operations guidelines manual for linc and esl programs in ... · *a linc program = is funded by...

Post on 26-Jul-2020






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MEALO would like to thank LISTN (Language Instruction Support and Training Network) for the use of the “Operations Guideline Manual for Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) Program in BC, June 2014” in the development of this manual.

Operations Guidelines Manual

for LINC and ESL Programs in Manitoba

May 2015

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1. Terms of Reference 2

2. Introduction 2

3. Eligibility 3

4. Progress Reports and PBLA (Portfolio Based Language Assessment) 3

5. Referrals (Winnipeg) 4,5

6. Student Records 6

7. Waitlists 6

8. Attendance – Guidelines 7,8

9. Attendance – Interruptions 9

10. Completion/LINC Certificate & iCARE Reporting 10


A. Leave Request Form 12

B. Care for Newcomer Children (CNC) 13,14

C. LINC Certificate 15

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MANITOBA OPERATIONS GUIDELINES MANUAL – Terms of Reference This process is not meant to impose or mandate policies on settlement language providers in Manitoba, but rather to provide guidelines that Manitoba LINC and ESL providers could then utilize to inform their own internal program delivery. MEALO will be proactive in seeking input and feedback from *Manitoba LINC and ESL providers, which will then inform revisions to the Manitoba LINC guidelines document.

Manitoba LINC Guidelines will be forwarded to providers with the understanding that it is a living document; as such, there may be the need to revisit the document from time to time and make further revisions.

INTRODUCTION This is a compilation of operational "Guidelines and Procedures" for LINC and ESL schools to follow in the administration of their programs. The purpose of this document is: To serve as a reference for Service Provider Organizations about their programs, and to present operational guidelines that govern the administration of LINC and ESL in Manitoba. These guidelines are not intended to specifically address every possible situation faced by providers. In cases where a guideline is open to interpretation, providers should seek guidance from their IRCC Project Officer. In addition, in cases where questions arise related to funding, these questions should always be directed to the IRCC Project Officers. Guidelines stated in this document are intended for the provision of all levels and types of LINC programming, unless

specifically identified. However, it is also important to note that the terms and conditions of each service provider’s

contribution agreement(s) take precedence over this policy document.

*A LINC program = is funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and provides basic language skills to

adult permanent residents. Provides a LINC certificate upon completion of the program.

*An ESL program = is funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and provides specialized language

services (i.e. English for Specific Purposes, seniors, etc). No LINC Certificate is provided.

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ELIGIBILITY I. Immigration Status

Clients must be 18 years old or older and approved for permanent residence. Canadian citizens, temporary visitors, temporary foreign workers and refugee claimants who have not yet received a positive decision on their refugee status claim cannot take LINC classes. Eligible clients must have at least one of the following documents:

a) Permanent Resident Card (PRC)

b) Confirmation of Permanent Residence (form IMM5292)

c) Record of Landing (form IMM1000 - issued prior to June 2002)

d) Notice of Decision from the Refugee Protection Division of the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) confirming convention refugee status

e) Letter from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (IRCC) giving approval to remain in Canada while application for permanent residence is being finalized (approval in principle)


1) All LINC students must be assessed with the PBLA (portfolio based language assessment) which has been implemented and approved by IRCC.

2) Manitoba progress reports issued after November 1, 2014 can no longer be used as language evidence for citizenship purposes.

3) Manitoba SPOs can use the progress report format they wish, i.e. either Manitoba progress reports or those available on Tutela (Created through Tutela’s Progress Report Generator: Tutela – Resources – Featured Resources - PBLA Progress Report Generator)

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REFERRALS (Winnipeg) The boxes on the referral form labelled “Canadian Language Benchmark Placement Test” will have numbers in them

that reflect ONLY the CLBPT results OR LINC certificate numbers from a program (Eventually this section will be

amended to indicate “LINC Results” as well). The comments section will tell programs what levels are given in the

progress report:

If students come in for a referral with only a progress report (no LINC certificate – i.e. they exited before January 2015), N/A should be in the CLBPT/LINC boxes on the referral form (WELARC will not guess at LINC numbers), and the progress report numbers should be in the comments below.

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This will happen for a while because it is only recently that programs have been issuing LINC certificates, and learners may bring in exit reports from up to 1 year ago (to be placed in a class, learners must have been assessed by either a teacher or an assessment centre within one year of placement). WELARC will not tell clients that they are “eligible” for any particular class within a program, only that these classes are available. The client’s class preference may be indicated (via the comments section, e.g. English for Business Purposes), but the program will advise as to eligibility and place the learner in the appropriate class. At times referral forms will indicate that a person has not yet made a decision about a program. WELARC tells the client that if they call/email the assessor within 2 weeks, the assessor will go ahead and make the referral. If the client takes longer than 2 weeks to decide, then they will need to make a referral appointment and come in to the office to speak in person with an assessor and show their documents before being referred. This process is intended to encourage clients to choose a class in a timely manner – and to manage the assessor’s time. WELARC will continue to refer to programs and the programs will continue to make appropriate placement decisions.

REFERRALS (Regions outside Winnipeg) If there is no onsite assessor, programs will contact WELARC to set up an online Skype assessment Once clients have a CLBPT they are placed appropriately in available class or program(s)

Online CLBPT Testing

1) For regional or remote communities WELARC is now often administering the Online CLBPT in cooperation with that community’s settlement organization.

2) Listening & Speaking – done via video chat format with an assessor at WELARC 3) Reading & Writing – client has thirty minutes for each skill. Results are immediately available to the assessor

online. 4) The Online CLBPT may be used for referral purposes in Winnipeg as long as the date of the assessment is no

older than one year.

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STUDENT RECORDS LINC and ESL service providers are responsible for keeping non-financial records for the duration of the contract plus 7 years (refer to Contribution Agreement, section 6.5 -Program Monitoring Information and Reporting Requirements).

WAITLISTS LINC and ESL service providers are responsible for establishing their own waitlist policies. Included in these policies should be a mechanism for contacting clients who have been on the waitlist for longer than one month. At this point of contact, the school can re-establish the client’s wish to remain on the waitlist, or return to WELARC/assessment centre for a new referral. In the regions outside Winnipeg, SPOs keep a list of student names (when necessary) and notify students when a class becomes available, or they ask students to check back with the program. Note: IRCC does not have a mandate or policy with regards to waitlists. Some schools have indicated that they place students based on the following priorities:

a) Students with childcare needs b) Refugee Assistance Program (RAP) clients c) Newly landed immigrants d) Students who have plateaued may need re-assessment

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I. Overriding Principles

1) In dealing with poor attendance or punctuality, LINC and ESL schools should recognize that students are adults and must be treated with dignity and respect.

2) LINC and ESL schools should demonstrate the understanding that many immigrants are faced with tremendous obstacles and problems associated with resettlement and are coping with juggling family and student life. Therefore, there should be some sensitivity shown to this reality.

3) LINC and ESL schools should exercise flexibility in its response to individual situations regarding attendance and lateness. Consideration is needed for:

a) Single parents, transportation, part-time or seasonal work, class availability b) Students who may still have unhealed psychological scars which make it difficult for them to attend regularly c) Cultural and religious holidays

4) Students must also be aware of the effect of their tardiness/absence on the rest of the class and teacher

II. Setting Expectations

At the time of registration for class, the LINC and ESL schools may explain to students that:

1) LINC and ESL training is valued and valuable (i.e., funded language instruction is a privilege and not something to be taken for granted).

2) Sporadic attendance has a negative impact on the progress of all students, not just those not attending.

III. Attendance Expectations

1) Students are required to notify the LINC and ESL programs when they will be absent.

3) Absences require the attention of the instructor and a warning to the student if appropriate.

4) Child care attendance should be maintained. It is recommended that written guidelines be given to LINC and ESL students who are receiving child care services.

5) LINC and ESL schools may adapt these attendance expectations to their local environment, such as severe weather conditions and seasonal employment opportunities which affect attendance, etc. (in consultation with your settlement officer).

6) Attendance guidelines should frequently be reinforced to maintain and support established expectations.

IV. Dealing with Poor Attendance

1) If a student’s attendance is not satisfactory, principles of “progressive discipline” should be used:

a) Students should first receive a verbal warning from the instructor or administrator

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b) Next the LINC or ESL administrator should hold a discussion with the student. c) Then the student should receive a written warning from the administrator d) If no improvements have been made, the student may be asked to exit the program.

2) Implications to Employment and Income Assistance: Students in receipt of such benefits are encouraged to

contact these services to verify their eligibility requirements.

*Please note that “effective July 1, 2014, the EIA Program discontinued the use of attendance and progress monthly

reports for EIA eligibility and has implemented Exception Reporting of attendance and progress for all students who

are EIA recipients attending education, EAL, training or post-secondary programs as part of an approved action plan.

We will require your agency/institution to contact EIA when a concern or issue regarding attendance or progress

arises.” (Workforce Development and Income Support / EIA Programs February 2, 2015)

Questions with regards to this policy should be directed to Workforce Development and Income Support.

V. Dealing with Punctuality Students are expected to be on time for classes, and should remain in class until it is finished.

1) Punctuality becomes an issue when lateness occurs more than ____% of the time. When instances of lateness exceed more than ____% the student will need to meet with an administrator or counselor (percentages vary per program)

2) Some programs use the following formula: three or four lates = one absence 3) Chronic lateness (once or twice a week over 3-4 weeks) should be addressed and may be grounds for

discontinuation. If a student’s punctuality is not satisfactory, principles of “progressive discipline” should be used (refer to number 2 in the previous section for these principles.)

4) Unavoidable lateness: It is possible that daily schedules that include outside obligations make it impossible

for a student to arrive on time or to stay until the end of the class every day. If there is another time of the day that the student would be able to attend a LINC class without outside obligation interference, the student should be directed to that option. Where this is not possible and the scheduled absence does not disrupt the progress of the student or the class, then arrangements can be made between the LINC and ESL schools and the student to accommodate the student’s special circumstances. Such an arrangement would be extremely rare and would be used only when all other solutions are impractical.

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I. Withdrawals

1) If a student withdraws from the LINC or ESL Program, the space is not held.

2) If a student has been out of the LINC or ESL program for longer than one year, the student should be referred to the Assessment Centre for re-assessment.

NOTE: The above guidelines may be waived under special circumstances. Students who need to take a leave for two weeks or less due to family emergencies, medical reason or other extenuating circumstances may have their seat held for them and be able to return to class.

II. Reassessment Requirements

The CLBPT assessment or progress test results are considered to be valid for a period of one year. If a student has been out of the program for longer than one year, the student must return to the assessment centre.

III. Summer Closures

Schools not offering classes in the summer months should advise their students at least two months before the break and offer alternatives if possible.

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I. The LINC Certificate

1) The LINC Certificate is used to document progress and exit results and is the only language school document

that may be used as proof of language proficiency when applying for Canadian citizenship (i.e. progress reports may not be used).

2) As a general rule, LINC certificates should be issued to students at the end of a term with ‘completed’ CLB

levels, along with student progress reports. i. In less frequent cases, certificates and progress reports may also be issued upon the

student’s departure from class, or upon his/her request, as long as the instructor has gathered sufficient evidence to determine the student’s actual language proficiency, as per each SPO policy.

ii. Certificates should not be issued when a student joined the class late in the term and the instructor has not gathered sufficient evidence to determine the student’s actual language proficiency. However, a progress report could be issued by the instructor to briefly describe the student’s progress, without indicating new proficiency levels.

3) It is acceptable to for SPOs to give access to the LINC certificate document to a limited number of staff

members. All LINC Certificates must be signed by the LINC Coordinator of the program.

4) All certificates should be printed on white paper, letter size. Certificate authenticity is verified by IRCC through iCARE.

5) For purposes of citizenship applications, LINC Certificates do not have an expiry date.

6) For assessment purposes (in Winnipeg), WELARC will generally re-test all clients who have not been tested or assessed in over one year.

II. LINC Levels and iCare

1) When exiting a learner from a course in iCARE (‘Language Training – Exit Course’ screen, ‘Complete’ tab),

recipients indicate the learner’s CLB levels and progression points (Beginning/Developing or

Completed/Completed) in the section ‘Client’s CLB Levels upon Leaving/Completing Course’ of iCARE: (see


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The definitions for these progression points are:

Beginning/Developing - On the last day of the learner’s enrolment in the course, he or she has demonstrated

some of the competencies at a Benchmark or Literacy phase, but not to a degree sufficient to be described

as completing/completed at that Benchmark or Literacy phase.

Completing/Completed - On the last day of the learner’s enrolment in the course, he or she has demonstrated most or all of the competencies at a Benchmark or Literacy phase.

The recipient then indicates whether or not a LINC certificate was issued to the client, and will enter completed

levels for listening and speaking.

In essence, two levels are indicated in iCare, those from the Progress Report (working within or B, D, C) as shown in

the red oval above and LINC levels for Listening and Speaking as shown in the blue oval above.

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Appendix A Leave Request form


Newcomer Family Resource Network

LINC Programme


If you are going to be away from class for more than 2 weeks, you must fill out a Leave Request Form.

If you tell us when you will be back, we will save a space for you.

If you do not tell us when you will be back, we will give your space to a new student.

_______________________________________ am requesting a leave starting

(Student’s Name)

on _____________________. I will be back to class on___________________.

I understand that if I do not come back to class on the above date, my space may be given to a new student, and I

will go on the waiting list until there is a space in my class.


(Student’s Signature)

If you need to contact the school, please call __________________at ________________

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Care for Newcomer Children (CNC)

1. Administration Mosaic CNC programs follow all CNC requirements, refer to the CNC requirements document and the Mosaic Childcare Manual

a. There will be sufficient liability insurance. All parents must sign a liability waive, failure to sign the waiver will

result in the discontinuation of the CNC program. b. All Childcare sites must have qualified staff as per CNC requirements. All sites must have 1 ECE as site lead

and correct number of qualified staff to maintain child/staff ratios. c. All childcare staff must have a staff orientation outlining job description, professional development

requirements (minimum of 5 hrs. per staff), review of all required program policies. d. All childcare staff will be given opportunities to attend PD days as well as receive performance reviews once

a year. e. All childcare staff are encouraged to complete the 40 hour Introduction to Early Childhood Education, CCA

course. f. All childcare staff must sign the oath of confidentiality. Child Care Workers will maintain their Criminal

Registry Check and Child Abuse Registry Checks on a 3 year basis. g. Child Care Workers will maintain their First Aid certificates on a 3 year basis.

2. Premises a. Will be clean and hazard free, adequately heated, ventilated and lit. b. A well-stocked first aid kit will be provided. c. All childcare premises have a safety checklist that must be checked on a weekly basis and signed by site leads

to meet required safety policy. d. Equipment, furnishings and supplies will be age-appropriate, sufficient in number and maintained in a

sanitary condition. e. Washrooms will be readily accessible to the program. f. Parents will be called from class to change their child’s diaper. g. The child care facility should provide a safe and comfortable place for the parent to change a diaper. All sites

provide a required procedure poster for parents to follow as well as provide cleaning and sanitizing products. Parents review procedures on orientation day.

h. Sufficient space will be provided to permit a safe and active play space and have a safe space for naps (e.g. play pen, crib).

i. All infant rooms follow a required Napping/resting policy and all spaces will provide safe, clean sanitized, free of obstruction, cribs for children to be placed on their backs for rest/nap.

3. Staff to Child Ratios

Refer to Appendix 6 and Appendix 7 in the CNC Requirements Manual for Group Size, and Ratio requirements

4. Staffing

a. Child Care Workers must have appropriate experience caring for the age group for which care is to be provided.

b. All childcare staff/ student placement must hold a current first aid certificate. Childcare staff follows emergency policies.

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c. All childcare staff and volunteers must provide a Criminal Records Check, and a Manitoba Child Abuse Registry Check

5. Administration – Children

a. Parents attend an orientation with their child to fill in a child registration form/child profile form and be oriented to the room and important parent information.

b. Each child must have a parent or guardian on the premises at all times. c. A child will not be released to a person other than the parent or guardian who brought the child to the

program and remains on site, unless prior permission is granted from the care giver who is attending class. d. Only the child’s parent or guardian will administer medication. Childcare provides a locked container for

medication. e. An emergency procedures plan will be in place. f. Childcare sites must have 1 fire drill a month and keep a record of the fire drills. g. Emergency exit plans must be visible in the room. h. Registration/medical information will be kept for each child. i. Childcare staff members follow policy and procedures for Illness/accident/incident/serious occurrence. j. All childcare sites have an anaphylaxis policy and procedure. k. From time to time, Child Care Workers may require additional assistance to ensure the safety of all children

in Mosaic’s care. Parents may be asked to assist in the child care on these occasions.

6. Program

a. A program that is appropriate for the age and development of the children will be provided. All ECE site leads must complete weekly program plans and keep on file.

b. A nutritious snack will be provided. c. Food allergies and food restrictions are posted visible for staff/volunteers/placement students. d. All childcare staff is required to attend an orientation of all Mosaic childcare policies. e. Parents will receive an orientation when a child starts in the program which includes program details, room

set up and parent information board as well as child registrations/child profile forms. Parents are expected to stay with their children for the first day or longer to help their children transition easier into the childcare program. Site leads are available at all times to assist parents with questions/concerns.

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