open letter to andrews university administration, faculty and staff

Post on 26-Sep-2015






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A letter from Lori Maria Walton to Andrews University faculty and staff after Walton's contract was not renewed. Walton alleged gender and religious discrimination.


  • Open%Letter%to%Andrews%University%Administration,%Faculty,%and%Staff%Regarding%Termination%Based%Upon%Gender%and%Religious%Discrimination%%Andrews University is a private, Seventh-Day Adventist University, who prides itself in being one of the most culturally diverse universities in the nation, according to the US News and World Report. I attended and graduated from Andrews University (BS and MSPT) student prior to being called by the Chair of Physical Therapy to work as a full time faculty member at Andrews University in July of 2012. I was very excited to be a part of the university again and loved my job as the Director of Research and Full Professor for the Physical Therapy Program. I always presented myself in a modest fashion and always wore a scarf across my shoulders from the time I became a faculty in the Department of Physical Therapy. I recently moved my scarf, which had always draped and rested on my shoulders, to include covering of my head, as well. Ten days after wearing the Hijab (Headscarf) to Andrews University, my contract was changed from a high recommendation to continue, with pay increase and excellence in teaching, research and service to a non-renewal contract based solely upon my declaration of faith of adherence to the religion of Islam. Hijab was my only declaration, apparently, because no one asked me if I converted to Islam after being hired on in the last three years until I moved my scarf to cover my hair, as well. (See attached letter of reason for non-renewal contract, faculty evaluation and letter of recommended pay increase for 2015, as well as excellent faculty recommendations). I wonder, if I were a male faculty member who started wearing a full beard on campus, would assumptions and statements have been made regarding my religious affiliation? So, my question also demands, Why is there gender discrimination on Andrews University campus? Hijab is much more than the outer covering we, as Muslim women, place on our heads and use to cover our bodies. It is the hijab of the eyes, the speech, hearing, beliefs, and the ego. It is a piece of scarf that went from my shoulders to my head and is a reminder that I am constantly in need of God to guide me to the best for those around me, worship only God, and to constantly strive for the sake of God to become a better within my heart, mind and soul and to work constantly for the benefit of those around me and to submit my own desires and whims to be replaced with obedience to the mercy and love of our Creator. I was extremely disappointed in Andrews Universitys decision to not renew my contract, especially when I remembered that the Professor in my position for 20 years (at AU) was a practicing Catholic and, somehow, that was considered acceptable, as well as many other non-SDAs who hold faculty positions on campus. However, for Andrews University a Muslim was, somehow, deemed an unacceptable faith on campus. This diversity of terminology to create barriers between us and them is exactly what I have been trying to deconstruct for my children, in a society and media that

  • is more than happy to label Muslims as the other, rather than as the brother. Here I was, sending my Muslim children to SDA Schools and showing them the connections and similarities between our beautiful religions, thinking we could build bridges of inter-faith dialogue, respect and understanding between Muslims and SDAs to start the peace process at home, to be a true advocate for Muslim students on campus (As the research shows much evidence to support the need for minority students to have minority advocates who are in a position within the university to be adequately represented) and to bring the two communities together. I was told by the President of Andrews University that, If I were telling Andrews University that I was wearing my hijab because I was being coerced into wearing it by my husband or because I wanted to pretend I was Muslim in order to get close to the Muslim students to convert them I could, then, retain my position as a faculty member. So, in other words, Andrews University would support me in being deceitful to our Muslim students in the name of some sort of Truth. I am certain that TRUTH IS NEVER DERIVED FROM DECEIT of any kind and am appalled that this is the tactic being utilized by any sort of missionary activity at Andrews, especially as a former student missionary from Andrews University. This seems more like a business tactic to gain more superficial customers than providing truth and letting people decide for themselves without this sort of spiritual rape (coercion under disguise). Truth stands out clear from error and only God can change hearts to embrace all Truth. At first I felt abandoned by those who claimed to be my family, then I felt sad because the knowledge of Islam was so incorrect and misrepresented and yet the recruitment of Muslim students (mostly to improve AUs enrollment, from what I understand) was the target of our university. You see, in order to be a good Muslim, one must first be a good Jew and Christian because Muslims accept the faiths of Abraham in their original state. If one compares the two religions (Christianity and Islam) it is evident that they hold more of the same spiritual teachings than any other religion and the Quran teaches us to respect the People of the Book and those who believe on God regardless of the terminology they use to brand themselves in todays society of name calling for sake of institutional otherness. I was equally devastated regarding this decision by Andrews University to not renew my contract based upon my declaration of my faith=Hijab because of the following reasons:

    1. The fact that Andrews University seems to care more about what is on my head, than what is in my head as demonstrated by the fact that I received a 9.25 Faculty Annual Report (one of the highest on campus, in fact only 9/220 faculty were in my category- All thanks and praises only to God), and excellent recommendations to continue based upon merit in teaching, service, and research, and recommendation for the highest pay raise for 2015.

  • 2. The future of my own children (one is Christian and two are Muslim) in relationship to this institution.

    3. Non-SDA Students, including Muslim students on campus feel very marginalized because of this decision and have been intimidated (by Administration) into not being allowed to voice their opinion regarding this decision. Furthermore, they are concerned about their own futures at Andrews University, since they are in the minority.

    4. Muslim Students who are being actively recruited on campus are required to pay full tuition (tax) on campus to attend Andrews University, However, at best, Andrews University will only, ever, see them as second class citizens, with no ability to ever hold faculty status (citizenship).

    5. I was told that Andrews University is the Leader of the World Church and that is the reason to give me a non-renewal contract. However, I believe, deeply, in the need for the World Church to be the leader of healing for Christian-Muslim relations and not the Barrier in order for all children to have a future in this world and for Andrews University to be a true beacon of peace, light, and understanding between the two faiths that are more similar in nature than many of the Protestant cultures that are non-SDA.

    Since being on campus with my Hijab, and an insider to how Muslims must feel on campus, it has been quite a shock regarding the negative and extremely prejudiced responses I have received from faculty and staff (I will assume these statements were made out of blatant ignorance, complacency and cultural incompetence. Therefore, I will continue to keep their names anonymous to protect their future, with hopes that God will open their hearts and minds) Comments from faculty and staff I have heard, such as: Here are a few examples of how words of faculty have cut deeply (when said to me after I started wearing hijab) and are patterns of abuse in an academic setting. So, should we expect an explosion from your office now? You know why Andrews University HAD to get rid of you..well, from administrations point of view you were like a Muslim Cancer that had to be eradicated before it grew For Andrews University to hire you back, they would need to dig deep into the cesspool to hire a Muslim Why did you have to go and wear that thing on your head? If you just wouldnt have worn that thing, you could have kept your job. Why do you keep trying to educate us about Islam with Muslim students. We dont, necessarily, WANT to be educated on Islam.

  • I dont get it You are always taking up for Muslims and yet you are also advocating for the rights of women, as a sort of feminist the two dont go together (Actually, they are quite compatible if you understand Islam and not the negative propaganda or mixing specific cultures with Islamic values. If women and men knew the rights Muslim women have in society regarding her intellect, education, health, children, value for pay, jobs, etc, everyone would want to be a Muslim woman) As a student on campus many years ago, I was taught completely wrong things about Islam (and have been told by other current Muslim students that this teaching has not changed much) - blatant lies about who Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was, leaving students with only a degrading and misrepresentation of the religion of Islam. This has to stop, as it is a form of deceit and prep for hatred of Muslims and the religion of Islam on campus and within the department. You must begin to open the dialogue to truth and not propagate lies about the religion of the students you seek to recruit to your campus. Regarding Muslim Students on campus, I have heard the following sentiments from faculty and staff across departments from various positions (names anonymous because, again, I dont blame them for ignorance and lack of cultural competence, but I do hold AU accountable to educate their staff and faculty on eliminating bias that is evident against Muslims on campus and worldwide) Maybe that student should just go study Islam and Quran, because they are not cut out to be a physical therapist (Student with a solid B+/A- average)They dont even look me in the eyes, when I talk What is up with the long beard? Its not really professional and has to be cut You know those Middle Eastern Mentalities, these men are such chauvinists These Middle Eastern Muslim men are just abusive to the women The Muslim students are just prone to cheating.. it is part of their culture I just simply hate, hate, hate their culture and that mentality Also, requesting students to stay after during the Friday Prayers and demanding that they work with the opposite gender during labs or practical exams is, at best, culturally insensitive. That (Muslim) student is just weird

  • Andrews University, sadly, you have failed your mission to seek knowledge, affirm faith, and change the world. Your Muslim students, and the world you seek to serve in the name of Jesus need bridges to be built, not burned. Peace to all of you,

    Dr. Lori Maria Walton, PhD, DPT, MS, MPH(s) Andrews University Professor (2012-2015) Department of Physical Therapy School of Health Professions Injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere- Martin Luther King, Jr.

    O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you nations and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of God is the most righteous of you. Indeed, God is All Knowing and Acquainted with all things. Quran 49:13

    Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity- Psalms 133:1

    Know therefore this day, and consider it in your heart, that the Lord He is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else- Deuteronomy 4:39

    Indeed, amazing are the affairs of a believer! They are all for his benefit. If he is granted ease of living he is thankful; and this is best for him. And if he is afflicted with a hardship, he perseveres; and this is best for him."(Muslim)

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