optimal low-thrust deorbiting of passively stabilized leo satellites

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Optimal Low-Thrust Deorbiting of Passively Stabilized LEO Satellites. Sergey Trofimov Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, RAS Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Michael Ovchinnikov Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, RAS. Contents. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Optimal Low-Thrust Deorbiting ofPassively Stabilized LEO Satellites

Sergey TrofimovKeldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, RAS

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Michael OvchinnikovKeldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, RAS


• Deorbiting of nano- and picosatellites

• Orbital control of passively stabilized satellites

• Two-time-scale approach to low-thrust optimization

• Reduction to the nonlinear programming problem

• Numerical solution and results

• Conclusions and future work

2/1964th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 23-27 September 2013, Beijing, China

Deorbiting of nano- and picosatellitesConventional propulsion• Chemical propulsion

– large thruster + propellant mass (low specific impulse)

• Electric propulsion– large power consumption

3/1964th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 23-27 September 2013, Beijing, China

Propellantless propulsion• Drag sails

– only for orbits with altitudes < 800 km

• Electrodynamic tethers– dynamic instability issues

Electrospray propulsion is a promising solution:• Specific impulse > 2500 s• Power 1-5 W• Thrust 0.1-5 mN

Courtesy: MIT Space Propulsion Lab

for ion Electrospray Propulsion

System (iEPS) developed at MIT

Passive stabilization and orbital controlKinds of passive stabilization techniques:• Passive magnetic stabilization (PMS)• Spin stabilization (SS)These techniques• do not require massive and bulky actuators• are well suited for nano- and picosatellitesbut• provide one-axis stabilization• at most two orbital control thrusters can

be installed along the sole stabilized axis

4/1964th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 23-27 September 2013, Beijing, China

Two-time-scale optimizationTwo-time-scale approach to low-thrust optimization:

• Over one orbit, five slowly changing orbital elements are considered constant; optimal control is obtained (in parametric form) by using Pontryagin’s maximum principle

• Discrete slow-time-scale problem is formulated as a nonlinear programming problem (NLP) with respect to unknown optimal control parameters

5/1964th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 23-27 September 2013, Beijing, China

Gaussian variational equations

where are respectively the

thrust and perturbing accelerations, ,u is the argument of latitude

We use the averaged equations (i.e., for mean elements) with J2 + no drag environment model

For mean semimajor axis (all the overbars are omitted):

6/1964th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 23-27 September 2013, Beijing, China

,d udt

κ A κ τ f τ f and

, , , ,a e i κ

1 2 22 sin 2r s

da du a e a pdu dt p r p

Thrust direction in PMS and SS casesSuppose two oppositely directed thrusters are installed onboard the spacecraft along the sole stabilized axis

• In the case of PMS, the axial dipole model of the geomagnetic field is used

• In the case of SS, the spin axis direction is defined in inertial space by two slowly changing spherical angles

7/1964th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 23-27 September 2013, Beijing, China

max max2 2

2sin sinsin cos , ,

1 3sin sin cos

i ui u

i u i


cos sincos sin

x y

y x


u uu u



, , ,T

x y z i σ σ

Spin axis direction in the ascending node:

Two modes of deorbitingCircular mode:

• The orbit keeps being near-circular, with a gradually decreasing radius

• Both thrusters are used in the deorbiting operation

Elliptic mode:

• The perigee distance is decreased while the apogee distance is almost not changed

• Just one thruster is used for deorbiting8/1964th International Astronautical Congress (IAC)

23-27 September 2013, Beijing, China

Fast-time-scale optimal controlIn the near-circular orbit approximation (i.e., with on the right side of GVE):

From Pontryagin’s maximum principle:• optimal control is of a bang-bang type• for the k-th orbit, the central points of the two thrust arcs are

defined by formula (PMS) or (SS)• the thrust arc lengths are to be determined

9/1964th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 23-27 September 2013, Beijing, China


2 2

2 sin cos

1 3sin sin

da a i udu i u


32 cos siny x

da a u udu

in the case of PMS

in the case of SS

sin 0ku , ,tan k x k y ku 2 , 1...ku k N

Reduction to the NLP problem

10/1964th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 23-27 September 2013, Beijing, China

3 2


Nk k

k k

a uJm

• Objective function

• Equality constraint

• Bound constraint



k fk

a a a

max4T JV

0, 2ku


1max8sinh 3 sin sin


k k kk

a Ta i u


in the case of PMS


8 1 sinkk z k k


a Ta um

in the case of SS

Auxiliary expressions

Fuel depletion:

Change in inclination:

RAAN drift:

11/1964th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 23-27 September 2013, Beijing, China



exp kk k


Vm mI g

Tsiolkovsky’s rocket equation

00sin 1 sink


ai i



, ,4 sink

k y k z k kk

a Ti um

in the case of PMS

in the case of SS


23 cosk kk

RJ i


Circular deorbiting: PMS case

12/1964th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 23-27 September 2013, Beijing, China





Circular deorbiting: SS case

13/1964th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 23-27 September 2013, Beijing, China





Deorbit maneuver performance

14/1964th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 23-27 September 2013, Beijing, China

Deorbit time, revolutions

Total V budget, m/s

Propellant mass, g

700 700.2 140.6

800 571.5 115.0

900 525.9 106.0

1000 500.3 100.3

Deorbit time,


Total V budget, m/s

Propellant mass, g

700 472.2 95.3

800 425.3 85.9

900 395.2 79.8

1000 385.1 77.8

Case of passive magnetic stabilization Case of spin stabilization (spacecraft’sspin axis points towards the Sun)

Orbit: a0 = R + 900 km, e = 0, i0 = 51.6, 0 = 30, af = R + 300 km Initial Sun’s ecliptic longitude: 0 = 90For reference: Hohmann transfer requires 330.9 m/s

Spacecraft and thruster parameters: m0 = 5 kg, Isp = 2500 s, Tmax = 1 mN

Performance sensitivity to changes in orbit plane orientation of SS spacecraft

15/1964th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 23-27 September 2013, Beijing, China

Ecliptic longitude of the Sun at t=0, deg

Total V budget, m/s

Propellant mass, g

0 402.9 81.4

90 425.3 85.9

180 402.9 81.4

270 425.3 85.9

RAAN at t=0, deg

Total V budget, m/s

Propellant mass, g

30 395.2 79.8

120 387.8 78.4

210 393.8 79.5

300 500.3 100.3

Spacecraft’s spin axis points towards the Sun

Orbit: a0 = R + 900 km, e = 0, i0 = 51.6, af = R + 300 km

Spacecraft and thruster parameters: m0 = 5 kg, Isp = 2500 s, Tmax = 1 mN

0 = 90, N = 900 (left table) and 0 = 30, N = 800 (right table)

Verification of models used

16/1964th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 23-27 September 2013, Beijing, China

The actual altitude evolution is in close agreement with the results of solving the

NLP problem, except for the last stage when the drag force becomes dominant

Elliptic deorbiting: SS caseThe optimal control obtained earlierfor the circular mode appears to bequasi-optimal for the elliptic mode aswell (with one thrust arc dropped):• the eccentricity of a low-Earth orbit

cannot exceed 0.05 near-circularapproximation has lower accuracybut is still valid

• at the start of deorbiting, the centerof the sole thrust arc is at the apogee;the optimal control is the same since

17/1964th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 23-27 September 2013, Beijing, China

2dr dadu du

Orbit: a0 = R + 900 km, i0 = 51.6, 0 = 30, r, f = R + 200 km

V = 326.2 m/s, mprop = 66.0 g N = 750

Conclusions and future work• It is possible to deorbit passively stabilized satellites using a propulsion

system such as the iEPS

• The increase in maneuver cost (in comparison with the full attitude controllability case) is not dramatic (15-50%) and depends on the passive stabilization technique used

• Optimal control problem is analytically reduced to the nonlinear programming problem

• For the same deorbit time, the elliptic mode of deorbiting requires about 60% less fuel (besides, one of the thrusters is no longer needed)

• Influence of attitude stabilization errors on the maneuver performance is worth being analyzed

18/1964th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 23-27 September 2013, Beijing, China


• Russian Ministry of Science and Education,

Agreement No. 8182 of July 27, 2012

• Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR),

Grant No. 13-01-00665

19/1964th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 23-27 September 2013, Beijing, China

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