design of learning resources

• Exploring new pedagogical practices

• Marketing opportunities

Intellectual Property (IP) issues considered by

Universities when deciding whether to participant

in open education initiatives?

Primary concerns identified were:

• complexity of copyright and licensing (generally) (88%)

• Copyright ownership of material on the internet (83%)

• Understanding of open licences (75.5%)

• Risk of infringing someone else's copyright’ (71%)

Perceptions of copyright ownership

at Universities

A majority of participants (48%) think their institution is the primary holder of copyright regarding to any teaching materials they develop while some rights are granted to them.

30% believe their institution is the sole copyright holder with no rights granted to them.

Overall findings

• Concern about complexity of licensing

• ‘Open’ doesn’t always allow re-use

• If copyright too difficult, resources not developed or disseminated

• Lack of knowledge around licensing

• Policies still being developed

Interactive demonstration

Toolkit sustainability

Toolkit issues – FD R&S

Toolkit issues - employee

Toolkit issues – licence

Toolkit issues – link/copy

Toolkit issues – platform T&C

Toolkit issues – revise

Toolkit issues – moral rights

Support for this project has been provided by the Australia GovernmentOffice for Learning and Teaching. The views in this presentation do notnecessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government Office forLearning and Teaching.

Please attribute the “OEL Project Team” with a link to

Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under

University of Tasmania and Swinburne University of Technology logos are registered property of those universities. Third party marks and brands are the property of their respective holders.

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