opportunities for tourism development in the valley of tarcau

Post on 20-May-2015






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Tourism development in the Valley of Tarcau

I. Geographical and physical characterization

Tarcau river, tributary of Bistrita, gathers its waters just below Gosmanu (1305), Grindusu (1664) and Geamana (1442) and then cuts its way through


Tarcau Mountains having the most evolved valley and the narrow sections of the valley are in contrast with the large interfluves. Starting from the confluence area the first settlement is the village of Tarcau surrounded by low hills with clumps of forests. On the hills you can see pastures and meadows dotted with trees and shrubs. The valley does not allow the development of this settlement and further up the valley where the waters break rocks from the mountain wall you can see the constitution of the underground : sandstone and marls. The yellow and grey sandstones of Tarcau and Kliwa are used mainly in construction field.

The continue narrowing of the valley does not allow the development of housing in the area. That is why the Brates village situated at the confluence of Tarcau with Brates creek lies on a small area and some houses are situated on the hills around . The people here deal with exploitation of timber and livestock.

As we climb up the river the valley gets narrower and narrower and both sides of the river are bordered by steep walls of sandstone and flis. The river is interrupted by waterfalls and rapids and the valley is a mass of huge boulders where you can hear the roar of the wild waters running at high speed .

The last settlement on the valley of Tarcau is a small village with a few houses Ardeluta. Here the road ends and you can go on only if you follow the river up the mountain. There are some paths that lead you to the top of the mountain if you want to cross the mountain and go


down the other side .

Five important subunits can be distinguished in the Tarcau Mountains : Grindusu – Ciudomir situated between the valleys of Bicaz and Trotus ;

Gosmanu Geamana ; The Long Mountain; Munceii Bistrita – Tazlau and the Depression Bicaz - Trotus


Tarcau Mountains have a predominantly continental climate with cold and harsh winters and short and cool springs. The most favorable climate conditions for tourism are in August and September because the days are nice and warm with no rainy days and during winter months when the snow layer is quite thick perfect for those who practice winter sports.

Hydrographic network

The Tarcau Mountains is a very rich area in water supplies with many springs, creeks and rivers. The most


important rivers that cross the area are: The Bistrita, The Tarcau, The Bicaz, The Trotus and The Asau.

There are also important artificial lakes Pangarati, Vaduri and Doamna and some other small ones up in the mountain scattered in the forest ( Goioasa )

Rainbow over the hills


The Tarcau Valley in winter


Boulders and rocks in the valley of Tarcau


A small waterfall


Vegetation and fauna

The Region of Tarcau belongs to the forest area of low mountains and consists mainly of spruce forests and beech forests. We can also find such trees as pine tree, fir tree, elm tree, birch tree, hazel tree. The vegetation in the area consists of 1200 species of plants .The meadows and the woods are always full of flowers. In spring there are lots of snowdrops, primrose, violets, blue bells, orchids, dandelions. Than comes the summer with daisies, poppies, chamomile . Many of them last till late in autumn

Small bunch of primrose


Snowdrops and blue bells



The fauna in the Tarcau area is very rich and numerous. There are many birds that nest in the forests or fly over the hills . Among them you can admire the hawk, blackcock, many species of woodpeckers, blackbird, thrush etc.

On the meadows and hayfields you can see different reptiles like: salamanders, snakes (and the most poisonous of all is the viper) , lizards. There are also snails and different species of frogs.

The waters are quite rich in fish mostly because the valley of Tarcau is one of the less polluted in the region. That is why here you can still see trout.

One of the attractions of the Tarcau Mountains is the presence of big mammals like: the brown bear, the deer, the stag, the wolf, the fox, the marten, and wild boar.. The region is frequently visited by fishermen and groups of hunters.


Blue snail




Comparing to other mountains The Tarcau Mountains are less known and visited, although the mountain tracks are quite convenient and easy. People come here for week –ends mainly in summer and early autumn. But there are also tourists who enjoy winter time.

Before 1989 there was only one chalet in Ardeluta where tourists used to spend their summer holidays. After 1989 many people started to build their own log cabins and vacation homes. Soon the region was famous for the elegant villas and log cabins. People come here from 60 or 200 km distance to spend week-ends and holidays.


A few years ago these people who came here as tourists realized the big potential of the area and they turned some of the villas into guest houses. These days the number of tourists who come here is bigger and bigger.

From the numerous attractions that people can admire here we can mention:

Natural reserves : Ianus Waterfalls, Bolovanis Waterfalls, Gosmanu Natural Reserve

Touristic sights : The Tarcau Monastery, Iulia Halaucescu Museum, The old building of the school in Tarcau

Leisure activities : fishing, hunting, equestrian tourism, ATV riding, mountain biking

Ethnography and crafts : sheepskin manufacturing, pottery, wood carving, carpentry, popular costumes manufacturing


The area of Tarcau is going to expand in the next few years but the guest houses owners need to find new ways of attracting people here not only at week- ends and in summer


Wood carving Folk costume

A place for washing up


The school in Tarcau is an architectural monument

Tarcău Monastery


Breakfast at sheepfold


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