open knowledge festival + open design definition @ vaba linn (tallinn, estonia)

Post on 14-Jan-2015






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‘Open knowledge’ is any content, information or data that people are free to use, re-use and redistribute without any legal, technological or social restriction. Our societies are currently going through a great transformation due to a growing amount of open knowledge being released in the public realm, and we believe that increasing the awareness, use and redistribution of such knowledge can lead to fundamental improvements in education, governance, science, economy and culture. In this lecture, Kat Braybrooke from the Open Knowledge Foundation and Massimo Menichinelli from the Aalto Media Factory will speak about their experiences as organisers of the world’s first edition of the Open Knowledge Festival ( ), a week-long event in Helsinki, Finland between September 17-22 which aims to address these transformations with a focus on action, making, community empowerment and collaboration. OKFest will combine two popular international events – Open Government Data Camp and Open Knowledge Conference – to form a week-long celebration of openness that combines lectures, seminars, workshops, coding jams, hackathons and interactive sessions that will bring together individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds to experiment, exchange ideas and make new things.

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