open source software tomáš vaníček faculty of civil engeneering (fakulta stavební) czech...

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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Open source Software

Tomáš VaníčekFaculty of Civil Engeneering (Fakulta Stavební)Czech Technical University (ČVUT)Thákurova 7, Praha Dejvice,


• Proprietary• Freeware• Shareware• Public Domain• Free• Open Source• Commercial


• Proprietary• Freeware• Shareware• Public Domain• Free• Open Source• Commercial

Not to be confused

Open Source

• Freedom / Liberty of– Using– Improving– Distributing

• Posibillity of charge


• Force improvers to distribute their software under the same licension

• GNU/Linux is "a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches“ (Steve Ballmer, Microsoft, 2001).

Types of Software Licensions

Open Source/Free Software organization

• FSF (Free Software Foundation)– Richard Stallman, 1985

• OSI (Open Source Initiative)– Bruce Perens, Eric S. Raymond– Netscape Corporation

OS Software

• 43,442 OS programs on Freshmeat– 65% on GPL licence

• Saving ~ $ per year

Open Source Definition(Bruce Perens, 1998)

• 1) Free Redistribution• 2) Source Code• 3) Derived Works• 4) Integrity of The Autor’s Source Code

Open Source Definition(Bruce Perens, 1998)

• 5) No Discrimination Against Person or Group• 6) No Discrimination Against Field of Using

Open Source Definition(Bruce Perens, 1998)

• 7) Distribution of License• 8) License must not be Specific to a Product • 9) License must not Restrict Other Software• 10) License must be Technology neutral

Problems of the Definition

• Using of linked code– Static– Dynamic (Linus Thorvalds recomends using

dynamic linking but not static)• Using of network software• Software patent– License is not a contract

• Copyright law• Hardware problems

Major Licencies

• GPL (GNU Public Licence)– LGPL– Afero

• BSD• Apache• Wikipedia• And many others

GNU Public Licence (GPL)

• Original GNU project (GNU’s not Unix)

• Richard Stallman, 1989

Versions of GPL

• Version 1, 1989• Version 2, 1991– Liberty or Death clause– Preventing of ….

• Version 3, 2007

LGPL (GNU Lesser Public License),1991

• More permissive• Possibility of linking the code to non GPL

software• Using for libraries

Affero GPL Licence (AGPL, 2002)

• More strong• Software distributed on computer network

BSD Licence

• Berkley Software Distribution– Unix like operating system, 1977– University of California, Berkley– FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD

• More permissive then GPL

Original BSD (4-clause),1989

• Distributing of binary codes• Distributing of source codes• Propagation of The Author– This product includes software developed by the <organization>.

• Not using of The name in Derived Versions without endorsement.

New BSD (3-clause),1999

• Distributing of binary codes• Distributing of source codes• Propagation of The Author– This product includes software developed by the <organization>.

• Not using of The name in Derived Versions without endorsement.

Free, Simplified BSD (2-clause),1999

• Distributing of binary codes• Distributing of source codes• Propagation of The Author– This product includes software developed by the <organization>.

• Not using of The name in Derived Versions without endorsement.

Apache license, ASF, 2007

• 25% of free software• More permissive then GPL• Allows– Distributing– Modifying– Distributing of modified versions

• Non Copyleft• Statement of modifying

Licenses for documentation

• GPL• Wikipedia license• …

Dual licensing

• MySQL – GPL– Commercial license

• Mozilla– Mozilla Public License– GPL– LGPL

Other Using

• OS Hardware• OS Ecology• OS Bussiness model• OS Beer– Vores Øl (Copenhagen, 2001)

• Open Cola

Open Cola• Flavoring formula

– 10.0 g food-grade gum arabic– 3.50 mL orange oil– 3.00 mL water– 2.75 mL lime oil– 1.25 mL cassia oil– 1.00 mL lemon oil– 1.00 mL nutmeg oil– 0.25 mL coriander oil– 0.25 mL neroli oil– 0.25 mL lavender oil[2][3]

• Concentrate formula– 2.36 kg plain granulated white table sugar– 2.28 L water– 30.0 mL caramel color– 17.5 mL (3.50 tsp.) 75% phosphoric acid or citric acid– 10.0 mL (2.00 tsp.) flavoring formula– 2.50 mL (0.50 tsp.) caffeine (optional)[2][

Free Beer


List of some OS Software• BSD Unix• GNU Linux• Gimp (Picture Manipulation program)• Blender (3D modeling program)

List of some OS Software• MySQL (database system)• PostgreSQL (database)• FreeMind (Mind mapping application)• Apache (www server)• Mozilla (Internet browser)• Ruby (Script programming language)• Grass (Geographical information system)• Open Office (Office system)• Joomla! (Content Management System)• And many many others….

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