osc 2012 tokyo spring (english version)

Post on 10-May-2015






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Eucalyptus 3.next

Osamu Habuka



Japan Eucalyptus Users Group


about me

about me...

● "Introduction to Eucalyptus" as a series on cloud-computing news site "Cloud Watch". ◇ http://cloud.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/column/eucalyptus/

◇ Recently, I cannot publish next article because I'm busy... :-(

about me...

●On May 25th last year, we published Japanese book "Deployment of private cloud that begins with Eucalyptus"


about me...

●I open a site that distributed the Machine image of Eucalyptus, that name is "Machine Image Studio". ◇ Now, I try to translation to English...

released ?

it looks like it...

●"Eucalyptus 3.0 is enterprise edition" like I keep saying

●milestone named "3.0.99" on launchpad... ●rpms of 3-devel ◇http://downloads.eucalyptus.com/devel/packages


Eucalyptus community booming in the U.S.A.

in the U.S.A. (or the world)

●Until now, most information source is Launchpad's bugs and forum only... In the future, you will be able to get many information from mailing list "Eucalyptus", "Image" and more.

●The contents of projects site are enriched day by day. ◇https://projects.eucalyptus.com/redmine/pro


●Apparently, the U.S. community is continually doing meetup.

Now, Eucalyptus's source code is on the Launchpade. However, the tools relevant to Eucalyptus are on the github.

● eutester

Automated Test Framework for Eucalyptus

● ami-creator

Basic tool to create AMIs for EC2 based off of a kickstart config

● faststart

Rapid POC installer for Eucalyptus

● Eucalyptus-Scripts

Contains various scripts used with Eucalyptus

● pigeons_on_a_euca

Pigeons on a Euca

● silvereye

A generalized installer for Eucalyptus that provisions from bare metal to cloud!

● eucabot

Code for the Eucalyptus Telepresence Robot (I don't know... T^T)

● euca2ools

you know

The tools of Eucalyptus are to github.

in the Japan

● Recently, I was not able to community activities...

● Zembutsu-san replaced old site with new style design. wow great! ◇ Zembutsu-san is one of the founders of JEUG. The other one is Arai-

san (aka Kimotsuki-san).

● We would like to open meetup in next month or month after next...

● I try to make a new LiveDVD include Eucalyptus3 with Gentoo Linux.

schedule for first half

schedule for first half

●I plan to restart "Introduction to Eucalyptus" with Eucalyptus3.

◇In the last article, I did write "next theme is aeolus with Eucalyptus", but aeolus was not able to support Eucalyptus... :'-(

●On Jun, I and Nakai-san give a lecture at TopSE project of National Institute of Informatics(NII).



reference -1-

●Eucalyptus Systems, Inc. ◇http://www.eucalyptus.com

●OpenSource editoin ◇http://open.eucalyptus.com

●Eucalyptus Users Group Japan (JEUG) ◇http://eucalyptus-users.jp

●mailing list of JEUG ◇http://ml.eucalyptus-

users.jp/mailman/listinfo/eucalyptus-users ◆ Please feel free to ask us :-)

●Twitter ◇@eucalyptuscloud ◇@jEucalyptusUG

reference -2-

●Deployment of private cloud that begins with Eucalyptus ◇ I don't know suitable English title of this book... ◇ http://www.impressjapan.jp/books/3025 ◇ errata => http://bit.ly/qvGZAP

●Introduction to Eucalyptus ◇ Japanese

http://cloud.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/column/eucalyptus ◇ English (contents vanished...orz)


●tAWS Tanacasino (GUI Client) ◇ http://sourceforge.jp/projects/eclipse-aws/

●Machine Image Studio ◇ http://eucalyptus.machine-image.com/en/

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