optimal defense theory 2.0: tissue-specific stress defense ... · example is the dampened immune...

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Communicative & Integrative Biology

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Optimal Defense Theory 2.0: tissue-specificstress defense prioritization as an extra layer ofcomplexity

Katarzyna Wiktoria Wolinska & Matthias Leonhard Berens

To cite this article: Katarzyna Wiktoria Wolinska & Matthias Leonhard Berens (2019) OptimalDefense Theory 2.0: tissue-specific stress defense prioritization as an extra layer of complexity,Communicative & Integrative Biology, 12:1, 91-95, DOI: 10.1080/19420889.2019.1625661

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/19420889.2019.1625661

© 2019 The Author(s). Published by InformaUK Limited, trading as Taylor & FrancisGroup.

Published online: 10 Jun 2019.

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Optimal Defense Theory 2.0: tissue-specific stress defense prioritization as anextra layer of complexityKatarzyna Wiktoria Wolinska and Matthias Leonhard Berens

Department of Plant Microbe Interactions, Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne, Germany

ABSTRACTIn nature, plants need to be able to quickly adapt to changing environments during their lifetime inorder to maintain fitness. Different defense responses are not only costly, but often also antagonisticto one another. Hence, when faced with multiple stresses simultaneously, plants likely have toprioritize their defense responses. This type of crosstalk between different stress response pathwaysis suggested to balance the high costs of triggering andmaintaining stress responses with the limitedamount of resources available to a plant. This assumption is in accordance with the optimal defensetheory (ODT), which states that living organisms put more resources into protection of the mostvaluable tissues, but does not explain how plants survive combined stress conditions in nature. In thisreview, we describe recent evidence that expands on the framework of the ODT by suggesting thatunder combined stress plants spatially separate contrasting stress responses, rather than protectingthemost valuable tissues to simultaneously protect themselves from contrasting stressors. We discussthe implications of these findings for understanding plant responses to combined stresses andsuggest potentially fruitful avenues for further research.

ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 15 May 2019Accepted 21 May 2019

KEYWORDSCombined stress; abioticstress tolerance; plantimmunity; hormonalcrosstalk; plant development

Hormone crosstalk in plant defense signalingduring combined stress

Plants in nature must frequently deal with changes totheir surrounding environment that result in suboptimalconditions during their lifetime [1]. Critical changes ina plant’s abiotic and biotic environment must be sensedand translated into molecular, biochemical, and physio-logical responses that allow plants to adapt to such stress-ful environments in order to survive and successfullyreproduce [2,3]. The presence of (potentially) pathogenicmicrobes triggers multiple layers of the plant’s sophisti-cated immune system [4]. Similarly, abiotic stresses leadto immediate molecular and physiological changes, suchas gene expression changes and stomatal closure [5], theaccumulation of osmo-protectants [6], as well as short-ening the vegetative phase, by transition from vegetativeto reproductive states [7]. Interestingly, the responsepathways that protect plants against different stresses areoften highly specific and can potentially antagonize theresponse to other types of stress [8,9]. One prominentexample is the dampened immune response of plantsresponding to abiotic stresses, mediated by one ofthe phytohormones, abscisic acid (ABA) [10].Phytohormones have been identified as important regu-lators in plant stress crosstalk [11]. For instance, the

antagonism between abiotic and biotic stress responsesis regulated through crosstalk between the abiotic stress-related phytohormone ABA and the immune-relatedphytohormone salicylic acid (SA) [12]. Another classicexample of signaling crosstalk is the antagonism betweenimmune-related jasmonic acid (JA) signaling and the SApathways activated when pathogens with contrasting life-styles attack a plant simultaneously [13]. Trade-offsbetween different stress response pathways are suggestedto balance the high costs of triggering and maintainingstress responses with the limited amount of resourcesavailable to the plant [11,14]. The impact of hormonalcrosstalk on plant fitness in the presence of multiplecombined stresses remains obscure. While both antago-nistic and synergistic responses have been reported [8,15],plants exhibiting antagonistic hormonal interactions donot necessarily suffer from reduced fitness under sequen-tial treatment with drought, or biotrophic and necro-trophic pathogens [16,17].

Developmental control of plant stressresponses and the ODT

In recent years, the interaction between plant develop-ment and plant stress responses on both physiologicaland molecular levels and its potential role in mediating

CONTACT Matthias Leonhard Berens berens@mpipz.mpg.de Department of Plant Microbe Interactions, Max Planck Institute for Plant BreedingResearch, Cologne, Germany

COMMUNICATIVE & INTEGRATIVE BIOLOGY2019, VOL. 12, NO. 1, 91–95https://doi.org/10.1080/19420889.2019.1625661

© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricteduse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

plant stress signaling crosstalk has come under increas-ing focus [18]. For instance, it has been demonstratedthat single abiotic or biotic stresses are now known totrigger stronger responses in young compared to oldleaves [19–21]. The magnitude of defense responsestriggered by SA or JA is determined by the develop-mental age of the plant [22,23], which is coordinatedthrough crosstalk between defense hormones and keydevelopmental regulators, such as SHORTVEGETATIVE PHASE (SVP) MADS-domain tran-scription factor or the conserved developmental con-troller micro RNA, miR156 [22,23]. Importantly,understanding the molecular crosstalk between stressresponses and plant development could solve problemswe are facing in agriculture where enhancing domesti-cation traits in crops may negatively affect plant cross-talk and thus lower plants tolerance to stresses [24]. Forinstance, Campos et al. [25] demonstrated how biotech-nology can be used to glean molecular insights that candisentangle a well-known immunity growth crosstalk inArabidopsis. Before interactions between stressresponses and development were understood ona molecular level, observations of plant-herbivore inter-actions led to the formulation of the ODT, which statesthat organisms put more resources into protecting theirmost valuable tissues to increase fitness [26]. However,it has proven difficult to predict which tissue is themost valuable. In the case of plants, several studieshave attempted to experimentally identify high-priority tissues, such as, for example, the flowers ascarriers of the reproductive potential [27] or the stem,which is a crucial structural element ensuring elevationof the leaves towards the sunlight, while ensuringexchange of resources between below- and above-ground plant parts. In the context of resource alloca-tion, young, developing leaves play an important role:they are able to more dynamically adjust to light con-ditions, they are better protected from photodamageunder high-intensity light conditions [28] and theyexhibit higher photosynthetic potential than olderleaves. Hence, young leaves supply the plant withresources for a longer period of time than older, senes-cing leaves. Consequently, the ODT predicts that stressresponses are more highly prioritized in young leavescompared to older ones, a phenomenon that has beendescribed in natural plant – herbivore interactions [27].However, even senescing leaves play an important roleas resource re-allocation organs in plant development[29] and immunity [30]. That is why, despite the grow-ing interest in understanding the ODT in plants duringsingle biotic or abiotic stresses, the question of how theplant can evaluate which tissues are most valuable ata given time remains unanswered.

Tissue-specific stress response prioritization asan additional factor in the ODT

The ODT also does not explain how plants surviveunder combined but contrasting stresses. Optimaldefense against one stress would render the plant sus-ceptible against the other stress, which should ulti-mately cause a loss of fitness [16]. Recently werevealed a leaf age-dependent mechanism that plantsengage to prioritize contrasting stress responses toensure increased vegetative and reproductive fitness ofthe whole organism under combined stress conditions[31]. Using genetic analysis, we found that signalingcomponents of ABA and SA hormonal crosstalk coor-dinate this prioritization. ABA responses suppressedimmune responses only in older leaves, whereas SAsignaling suppressed the antagonistic effect of ABA onimmunity in young leaves. Consequently, during com-bined abiotic and pathogen stress, abiotic stress toler-ance responses were prioritized in older leaves, whileyoung leaves prioritized pathogen defenses [31].Figure 1 illustrates leaf-age dependent stress responsesin Arabidopsis plants infected with the fungal pathogenBotrytis cinerea in combination with either mock, ABA,or salt stress treatment. Importantly, plants that werelacking a functional PBS3 gene, a key player in SAbiosynthesis and SA-mediated immunity [32,33], lostthe ability to differentially prioritize contrasting stressresponses, which resulted in an overall decrease inplant fitness under combined stress [31]. Our studythereby not only demonstrated that phytohormone sig-naling pathways play an essential role in regulatingfitness under combined stress, but also describeda mechanism for prioritization of defense responses,

Young leaves

B.c. B05 4dpi

Old leaves



(100 µM)


(100 mM)

Figure 1. Impact of leaf age-dependent stress signaling cross-talk on leaf immune responses against Botrytis cinerea strainB05 (B.c. B05, 2 μL of 2.5 × 105 spores mL−1) in Arabidopsis Col-0 plants treated with control (water), 200 µM ABA or 100 mMsalt. Pictures were taken four days after pathogen infection(4dpi) .


in accordance with the ODT. However, we also buildon the ODT by suggesting that under combined stress,rather than protecting a more valuable tissue, plantscompartmentalize stress responses into different tissuesto fence off contrasting stressors, which might other-wise engage in crosstalk at downstream signaling levels(Figure 2).

What is the signal that regulates tissue-specificstress response prioritization?

Our genetic analysis showed that leaf age rather thanjuvenile-to-adult development transitions in leaves regu-lates stress crosstalk prioritization [31]. However, themolecular signal that ensures contrasting stress responsesin old and young leaves in the presence of combinedstresses has not yet been identified. Previous studieshave already presented experimental techniques tostudy tissue specificity of stress defense responses bytissue- and cell-specific metabolomics and transcrip-tomics analysis [34–36]. Although most of these studieswere in the context of a single stress, some studies ana-lyzed the effects of combined stress [17]. While suchstudies once more highlighted the importance of

phytohormones in combined stress signaling, our ownwork suggested that additional signaling molecules mightbe involved in stress response prioritization: First, globalanalysis of hormone concentration dynamics under com-bined stress did not reveal strong treatment × leaf age ×genotype-dependent changes for most measuredhormones. Second, we found that even when the plantimmune system was genetically compromised (for exam-ple in pbs3, npr1, and ics1 mutants), ABA treatmentfurther increased leaf susceptibility to biotic stress [31].Given the overlapping roles of sugars in plant develop-ment [37], immunity [38], and abiotic stress tolerance[39], we hypothesize that sugars are promising candidatemolecules as potential mediators of tissue-specific stressresponse prioritization. This notion is further based onthe observations that, on the one hand, soluble sugarlevels rise under abiotic stress where they have a role asosmoprotectants and sugar signaling is closely connectedto ABA signaling [39], while on the other hand patho-gens feed on soluble sugars, which are therefore animportant battleground in plant immunity [38].Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are a further class ofmolecules that could plausibly be hypothesized to playa role in leaf-age dependent stress response prioritization.Besides their general role in plant development [40],

Figure 2. Schematic representation and comparison of the traditional view and our updated model of plant stress responses underthe assumptions of the ODT. In the traditional view, hormonal crosstalk during combined stresses could prevent protection of onlythe most valuable parts of the plant. In contrast, in our proposed model, during combined stress, plant fitness increases due toa differential prioritization of contrasting hormonal defense responses in leaves of different ages. Na+ = salt stress,Hpa = Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis, Pto = Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato.


immunity [41,42], and abiotic stress tolerance signaling[43], ROS levels follow a leaf-age dependent trend [44].Interestingly, Yuan et al. [45] recently demonstrateda molecular link between the defense regulators JA andSA, the growth hormone auxin, and the production ofROS as a mechanism of hormonal crosstalk. Since auxinlevels are highly correlated with leaf age [31], we suggestthat analyzing the interaction between auxin, SA, andROS may yield important molecular insights into plantstress response prioritization.


Plants need to constantly adapt to changing envir-onments. While we now have a deep understandingof the molecular details of plant responses to diversesingle stresses, disentangling the processes underly-ing defense against combined stresses has only morerecently become a focus of study. We recentlydemonstrated that hormonal crosstalk increases fit-ness under combined stress by prioritizing differentstress defense responses within separate leaves ofa single plant. These findings, which define a rolefor plant developmental stage in responses to com-bined stresses, were in some part accordant with theODT, which states that plants optimize defense costsby protecting only the most valuable parts of theplant. To date, however, only little is known aboutthe molecular mechanisms that mediate the ODTunder combined stresses. We identified phyto-hormes as essential regulators of tissue-specific com-bined stress defense responses, and we proposespatial sugar and ROS signaling as a promising tar-get for future studies to understand tissue specificstress response prioritization on a molecular level.


This work was supported by funding from the Max PlanckSociety. Authors would like to thank Dr. Kenichi Tsuda,Dr. Nathan Vannier, Dr. Neysan Donnelly and Dr. JaninaTamborski for critical reading of the manuscript.

Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest

No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed.


This work was supported by the Max Planck Society [M.R2.A.ZUCH0001].


Matthias Leonhard Berens http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4287-8025


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