ornciai. county twin falls, idaho, sunday morning....

Post on 17-Nov-2020






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An 4f»odated-^ ^ r p x x ' FT T V T ? A T r ' TODAY:P r e n Neiospaper . X X X . W IJ X JLi 1 J / - >1 XL< W O Cloudy, Cooler

V o L S ^ ,:N o , ;2 0 i, . ■ T W IN FALLS , IDAHO, S U N D A Y M ORNING. AUGUST I? . 1041 ornciAi. COUNTY >iv.v.ai'M'WV Prico F iva Ccnta

MaliaFafiners Get Assurance of Help With GropHarvest

state Employment Service Outlines Plans for Preventing Serious ShortaRo

of Labor .(By The AMOclftled Prc.vi)

BOISE. Aug. 10—ir ftvallftble Inbor supplies arc properly husbftridcd there will be no serious shorinRc o f workers for hnrvcstlng Idaho’s /arm cxpps this year.' , . ^

T h a i W5V5 the reply o f thd Idaho employment service today to reports national defense had siphoned o ff farm hands to such an extent many o f the state’s Im porUnt crops. aucltJis potatoes, .sugar beets, beans and apples, m ight be le ft In the field,

•'We fully realize that there may be a more serlou.'i short- aRC of agricultural labor In Idaho this year than wc have had In the years past,” said Terry Prater, slate yctcrans placenienl burciiu ofllccr who alu<l- IM me sltunUon M farm . pliicc' menl <llrpi»tor for Ui^ finploymrni (icrvlce.

■'However, wc believe llml wUh Uie full and complete coopcrallon

will be Bble to tllrecl iu«l cJUitrlbule Uie AVAlliibhj Iftbor to pliicM whcrt

iiccclwl. nn<l Ihat Uiere wlil be vcr>I llUle, If any. la « of. crom.”

CCC A»allable Tlin sen’lce'4 imnoiinecment cnmi

on the hccLi of reporUi fr*m tlx clvlllnn eoa'-crvnUon *ervlco U>-lhi cffcci ihiit fnrollees would be AviUl- able for harve.il work If applied for UiroiiRli tmployment offlc«

. OKenclea,■ C. & Rob<rl.i, superlnlenrtenl .of publfc ln.ilnietlon. ftbo. cicltd piuc iJio lAbor nliortARC llircnl mlvUlnR schools UirouKhout the «Uile to nrriujKc hiirvMl vncntlnns nr poBtponemcnlfl In Khool open' InRX to «ulL local nce.dii. ,

JcMcpli Q. Decwn. preienl Jnrm pliicement director for the fiervlce, dald .«.'4>lui..:JDl1l&r to IhM uxed In

,...hnrvc.iUnK the Gem county cherry crop lu l iiprlnR ivouM be lnalltut«d

• wlierever neee.viary.The cherry erowers. eallmntlnB:

1.200 plckcrs would be neeemry, be> cnme paofcky when It appeared tbiit number would be unobtAinnble.

But Beeson opeped ^ Icmport^ry offlea of the employment <ervics In Kmmelt. mnde nn Rtfrecment Wth thcr aem-CDimtj“ HorttctJlCUi*i’ » o - cUiy thut lU membcra would hire only from ths service, antf- «o t out iho cherries,

IL done with oiurJJQ WWkei*. movliyr'XriJoi SMHard- U*W4cutfa“ A' lelt«r of lhanka went> from the »»•

k ciety president to 'the nervlco In which he (uiked If - ll will bo ponalble »o hnve n IWe nm-lce sel up diirtns our prune eieiuion,"

Efficiency Ansin Beeson. Prnlcr n'ncl Employment

Scrvlee Director D. H. White phiwlwd thnl by uilnR Uie fewer men rivAlIable over n longer period of time, by shnrlnR Uie available ■iiipply QmonR the farmers nee(\lnt{ help, nil crop i would bo hnrve.nled In Kood order.

~We are of the opinion U)at too mniiy Bgencles,- who nre not fully fnmlllur wlin ihe anrlculturftl *ltuo- ilon npd UiB Jnbor requirements. .... concernlnK,ihcmselvcs with ihla very vital proKrnm." wild Prater. ”^ o further believe Uial Uiere <tro tor many Individuals nnd reprcsenla' lives of itsenele.i. who are not fam­iliar wltli Uie proBrnm lalklns to mid Rlvlnfc out informnUon . . . unjn> formed aud lll-cAvlKd publictl.y tend# to create oUrm. hysteria and unnecotiary concern In Uie minds

I Alt Uie public In general and pa ' ' ularly the farmers. . . .

" I f Uie farmers and' farm labor will make Uie Idaho state employ- mtnt office which serves Uielr com­munity Uio clearing houte, the whole proRrnm will be handled In orflelcr . and o lerly n, ---- 1 1037. when Uie farm place-nll-nt service bPBan fiinctlonlnB un­der Prater, Uie office has seen Iti

flr«, season to 2l,fl« Iw l ytnr tind n,743 up to Aug. I UiW year. In 1037 2.677 forroers ordered tabor nnd In lOiO the demand had Jumped ■......... .... e Uian_300 pw ct

(ConlinuM nn I’


B o l SilkCINCINNA'n-A “raid" on

(tocUnSs nt Uie store of Nathan Kaufman today brouftht police ac­tion. Kaufman sold burglars looted hli store of 1J37 palm of silk and nylon hose valued at »!,<8B.

S o a to yROedOB. N. Y.-Thomas Tlnne-

Ban fell hla ear strike someUilng. Ho hadn’t seen anyUilni; ahead on the country road, bul In Uie rear seat of the open car sprawled a liOO pound horse.

H arordg Homo , _________S E A Trti—Dr. anlTin'ir-RQ^rt

M. Lee canoed 600 miles downSt ■ treacJieroua Arctic stream without

mishap.'S^oUle bome to Fort Collins.

Colo., they were delayed la hours when their steamer groun(led the entrance of SeatUe hartMr.

' S till pn LcavoKANSAS cm r, •KftS.-Aiter 35

years, James Donovan Is sUll on leave of absence from his Job as loc- omoUve enBlnecr. And ho hasnt much thousht of reluming.

Hla wperiora liked hU work In the city water departmeai,»o well they made him irianojer of all municipal* ly-oTOcd utmUe»-ll ytan ago. '



Picabo as R o d e o Event Opens

8UN VALLEY. AUR.Jfl (,T>-Mary Mercler, IB-year-old Picabo brunette Is “MIm Sun Viilley of ldiUio.“

IB ottracllvo young University of Oregon sophomore wiw tleslKUiiwd by K board of JuiIbcs at the Sun VaU ley rodeo today to represent s'late nt the Madlwn ftjunre Garden

low In New York City.OauRhtcr of Mr. and Mm.

Mercler, Mary ftpcnd.a her .niinmcrs helping her faUier on tlio Kilpat­rick ranch where Merclcr Is fore­man. Thus she has become on nc- ecmplhhed hor»e>woman and an ex­pert at Jiandllnif cntUe.X There also, she gained the knowl- e^e of livestock which has made hei

tubJecU ou^Candlns InNfhc unlvenlty’s art school wliere she i.i n

^ ■• In fact, JudRcs remarked on ...

horsemanship and range IcnowIcdRC 6t all the eontestanta for the honor. .Tht-ave- 01 hfli;.slrls..aho -will -mr 'c as escorts oLtho mayor In the grand cntrr parade tomorrow, the llnal day ot Uio rodeo, arc Dolorl* Morrow of QranReTUle., Pollj'Doles of Dolse, Fae>'meJ&nc^R 'l^vm«ld.-'Oetty Jo­hansen of Fairfield ami WllmoUi McIntyre of Kimberly.' .. A thunderotorm sliortly before to­day’s fthov began, made Uic ROlng tough for the buckaroa-i but fullod dampen the ardor of the 3,000 or spectators. '

In Uie bulIdORglnR event Bud(ContlnuKl on rii> :. Column i

N e a r l y H a lf o f Operators Own T h e ir P la c e s ,

Checkup DisclosesWASIllNOTON, AUR. - 16 OV) ~~

Nearly half Uie operators of Jdal is farm operators owned Uielr.place; the census bureau learned In It IWO check up on agriculture.-

A preliminary report relea-'ed by J. C.iCopt, cciUiUs director, showed olw Uiat approximately one Uilrd of the farm operators In that state supplomenled their farm Income by outside employment.

Of Ihe 43,803 forms In the s____32,800 had automobiles. lOjMl had molor trucks, hart imelors.Tlie average vehicle was a 1034 model.

VegclablB Crop,In 1030, the census bureau found,

IdtOio’s farmers received »i,32iass from M,503 acrcs of vcRetnblM. ex­clusive of Irish and sweet poUtoes. Green peas, lettuce, dry onions, sweet com. carrots and tomatoes were Uia most ImporUnt of Uiese.In-doIIar-valuoi. ----- '----------------

However. 04 form-i reported rais­ing asparagus for sole, and It Is listed as a M.705 crop. Ono hundred twenty eight farms roLied beans of various kinds wlilch sold for t5,427: 2S5 raised (33,045 worUi of cabbage, 1 « raised »31,674 worth of-'conte- loupM and muskmelons, 2fli raised 148AJ8 worth of carrtJla, 37 raised 118 00 worth of celery. 171 raised *8JI3 worth of lettuce. 155 rolled *33,070 worth of waterrtelons and 7! reported a revenue of MS,417 from mixed vegetable.-j.

Nurwry Pradoela Tlilrty farms reported BrowlnR

nursery products and 261 said they had a combined revenue of tJf50J75 from flower and vrgpinhlw THinii, ariiTflCFwcr* and planta grownIn Uie open.

amaJi fruits were grown by 4J81 farmers and 4.733 reported land In orchwd frulta, vineyards nnd nut trees. The report showed 183 farms KTowlng walnuu wlU) 444 trees bear, tng and 3H not of bearing age.

There was a mark«d Improvement In -road condlUons within the stata, during lh<* lO-year period. Hard aurfaced road odiolnlnR farm* was reported by 7397 farmer* 'compared wlUi 1311 in 19V). Adjacent gravel roaof were reported'by 17J3S farm­ers cooipartd wlU) 15329 a <Jeeada earllBr, Improved dirt roads by SAIB compared wim 03«] and unlmprorrd dirt roads, by only 730«. compared tfllh «3 M to 183a

They’re All ‘Easy on the Eyes’ ORDER DRAWN to IME OVER SHIP BUILDING

Offipials P redict Navy W ill Operate S t r ik e '- B o u n d K e a r n e y Y ard s ; $ 4 9 3 ,- 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Jobs I n v o lv e d .

aiy Till- Piv.y.iSome ofllcliil.s f.\prc:;.se(i tlic

belief la.'it iilKht ilu it the gov- crnmeni -wotild take over the giant Ki'iuiiy. N. J„ yards of the Federal SlilpbiilldlnR nnd Drydock cotnpaiiy— wUh SJ93.-

,000 of (Icfcji-sc cojiir.-ifl-s- tied up for 10 day.s by n .-iirlkt? — wltiilii -Hi hour.*;.

The dispute has bocii. In a slalcm.ait- .mjicc tin- coiiijmns \ir- cllii«l to iiccciil 11 r'Tomiiiciulii-

■It, nilrl > would

datlona ni

TO A ypunt south central Idaho woman yesterday eame the beosr of belnc clected as winner ef llie "R: n lle” contest durlnf the epenlnr day of the Snn Valley rodeo. She la MUi Mary Mrrelrr. 19. of rical <n»r Ilslley, and site will represent Idaho at Madison Square Garden rampetltlon. Mlu .Mercler, In tli photo taken yraterdsy at Sun VBlley, appean lecond from -fefl In the back retwr and nrxt to hrr nn the rnd l« ?IU« Wilmoth Mclntlrr of Kimberly. Olhir* appfarlnir >re Ibatk row) — Miss Dolly IUIm. Iloli 1» Morrow, Gr«nse\'lllr: arnt ifronl row) — MIm Fae Nlflwn aniJ-MIss Retty May John n.i, l.mt field. (Son Valley Thoto; Nrw* Entravlnt).

Roosevelt Reveals Accord With Churchill Upon War

Prcsidej»t~l)eel}tre8 United Stales No

IVearerWar - -

ABOARD p r e s i d e n t i a l TR A IN EN ROUTE TO WASH­INGTON. Aug. 16 (/P;—Presi­dent Roosevelt intimated to­day that he nnd Winston Churchill were In complete ac­cord upon tense dcvclopmcnt.s in the Far East, as we ll as the Russo-Gcrman conflict, but asserted this nation wa.n no nearer to war than when ho sailed away to m eet the British prime mlnlatcr nl sea,

Tnnned nnd obviously happy at, what he eollcd the. eminently sue- ce.ssful iwapplnc ot Ideas with Brl- Uln's leader, Mr. noosCvelt told more than a score of newsmen erowdcd Into the Potomac's ward­room JUJt before he came ashore i Rockloml. Me., that there was not. .. slntilo secllon of a single continent that went undl.icu.«ed during their dramatic meeting.

He made this statement after .. reporter Inquired wheUier his dec­laration that he and Mr. Churchill were In complete nRreement on nil aspects ol Uio wor sUuaUon would apply to t iD far east as well as Uie far west.

"Are we any closer to entering

O G M E M G A MTw in Falls W i n s S ee-S aw

Struggle by Score . of 10 to 9

rion«r I.eacuT'standlnn

.... 03 35 .030

..... 03 40 .012.... 54 40 340

53 51 305----41 00 -.400..... 31 71 3<H

ORdeii ........BoiseSalt Lake — Pocatello.....Idaho FnUs . Twin Falh ....

Sunday’s Probable rUchtrs Idaho Palls at Salt Idke <3) 1:30

p. m. McKinney (9.8) and Bradley (D-7) v.<. Oambaro (13-6) and* Jen­sen I8-11) or RLitau (O-ll). .

Boise at Osdcn, 6:15 p. m.. Stoley <M-6) vs. PoUvka .TwU

Anderson <4-10) v

TOCATELLO. Aug. 10 yr) The Ta'In Falls Cowboys tonight piica 10-9 Pioneer league baseball ___lory on the home field of Uie Poca­tello Cardinals.. It was.a seesaw struggle, with Uie CowBoys loolng-Uie lead twice In the tarly Innings before a five-run splurge In the seventh completed the victory. Eren then, however, the Cards showed power, puttlag acrou 1*0 runs la Uve lasb halt. of Uie nlnUj.

Oerald Bohnen and Con Rasmiu- -.•n, who came In In the fourth, allowed the CanU a total o l IS blt^ whIlB Lany Kempe, pltchlnK for Po­catello. allowed 13. Pw r PoeatcUo errors contributed largely to

(CeniimiH ea P»«* «, Celuaa I)

Uie I It was later restored.

Girl Murdered in Crowded Theater

FRIES, Va.. Aug. IS (/P>—Bghtcen- year-old Pauline Payne was shot to death tonight ai'sho aafwjttzhlw a movie In a crowded Uicater hare.

The Saturdaj-nlfht audltaca wa* thrown into an uproar ai tiro shots were fired and a man fled from the building, pUtol -In band. -

Chief Of PoUca Brvea Smith, aided by sherUf's depuUes, Inunedlatcly Uunehtd a aearch for Uie slayer, who, wltneues aald. lied In an auto- m'obUi.

Reds Pledge Active Aid ' To Stop Jap

Russians, Germans Tell o f< )f (]onliniyng Figlit on j <i 1

2,000-MilcLine 1' fliv Tl>r A".(x-i.ilr,l 1'.-<.V.)

The Sovli-l Kovenimciit wlilcli cancrlj' acccjHcti yesterday the Brlllsli-Anicrlcan o ffer of maximum material as5l;;tancc In Ihe Battle aRaln.sl Cerm.iny rL-pcrli'cl today (Sunday) that

iv,i.s- .■iCin Konentl n/oiiir Che wJioIc 2,000-m(ic front at the .Mart of the ninth week of tin; Nazi Inva.sion.

for tile pronii.sccl lielp Rii.s.sla tva.s reported to


mil Monday, comixiiiy li.i.*-. u : ;<•.■!tccl

ivy opcnitr llip yiinl.-.. inwhllr. ihc nic.llaiion b

uiilnirrruptcd oprriitloa ilumlnum plaiiLi ix-ndmc

euMton.1 of 0 titmnnil by the CIO Aluminum Woikrrn imloii timi ' Aluminum Comimny of Ann •llmlnnlo v,iiKr dlffrrriitlal.i -uci-n northern nnd ;.<>iiilirru

A {lcci. lon ti (lay c

i^ ra u e -P m b le m s W a it On R ooseve lt R e tu rn

Wav Supplied for XJ. S. A m y , Britain, Russia Stressed by Conference

(By Tlie As.'.oclatcd Pre.v,)• W ASHINGTON. Aujf. 16—President Roosevelt’.s return to the capJtal tomorrow wUl find a variety o l problems Rrcat and small awaiting hLs attention and disposition.

Flrqt o f a ll , 'o f course, will be the ever atute cjuesllon ot acccfetatlnB the delivery of defense supplies to Great Britain the armod forces o f the United States, and nl.so to Russia.

Thl.s Is' an cver-contlnulng problem made now. the more prominent by the president’s conCercncc a t sea with Wlnstoi\ Churchill and the pre.>>oncc In Wnahlngton o f Lord Bcftvcr- brook, the British minister of supply.

For jome time, crlticlam-i of Uie defense setup, as cumber.iomc. lea efficient than need be, and hamper­ed by overlapplns dutle.i and powers, have been numerous. And the crltlc.i have not been confined to Uie Rroup tthleh opposes Uie pre.ildenfs poli­cies.

There have been report.i, some of Uicm secmhigly well-founded, ilwt a sliake-up of defense organisation Li Imminent.'Irrafldltlon, WoshipBWlJ,*o“ l‘'

be surprised If Uie prc»lilent were bringing as many problems b.ick to Wa.-Uilnglon as await him here, pro­blems eaUlns lor decisions hosed on the InformaUon exchanged at the Churchill conference, or decLilons on how best to effcituate jioMrle.i idopted-as a result of the meeting at

- On the domestic front, strlke.i con- llnue to present problems, particu­larly Uiat at Uie yedrfral Shipbuild­ing and Drydock company in Kear­ny. N, J. The operators of the plant have nsked Uie navy to lake It over.Governor Edison of New Jersey has asked that such .acUon bo delayed.

Several bllli await Mr. Roosevelt's signature, notably Uie army service extension bill, adding eighteen montlis to the possible sen’lce ot draftees, national guardsmen, re* sen’lsts and army enlisted men. Tlie measure was passed this week, with the house giving Its approval by a one-vote marglru '- Tien, there la also anoUier"Clg defense appropriation bill — tTi80.- 605,000—but sUll carrying less money Uian the army and Uie admlnlsUn- tlon requested. Por Uie first Ume since Uie big appropriations began.Ihe senate rebellea and sloslied »l,- 347.000,000 from the measure's orig­inal total. At the unent requc.it of " ----------------------------------TO-sr


A labam a Senator Would Kill L a w Holding Troops in

HemisphereWASHINGTON, Aug. 10- (-T) —

Senator Pepper <n-Ala) urKctl to­day that the existing ban ngaln.it -sending selectees outside the west­ern hemisphere be lifted but con­ceded -thot there was little prai- pect of immediate congressional ac­Uon.

Pepper, a member of the foreign relftUona ■comnilttcr~ninr~ff(lvo'cule of more acUve aid to Great Britain and Riwala. said in an Interview Uiat “ the sooner wc make nn all- out effort the surer we are to stay out of B sbooUng war and the surer we nre that we won’t have to send an expcdlUonary force to Europe or South'America.

*'Por example, Uiere are iilands In the AUantlc and PRcltlc whlcli might be Uie subject of assault from

(ConllnutU cm I'oc* 3. Co)umn 3)

i.iUon.s iippcnrcil In Trill oihrr defeuK Ulr f'poi.i.:1 lo^^ rk •eturii to work Mon- •nl air st itlon ijroj-

It I’cnr.ncola, fin., was voted by between 750 nnd l.OOQ curpcn- tcr.i. electrlcliini nnd liiborcr.i whi flult work Wcdne.Mliiy ovrr clematiil: for wflRo Increa-'iCi ot 25 cenw ar hour for the skilled workers and 10 cenl-1 for laborcr-i, CiirpenH'ri Imve been getUng $1 iiii hour, clec trlclaiu tUS and Uiborern 40 cents, nepresenuu'ves of the Uiree AFL unions Involved salt] Uiey. would to Washington . tp dticuss the < mandt- wlth^avy officials.-

Spokesmen for •Western*jaectric. Inc- and Uie AssoclaUon oh Com- munlcaUons Equlpmenl workrr.i'iald that Dr. John A. Sleelmon. dlceclos. of the federal conciliation scrrlce, would be asked to nppolnt a three member •'super-paner of conclliat- OM to review the breakdown In iheli negotiations for.a contract. Detiills' of Uie •dispute have not been dls- clo.ied. Union membctK In 13 li>rgi Cities voted strike authority. Union leaders said that a strike would tie up. telephone installaUon work on defense projecta nnd paralyrc the vast Dell telephone system.

Tlie mediation board announced an agreement ending a dispute In- votvlng l.aSO wotUcrs In a ship re­pair yard of Todd-aalveston Dry- (locks, inc„ At Oalvcslon, Texas,

h a v e plctlRcd a c lK 'c a id In l l i c Brltl,sh ufcaln

« P O J -

QU.STokyo Retaliates W ith RC'

fusal to P erm it L iner to Dock


rpfii.-ird lo iKTmit t Cooll(li;c to ciil <ort iiml pick ii[

;lop J a p a n ” m o v e m e n t .L'c in c ia y lln h t raid.*; o n N az l- occiiplocl l-’rant^e. A m e ric a n - m a d e foriTo.i;! boinbor.-: flow In

c a t t a c k on Brc.st a n d - onets-rrportrri—to-hmr-btnrtCTr------

flrhtrrlUKh ilal iiK<-rt 01


Coolldsr to, pick ui> 20 Arnerlcai flclals Uirre but ilecllned to grant permi.v.lon for non-offlclnl Amci cans to •.all. . i ' J '

Offtcli.ii f.nlil the Japanese i!c crnment h;id not rrfucfd lo ixrmll the Amulcaili lo.leave Uic country and thiit they wnuld leave when oUi- rr means of transportation were foipd;- Ofllclals^ were considering ways and means of providing trani- poriatlnn. One AugScsWon was that the Americans go lo Shanghai ond board American ves.ieLs there.

No Japanc.ie alilps am sailing for •American port« sn?v:'!^V*rarMjr.' ure under Uie "freeilng'” ortjera now In effect. I’resumably, It was' In re- lallaUon for this that the Japanese 'refu.<ert lo permit Uie Pre.ililent Coo- lldge to make a call for pns.ie at a Japane.ie port.

Raih-oud W orkers Get Overtim e Pay

- OOpEW, Utali, Aug. 18 M ^ llia t there 1.1 going to bo plenty of stress

-on the naUon's railroads Uils fall was bomo home forcefully to Ogden railroad workers on Wednesday when the Union Pacific shop went on nine hour shifts. ,

Tills mean.i, said J. C. Ounnlng, shnp foreman, that all- meehnnlcs and'mechank helpers will work 54 hour woeka from- now on. Already Uie idiop la on a three shift basis >o Uie new order extending Uie working day to nine hQurs lengUiena the work hours obUilned In each 24 to a total of 37.

And the workmen themr.elve.i will receive pay for nine and one half iiour».-Tliey-|et-tlme-ftnd-onr-half for overUme.


PORT WORTH. Te*., Aug. 10 l,V) — Elght-year-oId Eleanor Irwln parked 20 minutes In a 30-mlnuK aono without poylne a nlekcl. -

Eleanor stuck her finger Into the coin receptacle of a parking tnelei and couldn't get it out unUl patrol­men broke open the meter.


M ilita ry Action Against T h a i­land, S iberia Deemed


WASHINGTON. Aug. IG (/T> — Belief grew in Infonned diplomatic quarters tonight that Japan would not force an extension ol the Euro­pean war into the Pacific by mili­tary action against Thailand, or ar attack on Siberia.

At the same Ume. evenLi were regarded as pushing the Tokyo gov. ernment to an-«arly decision for wa: or peace and one auUiorlty on *lhe far east predicted a show>down within 10 dm.

Peace could be maintained,-It was said. If Japan would halt her south- eaalward expansion and maintain the status quo. Out U Japan Invades Thailand, gateway t« Singapore and UiG rich Dutch . and British oil, rubber and tin territories beyond, iir_Slbala.Jt.TiuLcredletcd-Uic.lat eait wouU burst Into war from Vlad­ivostok to Australia.

Among developments believed giv­ing Japan reason to pause were thi conferences of President Roosevelt and Prime MlnlsUr Churchill — auUiorltaUvely reported to have In­cluded discussion of Japan’s threat to American. British, Dutch and Russian Interests In the Pacific even though that subject was not menUoned In th lr official Joint statement.

The HruL--U cU'l df>‘*'ii li) Ccriiiiiii plaiir.i iincl ari- iiiHl-'d lO'liii; (our: '

TrniiMf In KranfrFrHnoi-'.i troublr.i srew heavli'r.

In 1‘arlj th<* i>rrtecture'of police uaninl Ilir j>{>[julaHoii Uiat .labo- IiiKe on rallrii:ul luirs wii/. ihrrat- niliiK Itie city’s fixxl supply ond . o/frrrd onr iiulllon frnnc.i for In- rornmtlon lendlnK lo arr^ t of the snboteur.i.

Tlie Imminent po.-.;.tbllltlr.i ot Uie Pacific sUuiiilon were furUier ac­cented whrn the United-State.i dr- parlmtrit ot nnnounced • Oiat Jnfiftii had rent'-i-d tn let Uie liner Prejlilrnt CoolldKr pick up about'100 American clUsrns • seeking to leave Japan.

tn London, where tlie^jBi)Mlan' promhe was rrportetl by WT aiftiior- ItnUve i,ourcp. It wns ald-<hat Japan might slop Ahort In her southward

inslon and make an early push at Siberia to.help herself nnd her German axis partner by blocking the

S- supply route to ■Vlndlvo.itok, niRh Japane.ie. Oerrmin nnAjnni. ^

tral quarters In Shanghai already hail sTiltl Japan was preparing lor a' possible attack on Siberia wlUiln two

■ three weeks. If started later. It • '

■■No-Qoarior rt^U n r

In the Oerman Invasion of RumIa. lUrlng Its nInUi week today, the

Red army was fighting a doggedbau: ' tie of withdrawal on the southern front In thejjkrnlne while apparent­ly prcpatfnrf for n sU»nd on Uie east

he Dmjpv river.nnffoermans agreed On

the fury of the fighting, but neither side RRve otllclal detalK Oerman military necoimt.'' claimed nil the tJkralne west of Uie Bug river was virtually encircled .and that dire bombers were wTCnklng havoc In and around Odea-.a.

The Gemions admitted the Rus- ..ans were defcndlns UietuseWea siemiy, saying that, oa nn examplo of the ho-quarter type of flgljUng,000 Russians out of IMO were killed

I one email skirmish.In the north. 4»th the Oerman*

and Uielr Finnish nlUan«tetme<l con* tinuing progress. The aermana salrt they had about cleoned up Qtonla and were pressing on nearer, to Len- Iturrad, while the Finns reported capture of Sortavala, railway city north of Lake Ladoga.

While Uie fighting raged, the Hus* slans were preparing for a long- . drawn war with the Naila.

Premier Jfsseph Stalin accepted the suggesUon of President lloose- velt ond Prime MinLilcr Churchill for an early conference in Moscow “ of Russia, American and British officials to work out a general aid program.

Redt nail Eight PolnU Tlie Ru.i.Tlan press acclaimed tho

RoateTelt-Cliurehlll a-point slat«- Inent of war alms, and In Rus^g m e m itr th c n j-W M a - fc e lln ir iD * t --------the pooling of resources of all threa naUons was Implied In the diplo- maUc excbangts-

The. British royal air force spent Saturday In repeated atUcks on Uw French coast, homblns rail com­munications used by the Germani.

Air war also continued tn the Mediterranean, where the Brltlsb said their planes hit three of Ihre Italian merchant ahlpi and a del*

(ConllnMd an Tut* i. Coltuna I) .


BOISE. Aug. 10 0J5-Por Uie sec­ond straight year Idaho tourist trav­el will set an ali-Ume reeom high this year •’unless' there 1s a aerioui

stringent defense meanres taken.** Manager R. O. Cola ot Uie Idaho State Automobile' asfDcIatidn pre­dicted today.

On Uie bails ot a survey made recently by that organliaUon Cole esttmaied'uiivel probkbly would be worth •'upwards of p5,000.000 to Idaho this year.". “The increase In the number of tourists entering Idaho-ln the first seven siontha M IMI has been bet-, ter than 10 per cent over the fixure for the same period last year," Cole continued. * .'

“The-AAA, .travel turvBy Infllcate* that people m bow traveling more

"The tourist Is .beginning to seek more out-of-the-way pieces and U tending less to shun side trip# and

be gone/When our motorlsu* main interest was In seeing how much terrltoo* he could cover."

Best travel Index In extreme east­ern Idalio Is the record of Yellow­stone park enUies. Cole said, which allow a gain of II per cent enrer lastyear. • ----------.T^vel througS Yellowstone park

and the Grand Teton country has increased 35 per cent thU year', and » per cent durta*- U » paal two yean, Idaho, however. Cole explain­ed, “Is not getting her full thar« of .this sliiee intensiveother Interesta has diverted itravel thr^h . the area to •onthem ouUets."

"Vlsltort are mor« interested la our UtUe known attneUou cucli as

Craters of the Moon, Salmon river, primitive area. Bell's canyon and even Arrowrock' dam and Shoohona ice caves,' Cole went on. In addl- Uon, Idaho fishing. forests,eanu>lni_ SrOTHttrTHiQ mdunCflinaEes' were being enjoyed by more out-of-sUte people than ever before..

Travel by Idalioans boUi within the-aute and to oUier points has risen sharply, he said, p^Ung out travel to Glacier national park has Increased about 30 wv cent this year.

“No staU," Cole concluded, "evei* -i^ally prospered solely fr«m throusli traf(lc. Idaho's pnUni). and It is more seitaua la the pftohandie than here, U to bold theM peopla vltbln the «Ute for a langer period of ttms. •nus can only be dooe tr .ta intaui* teat adveitlsinc eampAtsB dadiactf to aequalal tb« 'Amcrteaa puUls vlUi the fact that thetv b more to Idaho IbaatU. 8. hlfhway SO and »afeta«0».- ■

News of War In Summaiy

(By The. Associated Pres*)Red army goes Into ftlntb week -

or lU war acalost Oermao invad-

United State* leaders promise aid."::

President Rooeevelt In Matet^w says be has coofldenee Russia i ^ r L fight tliroosta winter, lud declarer!^ be and Prime Minister CburoUU>>> are in ecraplet* a « r ^ e n t ob aspects of war attuaUoa. Oonfar^’ l ence at 'aea, however, has ae«-“ brought tlBlted SUtei nearer' 'W says .

RAF, ttsiac soma

p te d F r «m a ^ B .« attacks on BrcM:' plaaa tKbU off Mi


PBICE MMDUtah and Idaho Beet Growers

Object to Government ------------ Price F ix ing '

SALT LAKE CITY. Auk. 10 W - ■Protcsta Ujb llxln« of a priceof 3J0 cenus n pound on row augnr hftve been lorvardcd lo mrmberi of

—the Utah nntJ Itlnho congrcg.iion«l delcRBUon. It wm mnclo known litre today.

8. J. Boyer. lecreUiry of the UUh Sugar Deot Orowera n.t.\oclnUon said the cicUon wm taken.Jointly by U-- Jdftho nnd UtiUi ivuoclntlons after meetlne UiU week nt Twin Pnlla. 11b »ald tlie position of Uio Browers s that cclllnea should .not b« fixed ftnn Crops untcu floors ftlr-o wi

no mfiticr whnl the crop. int Is u-iunlly lermcd a floor ... prices, 1.1 not In f»ci a flobr ne It 1.1 AUbJcct to Qunllflcitlloits, of which Li the umount paid rowers liy reflnerii. ho sftld. er deaCrmt'd experlmcnui In Ui Paila nrcn which ore deslRnrff

.. produce a white-fly resLitent eu- jar'Beet iced. Ite ttnncd them hopeful. «

To determine the riiunnRe done . the fly. Boyer anld. » fine mesh cloth was placed over u'few rows of b«et3 and coinAioe in Uia mlddla of n 40-acre field. Under cloth, he snld. the tomato plaiitJi are wnlst high and beet planti. non-realatant to Uio fly

* are strong nnd thriving. Outbids the ' cloth beeta and tomato plants have shriveled and died.


______ (Conllnutrl trom r»«« On»)WST. ftcniallyr” anoUier reporter Mked esrller.

TOe president said he would say

ilr. Roosevelt also Intimated that the heads of Ui# two blasest deme- eraclc.1 saw eye to eye In believing that Russia would hold on against Germany through the winter.

He said eonslderaUon bad beta given at the hlglj-seaa meeUng both to tUUng Russia's Immediate needs Into this country-s production of war aoterlals. and lo Russia's needs for the campaigns of next spring.

Ceunu on Weather • Mr. Roosovelt declared that can- Blder&Uon Of Russia's needs next ■prlns were based on the assumption that winter would at least partially baJt the Nad drive.

AskecTdirectly if he believed that Russia could stand up. the president said that he guessed from what he had

■ Uon In-that.The president aaserted that a now

lend*leasa program was still In Its . study stage, bvt that IVwi^ nearing

the point n^ere adotlcnal fUndi would be sovsltt to tlnanca atd for the democracln. In response to quea-

' tlons; however, he lald Russia would sot get lend-lease aid now on the grounds Uiat that country had avail* able cash to pay for war materials.

Further Confemiee*Back from London and Moscow,

Rarrjr Hopkins. Iend-1ea.ie adminis­trator who ntcompanled Churchill to

• the conferences, sat quietly at his tide as newsmen piled Uie president wlUi quesUon#, seeking to learn what chonses. If any. the deliberations would fjrlns tn this country's status

. In the world conflict.He would say little on tlits point,

however. be>’ond d«clarlnR Uiat the next step would be only a further Jnterchanae of Ideaa.

The chief exequUve likewise was aUent on tlie length of his meetings Mrlth Mr. Churchill or the setljng nf thew sessions, except thilt he did reveal that only otie conference held aboard the DrllUh ^ tt le Prince of Wales. The othertThe took place on the United States cruiser Augusta.V Tfe refused — for obvious reasons.

,..;'^a.^ld — to dlscu&i the exact lo- pVcaUon'of the epochal exclinnge of• Ideas between Uid president of a'

nation at peace, and.the head of a government at war. Hor^weuld he,

—for-(he same reasons, say when he and Mr. Churchill piu-ted company

- or where the prime minister woa nt present.

■- Joint IiiraThe cljlof executive explained,

however, Uiat the meetlns ^’as a Joint Idea,''planned as long ago as February and postponed becaiiM of

■ Britain's campnlKn In Orecce and .... Crete, i t was caUod, he.Mld.-for an

exchange of views, looking to boUi thft present and future,

He said he had even objcct 'd „ an announcement that he wasJand* Ing nt Rockland today. Then. smlU Ing. ho remarked that It had been foggy on the way over and Uiat If any submarines had fired torpedoes they h«d not been ilghted.

Mr. Roosevelt volunteered the re­mark that one of the stntemchts overlooked In the Joint dceUrallon of policy made publls Thurjday wn.i the neccMlty for a study of what Li happening to the world under the Nazi rcRlme.

Tl;e more tills subject is investi- gated and dbcusaed. he a.wertrd. the

ated.naUons.No -Trip to Knslund

Asked If any step* had been taken nt the conference- to Implement achievement of tlie po.it war goal laid down Jn the eight point pro- Jtram. he replied simply that Uiere

__a•OU^ lJ». I the^e*chanlJO of views, ho *ald. however; that he aid not ejtpect Chutphlll to come to this country, nor did he expect to co to Bngtand.

It VOS ^ t pure luok, the president added, that hU soni. Elliott and Pranklln Jr.. were present fon. the wrltlnB of n riocumrnt which may hold'an Important plnce In worW hlst{.f5‘; . .

He explained that he Just hap> pened to catch them at the scene, indicating that they had been aboard ahipt which formed a rtaval acreen acainst any eventuality while Ih# president and the prime nUn-

.Ister dcUberated.Mr. noosevclt brought bade one

aharp memory, which ha iharrd >ntb the neiwm^ through a vtvld i

Keep the W hite Flag of Sdlety Flj/lng

Now seven days withiful i fatal tra l/lc accldcnt in ou Magic Valiev.

s m s PRICESandpoint Bidder Pays $ 5 7 ,:-

0 52 More Than Buyer in Cancelled Deal

BANDPOINT*. Idaho, Aug. iJl UVt— Sixteen million feet of white pine and 24.000 cedar poles owned by tlie state north of'Priest River, previous sales of which was' cancelled after legality of, the trnnsactlon wits que.i-

Isnd company of tJnndpolnt today alter four hours of spirited blddhiK.

Tlie. McFarland company hid »1H.370,55, or $57,052.95 higher tliiin Uie price paid by Stanley W. Jonr.i of Priest Rlvrr. original bui’er of the tlniticr..nl .10.50 per tliousnnd for while pine and OS cents each for. the polr.i.

The orlRlnal sale was canceltcd following a land board hearing In north Idaho and Jones requested tlie action.

Iloberl JI. 'Elder, attorney for Jonts, said after the auction, "My client has a valid contract for the purchase of Uils tract of Umber and whoever boucht It will have to oon- slfler It first."

Mc^rland bid tlO.OS per Uioaiand for Uie white pine and DJ cent-i each for the poles. Next lowest bid was that of £. C. Obon and Sons of Priest River. Other bidders were the Diamond 'Match Co.. Schaefer Hitchcock Company of Sandpoint, and Jones.

■ARMERS.GIVEN P R O I i S E O F l• ^ '(ConUnu*<l tmn r«»« On*>

farmers always order more men Uian they need for certain operations." said Beeson, "but we know also how mnny men It will take to get the pob done."

Tlie. employmenl service operates 2i branch offices, at Blacktoot, Bolie, Bonners Ferry, Burley, Cald­well. Ooeur d'Alene, Orangeville. Idaho Palls. Jerome. Kellosg, Lew'- Iston, Moscow, Nampa, Oroflno, Pay­ette. Pocatello. Preston, Bextfurg. St. Anthony. St. Maries. Salmon. Sand- polnt. Twin Palls and Wallace.

Tlie farm placement bureau . _ tains cooperation of all county agents, state highway traffic offlc.. ers. sheriffs' forrra. police forccs, ports of entry statlona nnd other agencies in placing labor where needed.

It has an aBrecment wlUi the farm security administration whereby that agency furnishes housing and man. ages camps for mlBrator)' farm la. bor. The bureau finds Uie Jobs.

Such comps are located at Pasctte. Caldwell. Wilder, South .Nampa, Ta-ln PalLi, Victor and DrlBgj, Other camps are to bo ealnb11*hed later Shelley. Blackfoot and Hurley.

Sy other affrtements. Ifothcr la­bor supplies are not sufllclent. the employmenl sen'lce cijn -draw work­ers off the work proJccU admlnlstra- Uon rolls, Uie national youth nrftnln- Istratlon and the CCC. Tlioje work- era are drawn only In emergencies, Beeson said.

word picture. He told in ,simple words of the Sunday church sen'lccs Ml the qiiarlerrtecK of the battlrr.hlp Prince of Walc.i. He .lald everyone present felt UiLi had been one of the Kreat hUtone services, in wlilch he and the heart of the Brltl.ih government, together wlih the heads of their armies and navle.i, had prayed together.

The president mnrtc clear that the army and navy hend« of the two gm-emments and their alrte.i had conferred separately, as wrll bs slt- Hiir in on the <ll-.cur- lnns he held with Mr.'Churrhin.


Funeral wrvlce.i Sot Gary Lee Lolir, 33-month-olrt son of Mr. and Mrs, Enrl Lolir, Who rf. l le near nier. will be conducted Monday at 2:30 p. m. at the Twin FalLi mor­tuary chapel by Hev. E. L. White of the Filer MeUiodl.it church. Bur­ial will be in the 6iin.-.et Memorial P»rt_____

KniTlI TtlRNEIt GAI.I.OWAV Final rites for Mr.i, Bllih Turner

Oalloway. 67. will be held at the First Clirlstlan church at 2:.10 p, m. Tuesday. wlUi Rev. Mark C. Crrtn- enberger otflclnilnK. Burial will be_ In the Sunirt Meinorlnl ji.irk un- iStT tllrteUon ol the npynolflj tuneral home. •

FHANZ ORCAIl nfOI.A\flEtl Final tribute will be accorded

Fran* Oscar Molander. 97. at fu­neral iervlcea Monday at 2 p, m. at Use Buhl MeUiodlst church. Rer. Cecil O. Hannan officlstlng. Burial will be la the Buhl cemetery under direction of tht' Albertson funeral home.


Roosevelt, Churchill M an i­festo Called Cover

fo r FlopIlFTtLm. Aug. 10 {/T)—BoUl the

Iloa'.rvelt-Churchlll eight points and plan to aid Soviet Rus.ila drew Oer- nuii dcrUlon today. Uia first oconiful. WQids—Iroin PropagondiL .Mlntiter Jaieph Ooebbela,

Ilr de.icrlbed Utc program of the Unlieil atntes president and Brltbh prime nilnl.itcr us "an outrnRc aK;>lll t cnuimoii scn.ic" And nutlior> linuvc German sources called their prninlr.es [o Joseph Stalin a "|iro|)ii. ganilB attempt lo cover up the flop of ilirir hiRh .leaa mcrtliiR,-'

"The whole ■ world reallres eifiht }iol:jt-i are a ridiculous outcome ot »o liiiportant a meeUng," Uiey .laid- ''Jlenco. to keep allvo .world dhniM.loii. the mes.iaKc to Stalin Iiitmchril 3(1 hours later."

aofljljeli nddeti hH glbc.i In .... artir.le relea-ied to Uie enUrc German prr.vi.."SelJuiii has history seen nucl

sliipltl. unlmaitlnatlvc document thr two biK R'lns of world plutocracy framed on the Potomac (fllO ," ' ‘tleclared.

lActuully. the president left the Potomac, hli prcsJilentlal yacht, lor the secret nieetlng.i and conferred with Churchill on the United States cruber Augusta and the British bat- tlej.hlp Prlncc of Wnles.)

"We didn't expect much from mectink ol Roosevelt and Churchill.’ Goebbeli’wrote, "but Uiat tjie re.iuit would be so meagc-r. foolish anrl sterile wo didn't even dare picture

Ai|r ulMrit. ------JlUting especially hard

qur.ition of disarmament, ho declar­ed; ' I

"Whoever want;i to disarm (6 will have to xo to the lltUa trouble of taking our weapons from us. To de­mand tlmt }ve do that ourselves is stupidity which colts' for police ac­tion.

"WC did Uiat once In November, 1010. But the German people then were aUll credulous; At that Ume’ it had fooll.ih leadership and the ene- •m/a imart one, while today that Is reversed . . . "


(Onllnufd from f*»s. On«limier and his axis associates, 'nie army command ought to be in a po.ilUon to send to those places that part of Uio army. which Is best adapted to such service."

LeglslaUon cxtendlnA- Uic tenrh» periods of selectees, naUonal guars* men. reservists and enlisted men for 18 months now is awaiting Pres> Ident Roosovelt'a signature. It was approveU In the house by Uio slngle- vote marghi of 203 to 2na. leadliig opponenta of admlni.itratlon foreign policy to niscrt that there wa chance congress would lift Uie pro- hlbiUOn against sending selectees oulaldo this hemisphere.

AlUiough General George' C.. Marahali. the chief of staff, origin­ally recommended that the western hemlspiiere ban be lifted. Sei^ator Thomas (D-Utnh) floor manager in Uie senate for the service extension tndCrure. said army nuthorlUes Itad advised him Uicy were QDntent, for Uie present, to let the bon remain on the books.

Many army men. Tliomas added, think largely in terms of sending men- to Europe. "But we , should consider the paulblllly of having to send men acro.« the Pacific It trouble breaks out there." he added. "Wo have 700 soldiers in China now. Jf thero should be any real trouble they would be sacrificed — 700 meii couldn't defeat the Japinesc army."

From Senator SmlUi (D-SC), dean of the senate, camc Uils comment:

■They won't have a tenth of t chance of gettlnR rid ot the pro­hibition keeplnii Uie boys in tha heml.iphere. They have got all they nie going to get out ot this con* grcss.

YAKIMA NINE-K’INS Levi’lsion. A'us. 10 U‘>—Vaklnia de­

feated Great Falls. 30 to D. In a Jun­ior Legion rcKlontU bsjfliall 'g ... here tonlghl. It was the .lecond loss suffered by the Montana champions —Lewiston (Icfesli'd thrm. 18 to &— fiiid ellmlnated-Jhem from further compeUtlon.

t'oAST i,i:,u:uK scohesSeattle 7. Hollywood 3,Portland fl, Onkland 3,San l-'ranclico 2, Sacrampiito 1. Los Angeles H. San Diego 1.

Highest PeakHighest eaatern highway Is the

Smokfj- end o[ the Blue Rldae Parkwaj'. It rciichPs an altltule of a j l l feet at ClInRmMi'i' Dome, N. C.. which, with II.'. (!,642 ffct. Is the hlHliost peak In the Smoky moun­tains.

B R E V I T I E Sl-rom Cofut—Mrs. C. J. Qoodlng:

..nd son, Robert, ot CalUomla. and former re.ildenta of Burley, are vlslt-

,t the homo o f T. J. Gooding.

To i:uli—Mrs. J. N. Crowley and dauahter, Jenive, lofl yesterday for Utah to visit with friends and rel< aUvts.

To It^lde Here—Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hughes and son. Bob, of Ly- mon.'Colo., have returned to Twin rnilj to establish their horn# here,

nucley Ouert—Mlsa Phyllis Hart­well of Burley Is a week-end guest at Uie home ot Miss Judy Jones. MI.V1 Hartwell plans to return home Monday.'

Conclode Trip—Dale J. Waken and Holmes O. Lash returned l^lday trom Nampa, where ihey assisted In organizing the housing authority office In that city.

UMior VUIt*—Dr. P. H. DeCamp r Portland, was an overnight guest

of his sister. Mrs. E. E. Graham re­cently, Ho was en route to Idoho Falls to visit his parents.

ParenU of Olrls—Mr. and Mrs. Edwin O. Mohr of Hollister and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peavey ot Twin FalLi are parenU of daughters, born lost evening at the Twin Fails coun tj- general hospital maternity home.

To rocateUo—Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Turner will spend the day in Poca­tello vliilllns Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bond and Ray Turner.

mother Dlea—Word was received here by Mrs. C. A. Bickford telling of the deaUi of a brother,‘Earl Mc- Knlght. of Norfolk, Neb., who died Thursday.

From Bof»e—Miss Myrtle Mad­ding. Inatfuctor in Uie Kimberly schooLi tor the coming school term, has returned to'Twin Falls folluwlng a summer spent at Boise.

From Illinois—Mr. and Mrs. Ro­derick NVlght and son. Warren, ot Joliet. III., and former residents of Tttln Palls, are here visiting at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wight,

n — Mr, and Mrs.

At Hospital—Mrs. Edwin Mohr ot Hollister; Mrs. Thomas Peavey Of T»-ln FalU: A. Wilson ot Oooding and Jack Stewart of Castleford are among the patients at the Twin Falls county general hospital.

GuesU Depart—Mr. and Mrs. Del- mar Wuebbenhorst nnd.Mm-.Haztl Blrango of Los Angeles, Calif., left yejierday for thelrUome. after visit­ing wIUj relaUvea In Buhl. Twin Falls. Oakley. Burley and Rupert. While in Twin Pails, boU» Mrs. Wuebbcnhorat and Mrs. Strange visited Uielr parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Svynaon. .

tmlssais — DlsmLised from the Twin Falls county general honplul were Harry Mullins of Kimberly; Mrs. Willard Cordon ot Eden; Mias Eleanor Jamorfit«i ot Filer; Mias Yvonne Olsen oT Murtaugh; Fred Doerfllnger of DatUe Mountain. Nev. Webb Pope ar\d Joe ^tlller of Patterson and Jer-ie- DcVanry. Mra. Olive Seller.1 nnd Mrs. Rcll Mungcr, a\l ot Twin Pftll.1.

A T SO N VALLEYSpllLiburg olArlrnna ttoaJlri.t.inaa«». ey m 5 2-J seconds, with Clay Carr ot,Visalia, Calif., second in .8 3-S seconds.

Jack Lovineton placed first in the calf roping with Bree*y C<» of Dun­can, Arir.. second.

DicK Orlftlth of Scoltadale, Arl: , took Uie day's'first money In Hrali- ma bull rilling, with Bob Eite.i of Texas, second. ]

LouLi Corcatcllo of Shelly. Idaho, look Uie JudKca' eye for first plnce in the nmateur bronc riding while mil McMakcn ot Trail City. 6. Dj, first for the professionals, with Bud Llnderman ot Red Lodge, Mont.. second.

Continnottt Show from 1:00 P. M, Adnlts 2 0 d to 8 r. M.

Evening 25e> Fed. TaxKiddles 1 0 6 Anytime

•>— . UNCLE-JOE-K'S —Norge Air Cor


UOH'S loose AGAIN /.../ o a a o H -c


NoTelty and News Events

To Con . .noyd Campbell of Twfli Falla and

Legion convenUon at Bo'lsei

bell Is home from St. Vlncent’s^c pllal of Portland, tor a 30-day vX Uon vl.-,lt with her faUier, J. Campbell. ..

Conclude Trip — Mr. and Mrs. Qleyre Frederickson returned Frl. day from a wedding trip. Mr.i. Fred, erlcksnii was Miu Beverly RIchlns prior to her marrlaRe last Tuesday at Salt Lake City.

r. and Mrs. F, D.Return Hor ..................Flt~.immons of Council Blufts. la., left Friday for their home after viiltlng here at the Home ot Mf-and Mrs. Hny Agee. Mr. Fitzsimmons Is a brother of Mrs. Agee.

Scout lladg«—John Rasmussen ot T^oop oa. Twin 'Falls, has received a Doy Scout merit badge for swlm- nilng aa reported by Aasistant Scout­master C. N. Rosa from Uie Snake river area council headquarters.

SIstera Leave—Kathryn nnd Bar. bara Jo King of Oooding. who have been vLilling at Uie J. J. Winter, holer. Prank Kleffner and Frank G. Kleflncr Ijwnes. will leave today for Uielr honit*;

6kt Meet—Magic MounUIn Ski club will meet Monday nt Uie Hoger- wn hotel at liao p.m. All members are urucci to be present ns Uie win­ter :.porLi committee of hte Ttt'ln rails Junior Clinmber ot Commerce win be present nt the sc.ulon.

VUlu Pa^ent•^^trs. Gordon Old. ham Li expected to arrive today from Knni.as City lo visit her parenuv Mr and Mrs. C. P. Wurster. Dr. Oldham has purchased Uie proteMlonal building of the late Dr. J. N, Davis and will arrive wlihin the week cstabll.'.h n mcdlcnl practice here.

Marriacr DeeTJTur limijiwii” iLeiiser- issued ... Twin Palls county, recorder'# ofllce yesterday wjre Tliomas WiL-.on Richardson. 35, and M a r jo r i i Georgia Walker, 2J. boUi of BoLie: James Delbert Lambing, 21. Kim- t>erly. and RlltiibeUi Jiuie Ward, 20 Wendell; Otto Frank T\'rdy. 27.-ant Aleta Lorraine Palmer. 33, both o Buhl; Wilson Cox 23, and Helen Ko- desh, 20, boUi of Buhl.

HIGilVCKSO fficers Check P a ir of Nigiit

Agcidents in This • Section

W e t h e rIDAHO: Scattetw* ahowert Mon­

day and In'Mothweat Handayi cool­er wuUiwest Bnndar VMl *a*t poTtloca HenOay.

Maximum temperature .here Sat­urday 03 degrees, minimum BO. Part­ly cloudy. Barometer 38.10 at 6 p. m.: humidity 30 to 03 per cent of saturaUon.

Two I ) crasJies, f • ofwhich Injured two Buhl residents, were Investigated by sUte and coun­ty officer* In this secUon last night...•Whm .B.- B.. (Mike) Budicr, 33.

Buhl, started to pass n truck loaded wlUj wood last night seven miles norUi of Shoshone, ho was unable to got- around the machine until an- oUier car appeared over the crest ot the hill. Ha was forced to pull in front of Uie truck, which struck him (rom the rear and threw his c if out of control, n traveled 160 feet before fHpping completely over, aeeordlng to Officer V, K. Barron of Uie state police, who-investlcateil.

Although the car was demolbhed. anoUier oeeupont Boyd J. Olbbs, Buhl, eocaped wiUi abrasions; whl e “ le driver sustained a back injury.

At about fl pjn.. cars driven by Dr. Wallace Bond. Twin PWls, and Gol­den Phlppen. Hailey, collided at an lntor*ecuon milts souUiweat of Twin Palls on highway 28. Damage was esUmated at MOO. but no o!ie was Injured. Doth machines were IM l sedans, oherlft’a records show,

ycsterdaf momtnff. city poKce (n- vesUgated-four acddenls in 2 min­utes. ___

Machines driven 'Ey Lee . Jordan and Mrs. E. J. BuUer collided nt 11:30 ajti. on Main avenue east, nnd the Butler ear struck Uie Jordan machine, which was parked.

At about the same time, machines driven bv Miss Barhars .Innr WU- IJhson. &ili l4ike City, collided with another auto on Second avenue souUi and Third street souUi.

At 11:90 ajn. alight damage curred in a wreck at Third street east and Second avenue east and involving'cars of H. Alton Johnson, Jerome, and Paul A. Pufahl. Twin Palls. Soon after, another nccldent occurred and machines were driven by Mrs. Carl Miller. Hansen, and L. Lowe. Palco. Kan.

....... . the PftoifJc northwestbut elsewhere cloudy nSies and scat- tere<l light showers wera reported. The amount* of preclpitaUon were generally llffht and highly,variable.

DayUme temperatures Saturday were somewhat higher in southeast­ern Idaho and showed lltUo change In the remainder of Idaho and, the Pacific northwest. Elsewhere In the

.weaUier was somewhat cooler than on the previous day.

Max. Min. free. WUir.Boise ..............94 «7 .OOPI.CI'7Burley ...........ft» M M ClondyButle ...•._____ .78 M T Pt.Cl’yCheyenne .......78 8S T CloufljClileare _____ 80 81 .0« ClosdyD tlU .... ..... ....8» 88 OOrt.CI'yDenver S7 T -PtO -yKansas CJty ...V) f » M Oouiy Los Angelo ...._90 00 .00 Clear New York City 70 10 .08 iJhow'iOmaha ...:.......87 6J T CloudyPocAtelfe ....... n 17 M Clood/Portland. Orc...8« 87 .00 Clear Salt Lake City BS 65 T PL Cl'y San Frsnelseo 88 83 T OoodySeatUe ______17 83 M aearSpokane _____ 81 56 .00 ClearTwin KalU......bZ M .00 Pt. Cl'yW Yellowstone 19 48 .01 Pt. Cl'y

2 0 ^ 0 - G l i i b - G h i e f e

A s s e m b l e i n Utah


(CosUniMd fmiB r»< nat) troyer In a convoy and believed that ■ the destroyer and two of the mer- chantmet;- were sunk sear Tripoli Libya.

■nie RAF »Uo reported UasUng railways and tuppllet tn Blellian harbors while navy bombers attack- ed SiclUnn nlrdromea.

Tlie Italians admitted many deaUis In tha raids.

•nie royal Netherlands govem- mcnt In exile announced that one. of Its submarines had sunk a S,000- > ton supply ship and n IMO-ton sail­ing ship In the Mediterranean.

The German high command re- • ported Its bomben had destroyed

t urYT?uK. la 0

Marching Drills Ordered for CCC

WASHINGTON, Aug. 10 m — Training in “marching and simple formntlon.i“ hccordlng lo army In­fantry drill rcgulaUon.i wa.i ordered today for Uie 300,000 men of Uie civilian conservaUon corpo.

DltclOAlng the order. James J. Me- Entec. director, said the CCC bo.vs would not be given guns, and de.- dared, ’This Li not putting the corps In Uie military cr.tablhhmcnt."

•The purpose of the in-itructlon." he expl.ilncd. "Is to ntrrncUicn and broaden the ba.iic health and physl- jaO-l ■ ■ • ■ ■ •

SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 10 (/IV- Natlonal officers ot Uie Twenty- Thirty club were here today aiding In arrangementa for the 18U»- an­nual convention beglnnine Tuesdo}'.

A caravan of 15 or 20 automobiles bearing members trom Nevada and California was expected here to- monow noon.

CCOTamps for all enrOIleea. Tha corps trolnlnB will better fit the boys for service in the army If they are inducted or volantefi. and llke- wir.ft wiU better equip Uiem for Jobs In defense IndUstriM,"

Tlie whole Wra of (be miuJ drill, he atlded,‘"h to spnice Uicse kids i)p."


. on world-famous


Hollister Schools Call Transportation Bids

HOLLISTER. Aug. 18 — HollUter independent school dbtrict will re­ceive unUl 6 p. m. next Wednesday. Aug. 30. bids for traniportaUon of pupils on the 'west and east sides of Hollister. A map of the proposed route mny be obtained Irom the dlstrict's-clerk. E. Hillock, at Hol­lister.

puplls of both grade and high schools are to be carried 'inti only

bus b to be used.

$ 7 . 5 0 -

Stuart Morrison

. . . It’s a mlijhiy comfotl- able (oolliifj'lo know that youi lovod ones win Btill onloy toairily — shollor. food and dolhlng . . . . lhanko to you and your B E N E r I C I A L ■ LIFE INSURANCE.S«« your total BtntlUM Men Todoyl Atk him eheut dll Out. comt e/ « BtntllcUl Intom*.

S i 'A S l.S ’

■ T ^ W . R IC H IN S '170 Blue Lakes North

Phone 1131 Twin FalU


“ Miracle o f'H yd ro "The Mysteries of Donnevllle and

Grand- Coulee Dams . . . The nilfhty Power Giants


creerG A R S O K Lw lterPID G EO N

In Technicolor

Starts t o d a y


Color Novelty Latest World Ni

- sop Pearl Uearlnr Oyster* niEE Tomorrow. 7 P. M. — U» First 100 LadJes. Gqanuiteed W te WO Vales

Designed To Keep Pace With

The American. Way Of L ivingWith national defense making great demands on private business

. u ’ well , as on private cltlxcns...... It la more .important than , ever.that you get the most possible value out of the money you spend. Frtffldalre homa appliances a n designed to give you just that. . . beoause Frlgidalre i»lues alE7p«ster than ever before. Because we feel that it Is now doupfy ImWtant Uiat nu buy appliances that will give you yean of trouble-free servlet vs sincerely urge you to Inspect our Frlgidalre ranges, ■ refrljersto^s and water heat«ri_b^re you buy. ‘

• See Our

CompIet« Stock





W ill Guide Drivers o f School IVIachincs in School

D istric t ;Comjilelc Ibt of wxfely Inslnicllons

%'hlcli will RDvern' biu driven dur- liiK the ftppronchlni: term ol Twin rnllx fichooln Li nnimunccd by 8u- pcrlnlcnricnl A- W. MofRan.

These tii.ilnictlon.1 'cro Approvwl by Uie school boa«l nncl r.Uie offi­cers to aid the (Irlvm of jIx jiow biLiM. nccor<llnK In SupcrlntcnUcnl Morcivn:

I. Cheek concllllon of hu.i'l)efor« fltarUnc; rjpfcinlly tleerlns KCiir ivnd brakrr,.

3. Olx’icrvc all * ndrule;; of the rond. Never |iiiM oUicr vchlclr on A curve or tlie top of hin.

3. Never turn or i.wffve suddenly. Avoid Jerky atjirt/. nnd Micldcn slops.

<. Drive nl conncrvallve rixtc. Never excre<l 3S mlle.i iwr hour wll)i elilldren In tlie bus.

He sure door I.i clo:.eil nt time.-, when bus 1.-. In nioUoti.

n. Never lenve bii.i wlillr motoi ti runnlnn,- '

7- Never oprrnlp with clillfh <llS' cnKiiiii-d pxcp|>l when coroliiK l<

a. Never run l)«rku’«rd:i on jchooi Kwitnds or Jfxidlfic (K>mi.

0. Never fill Rainllne l:ink when Ihrrc ri»r chll<lren In bur..

10. RrlnuHhi- bu-i In n .lull ;ilop before tiikliiK on or IritlnK o(f chil­dren. Be Mire roiul l. clenr. iiftd .slcniU drlver.i comint: from Hie

II. Slop lit nil roii!ro;icl crosjInKS.• After bus hiu; eoinc lo coinjiltl* .•.top,look In both dlrcctlon.1 bofnre pro.

—cccillnn. .12. Nu rider.-, will M nlJ0Trd-r>r

school biu wlUiout n spcclM' wrll- trn permit from the siiperlnlendent.

13. Tran.iport no nnlinnh wlUi school children.

M. Ill ea.se of accident, or break' down while ,bii-i Is liaulInK clilldrm, do not lei\ve bus lo siimtnon hrlp. Send two of the patrol boys or otlier responsible children lo nenrrsl home for tlie.'.e purpaici.

15. Keep your person ntnt txnd clean nnd your deportnieiil t pnrnble lo Uint Vi'lilch L-i expected of II lencher. Never u.ie toljscco In the bvw and do not pennlt clilUlren to do .so. Use of lntoxlcftl.ln(: lla Is absolutely prohibited <Iurln(t pr before worklntr hour.-!.

1(1. Heporf dolly lo Uie principal any mLwonduct of pupils on bas.

17. Make out reports nccuralely ftpd hand.them In on time,

,1(1. nemember—each bvw ccnliUns a fire exllnRUlshcKjind ft first nld kll.

10. Deliver your puplLi .nnffly.20. StudcnUs fULvi In front of Uiu

If w piua iicror.s hlRhway.

Dog. Pups Delayed Arms Plant

MUTZIE. the IJoslon bull terrier, who hfirt up bulldlnr of a SIO.OOn.MO adilltlon lo an amu pl.int tor xeveral tlayi at St. I.ouN lircaii'e her ownrn did not want lo move until she had pups, cnve lilrib to tour, *nd U tliowii with them ant! her owner*. >Ir. and Mrs Mark J. liundy.

Boy and D og Save CIi i Id FromDrownmg in Cteelz

A7XANTA, Auk, 10 (-V> — I'wo- ycar>old Louie Ooodwln was i avcd from drownlnti lo<lay, t ianks to "Chib Foot." Ju;.t a doR. nnd Lovilo's

l-year-old brotlier. Everett.Tlie younK-sltr had been ml/i'.lnR I hour and a half when Everett'

dl.'icovered footprints Inynud lendlnK to Ulby creek, n initc from their

”1 Ntnrte<f followlnff'lhcm'ai fai.t n.i I could." rcl-ited Everett, "and ih cn 'l heard 'Club Fool' biirklnK. I ran and when ! got there t^ule wn.i floating In tiie crcek nnd 'Club I’toof wa.s runnhiR up nnd clown Hic bank as'hnnl as he could.”

Gverctt pulled his broUier nut nnd applied artlllclal rc.sptratlon. h'? had lenmcd In a Junior Hcd Cro;..! life finvlnB courae.—■'Ho wft.i unconscloii-s," •Everett

continued, "but I i:ot i.onir of the wnier out of him and coulii tell he was brciilhlnR, .'o 1 Mnppcd aiul took him home n.s fnM as I coulii."

Louie, cllid In n pliiv .Mill. ;.oni Krlnnlnn. up »1ul nboutT noiii ---- c from It nlir

Womau Accused Of Tlii'owiii" Lye

ST. MARIES. Auk. 1C i-T,.—On n charKC of. a.'j.ault with chemicals. Mrs. DolUe Pnnneller was /icnienceil to' 30 dajTi In Jail and fined $2S nnd co.'.ls by Jiuticp W. M. Culleti.

She wftji alleKcd lo have thrown lye wilier ujkw Mr;;. Waller nils and her iKiby durliiK a nclKhbor- liood fiuiirrcl. NclUu-r wa* jicrlou.sly burned.


Vandcnberg F o ^ c s $ 5 0 ,- 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 C u m Defense

Roads MeasureWASHINGTON. AuR. 10 M’) -

Senator Vamlenbcre (r^•Mlcll.), alli­ed by a baseball came nnd a scarclly of senators. lo<lay forced a »50.000,- 000 slash in a *2<s.000.000 defense hlKhwny bill. ' • -

Tlic measure, which wa.i finally piLvicd nnd fent to the liou.’.e. was a subiUtule for a »320.000,000 bill vetfled recently by President noo.se- velt, nnd VandenbrrR, frequent nd- mlnt-slratlon critic, chldeil the Dem­ocratic mnjorlly By' beRRlnR tliem

o trust the pre.'.ldcnt,"Aided by Senator Tnft tR-Ohlol

VandrnberR I1e<l the .senate Into n parllamenury jinarl for nearly three iiours becnu.se le.ss Ih.in the 40 «en-

or.i, required lo conduct business, ere present, Vantlenbrrn denianded $100,000,000 rcducllon.When Senaior.'i McKellar (D-

Tenn.) nnd Hayden (D-Arlr..) i.pon- r.oni of Ihe road mea.Mire. nnd major­ity leader Darklcy (D-Ky.) finally

crd t{> a JiO.OfiO.OOO reduction, mrasurc :>ped ihrouish on a vola'

Vie $10:.,000,0(H1 Vnuld be d trlbuled as follow;;: •'$.’•>0,000,000 be nllncated nninnB Ihe Males tor BtralrKli: hlnhways, with the federal Rovernment. p.’iyliiR tlitec-fourth.'i of Uie COM and .Mate one-fouOli. $25.- 000.000 to be uved for ImprovlnR brWKPs nnd other hiRhway features nnd to be allocated by defense of- flelnLi on the .-.ame payment basis: $100,000,000 for acciv;s roads lo bt allocated by the president: $10,000.. 000 for fllRht landlnR.i for airplanes

l-H Guests o fBiilil Kiwaiiihiis

nuilL, AUK, IB _ All hojft nnd Iris who are nirnUicrs of 4-11 club:,

of Ihe we:,I end of Ihe county are InvlMed lo be Rur-.ts of the Dulil KIwimIs elub at n NslinnilnK Parly ami wrliier ro..;,t at (hr »uhl oily park nv WednrMlay evi-iilng, AnK.

: 27, bri;iiinlnR at 7:J0 p. in. Swini- mlnR In tlie new inunldiial |kk>1 will be the dlverrlon llii- fore p;irt of the cVL'iiliif, and the I'oiiuntlli'p request/, lhal all bov- 'and clih brIiiR, ihelr owii .'.wlin .suits ii.s llu-rc arc none furiil’.lii-d 111 ilie pwl. ’nu' Klwnnl.'i

In the p.irl; will be IlH'

n<)uiilv Schools Share in Fiiii<l>

A p i) o r I 11) n m c n I of S17,OHr>.10 ainniii,- ‘nvlii I'all-. cciiuitv iiidriii-n dent, runil hlnh j.cluxll and rnjiimoi !cliool% (rcini .slali' and coiinty fund: Is announi'c'd liv Mr- Dcirlr. WInidley. county MiiicTliilrnd<-nt.

Chirf :.nurn- of thr ; .•.•,iiul-nu:.rlri npliorllnnuii nl I', rrnifi currenl r.lati

Id eountv la\cs. '*h|i-h tntiil SII.- I7.n5. Drlliuiunit (rom prim•an. provide t21XI 17.HcadlUK the I1;.L U Twhi I'all; •hnol diMrlri viih s ; ( i 711. Jiulil 111 rcrrlv $7.(ir,i:((). Klmhrrly m, l'-||er niMl l]li;li f.- :V,r, .VJ. Cai.th-

ford $3,l'in."i;. MurtaUKh $i;ii;;i.77. •$l,'lli!-:u,iL,li..,-i,SI,71(l,tr,.Hc-l- • rural lili:h MUiH.VJ, Mavc

$2C!n2r,, Hoiiir.irr j::!i«7u.I.ari;i'.st ap|w>rlir>;!iiirnl:. hi rom- .011 dl-.trkt •■(•linol-. ivill KO lo piea-.- nt Viilley. :>i,d Dr.-p Creek

J p

D cfeiisc .Saviii!£Officiar Visil.s


Orctjon and C aliforn ia Re­move Quaraiilines A fter

a DecadeA.I.’. in'iV -All eiilarRe<l

Kl'li anniiuiK -nient that

hc-.e•...! !<>I- Ihl.'

''''••nie'limti'.ryr tin <|iialanlln''win :UM11 niii.li tallli.- <vt, Idaho:l wai:. l<> i i.iilr i:, •ii|.).hlni; the.' riarl;el.'; ul!h lia-.. •.%hlch l . ' f r

Neiviuirl planr itii!u-.!iy nirec-

Kites O n d iic led For F iler Youth

iiml rllei for CIco Hammons, H, of Mr. and Mr.i. C. H. Hammon.s, p condueled ye.Merday afternoon, the I-Urr Nararene church by

1.. n. .Sinltli nnd Hev. J, 3,

liirlal wa.-. In the J-’llrr I.O.O.F. ii'liry undrr direitlon of the

’.illliraier.-. wt-if Cluuilr OU\er. ,in HaMlUii';. Junior .Slatter. 15ar-

1. UayniQl ii .Maxwell •J'l

'were liHtv Slatler nrltv lliirr.libart'.er. Marian Carder V'lfi:inla l't-h'>:<. Patty iirtwkin* cinil Hi-ln. Ih-KIritr.

A.'.M.Ml;i;; In delate of llii- m-ivIc-

I.iwn-i[(r'Kau')fiel:.(-ii.Mi!.-.lr v,a;. ‘ S-.xIr in the Ann.', o!

JeMU" atul •«i.inetlnie We'll Ulf- dejr.laiuf hv M r. Kunila O.-.lw; aiitl Mr;. 1*. J. Kalbllrl^.f!i; and "nie Oltl Cirv.-,- t,y n.,r;haMtUlred !>mK.


D01SE.'Aur. 18 WV-J. L. JUyei of Menaii 'ha.s appointed a Jeffer-

couniy cominli.s1oner today,by Governor Clark. succeedlnR iho lat« Wllllani" Kame.-i. •

Clark at.o nnnouncc l lip had amed Wallacc Winn. Alex Tliack-

. .• nnd A1 Morrl.'ion member* of th# Arlmo cemetery maintenance dls-

WavHealth and

K Accident ' INSURANCE

? In s t n t ito m o b iic a c c irfc h ta .u 'C iit ill c itic .s o f 1 0 ,0 0 0 o r Ics-x,

. . . s i;e . . .

J .E .J ^ Q b G r i ^

hlRh'ways: $10,000,000 for hlRhway enRlncerInK i.urveys . . .

pre;,lde[il Rocsevell, In vetqelnR le orlRlnal $3»,000,000 mca.iure,

protcsti-d nllocntlon of RtrnlcRlc highway.', on a basis of population nnd said that $25,000,000 wa.s iiuf- flclcnl for Ihrse purjxisrs. McKellar anil Hayden, usually nrdent admin­istration supporter;., ftskcd Uie Ben- ale lo approve $100,000,000 for di­vision amonK lhe slate.i nnd pra1se*l the .syiitem under whieh stales match fund* voted by Ihe federal Rovem- meni.

VandenberR prole.'.ted that th measure wns "not a roads bill but a defen.'ic bill" mil Taft demanded a quorum call. /

DurlnR -the Ions lruRRle, tlie

Arrlvlnc In •IVin I'all-. Tuc;.day to confer »lU i Mi.-,. .lolm !•: lli.ye:; iincl I’oMmnster M ,^ . .Siinnk-nn plans for the defen'e .v'lvliu;i .-.tamu nnd bond :.a1e will l,r ,i„hn U. Vilry.

ndmliil:.triil r the defense*nvlnR;;

Derides oiitlliilin: III' here, Ihe Kroup «iliv.r eommlUee,


Keant-at-nrms tlirlie ordered to CO out and raund , majority li-ailrr lliukley pleiidctl with senators lo ;.lav in the elminbe

"I reallre that the ball Rame nttracllve." he salil, ' hiit tjie t

Ine;.-, Jr. hinctlon of public ti hnpor-

In--. i)ro!iiiiiniu;


ENROLL N O WHere Is Uie lilRhr.’.t paid prolc.i- f.lon open to the modem woman. A new class in belnir orRanlred ripht now , , . Enroll . , prepare your:.elf lor an envinblo career In benutv eulliire.


^ 135 Main U'extTirln Fall*

ICnjou Ih c cool

com f o r I (iiid aclf-

astiiirancc (jivcn by



^;lay I'ro.' li I'ui^'- --

or iiml look ix 'U .'r a fliT n'-.'^afc ‘2 0 % D is C O U n t

;m(i tiioroiiKii c i c u i i i i K . , Cusli & Carry

DOSS-E X C L U S IV E C L E A N E R S' Dcive-hi Cleaacrs Royal-CleanersiZZ 2nd St- Kasl I'linne 7f.5 IJ3 Shoshone S. I'hone S19


.Curta in and Drapery Shop

i l 5 Glh Avc. Enst I Phone 8G2


f a s t e s t '

in KELVINATORlS Fast-Selling Line!

$ 5 0 , 0 0 0_ _ _ wortJi-of-

PEARLSnow on display!

Aa n part o f the N ew York \yorltl’« ' Fa ir million dollar diHpIny o f pearls, , we arc pleased lo prea5nt fo r the in- .ipcction o f M agic y a llc y residents tlii.i marvelous coHection o f pearls. See them in our \vindow.s . . . and in the lobby o f the Orpheum theater.

# N o need to look far to dUcover why people are buying thfcso 1941 Kelvina-

■ tors by hundreds and thousands!.The reason is Bimi)Iy this— these

Kelvinatofa offer so much M O R E I They givo you exclusive features that cannot be bought in any other refrig* cratoratnnyprice— and they’re priced at levels tbaCmeaa outstanding value! Come in— see for yourself the fea* tu'rM o f these "and other Kelvinator models. Learn how little they cost to run— how cosily you can have one in your home!

S A V E UP TO *3 0.................... c »n l^ .llh liil 'jm-------------ON BOTH REFRIGERATORS AND RANGES

"rops". Iff !B4l Electric RgngesiTUotf»iidMlnul6Minder...Reeenrf

Orcn Liflit. . . Au(on»tio___ rre-ir»t Col-Ot^. . Bdt.

De»rinSDr«wer»..^-SpeciJ Suffi«Uniti.;.l,260.W«it


^ ___ DELUXE EQQIPPED1 9 9 . 9 5 *

OMLT rm t KthlaArEJtdrltRutnttifrltfduloirjt$114.95

A N iiR S O N C OTwin Falls

i.- : :3 a a a a a m


FREE!A Pearl-Bearing

OYSTERGuaranteed to

Contain a Pearl Valued from

*5 *» *50To each o f the first

2 0 0 LADIES*•110 tttKnd th e Orflheiim'■■ Thciiler alter 7:00 p. m. on Mopday, August IB, « pcarUbeorlng oyst«r will b« Riven absolutely FREE. ThU oyster is cuanmtced to eon- tain a pearl valued trom t5 tfl »50. Remember tho plae« and dale—

O r p h e u m T h e a t e r



R & G J [ E W E L E m iPerrine Hotel Bldg. , Tw i i



r M - r c

D» ll/ •^lUoo M ••'•’ " I ' rUlS. U th« PMl stfl'* >t Twig nil>. !><•

DT cAiiniEtt-i-i»yiii


Idtha »M El^ Ccun

a. rsrkhU la tilrtiK*! ..


rt,n,h.r A.MU n,jr..«

S TE K L A IM IIOIUTY Etvch day brings the United SUitoi; cloi.cr

to the tiril rcalJzatlon o f the nntloiial defense cmcrgency. There?' hnve been nomc nnnetncii- Inr Items— curtnllment o f the sale of/gtiiiollno In the cftst and the dwlnilllnR si.ipply^of silk, to say nothing o f the prospect of payln'K more taxes to foot the heavy bill.____________________

----- But behind IhLs va;it program Is the busi­ness o f raw materials, not only of Basollne nnd silk, but o f such things as lunRslen and steel without which the nation cannot bppln to forge the instruments of war. The greatest steel produclne country in tfic world now has been forced to place steel on the prloflty n.*;!.

The decision was , Inevllnble. America’s sreat factories, gradually shifting from mak­ing the utensils o f a, pcacctlmc Industry to creation o f the tools for national defense, w ill make few er of the things with which Americans have become accustomed thc;:c many years— the automobile and the other useful Items used by a peaceful and prosper­ous nation. ,• Undo Sam needs the steel for his tanks and

^ l u and planes. Other commodities, o f which the American people have grown inordinately fond, also w ill bo restricted. Uncle Sam needs the steel to build ships, fortificntlons and mu­nitions. T lie new program entails dlsiocallon o f many industries. A plan is now under di.s- cusslon to take .up-the slack which will be created and. ultimately, there will be a .sort o f coordination which will smooth out many

-T jrttTcMndurtrtnt •wrtnklcsrTTre.Tc thinsrtlirp-'^ pen when there is. a war In the offing.

: . A RO W TO T H E PRESS» CnuadlnS' journ&lism, as once practiced In ' what was kRown-’ as the "muckraking'’ era,

has gone out o f foahlon, but enterprise in gathering newfl and in exposing ml.'J-conduct o f public o ffic ia ls Is s.tin a valuable function o f the press. That, ot least, is the opinion of lorm cr W arden L rwcs of Sing alns prison, who has Just retired after more than two decades as head of thrit, institution.

In an in terview given to Editor and Pub Usher, Mr. Lawes expressed himself thus:

•‘Just 04 I believe in preventive work in the v fle ld o f crlminolORy, particularly In curblnc rjuven lle delinquency, I bcllevTj tha t the Jwatchdog editor, who is not unfair in hi:, tpresentatton o f the news he digs up, prevents ipublic 6f«c la la _ from becoming grafters.

. S - "T h e alertness of newspnpcM.nlso deters .officeholders from doing acts that are not ([conducive to good government, from pulling •Bhady political tricks. Groups o f potentially ’.diBhoneat men In o y ice arc very fearfu l of •thW power o f the pres.'?.”: Fear o f being *hown up i. far from ai 'adm irable motive for hone.st conduct of of' flee, but In the absence o f higher conceptions It often has to serve. A vigilant prc.i.s can contribute a great deal to decent .standards. But It Is the citizen at the ballot box who de­cides whether Bovcrnment is to be good or bad.

S fiU A R E M ILE OF O FFICES Am azing flgwres on the growth o f govcrn-

mental activ ities In Wa.shlngton, D, C.. have Just been released. T lie situation Is highllRht- cd .by protcsLs o f people about-toJn

-•Bcs.sed to rn'akc room fo r more Kovernemnt bureaus.. Lease-holding occupani.s o f an apartment building the government Intends to move Into threaten to go to court. On one day thl.s week the goyem m ent took over a five-.story apart- .nient building, a small msvnufncUirlnK plai\t and an abandoried nau-snge factory.

» Public Buildings Administration announces that the government now own.i or rents a total o f 23iI08;000 square feet o f space In the District o f Columbia, Dy comparison the M er­chandise M art in Chicago, the largest o ffice building In the world, has 3,080,000 .square feet-. The fourteen buildings comprLslng Rock­efeller Center, New York, boasts 3,918,000 iquare feet.

There arc 43,5C0 square feet In an acrc and the WashlnRton bureaus' now occupy tiust a little less than a square mile o f office ::pnce. th a t Is beyond conception. And the growth is tontlnulng a t an cvcr-SncrcnslriR rale.

-------------------W H O 'S -B O S S 'N O W ?----------------.This Invasion business is not a new gnme.

rhe wom en have been p laylns It for years, rhe program was not dedicated to the phllo- (ophy o f th e blitz. I t camc by cosy stages.

F irs t they go t. the vote, and thus armed (hey m ooched in on the barbershop, the rooking car and the baseball game. T he ir big UiWico cam e during the speakeasy days. They oared In to the delightfu l dens o f pleasure ind proceeded to out-sing and out-drlnk the oaje n fttrona.-It was a t this time tha t the lirJs broke of/ the last shackles o f Incqy^iits o d dissolved tb a t fancy legend o f being the reakcr sex. " th v r began to smoke and then 0 «eo l th e ir v ic to ry they began to wear trou­

sers. From then on the supremacy o f the male bcRan to wane.

•The latc;;t nrw.s—from Baltim ore — add;: one more drop of bitterness to the cup o f woe. Some o f the women oJ tha t c ity liiivc orBanized'tl^M ’ ul Your Husband In Hl.s Place Ciub nnd right at thl.s moment they arc in M iami for n teii-day frolic, w ithout their hu;;-

ids nnd without any dishes to vt-ash or.chll- n to take care of,l i e respective .spouses- have been Klven

strict Jnstruclioii.s on how to conduct, them­selves while their wives arc m aking whoopee. They are to stay at home nnd keep the. flre.s burning. They nuisl get Vhclr own meals, carry on dealings with the butcher and th « ,^akcr..,keep tlio rooms.cican and othenvlse' mnkc themselves u.seful. Banish the thought that these men will kick over the traces. De­finitely . they have been put In the ir placc.-; and th ey w ill stick to tljc rules, as p ro v l^ d by the ball-and-chaln.

The men have only themselves to blame for thclr prcdicatmont. They had nourished themselves fo r years on the art o f chivalry. Rallantry and cavullerism. They had paid the

: nnd .squired the ladles to balls and parties. They hart made sacriflccs and had o ffered the banal excuse that th^se tjhings were being done In the Interest ot good breecl- hiR and Rentlilty.

Now the men know where they st.ind, or rather where tljcy sit. for very defin ite ly tney ■ 8 been put in their places.

O ilier Points of ViejvINrl.ATION Mt:HT HE AVOIDED

nkly. tiSl know wheil.<T the pcle comity luvt nny Irtcn of tlif hftvo •ouKhl In Ihls comiirj' If liiUdtloiiary

develop into II cenulne boomlnji of prlccs ition wllni-.v-.fid iliirltiR tlm Worlrt «nr ureri.

ot 111wlio liart' i

.•ploi>ed wlih (lefliiiloii, :i I.-: not loo miicll I iMlIculurly r

(I 111 Ihr «

, hnvo» tiWfn then.

;1U la mlRhtyca-vy to cncouraKc i

upcculftton mill iilhhUni? rtilr.crui In profit*. Silt llio afltriTmlU will hr n cuiii!.iioi>ii<; no one cnn conlcmplato phllowimlcully after enrllcr cx|i<Tlrnee of the country.

etcp. alioulil be takfn. ImmcUlalrly. to put nii tfl Iho diuiBerouK Rsmi! thnl H now iindrrwny. U take rc.ioliillon by consre.vimen nnd offlclnU to tlie IjlootnliiR profU.' ihnt ciUlce jisriido-pntrlol.i, talk Rllbly about nntlon»l riefennr. hut the loiiRii wclf&ro or the country ileinnnih thnt uvery prrcnii

- — Id Ihi* cfllaiiilllrj that followri . New.-..

•A I)Ol.I.AR DOWN’s bii:ilnr.',.V li doiii

I Preslrtfnt'ii ordr lulurully draws I

loiit tlircr-fourtlis ot Iho ln*tttllnienl plan

xcilralnbia iucli. con:;um'Kowl deal ot lntrrc.st.

Tl\c dlnifnilnnr. ot control ixavc not bci-ii -ao but they no doulil will restrict and aUJiilurill.v inent mi:lho<i.i fur buying durable gooda llk< erntora. cnrs, vncuum sweepers and rndios, Articles tliBt comiirte with reimniwnent produetloiJ^ftla^'lll-Wko tjie main rap. ___________^ if Rovcmmfiit applies theaff eurOr-in—Jt—hclpftir rntlier than punitive nplrll. w« believe the result.i will bc.lisncllclal to biisliicu u well at buyern. rinancliil lilalory has mu to a rapid expoj»»lon of InatAllment ercillt when buslnc.vi In boomlns nnd a contractlon-of r.rcillt on the l>nckwa.ih, Thla unevrni dcmoriilliM Uie ecoiiouiy.

turW pud

) down p.iyment" plnn t of the population ,r novelty of fntler p irnnn. nrpc.vfesslons

"easy puy

Unniu-;;iloimbly, a freshet nf ln\t;illini'nt buylii>: con- inimK':, lo liifliulon.yK.ihL- tiilmlnLiiration wUclynies tlic l>oj>cr It already hn: to rrstraln cerUln wildcat types of installment biiyinK, imiatlon will b» partly clieeki-d and an nc- cumiilnllon of savlne* promoted to stand a.s a Juicy hlncklo: <>t demand for con^umi'r good). Tills demand m;iy comc In mlShty handy n» a [lO.-.t.dcfense shock iibiurbcr.—noUa Stnteaman.

OiiBOLII^^OUllTKSV Whll< foreslRhted Idaho orgftntrnnons are dohiR

evcrythfiig within thclr llnUted mean.i to'lncrtoae the flow of Inurlst dollari Into ihS'Oem stutr, li nilglit bo

.iliidy a Je*t from tho courlc»y book of NewMrsiri).•Whci .l.of-nlate \ illor

Tlirytonrbi. bureau In cw ninit of vocational education mid rhn nirrre. 1-helr purpase l.i brtter in nrriu leniu with problem* ot the Iniirl.-.t in thi'm bruor under.itandliig of tht :,i.n traction;., anil to coordUmif n ptoKrii


• Yurk I

a iiart of ilip stat irilliiK to the coitr

Mwinr.(ir«l by I


TJIE STAH OF rNT6Li:»ANCE Tlie counrll asalnat Inlnleranci' in America tnokes

Uic uiiiliiou Auitcment tliat iLpa'.-.i-.'. e.i "cvldciice tliat dlvhlvfl iiropiiKandjtlLiuiDl JnornV ' ' rtopji." To litiii counter ilieie

ha; Jual ts-iued n proKnini handbook, "Calllns All Ainrrleans," for ur,o by group Icailers working wlUi Ihr trooiw,

Tlicr<- arc pa.i!iBBcs In this boo':lci tlmt ouKht lo make any .•.oldirr think; "Lef.i Uikc n lool: »t oursclvc.i. When you wrre r yoimnstcr, wliiit kind of iiroi>lc did your fiirnlly dhliko? Did you hear talk at hoinr against

■ or ilic Meth- cV y or3 didn't apeak

III this wnr we are all •oldie wortliy dlicrlmlnatlon, rtay be a

.l'T..mni'--alrik£.do-J-’a-a-loyal-«£* .New York Time*.

No\v Yoii Tell OneJimCK OOKS JIUNTINO TO DKCini; , WlNCilPaTER. Va. (-l',~A coon hunt,

li ider tlic nu.'.plcrj of tlie J*rrd rrwu the Unc l

open vion.Wej

J Trialajrefd 'to post »40 w:Justice A. J. Tuvenner, lo be paid lo Albert Vj U ft flos: DelllnKcr sold Van Meter falli to hunt coon.v

IVlcc before, by order ot the court, htinLi eonductPd to determine whether OelllnKor .ihould^re- liinrt Uie purchaae price ot Uja dog. Doth 'time* qunll/led referees -laid the dog wouldn’t htmf sitls- inclorlly. DflllnErr’s-rrijuejl for a third irl.-xl. In open BCftson. WM granted*^

Thlat Mysterious Fishing Trip Public ForumOperation Explained

' Of Aluminum DriveEditor *nn N « « : Pl«*»«

..16 through your Porw\ to correctUie mlslnfonnatlon_Mr._F. E. BIck*tU Mtma to hive ohUlned.Tho aj-30 club re*ponded lo » call

from th# govenunentHo.ftld in r«- llevlnj the deficiency In aluminum exlsUn* because of the need for this materlil la defeiuo opertUont. The fovemmeni a*ied th*t,old ar wut« ilumrnum ftnd aluminum ihi eould b# replaced be collected and placed in defewo channel*. .These roQulrementa tha 30-30 club filled to the letter, and I.IM pound* of Twin Pan* ahunlnum la now belnc used In the producUon of defenso machine*.

Thtf ao-so club did not atop ' fulflUment of the government duuti It would hav^ been an easy tuk to have saltf. ‘‘Here It U—come and set it." But ilnce the T«-ln F.-ill5 drive had preceded nearly every otTFs er city la tha United Bute*. It wa.i thought that an extn effort could be made. The aluminum, aa it stood immediately afur being coUectcd, ha* very lltUe value from « mone­tary point of view, because of t'jc tremendous amount of work needed to separate the non-aiumlnum parts from each piece.

It »-ai then the X-30 club elals met with the mayor and eral promUient clUren* and a plan wa* approved. Per two weeks the SO­SO member* worked evojy night nnd Sundays chltefln; off *teel handles, rlveu. bolu and other part*, and 11- nally aU Uie poU and pona had to be poundi-d (Int wU)i olcdgo ham­pers to roeav^pQlns ;ct]ulremcnXS' .KOi-ll-wa*-aot-aa-eaty- task.aiul- twenty-tlilrUnns sUll bear blUtcrJ nnd cuLi ns mule te.itlmony to Uielr effort*.

Then, so thnl tha city might bei. eflt from th« fticrenMd value of Uic pure aluminum. It W’as r.old tlirouKh a local Junk dealer with the under' siandlTig Uiai U ii-oulrt go imincUS'

wliere It was not submitted ready for


National W hirlig ig News Behind The News

■ V A .S }l I N G T O N

■ rhO'Ire rn Uio v.goods. _____ _______ __________i ..■ -MDsfnvalluble sub.MUiitK fCn- tlic arildes barred rrom entry aro by- producta of coal, the iroductlon of •Jihleh Jehn L. conltoh tUioueU Vib United Mine Workers union. He hns started a drive to unionize the work­ers engnged In mnmifacturinc «y 1oti, riomratic toilet waters and cheinl- cab, Hr r.Mimnte.1 that there are about 400,000 pemoni engaged- In these Industrie.'.. Jf he can add ihcnr to hl.i morn ihnn 800,000 miner;;, hr will ba alile t.o‘ tetiutt tho tJiiUcd Automobile Workers’ bid to dl-.placr lil-t mtnrrs a* tho most p<uvrrtul tabor drganlzntlon In Uio Uiili«lState

erlouii nbou:

I Ui&L ho ho* tuioffli

y rlnb herIn Uic lid Uni

Tlicy num ilxiiit AO of the rmartr.^t orsaiil; n the C. I. O. nnd U. M. W. . -ewi.i piekcd them himself, naki'i his own hcailqunrtcrn In

Uc-.Itn.U:porarr-nicrirTCe. ' —— .

CANt)l!)ATKS. Pro.sldent Roose- veil's grcaU-st problem ihe.-,o day* 1.1 In finding the right man for the iittoniry Ki'neraijhlp. He hns plenty of cnndld:itc.% liuHiono fllli the blU- ■ r, D, H, hn.'. told Jil!i Advber.i Uiat he wanw In tlmt ofdce nn Irli.h Catholic wlUi n blK name nnd pre.v

and itn • oralorlcnl fli.lr.'Tlie jurcdilnit li lookUiK lor a innn who an i.fU liiv, po\lcy to «n-lon, and imrilcularly lo ihoitc groups ■hleh linic been critical of the tie- p wltli tlie Soviet. The Ideal mar

for Uin Job would be somebody llki Al fimlth. Except Uiat the now Un- Bifppy Warrior Is not_n lawyer, hi

might find hlmseU a leading mem­ber of the Roosevelt administration:

Supreme Court/>u*tlce Frank Mur­phy meeta the quallilcallorvi. and he would like to return to lila o t' post. But tha White House ApiMm

uent to have him tuy-where ]- Bolicltor Oeneral Pranpis UIddle the logical, candidate, but '

A TENNV'H WQUTll OK TIIOUOHTS. E.llu.r-. N..l»! A.

’T o coin nn cx|iri'\'.iim been n 10-karnt cii.v lor t copper, and loTTT !^- t Just so tired I'm nui ;Ta,i heails nnd wlilcli l. laii staried whe:

hli old rf his

Who,11 back nt-the c:

I'm telllns yoi that, would h\' jwo__rrnt-'i_loj

'■Well Uie Ki to pay off n i seems that d some argumci: Uier tliR old g' three buck.-.. part said hu i

•cd two biick;i ( iwiy of ih.- fir. Ilili f»r the dl:

kid’* »nfc. 1 'heads' and i Abo Lincoln o that.

"Wi-11. this has loUk c mar.uTOrt. «.% Ui' tnnwi ,'ery. disdainful iilioiit carry!iround a pockeltull ol pcnny.r _•he flr.-.l^hancc hi' B' U ho trndrr, lor a coujile of Miooly sliiiolro vtilch 1.1 n four-bit wurd In li;.flf

"It looked like I U:i:. k-[)hu' In ;a.Nhlercd ngaln. I lave It, a cuHoii cry .Uiln dime fo:


« luck would 'vappcil In II ;f 11' cotn»-Cjw ilm:;cl{ ..... -

r'kldsJii/i 3uiids“ »ip“ to-nnw—n'

alUK c»n l)0ll the rrputu \ lutDf jwrfectly good pen

looked very i put In niy I' U\|; .that bli

. hlj-foot .. nlace, ho Is nhturally li. tuaiion, I couldn’t hear ent on n.i they walked et. but tho Irttle guy' inhaiipy and I certainly ii'o cent.'.’ wortlt In tell- I slus otC for all the

....h he uwiicd. rount of bclnj; in tli« rac/- looked (or nwhlla llko. I ’d rr frtwea awet until the take.', the take on ma­

id j>uch capie along and out Whllo I was tliere, 1 had A If|l of time tollilnk ,’ many falIaclou.i lhouKht.t runnliiK iiround loose—likeibmirn-bna-pennrTtl^Ry*

coming b irk. I've ncrn lo^ of bad1 In my il:iy, aiid i

,bly bectiUM- 1 cr*. n-x they d

when n c(KxlI't pay any attention mny i

again, but they certainly howl when anything goes wrung.

•■Wlien I sliirted out by saj-lng that thl.1 had been n biK day. 1 was referring ino-.lly to whiil. happened after I wns taken out of thi chine. ShorOy after that a wlUi a lot of folding money took me and 1 felt like.pretty amiUl ciiange imw 111: ilropped me-^hlo the cup of a pou;- old man who was play-

orKiin. I thought at fint

the I; monkey bualnw n-1 a little monkey

(he cup. but hetookhanded me oi who couldn't rme and *evrrr ..................tk tote RTitl bouBhl A loat brtad, and I felt IhM at la.it I'd proved Jttv worth, even-If it hn't very

slug cry


Night &ilior hopca Uiat—tliere Isn’t anytlilng to thLi headline ap>

Vile .pearlng In a Plltr aoper; "UNIPUS the !d a ir y 8HOWIKO T H R O U Q K ll'c PAI

my of"Kow UjIs slug 1-1tho liner qunlltler, ( ...................up a legitimate penny, m he rocs and hits cveryllilni; but the Indi­cator. which promiHly Awlngn up to 300 |x>unds. Now tiie man of tho lamlly 1* a rather *mull guy, while the ludy Js naturally on the heavy aide anyway: niiil when Ihlr. 200 notches swings up Uio looks around

■! PAJB WEEK AT rA inonouNDS'

yirPEEi ■'Speaking of the fair. If you wo

to sa^Minelhlng colorful. Uke , •quint (preferably through dark gla.*,ses) at Tom Park.'r (air manager Be'* s[X)rtlng a rrdSodrt Uiat Li really vivid, plu.i a lO-gallon hal and real cowboy p;ints to boor.t the fair and rodeo, and he looks more western than Buffalo Dill.

itcly li .....was dono under IJie tupcrvlilcn the chief ot police to prove that ... profit wns mado by the 20-30 club. Now tho government has declared .that the alUmlnum, received from other clllea conducting their drlve.i at a Inter date, will be disposed of

■ through Junlc drolna also. The 20-30 club differed only In that lu bittal wa* disposed of through a local deal'

Now, a.i result of the 20-30 club'i extra effort, the schools are to Jiave much-needed safety signs nt scliool croa.-ilnss. Tlio city will thus rcsclve double benefit in aiding both itlonul dtten» and local salety.

We would like very much to sny that Uie entire Idea wa* oun, but Lewiston, Idaho, did the inme tiling —first. They donated tliclr fund* to tho U.'^^ O. Since our local U. a

D. n. wants to reach. NelUior docs Adolph Berle or Dcun Acheson. a couple ot hot a»plranVa lor the post. Former Attorney General Homer Cummings In backing his cld quonilnm nnM.itnBt. Drlcn Mc.Mnhon. for llie Job. In many rc.ipect.i he nils the bill, Another menUOhcd for the plnce Is WHUam J. Donovnn.ii.vii.iunt attorney general In the CooiiiiKo admlnlatratlon and now one ot P. D. R.-S confldcnUal acenU.

ROUNDUP. The Jealous Trlcllon prrvalllim among rival agencies at the capliul recently reached a new hlKh, And the peak was attained by the various dctectlve nnd wioop- IntT orKnnlrjitlon.i which i.hnuld be coopiTatliig -wholehcnrtedly against liu.iiieeted flfUi columnlsti.T ew week* ni(0 a radio goulp

friend of Q-Man J. £dgar Hoover annoimced that the latter was leav­ing Washington ■i'fxjn rof“ nawitll. It wii.1 Intimated tlmt Edgnr wn.i going to have n look-.'.ec Into the Jiipnne.'.e !,py tliuntlon on the b- lands. Three day* later the treasury broke the Hawaiian spy cose, on which Its .tieiiih.) had been working for more than two yenr*. Henry Morgcnthnu. who im.i no use for J. Edgar, wa.n Inking no fhancS thnt tho lattei' might mu.icle In and get tho crcdlt. as he often has In tlic pn.it when treiwury or post office "dirk*’- did the prellmlnnry work.

J. Wgar himself r.ei nn example recently in bcnthiK the gun. Mr. Hoover fumed and /•puttered when It wai nnnounbed that William J. Donovon would be given tho aulgn- ment of co-ordinating all Intelll- gnnee and *py-eho.ilng agencies of the Kovernmtnl. It looked as though Wild imi. who lia.1 his own oua-' picloiu. of J. Edgar. wa-i to supcr- cedc the O-Miin. .So what did J.-Edgat_dQ Jjulj.loBC_)i1?_^nd^p 'o_f_

lonaled ourjunds moat pressing need.

In tlcdlng iti mt oay that it hurU no little to find that our best InUn- lon.i have been ml.ilnicrpreted lur two weclis’ Imrd Inbor has lern npprt'clalcil—noi to mention ho fact tlmt oiir nlumlnum Is li lefrn.'.e use weeks, ixrrhapa months ihead of tliat from'other cltle;

illfged Narl spies T. Dnnr n lnl<

STflATEGV. speaker Sam Ray- i)uni h.in brrn ntuicked bitterly for Olfgcd mnnlpulfttlon of the houae

Uilcli upheld Pre»ldei}t Boose-

roads bill. Congjciislonal mallbBB« Chari;e thnt he iiullcd a sUck one to i.av(- the White House ftom ft major reverrc en nn Usue loaded with po- llllcnl dynamite. TIjc roll call on overrtillng the veto wns 253 tOslSl- 1-hn president WAS upheld, but Uic single YOU was too narrow a mw- gin loT cnmtoTi, Had any meml>er challenged overnight Uie way he wnS reeorilKl. swltcljlng from »ay *0 aye. confusion and bad feellnS would have resulted. Sam ahowtd the tir.li tally to O. O. P. Jeaden, who were uilllng thnt the gpeakcf should re.itort to Uie imusual pro­cedure of enlllng for a "reeapltu- !»tlon"-that U, a second vote. Here Is where Sara was smart aa.weu a* stateMiinnllke. Had ho announced nie-TOn2T'i>MniTi?forraaliIng^6f a "recapitulation." nobody would have changed his vota on Uie aeecad roll caU. But on advice of Hourae Parliamentarian Lou Dcschler, the ipeaker kept the news to hlmaelf.

On Uiat roll call House Leader MoCormack and Whip -Tnddy"Innd of Pennsylvania went to work to save the preslQcni nnd Sam. They worked hard, and changed a vet* during the parliamentary Intcnnla* Sion. The final tally was 251-to 138, showing a gain for Uie Whlt« Bouge.

DECLlNEn. John Nance Oar- ner’s recent Newspaper Interview In which he .mid that he would not have accepted a vlca-presldiatial

- Cldcago Inst year has

c -

nomination a

Twin Palls, Idaha

National Trend Coi/«c« •'

£mcern to One ManThe New*—The American

people have nothing but disgust for Uiu meeung of president Rooeevelt and.Wlnalon.Churchm. We.ara not - - even at war, and the Idea or making plans for tho settlement ol an ini- iglnary warl And a* for Churchill.CO want him to keep his qoh out ot our affWr*. Ho regard* us as DrltLsh subjects. We fought a second war of Inrtepcjidence. and It looks a* ^ Uiougli wamust fight a third one. #

Tliat was'a splendid radio spefcli eUvercd la*t night by Senator Nye. i l« splendid work Nye. Wheeler '

Lindbergh and a few others aij. do­ing.

We are much pleased with tiie In­terview wlUi Dudley Swim In our Twin Palls pupers. Twin Palli peo­ple will regard It as daring and bold- le.-j of speech. Twin PalLi peopin

j-e so timid I Ninety per cent of the. people .nee this thing a.i does DudleV Swtm. but they will not admit it un­less you go with then\ alone,. In a cnve. and lock tlie door, or gp to Uie far. lonely comer of their finnl

But Uio American people feel dif­ferently than they ever dirt before. Tliey are cowed and fearful. They feel tliere 1a a dlcUtor In the land: and they know Uiat the long arm. of tlie govcmmiint at Wn:>hington reachM down Into all sorte of small business and aflalrs. nr«l can de- im» an hone.st man.Mr. Swim suggMti thnt If the peo-

•plr woulit~gct~in~bnck of congress the re.iulUs would be different. W« Uilnk the people are back of con- grens, prodding It; but Uiat also tho ■ president ti back there, too, with ft longer and sharper prod.

The trouble Is In tha new deal spending. These bllllens have cor- •upted congrcM, and they have cor- •upted the common man. The re- lult—a dlcfalorshlp.

A fateful mtslake was made In electing Uie new dealer In 10321 we ire fearful for Uie future. Will there le a revolution? "

Respectfully,J. PAUL SMITH.

Twin Pail*. Idaho Aug. H, 1341.

One Mnn*B View ofDemocracy and War

Editor, the News — Dear PrlendJ and Pots of the U. 8. A.:.In the Saturday Evening Post of

July la, editorial, I tlnd the.io question*: What Is democracy? and what ore we fighting for?

To me democracy I* Uie great heart of the universe, embracing nil types nnd pnUonalltles and peoples. iitL * ‘ "WimaJUllng • lo democrncy.

•T believe, W mlJ.under.ilanrilng


between these pcoplc.i,Thne are my gUt* lo democracy

u an Amerlcnn cltlr.en, my slrengi and. tnlcnt-v great -or snmll; earthly poi-irMions, few or many bo used for the pence and hiipph of a united world tfi uiider.itandli

.1. L. MOSELEY R. P. D, 2, Jerome, Ida.


"I have a daughter-in-law with whom I cannot get along. Slie won't let my .ion come to *ee me nor-wlll

chirdrenShe ciilh In chlldrtn wl she knows

mngcr 0 Uic

nnd through a

Into n

she goes out wht. would love to have She's mean through nd my sons asks me

.......... . Jo about it."Tliat. In essence, Is the content of

many letlers Uiat come to me. The problem.1 that nrl.ie out of marriage are a* varied a.i the people concerned but many of them rise out of the friction between the heads of the two families, ParenU find It difficult

believe that Uielr children grow n end women wiui lives of • n. They want to keep them

clo.se lo the old home, under Uie old InHuence, and that will never do at all.

In our experience It Is best to allow the young people lo attend to their own business without help or advice until they ask for It, and tKen the .nert slmull he jWctlyJnvrtUgatctL before beinR met, The two young people are making a home ond start­ing n new tnmlly and Uiey cannot, even If they would, make the home and found tlmt family aa their par­ents did tlielra, Tliey have different

the times demand new ways, wptepMWng In a world Into

:h their elder* may not go. Best leave them there.

UnlntMrlant Thing*What difference doe* It make If

your daughUr-ln-law-oalU the poU- t«e* after boiling Instead of before, as you did? Suppose she make* a light lauce for the ipaghetU Instead of tho ht&vy one "father" like* so much? tVhat If she maku the boys

been ll*ted by politico* aa one of U)o*e “jcmr grapes” and after-the- fact statements. John’s announce­ment caused quite a political sensa- Uon In congressional corridors, par- Uculaily on U>e tenate aide.

So friends and enemies o f the 4n-aldar-*«ulre-mado-ir^aii'-l}U»ir nea* to do some historical digging. As wual. Mr. Oomer wa.i telling th# simple tnitli. They n.ncertanled that when P. D. R.’s insistence on the nomlnatloa of Henry Wallaee ai his rutmlng mate provoked a small riot at tha conve&Uon, atvtn l atw deal polltleoa got acartd. They fig­ured Uiat the smart, move would tonQamer Uoktt. Harry Hopkliu wa* agreeable, aeconlln»-,to the atory. which tuggetli Uiat t^e man in Uie 'milte Houae did not 6ppo*e the Ides.

Intermediaries telephoned Mr. Oamer -at Uvalde, explained their trouble* and asked if he would • Uiird time for the No. a Job.

'Not on your life,*' was Kr. Oar- ner'a laconic reply.

waah dlsht* Instead of wnshlng them heroelf a* you did? Suppose sho doesn’t run to attend tho baby the moment he yella as' you used to attend your.i? Tlie world will stand and Uia-,c clilUlrcn will grow up into decent cltlzeiu JustDauKhler-li " .......keeping out '111 be open

be.0 you as you n 11 It t<

f she is wrong? Am I to .itnnd by anil see her do wrong without I'Vrn ojicning my mouth?"

Mntlera of Opinion Exactly tlmt. It is not necessnry

for anybody lo decide what It right and what 1* wrong In another'r. ac­tion. What Is right for you may bo otherwise lor another. Much ol what people call right In there reliillon- "hlpj.are not moral principles but mere matters of opinion nnd every­body U allowed his own opinion in this blewed country of ours. That Ineludc* tho doughlcr-ln-liiw and Uio son-in-law, too.,

We have found one sqlutlon Hint seems to help liv-many fmnlllts. When there Is friction between Uio InOawg-stop vl.iltlng ror'n'yenr. T lin l' means no telephone call.i, no notes, no vlslLi for one year, Sllencc and the culilvnUon of gDot'wIll,

If the anxious elders would think ahead to the future relationships between thorn null tl;elr grandchil­dren they avoid mucfi of U\e trouble. What ehildrcn Icnm early stands by Uicm later. They feel friction. Uiey remember hard words and black look.1 and Uicy always cling to iheir mothcrpOe aireful,-

1nMulrl«i from tnd tchMlr>n U>« e.r. and d.r«lsi>m<nl of rl,lldr«n.n. iloi 110. TIidm 6 iuri aiatlnn. Nr«

De-odorize(l Skiink Earns Film Salary

HOLLYWOOD. Aug. 18 (Tlia New* Special Scrrlcs) — An actor ihnt-never-ipeatrx-llrff-ttf-tHalofti*- rates a movie aalary of (ISO a week-

Meet “Skunky,” a trained de­odorized akunk an ImportAOt pan- tomlmlst. /

Gentle u a kitten aa a re.iult of constant handling, Skunky has routine o( uteka. Looking'Uka a fuf scarf -11 permit htmself to .be draped around - woman’s neck or over her arm. He never moves from Uie poaltlen In which he’s placed.

Hand-raiied on a nurslnf bottle. Skunky was found. In the SanW Su*anna mountains when he was about six weeks old. He’s now about a year and a half old and h u ap­peared In 13 picture*.


S O C IET Y - and C I.U B ■ N EW SrLegiott Drum and Bugle- Unit

Leave to Enter Boise MeetTo parade at the American Legion state convention nt Boise

Monday afternoon, mcmborrf o f the Tw in Falls American Lcglqn auxiliary drum and bugle corps w ill leave by special

• chartcr«tl bus this afternoon a t 2-o’c lo ck ............................ _Last year this group won second place honors In the state

meet, surpassed on ly 'b y the all-glrl unit from St. Maries. Teams will be entered this year ■ ‘from St. Maries,Lewiston, Boise and Twin Falls.

AccompoJiylnK Kroui> from ,T»’ln Palls will be Mr.i. ClirLillnnn rncr.ion nnd Jnmw Tomlin.

FoIlowluK till! ilrni.1 pnrude Mon­day nfU'moon.'lhe T »ln Fiill.i corivi

enter ilic ficlil exhibition that cvrnlnB. .

Amons llie mcnilwr.i of the Tu’ln Knll.i Amcrlcun LckIoiu niixlllary who will nllpjiil tlic itrn-nlonn nl Boise wfi: be Mrs, Hurry nenoll. Mr.-!. Jolin Day. Mrs. Granl. Kuiilclc, Mr.i. Pcler*

-- I. M. L. Bciilh, Mr.i. Kloy^Ciimpbfll n Jo.-,lln.

Wedding Rites For Boise Couple

. A t Church StudyMlvi Mnrjorlr Wn

Illchnrtl.'.OM. bolli inllcd in niiirrlaii^

-•1S5SIT-............... , .Liitiiernn churctJ. wlUi Rev. M. H. ZkrcI rnullnK the .-ilncle rlns rllci

AUeiitlliiK Uic couple were Mr.i. Lydia Klumlcr nncl Mr.i, M. Zni;cl.

KollowlliK r. brief wcddlwr trip, llie couple will lliclr home InHolse. Vi'Jirrc Mf. Rlchiiril-'.oiJ 1,'. nv.o* elaieti wltli the Dolse Pnyclte Lum­ber compnny.

Camp Party at Strieker Home

MissEhlers Will Become Bride of H. Bamesherger... nn clKht o'clock cercniony this

cvcnlnn, Mlwi Helen Miirle Ehlem, ilaliKliler of Mr. nnd Mrn. K»lwln Q. Dilcr.i, Twin Falls, will exchnnRc vows with Herbert nmncslierKcr of Jerome. t>t the Immanuel Lutlicran cliurch with ncv. M. H. Zw;cl flclatUiK,- AttendlnK tlie bddc will be MUft EVmft.-BnmcnbcrKer. j.btcr of tlic brUlcKroom. who has come from Hnnipton, Neb., to parilclp.ite In the f.crvlce.

bc.-.t man.Amnrn; (lie olhrr nttclidanUi will

be MLr,i &lnn Wcllhoti.icn of Twin I'ail;! and Albert Uninc of lliirclton,

Si'-leclltiK a Ktarchcd chiffon Kown, vlMl wltli II llBiit bodice anti flnrcd

dklrl.-llie-brklB-wlll-WPftr-ft-IliiKci. tip veil of coronct 'style and cnrr; a boucjjiet of ro.-.iM.

Ml:.i- HftmcHberKer hi>!i cho:;en i floor IrnuUi blue tatfrl.i kowii. whlli MlM Wellhouncn will wrar ii ro,M taf/cta mwUrl.

Nupllan music to include "Tlie ixird's Prnyer" wiil be mjhk wlthom iircompanlmont by Ml.'.i Clare Unine. Mbs Dorfltliy Ude. MIm Belly nnmmeivedt. Mls.i Clara Rclnkt M1.M Ktla Relnke luul Ml.-v'. }llldi

Ihc J Ml BernalSlrlclter Wcdne.iday thirty pcrions enjoying Itn tnlmncnt whlcl] lnclude<l (.wlmmlnc and croqucU PoIlowlnR a alx o'docK dinner were Rnmc.i Mid dnnclni;,

Honorecj were Clifton Unyne.i. or Jiyvve from Uic United Stalc.i army; Elwood "Dunky" Mofftu of Reno; Mrs, Wanda Terrill, who will cnlcr the Uiilver.ilty of Nevada noon: MKs

. Ruth Broje, on vacation from Un Good Snmarltan ha-.plLnl tralnlni ftl Portland, and Dus CrocUetU ■

The wetldlnK announcement of MI.W Mildred Brose. Twin Kall.i, nlfco of Mrs. Slrlckef: was mnde In » novel manner, Wlieiv a balloon, pended from Ihe ecllUiK. was punc Hired, a card dropped rcvcalUiK hci comhiR marrJoRD to Robert Wll.ion of OixJtiand. Calif. Annoiincemi w#,i In vmo nnd save Aur. 31 as i weddlnR date.

At one Iona lable where Ihe Riipst i were aeaterf. n Ihree-tlercd iiaed.ng centerpiece .

T w in F a lls CoupleM a rrie d a t B urley

BtTRLBY. AUB. JO—At ilmple rll«3 MIm tolne Norvela Kinney and For- re.nt Dale Spelr*. both of Tik’ln Palls, were married here Tncsday. Offlcl- atlns Al the cercmony wwi Probate Jiidse Henry W. Tucker.

willdcllni; mnrch, iHmve been extended to id n rcceptlnn will fnllnw the home of the bride'


75 RUCJL the rltr pnrent.i.

At tlie conclusion of a wrddlnB trip to an tinnnnoiniccd dr.itlnatlon, the couple will be at home In Jerome.

MIm Qilern wa.n araduated from Uie Twin Pall.i hlRh school, while Uii brlclenrooin recetveil his education It Nebraska, >

Courtesy Given Miss Jane Wai'dWENDi-XL. A«(T. 10 - Mb'

Ward. who.-.c marrlnse to Delbert I^mblnK will be aoletnnl;tPd Aus. 1(1, was honnrce of n ml.',cellaneoiis Rhower Riven by Miw Neoma French Thurr.dny eveiilnR.

•Dricl[rp-find pinochle furnl.ihed tin evening's entertainment wlUi Mr. Roma UonnlnK recelvlnK high ,-con. for brldRc. and M1.-li I 'nn Welrlch hlfih In pinochle.

At the elo.ie of the evcnlns Ml. Jmic W1U1 pre.ientcd with many btau tllul K|fU,

Guests inchided MI.m Pnye am, M l« Lyim Welrlcls. MKi Morion and MLm riorenco Eaton. Miss Dorothy Desn. MIm Martha Knppel. Mls.i Paye nnd MLu 'Elma Jean Nlel.ion. MIm Paye Schouwcllcr. Mbs Lila Rne Wanl nnd Mrs. Roma ConnliiK. Mrs, R. M, Jncobr,on nnd Ml,is Annie Eackman. GoodlBj:.

Winners Named at Hansen’s Epworth League Flower Sliow

JfANSEN. AuB. J(J—Tlilrd annual flowcV show wM Wousht to a sm ccwful climax Prldny evenlnij at - p.m. by the awnrdlnf: of many prizes by rrnncM Sharp, president of Uie EpworUi league, and Marvin Wm Ii- bum. leaRiiB r cretJiry.

RecflvhiK the first prlrc of « j4 , fnr commimlty exhibit, wns Uie Uan-

I Roynl NelRhbora; second. M,

wluj *1. Women'* Community Coun' cll.

In Lhtnwllvldual entries only flri.t prlie.t were offered, Accordinic to the JudBC.1 OrJo Wlllinm.i. Twin Palls

-----FlQri*t,-aml- Mi^-O.-W.-Blll-irelt:member of the Twin Pnlbi Garden Club, choice In variety nnd quality fnr iiurpaued tliose of previous yenrs.t

Prize awardn for Bladolluji went to fttrs, HuRh Sanrter.son, Kimberly, white: Mn. Dniee Requa, Kimberly, pink; Mrs, T. V. Nall. Kimberly. Mimon; Mrs. HuRh SandorAon, red.

Dahlln.i. show. Mra. C. M. Wbe- man. Hatucn; cactus, Mrs. Ben Pat­ter. Kimberly; pom pom, Mrs. Prank Tninkey, llnnsen; petunias, ruffled. Ma. Bruce Retjua. nlnRlr, Mrs. Ben Potter; wapdrasons, Mr». Warren McLcy, Hnnsen: phlox. Mrs. J. Bnmcs;.,mnrlBOtd». Prencli. Mrs. W. McLi-y. Haasen: African. Mrs, W. R. Miuhlilz.

Cosmos. Mra, Nell Walker, Han­sen; larkspur, Mrs. W. Ucl-ey, Han­sen; nasturtium, slPBle. Mrs. D. Pot­ter. Kimberly; double. Mra. will Emery, Honaeh; sennlafl, dwarf. Mrs. Stuart Scott, Hansen.

For tho tail basket Mrs. Bruce Bequtt. Kimberly received the prlw, as welt fts that for the low'haiket.

---- rDr-thtr-nnnsual'or-Tiovclty-tmitfcenwr-plcce. Lois Owen. Kimberly,

_ WHS winner. On the children’s Ublo. B co tt McMosUr,' KanMH. was awarded the. prlie.

CASTLETON CHINAMade in Amcrica, of AmericaX* iM unt S»pl7 T m

K y s l e r j

frc.ilimciiLs throuflhout the dny to the many v^illors who came from the fiUrTOUndlnB territory to view Uie vnst nrmy of beautiful floivers. Co-chairman In Uie kltelien were Mn. J. H. Coulter and Mrs. Cnl Hill; with Mrs, 'Will Ray. chairman of Uie ticket committee. on<l Marvin WaaJi bum, poster chairman.

Buhl R e lie f SocictijGuests a t Caatlcford

CASTLEPORD, AuR. IS^Porty- flve member* of the QasUeford nnd Buhl Relief iocJeUes of Uio L. D. S, cluwlLiacUjut_IUe4ilajr-nt.a. Joint meeUnR at the home of Mrs, Myrtle Reynolds, In Cnstleford. for a busi­ness jesalan. pot luck luncheon and kenslngton.

Mrs. MltchcU Hunt of BulO. orw. Went of Twin Palls stake relief so­ciety. outlined the course of study ftnd wotk for Uio winter monUis Mrs. Roy Wood, president of thi Buhl SKlety. urBCd membcni t<

s i r a x ” """'Mrt. C, S, Skeem, president o;

the locah society presided.T^e '^csday before, the Castle,

ford society, enjoyed a picnic In Uie Bull park at which Ume Mrs. Myrtle Reynolds was honored at a handkertliief shower to eommera- orate her birthday.

OuetU Expected — Afr. and Mra.U H(^Bln of SentUe, lomier

w in ^ l * rcsldenta, are expected to arrive today for a visit.' Thry will be ffu «u of Mr. and Mr*. E. E. Ostrander. ._____________________

Farm Girl

Weds Today

JUST A UTTI.K farm cirl at I. romplctfl wKli a Imcr Nirnw hat, utripnUUiIrt ixKLovcrolls.jxJlitj- firld nnd a rakr, k tiliiiiv Sl»im>

r rrrMKi. falit.

BUHL. A uk. 10—Ml.ss Helen Fcnn. duiinliu-r of J, Fcnn' of CoodlnB. will bccomc the bride nf,ai;tli B, Ut-mii.s, .sun ot Mr. and Mr;:. S. W. Dennis o f Idiihn K;ill;;,";u ;i rji:iO o’clock wccldfiig this iiftcrnoon at tlic home oI Mr, ;uul Mr;;. .August Avcrctt.

Ucv. E, L, White, pu.stor o f tlic Filer Mctlioiii;;!. cluirch will offlclnti; a t the slnfilc r ln « ' ceremony. Gludlolus w ill'd ec­orate the altnr arranged near a lar«c window in the llvlnR room.

n ie bride will be Riven In mnr- rlnRO by lior fnihrr.

l''or hDr wcddlUR the bride has lo.irn nn nficrnoon Crock of print­

ed silk nnd ii .ihouldcr corsuRc ot cnrdenln.i, ,

• , matron of honor. Mrs. AuHmt Avercti will wear i« black afternoon frock with white ncceuorles, while Tom Dennis ol 'lyos Anttclc.i, Cnllf,. brother of the brldcRroom will servo s 'benl mnn,Kolluwiiii; the niipllitl.i will be a

rcrption and luncheon, Late, sum- ler flowers will be iii.cd throunlJout 1 the room d(.-coratlon,i.Twtnly-tour rclatlvr.% nnd friends 111 atK'ml. while the bridal Uible ill be crntcrcd with n two-Uercd nke tojiped wuh wrddlhR motif.Ivc quurirt tiibics. with blue' nnd •hlte covers will be itscd for the neat strvlcr, A color f.cheme of blue nd white will be cnrrlcd out In' tiie r'frc:.hmenti.For her KolnK away co.itume Uic

rUlo lin;; .velrctcil « two-plrcc Rrcen nit cni.vriibli! with tan iicccs.-sork'.-i.

— ^Amontr-the—KUrnlii-wlU—J»—ilr .Mrs, S, W. Dtntiir., Idnlio Pall.''

her ehlldhnnd hi>inr.

Farewell Shower Swiimner Honojs Two College Girls

of .'ChoolhrKxl <i .'.wlmmtT itiKl lov, Mart:iir(;t I-;i!;.'.vin

both of \vl .-.Ity of C.ill

,1 fall. I I'rMcctli.^ ... ..........

ty llaiiM'n. .W Thlr Uie •twclvf Kiri:, mu bury natntoriuiM, u Joyed an cveiila^ of lowrd by a wcitir-r ri'

o f M oo.HC (it.- -iJuiti -A’ia i

BI/HL. Aui;. 10-Woimii of tht Moo.ie met iit llie 1, O. 0. I', h;ii •niur;,diiy cvi'nliii;. with lw<-iity-lwc prc. cnt, Mr;.. Zru.i naiidiill, scnloi rCRcnt. prr'.idrcf. Nomliialion. elec­tion and In.Mnllallon of tuo new cil* fleers hlKhllRhlcd thi' mi'ctlm:, Mrs Grace Ra!irmis.-.cn bcliit; rlectcd nii( tnstnllcd Mi ehupluln and Mr.i, Doro- thy Machitcek ili recorder.

Plnn.-. were mnde for the annua Moo.-,t! chlldrrir.i i.icnlr. which b t( be held this year on Sunday, Aur 2t at the Duhl piirk. The Twit Kalis and Jerome clmptcr.i of the Moo:,e and Women of the Moo.-,c nnii their clilldrcn have been InvlU-d. n.s well a.i the. children of nil Buhl Moo-M! nicmDirrs. n ie Rroup will Riiiher at llfc^park at 11 n, m.. for the noon picnic and an afternoon of Rainc.'i. races, flwimiiilntr nnd other rontcstJi. The coiimilttee up. pointed Irom the woincii'a .chapter to nrrnncc cntcrtnlnmrnt for the chllilron are the Mc.-.dnmcs John Hlaviily. Dick KrelKlT. Truly Hire nnd Ida Hwan.'.on. It li planned to nwnrd prlie.-i for llte cotitt.il.1,

A i.oclnl hour nnll refreshments for the Loyal Order of Uie Moo.-.r nnd Women of the Moaic followed Uie niecllnR.s. Hoste.vies were the Mewlnme.i Raymond Hlre.-Roy llcy. er. Otto Johtwon, Vern KrelRh and M1.V1 :»lna Johnson.

At the mcetlnK of the Loyal Order of the Moose. Raymond Hire, Lee Day nnd Jo<; Mac^meek were chosen as the Moose committee to arrange for the children’s picnic.

A bbott V M tW H W iilV ic tv Idaho Sccnei'ij

DurliiK their visit here, Mr. nnd Mrs. F'orrcst WltUinr and Mra. Glar' ence Shoepner of Goodlond, Kan,, who nrc hou.ic Bucsts at tlie home

.................Abbott,to enjoy several ouUnf# to southern Idaho secnie eentcrs.

DoU» Mra. Wltthar, and Mrs.

Single Ring Service UnitesMiss Eenn and Seth Den n is

Fairfield Groups A rra n ge—Part'y For Sc/wol Head

Mr. iiiul .Mr:., J. rciiii. Ooodlnn; Mr. iiml Mr;,. E. A. MnimliiR. Wil­der; Mr. nnd Mrs, H. V. lliirUlni:. aootlliiK; .Mr. nnd Mr . A. W. UcrB,

romr Ihr lirlilr nf Srdi 11. Driini'.. b( n slneir rinc i.rrvlri-. (rlinln rl1■'l lc v of Cii.icl .Studio. )l>ihl-Nrnn l:>icr;ivt:ic).

Twin l''»ll.',: Mr. iiiul Mm, Lk)u Binlili, l-'llcr; .\tr. Tom Dennis, nnd Mr. and Mrs.* Ssm Drnnb. Jr.. Cnllfor- nlii; Mr. Jnlui Dcniib, Idnho Fiilh; Mr, mil DcnliH, 'Jloisc; Mr. niul Mr:;. Jon Dcnnl:., Idulio Full:.;'Mr. iinil M r , ; .M . I'olliiiti. -IVlu Kallr,; M>'.:;, Ciillilurn 1-Vilr;.ticn. Itliilii) Fall;.; Mr.n. Iliclnm Tli0ni|);.0n. Twin

Mr- If Anti...-.

Christian Guild Meets.at Hansen Home fo r Retnexo

i'UJi.*! iJt. iinii .‘ir... V. n. Aniirrr.oti, Bulil; llio Itcv. K. I,. While. Flk-r, anil Mr;i, Aiikii.%1 Avl-ii-U.

■’Ki'V:. nl till- Kuu'loiii." wrlltcn l>y A. .1. Crninil, w.,:. irvlc-'.\r<l Ijv .Ml;:.

bride U a Kradimlc of llie aoodlnj! lililli :,cllool v.lili ihc cl:i;-' of lnj< t>lit* n Ijccn ;,('crclary

llvriiin al :i inc.-iinK of till- CluUd of Ihc Fir.l ChrlMlun

aiuj ol/luc! nun: for yr. V. H. An-dcr:,fiti ot IJtihl lorycni;,.

Mr. UtnnI.i KC«dnau-d ffoiii tlir Idulio PnlL'i lilKli J'Cliiiol ni nnd

rhiirch l;i..i F;ld;iy i'vriiliu> at tin: h(-iii.- of .Ml'/, I,ii.:lilc ilall. nn;rmen'll.

OUrln - 111-- liti-.ln<v.'i -.Ion. Mi:.

Li now employed as a iniilT clurk on- (lie Unlflii I’uclllc rallroiid bclwcen Itltiho Kiilhi anil Sail l.ak.: City. Al-

Gc'orKi:i Wli.-oii. w;r. in (if tlif |iro.;niiii. Dcvi)lloiiiil:i wen: led l>v Ml.'% Alma C.ir:.on. ■

lake their home at Idaho Fall:..

UliWTief^Dffnier, Outing Planned By Beta Tbeta P i

Aniiunl .iwimi n dim

led c

t Betn Thct..'ioclntloii ( leriilly, Uiclr'wlve;i nnd KUe.'it; form nn auto caravan at tht park nl 7 o'clock Friday evt Auf. for Nat-Soo-Piih,

til Benoit and Dick Hepplcr broil »ii|>olntcd by the prer. "Duke" Pierce, W a ccunmiti handle urrnnRemenLi.

Amonn Uie honored nt the will be aevernl younij men « 1041 RraduatUlR cla.-,;,c.i of schools In Ttt'ln l-'VvlI.i nnd n countlcs, wITo have expre.vied Intention of cnrolllnK at the

iKy of Idaho nt Ma.cow.fall.

Willie all nl Utw inK prfpared, fraier be a community al bonfire.


Scheopner nre sisters of Mrs. Ali Tlie ruc!.L,i plnn to leave l;itcr

week foiyOnlarlo, Ore., W vMt L. Ij. Huber, mother of the wnn»

F o rm e r Gooding P a ir . _ W ed in M idd le E a d

OOODINO. Aur. 16—MIm Char- loite Mniivla-i, dnuRhter of .Mr, anc Mr.s, Joseph N, Mauvlns, and I'rank J. PcltllnK were married Auk.' * li St. Pfttrlek-s Cftthollc church nl Col cn>1ne. Minn,

Mr. nnd Mra. Mauvlw nre formri residents of Goodins, where Mr 'sftmvlas worked In Uie courthou.-.e ThcyiiDW'reside atrBoUe.- where Mr Mauvlas b-ln the real eslnie bus­iness.

HEALTH GLINIGAUGUST 1 8 - 1 9 - 2 0 - 21

During this Clinic yoH will receive a iDoroush Health ExamlnaUon for $3.00 (rcBUlar fe« llOiJO). DurlnR my absence I took special work In dlairnosb nnd am better quaUfled to eIvo you InformaUon o* to your condlUoD ihan ever.

W irn TliE A i6 of the IlemoTlatameler and other preelilen Inilmmeini 1 will cWe ;oB InfonaaUon la rtr*<’d|to—

L Sour ^lood pressure.2. Yonr heart actloa.S. Voar nerve tenstsa 4. Year rltaUly.B. What Toar aUmint (s.& What U catuinx It,.................. mlneraa-WM-Tltatnlo—

b peiseo taUnc tbe above

DR. S C W Y A T T ; D. C.161 Th ird Avc. N. Tw in Falla ' Phono 1377

My Offlc« Now Open for BefsUr Chlr«prMUn 8mtle« Every Week Dw,. • to S. - n S B OOKSm.TATION

D r. and M rs . Maddockat Ilai/cH Home

■ John :i .Mrs, llobct

dcx;k nnd :.nn. Hobby, of Norfolk, Va Mr. aiul .Ml!,, linye:. nrc partnu o

Mr,i. Miiiidocl:, and Dr, Maililock Is i ph.vslcliiii nnd ;,uri;eon with Uii Unlloil navy,

En route home. Dr, and .Mrr;, Mad- doci; Will ;,[oi) in Clcvelaml, 0„ U attend the weddirw of Mlw; llrlei niLvi anil John 11, lliiyrs. brother o Mr.i. .Maddnck, ’niey plan to li-avi

■ ullilK ai.oon lor Poltli lili

eek-V I. inti will r

Coming EventsSVHINOA IIOMIC Improve

eWb will mod Tue;.day al 2 p.Uie home of Mr.i, CeorRe R, Jolin.-.on. '.i mill- west and ■; mile .loutli of South Park uroccry. Prc-falr JudRlnR will be di.-.cii?,-,ed and plans complcl- ed for Achievement day.

GOODWILL club will st:iKe Its nlermclon feed tomorrow al A;

alnn. Dinner will be served nt I |i. nnd lho.'B wlnhlnR tran.iportnlion n.ikcd 10 coll Mrs. Jack Hell nl phone. 24GD-W.

SALMON TRAOT Ilomcmnkers- club will meet Wcdne.iday al 3 . with Mrs. Mary Pohlman nnd Mrs, Mae Knudnon. a.Ml;;tnnt hostciui. Mrs Miirj:arel HIU Carter will clvc a les­son on "RcmodellnB Clothes," Mem­bers are n.ikrd to brlnR Uiclr dimes for Uif Red Craia fund.

COOL OFF!Plan a Picnic and

Swim at the

Nat-Soo-Pah POOL

Hot u-eather Rlikke you Rrauchy? Herc'fl a sure cure for that. Just load the family nnd drive out tor ft dip In this. refreshlns. pure artesian wntcr pool. You'll feel like a tnllllon In no Umel

FR EE P IC N IC GROUNDSTake hisHViray- No. 03 to a halt mile past. RoUUter. Uien cast a irlles; or the Shoshone Basin road, following the sravel to in- teraectton of road comlns cast from Highway No. M.

n'.u;,. byZ

IS pi.-;,enle.L MniiMoil,

by Mr.-,. irdlon nu

with the pi;Mm. Clia.-;. McKav.

A violin ;.ol(> li-, ilillj- liejiiolclj •Ith Nell Marie I'lldmnrr al tin

pi;iiio; IV.O voeal dueM aerc Min; by lla M;>iiwell ;inil M;iry l/ni Have

• by Zelht Coffman; am................. cloM-il wllii t-,vo plane

nclecurin. playnl hy Ellr;il)c-th Am .Wllwx 01 lloir.r. ^

JohliMji, ael./l JI-, me.-.-.t-n- u. prr;.,-nl Mr, and Mr;,. l-Vj nvely Kitl Hoin the i-.ioiip i;: til,- iM.ty. Mj

cx]ire:.M(klndiii-:..!durhiK ii

I Mr, 1 .. ro; I

nipete for the Kerr cnn- aloMR wlUi thoicM’omrn 1 Die rxten.nlou proRnvm, <-;,H-d In lhl.n feature \CI Mrs. A, V, C.irtcr of

revue ojien to extension club me... bcrs. Tliere will be open classes for mothers and dnuRhtrrs. brotheis and

, swtrrs nnd similar displays,A beautiful blanket, offered by the

woolen mills, will be Riven away at a drawliiK,

'Goofiing to Hold Acliievenim) t Day

•M'nt Wliieli will hr hrlil in 'III.liy.illiiK hid) MriKiiil.

Ml;.!. MiirlanHei.Aortli,%l;>;e hnnn iemoii.Mratiir, will pn ■.il)|-,' be one o :hr s|>oiil:<-r;.; wiil ,tl..eu---. am lemon.-,irate the iU-,iiii-.:il o! ;.urpi\i

f i ir th d n i/ C akc^ {<&Tw o a t S iiiU iiifi Thru

M e c tiu q <tl l l i i l l HomeMr:;. A, T. Hull anil Mr:.. It. T..ilcll

•cil V ic.il li.:-ot the .Smlll

iKli club I-llilny allcriioon amc of Mr.-.. W. r, Hull,■•es dnrhiR' Uie Ramc awanted to Mr:;. Albert Ina: Mni. J. N. Crowley. Mr.i. r Ulchards condilclcd tin' bai-sc.vilon.

> Mr.-. K. D.

..Continuing Our August

N O W is the time to buy, when prices ar LOW ! We can'confidcntly slate that coaii’ of this quality cannot be duplicated latt in the season at these low priccs. These quisite furs were purchasedvin Januai ’ before the price rise.

W lIH N .Y O i: m .'V Y O l'R

SFAV Fi'K ro.xrConsider What Our '2 I ’oint (k iaranice Means To Voul

2 W A Y S —

to BUY 1. LAYBY '. . . A .small (ii'iiosiL liolds any w);iL f«ir future |


2. BUDGET PLAN. . -Diviih'd i);iyincnt.-< over an extended period o f tinii! to stiil your ini;omc.

" I f You Don't Know dxtr^ui'rtvr’ '"'

FUR SHOPN ex t to Orplictim Phone, 41


OVER, J 7 5 , 0 0 0

BENDiX ^ ^ . l i ^ O W N E R S

PITY “ Y O U !

R illW X A U T O M A T I C H O M E -~ L A -U N J ) R J U



WASKW-Aueomtiicallr *»<>dropt clothe* chrouith ludi. tcrulv blng them gently b; ■ •’lumble"'

OA M M m u - .a o th e i w h ir le d ' “ <lim p-< lx7 a u to m iu c a llr—r e a d r ~ ^ '

bioRlog on ihfl Hoe.

i auM s AND.tTDM mnr—The diti I ■utocaatialUflDtheiouttheBcBciiz

~<nd tbolf it off.

OfJ your very next washday—when you’re 'in the laundry-room bending;over set-tufasj^or'iilWngr- loads of soggy clothes—or seeing yoiir lunds g « ’ red and watcr-roughcned—think how pleasaat it' - would he to 'A-ash your clotKes the Dendtx auto­matic way! Over 175,000 homemakers today enjoy a holiday every washday. The«r ddthes are spickp^,^ and span—last longer. They save oa water, loap, •

' medical'bll^ and beauty aids. They eojoy the ^om jind coavenience of autematic bomt —with tbe Bendix cUminatiDg all the drudgeryl

-TRA^HNH T MAY M O R E T H A N C O V E R i | i

TH E D O W N P A Y M E N T «Easy terms. A *k about our Free T tU lo ffe f—«w «e k ’f ^

wash absoluielf \ . .f..;;


SODEN ElJCTRI|gNext to Orpheum Theater .


COWBOYS, PILOTS AND RUSSETS POST WINStw in Falls Beats Cards 10-9; Boise

Cuts Reds’ LeadfConllnutd from I’lM

Cowboy Win. nMmuajen for iho vlciot7.

Hulls, hliuns B irlpte and r double flUppUed U»o Coftboy*' drive. Boljiitn ftWed wllh ft IwS-bMt M\. Olhtr, cxtrii-bfue hlUi wnn r triple by Po- catcllo'n Ted Knkollrls niiti o double

^hi.McCU»ln.i*-Cowboy.i eniercd the scvcnUj la short end of a 7-8 score. Their Tuna cuno on iwu lilt-v t s cind tin error. ,« sceond'Kome of the Kric.i »

cl Similny hIkIii..b__r >j|(;urll.. Jh » »

ilKiu"!'.' rt 5 I

. S j7i . Hlnifk inj» lir Ikphrtn J.•rn I. K>mp* 9. Uax« on UIt>-«(r ll«h n»i) 1, Kptnh* 4. IIU br pluhvtl l>all'CuriJ, br liohi.n. - .............. -Ueaulll*n aaa »cl iiia. AU<n<Unc« I

Idaho Falls Wins Over Salt Lakers

e.ALT LAKE ^ T Y . Aug. IB (■

»hutoul exccpt. for an unearned In the Uilrd liinin):. Hawkins struck out elRhl ot U « Uometowtt boys. Th« Rimcia took nlno lilla Irom A1 Tnte.

■ ■ Johnny Cnviilli ulnRlcdln the Uilrd and acored on a combination of & Mcrlflce nnd nn error and Jnck Hntchott's Infield oiiu

The RU15C1.1’ KOt bnck In Uic flfUi on alnRlM by Eltlon Mu:|.tore and

r 6ven Jensen, a double by jplkcr ant]

te i'i Wp-bwOt'lli oa an error. Tale’» wild pitch, a III passed boll and Muralore't single o((I CavaUl'A^olove.|U Hawkfru Ahowed his Bblilty to get

In and out of' th« pinches in Uie [ XcTcnth when, with two on, ho struck

out Jack CnvaUl. Uien wiilked Tnte } to IllI tJie haacs and protnpUy Innned 1 rredrile Morc.wo to retire -the tide.

a. MtConn-.. .... - Ui -nob.110. KU>l.n

wilJ r'lrh-

Fields Masters Ogden Reds, 6-0

OODEN. A«B. 18 Ol’>-Tlie Bol.ie rilota renewed thrlr nltnek on the Pioneer leanue-leaillnK Ofidcn R< ds tonlKlit as yoiinB Darrel Flelrt.i pitch­ed liLi mutf.'. to ft 0-1) vIctOD'.

Fields won n plichlOK dtii-l with Osden’s Clayton Uimbcrl who nl- lowed Dolte one rini.ln thf trcond and tJien held the Pllot.i jco:--leu until the clRhtli, In thnt liinhu: the visitors bowlctl lilm over for five

- Tnc-Rawc-uiL-i-tircTinr^ni'new series v.4ilch will i.pc the Plloi.n try ftSaln—ivs' they'ClliJ l;uit week—to take away OKdcn'.i loiiK-AUndlnR top position In the IrnKue. TonlRlit’.i win icrtuced Opd(•n' U-ail lo two Kanics.

Cliff Burker, who hit a triple anrt A double In four tlnirs up. pncrd the

\3>llot3 In inclr victory, drlvliis In thr«e rtin.i.

Al Korhonen npnicd tlie elRhth with a single, one of liLi three ' of the evening. Jack Radtke follow­ed wlU) n double ncd Lambert In­tentionally walked Obrdon Wllllam- *on to fill tlie bftscA. TJien Kee.iey grounded out and Korhonen jtcored on the play.• Ijirobtrl IXny liautr Utho bueA a second time, and Rndtke lUid WUhanuon &cored on n single by Wftlt Lowe. Barker's triple scored Bauer and Lowe.

A »ln<le by Lowa and Barker's


■ One way to help the-drfcnse pro- ErtLBU la by 'dotendlnR yourseU trora Wffher coct o f motorlne. .., L et’ the ,

F. G. H. Motor Servicc

Too Tlcb ft ffU mixture cause* th« '• TtlTM tnd r l w to corboo and stick,

retanllos Uielr free mctlot:. forcing .r cailMD Into ttw motor oU. which Is

e » greatest enemy to tl>e bearings |>'.iu>d worUnc pvta o f the enclse. f ' ' Ouf tmje-up will glw you more rf' fBlles, more sz^ea at Tczy ucue cost.

Feller ‘Perfect Specimen’ Whirly Flashes Past Rivals in

TraversStakek Xu ato g a s p h in o s , n . y „

AUK, Id (-T>—Whlrlawoy made hla dclmclorn cat their worfi' todny.

Alirr two mediocre elfort.i. Wnr- rrii WrlKht's Kentucky filer iipot- lo<l two other rivals 18 pounds nud 13 km:ih.-. In thu 72nd nmnInK ot the l,itMnrlc Travers stakes, and -then hlKh-balled rlKht past them In tlia Booty mud of SaratORa's stretch to win the nation's oldt.it horse raco'

1 a common gallop.Before Whirly picked up tlie $10.-

- )0 pny cheek for hLi work In the Travrr.i his sUblemate. Mar-kell. cnpturrd the Mtli runplna of the Splnnwny ntakes for two-year-old fillies, thereby ending the unbeaten record of Alf Vanderbllfs Petrify, who finished third. This one ndded $8,125 to the Wriaht bnnkrtffft.

riK .'ilK Il IIOII KKM.Kil nf the Cleveland Jndiani was found lo be A prrfpct physical «perlman by twe doclorl who exatnlneU him In Clevo- Uml for llie »rlfcllvr »errlte board. Here Dr. Joiepli C. Parek. Jr.. rxamlnr* the ZZ-yrar-alil hurlrr's teeth. Feller )■ not rxpecled to be Indoctd Into Ihe army fnr aevcnl monlha.

QneJJiglitJVIanagci-Shows,—— Soft Heart in Hard Business

By WHITNEi’ MARTIN ' NEW YOftlC. AUK. 10 iThc N.'ws

Special Scrvlce)—Tlie common Idea of n prlMflBht manager plcliircs a fllni-henrtcd, pudgy, "net In tliere nnd .lUig, kid: they can't hurt iis" sort of Kent Who Lm't worried »o much over tlie cut.'' hl.i ^•nrrlor (jell i « llio.se he hlm.irlf Bel's out of Uie purr.r,i.

Al Welll can't be much_of a JlRhl iniinnKrr, Tlie only viiKuir rcsemb- Innce ho has to Uie above deacrlp- tlon 1.1 that- ho might bo called

double gave BoLio thclr first score In the jpcond Inning.• .

Fields allowed only four lillJi. well- r.ciilterfd. and struck out five Ogden batter.i. LAinbert, relieved In the ninth by Walt McHugh, gave up nine lilt.1, DoUi teams plnyed errorless ball.


___ I \. Tl<r»—IH". UlMc.shtn*. •AdrniUnc* 1

puclKy. spriiklns In n roundiil) wny. u,' looks like a diet wt hnckflred.

He's tJie only fight tnnnaficr ever lienni of who eUtned a contrnCl wlUi u fighter to -keep him from flKhtlnK. Ho never had a contrnct with Lou Ambers until tlie «Lixtc boxhiK commls-Moii ruling hndo nuch a iiocument conipul;.nr}'. After Am­bers’ i.ccond detent by Lew Jenkln-i Wrlll itv'l'ted Lou sign a 10-ycar conlritct under Uie term of which. for,/the conaldemtlon of tl a year. 7t*bcra would refrain frojn flght- Inf.

Ambers, ol »tnry Arr«-strong's comeback plans, hmi Uio urge lo rt;lurn hlm.ielf iinil liilciy ha.1 been cnlllng Wetll a.iklng lilm to nrriwige a light.

•’Over tny dciid body," Wi lll emphixtlcnlly. "Ho's well-tixixl fin­ancially and has his henhli,"

Welll conduct-s hU far-flung pug* lllatlc affalra-from nn uiiprctentloiis third-floor office overlooklnit Broad­way. Tlio walls are sprhiklrd hui>- haznrdly with photos nf flat-bce.-.er- ed. pugnoclous-loo'KlnK lurt.i.

, prominently dljpliiyi'<l l.i an Inrgcmcnt of a contrnct for ah / beni' fight.

"I get letlen from all over cmuitry." he mi[i1. "Boyji Wiuiting to be ihPJr miinnKrr.or gi'i Uicm boiiL% hrre. I iin/.wcr tlirin nil.Uicm to come li.-n- nn<l III look Ihtnj over. Somcilinn’ l piiy ilirlr way If they're broke, I put ilitiii in a hoiwc up on 03ml ;.trect. How many do I have now? Let's see— Prancesi,” he ciiUe<l lo liLi secretary.

Hoosier Gals Score Upset In National Swim Meet

HIGH POINT. N. C.. Aug. 1C \ jioo.slcr team ,from In -

dlunnpoll-'!. £0 overlooked In tlie onrly prediction.-, that no­body bothered to take pictures o l Its stars, a ll but sewed up the iKillonnl women’s A,A.U. swlnimlnK championship to ­day wltli n story-book come- biick Itiat .swept three o f four md piled up A team toml of 34 lolni'.

Bargain Colt Wins Classic

CHICAOO. Aug.'.lfl (/T) — ALnab, little brown colt purchaf.ed at auc­tion Inr a bargain $7M a year ago. drove lo a length victory In the S4S,«0 Futurity at WX'shlngton park today 10 become the nation’s len<l- Iniyfto year old, both In money wln-

Tlils sen-mtlonal. free striding youns.-.ler, owned by Mrs. Albert Snballi, wife ot a Chicago attorney, gave a convincing performance of .ijxfd nnd courage in turning back II tcrrlllc aiaJlengo from Ihe Wool- ford farm'.i Ccwitradletlon In Uie ln.st few strides,

Aliab. with Jockey Robert Veddcr n.%ltiile hlR bneV. sprlnVwl liie six furlonpi In 1:11 to e<jual Tiger'* Ume In winning the 1D37 Wp.ihlnston p(uk Futurity.

As a reniilt nf hLi triumph. Al;,ab eiirnetl $32 75 to roll hti total cam- Ing.i U> »0n.D70 In his six Slake trl- mnplis on Chleftgo and New England tracks.

•'how miuiy flKhter* do I have?" Tlie an%w.T was.13.

•'I only purchnnod one coiiunct In iny life," hn added. 'I paid $3,000 for tlir coiitract'of Jimmy Hatcher, o f U)tr^lde, S. C. He's a 137-pound- cr and might be feaUier or Ilght- wi'lght chnniplon some day. TJio othrr boys I Just pfik up and du- volop. If they have heart, are willing to learn, nnd have goo<l hnblt-s— nbove all. goo«l hablW—n i tt-ork nlong with them. And overr mi I rvrr mnnngNl Is my frleiul."

Which Is tribute enough for fellow who keei>s a soft heart In .. hiinl bii.ilnrw, and who has harf more ehamploas thsn you can .shake ft atlck aL

— M KRCURY —nadlo'i Df.l noy


S20 Main Are. Ko.

USED CAR VALUESThese are rhallrnilng prices. Invlllns you io u.ie your uud ci money wisely! Kxerj car «re mII has been fnlor/cnndltloned by a and carries our (uaranlVe for satl.jfaclory serrlte.

19;}9 CHKVROLKT tircM ........................

Couch, rndio. heater, ROod .............5575

in:}9 PONTIAC Setlnn, has heater, low milcaRc $645

lO.'tR DODGE Sedan, reconditioned find repainted $375

1938 PONTIAC 6 Sc’dan. A very dean c a r ...... ..$54519.17 PONTIAC B Sedan. Good motor, rubbernnd painl ....................................... ........................$4751937 DeSOTO Sedan .... .............................. - ........$42519.1R DeSOTO Sedan .... -.trTrnT...... ............... „.,$365193(5 PONTIAC Sedan........... ........................... .,$3951920 FORD Coupe..................... ................ ;........... $45

Barnard A uto Co.Cadillac Phone 164 Pontiac

And tl happiest mun on the place ar-old Charles Lawrence

(Durli lij>wln. coaching'the Indian- aiMillr. Ulvlfra club for the first year,

familiar figure In Uic natlon-oU,

I today and

four m_eH record! .fell, along. wlth Uir'eV American maria.

Olorla Catlen. the Nyack. N. V,. high school girl, kept her 100-melcr backstroke crown with a tlmo of I ralnutc, VU Mcondfl which clipped .7 iKondJ off the marK aeLby Eleahor Holm In 1030,•Dut the itory today woa'the un­

sung Hoosier team. Betty Bemls cli­maxed the day'a record smashing by doing the 400-meters In s: minutes. 23,7 seconda to beat out Nancy Merkl of tho aecond-plaeo Portland. Ore.. tram representing tho Multonomah club.

Mlsa Merkl set the old American and A. A. U. mark of ft:30.S In 103C).

Dotty Asplttal set o new meet tnark In winning the 300-meter breast

Eslel Crahtree Keeps Cards ■ In Thick of Hot Flag Race

Iiy HENllY n. JAMESON .ST I.OUIS. Aug, 10 (,T^-A little vM n ytar ftRO Eslel Crabtree (lenient a serious kidney bpera-

forbldden by one doc-

klcJney aliment, no operation—and ns he aees It, he might still be with Iteches^r, n minor leaguer.

tinna.plai' icbaU-a

cral n

Anotiirr physician who helped hin life said It might not be

fnlal to "play n little,"Crabby heard only the second one. Today Instead of enjoying hl.s aseball as a spectator In. a wheel

chair, Crabtree, at the'age of 37. Is having onn ot the best Bea.son.i of his long career. By an Ironic twist, U\t Ktrivl pinch hlUlna of this hoi- pltal-bed graduate has been an Im- porwnt factor In keeping Uie In- Jury-rldden St. Loula Cardinals up thrte the thick of tho torrid tlnnnl league pennant race.

It li getting so that every time the Hrdhlrds get In a tight spot the funs licHin hollering. "We ' Crablrer,"

■'I gtic.is I wouldn't be wlih the Cardlnnls loday If It were not for the operation," he said.

It teciUy R^ve him a break. Wo

if the Cardinals) gave

CardlnalA last spring," he tsid, "probably because that was the only place In baseball where I would have a chance to recuperate slow­ly.

"Manager BouUiworlh let.me lake .. easy lo the training camp and that’s the rea. ori I am a 'fit man to<!ay,”

A "lit, man" ’li pulUng «, smWy,Crabtree.'according to the Islest

averages, wai leading Uie National league In batting wlin a scnsallon- al mark of ,408, He apjwareil In 43 ot the Cardlnnl'.i first 110 games, .went lo bat A2 -times and came through with 2D safe hits.'

Only rarely has he started a game but he 1* slated for a lot more regu­lar duty now that SSios Slaughter,

It forr of Uie sea.ion with ;

stroke for IndUnapolts. She did tho dliunce In 3 minutes. 14.0 seconds to dethrone Fujlro Kabuunl and break the lltUe Hawaiian's mark ' 3:10.1 tot In 1S30.

T h o IndlnnnpolU outfit ll sounded a hint of whnt was to co)In the' opening event, the BOO-meter relay. M Ifj Deml.-i /iniilchcd the lend from Uie Porllniulers by.beaUng MLss Merkl In a tense stretch drive. Tlio-flying leRS of ihe prrtiy little unknown drove tlic icnm lo a new American mark ot 10 mlnuies. 30.7 aetondn.

Tennis Champ Retains Title

NEWPORT. Avi. ID Ml _NnllonnI Champion Don McNeill, of Oklahoma City, today retained tli« 'Newport Casino Invitation tennis tournumeni championship wlUi a stralght-.’;et vlclbry over seventh- .•.eeded Frederick R. Schroeder, Jr, of aicndale. Calif., 0-4, 8-4. 0-4.

Doth McNeill who failed to win hU _ la.sl nifte tournamenta. and the 35- yenr-old Schroeder, national doubles,,— champion, were handicapped hj 4 hard riiln. ^

aohroeder got his revenge In tlie / doubles.'however, when he teamed ' with Jack Kramer .of Lo-i Angele*. his national doubles title partner, to defeat the secoiid-hccded duo of McNeill and Frankie Parker. Alta- dena. Cnllf. 4.(1, 0-4. 8-0. 8-1,

Look at This Price for a ,N 6w


Completely Installed W ith All Controls

- $ - 1 - 8 9 9 5 :

N o Down Payment" Only $6.07 Per Month

Install Yours Now at the Low Price

Soden Electric Co.N ext to Orphoum Theater

S c e n e r y - U n iq i t e ^

i n a l l t h e w o r l d !

Let our Unique T ravel Guides Bring You New In sp ira tio n and Suggestions fo r D e lightfu l TripsGuide books to fun! Tliat’s what many , nccuratc, up-to-date maps they cofitain tell youmotorists call thcjc unusual travel aids — " how to get there! It's all complete, eotnpact,for t h ^ give you fnore than 100 highlighted convenient! Afid a new W estern States Roaddcscrjpdons o f placcs to visit, things to do. M ap Tvith mftny unusuEl features. Ask for■which you might otherwise mil*. And the free cop iB 'at any UCoh'Oil Stadon or dealer.





— such items cs wiodshield cicaniog, tire inflaciog. baticcy ftistiDg. o il checking — per­formed quickly tod thoroughly.

’ SEE TH E I N T E K M O U N T A I N W E S T ~ S E T S E U r i C E AT T III S s T s II >

U l l u O I L I E E I K , L i e C O M r A S I

Svervwhere in lie h o and Utah


PIRATES RALLY TO DEFEAT LEAGUE LEADERSErnie White’s Eight-Game Winhing Streak Ends, 4-2; Braves Trip Brooklyn Club

lo s s Costs Cards Chance to Im-

prove Lcfld

PITT^SBUROH, Aug. 10 (/P) — A thrcc-run.rally, launched by 'Em lo W hite ’s wild throw on rrankle Guatlne's squc'ozc bunt, gave the Pittsburgh P lr- fttcs three runs In the eighth Inning and o 4 to 2 win over the Cards-today.

The defeat ended Whlte'i clRht-Rame winning s t r e a l i fliifl rent fit. LoDli A tJmnce lo Im- p'rtive lUn llrnt plnce lend to on( timl onc-lmlf Rnmes over tlio D«1r- rii. wlio iMl to tHo Drftvrs. T5io Corsiilr.i fiavffd Uiemaclvcs n drop Into fourth place i « the R«ls won;

OolnR. Inlo the elRhUi, Wlille lield r : 10 I lend. With one out. Viin noliM'ii bent out t> hit over neeoncl ftnrt liuitled to Uilrd when Flelchcr j.liiKled tp rlKht. Gustlnn bunted

-----mimc-tjKtIii?-teft-nf-\Vhltc:—ThtrCnrct soiiU^nw picked tip t ie ball

. b;il threw Mild pwl Miincu.io, Vim A nobays and Tletclier scoring and ^ Otuilne legBlnn It lo third. Vince

DlMftSslo’* tJilnl hit of the day. « .nlnsle U> left. broiiKht GiisUne. home.

The Cwds nicked Ken lleintiel- mtin for two riin.i In the second In-, ntni;. althoiiRh Uio flrxt tally wm unearned. Anderdon fumbltd Trlp- letfn grounder and Drown walked. Mtrlon'.t bunt loaded the bases and MAninir/O's single Mnt In ono run. Fletcher took Wlilte’a foul In short rlRlit M Brown tallied.

OlMasglo knocked hLs HtJ) homer of tJie season for over Uio left field fence In the second Innlns Plrntcs.

ThrouRh five Innings It pllcber.i' battle'. Riddle, In achieving 3]js 131}) win, faced but IS men ifttll, wlUi two out In the flfU). Clyde Mc- CulbuRh sloRted for the first Chlcn-

. RO tally. Olsen RAVe up but two ' • ;<afctlM until the Reds’ "tolhl-score"

drive.OUon’s double In the sixth paved

thd way for. WlUon’.? trip to Uio showers. Riddle wheeled after tleld-

nipped the forriler Tulsn, Okla.. huH- ins star at Uilrd. WlL ion stomped v,-llilly before arbiter Ocorsc Dal- livnfant wlio had called tlie play— and wii.1 Wftvwl throuRli the-builpe;T RBlo to the accompaniment of chee/j from faai who remembered the UIb pan he played last year In sparking the Reds to hold Ui&lr world title.SI. *b r hll'IIUburth kV<;rt«pl, Sh- } 0 I Antltnon. ••4 0

cf « 0 1 llanilkr, 9b « tllepp. it < e 1 r.lllall. r( 1 0Mlu, )b ( D 0 Voii llA-t. ir t 1 .Trlpl.ii. If 4 I e lb 4 I Illfn.n, Sh I 1 I Ru<lin>. :h S 1 tJtlrlnn. < > 1 0 S PI Mu'o, cf ' ‘ "•riciuo, e 4 0 l(l,stxi. t

Whll«, p 9 D Otllrtntitl'n. DCreufh. P 0 0 CW Ceop«r X I 0 B|

TouU. 11 X tI Tnf.U i

TrlpitU)l Matiio. Hicririco—Oiu-

Re(fe Win Fifth • Straight Victory

OmClNNATI. Aug. I t <flV-Cln- clnnaU’fl Reds made II four-ln-R' row over’ Chicago and‘ won their flfih stralgJit victory.today, 4 to 1, behind Elmer Riddle’s brilliant threo hit hurling.

A four-run sixth Inning, featured by Bin Werber’s second homer of

year wltJj two on, turned tho trick after Cub manager Jimmy Wll- »ion, former Red coach, was ejectod Tronl the game In tlio first ImJf ol tliB same frumo oa a too-voclfcroua

-■prWeat-OTcra-plrij'-nr.thlnt.- Gox scoro:

tb t.SUIrj.f. n. 1 D C*> tr'». <t 4 0

Lonb4cdl. a E mddlt."p

! 1 !

__- oog D4t ooi—4w«(b«r. Twa

Rule Book Gives Radtke Base Hit

BOISE. Au«."4b why.baMUMBKomctal rule*• -z r-V. ii.wuSj'ntCuor JAcc H inroT'tnB'

,Id»ho jw ia Russets fltfnt get credit for a no-hlt..'a(>.rua-vlet«7-last night In ptt£hlng his team to a 9-0 vlitory over tho Boise Pilot*:

"A' bOM hit abAU be seoi ed’, -when a fair hit ball la partlaUv wholly stopped by a Jlelder lo a .^ tion. but *ueh,plarer cannot recover

• hlmseU la time to Held tht b«U to «r t t beroro the battmui ruche* th»t J»M, or t o ^ e otUw.bue la time to force out another runner."

•In ljurt nlghtl game. Ualn bad held the puou hlUea uatU the la*t o f t ^ ninth, when Jack lUdUtg hit •Jo fflieny McOoanelL who flelded wa ball fftlrlr but fen down before he eould throw to flnt.

So Good I t Hurts

VisitW and Twin Falls Girl Win Prizes at Municipal Golf Course

A Kansas City wheat buyer walked o ff with the men’.s dally prize In the News and Tlme.s hole-ln-onc'Roir,,tourAament yesterday while ft Twin Falls girl posted her .second triumph t>r the threc-day-old meet.

Th lrty-ffve men and five feinlnlnc coiitc.stimUi fired 185 shots bringing the tournament tolul to 595. When the last measurement had been taken at dusk at Uie inunlclpiil golf course, toum am ent'offlcin ls checkcd over the !on« entry ll.st and found Don Davis, a busi­ness visitor from Kansas City, was the winner of a -dozen Toumam enl go lf balls from the Diamond Hardware. Davis’ fine shot landed 2 feel, 3 fhchea from

that he’f no lancrr bueball'i Buinmlnt hl.t audlrnce-hcckllnilearn. '

{-U-aulhoritjr-far-Uia-slAtcinenL Bad Boy. ICe hu retormrd. x.-iyx stance. He pllchr* for nufoni.

Rookies Dominate Race for SeiiiQr Loop’s Battuig Crown

NEfW YORK, Aug. 16 i/T>-Rooklea nlmwl never win big league baitlnK chnmplon.'.lilp3, but the way the frtjJiman have been posslns around Uie National league hltUnR leader- ship In recent weeks It appeurrtl one of them will ciipturc tlie honor thl» year.

In Uie paat Uircc wcelO Nick Et- ten of the Phllllr;i, Pete RcUbr of tho Brooklyn Do<lKcrs and Johnny JIopp of Uie Bt. LoiiLn Ciirdlniil.i have rotnted on the top ranR of the battlnR ladder nnd they still have the Ilr.'t tliree places between them.

Hopp’s average dropped seven polnti to .332 this week, but he look

over first place nnywav ixtiiiiM- Rrl' ser slumn^ from lo

Kllen«^ila> sllpprd futm .3 1 lo J25, slopplnt Jtbt a notch iiliove Uio Cardinals’ Johnny .MIrr, who hoct J24,

Dolph Camllll of I!r(x>):lyn hit three homers lo .'.tny in front of the home-run jmradc at 23,

MlM rwialnfd tlir Ictullns run pro<lucpr with m biiited In. flte more than Nlchol.non. •

Hyck h«!i /.corc'.i the nio.-.i. nnv;. 80, one more thnn Itrber nnd Terry Moore of St. Loiib. Tlie t.ibles were tunicd In total hit,': howrver, with Moore In front nt I3fi iiml Mack end with 135.


"STW Vork ............... J9 .6C7Clereland .... ..........S9 51 J3JBoston ................... GO 54 .520Chlcajo ------------ --60 65 MZDetroit ......-........... 51 .450rlilladrlphla ............51 61 .455

................ 46— «4— .4IBWaslilngton .............40 65 .414

•NATIONAL 1.EAOUELouis ................. :.71 40 .f.lO

Ilroeklyn ....... .........70 40 .030ntli.burrh .......... . 5J 48 .551Cincinnati ........... ,_.SS 4» .551

York ...............54 53 JOSChleaco ........ ......... ‘ H 6* .429Boston .........._______40 64 .418rhiladflphia ........... t l H .269

AMKHICAN LEAGUE rhlladelphla 9. Se<r York'4. Boiton 8. Wuhlntloii 8.Chleaio 1. ClcTelaniJ 0.St. I.OUI. 3. netrolt 2.

NATIONAI. I.KAnilE rittshurth' 4, HI. l-)ul» 2.Uoitou 4. Brooklyn I.New York 4. 1-lilladelphla 1. Cincinnati 4. Clilcaro I.

Braves Triumph Over Brooklyn

BOSTON. Atig. 10 (/T>-The Bo,v ton, Braves clipped Luke <lho hot potJito) Hamlin for fourlilU'and many runs in the second Itwilng to­day am). wlUi Uio help of effective soven-hlt pitching by Tom Earley, mado that enough to beat the Brook­lyn Dodgers, 4-1.

Tlicre woa one awuy In the Braves’ big Inning when Kddle UlUer bouit»- ed a double off Uie left field fence. Another two-bascer to left by Al Roborgo scored Die first run.- and & base on balls and a single by Ear­ley then filled Uie bases. Veteran Johnny Cooney picked this timely moment to^wallop a'^NW-den ' triple to right center.

Brooklyn could bunch Its hits only In ono frame, the third."

nrmklira W»llrrj rf lUniun. 7 IS !gR'J.! ! !n*»«%

Terrymeh Stage '15-Hit Attack

PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 18 {>D — Babe Yotmg and BlUy Jurge* paced a 16-hlt attack on four Philadelphia pitcher*'today to help the New York OUal4 to a 4-1 victory over Uie Na- UonaJ league’s tellar-resldenl*.

Young and Jurg^ got three bite apiece, and each man figured In the OlanU' two •ecrlng Inning*.-

New York------202 000 OOft-i 18 1Philadelphia „ ooo 100 ooo-i 7 0

Wittlg. Brown ■ and DannUig: Hughe*, Podgajny, Peanon, Hoent and Warren. Wvlng#ton.

PndlikrrAccepts— Coacliulg Position

pitched the 6ilt Uke Beet to . 7-* Eloneer jeasxie tJctorjr over Uje Po­catello Canllnals Utt night, vUl ^ r e the dob within th« next few don to accept a ooaehln« poittlOQ ■t oolo. hl*h •ehooTitm- •cer TDm Robello amiouneed.

PudlUt’* victory gave him a tea- ■onal wln-Ion reeord of clx u d two. A eaduat* of ttae Unlrenltr ot <3olarado, PudUk itMTtd oa the Buf­falo fooUwn aquad and wa* named all-eoaferetwe end.' i

Game DenarlniciU To Hold Drawings For Special HiintsBOISK. Aug. l« (.TV-'i-'Mi nnd

game llcenne vendors today il supplyfor U.1C by sportsmen desiring to partlclpiiio In nine special big h hun!.i .vhp<lule<l for Uits fall by the Idaho fish and Rnme department.

A S fparnte application miisl be flle<l fur each hunt, i.dieduled Iti various pnrt.i of Uie state. A sports­man (nay take psrt In only one event for each b ig game specie, the do- partmrnt pointed out.

Public drawings will be held In Uie Knme department office IS days before each hunt to determine tho»e ollXlblc. Applications may be filed 30 dnys before drawings. Permits

not transferable.

Garland Raps Boise Scoring

IDAHO PALLS, Aug. 18 OO-IjOU Qarland, business manager of the Russets said today he thought Por-

!st Main "should have been given . break" by Ute scorer In lA«t night's game at Boise In which Main came

n u ir.M liiy .*• MK', Wiind;> Kiiiic:; liiiprovr<l up­on her flr.nt prlje.uliuiinu .••hol.Sal- urday afternoon by .•.nidlnK the bjill to the Alx-Ioot murk. She rrcclvcd a cMiume pcndiiiit from 6l<-rllnK Jewelry.

Only our entrant besides Davis Kot InUilc the /lvcwi(«[, ■•cliiinnMl Cln-lr." Hr wiu iJhiTitian Bellwood of Kiiiihcrly, wliwe hull came to a slop 4 liirlicN from Uie »25cn.’.li prlie cui>, Othrr.i who boonle<l the numlxT of Knllcr;. qimllfled for Ihr crantl fin:iLi Alinu-it 24-fo.l5 were L. C- U'onar.l,.S I r f i l ' j lnche. ; Mrl Ca'.Rrlff, 7 fret Inche.-:. mid &oti Smith, jr., » Im ’ ijncli.

A KOlf duel In vvlilrli Uip lanrr paid Hie entry Itr.i .miw SmlUi bent imt''Piml Ciillls mill win a free tlrkri inVi tlir ilmmpion:.hlp.i by pliiclni; Ills fln;vl ?lini ,ln.nl(le the 13-tr>ol qimllfyliiK clrrlr.

Todays llrlnK start.i at 0 a. ni.

and all slKtii point ton record turn- outi.ii uolfcrj Kuu for two prlir.i; Mrn—Wlbon or Jcrry-J piillnn awr.Ufr Irorn nowles-Mack; women —’IVo Ihlrly.dny pa:.'C. ,IdiitKi l l in v tr r , and one to Orpheilin from InlrrniounUln Uieatcr;.,

TUB tniirnamfiit «reen U in jvr- f(x.'l hn|x• tor today’.n parade ot con- H-,itanl.'> wlio will be trylnu to im- jirovr ii|)oii tlie rxcrllem tnark e.s- tal.lWiril by Mrs. O J, Ilrllw(x><t. ’Hie Kliiibprly Imly brcmne Jlie

T l i r l io lt- ln -< in r e v n it u l l l ro l l' Ilnur M niu lny \xlth iiilr.i-;. cnu.sht' JiiK o f a pa ir o l W cyenburK o ll l-

DINGSAthletics Whip

Yankees, 6 to 4

1 3 5 , 0 0 0 F a i i ^

See Champion -K a jE ft - ld a l io a n

MILWAUKEE, AUK. 10 (iP>-PollcC ..Mlmated Uiat a crowd of 135,000 pcrions, believed lo be the iRfgcsl In boxing' history, witnessed a free outdoor show tonight featured by a nine roimd kayo turned In by Tony Zale, NBA middleweight champion, over IJllly Pryor, of Boise.

lliousaiids ot delegates to the na­tional convention of- the fraterniil order df Engles. In session here, were among tlicsB In attendance at the affair, arranged for Ihelr benefit by a Milwaukee brewery, '

’The previous largest boxing crowd WM believed to be Uie 120,000 drawn at Philadelphia In 1028 when Ocne Tunney fought Jack Dempsey.

Dempsey refereed th« Zale-Pryor go tonight.• Zale weighed 183. Piyor.lOlH. The bout-was^ non-title affair.

New York Errors Helps iMackiiieii

- Take (>aiiie

NEW YO RK. Aiic. 10 (/ P )- The great Joe OIMurrIo cut loo.se with n wild Uirow nnd didn’t Kct a hit: .steady Red R olfe mado two errors on one play, nnd the Phll.idelphla Athletics touched up Charley Rufring for 11-hlts today as thc.A 's whipped the New York Yankees. 0-4.

In spite of thr lav., the Amrrl- can leaijup Irader-s retalni-d their IB-uame marnln over the Cleveland Indians, who lrv,-.t lo CIiIciiko.

Vetrriui Jack Knoit ;.ri. down the Yiinks with nine lili.'.. iind KOt In •irrlmis trouble only In the fifth, when thr Ne'* Yorlcrr.-. took a f.vo- run leail on Johnny Sturm's r.lnwle and Rolfc’s eighth home, run of the

T h e A ’s w iped o u t th a t m a rg in a n d eo t tn o u e h m ore In w in In th e s ix th . I ' r t e S u d rr drew im p o f th e th ree walk-. I tu f t lh g l « u r d . . a n d srored on C h arley W a g n e r '* ' U lp le to le f t cen te r. W agner c r o n - ed th e p U te and K n o tt reached second w hen K ti irm th rew w i ld a f te r f l r l i l l n g h i t b u n t , and i iln - gtex by A l l lr a n r v lo and n r im y M cC ny an d Dl.M agelo's bad p rg

. le n t In tw o m ore runs.Tlie A’s, who got their first run on

Dick Slebrrt'A double and Sudrr's single In ihe srcond, scored onrf> more In Uie nlntlu It took only one hit tills tlmr. Slebert's second two- bagger of the diiv. He went to third a.1 nolfe bobbled 6am Chnn- man's grounder nnd romped ocravi the tlie plate when the Yank third baseman proceeded to Uirow wild past first ba e.

Phil nitzulo tripled . over • IJoh Johaion’s head In deep left In tho last of the ninth and scored on aturm’* fly for the final Yankee

within one hit of bauball’i hall of fame-

"It Is cuatomary.'^ld Oarlsnd. "that scorers give every break to a pitcher who u within-one out of a no-hltte?.

"I remember, for Instance, a few years ago when Floyd Newkirk of the St. Paul Balnte got a no hitter.

”In the eighth Inning, a Kansas City batter smashed the ball into left field. The outfielder . made a hard run and just barely touched the ball wlUi the end of his fingers, but an error was charged and New­kirk got his no hitter.”

Boy, 11, Urges Governoi’ t( Do Something About Poor FishingBOISE. Aug. 16 MV-Tlie way

Uiingi look to Timmy Allen of Coolln. aged It. the.fLihlng ought to be better Oian It Is In north Idaho's Priest, lake. And the man that ought to be able to do some­thing about It la Oovemor Olaxk.

So Clark recelrcd today and-tum- -1 over to the -fish and game de­partment thb letter:

-aouvemor of Idaho, dettr air:“I am 11 yean old and have been

coming to Priest lake since I wa* bom and (he last fish I caught waa 7 year* ago. Everycn# saya the fishing Is deplorable. I agree . . . I fished all day yuterday «nd all I caught wa* aeaweed. Pleaae aee if

ihLi lake can bo slocked with edible fWi. Your# imly,' Timmy Alien."

Chief Clerk A. N. MlUer ol the gam# department, no green hand with ft fly rod. la writing Timmy


Paid SneU ranch. I mile* west Bogtraea. Ererrbodr Inrltcd.

A FEW USED ,^ H O W ^ A S E S ^

Repriced for Quick Disposal

$5.00 to $ 10.00inquire at'the Office

of Tlie


E.%rMETT PACKS PEACMKS E.MMCTT, Aug. Ifl (/TV-The flr.-it

carload Of Elberln peaches from this prolific fruit area wa.i packc<J Ihli week by John Obermeyer. The loinl crop Li expected to total from 40 to SO cftrloftds, well above last year. Quality Is good.


Chisox Beat Tribe In Pitching Duel

CHICAGO. Aug. 16 (-Tf—Oi: tliri'i- hit slmtout by .Johnny nUi* nc'y, till- ClilciiKo Wliltr Sox moved to within a unme of Iht- r.rcond plnco ClPVi'litnit liKllHtit by hmtlnK the Tribe, l lo p, today. «

Tlie lo;ie nui that gave nigney tlie nhadr over Jim Haaby. Jr.. In i pltchhiB durl cnme In the flr.nt in ntntr when Wlilte Sox second base­man Don Kollowny l<-d off with r.afc binit, ami afttr nttt’anclnR H notfhe,-- on grouiulrr , ;.rorcd i Taft Wrli;ht'a ^ ln h sinslc to ce

Box .'.core;

Red Sox Rally ToTrimSolons

WASUINOTO:<. AllK. 10. i/Vj -’nie.n.ton Hnx nillird Iti thr,In:

tliu'r InnlOK today to trouncc \VinliliiKloii. II t/) U. alirr the Si

1 h:'d uikni the Iriid at the i prine of Ihr vctiTftn nob Ornve.

I ’rnlllnn by fuur runs. Hir f broiiRhl ill i«-pn(f-of-?K-rtrT-r-»n-thr- . rvenUi on hit:; by Bnhljy Docrr nnd Lou Plnnry, a to Tiank PytInk and Pft/* Fox's DuHlrld fly.

Boston added Lirre iiinrr In llie eighth on filnRlrji by Ted Willtnms. JUn Tiibor imd JUnmy J'oxx. Ctcll Triivl-.' error, a wiilk to PytJak and Joe Dob.'.oa’wly. Wllllam.s ;.corid the final run in the ninth.

n i lk golf shoes from the Idaho Drpartmrnt store and a tS lady'* pen from phliups Jeft-elry. *


aUSEDCAHtha^ reeond/tianea'

m tS H T Z

Browns Pull Out 0fCeDar,3-2

srr. LOUIS. Au«. lO W>-Elden Auker. tlie Browns' submarine ball pllcher. torpedoed the Detroit Tig­ers 3 to 2 today on five hits, mov­ing St. Louis out of Iti old home­stead—Uie cellar—Into r.evcnth place ahrnd of Ihe Washington Senators.

Only Johnny Berardlno's error de­prived AuU^r of a shutout In *cori Ins his tenlli triumph.

Box Kore:

«cc.-i,r. fCimptnil. T«g|llvin. « Conltn. ’p*

MfVuliin, tb Judnlch. tl CtilLnb-., ’If

rrmra—CmucKtr.,lUT<ntlno 1. !tulll>in.-rw. hM« hll.—CIlA. Cimpwn. McCMInn:. 1l«;fn«r. BloUn ’ •nl K. ntiubl# pl>r ■inil McQuInn.

:iiA. cmpwn. M.ovii’ -'

Famous • Shell Lake llttaUng Boats and 0 Johnson Motors.

Now M OUplay E. 0. IIAVEN8 Marine flnppl _______


Takes pleasure in an­nouncing th e appoint­ment of

R. J. A T K IN S W -v ^312 Eighth Avenue North

Twin t alIs,_Idaho________

As general a g e n t of Twin . Falls tract We commoBd Mr.

Atkinson to the pedple o f Idaho, and bccausc o f his long years of experience in the life Insurance field we feci that he will be able to render a valuable servlco to tho insuring public o f this vctlon.


SaU Lake Citv, Utah

IIIGinVAys DIRKCTOIt TITTITn:!BOISE. AUK- 10 i,T>-nii:hway.

Director a. E. Johnson .lald today he wiiulil leave Monday to confcr with enRlntrrs nt Uic I>ewLiion and Cocur d’Altne dLitrlct highway offN cea and Im.prct road con.-itructlon In tho.ie ccllons. He planned i gont a week.

37 Chcv. 3-Door — Good tire*.

.1030 Chev. Sedan.'iitr S36S 10« Kord Coupe-radio, heat

“ciTiovrTnnc.tRir_____ ^'3730^193Q Pontine Coupe—neater, new black finish ....— SaeO ID3G Dodge Coupe—extra goodal the price ___1931.1'ord Coadi.'

1931 Chev. Sedan _ liJiSA Good Selection of Ivowcr l^iccd Cara

$ 3 5 op

T R l ^ S1038 Chev. I'.i'ton—new fin- lih.-aiody __________ S5&5

1933 Int. 1 Ton, body.flnbh. good tires____103B Ford 1 Ton P. U. $550 ID3S Chev. Panel Del S340 1033 Chev. Panel Oel- SlOO1030 DodRe l ‘i Ton__ '-------1033 Chev. IH Ton__«

o\ler Skatij,READY





Miraic,N E W


Announcement2nd St- and 2nd Ave. Wesl-

Our opening date will be Monday night. August IB. We^in tU t« ' every night next week — after the opening week. we(wlll have

/Two nights each week (Monday and ’Thursda;) on which th« ' hall will be for rent for private parties. '

In the past we Iiave worked with all cborches, schools, elubi anti " other orgaiiUalloni fn arranging d a t« (or 'their partlM. ' Wo~

assure you that wo will operate the rink In aueh a will meet with your approval — and aU w«

—ahM yoti what can be done In regard to clean, wholesomo ea> terialnment for young.people.

W* win not peralt the itse ol Utfber in onr bBlUittff —'Bdlbet .' will wa permit fast or roagh skating. We will hare competent PIoor-Managera Instructed to take care of this. In the put vo . have had to refuse akate* to penons who would not ab!d« br these rtile«—and we anall not'heslMte to do thli la.the BoUar* drome when It becomes necessar7 . :

We have brand new skates, a powerful pubUo addrm S7it«a-.. and the best akatlng rousle records that noney can bu;. ITu room we will have (or tpeeUtors U •omevhat Umltoi but > ;ou art welcome to come in and watch our tkatan la action. i fikattttg from a to 11 p. ni. ■ / '

' PRICES> Gents, 35c; ]:iadie8, 30c;


SK ATIN G M USIC • N E W S K A T E S • ' N B W C T -^^




iMADE UP TO KXLm' Kelley R oo«_ _______________ _

CHAPTER n Muriltr

CnfnJ hnil ROt throiish htr blc »ctne nicply nnil nl her fxlt np- plniisc hncl nlnrlfd In thr orcliestrn and ihuiidcrcci solidly UjrouRli the whnle home. I rrnllietl then Umt (iiullenre wns nol (la lelhnrKlc na Jintl Mippo.'ed, blit thnl suspewe WM'liovtrliKt over thrm aa well m u i Tliey wnJted. (i)i we were wnlt- InK. for Uic rvrning to «Tid iiafely. TJint hand hnd bfcn Jor Cnrol’a eoiirnge nn well ivi for hrr nctlnR.

TlirouRh itic wiila Prcnch«*«r3 I could sen hiT In thr tt iiiKs mnkltfif townrd the ftalr.-., boili Pcier.non nnd

hor lircU, AUilosL t«o nw, nnd Cnrol wiin Mill

. J«lf cltv.. thirds o; mife.

Tlieri* only Eve mid old Den nil fitace now. Imd in

monirnt LVo Jollourd Cnrol torougli. tJir >iloor on stTiKR rlKlit.

•y loiingrd In the clinir beside blc Rolden onk denlp-where I

wrlUns wlinl piipixMfd to be piuviloiinlc love lioie. I ftcrlbbled.

‘ >,1, areen Apples, Eve rii AiiplM.'’ find nulled

............ , few lliie.i with Kerry,'■The net wiu'. iirnrly over now. a little sccni* wlih Eve, then Cnrol'* fntrniice nnd tliPii the ble,v.e<l re tpllc of nn Uiteriiilvilun,

U wiu>tiic hiilf-Mnoihered Kound he miule thiit cniiscd me lo loolc up from my dcslc'nnd .iliire nt Old Ccn Kcro' nnd wonder hyjierlcnlly If he had Bone mnd. In.Mead o{ cxltlnB throiiKh the door rlRht he hnd cloacd H Mllly and turned nnd inken one fnlierlnR alep bncls Into the room.

And then I t.aw I1I.1 fncr.For one ii-rrltylnK moment I

thouKht It wa.Mi't Kerry'!! fncc at nli. In f.pllo of the florid mnktup ihnt h« lued, It Iind nomehow tlie

-------look-of-o-plnnlrr-eMl. •ntimb-«ndttOitn. Blit his eyes dnried wildly nround tiie nince, .itopptiiR for moment na Uiey re.iied on me n: aeelnR nothlnR.

1 senrelied frnntlcnlly for som UUne to nd 11b. ‘ ‘□nclc m r.oon?" rc»c innnely to iny ltl» mid I AmoUt- m d It and could of nothlnR

- cLie. I had lo Kct Uie old rnnn off the since. E ‘c wouldn't make her en­trance unlll I hod.

1 tried lo catdi his eye nnd mo- - lion toward Ihe door. He nwred nl

ine and made no moNt lo ro. BUtnct prewed down In cold lUfllns clouds over the hoiue nnd t ien was stabbed by a titter In the audience.

I ROt out or my-clinir al last nnd took Kerry by the shoulders; turn­ing him forcibly around to face the door. TJie Utter Bpreadjto a running Jnugh, rolllnR UirouRhtte audience, the bdcony, tiie boxes. I said. irylnR to flRhl Uie InuRhler “aood nlRlit. Uncle OcorKe," nnd In.Kerry's I muttered. "For Ooda sake, out!" I held the door open tor him. Il wa« then, I ruca.i . I screamed.

Before I touched tlio shapeleM ma.u on the floor my feet, ev before I snw the knUe.beside It,

from the way the Uilck'velvet of the capo fell over her body nnd from iha lertlhla lUUntai ot IL I knew ]( and yet I ecrcamcd. .-Carol. Caroll" and 1 tried to lift her.

I saw U)o Jackct tlirn, the shlm- merlns Jacket ihflt was splotched now wltli Oilck sreen nt.iins nnd crumpled under hfrr hewl. Wllh fev- erlsh llnsers I tore the blR blnck cape from her shoulders. My nr— went limp anil numb witli horror.

The back bencttlli Uie c.ipc wns hideously shriveled, the nrma und shoulders n, network of niiclent brutal scars. Somehow t manntied to put my hand under her head und lum U toward me. Eve Norlh's dead eyes stared up Inta my Jnce.

Aftermath of MurderIt was half past four when wi

— the Uieater. Carol sat between Jcif and me In the cnb, her haiidu \ftjrk- Ins spasmodically In her lap nt the little ball of’ felt that hnd, mucli earlier In Uic cvenlnR. been a hni.

II was no Rood. U I could bloi Evc'a face there would be Cnrors. Not Carol now, whitp and Urcd. but Cnrol ns she rnn down from her dre.wlHR rooQj when h8 hcnrd mj' acream. and stopped nnd stood Diere above the grotesque fleure In her velvet wrap.

I was crouching over Eve, stnrlnc up nt Carol. I had waited for her to falnl or U> cry, but not to InURh. She had reached.outher hand to lift a fold of the black velvet nnd to JlnRcr It. as tliouRh a sale* Rlrl had Jii.)t pushed a boll over the counter toward her. and she Imd laughed. Then Jeff slapped her. hard, for the print of hl.n hand was white and then red aerp.*J her face. He put hLi arm around her and Jed her away. She was crying Uien and the long dioklnK sobs were nU mast as awful os thntJIrst lerrlble laughter.- ir was-Amelia'S face'tnntTfos'tne'

worst of all. There Imd been n BTlef nor horror on ll, Just n col look that made ll seem n.n dend a Eve'si Only once had Amelia show, any emoUon. When she hnd nlnrled in-Ro to Eve nnd Peter.'.on'.i hnnd

• - Bhoi out to grn.ip her wist, she hnd wrenched herrelf free ns ra.slly a* If her arm hnd been Imprboned In a filmy spider web.

KneellnB beside her ml.nre.i.i Uie had lined the clonk and thrown over Eve's back and shouldn Slowly »1'C Mood up. "¥ou'vc killed her.” she said. Each word wa.i nn Icicle. “Don't stare nl her now. She'd ratlier you kill her Uian tiare

I rubbed n clear space In sCeainy window Blas-i and peered out. We > ’crB crOMlng Forty-clBhth atreefTTould It have been only Inst night, only nine hours ago, that Carol and I walked past this street on our way lo Uie Uieat«r? My mind went hurtling back over those hours.

— *ctlnir'tc*nH'ln-iTur50iTie-drtall:“ I couldn’t stop It.

Thai static moment aft«r Amedla'i outburst which had teen Jnbbc' Peterson'# quiet curalns and hi vans' rough voice Barking lnu> the telephone. The men Irooplng In Irom the radio cats. Blue uniform* dotUnfC the stAge. herding us Into comers, stAndlftg over Eve's body.' Order* In brief, sharp tones.

Tht door swlnslQS to tkdmll wore men in unUorm, moro plain clothes men. the coroner, photogra- pher>. They liepl coming, a steady on«<way stnam through old Nick's Btaca door. And in the fcUey oUlAl e the mumbUns of tho quick •gathered

' crowd u d the Tvaffialng of the newipAperraen.

I had uivered cuesUcc*. ths

.iipstl'ons. until Uio word.i 1 Piwke hnd Inken on an unfnmlllnr sound nnd my Ihronl grew dry nnd biller. Over nnd over I iold my .ilorj-. I inld It to n mnn wlUi beetling eye-

V ridiculously gentle voice who wn.1 the Inspector, nnd tlio police stcnoRrnphor's pencil flew ncros.1 his notebook ns I talked. I told It lo n fnt detective serRcnnt nnd to a skinny rcd-hnlred one. I <lroned throuKh It agnln for Uie two .ipeclal liive.nllKntors from the Dis­trict Atiorney* office, one who fumed nnd snapped at me. one who lecmed to linrdly iklcn.

Jinx Contributes 'llior.B hours had Uio tlmele.vmeM

jf n'nlRliimiire. *Whcn for a mo- neni 1 hml sioort alone wnUhlnR iho coroner examine Eve. ll seemed that nil of It hnd been squeezed Into n few brief nrconds. Btil when I faced the barruKfi of seemlnBly endlcM fiueiitlotu 1 frit Hint my whole life hnd been rpriit In the stnBe ot tho Colony thentrf nnd tlinl tlio.ie words were' the only ones I had

.'or sixjken.Wo hnd hcnrd Ihe ncwnboy.i on the

slrrrl yrllliiB nbout the "Ulg •Jliniyler Molder" before Uiey hndl<'l I KO.

Now It wns over. Eve wns dend 1(1 Carol was alive. There hnd been itrrrsl.s. I kniird by hc»d wearily

•. It felt RO • ■ ts, Tlicn dead but It

vn.’.n't .. over, Somewhere, somijone, vns .11111 wiililnu to WH Cnrol.

n ie chb slopped In front of our ipitrimcnt nml we went In. JliVx wns atlInK cra'(j-lcRRed on the bench In Ihe lobby, hnlf n.nleep. He Jumped up

■ when the door slammed

wnnted to Inform him: we'd had jnoiiBh of miir.der fpr one nlRhl.

Jinx w in k ed ,^ of his popplnK eycvi nt Jeff. " I see you nlii'l srarrd of rldUiR with me no more," he chiirkled.

Jeff made a Jioble nltempt at llKhlne;-v "You're Uie safr.-.t pilot rve ever known. JInx; I never know fear wlUi you at the stick."

"Vou muiitn been ncnVed Sunday, You walked up nnd down."

"I wiu-<n't here on Sunday," Jeff said,

••.Sure. you,wn.i. Mr. Troy."1 snid, n little shnrply, "Tliere

wasn't miyone hero Sunday. Jinx. You've ROt your dnlc.t mlxeJl."

He looked puziled. "Yenh, 1 Kur,-»s t.0. Sorry."

We went Into the apartmenl and It wa.', a warm nnd plensanl con* tnust lo tlio bitter cold ouulde. I wcnl strnlBhl to the cnblnel under llir bullt-ln bookcn/',c.t and pul n bottle of Scotch on the coffee table. " I want a drink." 1 snld. "A good stiff drink. Do you?'

'-Yes." Jeff sold.Carol reached Into Uie cnblnet nnd

brought out a bottle of brandy nnd It shot Bln.u. Bho filled Uic glii.-vs ti the lop nnd gulped It down. It wa; Courvolsler and very strong. With, out evrn a Rrlmace .she refilled the glu-u '"nnd awnllowed. When you'd been IJjrouffli wjjnt that BJrJ fi.id. I thouKlii. you probably couldn't feel anytlJlnR, Suddenly she set the Klass down, walked r,lowly lo the window nnd stood nUrlng out. - ■

"If I hndn'l Ifft my wrap c iitnirn, Eve wouldn't hnvo put Kvr wouldn't be dend. Eve would •Hill be living nnd I . . . " She stopped nnd covered her ' ‘ 1th clcnchcd flsl,_J c ff— —shor—orbrnndy nnd followed her. "Drink Ihb,"

To be conUnued.

The Literary Quidcpost “srhr Ilnad of a Naturaliit," by Don. aid Culrou rcatlle; (Houslilon Mifflin: $3).Nobody ever .plcl« up n booV by

Donnid .CulroM Pcnttlc wlUiout holdlnR In hir. hand the Uckel

ndvcnlure In a slrniiKO land. It so wllh his ■••nie Itond of a

Nnturnll.1l." which Ll Mr. Pcutlle'r. contribution lo the new "Life in America" j.erlM which HouRhton Mifflin bcRan a few weeks Agnes Morley CIcnvcInnd's "No Life for n LadJ'," It would be ensy U .nhrug off Tlic Road- of a Naiur- iilLM" .with the cn.-.uiil remark that It U a "beaullJul book." It Is not

en.iy to say •why Uils rnpid (nnd nt the same time rnmbllnRi record hn.i the.force 11 certainly doe, hnve.

I l Ls not It ronvenUonnl nutobl- I I ntari.i wllh

a description of the desert at nlRht, and docs nol gel down to unj ' the tnct.1 of thr Ruthor's ctrly for <0 or SO poRM nt lensl. A InrRe

,p;in of thU enrly .lectlon Is cerncd. to be cxnrl, wllh Denth Valley and llie iX'ople 'v. lio loM ihei; llve.-i tlu-rc nenriy n huiiilrt'd year OBO, And wllh iht nltlll■^naku the iiuthor relucinntly Itlllcd one d:iy, the &mell of this pluiil, the lall markings of that bird, ilie look of we.'.lern vlllnge nt niKllt, the :.lrnnKC rclntlon-ililp of the Joshua-lrcc aiul Uie Pronuba moth.

Eventually one doe.i Rel down lo i citsual account of ,1’callle‘a child' hood In Chlcngo, and to ih' hnppy rclcii:c which came eaeli aiiinmcr when his molher look him lo Appalnchlnn.s. Tlio.%e MimnuTL ... the mould Uie miiii wu.-. to fill, iind. bi'.'ilde.i, thoyiwcrc fun. rio wcr( elder Pcntlle.s, one g;llh^r^—the faUier n sDRht, Reneroii.', IlanhlnR man; Uie moiher bur;.tinB off . her shlrtwabl buttons wiili vitality. Even Chicago served'a |i\irpo:,r. ul- Uiouch lo the boy It wn.s only 11 chill grny pincc. wllh l.;<kc Michluan booming away ouislde. nnd Ihi furnace Knawlng lump alter lump of coal in Uie ba-'.cini'ht.

Before Uie book eiuls you wll ^mvc picked up moii oI the. peril nenl fncls abOiit lis authgr. Uul you wlH hnve reen and fell i.ome' ifllnR more, which l:i the iiinRic of ( style which has n rhythm of It i own nnd which Is nmnrUiKly rich In Ui< words which iirou.M- in-lliiK. ecjv eritto imaKcs. and (.reittc ^ouiid.

P A U L•To Uupcrl — Mr; and Mrs. Alvin Indixn and fnmlly movrd^to Rupert, Ticre Mr. Mnd.' on I.1 in charijc of

the Dcno blact'.mlUi shop while Mr. Deijo Is, In California.

A.tt Club — The -l-W cluto Mrs. Ray Clark as leader met al the Clark home Friday afternoon. ML'.s &IIU1 Trlebcr. leader, nnd her •H club members. Shlrlry nnd El­

vina Zcmke. .Miirihn KInmm, Belly Vnnder 'Venter. Ruth WnlAon and Chitrlotlr Mnrle Triebc were spe­cial BUMt'p, Tlie nfienioon was xpeni In club work and Judging 4-H club f.cwlnR.

Club Meet« — Mrs. Jj'.-.:.e Craiin. leader, nnd her ■l-H cliib'nicinbcr.i, met nt, the home of Mr,i, Irene E>'r- aud Wednesday afternoon. An hour was spent In scwinn followed • by .Knmes played on the lawn.

lUtucxL.----Mbs Miin~Mn,xwcl!"rc-turned Wedne.sdiiy iiiter i.pciullnc three months at ihe home of her brother. Paul Maxwell, in Okla- IvoniA,

IlhnnU fiufNls.— Mr, and Mr.v Truman Hleele and thi-lr i.on dnuKhter-ln-law, Mr. nnil Mrs. John aicrle and lion, llnbby. of McL.ean.i- boro..!ll„ nrrlvrd 'lMc-,dny nnd v|f. Itftd at the; home of her brother. Wheeler McGill. ^

Barley Yield _ Mvln BelrsCh re- porl.1 hlr. barley from two ncrcs yielded OO bu:>hels to the ncre, on the Kntherliie Farworn ranch,, For Trealmeiit — Mr. iind Mn,. Rflv 'Fwl/is (hove to Sofia HjirlnKS. Mond.iy lo lat:e their baby to ihc Cnrlbot^or.piial for medleal trcitl-

VI-IU L'nc'lr — Mr. nnd Mrs, BUI Pierce o t, Iil.Miiarck, N. D„ vIMitd the past week al Uie home of his unclc. Jack MnrUn. on Uielr rflurn to North Dakou nfler vIslilnB his parcnl.i, Mr, nn.l Mrs, W. A, Pierce ot Porllftiid,

tletuni Home — Mr, nnd Mr.x AU' gui.t Cruiiiroy have relunied home Irom a two weeks' vnciitlo'n Ulp to Ogden, where they vLnllrd their son- In-lnw nnd dnuKhter. Mr. and Mrs, Louis Peler:.on.

To irawalf — Mr, nnd Mrs, Erwin Miles, who hirvc been vli.lUng here. lefL Monthly for n we;,t coai.l trip before lenVlnB Auk. 21 for, Hawaii.

Move — Mr. aifd Mrs,‘'Itidlord Mnrlon who were employed on the Warren HolllnKer farm, moved to Uio atWKf B])itrk.i J.irm the flnt of Uie monUi.

1: Solution Of 8ltur(lsy'i PuuK

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... I’raealclliv—Mrs. Mary Curl nnd Mi :-, .Mary Harris are Ih Pocalello. wlirTt Mrs, llnnln ti leeclvlng mcill' enl ireiilmenl.

Tr. Party—Mrs, J. U, Chatbuni hiKl :.on. Dean, and Mr~and Mrs. l.iitry Jlletto of Decio attended ihe wnlilini; i.hower, and danco held in Idjiho Fnlls-lpr Mr. nnd Mrs, Osftar Kii'lcl.',. Mrs. tlelds returned lo Al-

on wlih Uiem lo vhli.VMt»—Shirley Newman spent lasL fi-k In Paul. vl.slUng Bobble Keck.’ riah r.urst*-MRi. W. L. McBride id diiiiBhier, Marcia: Mrii. L. a .

Ne'-li-y and dauRhter. Barbara, of Toole. Utah, have been vlslllnR al the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wallace

Idaho Governor Again Looks For Potato-Pickers’ Scalps

roiSK, AUR. m Wf-IIold on lo your hill;;, folks. An Idaho governor Ti !i>ol;lnK lor polalo-plckers' scnlp.'i

.-.rn nnd Barzllla Clark, a brolher. !.li:-rd on chief cxecullvc.i of nelRli- borlliB .Miite.i 10 a sptid-Krabblm: coiii'v.t lotlay and hoiitd privately hr Mould como off belter Uinn Ilol- •loll rn nnd Barrllln.

i:viTy ;.o oftCTi Uie enslern Idaho .Mate lair bills /polalo-plcklng con­ic;.!. 'Ilic liuM was In 1133, when I3(>tioli;,rn was defeated by lywLi O. ilarmw.n. (hen Maine's Kovernor. la 10:!!1 llwrows. In I1L1 home palcli In Maine, ouu-.irlpped Darrlll. Clark.

This year qovemor Clia-ie Clark fecU more secure. He hasn't Invited tho formidable Borrows al all but- Uutcnd han asked Oovernor.s Ralph L. Carr of Colorado and Herbert Mnw of UlAl) eaeh to sporuor a po­tato plctfcr to vie with one of J1L1 own choosing at the Blackfool fair Sept. 15.

Maw has niaenled. So dark. In a letter InvlUng Maw U) a lour ot southeaatcm Idaho In connecUon with Uio event. exprc.i.sed doubts al U18 prowess ot Maw's man., "How Utah can be expected to produce a practiced polato-plcker haa nol been explained to me." he wrote. "However. I mipiw.e you mlRltl find one .somewhere up near the Idahorllne. or. perhajxi you have

celery) who could apjily Wi lalenU to )>otAto plcklnR." , •• " to Carr, who ha.i nol yel ac­cepted Uie Invitation, Clark wrote;

”0 { coiKMs. if ColoTodo docs uol grow any potatoes, and It you are unable to produce an experle'nced potato picker, then we will be Klad to lake Uie.se facts Into coii.ildera- Uon In our plans.

"My conte.itjint and I are pre­pared lo pit our.iclves flRaln.'.l all comers, and challenRe you lo pro- (luce a potato picker in compete with

UnJicenacd Dog . * , Brings on Fnie

PTocrasUnaUon fflsi f t ■w. Rodger, M

i S n V S .Appearing before Municipal JudRfl

4. O. Pumphrey, Rodger pleaded gullly lo the charso of harborlnu- nn unlicensed dog. and he was lined »3 and ordered to purehase the proper


radio broftdca.*;! picked up by NBC .said la.sl night Uial Berlin had an- noimced Uie deaUi In action of Lleuteniinl General Sultrjiian. liletl- llfled by the Rome radln ns com­mander of Oermany'flparachute troops.

Young Father Faces ■ Non-Support Court

A 5S-ycar-oId MurtauBli man. Il'iriJld Rnndell, waived preliminary henrlnB in probate court In Twin I*iilLt y*ilcrday on a charKo Uial ha tailed, lo provide for his w lf^jm d'’ two-nionlli.'i-old chllit and wiw held by JudRe C. A. Calley lo airi ’cr to Uie charRe In me dlitrlel court. I17 defuull of $200 bond, he was re mandetl to Uie sherltfi cu.'ttody. I






iKi3;:5WlN-Tt.B h tU A C^ANC6TOA\A«! rRAME JJH5I.E A-np/FORTUNS./-^ PCftr CF MKJX • ^ INTCRfiSTBJ? euAws..,.

'ru . tsfve >taj A loc* « ceATMV CNTEHPfOSe.ANDrf' 1WN you W 6 -M££





Idaho D irector Explains P ro ­gram to Provldo Public

W o rk Schedule .


n»Uon «wftkenj fro mlU ‘Jefewo •pending »prw) »»t«r Ibe Iho p'ubUc work iMcrvo cxj>ccU wme- ihlng more U»»n leaf-raklnB projceta to «M« the hwigover

E. P. HorsfftlL ld*no PWR direc­tor, explained Uic new pr«^r“ « day «a InWndcd to provide a iedertl public work scliedule o^cr » nU-yciir term, wlttt projecU revUed cacli

*1118 acUvlU'. which 1» pwt of tho federal works sBuncy wlU» & C. SmlUi M naUonaUdlreelor. wlU en- courage and a«*lflt »Uio and local unlU of government, Including coun- Ue», munlclpallUei, 4cljool. road and IrrlKation dUtrlctJi In preparing plaai for Improvcmcnli nnd services and claMlfylnH Uicmiu JirRent. prcf crabic and deferable.

LcMsni of £iperlenea • "During the fftrly 30'»." Hor^fall explatnrd. "we law a work program AUd<len)y thrown into ncUoii wltlioul advance planning. Tlic result was UiBt in many easen we didn’t Bci full vnlUB for our dollar. It U to nvold le^f-raking and other 111-advised projects Uiftt we have decided upon this program.”

Horsfnll. former stale admiiibtrn. lor of Uie old emcraeiicy relief ad' mJiilstratloo. and connected at vari­ous times with both the w'ork pro­jects administration and tlio public

—aarks artminlauratlon. sald.lhejilaii^ ninit would be based only upon the financial ability of Uie governmental unit concerned, with no outside fllstance.

"It 1* our Intention ’to secure and mnlntjtlti a nationwide listing of all potential public work, wlUi devel­oped plans and cpst estlmate.%, re­viewed and revised from year to yenr," he explained. •Then, if and

- when a serious tmemployment situ­ation occurs, an adequate number of worthwhile proj’ects of all types willbe immediately available to permit prompt proeeeiiUon of the work In

'.orderly fashion when and If fundifor flnnncliiR the work have been provided either from local or federal sources."

To IKnefU StaleIn such tJmca a governmental

unlfs planning for two or possibly three years might be telescoped into '13 months, KorsfaU added.

Oovemor Clark added his endone- mcnt to tho PWR program, declar­ing “we ought to be prepared with all projects that are of benefit to the state."

Adding he thought it a "very fine thing," Clark pointed out Improve- ments planned Uirough-PWR would not necesssrtJj— bo-cuiiiplisti'U I WPA. PWA or any existing Icderi agency.

Contemplated aro school bulldlns.', armories, roads, soli conservation Improvemehtj and. other public works.

PWR will work in cooperation wllh tlie stale planning board head­ed by Reclamation CommUslocer Z. V. Berg.

ExpcsslTe Policy • State Treasurer Myrtle P. Enklng wishes thB legislature would mend lt« methods of issuing bond. She pointed out a reccnt issue of (GS9,li» for state In.iUtuUosat Improvements made the bonds callable at the op­tion of the treasurer at any time over a 30>year period, provided they

' wertn’t called wJtMn two yean after Issuance.

The stale could obtain lower In­terest rates, Mrs. Enklng declared, If the bonds had fUed redemption dates varylRSo^m .two to 20 yean, Tlicn ui tnvesMr could determine for how long the-securities would provldo a reservoir for his funds.

Blsler Llqaer FrieetA reccnt opinion by the attorney

Keneral's office (ippenred today to indlcato an Increase In the pricd'of

wholesale price of Uiclr j)roducts as delivered to the staU dlspeiuary, not on the f.o.b. price. That would mean the linuor conecms would be paylnK 20 per oent of their tran.1- poruuon and warehousing - costs over again in the form of taxes. It would, ,Uiat is. If they actually were paying Uie tax. At present, accord­ing to officials they ostensibly are paying Uie Wx but have increased Uielr prices to Idaho sufficiently to compensate. '

Some companies already— liaff based prices on .the delivered quota­tion and their brands will not bo boosted because of Uio opinion.

At any ralo the liquor dispensary, It was said today, wlU not raise any prices to coniumer* until late fall,

. when a new price list will go out wlU) Increases the distillers say nro necessllaled' by higher producMon costs.

Left out of reccnt speculation .. eardlng DcmocraUc candidate* for United States senator next posing John Thomas has _ _ Owen T. Btratton of Salmon. Yet Stratton, former Lemhi county ten- ator, announced his candidacy while tho legislature sUU was In session.

‘Ride’Em Cowgirll’

MAItGlK ORELNOUOII, whose apt.caraiice with her tl.ilrr, Allir, will Le a lililillihl of the milen In conjunc­tion with the Twin FalU cennty fair, b shown lirtt-no the hurricane deck of Bwier, wldely.knovrn 1 fng horse. • . -

Famous Montanans to Appear Dui-ing Rodeo Event at Filer

A major feature of this year's .. deo in conjunction with tho Twin Palls county fair will l>e appearance of tho Grccnough Klrls from a fa­mous Montana family, Thomas Parks, secretary-managcr o f tho an­nual event, announced last night.

They are Mlsse.i Alice and XfarBlo OreenouRh of R«d Lodse. Mont.. who will ride bucking horses from the regular.Leo Cramer string. In­cidentally, Mr. Parks pointed out tills Is the fifth year that the Cram-

(TTOup is coming to tho Twin

nights of S ................. ........... .Ailcc OrccQough has won the brono

garden Uircc tlnVea and has rianen In exhibitions In Prance, Spain, Australia and England.

Margie “Good" Too 'While, perhaps', not aa"tamoui as

her older sisier, Margla Ic conceded by cowboys end rodeo fans alike to bo the equal of her sister, Alice, and all agree that the.ie two girls have no equal on the hurricane .deck 'o! a bucking horse.■In addition to the glrU. are Uiree

brothers who have all attained na­tional recognlllotu in rodeo contests. The older of tho three.rotlrrt from tha arena to become foreman of Montana's Isrk'est cattle ranch while Turk and Bill still carry on In Uie best Oreenough tradition. Turk has won the riding events at most of tlie country's major shows prior to 1028,

when world's chsmplon.ihlps bfftnn to bo designated by the Ro<Ifo As­sociation of America, he was rfcog- nlied at a chlmplon by the proJcj- slon. The two boy.i have aiipfnrcil al previous Twin Falls county ri lros and are planning on entering the professional bronc riding conic'y hero In Septenjbcr. Tlie father ol these, outstanding bronc rldern Is Ben Oreenough. lie is ntlll active ns a cowboy'despite his 7i year* of regular duly. *

Widrly Known__In tha past (ev years numerous

articles and plciiires of this famoiu of rodeo families hav peared in the New Vork Times, New


$ 35 ,00 0 D ehydrating P lant to Handle Onions, O ther

ProductsCALDWELL. "idalTo. Aug. 18 (/}'.

Work will start tomorrow on a tSS.- 000 vesetable drhydrallng plant two mlic.i west of Caldwell. Charels Lnu- rensoM. secretary of the Caldwell Cliamber of Commerce, announced today.

Tho plant, to be built by J. R, Slmplot fif Burley. Idaho, will be the

kind In Idaho


Idaho American LcQion Hears National .Commander

a t Convention. BOISE. Aug- 10 — Nationol Commander MUo J. Warner of the ^lericon Legion called today for a "clear and concl; e ntutement from Ihfr-prc.'ildeiit now" to inform coii- frreM and ihr iiiibllc how tho eight polnt.1 arrlvrd at by Prcjildent Roone- velt an''. Prlmr Mlnlnter Winston Cliurchlll may be applied.

Warner, wlio nrrlv.-<l io<i«y for tlie opening of Uip 23rd iinntial state LcRlon convention, added hr hop«l congress would not rece.vi but would *Uy in seislnn “long enough to hear recommendallon. from Uie prc.'.KIrnt and act upon tliem immertliitely . . . gelling behind him IM) per cent and eliminating partl-.annhlp entirely.'

Commaniler Cenlen Oiicnlng'xlay event-i at Uin con­

vention cenlere<l chiefly around tJie national commander, who was wel­comed by Stale Commander Harrj- Christy and a vanuiiiird of some 20( LeKlonnalrc.i of the ai>proxlmot> 2JOO ex-.-,ervlcemen niid ihelr wlvt .ichc<Uilr<l to attend the flvc-day meellnB. •

A rerei)tlon iintl IwlI were held for Warner and tomorrow he Li tii mal:e

S public addre.w on his obicn'ivlloiw laM .-vprinK of iCiiKliind's clvllliw defen.\e effort. Qihrr Leirlon affairs lo<lay lnclude<l rM:i;.trallon, a rchii- bllltatlon roiifereiiro iind service of- ficrrn' Nclinol.

Tomorrov.. In micllilon lo Warner', -•'pcech. a child v.-eirjire conference iind a child welfare lundieon are 7:ehPdincrtrir-mi.-fH-b>'~ui(nj6ti3

nx of the Ainerlran Legion band, memorial senln- and a promen­

ade. banquet, jinnulr and wreck by the Forty anti r.luhl. Legion fun organiavtlon.

On' the convention proRrani ___re Stephen r. Cliadwlrk of Se.-vltle,

former national commander, who U I sjieak Tiie5day,\an<l Rep. Jlenry , Dworshak- in\ldalio), former ale commander. \

Behind Admlnlitralion Warner, in commenlltig on Uie

president’s hlitorlc mecUng on Uie high seas with Britain's Chiirclilll, declared Uie Legion wa.i behind the administration foreign policy and added his

lantlc oiilpoil.t for the benefit of hemisphere defenM- Uicn Uir occu­pation should be iiiidri t^kcn. .

Warner admltle<l "no one w'ani.n a shoOllug war" bill ir.-.riled Ihr U'- Kion belkvn' thr iKitloii r.lioillil t>o fully projiAicd to (U'li'iui the Amcrl-

and be "rciAlv- to Iljilil Jf ni- cc-viiry,"

We're for nll-nut ,defeii.-.e." hr coininrntc'd, "\Vc‘ wn’ni o

navy In ix.,iiiiiii m 1h .•Ithoiit hrinK ,'.linrkled

zled. We mii.'i ,bp able lo defend ouf

• army

•••aid the U kIoii had laki'i In iniiUKuratiiii; comminiity, and nailnniil hnme <lefen;.e

proKfatii'. ulilcli lire rnordlnatrd the otiictal pn)i;rum of I

sovrrnmc-iii.Meantime, olhrr cvcllls In I o’.vdpd convent lull jironrain w iiile niidy by roniuiiticrmcn

charKe, Amoni: the hl;:hllKhl.i 'to be a piira<le Mdiuliiy night dr- veliiplng Uie thruip—-'America worUj dc-fer.dlni; " I-\irty-onr bii»l-

hoii:,t» lue t.ikiiiK part.

Coniiuton. Utah: and IT70 for ono ■ by J, Kj Madsen. Mount Pleas-

Utah. Mrs. l^lld^pelh. the only an' buyer, paid »573 for clKht

iii-rl(-anri a(;j«nd iiiwi II livelihood than any L-iinimoilliy.

. N E W L O C A T IO N -Or. 3. E. LanrenwBltcr

Physiclao-BDrtMn s nai Mored Office* Frotn 20S main Avenlia Z$jiU U

' S3« Third ArrnBO Nortb . I’ bono 89Z-W

Kanis Briiij; Hijili Pricc

ALnUQUKROUn, 'n , M., Aug. in M’l—.'joiillnve.'trrn ;lii'cpii\rii ii:iKI $IW,10U f<ir ■on hr.a<l of purcbnM r;vm.i nnil rwe.-; nt lh<- Hnnilal Nriv Mexico rani ^a!e ye.itordiiy niui H. II. Hcnmg, clrrk, aniither 100 to I,W could havp lireii ;.nUl If available.

'Ilic avi-r.iHc price wa% about *10 hlnlier lliiiii last your whrn.'.oijie :,IX> :inlm:ih li ne .-.old.r.iild- liiMvy tleniand for piirebieil f.lierii iKi-iiiiiiied for thr Miiallrr number ollerrd and for the Ini-rm.-.e In averaKe prlceii. • ^■ Top price of IJB5 wn;. p.ild bv i;d- wanl Gutlriim of Rinwrll lor a Rniii- boiilllet buck offered by Cluy atiim- batlgh of the Deer lx)dK<- I'arm com­pany, Doer Lodge. Mont.—I_D..UuilipcUi.of-S(JJKmaii;-Arli, paid next lilgh with S30n for a Rjini- boulllel buck iiold by W. H. Ilansrn,

.nipport whatever congre.vi and the pre.%ldent fe\l was nece.viar>' lo .fend Uie Afnerlcss, By that reihark. he -lald. he meant If It were ne sary lo occupy Dskar and other-

LusterizedC L E A N I N G


— D 0 3 S -

Are TaHdng about tin N n Geiie^ Ebctric Rang! with the ;‘FLAVOR-SAVER" OVENIHBE'S WHAI IKY S«Yi^ (

M Y C A K e S

DOffTDKfOUT^ A N Y M O R e i

MrytMno Stays lo d«an . . . ood tin food tastM to goodiNow you cin eoolc “pfire* ro*it», pin, nke> ntry tiist. h'l leillr eg>7 with t Gciicrsl Eltciric Ringt. Ill "Fisror-SaTcr" Orto itjli-ia tnoljture. flivof. Ii» D*cp Well Cooker lirt-ilhtmi 'r«g<< iihlo. me»ei. Iti Broil»t gim jcpu _i«'er*t»*k*“witb-*-"eiar*o«iitr*- hroil. Let at >1>ow fou our oiher (utum of ilii< eleia, cool, hit, low-cox tity to took bciiu octli,



COME I N A N O t U m e NEW "


D eT m 6 IL € R ’S"Even/thins; to Makt LM nff i io re PltatanV

Weekly", and. countless periodical. Margie Oreenough'ha.-i been moit outstanding during tho latter pan of this rodeo sea.-«n due to the fact that' early in July a bucking horse fell witb'her'whllo in the chute and brsko her arm. Since that Ume she hat appeared in some of tho leading shows riding bucking horses wlUi one am In a sling. The arm that was broken was the one she used to hold on to tlwi buck rein. Since this arm has been broken she -hoa been compelled lo change lo the other. It is generally known Uiat all profes­sional bronc riders ride with

jvmcdcait ibe-flr.it In the wc-itcmjside of-callfomtTT '

Slmplot .laid that onions would be the key product to be handled, al­though potaifvs and oUier veget­able alio may be dehydrated.

............... 3 rid f without her freeartn but duplto her handicap she has ridden continuously wlUiout any mliliBp, according to Mr. Parka.

New Biis Fleet for Schools at Jerome

JEnOME, AUK.. 18 - Eight QMO school busses for 'use of Jeromo school district, will be delivered here sliorUy, ready for the opening day of niliool. Sept, 2, The bussea

contract for Uio bus transportaUon for Uie school dLitrlet thla year,

Mr. and Mrs. William X. Spaeth, William Spaeth, Jr., D. C. Summers, Qud Henry. Richard 'Woodhead, Plank BurkhalUr, Harry Pyron. H. O. Woody an'd Floyd Doddall, left this week for Indiana and will turn wiUi Uie new vehicles.

Final Sermons for Minister at Buhl

BDIIL, Aug. 18 The Rev. J D_. ilarden. pastw of Ifie Huhl Chris- llan church, will preach his Ilnal sermons Sunday at the morning and evening aervices prior to going to Phillips University nt Etfld, Okla., to eoroil In advanced study and post eraduato work for hla master's de­gree. and to be In charge of a itu- dcnt p a s ^ a ti. ..........................

The IUt. and Mrn. Hoxden and their children plan to go to their, new home the fore part of next

Many farcwelT'courtcalea have been given la honor of tho Hardens. They have been guesta at a sumber of dinners at homes of the pastorate, “nis '^ouns Matrons club honored Mft. Harden at a Uagerie shower last PHday at tho home of Mrs.

Glen Buckcndorf, with Mrs. noy Strickland as ossUUng ha Uiss. Clfu were prfsenled Mrs. Harden and her three children, Treva, Carol and David,

On Wedneidny afternoon a chil­drens parly was given at the pork honoring Uie three Harden children. The purly was in chargc of Mrs. Wolter Me.«ley, head of the primary department of Uie ChrisUon church.

On tiunday noon, following the morning service, a ba.nkct dinner for all members and their families will honor the Hev. and Mrs, Harden. Itev, Mr. and Mra. yju-den were to be honored Ruesl.n o f hla Sunday school cIkm at Uio home of Mr, and Mrs. Tom NCR-bry this evening. ’

lattle Buyer Covers Check That Bounced

Hum Kurl,' 31, Twin ITalls catUe buyer, was released yesterday morn­ing from the Twin Falls county fall, foliewing-paymenb-of-S'-ISO-check. plus fine, costs and % telephone bill. Ha v u picked up Trlday by county officials at the request of Sheriff ArUiuriCsvlness.of 'WeUer.

Kurl spent the night In the county Jail after he asscrtedly wrote a $30 check without rufflclent funds, and paid a IIS fine, as well as U court eojU'aiid ft'»l,7H phono bill.' The' fine and costs were Imposed by Uce T. aaHegher of'Wciser.

ONE W E A K link spoih « chain — . one policy poorly written, or not written nt all, thrcatena 't f ir snuqci- no.sH o f the insurance nn your properly and bii.sinc.sH. It'fl tho weak link in in.surancc tha t may cuusc nn uncxpcctod loss.

For,, sound protection you

require itiauranco' thiit is

comprehensive — ask this

Hartford aprency lo plan



i P i A V i Y - TABER CO W A R M B A T H


Brlntr your sannento to us at the old stuRo depot end aave 20% for caah and carry. You’ll Ret fauIUcu eleaninsr and we press clothcs to

• fit you better.



Try worm baths— plenty of soap— during hot weathflr. TouH

bo amoxcd how much better you’ll feel, how much pep and comfort

thin aimplo routine will ^ v e you. When you get home tired and hot, .

rplnx in tho soothing depths of a lukewarm bath. Tt'a. swell for

summer comfort.' ‘

And If you don't have an automatic clectric wft\cr hcatcrJn your...

home, InvcfltJgnte it today. There'll bo an almost unlimited’supply ol

warm water on hand, instantly ready fbc baths, washing, scrubbing

_cIcanlDfiLor_tmy.thlng else. N o hoine Is complete without one.


l O A H O y p O W E AMUCH-Ccm a« UTTLti


S W S W U Pg C T l A L G l

M ajority of Leaders Sliohtiv Higher a t C io s c of

W eek’s Trading ■


Markets A t A GIgnco

BY DF31NARD S. 0'HA!l\W YORK, AUK. 10 (.T--ni murltel ItMliiv-fliiWicd nnollic

i-ilrltUnK week wWi taint nil) ,s at rccovcry.Uttic Itttp blddliiK f(ir nlccU, nio

rBlla, rubl)cra niicl iltled Cl kllKlilly lilKlicr c1o:.r fi

.. .najwliy or leiulerr..The Awoclnied Prc:.a nvcniKr ol GO

slocks emtrKCil with ii net tjuln o{ ' of R poltil nl 42.0, 11.1 hccond ndvitr of ai mucli III Uic IcnKlliy siiilriin B-IiJeh JiiJr ??- On ihr h'i'Uie eompoalie .iliowrd a net lc>;j of of a point. .The dny'i tiimovi-r' 110,000 ihvenwyt one ol II;C5l of tlie Tcitrmill conijia 321.110 a week ono,

Tne week's \ctbiick wili ntlrlbiiti to pcralstcnl worrlea over tnxea iir upretidlni: Kovcrnmcnul coiliro: fenrs Uje NntLi were aucceecllnu :



T U R N O fN W A R DM a r k e t Encounters P ro fit

fa k in g and Adjustment of Accounts

UY I'RANKUN MULLIN ' iiCAC'O, AiiK. 10 M’;—After 4rI ic jiticniiu to contlmie yesterduy'i

iiicc. wlicnt prlcea Uxiny encoiin- 1 wrek-cnd profit Inking. hctlK-

ir Mili'i.' nntl ndjintment of nc mi!.-, iliia cnuaed tlie murkcl ic itiiii for net Ios.1c. of iw much os r ni II l)ii;.liel. Prices rloaed very Hr clKinKcd compared wltli n weelt

flour dciiiiind. foUou'InR lit lioiivy purchu.'.es. unceruinty It fiirm proBrnm developments. itiiiiR pre:.irtent n\ ncvlnn on Hie

II "lo frrew" Kovornmrnt when kn. anti likelihood al 'lncrense

iiiury fiffcrlnus m prices npproncfTIII levcb were wcnkctilnB fMlora.

liciit clo;,e<l S-1 cent lower Ihiir iTdiiy. September tl.in-,. De. h-r corn S, - -i

September l l ' j . December ; ont.i !t-S off: oybc!lns

■ • iff nnd inrd

Livestock M arketsmijiarcd V

Soviets, nnd continued iipprel: o^er Ihe likelihood of nn cxplor.lon the Far Enat.

In todfty'a short airctch J. S. SU-' Belhlehrm and YounK;.town She hordened aa ihc belief nro.se tl atceL-i mny have been oversold c U)0 Uueaiencd /.crap iJiortuKc.

On the ioalnc end wtrc l ii . 'JSaiFtnlcal. Da Pout. Johns-.MniivllI

E»*lman Kodnk. Amer/c.n phone and Douglas Alrcrnft..Bonds and cominodltirs wi

ed. Cottoirflnlshed 5 to 20 • baJe hleher.


Slock Averapfcs

Trend of S^p les

cnVBIWHRNT UI)M>H / YOHK. Au*. I* (.»—Ilnii.l.




Quklilly>r. dolltn >frIDS 10 msH.Tuiixilrni pAwiUrMl, «1

Snake R iver ReportTwin Fall.> ,\larket8

<;<«dinr iT.>j"-t ____Mtln»r South I'I.I* ___ :<;™>dln» VniJtTl ____

■ r.' :

«h.Il»r la lll.ckft-M ---

Beal Estate Tracsfcrs

_Pumlthe<l br tha Tgln Fnlla__|‘ZtUfl itnd AbtUact Conpnnj’

Friday, Alieuit 19 Deed—Buhl St<ite Dank to R. c.

Palmer, »1CW. WH NE’ iS W ;

Deed—T. V Co. 1 to V. Jewett, Lot t & 5WUNWU 1 13 10. KO. .

• Decd-W. H. Murphy to C. B.Murphy.- »1. PL Lot 0. Moorman'

. F»t. Add. to T. p. .Deed-M. E. Olbbs to J. W. Wilson,

I m . LoU 14 & NH L9t JS. Dlk. 51,

Deed—C. • 1*. Anderson lo L. E. Hinton, MJOO. 'W'i SW'.i 17 10 IB,

DMd—W. A. Orsy to D. E . .^ * . tuek.tSOO. Pt Ot Se<i SEM 90 0 ^

Denver B(!aiis


Courteiy Kreil C. Kjrtner, Onlan I’aclflo trclKht asent. Twin VaH.,

Cnrloiiil .Milpmrnt: :omnio<Ilili-.-i I(ir Am;

Calilwell dlMrlinpea-n ' )nlnnr.

Twin r«lb Idaho I ‘iiH:. tll;.irki-l>e;is Shi|im.;ni.i (or AtiK. H:

— CftUnvrll iltslrlct — Onltiii% ■!.

Utah dIMrlct-Pntnt 1.


Koodlnt 'k i)roii

the lops, with no head'of 1. 203, meellne Iha^lawi.

.ailC.tOlaLRXlChL.ttUi-47.74i.l«i^d the tolnl amount uiu,• rromoted—Jim I.. Diidlry. wn ol Mr. jind Mrs, M(\v Dudley of Wen­dell. member of company f. 7ih Inf., I'yirt 1/CWl, . hii!.-Veeii promofrd to Uie rank of corporiil,' nccordlnK lo word from hl.n comniaiulinK offli Caplnin Donnlt E. mittlnK.

Two Kirlcken—Tko major oper- ntlon.1 In the same family In one week feem to ;«! Quite cnnuRh, ae- cordlns to Uie McCloud family. Tuesday;. Mr*, Mnrrel McCloud un­derwent ftnoltrc operation: Wednes- dny. Tliurlow. lO-ycnr-oId r.on of Mr. nnd Mrn. Keith T lcCloud. uas raihed lo the liospliBl for nn bmersency nppendeclomy. Both are aftlie St. VnlenUne'a hospltjO,


led t 3 lotti

PO T A T O E SriiiCA<;o rnTATOKH

Church Iiislalls ‘O rgatroir Siion

Inst.TilaMon of nn Kvrrrtt Orfia- Iron has lieen iiulhorlr.nl by mem- bcrs of Jmmnniiel I.iiiticriin church, nccordlnir to Rlrhi.rd Wrtirnrr, or- Krtn committee chairman..

Details of the piirai«-,e htive hern comp!etff(U_hy 'the commlllrp In eharse nnd the nrdcr has been ])lac- ed for Ininiedlate drllvrr>' of thr In- slrnment. It will be n inrije two- mnnunl f^Ean. rqiilpiy-,1 with echo board nnd^s^-ake.r nrranRrnicnt for thp moihcrft room and niQiinicr.V room with micrnphfines for the nltar nnd piilplt. with n .•■n nf ;.lx ear-' phones for tha^e whrr«re hard of henrlnc.

Decision lo hv.iall thl.' equipment followed a i.ubr.lnnlliil Incrp.ve In reKuIar church nttentliince ntler re- mwlellnK aiul ciiUirKrmrnl of Ihe church bulldlnu il'irlnc the pnst year.

Recovering: From Ordeal •

.SK OK THK TWO SUUVIVORS of an ordeal In which ahe walehetj llxB tflallvrx *n\l Iwp ftltndii o{ h»at and ihlr>t In the Sonora dr>rrl south of Yuma. Aril., 19'ycar-old bocorro Cornejo wa-i rrcov* rrlMf In B Turn*. Arlt_ hnnpltnl. The tngtdjr wat CUcoyrrril by an lllnrranl peddler whn fnunil Uin victims ilx-ilajri after llirlr lru(g<

nf lannllne on a dnnlate stretch ot HUCamIno Del DU^o» Ulchway).

G R A N G E F U R R O W STiirncd'by-ihe-Grange Plow -----------------


ChrmurRlc dl.splny and tho • .Mr, Overstrerl of 13olu-, ii r nf the , Ul f of Ihc Idaho

. nl 1 t SlveliiK to Ihlnk nboui mil Imve loo much fulth in rallve iwwers of Ihln almo'.t ■vhblc nanaeen for the Ills

Pcrhapn--wc ihoiiltlr tlie 1 1 pani: thh

of n tiMlv.1;intnn riv nnd I do not rhi murKy Is such in any .'.cire. me II Is a well dlfri:ltd rlforC

pari of lndu.Mr>' ti;h Mhcmselves and the farmer, .1 bv prnvUlInc thenr.elviv, ulth vl Amerlenn Krown ••.ubMliulcr. for • raw materlali thiil fotmcrly nr Irrm forclKn coimlrlt-,’! nnd nt ' :amr time maklnK a Krriiter

niiiket for their mnmifaetiired :i>ikIs by kcepUm more numry nt iiinic. and .second by crenthiR ft iiiar-

, tor .Mirplus tnrm pro<liicts luiil iln lenvln'B more 'mnncy to he ■iil.tor the.goodii.UiHl Uiey in;il:r.

riil^ 1% all perfrctl}~lert«iwttT*+iiil-mcy ■ .......

Of c c Iher •will 1 I’ thatw ill Me In this nn ulterior motive nn the pnrt of lndu:.tr>’, ns they will always view with fu-splclon any ndvanees niftile by what we choo'.e to call "blK buslne.'i.',." To nil nuch.

ly benrfll.s will linve to come before they will be nblc lo sec any Koo<l In the proRrnni.

I)e'er>’etl Crrilit- .........I to me only fair Ihnt-.-.ome

dosrec of Kood Inlenllhn Nhould he credited to all wcmhiK klndne.v.r-., from • whatever i.oiircc they inav

lalnly there are many InduMlrlal le:idrrn who have proven In ‘ the eonduei ot their huMnesirn nnil trentmrni of Ihflr einployei. thill they are slnerre In their e/forts

help ncriculturr and noclety. ’IVuemny t ■s Ihev ■r nl! V

nt leatrSClc dnwp, B«t Uinl <loe%n'l. « hat they arc not Mncere. I. m> nave on oci:n!.1nns felt that t propofllion I have propounded ba.-.ed on prcmbr.i ihnt werf nt I

•ml-nrld. when as a matter of fact, II wns nlmoM ^aturalcd mIu lion ns fnr as I!.-, f.oundne.w v.’a,i con cerned, Y.;i I would have bee. Krlcvcd terribly If anyone would

questioned my j.lhcerlty. TliercCUttlllF II win ;

that •^rt of net up was ROlns too

her wli%Md I miKht want Hltle H cverylhli

COOd,Well I ’ve lii-cn down to the Dairy

Show and have been r.o pleased with-what I ;-iw that I. "ain't mad nt nobody," it i.-; really n Krcnt i.how nnd hope \mi are the same, llnvr met some Oranne folks whnm 1 have

years, and have en Joyed nieelliiK some of my nelKh' bors wliom I ' ha\* not seen foi month.s. Farmers are thivl wnv wher Ihey net hiiw: You-may.iiot-eujoythU much, but It will ............

,111 U krep yoi. . nlBhLs like the war news will, So Ju.st sll back nnd sort nf rela:

Tlie Granne folk.i nre provlnc ictni;elves sood hosts or hosle.'I.ncs,

perhaps I shoiiIM .-.ny. for the women ■m to he dolnfi nil the hasthiK.

...iftt wlUi pourlne coffee, ruatllni: tnble f.en’lre lor those who thoUKht

pot luck wns a menl served M rltry s tlie mo.H fnmou* hostelry serves

It-s patrons, cutilntt the pie nnd rnke Renerally looklnR after cveo'- Jilnk. And the cows nro much nuteler than Worthy Olds^who tr. ‘ he movlnif spirit In the Dairy Show, ind Ls ns nervous ns a hen wlUi me chicken. Most everyone with

WANTED^Representiitive to offer stock of Mining ■Company. Offic(?l-s and Directors among leading- men in industry. Mine producing and sliipping. Mohey to be used for mill machine'ryv


FORST & COMPANYIdaho 'Brokers

_____ Conlincn'lal Bank BuildingSalt I ^ e City

whom I have talked Aiiys the shou fine educational teatiire. bu

what docs iiuch a oillllt co:.t? Om would nolMleed .luch iiii HatSorali actup on n common farm, I drank

le of the milk nnd If .Ihnl 1- mUied .some old fiimlllar

flavor that I had come to exprci In illk. Maybe 11 was tho'.e lltilc

bacteria bURs, and maybe It wa; Just plain ni— r.omettiliiK rlt'.e. Aiiy

ny believe 1 could leiirn to likt ean milk ns I got lu.cd to it.

On A Par In the mailer of dolnR thliiKs

Klmbcrl.v. Diihl. Filer niid Ilollh.tei ire about nn n par. ’lliry all'vhll ,nd’ work nnd fix up projrct-s

work out. and when the Dan GrmiKe potnt.1 arc counted up. Uiry will nil be In there IrylnK for thi banner,

d when you are liunlliiR for GrntiKCs to heave the flnwcrr. at. tnv nl lca.',t n few, diindyllons to th< vLillhiK GrnnKcrs from far off point: like Dietrich. Rupcrl, CoodhiK an< r*hrer—ltanaBtiu».JaUleuiacuiei6- 10 quit In the flsldii nnd do chore;

to n Grancc meelli ,. by moo o'clock. 70.n0lfj or i.o from the farm, Wc on lhl!i tract wh.h lo pxpn-M our appreclntlon to thi for the sacrifice ihnt Uiey make Kcl to the Diilry-Show. We bellt.. thry will be reptild by whal they :.rr nnd heor ns well n.i by the In- ereii.-.e jn Interest they will hnvp ir their own Ornnces, Several havi .inlil the ChrmurRlc dLiplay wn;

for'Uiflr tjjpe llki-d espeelnlly thr Cedar Drnw Orange IndU .

• IL-. to drink. Not niarj'y folks at Cedar Dravv. hut they nre nil :ct.v. Wish r.onir of Uie other; Id think to make Iced tea. thouRli

Ilrhielnc hi Sheave*. The UoUl;,ter tolks Rte . imUn?; .-.ln;axtix at tlie OriinKO hall next 'I’up dny niRhl ‘and want nil the araiiKcrs out lo help. And over at Plirr Ihey worked at the srtlne Job m iny nlRht, nnd Ulcy were reall; RolnK to town wlien I dropped In oi them after the Dairy Show thii nli'.hl. Pretty busy time for tin GrnnReslhat exhibit atihe Fnlr, bu thry nl! .seem lo enjoy It imd llki thf money they receive In premiums

’ITirv had (lulle a lime out nt Fair' vl<-w i-iWny nlKhV, -Kllh the ileRrei tram worklnR nn a larRc class o eamlldates, A Rood crowd was out, so I henr. for I wns'at.Uie Dnlry •Show nnd misr.ed thr mcctlnB. Pplr- view Is the ho.M GmnRC at Uie Dairy -Show Wrdnerday nlRliU And by the wny, lolk.v a:.k your neighbors to fonir lo the sho'tt- the nlcht you nro rnicrt.TinlnK, And the commlttce In th;iri;c of.ihe Dairy Show wishes It iinitrr.Mood that nil Grnnse meet- JnE% iire_oprn to tli'e Keneml public, nnd you do nol Ijavr to bt ft' amrirrr to iMiriKi tiie.ie meetlnRs. Aa to Uie f-l'ccliil iilRhts when oUier (troups are holfliMK meetlnRn. I can nol say. a:, I undcr.M.md they arc poylnu for thrir ;.<Tvicr and you possibly would havn 10 have an InvltnUon U you wb.h lo attend on ono cf UieaoniRht.'.,


spells satL'ifacUon lor' every car owner nnd profit mftletn* for every mechnnlc. See us for ever}' need In Renulna parts in iRnltlon ftnd carbu- retlon.

d e l Co -r e m y —AUTO-LITE—A-C BENDIX— ^ PAltTS iVi STOCK

V^itc, wire, phone o r ■

call a t


Phone''£3 9 4;^ Nn t to P. O.

6 6 Boys and Girls Gain 3 ,8 Pounds Average in

W eightBUHL. Amr. l(i—Suniliiy w m Vs U\i

cloning of thU year's cump at the VcCliLskV memorlal'health cnmp ai lluhl. and Uie OS children are ga- thcrliiR up ihelr opiKuxl. handiwork and trewiures, and aiarUnB for ‘ lomcs'ln Uie various coufitli. . iouihcrn Idaho, Many pareht-i will :ake thclr children home In cars ind oUicr children nre ROlnR by bui and train, the last conllnBcnl. lo..fic

I ll:tO ji. m.. by bu-s to couiUij;Ml.Mrs. L. W. D.pnln. malpon, re-

. orts n highly »ucces.sful camp Uil; year, and Ls well olcaxcd with tht Balfw Uie children have made nnd Uio cooperaUolV.exlciidcd. Tlie camp personnel c.ipeclally wbhed lo lhank nil who conirlbuled fruits and veKC- tnbles. - Uie Idnho Power company for Its contribution of elcctrlclly. Uic Buhl Peed and Ice company for storaHe apace, C, C. Voeller for the mallnco B.lven the children nl Uie Ramonn Uicater. tiic Snnke River Trout compnny for lUs contribution of trout once each week, the various churches for Uielr Sunday momlnR services, nnd all who In any way helped in mnklns the cnmp n sue- ce.uful nnd haiH>^oiie. Besides Ihelr isuiil roiiUne. nnd Uie'handcraft In­struction by Mrs, Euln Prlmeau. Uie •hiRlren bhjoyed Ihc weekly munici­pal band concerts at the city park. Uie ,iwlmmlnB In the city pool and wadlgK jil the csryp.

Mrs. Dspaln reported Uiat contti* buttons of frulla and-vcKcUibles fell Jur-ihcrl-o' "

Auto Overturns,■ Occupants Hurt.

JEROME. AUB. j(t—A motor c"ar04 almost demolished ut Uie seven- ^

mile comer norm of Jerome, when II ^ left Uie highway and overturned last night. Tlie driver nnd his companion saiUilned InMles.

Driver of U i^a r was Merel Hunt,2B. Riding wlUi>>lm waa Miss Char­lotte Ivy. 22. Both are Shoshono res- Idcnls. Mlis-lvy was unconacloiia several hburs’ itnd exnct extent of '

r Injurtts hail"not been deiermln- thta inornlnB- She was taken to ! offices or a Sli'&shone physician■ treatment. Hunt austnlned cuts '

ind bniLses about his fnce and head. *'iihap occurT»d on what is the right wing of hiBhway

. . int, accordlnB to a report, told officers that one of the Urcs on the vehicle blew out. causing the machine to overturn.—

aiiu au<'Ilie nilshap

known"TA.tl>e > No. 03. Il^nt, I


JKROME. AUR. 10—Paul W. Scott, fl Hansen re.-.ldent. pleaded flullty before Proliaie JiidBe WlUlam O, Comstock thbi week to charRC of

re to dim hU llKht.1 on the hlRhwny. Scoit wa.s fined *5 and »> costs.

yVar; nnd they e yccSnlly snLMcd U\c isual trcnt,-! of fried chicken. It was lece.vsary to sjiend more of Uie amp's fuiub; for fruli-i and vcgeUi-

bles this i.imimrr -than had lo bi done In any other ycm-. but 11 waj UiouKhl Uiat jKrhaps this condition inldhl bo dliu In part to a »maller fruit nnd vcKctablc crop. One womlin from filer made two trips to brhiR delicious fruit to Uie camp, Mrs. C, O. SmlUii.on. chairman- of Uic healUi camp committee, reixirts Uial the commlttce Is well aallsfied wlUi whal lias been nccomplblied at Uicjamp thbi year. ^

Mrs, Pspnin Rave the followli;^report In gains made nl ihc i.....thbi sumnicr;

AveniKO Kaln for entire camp. 3.8 lbs., which Is up to par with oih years.

Slxty..slx children were enrolled the end of cnmp: 30 older RirU. to yoiinKcr Kiris and 27 boys.

Total pounds'gatned durlna camp wns 251'.ii lbs.

Older KlrLs Rained 110 Ib.v■VounKer girls Kalncd 30'.j lbs.Boys gained 07 lbs.Averutfo Kaln for older Rlrb, «-l

Ib.vAverafie Bain for boyii. 3.Q lbs.Gaining li lbs. each were Dorothy

Elmore. Payclte: Jean Merrill. Bulil. and Henry Coffmah. Bulil.

OalnltiR 7’j lbs, each were Mnn’ln Plfleld, Pocatello, and Richard Buker of MurWURh.

GalnhiK 7 lbs. each WTre Vcrla Urannoin. Caldwell; Krma EBnn-*n«l Alverctiik EROn, Burley, 'and' Mlve Coffman. Buhl.

'Fhc-ninlrons (vnd Instructors are all le.ivlng c.imp , Sunday. Mrs. Dspaln returns lo Har.elion. Mrs. Eva Chattln to Olcnna Perry and Mrs. Ornce Porter to Wendell,-Miss Doro- tliy HasllnR.'. relurns lo CasUeford. Ml.vi Kunlce Potter lo HaRerman. Mhj BcUi wimmer to Shashone, Ml.'.s KllwibeUi Preaildge lo Aberdeen anil Mls.t Edith Trunkey to Hanaen.

UCEN.SKD.AT DOl.SR nOISIi. Aug. 10 (/TH-WcndeU Har­

vey WorUihiBton of Burley and Wllda Kllen Johiwon • of Bolso ob-, lalned a marriage llccnn? today.


lojt r i . i ': « o u T n

1030 CUKVROLET Coach S 31 5 1938 STUDEUAKER Sedan.

n ieu to r_____________S 34 51936 FORD I Coui^

1938 INTERNATIONAL C-1 Pickup, long' wheelbuie, 7,00x10 lire .------------------$275

IMO FORD V-B X. Pleknp,«rllh slal|e rack.... .........$ 5 9 51939 CHEV. M T. Pickup,

<-ineed transmlMlon....$4751D30 FOKD V-B l’lckup.._$175 1935 INTERNATIONAL C-l h Ton Plekup____________$20 0

1934 CIIEV. l ! i T. Truck $19 5 193i CHEV. IS T. Truck. $22 5 1B30' INTERNATIONAL H ' T.

Pickup. 7.00x30 (Ires, 4-9peed

1937 FORD V-8 l ! i Ton.with beet bed______, —$ 3 9 5

1037 ClieV: IH 'T . recondlUooedarm ne» palnt_£-------$ 4 2 5

1033 INTERNATIONAL IH T . excellent meebanleal nodlUon. (leere rootor,$250

M c V e y ’ s_ . . TWIN f a l l s !

fllndebaker Panenrer Can


WAIT FOR YOU...wifATAis Outfit!-the -biKBeH Hrtle trmetor- mrbaih!

Give ihit oui&( the faamu Think. Talk , T t«t

whb ut OUrcr Sugar Dcct Lift er.As the power o f tb« 60 carrieicho lifter over yonr fleldt ii wotk<n i»«s the bceti—two rovs ac a •

(•'<D«-ttralf|ht «p Id tfae tow. ^ ,pw,rt.n.learios ach beet io a crowo of w.-f . Mctar H r»»-dirt (bat keeps it (weet until the j. ,, ^ wms and •loppJnit (tao« Ret* to it. „ ,,• wl*«l ih.y Ihink « f OH«cDr the lime the toppers rcMh imvrM U«i Uttan and (h«,«tl>w

- A * «n<5o#lhe field you'll pioE>* ~ iBe«Rt*4 *ably bare <Iea« a balf doxea Othrw M mWHkip ■••moWotberiobiwitbyouToliTcrM tlAw, In r^ r »wn ■•td*.

Tfwra't no obligation he ihit t«st. Asl; ahovt it today.


O L I V E R 6 0


Buy a duck o r sell at cat

- F i)id a job o r rch t-a f la t

Swap a tom bstone fo r n cow

B uy a tra c to r , sell a ’plow

R e n t a home in q..^nod locatio7i

B u y youvHclf a f ill in g sta tion

M cikc o r save a lot nf doufih

R ead the CUusisificdAds bcloxo.

W A N T A D R A T B £


PubUcBtlon Id both 'tb*NEnS AKD TIMES

Based Ml Ooct^rsr-Werd1 axf-----------------— Jo p «

. 8 ‘d aya___ 4c per word per6 days......3c per wo:

ijer dayA tfilBlmuo ot ten « r t l i U rwjul^ ta w oDt oU uined k I. Tbttt « t« Inelua* tha combined ctrculiUani o tbo N rw tod tU# Tlmei.T«rmi tee all clatnined adi . . >


COMPLETE C0VERA6ea t o n e c o s tm TSmJ PALLS

pnONB .53 or SB POn AfaTAKEl or jerIo m s

LMTI Adi at K & W Ruot B«a Stand

DEACUKES For taserUoa In tha Naw

e tvm.For lucrUon In Uie Tlmu

11 «. m.Thia papei aubscrlbea to the code o f

—cthla.oLbft^AW^titLon ot Newj: paper OlsaiUlad Advertising Man- osers and rewrvu tha rls&t to edit or reject an/ elaul'fled adverUslng. -Blind Ad*“ cartylng a News-Tlmea bos Dumber/ara itrlctl? conlldentlol and uo inlorta&Uoa ,can ba given in regard to the adverUaer.

ETTora ahcruld b« reported iinmedl- otely. No allowanca will b* made for mora than on* Incorrect luerUoa.

GOOD THINGS TO EAT COLORED trycra fo/wJersVpound

UvB weight. Phontf 0303-J8.

OALIPbBNIA Watermelon*. IHc pound. Plalnvlew Service, 1 nille SouUi. South Park.

APRICOTS—You pick. Bring e Ulncrs. Kohnlopp. 3 north. 1 211 nortli, riler.

WIUTE Rock Uyen, 20c pound alive. 25o dressed. Delivered. Phone OIDO-Jl.

SPECIAI^—Pluno tuning: |3i0—Au- • Kust only. Work guaranteed. Call

IflH. • ' ‘ ■HAVE you *een Uie special attrac­

tion In Uie window at Moon'a Paint and Furniture Stere?

THREE Rooms, bath. Stove, re- frifierator, lights, water, gnrnRe Phono 1601.

HAVE your old lur coat .rcstyled. repaired, cleaned and g'naxl by tlie only furrier In Mnsic Valley. Tlie Fur Sliop. next to Orplicum.

T R A V EL & RESORTSSHARE expense tripe, meat plncea.

. Travel Bureau. 817 Fourth east, 1080.

CLARK-MILLER PctUt Lake ranch.Cnblnn. pock trips, meals. Call

. 2123. Twin Palls, or write Mr*. D. • p. Clark. Pettit Luke Ranch, Ket-'

chunj. , • \

CHIROPRACTORSDO VOO Have a sore elbow or knee

every rainy season? 'Adjustments wlU probably relieve you. Dr. Alma Uordln Dllt«. 130 Main North.


LEARN to apelll Wiitch tlie win­dow in Moon’a Paint lujd Furni­ture Store.

BUSINESS education prepares you to make money. Study and leom In a buslncu cnvlroument. Enroll now) Reduced ntes. Let us he! you plan your career. Twin Pal! Business University.

' LOST A N D PO U N DLOST—Brown blllTold contaltdnj

cards, cunen^y. check. Re' __Newa-Tlines office.____

BEA U T Y SHOPSUACTUNELESS permanent*. • two

for one. Other wave# from MJa ArtUtlo Beauty Salon.

t4J». >9.00, teiM permanent*. baU pnco. Idaho Barber and Beau9 Shop. PhonB 431

OIL permanents, 11.00 up. OentHas EDsena. Duart and Par ■’'.fhin.t- leai wave*. Beauty ftrt* Academy.

HELP WANTED— MENCORN picker*, box maker. Udder,

Apply H. B. Long office Uonday morning.

■WANTED - Married form hand, small family. No smoker. Apply In person, 4’,4 South, 1«4 East Durloy. Oeorge Reed.

AN experienced man vbo can get__^csaU*-Iroaa.Taylor-peaand-bBiut

sravlty tnachlne. Write Box 11,

WANTED: Experienced aleam fit- ter helper. Good wages. Apply ' alnger Plumbing, state Deaf Blind School Gooding.

MAN WANTED , To dUtrlbute fnmoun Watkins Pro-

. ducts in rural locality. No caah ' experience necetsary. Muit be .

=1 and own a ear. Write N. A. Nielsen, 130S 24th St., Denver Colo. **■

HELP WANTED— WOSIENWANTTO—Waltres# over twenty

y *m or ace. Broadway ParJor,


GOOD, Practical, eommm sensed, experienced st nDgraplter and bookkeeper. State nRe and experi­ence In own handwriting, and whether married or irtngle. steady employment wltli good working hours. Box 4, Newl^Tlmts.



on farmers In Twin FalU County. No experience or capital required. Some making 1100.00 In a week. Write Mr. Inman. 2433 Magnolia St.. Oakland, CaUf.


RESTAURANT and Club. Write —Poetof flee-Box-M4,-Twln-P«lla,-

Phone 1B31.

SALE—St0(!k and equipment—Sin-

SMALL New'homc, modem, Clicnp- eat Inwwn at price. Imiuiro 333Polk.__________________________

>IVE'~r«)m«. btilJi, Rood locnilon. Open road all winter. Dnx 1003. Ketclium.

POTATO Chip builncs*. an* excel­lent opportunity. Small pnymenl.i. Roberts and Henson.'

PARTNER — Light manufacturing t«ated producw. Large profit*. Small Investment. See aamplca. Box 0, Tlmes-News.

SOFT water. Free of-cost. Guaran­teed formula only »3. For lieiUth's sake, investigate. Box 8, Tlmes- News.

WOULD like to seU potato chip bus- Ineu account or hu-iband's poor healtli. Inquire Ray's Cash Gro­cery. Mrs. G. S. Ray, Pller.

FOR LEASE; Very mooem combi­nation RomRO and service stntlon for both shop and storoce on main highway In Magle Valley. Rental reasonable. Phono 2. IV ln FalLv


4 ROOM Modem apiirtment with garage, almost new, Moon’s. Phone 6 or 21 or MJiJ.

REKlODELEDl' Vacancy In Reed apartments. 833 Shuhoni North. Phone 1317.


MODERN-Aportment, freshly decor­ated. Steam heat, private c trance. Pive Point Apartments.

DIPPERENT sized apal-tmenlo— ’ Justomere Inn. 4SS. and Oo&ls Home, 071.

CLEAN, comfortable two rtx»ms. Ground floor. 456 Second Avenue North.

PRONT aporlment, two adults. Pri­vate entrance. 3SS Fourth Ave- nue East.

THREE rodm 'furnished apartment. Private bath and kitchen. Phone 1713. ,

-------- large clean rooms, groundfloor. Private. Adult*. 28« Blue Lakes North.

CLEAN, Comfortable apertznenu at Cottage and CaUfomla. Phono IBM.

T t s r C S f i r i sond avenue easL

BO AR D AN D ROOMJR-Oondltloned rooms, good me&ls. Close tn. '81 Fourth Avenua North.


COOL. Excellent bed*. Bath. Pri- •vate family, S12 Seventh avenue north.


PTV^ Boom house, modem except heat, inquire «10 Second Avenue West. “

n V B Hoorn modem house,- ttoker, garage. Also two room house. Rcf- -------V inquire 380 jQuincy.


0 OR 180—Can ftnsnco (e|(. good equipment, experienced; retcr- ence«: have own labor. Box 12, Tlmee-New.i,

34 ROOM Hotel and restAurant fur- nlflhed. Pour houses In Los An­geles to trade for Idaho property. A. B. Mulllncr. 133 Main East. Phone 427.

R E A L ESTATE W ANTEDWANTED: Acreage on lilRhway 30

or 03 close to Twin Palls. Will buy or trade city property, phone

MODERN Flve'foom house with hardWood floors, sleeping porch, good location. Priced right. Will trade for larger home. Phone 1885-W.

T h e a l e s t a t e l o a n s

’AJIM and City loans. Northern Life '•Cisurance Company—FreJ' Dates, Phone 1379.

RUMLEY Clover huller. iZitcellent condition, Re/xaonnble. P. O. Box 122. Klmberlj-.

REFINANCE your prucnt lo.iu. r.nve money. Low Intenst—long terms, tfatlona] Fiarm Loan Office. Ts,(n Falls.


BY OWNER - ncmo<Itlp(l up.irt- mrnla, Reiuionnblc, G<xxl inconie. 127 Ninth North.

NEW Modem five room imme. Stoker, hardwood floor.% ftiniRe. 677 Shoup. "

NEARLY ncft- two bc<lroo!ii ll l e, hardwood floors, lurntic^ t'oi quick Mle. » 2 m K. L. Jfliklns.

NEW Modem five room home, fur­nace. with Uircrc room house mo<l- ern except hent on .'ivmr !ni. A VCD' Rood buy and Rood if RoberUi and Henson.

THREE Two room nn ilot. Price 11350. Ci(:.h *300, Yftu can live In one tiid have « . ’i.00 left, A. E, Mulllner, 133 Main En:',t. Phone 437.

NEARLY New *1 r6om attrncilve home wlUi hnrdwood floor;;, mo<l- em conveniences. Price *1,100, Terms,

C. A. ROniNSONBRAND New five room l.ome. In­

sulated, fireplace, styker, alr-con- dltloned. Ber.t new dLitxlct. Only

. »soo down, »3S per month. Phono


)NB acre, closfr In, Deep well. Im­proved. See Wilson at Poet Of BulU,

130 ACRES. Owing to advance age and wife's III health. Eleven miles

' northeast of Gooding. Zan Atwell.

3 ACRES-New a room house. Deep well, clilcken house, cave, bam, good locaUon. Box 10. News-Tlmes.

GOOD FARMS ON TWIN FALLS AND JEROME TRACTS. Also well Imp. 80 In Richfield wej. 70 A. culUvable. Electricity aVallabte. school bus. mall route. Price »1800„ Int. 4%, WOO down, 1208. per yr. pays prln. and Int. See—

S. M. CHADBORN 330 Elm St. Jeromg Ph. 337-M: • 80-ACRE STOCK PARM 3 ml.; from Buhl. Ha* good bldRs.

and will Include 18 cows, horses and machinery. Only I9MU. Good terms.

Also have 80 acres, fair bidgs., full water rights. 10,300. only, »flOO caah. See

JOHN BARKER Ptione-J)3 .. . Buhl. Idaho

ISO acrea south of Kimberly. Tlie lay is fine. Excellent crops. FtUr

. Improvemenls. Thl* fann is producing croito as good as (300 land. Priced to sell at |150 per A. Modem 7 room house in best

. location. 18,000. 6lx room house east part. Mod, except hfst.

—ii(?nuttful-iawnn33WrMcROBERTS it SHROOT.. .

ELKS BtriLDINQ'.Off. Ph. 010. Home Ph,-383 St 86ff' -------------------------- ,


, water right, good tm' provement*. Ind. well. AU xon-,

• venlences available . Price |4JOO. Reasonable down long time contract, low interest. Poss. Nov. 1st. For further Information re­garding this and otiier Gooding Co. forma ace

L. L. w n ^ f l . Sec'y-Treas. National Paim Lou AswdaUons,

Ooodlng, Idaho


198>i ACRES, well Improved. Refer- — cne«requtpment.-»a-7,-Ti




BOUSE and lot, 338 Fourth Avenue East. Twin Palls. For (lock cows preferred. Write Paul Jones, Dlet-

1«EBRABEA buUdlBg. g n n t i mer­chandise stock, clbu-, for large eouthem Idaho (ana< K. L. J«n-

'kts*. '



USED IMPLF-MENTS *2 No. 70 Trnctors, " '3 Farmall Tractors.1 Self 4 row iirnn Culler for Mo­

line Cultivator.1 Bnylor Bean Culler.0 Oliver Power PoUto DlffRcrs.

• 3 Oliver Horse Potato DiRRCr.v . MT-N STATES IMPLEMENT CO.


FOR KALL Pi^NTlNG_raU JU 'c ------- White-Ctover—'. Red Clover Alilke Clover

Comninn, C<v's.ick and Orlmm Alfnlta.

Buy iiflj/'befnre prices advance. ;iNTERMOUNTAm SEED CO.


TWO unrtdlo hor»c«, Pnlomlno and llKlit sorrel with flaxni mnne and

, tall. Well broke. W. 8, Gray. Phone 04 or 379.W, Bulil,

YewllnKB af!(l Inmbs Grnlnetl rpndy (or use

Can furnish Romnryn. corrldales.___ lfiunp:.hlre.i






1 to 3 ton. 8c cwt; over 3 ton. 7c. MILLER MILLING SERVICE

?Uer. Ph. 73.J3. CalU off grinding


MORELAND MILUNO SERVICE' Ph 318. Filer Ph calls off irrtndlna


SPOTTED Poland China Rllbi. Far­row September. Po-iler. ‘i East. -Ji South. Sugar Pnclory.

PASTURE fCr 1,000 head of sheep and 60 head of cattle. Mary Alice Park, Phone 038SJI. , '

iftWU ram.

LAMDS.tnKKed. Guarantee no maR- Koi.1, Hcrmnn Nice. Phone 03.J4, Filer.

380 GOOD asMl cm.'.r.brr<l raiiRe ewes. J(Shn Mendlolii. 302 Hecnnd Avenue Soutli.

WEANER plRS. 2 miles souUi, ati/ we.'it of Koutli Park. Warren WII- llani:i.

J. Re<jua Olid Son. 0105-Jl. '

W A N T i:i ) TO BUYWANT to l)uy Ijiiulcr In good ......

(Iltlon. Hiunld ii:niih. Route 1, JtTome, Idaho.

WHEN you have a dead or uaelcss horse or cow. call 314 T»-ln Falls, collect and we wiu pick it up.

OCT OUR BID on your White Clover and Alslke.

We are alwnys In ilie market. Phone arid our Held man will call,


m i s Oe l l a n e o u sF O irS A L E • ■

AUTO gla.'j. canvas, canvas repair lug, Thomet: Tap and Body •Works.

STEEL PosLi. Atock tanks, a combln- aiton safe cook-itoves. Patrbanks Morae scales, will weigh* up to -a ton. Sewer tllc.-wiping rags. Idaho Junk House.

USED coiil nu^e.1 mid healing atove.'L Wc aro ninnlng a apeclal on tliese stoves during the montli of AuRUst. Taka aOvantaRe of Tow prlcc.1 ami a large a-woriment. Wo alao have a good stock of new ranges at priccs you can afford to pay. Moon’a,


WILL have w>mo Kood breeillnR ev,c.s GOOD «r.ed Westlnghousn RrtrlRftr- In Tvln Falls Stock YordaiWcd- ator. 'j mllo East Experimental neulay afternoon, August 20ili. Station. Knil.

Business and Professional ,

DIRECTORYBaths and Massages

Sta-Well. 837 Main W. Phone 188,

Bicycle Sales and ServiceBLASIOS CYCLERY.

Chiropodist —R- G,jU33IUN.-Orpheum-B!ds7 PracUce limited to feeU- Ph'. 1333.

ChiropractorsDr. Wyatt, 181 3rd Ave. N. Ph; 1377,

Cold Storage Lockers

Curtain Shops

Floor SandingHelder St Sons, ail Mala E . 14S0-W.

Fred P f^ le : 733 LocusL Pb. 1D08-J.

In se if Exterminator

InawranceFor Tire and DuuaKgr Insuranoe.

Surety and Pldelltjr Bonds. :.ce Swim Investment Co. Baush Idg.

-Job PrintingQUALITY JOB PRINTING: Letterheads Uall Pieces

Business Cards F^ldert


Money to Loan

Money to Loan

AUTO LOANSRefinance your present contract— _joduoe-payment»-cuJT aatuiced;



$8 to >300 to employed, people your own signature.

Rms. I as 3, Burkholder Bldg. Ph. 770

- $23 to $1,000O N YO UR CAR

UP TO 18 MONTII^TO REPAY Contracts refinanced—private sales

finance^—cash advanced

^Consumers Credit Company

> Pailllc Finance)M AVE. NORTH

OBteopathic Physician

Dr, B. Main N, Ph. 1977.W. Rewe, 114 M. N. Ph. 837-W.

plumbing and BeatingAbbott Plumbing Co.

Typewritersbales, rentals and terrlo*. Fbone M.


Water Sysiemt

By Ncher

“ I f this U n mi'chani;£c(i ou tfit . potato peeler?!!”

here’s the clcctric


WHILE It lasul Onp quart hnu.ie- hold paint 43c. Klnc'a Ba-iemcnt Store.

NtrW Waiaier»-»3tH5 and up - Lovell wrlnKtrr,. porcelain tubs. Gitmble Slorcs.

iu;il5 DODOK .M'diin. rtiulppcd with hciitrr, cockI lltci. $100.00. Inquire EvcrKrccil LfXiKc, U. S. 30, Ea.'.U

WATCH Uie llve'tiirUea In Moon'f. window dhpliiy. Iheii come lit.Ulc und ree New pabco linoleum'pal-



"STUDEBAKER" - Twin Falls Plwna BO

< Gibson Elec, RefrlRerator.1 L. & H.; I WeU. Elec. Range. C Coal ond wood Rnnaer.


cluding parasol tnblefl and 4 chain. orlKlnally priced at M3.50 now .$10JSO. Harry Musgrave.

SHEEP Camp wagon, complete. Goml condUlun. W. J, Wcrry, Bellevue, Idaho.

USED living room sets. |2i and .up. Dedroom nets complete, $30, 0 and uj>, A few coal ranges left. Hoai- ler Pumlture Company.

SHEEPMEN. Slockmen. Plshermen, Hunters, Trappers! — New trailer hnu e. < 11 positively .ntanrt up un­der any conditions. Dr. Tanner, 1411 EllMbeU).



' R A H 0 : s

The balance of tlie.ie range.n mu.Nt be sold during August U) make room for new fall merchandise.


Appliance Dep’t. Ph. 100

RADIO A N D M U SIC -GOOD Upright Reynolds piano,

mahogany finish. 737 Second Ave­nue East.

Health Nurses Traiisferretl lo

Ada Unit PostsTramfer of Uirre mehibers of the

south cenlrA3'dlitricl heullh unit nursUiR staff to Ada county j>osts wiia announced Iasi nlKht by »1Lu Mary Ann Rebcr. supervli.or of nurs-

I. who imlnted out Uiat the ahlfts re In accordance with placing h I near Ihelr homo localliles.In the near future appointments

will be made to fill the local vacan- clca. . ^ '

Tliwe who are Rolng to the Ada county unit are Mrs, Pay Kopke, MlM Harriet Russell und Mrs. Marlfi Rldurdson, who Is stationed ot Bur­ley, Ml.« Kopke. who has been here since 1030, and Mlts Russell, who has been wlih the unit since 1037. have boUi been sUUoned In Twin Palls.

NEW Stock used planoi. Reasonably priced for Immedlau sale. Terms. Daynes Mmle Company of Idaho.

BACK'lo'BcItwl on aUlaWaUlli'blke. Prices as law as $34J)S. We trade. Gamble Stores, 331 Main East.

PRACTICALLY New repo-ucMed bi­cycle. Budget terms. 11,33 a week. Firestone Home and Auto Supply Stores.

A U TO PARTS— TIRESAUTO Glass and window gla-is. Non-

ahatter dr plate lastaUed in your car while jpu wait M oo ^

■ UBED CARS I03S Oldsmoblle sedan, e<)Ulpped ' with heater and radio, gi»d

t ir e s ___________ ______ »3M1837 Nash sedan, arerdrlve -$37S

Many others lo choose from. JOHNSON MOTOR CO,

Th ree Accepte J For Arm y Duty

t wu s

ncqrdLmy. Pb.3030 31«8bo.K.

Of three Ma- for U. 8. army

___ . . . _______ Bd last night bySergeant Pnmk Morris, officer tn charge of the Twin Palls army crultlng stAtlon.

PbUowlng enllstntnt at Salt Lake Clt7. they vSU be tent to Jefferson barracks, St. Loola, U a v ■

Tenutlnly uoept«d were: Oeorve U p: Orison, ton ot Mr. and Mrs, a «e r t « O, Ctflwo. Toat* 3, <Twla r u a : Robert w. Ltlteh, eon of Mr. and Mrc. WlIlW) Lelteb. rout* 3. Buhl; and F u Btaadlee, eao of Mr. and Ura, JoMpb S. StSBdlM. m U 2, Jerome.

• V

‘ a u t o s f o r s ^ l e


Dale Shifted For Piciiic of

City EmployesDivl'.loii lo i.tiiKr the first annual

liy cniployca' jiicnlc on Sunday< Sri>i. 31, tvna reached during a meet­ing Prlday night of the comr ■ charge. Iiruilcd by O, H. C city councllinun. '

Tlie picnic WHS orlKhial!Aiitt. 31. am) was moved t caiiM- ol conrilrtlnF: events,IhcrinK wlll'be held al the PI Kroiiiid.', ralJier' tha par>. ^

Coiincllinnn Coleman also’ j noimreil aiipointincnl of commli

nrranm-inrntvi, and chalrmar . p 'lire' l . follow; reception,

Cliarli-:. P. pin.i'n; cnirrtalnment. Councilman Carl E, RUchry and Muiiielpnl JiKiiir J. O. Puniphrey: tmn.'-poriaiinii. Councilman Truman T. Clrernliiilnu and H, A. Heeher; food. Mrs. Dnrnlliy Reynolds and Mrs.'Cirrc-iihalRli,

City employer, of Tv,'ln F.ills, with ihelr fiwiUllr,-;. will sathcr at noon

ihc falrKrounrt.i for a day devoied eomer-L-,, iiiik.i, ptcnicklng and

Draft Unit Acts Ou.Repstrants

Clawlflcatlnn re.nultr, ofthe most rerrni meeting of the Twin Palis area lo. 1 draft board announced Friday nlfthl by Captain J. H, Seaver Jr.. chief clerk of the board.

Action of the board Included plac- Ini; three men In class 1-A as avail­able for Immediate training, i rorltL--r1fylnB of a number c‘

Pollowlnp are cnm'plete resulti the board /.c:.-.lon;

l-B (available for limited *en.'lee only) — 5.

3-A (Industrial deferment) — 3.4-P U'hyiilcally, mentally or mor-

jxlly unfit) — 3.Reclassifications:1-A to 2-A — 3.1-A 10 1-C (because of entering

service) — 5,1-A to 4-P — 2.

Inlng. and r of regfs-

■ result of

Lions Told ofReccnt^Parley

Repcrllng upon the Lions Inter­national convention at New Or-' leans recently, Ronald L.' Graves, pa.si district governor, told Prl- day'a luncheon meeting of the Twin Falls Uons club that the mo.st Im- pre.v.lve of the conclave wa.i the . oT>enlng ceremony marked by flags *■ from everymatlon.

AUo before yesUrday’s meeUngas naming of a special committee,

headed by Ernest Jcmson. which will plan n theater party for the next ladles' night event. Others on Uie committee are Pred D. Young and Max piillllps, Pete Bonin, chairman of the Lions bosebball committee on boostJng^ Cowboy gome attendance reported^that the club's efforts so far top thoae ot other organizations.

In his report upon Uie conven- _ tlon. Mr. Graves pointed out thatIn the opening ceremony, flags .of___every notion were paraded by the delegates by glrU dressed In the cos­tume ot Uie country they repre­sented. Uadlng speakers at the par­ley included James G. Gardiner, minister of ogrlculture from On- _ tarlo, Canada, and James R. Young, noted author,- who discussed Uie 'For East in TurmoU."

Member of Sect Balks at Draft

BOISE, Aug, IS m — The IdSi i county selective service local t>oard hn.'i reported to tlie U. S. dLitrlct at* lorney's office refusal of Avery El­ton Wilkins, Orangeville farmer, to report for a year’s service At the ixrmy'<~rioh'<omb*tant San'TOtrfas hurser>' camp near Glendora. Calif.'

Wilkins, a member of Jehovah’s WJlne.y.es, rellgloui aect, was order­ed to report lo Uie San Dimas camp AUC. 14.

"Wilkins chose the cIa.ulflcatlon of con.sc)enUous objector on his OUCsUonnalre,” said Lt. Col. Norman B. AdkLson. ilAte execuUve officer, "and- was granted that classification by the Idaho county local board. But when he was ordered to report for n year's duty at the nursery camp, he claimed exemption on the ground he was a minister.

"His name was not on the list of Jehovah's Witness ministers fur- nLihed naUonal selecUve acrvlce headquarters. so^iU local board de­nied him that.cla.ulflcaUon. The selecUve service board of appeals at Lewiston upheld the local board's decision. T»day he' received orden from naUonal htadquorten to noU- fy the district attorney's office W11- kliis was delinquent. The loeal boardTiar-UJtiSr^'aeliSri."'

Swim Classes at Camp Pau l Close

PAUL. Aug. 18 — One hundred elghiy-two resident* of Minidoka and Cassia eounUes completed ft course In swimming at the Camp"' Paul'pool Aug, 14. The swlmmln* . school has been In full swing alnca July 7, when Gerald Dellinger con­ducted Uie first clau for children.I The swimming school hu been

conducted through the cooperaUon of- Ui8 Ruperk recreational prograitt— and civilian. conservoUon corpe au- , Uiorltles at Camp Paul and U In line wlUi Uie naUonal “Learn to Bwlm" campaign.

Climax to Uje whole program was Uie training of twelve Junior life savers who will be awartled Bed ' Cross‘Junior life saving certlflcatei. ,

Mr. Dellinger hu been assisted by . 000 enroUees, Bernard Bont and- Albert Richards, who reoenUy com- ' pleted a course In life saving and - water safety at Uie national aauatlo • school In Pocatello.

Murtaugh Scouts At District Camp j

MURTAUGH, Aug. 1«—PoUowJn«;'i a week of Intense acUvtty. .of elal meeUngs, physical teste «i>d 1* planning, a group of Boy BoouU Jeft WedneMlajr morning for the uunu l'J OTUiw^t th e ^ d lr t^ c a ^ ^ -

Castleford GroupTo Stage Comedy

CABTLEPOHD. Auj.Out for apoeia,“ a comedr. 'wlU be presented by the dramk class of Uie B. V, P. U. of Uie BapUst church at Uie high icho(d auditorium. The lime has tttta^Tely been eet for Thursday erenliig, Auf. 38.-

Rer. G. M. Baergen Is dlrecUng ' ‘ ay and the foUoidng j'ouni

bave'ftcUnc parte: Mra. Alex______^ UlsMi t>eUa Brabb. QladytPlnkitaa. OlorU Baley, WUmft By- bee, Marie Bamet.*Mai7 Oonrmd. Xdna Ba«rnB,.ud Oena Brr ~ GbmrlM W i ^ Kcmood IMkUm y oestir. V.

of Uie.Boise rtver. Tbey Qorapanled by Seouten S . . and Leslie BestbeOc. and wei* en to eamp by XendtU Oijli : Thoee attendlm cunp *re Re«. Merl BrooaoD. Sal* JU Billy Bnow,. B 0 » ' Roee, Dri*-

too. Frank Morrtso&, -Blcbu«.>l man, OUnr Jotauoa. Yuittaii D mer. Bed Xgbart. Bobr^Loyd DftTH it,'a «a iia Sfred Lee, R «m er----- -old Hoow.

It to enttaiaUd»t ■ i licn d pndueUeo >1—■ - w t w s a i


RIDING CLUBGroup Will Join In Plan to

Boost County Fair -------- ^~Event— .....

. Mail recenl icrotiii to contribute ILi support to Uic Twin I-'alls boaiicr dAy pToeram before Itie county lair U the Fronllcr Rldlnit club. Accord­ing lo OlBine Von AuKdel:i, (air board representative, who nnnounc- •d lhat DiU group will lend the Aug. 37 parade.

About 00 members of the club .will ‘ parUelpate nnd a special rormflilon U being planned t« ndd dbilnctlon to the parade.

All Twin Pnllj merchania are aak- i 'to cooperate by wearing western

itartlng Aug. 37 unUl cImo oI l^lr and rodeo, nceordlnc to Mr. LAw4cln. The pAtttrte wlU

‘a the Union Puclflc miniature I train, and t)ie event 1j act

-,'ll7cmicn Is head of the___I’ bureau falruoosier commlt-

|t fend those wl.ihlng to partlctpnic 'ursetl to get In toucli'wlth him. lUowlng jire T\«'li) rnlb bii.i!iic.s.

___bllshmenta already IndlcaUiiithat they plan to place entries in the parade:

We.itern Auto Supply. Electric MO' tor Service. C/Jiloii Motor, Keif .Mnii- ulc^lurlng Co., Moon Piirnltiue Co.. Twlt^ FallJi Motor. Jerome Coop creamery. Twin Pall.-i Floral, Yellow Cab, Orpheiim thtntcr, Detwellcr Bros- DurlOloider l^rnllure, VOKCl's.

j*arlfll!io Laundrj'. Jijyilc City ninr- ket, Lydum market. Kylo Wnlio. Growers market. Jollboii Monu>

— mertt“Co:rPIreJtot«rnobcrt''E:‘Xcc' Sales Co.

liquid Ooj and Appliance. Factory Radio icrvlce. llnye.i hatchery, Uliui- JuB tytltry. Loeiharl. Furnllure, O. P. Skaggs. MfiRle City Feed and Fuel, Liberty market, Sweet Furniture. Twin Palli Frontier iUdlnc cluti. M.

■ IT King Co.. ..QambleV Van- E len'a. FollfSfrtrt Rocbuck, J. o.'. ney. Reed's RItewoy. Wnnjfm.aJro!i.

• Intermountaln Seed- anti- FiirfT L. ond N. Beverage, Twin Falls Flour mill. Swift and Co., Clmney Motor Co.. and the New.i and Times.

Shift Comes in Draftee Group

Selection of a leader (or the Twin ' FalLs county area No, 1 draft group,

>;vhlch leave.n Monday, and one change In tlie llst^of tlio. e depart* Ins are announced by Captain J, }{. Senver. Jr.. chief cUrk.

rrederlck I/ee Shobe. Hanjien, ho.-! been named to head Uie four drnf- tMs Who leave Monday. Two other aeleclees comprlRltva the stoup wil\ b« inducted In KnnMui.

Ohest Richard Itlcketta n-lll re­place Kermlt William Ountcr In the draft call, and RIckelt/i will be in­ducted at Oberlln, Kan.ia.s. Tlie rroup leaving here wlll coni.lst of JUne.1 William Lapsley. Kimberly; Anthony Clover Stokmberrj-. Jr., Jerome, and Alien Gordon Caltler.

• • Twin Palls. - '

Tiny Performers In 'Rodeo Show

AllracUng attentlVe nudlencc.s Sesteiday, in \»hSch the younger *el WM particularly well- repre.ientcil. waji the Levi puppet rodeo In Tv,'ln Palls, featuring noted western chnr- actert In miniature.

Shows were presented during the afwmoon and evening on the back

. of « huge truck, and meclmnlcnlly operated puppets took the parts of auch characters as Tom Mix and GcDO Autrey. Today. Uie aliow will be prcJented at Buhl and Filer, .

I t was shown hero under tlw tttapicea ef local merchnnt.i and u-M one of tlie major fentiirca of the Golden Gate Intemntlonal ex- poslUon at Uie World's fair on Treasure Island,

LICENHKD AT JEltO.MK JEROME. Aug, 10—Arthur Daln

Wood and MIm Mary Maclrllne A.->l both of Hammett, obtained rinse license here todiiy.

ic A-ih. > innJ--

As Planners Envision Magic Mountain Ski Lodge Judges Announced For Gooding FairOOGtUNO. Aug. lO—Judges for

tht vftTioM <ScnaTVmtntii in Uie Gooding county fair have been an. nounced by County Agent E. J, Pal­mer m followi: D. W; Dollngbroke. county agent o f Twin Falla cpunty, who will Judge 'all dairy fcnlrles; o, L. Mlnk.“who wlirjtnnie'onnior.se' and- swine entrlesr D*«n Boyle, county 'agent o f Bannock county, w )]o^ )l Judge beef and cattle. Mnr- garet Hill Carter, stale home demon- atrator. will Judge gIrL'i 4-H club

HKItK IS THE objeellve of an Intfniilvr rampalcn lo ralw sufficient fund* tn aMiure constnjctlon of a modern <«d attrAetive »kl lodte on Ma*le Mountain nouth of Twin Fallr. With ■uhotanllal auppart alreaay provldea hy the Junior and Senior Chaml>rr» nf Commeree and the Mailc Miiunlahi Ski club, a llnal ctfort U now underway to lalie addllloiial fund* which »wlU enable 'completion of Uir pro)rrt by the tetrtjl »ervlct. A» shown In thin forest srrvire arrliltcct's ak trh. the alicllrr of ru«lle Ine cnmtrucllon faert the road Just brliiw IViitlemon'eamp crnund». The Cfnlrr mom K 13 hy 2fi frrt. wWch. with Ihr (wo wInn. |l*e« a toUl Irnclh of 57 feet. Fraturr* ln<ludc flaRMor.r porches, a lar*e roek fire plare and wlniiovr* to pnrldp-a Tlew.of Ihe-rucccd ski country nf the Ma(lc Mountain arra. (Nenrs F.nrravlng).


'I ilon'l know what I am. I'm i paclfl-it when that tou(li niley around, hut I dnn'l frel that war around kidi of my size."

Hazelloh Vclenm Pa id Final HonorsFinal' rites for R')y CT CTale. OH

Htucllon mall carrier, who died TliurfKlay at the Veiernn.V h6.ipllal In Bobc. were condtictcd >e.%terday afternoon at Uin .Tv.'ln I'alls mor- tuar>- clmpcl. wlUi U»e E»len Masonic lodse In charge ab'thc-chnpcl and tJie Ha7.elton Amerlrnn I.etilon dl- rrctlng at the cemetery. Riirlal wa.t 111 the Ttt’ln Fall' criiu'ter)'.

PllCTlm” and " I Know 'Tint My Rr<lecmer Llveth." '

Pallbearers were Chnctra \V. Bac- w. A- E. Rlemnn. N, K, Helmoiit,

R. A. DlnkrlburK, W, S. Mitchell and H. E. GundclllnKei'-

Pho'to-FipishingTHE OEST IN TOWN

^ J f MDeveloped

Prin ted 25cR-nOUIt KKItVICE

Flower Foto Shop

Vac atio n By Tr a in /How lo boat Iho hoal on your summer trips: Loavo

your car al homo, "and stop Inlo tho.refreshing,

aii-conditionod comfort oi a Union Pacific Iraia.

You'll bo "coo l a cucumbor" all the way . . . '

oirivo roslod, road; for business or ploaiiura.

Choieo of accommodations, Dolicious Diniwj Car

ZBoals. Rogixtorod Nureo-Slowardoss aorvico on

•principal Iraim.

_SAM PLE_LO^R^OND_TR/P_FAR£S _____from Tirla Falfi to: «^ US>a>dar<l a SU«»>ag Cot<* SW^MC«n

Lm Anrele* -------irflllS j fl2.20 )H.40 ,ChtearON___________ S2J0 Sr.M M.C5Oenrer ____________ 29J0 33J0 33,00Kanaa* City --------- 4t20 3Uo sijiororUahd __________ UJfl J6.45 Z3J5

rlsMlsolliM potalA.' 0B«-wa7 Iatsi.

•tWi&«h tk.lUcWU libaral latam Haiti. Alto tory lo>



Two-Day Clinic i 100 Tols

Altiir complelUiK cxamliiiillon of more tlitin 100 Individuals, the crlp- j>lc(l_chl1(lrrn's_cllnle_[:Qnductfd-for tlie piuit two ilayn at thi* i■re. by- terian church claved yc.itcrcliiy af- lernoon.

Children were rxanilned by Dr, Manley 13, 8ljiiu’. Unl. c. orthopcdlc lOii.'.ultiint. lo provlilc a b.i.M.i for rrcommenilatlon.n on future ireai-

Scarcli FollowsJarliulge Theft

Twin FulLi county Rherltf'.i of­ficials yesterday Jnlnctl In tlie huu for Ihr thief or thleve.% Vi’hn -cnfcV- rd" a vault In Uie More of Johnny Fnun;,a at Jarbldge. Kev., and ntole n e.itlmated ( 2S0 in caMi. accord- iR In Sheriff W. W. Lowery, Stolen were *70 to SBQ In dimes. 'I to 70 .tllver dollars. 3S t/i 30 niiiir- -rs. tu'o tio blits, one <30 bill ami ne 10 cent alot machine.

Meeting Set hyChest Directors

forrFOdnyr A“ P- 22. by Pre.\l(lcnt IVank L. Cook, parilc1ii;it!ng organ­izations are requested (o Appoint rcpresentntiven and notify Mr.i. Doc* othy rteynoldn. secretary.

Officials urged, thnt Mrs. Rey­nolds Ije provided ftltli niimrs'of- representatives as i.ooii as [io \|b1e. The meeting will be hi-ld at 7:30 p. m. at the cliy hall.

DciiT DlarJ— .It hiu-v been a grnnd 'wri'k luid It

Iriive.s me with so ninny impreuilona Uint are hard to exprc-M in words.

Glancing back over what ha.i oc- curri'il ninre I began being a "Hcn- pltollty Girl'’ last Momlny, I like to Unger especially on h<»*- inter- estlnK Ainl varied have been the tourbL'i. how cncoursRlng have been the local folk anil my interview with 'Mr.'.. Alice’ Roosevelt Long- worth, There are Iot.% of oUier thlntjs. too. like the very nice letter I rocelvotl from Mrs, A, C. IliitJicr- ford. route 3, Twin Falls, nnd this, like many occurrenctn, would come \inder U c htwllrm n{ TncournKw- ment from j>eopIe htre. ,

I ' don't believe. dl«r>’. Ihnt Mrs, Rutherford would mind If I mcn- tloinvl purl.' of her letter, which started with; "ConKratulntlnn.'' to

Harriet, for your j.iicce.v. in your venture. I am so glad to see

thill the new idea Ls working out a.1 well a.s I knew It would."

Mr.i. Rutlierlord then told me thnt she had long thounht hnw j,plcndlcl It tt'Oiild be for Twin J 'alb

B U Y -F U R S

N O W !This Jji the yi iir of nil yenr* to mnke_, your :.clrciinn early. In ftddltloh to .•.ubMjiniiitl fsv ings you hRve niUST CHOICE lo bring you the lir.'t value,-, and better - buy*! Vut^T CHOICE brings Fiitrvr catch r-unai

S84.nussrAT*’ MAit'^uiT . . S1J19 NOItTHKKN'"Sn:SKUAT. HOL- LANDKIt SAIH.K lU.KND S129r O N V $ S 9 . S 0 »<’ $ 9 9 . 5 0 S A H L E n V K I ) C O N E Y $ 4 7 . 5 0 NOHTHKits s i ; a i . . $ 6 9 . 5 0 A n d M a n y O l h f I Which

to (

You IVccd i\al Fuvr to Buy al The l*arin

LW FALL COATS$11.75 $24.75

In si>ort.s\ .■lnli lre.^s coals. 19'H ’s full

.thndc.s in(j.hc faf>ric.H thnt wilt lend fo r

‘style nntl”ccbnonfyr~Cliooso yoiirfl' n ow l'


$ 1 8 . 5 0

Wools, rayon,'< nnd .silka iii the .smnrt

patterns fo r fnll \yoar. You 'll en joy

shoppins in our IHG .‘iclcction!


spprty Jnckels in red. navy plaids or mixtures to match fall's g»y-. eit colors.

$3.25 u, $6.98

i Je w f a l l HATS

Completo your fall costume with ft selcctloa -from our at.sortinent of millinery.

$1.00 „ $4.98

Eden Rural High To Open Sept. 1

Sci’.tx)! year tt Eden rural hlRli i£iiool-a.iU-o|>en 6eptrJraupi>rlnt{ffr dont ii. K. Fisher announced here ln;.t nlKlit. • • •

At jirMcnl, ^he sy.nem lacks , hoinr iTonomlcs irv tructor. but oUj- iTwi'r Ihr faculty Is complete, nc- coniiiin to the official. He p«nT?d ouc-iii;ii l-iiuren Bccbout. band <llr- ecior. ha:: gone to Indiana to drive hiirk.n n«w .school bus for u. tr.Tn:.i»rilOg pupils. . .

Second W ard L.D.S.Annd^^ces SpeakersMir.', Norma Bailey. Melvin Van

Noy nnd Cloyd Sorenson- will be sjienkcrs at the second ward Latter l3;iy Sninls church /mcrnment meet­ing 'r>m..exciiliiB at 7:30 p.m . imiler tlir dirrction Of ihe alake high <

to ha\e Travelers’ Guide, nnd then ;,hr contlnuedj

•T 'wii's t tfhklng of writing yr.'.tcrday and sucKe.iUng tliat keep a meniornndum .so you could publbh •Memofnr-of a Hospitably Girl' j.ome day. However. I by the mornhiK paper you have verj' Interesting diary."

iTliere now, dliiry, tlia f llould make yoiJ feel RDodi.

—HiJrrlet Duvall Dtniton.Hefls-Tline,'. Ho.^plt lllty Girl

work along wlUf^trs. L. V. Morgan, who will ftulst her.

BxhlblU will b« displayed In Uio .ie » fair buildings at- Uic county fair grounda north of Ooodlng where everytlilng will be shoft-n this year. Tlje horse pulling contest on Friday afternoon and tlie free rodeo Satur­day afternoon will be staR«l In the

East End Scouts At Sum m er Camp

With .ftctlvlUcs nearing a clo. e nt tlic Snake rtver area council Boy Scout camp on Boardman creek for thU sufnmer. troops of Kimberly, Hansen and Murtaugh are nnw lo­cated there, according lo Gordon A, Day. ecbut exectitlvc.

These Ota troopa « nnd « o! Kim­berly. 45 of Hansen and 101 of Mur- taugh. Tliey will remailr^at the camp until Aug. JO and are^thr last troop* definitely rchedulfd ,for Uie encampmenu

Browning's USED CAR ^ E C I A L S -

----- 19 3 9 -e H E VROfci-n'-----D E L U X E SED AN

In extra clean condition. Has radio and henter. Large trunk model. This one ^ I* won't laat lonR____ / 3

1 9 2 D F O R D P I C K U P

$651929 FO R D COUI'K

$601939 P O N T IA C SIX DE L U X E COUE>E

Radio, heater, neat covers. A real ipeclal—

$6451936 CH EVRO LET


$375Cuy G M A C Tcrma

Trtiles J. Browning,' Inc.




C ir it rev >K« Tor«l v'olutt


Th* HoddMff V.nkhord—ri«$r cl Ih*,1.1,p* p*i*0,—KO... agel*iv tucKnJvt tcovaKe Covp* <9 the odtfiiiwi el th« Mom-

e Cowpi«r, "<r««lboord" of rh« lono actuall)f b»cOB*i on AviWaty


ACdUstlc;c6.UPrLEfi'‘ WHAriTDOCt.

«t'r* n«» rtiot yooH «r»r-h«l»l»slr------- opp?tN. oflki bVSltlliJi/.rrUd p«rlod'

toe! In tuavrtoi. Welnvt oxdWoKoflOfiy.

' whkh tanal ylttitM

I. -• '■ --.-i ,

reo Tm iw iCU«VID,

■S285 to


Priced From $420 to $475

St.*’*”" PIAMOSReliable, well'built itiBtt^xcnlff that arc comtrueted. to give years of scrvice and lasting satisfaction.

------ BU Y O N E AS Y TKRMS-------

Sclcct a New Band Instrument from our Large Stock of

. _ C O N N — C A V A L I E R , a n d

P A N - A M E R I C A N

Quality ■ Instrumctits

■^USIC STORE-Etlu -Buildinir

I ^ A P T H E N ® W S W A N T A D S

county rodeo park adjacent to thi fair bulldlngt.

The Hq]stoln breeden of Gooding jcounty wiU pick an all-county herd \o compete In other county and atatov . tod district fair*. 1110 herd will be W selected at the fair announce* V. W. ,• Corson, president of (he local ouo> ' elation. • ;


T i n i j i i i i n i i



Z f f i i f/ ta A v ^ a ffe -S m w r S r k

/ jS ti fy

Pay only a snail ■■ J jfD s it n o w . . beeliieasymontlily papsnts tills Fall .

ioi/efs coci gtauta* £>fof« Maolnia l i t famoui Jttltasi- Fin AU Duel. Tilt gnat thnaUaa eula dotra hKftJotiM up

■tha ru », m ai»t lm- portaot/u»l»onogi.


Jump at this cbanco to g e t Froo C ool* w ith the v e ry h om o hoator you w oro p lan n ing to b^7 this FalL C o m e in now, lo t \is show y o u that the genuine E itata H oatro la savoa work, saves fuel, saves docitor b ills . O f fe r poBitivoly ends on Septem ber 6th* $o h u n y l

W pooiJi, dip<adt*9'oa


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