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Post on 01-May-2018






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R U I D {) S {), NEW ME X l C ()

oso • W E l) N 1- ~ l > A Y , SEPT 1 3 ' 2000

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~~~1· F :'\( J 52 • IH PA<.I·~ II II'\\ I lll( it )~( lJ It'\\'~ C Olll

State turns up heat on road contractor

Warrior charge

BY jAML~ KALVELAGE 1<1!/lJOSO ___ NIVV' S/AFI \l'Kll i'R

Threats from the New Mexico State I Iighway and Transportation De­partment rNMSHTDJ have increased the pace of road construction on State Highway 48.

Meadow Valley Contractors, Inc., working the third sununer on three highway projects in the Ruidoso area, last month was issued a notice of ap­parent default and notice of proposed suspension. The threatened action was rescinded Sept. 7 by the staU'.

failure to complete the contract," the Aug. 7 notice of apparent default states.

The correspondence referred to other letiprs between the NMSHTD and Meadow Valley, including a June 15 pledge by MVCI for an aggressive completion scllPdule. The highway de­partment later responded that a re­vised schedule submitted by MVCI was "w1realislir," and could not be ap­proved.

In the lPtter, Rahn claimed Mead­ow Valleys potential default resulted from inndequat<· progress on the road project and n failure to assign adequate personnel to vigorously complete the work.

Karen Boehler/Rwdoso New.

The written notices had been prompted by what Pete K. Rahn, the st.:'lte's transportation secretary, said was the failure of Meadow Valley <MVCIJ to bring progress to the com­pletion of the Upper 48 Project. The no­tices <md additional correspondences wPre reviewPd by the Ruwuso News after making a fonnal request through the state's Insp~c~tion of Public Records law.

"A<; of May 11-l, 2000, tune fot com­pletion ofth<· project expired and MVCI is now in liquidated damages for its

"Furthermore, the departn1ent's records indicate that for the last two weeks (before Aug.7) MVCI has only assignPCl approximately eight field per­sonnel to work on the subject project, up to one half of which are traffic con­trol flag pe>rsons, not construction per­sonnel," Hahn wrote.

Meadow Valley called the field

The Ru1doso Warrrors crashed through a lme of 24-Karat Gold Band members before Frrday's home football opener agatnst Socorro Socorro's Warnors kept 1t close. but Ru1doso came up With a 30-21 VICtory on a ra1n-soaked Horton F1eld SeP page I B for more details on the game

See CONTRACTOR, page !.A

Public input to be sought in Fort Stanton's future BY DIANN!-. STAIHNCS !H 'Tf>U\1 > .-..:IW\ \.1 All WRf/ IJI ------------------ ---~-- --·---------

Vying to win si<'1tR approval to perforn1 a Fort Stanton study, representatives of three Albu­quf'rque-baRP<i companies Friday pitched their ap­p!Oaches to mapping out the future of the historic complex.

Although they wwd differPnt styles, thPy all agrPPd that public input should play a roiP and that prP&>rvation <md Pconomic viability arP kt->y con1 J-Xll1Pl1L'>.

Lincoln County Manaw•r Torn Su'wart, a nwm!x·r of Uw four-Jwrson sPlPct wn tcnm, smd Monday that thP namP of thP company p1cked by thP group was sPnt to tlw st<1te ProJ'('rty Control lhvJslon, whid1 will n'Vi('W tlw selPctwn mtd m<­nouncP a contract awarrl "m thf' n(•rtr fut tire"

'nw companips WPrP asked to <UlSWt•r thrP<• quPst1ons: how would thPy riPtf'nnlnP a viablP usP for tlw f(Jrt and 1Lc; HO buddmgs, how would the:-• partnPr w1th tlw statP for· s\HT('ss and how do tlw:v ddinP tlw study'>

Using slides, Steven E. Kells methochcally l('(i committRP members, who were appointed by the division under the state Department of \n>rwr·al Services, through the process his company would use to handlP the job.

Gary Miller, fonnf'r designer <illd curator of several museums, including the Hubbftrd Muse­um of thf' AmPrican West, <Uld Gregory Hicks ZP­ro<><i in on existin~ historic sites preservPd by turn­ing th<•m into comn1('rciruly successful must•ums, convPntion cpntf>rs <Uld recreational complPXPs.

ArchitPct Ed1P Clwrry <Uld market analyst Phyllis Taylor, who have handled spvernl stau• proJPcts requirin~ appearances hPforP tlw stat<• l.Rgislature, took a morP casual filld per·scmal ap­proach.

KPlls told Stewart and comm1 t t<•(• mPmbt·l-s Carl HN•d of propPr1y c-ontrol, ,John L. .JmTard. VIC'P prPsldPnt of H u1 tt-/nliars 111 Alhuqupr·q liP,

and Don Zizic, rPpresenting GSD SPcn•l:11·y St.f•ven Hdfort, thnt mlaptmg the HG-yenr-old f(>rt to usPs othPr than a hospital would IX' tlw focus of two-thirds of trw study.

Its !'('llHJtP sf'ttmg is an ass<'t, lw sard. T!w cmnpany rnusl look at Pnch building, ddt•rnurw it..c; currPnt condition, wlwtiH·r it is usnhh· or ll<'Pds rPnovations to fit propo:;Pd usPs.

N£•w use.s should b(• wPighed on tlwir compat­ibility, their ecorwmw bem•fit and fi·asibility <Uld if' the use C"ould be sust:unPrl. c .. ~

IdPntifying pot.Pntial usPrs and lllark<>tmg tlw compl(•x is mwthPr- lllf-.'TPdient, KPJls s;11d

"Tlw higfwst and bPs! usc• may not llf' stak o\vm·rshlp," lw smd. The options an· lin· til(' liwt t.o rPmain m public ms1wrship, to tw sold \o :1 pnvat~· group that will (•nsur·1· iL<.; pn'Sf'JTallon 111· a puh­lrc/privatt• pm11H'I'Sh1p, such as tiH• 'lhltl•t· H:11l· road, wh1ch invoh-Ps thP staU.•s of 1\'t•\\' \1(•:-\.H'o <tlld (',.lorado that lPas1· ton pnvat~· <·mnp:ltl_\'

"\'v'f' wdl look <tl push111g tlw 1'11\'<•lop•· of' all rx>ssJhh· usPs."lH' sa1d. liP list~·d soli\!' oftlH•111 :ts ;a Jll'l\';lt<• <·<dl<•gl', :t mu;;H' q·hool to Ill' 111 \\ 1tl1 tiH•

Sp<>lll'<•r Tlwat(•l- f{n· l't•cfonnlllg Aa·ts. :1 n·;;oJ·t hotPl, a spm1." 1'~1111!', a W<'llnc·ss n·tn·;t! or il nd111g school

l11l'ks nnd \ldlr·r cmJCPlltl·:llPd n1on· 011 fiwt.'-'

that have h<'C'Jl succPssfully transfornwd into fucil" iti<>s that have central themes, but arP multi-ac­tivity centers as well, such as thP KPntuckv Horse Park, Fmi Concho, Texas ;md Fort Robin~on in a remote area of northwest Nebraska that attracts 388,000 visitors a year.

They said repre!':ent.:'lti\'PS of succp~ful opera­tions are lmPd up to act as consultant..'> <Uld could help gu1dP the conversions from first to last stPp. 111dudmg lini11g up finan('Jal support.

\lrliPr f(>cusPd on tlw possrbility of public-pn­\':tt<· part1wrships ;md Hiek.c; on hmv t.o dr•tennim· i I' ;1 propo-.;al was Pl'<HlOnlicall.v fi•asJb!P

I l1l'k'-' l1skd Fort Stnnton assds ns I>Ping 111 th<· t'('ll!f'r ofn circl<· of:Jctiv11H·~ mcludmg lhP rat'l' t !'ack., <'nsmos, campg-rounds. \\'h1U· Snnds and tlu· sl'!t]f'lli<'Jit of' L11woln. whrl~> !w111g ('los<' to CUI all·-1 H 1 r· t .

Th<·\· \\'ollld start h.\· updatmg :111 <•xisting a:-;­"'I'""'IH<'lll of' tllf• !nuldmgs and ('OIHiuctlllJ:!: bntlll­

·"'tonJJillg S('SSIOI1S, tiJP\' ~111d.

'>L't' fORT. p.lgL· .! \

Ruidoso Do\Vns officials propose youth recreation

Resident gets drained from fighting city hall

RY jA.\U'> KAI VtJA<;F-RI TIX 1\< J \f U \ \I AlI U'RFTIJI

Ru1doso Downs is focusing it..s s1ghts on a rpcreational park gearPd largely to youth.

During villagP council discus­SIOn Monday on pursuit of a Com­mumty DPvPlopnwnt Block (;.rant (Cf)H(;l for a new senior citizPns C('nu•r, 1hlst.PP Ray Hayhurst ques­tlorwd 1fthe villagP needf'fl <illother sen1or cenu·r.

"ThP current sPnior centpr would rf'VPrt bark to tlw park.c; rdr­partnlPnU as a comn1unity Cf'nt.Pr," saul Cladys Ddlard, Rmdoso Downs' vtllagc clf'rk. "Wp would bu rid t IH· sPn 1or cen tf•r on HH• scvPn -and -a half acres WP had ong­mally talkPd about for a comnnmi­ty cPntpr." shf' said of thP pot.f'ntral CDB<; fundmg

"ff,.,.•(• go a}wad and apply for a

.... INDEX

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( :bo;s1f1eds . _ . 'iJ) Real c~tatc ( :rossword --,g

Sports I etters 4;\

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( )ht!tl.HIC\ "\ :\ rv ll<.tl!lgs

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CDBG grant for a bigger semor centRr, I'd like to 5e(' us do some­thmg for the ybuth,~ said .]Jm Bas­sett, a village truslPP. "We do very little for the kids. I'd like to appro­priate funds for a gym ovc·r therP," refemng to the All American Park, which presently is hon:e to a basP­hall chamond, playground, ouL-;icle basketball court, and the current &>nior cPni<·r.

Hut Jand-usP restnctions m the dPPd ofthf' All American Park prop­erty prohibits buildings, said Dan Bryant, thP village's lt•ga] ('OUTJS('l

"Tlw only way t.o build 1s tn havP otlwr property of equal valuP we are willing to dedicate for opt•n spac<•," said Dillard.

Hryant qu<>stioJH•d 1f an 80-acn• propt>rty, n'Cf'ntly purchased by Lhe villngf' to prot.Pct n spr·ing that pro-

'i('l' RECREATION p.l.~l' -2·\

·--- --------

.... SPORT$

BY DIANNE SIALIJ:--..(.'1 RUilXJ.'\() NfV?'\ \1.-\11 URf/1}(

Year aftPr year gravp] washed down onto Harold and lktty PowPll's yard from a st rPf't cut for ~ develop­ment above l11s honw on Lunl!P StrPPt in Ruidoso

He talkPd to surcPSSJ\'P dirPctors of the village's st rPPt depart nw n t abc,u t rerouting the drainage back to it origi­nal COUrSe that bypassPd his prOpPriy, but nothing was dorw.

When he was younger, lw and his wiff' would dig out tlw acc·umulation hy hand. i\ fpw limPs, lH• h1n•d a h[-lekho(' to scoop up thP dPbris and haul it out, the 72-year-old PowPll sa1d.

Hut Monda.v, lw was domg a slow burn and his pati{'nCP was nmning out.

'Tn1 not trying to ,-ais<• tlw roof," lw sa1d. "But I had ,J.I{. from tlw strP('l dP­par'tmPnt out hen· to lnok at thP situa­tion. I fp was as nicP as can be. but sal(! he'd havf' ln talk to his sup('nors. Th<'n he call Pel and told nw dwy couldn't takP VJJiagP Pqlli[>IIH'Ill Ollt.O pn\'aU• Jan fl."

Although lw didn't agn•t• wtth that

AA .m

S tnall schools see_ volleyball action



dPcision, lw was trymg to n1akP pPaC(' With 1t wh<>n hP not H'l'd a villagP en•\\'

worlung on a d r a i n a g <' ditch ~t h1s nPighhor's lot nr>xt door at a strePt 1n ter­sPclion, I 'ow­ell said.

.. 1 don't u 11 d P r· s t a 11 d vvhv tlw\' c;\11 wo;·k t htTI' and not on Ill\' Ltnd," hP s:{id, add1ng that l11c;

D1anne S.t;allulf."' Ru.,-fns(l Nr-....s

Harold Powell pomts back to thr·ee culvens Ht hts stone wall thilt ar·e heavily plugged by gravel and dn-t accumulated from cka111ilge pnm,1nly fr-om Mary Street

IIPighhm· '"' a s1at1· n·pl·(',.;pntatiYP frmn ( 'lovis.

H<·aciH·d at a confPn'llCP out of stat<• :\lowl:ty. ,·IlLig" stn·Pt d('part­llH'IIt dll'l'!'tor· ,J H Bnumann and \'il­lagP :\Ltllag,·r :\L111 Bri!Py sa11l tlwy·n· S)'lllJl<ll IH·t I!' wtt h l'ov,:('ll's situation


Statewide school accou ntabi 1 ity con1es under fire fron1 the trenches PAGE .-~8

and hopt' lt> find :1t !Past a p:~rt i:d C'olu t 1011. But lt1>.: ll<'l~hhm-'.c; cas!' IC' clrf];•r­£'111 f'ro111 h1:--. t lw~· s;11d

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""""' sunny Mainly Sunny and clear ""arm

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All maps, rorecnrs and tlllla p10vodeo loy AccuWeathe•, Inc 02000

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Hoyle House in Whir.e Oaks



~ Sepl13


• SE!pl 27


..\ l.!llll!jl .... r· 111\oJ LIIH'oln County'.-. pa . ..:t. t'nlnJHh·d fnHll lm·al n••wspapt•r,., l•\· P~~lly E_ ( 'hm·t•z_

White Oaks Eagle Sept. 13, 1900

Tlw \\"llltl' ( lak:-; puhhl' .-..dJoo\:-; op!•lb tlu· ~ ltll :\ n•ry brj;.!;l• :1\I!'IU\all<'l' 1:-< !•Xp<·<'t!·d

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Sept 20



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ln·:rt!' :\h•xican IndependencP duv. on thP lfith cmd 16th, with a ·pmh'Ttun of elaborate cere· llHJJII('s. D. II. Lueras has take-n tlw mitint1ve in the prPparn· t lt)llS for St1111P.

K :\1. ,Johnson, tlw clever sa!Psman ofWalz l\.-'lusic House-, of' El Paso, rPtUnled to the Pass <"Jt v :"1-londav.

- Oscura· is gettmg to be a liw•l_-.; rnmp, and coppPr ship­nwnt." nrP going to tlw El Paso snwhPr~ fron1 thPrP every \\"('{'k

RUIDOSO NEWS Mailing Address: P.O. Box 128, Ruidoso, NM 88155

Phone: (505) 257-400 I Fax: (505) 257-7053 e-mail: ruidosonews@zianet.com


Brad L. Trept.ow f ., ]


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CONTRACTOR: Meadow Valley officials say efforts and staff are sufficient Continued fmm pagl' lA

crew number flawed. Also delivered to MVCI on

Aug. 7 was a notice of proposed suspension, beginning proreed­ings for the exclusion of Meadow Valley as a highway contractor (or the state highway depart­ment. ''The department propos­es a three month period of sus­pension during which · time MVCI will not be pennitted to bid or becomP a subcontractor on department highway projects," the notice states.

Responses fran-.. Meadow Valley contend the highway de­

. partment and the weather are in large part r(•sponsibll?' for the

strung out project. The June 15 letter from MVCI, for example, said the completion schedule re­quired adjustment because of ..nwnerous changes in the plans· resulting in overruns in earth work quantities extending the completion date and production rales." A letter from the road contractor's ]aw firm disputed the NMSHTD's allegations. And an Aug. 18 letter from Sam Grasmick, MVCI's regional manager, also vehemently de­nied any basis to allege a default or threaten to. suspend MVCI. Tl)_e correspondence also vowed to bring in additional construc­tion crews.

"At your direction and given

the threat of ternunation, begin­ning the week of Aug. 21st, MVCI will mobilize additional paving, concrete and clean up crews .. .'' Grasmick said. "This will accelerate the project as you have requested. For the record, we finnly believe that our exist­ing crews were sufficient to com­plete the work given the addi­tional time we are entitled to."

Grasmick said department­mandated changes and the weather have impacted the pro­ject's timeline. The Upper 48 Project, to widen and remove some sharp curves and steep hills on Mechem Drive between White Mountain Drive and Ski Rrm Road (State Road 532), was

contracted as a 295-day project. The timeframe was increased, through a change order, to 365 working days. Meadow Valley's first working day on the 2.6-mile project was July 7, 1998. The newest progress schedule sub­mitted by Meadow Valley calls for an October completion.

While Rahn has withdrawn his department's notice of pro­posed suspension and notice of apparent default, based on what is described as "MVCI's conunit­ment to mobilize adequate forces to pursue the work to completion," the Sept. 7 letter from Rahn states his depart­ment will continue to monitor Meadow Valley's progress.

FORT: Proposals would include the economic feasibility, impact on the area Continued from pagl' L:\

"We sP£> Fort Shmton as a national priority," Miller said, adding that fund-mi.sing would be a prime issue.

Hicks said he would like to see a tie-in with Gen. Colin Pow­ell's An1erica's Promise program to provide training and ('OUllSPl­

ing for yonng people. Both men said they frT•-

quently appear before or work with legislative subcommittees.

Che"ITy and Taylor worked together on the Escarpment pro­jPCt west of Albuquerque and are used to appearing before the Legislature, they said.

Architectural issues are "pretty straight forward," be­cause historical standards must be met on qualifYing buildings, Clwrry said.

Tlwy first would- meet with

stake holders in the fort to dis­cuss expectations and needs, es­tablish a line of authority and comnnmication, then begin their research, establish a cost to bring the complex up to current standards.and examine econom­ic realities of the area and differ­ent uses. They would conduct surveys and look at other simi­lar complexes to see what worked and what didn't work, they said.

If existing state law on leas­es .of public property discourage development, they would work with the Legislature to modifY the conditions, they said. Water rights_ and availability must be quantified to detennine physical limits on the use of the fort, they said.

From that, they will develop a list of possible uses and do in­depth studies on a few, high­lighting potential users.

RECREATION: Plans include basketball courts, playground equipment, more Continued from page lA

vides water to the- village-, might fit the deed restriction 'f-; r>qual value exchange.

Bassett reiterated his de!;m~ to provide a better activities lo­cation fol" youth, which minut<>s later brought an ru1sWPI" from

the village's Parks and Recre­ation committee.

"We are looking to put in two ba..o;ketball courts where the ex­isting one is," Bonnie Richard­son, a member of the committee said of immediate plans for All Ame·ri(·an Park. '-We want to pull out thP pavement on the

one court and make two concrete courts."

Trustees tmanimously ap­proved seeking bids for the con­crete work.

Richardson and Don Cole­man, chainnan of the Parks and Recreation committee, ex­plained further plans for the

park, including envisioned sep­arate walking and bicycling paths, a renovated volleyball court and two tennis courts.

The Parks and Recreation committee will hold a special meeting Thursday at 6:30 p.m. to further discuss recreational facilities in Ruidoso Downs.

DRAINAGE: Village officials say they are working to try to solve the problem Continued from pa,l.!,e IA

a dwelling" on that land, 1-kilpy snid. "11w situation on Mr. Powr>ll's lot is not Pndan­ge-ring a hon1e. "

Briley said h(• dOPsn 't hm·p Pnough background on the :-->itufllion to knuw ifth<• extension of Mary Stref't 1s tiU' n•nson for the change in thP flow of tlw illtPr·mitl.Pnt crePk, which Powf'll contl'ncls ran ou tlw other side of the land that was l'<lll\'Prh•d into a street.

Baumann has talkNl to pPoph• Jr-.:ing above and below Powf'-ll about tllf' possibili·

ty of diverting the flow away from his prop­e-rty. Briley said.

"We'd prefer to keep the drainage along the street and keep it from going on private property," the manager said.

Powell said his drainage woes started when Mary Street was extended for lots to be developed above his property, which was the first home in the area and built in 1961, hP said. The couple lives in Levelland, Thxas, but visit about six months each year, lw said.

The- road was put in about 30 years ago, hP said. The city put in culverts that direct

the water straight through his yard, but the holes eventually plug up with grav~l.

Th contain the flow of the water and de­bris and keep it away from their house, the Powells created a stone-lined drainage path through their back yard. A neighbor on their other side_ recently dug a trench and put up a makeshift wooden "'wall" to chan­nel the flow away from his house.

Powell said he sees the irony in all of his years of labor. If he hadn't tried to contain the water and it endangered his horne, the village might have come in and worked on a trench for him, too.

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Blaze destroys vacation home B.E.A.C.H. runners, walkers prepare BY jAMES I<ALVELAGE RUIDOSO NEWS STA.FF WRIT,..:R

Fire on Friday destroyed a home in the Brady Canyon/ Ponderosa Heights area.

av SANPY SuGGITT !!!.:!.!)Cl.\0 ·'"l.\t'~ .ni\n· wnrn\R

Run for the B.E.A.C.H, has gottt"n off to a _good sta,rt. this . .year with 8roup ·sign-ups -nnd a prize for the .company or b>"t'Ollp that gets the most people out for the bene"fit walk/tun. on S.Ppt. 30:

"The largest group will rc>celve a gift..certificate for din­t"ier at lnnCredible, and second pla('(• wins lunch at the But:­tery," said Becky Walston, ~a­l'iut"('r·of the nonpro:ijt Run for·

· ·the B.E.A.G.H: <Breast· CanCer Ed.uentiori, AWareness~ Cu·re & HopP), aill..' owner of the But­il'l'\'.

· · 'l'lw 5-kilometer tun .and

The blaze at 133 S. Candlewood Drive South was reported by a· neighbor wha saw an orange glow and burning embers in the area about 9:30 p.m. When the first Ruidoso fire­fighters arrived the structure was fully afire, said Robby Hall, Ruidoso Fire Department captain.

Hall said an ('Xact location for the fire was initially

Ruidoso Fire Captain Robby HaU (nght) and firefighter James s1ft 1 debris, searching for clues as to i:he .cause of a blaze that destroyed a .home Fnday an

w·alk ·to hE"nPfit ·the B.E .. A.C.H. starts· now, ·with prospective walh:Prs mid runners. signing u1J ah{•ad· of: t~ine by calling 257~92.1)] or ."336-9143. The fee west side. ·

unknown but reported as pos­sibly on North Oak Drive. As llw fh·st fire engine arrived in the hilly area the fire was seen nH n structure with flames exit~ ing through the roof. The cap~ tain called in all department pc>rsonnel.

Brookfield, Thxas. WhilP a cause ofthP fire rPmains under "investigation, the ·!Jiaze was believed to ltavP begun in a utility rOOlll that included a furnace and water lwater.

Three engines ·aml three other vehicles rPsponde{l lo the fire. A dozen . fire personnel were also at the scene-. Extin­guishing the flame-s and moJY up took six hours in the rainy wea~r of Friday night and early Saturday morning.

The dwelling, described as a vacation home by Fire Chief Virgil Reynolds, was unoccu­pied at the time of the blaze. The double~wide structure's owners have been identified as D.C. and Virginia Brock of "We had pulled Out shortly

ALPHA A nonsectarian study ot Christianity suitable lor Christians and seekers. The course Is open to all adults. We share· a simple meal, watch a short video, and have a completely open discus· sion. There Is no ]lressure ot any sort. The class begins on September 20 at 6:110 pm. For more Information call 257-4041.


"does AM lncludl41ledrlclty, gu c:abla .JOINS Links Golf Courn, Walking Path, Farley,, b111b. Gn •. VidiKI R1ntal

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before the roof l'll\'f'(l iit,1' Hall

-.~aid ... SonlPOIH' \\'a~ -~lll"(' ·look-. Jng out fbr us.'"· No onP wns injured in tllf' :-lllpJH'(>:-;Hion effQrt.

· ·is· $20, VJ"hicb includes aT-Shirt with sponsors' names on the back, Chambet of Cdminerce lOt.f: bags. f)nd goOdies after the rnc-r-.

The h"ome bad nn <'Htinwt~ ed value Of $150,000. Firf'· oJI)~ cials (l.Cclan•d. tlw ~tnu·hn·p n total loHg · .

PPopiP · C'fln pick up their pnck<>ts from 5~ 7 p.m. Wediles­dn,v; Sepl. 27, arid late registra­tion nnd '}':..shirt pickup will be froin · 7:15-7:45 a'.m. at . . .

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$5.99 0riW$lrlng Traslr Bap r~,o~e n 'I'"""· 80 cO<m!; 33 gallon. 40 coum. "" r<l Q>''o". H ~ount 601i521:t Ba6&221. 6011S23!1


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McGary's Studio on Saturday, Sept. 30, the day of the race.

Cathie Mcintosh will lead aero.bic warm.oups at 7:30 a.m.; the race startS .at 8 a."m. at the P8:rking-l.ot ofMc'Gary's Studio,_ 2002 Sudderth Drive ..

The Proceeds frpm the race will_pay for m,ari:unograrnB afld. related expenses. for peoPle of Lincoln County. Breast cancer

·surVivors will be recogni2;ed after the race and given special "goodies," and The Wil.d Herb and Ruidoso Physical_ Therapy will be·.on hand· to refresh the racers, _ The' first race was in 1997.

.Cathy Krugjohann, president of the foundation and a previ­oUs owner of the Buttery. was the originator. .

P.ri2ies will be awarded at the . finish ljne (also at McGary's Studio) for first-, sec­ond-: ail.d third~place runners, male and female, .in each of these. age groups.: is and under, 19-29; 30-3.9, 40-49, 50- · 59·, 60-69, and ·70 arid Older. ·

· "The niajority w~lk and

have· a gOOd time," Barbara Crane, secretary for RUn fo.r the B:E.A.C.H., said.

Li~coln County ·.Medical Center contributed. fees for its employees; an:d The RAC has donated a free; month of work··

. outs ~s a door prize, Crane said. ·

Thosa who don't wan"t to Walk or run "the 5 kilometers (3.162 miles) bUt still Want' to Participate can make tru{-free-, donatiOns to the- 501-C3 tax~ exempt foundation, S}le said.

. Sponsors who helped pay . for.the official2000 T~ahfrts are

named on the back: the vill~ or.· .Ruidoso, Ruidoso State ~ank, State National Bank, Ruidpso ·physical Therapy Clinic', Fitness Center, Pioneer S~y~ngs Bank, Centtity 21, ASpen Real Estate, First National Bank of Ruidoso, Pru­dential Lela Easter Realtor, The .. Wild. Herb Market, NobeVSysco Food Service COm­pany and Zia NatUral Gas.

AboUt 350 people partici­pated last year.

Or. D. Joyce Sonnenmoser Dr . .Anatol~ F. Gutowski

(505) 257-5029



Good visiQn cati,also itnprove your auen,tion span. Your disposi· tioiJ and yOur. Personal appearance. Seeing clear. -ci'1sp · imc1ges instead of.{uzl.y, blurry or vague shapes has·a.profound affect on every individual but thi.s is especially true for children. .l.magine sec;":ing treeS as green, blurry blobs. never realizing that trees are made of indiv.idualleaves. Writing on a blackboard or-words On a page cannot hold the interest of someone w·h.o. gets a headache from .looking at them .. Squinting never improves. a person's app~arance. : ,..

Identifying ·vision abnormalities such as nearsightedness. farSight­edness. astigmatiSm.· eye t;:oordination and other visua-l skills is criticaho good school pert'oim.ance. Good vision also enhances perfonnance in sports and is ess~.ntial to all drivers. Children should receive a Complete. vision and eye health evaluation. prefer· ably before school starts. From Head Start to Senior Class. good vision can re~llly hnprove your outlook!

FAMILY VISiON CENTER iQ.,the Sierra !·'59 Mesca:-:"'0 Trail for addili,Qiml.infonnatiOri

eye diseases. n~w-frame styles.le'ns materials and lens needs. ·


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RUIDOSO NEWS Pt'llll"I!Eil 1'\ l'ln \\'1·1 )'\1.-.._1 1.n :\\\l FRIDAY

.-\r W-1 hHh ,\\F'\11.1{1 !IH>,o, ~E\\ :\'l!:xll:o

lk:d!. ltv)llf•\\.l'uh!t-..hvJ lt'JI.Illn·\"e..,l.!l. Editor

1\t'JIIJ ;:,rn'JI Frlnn1ul :\th·i:-.l'f

l • •,": .. :I. ~· "'"


Critical decis.ion ... for county taxpayers

Dl•cit->ion~ come fh'qupntJ~· in the so-Called ''p~blic :o;(•etOJ: ··but ~·-·ldom "''iII a d<.•l'ision have the impact of one. now facing the Lineoln ( 'ount,v C01nn1ission. A :new _coun­t~· jaill'"detPntion ePntl·r·· i~ tlw l'ttrrent buzz-word) will be bUilt in CaJ'rizozo. but the managonient thereof -remains an 1~:-:u<.>.

Tlw c.ounty hn~ hL•en jou:-;ting a bit with Correctional. S_v:-;tt·m~ Inc .. tlw outfit that has bPen n1anaging the old jnil f~tcility ftw J_w pa~t two ·.vPaJ·s or ~u. to arriVe at the coSt of a nev.,· n1atulgl'llwnt C"Ontn.tl"L ·

Huido.-;.o':-; ( 'ommis::-::io1wr Lt•o .. Martinez Would like to PXaminP whcthL·r· Uw count.\' might -save money by -pro- . moting a C"ounty l•mplo,\'L'l' to num~tguthc facility, even as. bt• :lcknowlt>dg-P:-> a bia:-; .tow;u·d )>rivatized operation·.

\Vt' ,\·ould likt• to . .,;<•t• .:H!dvd to the inix the possibility of tlw l'il't·tt•d county ~lwrif'f taking re!-iponsibility far· j~il opt'l:ittinn. as had h£•i.·n donl' in 1lumy counties around_ the eountr:v {iH· gt>m•ration;-;.

\\'t>ll, maylw nnl. .:\layht· too much responsibility.

LEI'IERS r)Ij(y Th•· Rutd"-"" .\'. '' ~ ~":~t·n•n·ag••:-: ·h·t~l'l'~" to thP t•ditor, especially

ahoul l•ll·nl tnpll'."- ;IJ!II :.~~u••-._ 1-:-al'h h-•ttt•r· mu:-1 lw ~igrw~ and must indwh· tlw wnlt·r·-. don·t:nw \t•lt-phoni• numlll'l' and rnail addres~;. Tlw phorw numlu•r .nld m:nlin)--: .addl't•.-.,; wiil not \)(• printed; the lwnwtown will hi' Tlw \t,'lt·phnnt• n,umbt·J· will lw us<•d to veri(y <lltthm·:-:hip. ::'\:'nll'ltt·r \~ 111\w p:·i:~tt·d withm'•t tlw \\Titt·t·'s name.

f'.,hlt•·al t'f/1/oltol<ll• '1/dtJr.~··lll<'lil.~ .tJ/' ullorl,•l:! fl·i/1 II(}/ be Jiub­lt.~h,·d. •·ul/11/lr'li/ .-1/<lflld ''~'""' n1 /~.-..u..,, n11h· . . \'1i jJ()/i/if'ul c•o,n-1111'111 !t·ttrT~~~ til l~o 'tJIIhh.~h,·d '" tf.t ,·.J(I,.,n imn"'diutt-ly before an f'l••f'ltnll. · . . . 4


l.•·itp:·-. mu:-rTii· :HI 111111'<' th.~n :~rHJ wnnb i1l IPnj.,.-th. of publt~ illii'I"P-.t. iwd ,-,., .•. nl l:ht·l. ••dt "-.:\~til lw nnl_,. fbr.j.!rammar or ,..pl•llin[.! Shnr·ll·r· lt•ltt·r~ an· l•J l'!t·r-rt·d iltld g-t'JH't·al\y n.•ccivc ).!Tt·att·r· n·;~tb·r~h:p Til•· /lJI!d,,~, .\", n.~ 1'1'-':-~"1'\'t•,.. tht> t·ig-ht to rc.',jl'ct · .11\~- l••ttt•l'. l.<>lt).!••r It\ !Jn•·•l "(;uv-.t I 'nmmt•tllary~ nrticlt•s will be cnn:-:idt•red. c;dltlw ··d:lnl' ott ,,-,O;il :_!,'j/-1001

1 • .-tlt·t·~ 11\.1\' ht do•\t\t·rt·d '" lh<· Utud"·"'" ~\",·H·s uflk"t• ·at 104 Park . \"·tit u ·. :i1. • tl• ·d 1 " I' ( l l~"' I ~--;. H tudn-.n. :"\.\I :o-lH:{:'):); fax-ed to :!ill -10.-d. 111" .~vfll I>'• ' lJt.ld 1<> nndn-.unt•\\'C:{•·;i;Ull'1.curn.


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Huulo:On, 1\"~1 XX;{fifi ~->.7:,",!11111 • ~fi7-H~411

CtU'NI'II.OR Ron S·nmnn

Bnx .J;m;, HuJclo,..u, ;..;.\1 SH;ir,,-,





Help to remember ' 'lh the editor:· .

I ditto thP lett.e-r from Bob and Jane Pickson tSept.· 6> regarding the health care in Rui­doso, not so much for my hus­band's doctor, but ·for the: love and cltrC' the Lincoli1 County Hospirt• gH\"<' to him the lnst two weeks of his. life>.

MariP. Elizabeth, Dawn: Marie mul Diane WE"l'(> tl1e. ont.-s who took <·.ru-e of Art ru1d wPnt way beyond their lint> of dUty at times to cOme to thP liouse to crtre for him ~1d give suppm1 tO myself.. . ·

Lim'Oin County is indeed blesSE>d to have theS(_> nur·sl•s, and the otlwrs on stntf If <my· one 'vailL"> to mnk~ n dona.tion t!) the Lincoln COtmtv He>alth mul Hospi('(', bt>liP\'P yol1 mf' it willl>(> most graciously acrPpte~l ami put to a \'et-y good causr>. You never knm,· wh~n you_ '~:ill bC' in our situation· and neC>d lwlp, and th£'SP lndit•s a)~ so cfl,dng rmd COmJia.o:;sionnte, tl~P,\-' imnwdinU.•­Iy bec_·omP rnlP of;'t•our family.

Jo fMr.o.;. ArtJ 1-Jhw•r Capltm!

Thanks from the BEACH.

1b thl" editor: On behalf of tlw B£•Rch

!Breast Cancer I<~rlucntion, Awareness, Curl', and Hop(' I \\'P

appreciate all thp support \\'(' have r£>t'Pi,·ed from Lincoln County medical Cenb~r. \Vithout its heip and support WP would not hAW' bePn abl(' to pro\'icle- tlw 300-plu~ manunop;ram~ fill' tlw citi:z<=>ns nf .Lii1coln (.'mutt,\·. WI'

want tllP communitY to know Wt· suppot1 mu· lo("a] 'hc;~Jlit.al.



Tite decision matrix

: Ho!'le_sty lnt~lligence

Leadersh•p/US Leadershtp!World u.s. lirst alwavs



t-:xl'l'(lli••m!J :!0:· lll't1!ptublt• 10: wcuk ()

Th thf' f'dito1:: Curr('nt data· suggests

thnt about 42 pPrcent ·of Anwricans nrP cmTunitted to· voting J)("inocratic, 42. per­<·eul are l•omm.itted to voting Rrpublit-an, 4 pet·cent proba­bl,\·· lPan-ing· townrds eitlwr NadPr, or Buchanan. This lc·m·c·s .a -;.·~~·.v significant 12 ~~·n·Pnt nf: '"'undC>t"idPd," and pa i·nclo:s icn lly, n h ttle mon~ than 50 J)(ll"t't.•nt of this group eoulrl tlwreforP df'tf"rminl' whtl our l'iroxi pres-idt>nt will lw h~ a photo-finish.

TlwsP "ull.clc>r::idP.ds" are a­mi:.::c>d_ hum·h- ).lo~t c.Prtninl,\· tlwY an• nnt all ait··lwnc'ls, ns ha~ ht-t>n sugg£>~~('d.

Sonw of us work two -01"· thrc>(> joh:-;, J.nbor 10 to 1:3 hours n ·d~y. and simply han•n't had tlw timP tO make n thoughtful rh•cisjon. Saine HPpuhliean~ want("d McCuin ~u mtH:h tlwy'n• t·onsid('ring: 1lt>fi:•ction. :\lanv non-radic_·a] J)pmotTal:-: an• ~till Con~titu-

Our nnnual fUn/run walk will hP Sc•pt. :~o. \Vp nre expC'ct~ ing :~oo or mon· 1umwrs, , ... ·o.Ik­PI"l" and ~uppm1t>l~ tlwr£>. Appli­<•ntion:-.: t'l\11 he• pickPd up at tlw \.illagi• Bllll<'l'_\', (. 'hamh£•r, Ht1i-

tionalists and worr""y about the ·«undermining"· effect of

. Clinton/Gore's 400-plu·s exec­utive orders and uncount­able judiCial- d~isions .. Oth­ers fret over what they per­ceive ·as a drift into- social­ism. ·Some. with no party affiliation, are in a state of

· "jlOlitical fatigue"'; they see tie media aS having lost. its credibility, the polls as a tool for manipulation, and the issues as cOnfusing, self~ serving interpretation~-

~?-<> - let's get this deci-. ··sion process ~duced to the. lowest terms .. In the. end, it's the.leader who will make the difference. Issues will come nnd go, but for the next ·four yeai·s· our new leader will handle the probleins.

Ou1· "decision rriatrix1' is

n method to clear the air -to stop the media noise an(l rPieasP your own. percep~ lions. ·

This 60-second process delivers the undecided voter to either Gore or Bush tind then he. or she can stop gl-i­mnCing and get back.to work or retirement or other impor­tant stuff.

Russ Ma}r>sty Ruidoso

doso News, or call at 257-951, or vi~it our Web site: 222.ruidoso.net/beach.

Barbara. Cram~. BPf'hy Walston, Cathy Krugjohalln

· Ruidoso


CALL US · Phone: S05-2i7~·iJlUl

Willjng, wantmg to work To the editor:

I know s·ending- you this let­ter in hoP.es of it being printed will probably no ·change a thing -bu.t it will mak~ me fee) some-what better. ·

My husband and I have lived'here since 1997. We have had se-veral jobs arourid Jwre,. but it took awhile for us to gPt hired. ·

It. seems like employPr'H around here will put ads il \ your paper and help~wantetl signs up at their plat::P of busi­ness, but when sonl(>ont• appl;es for t.ha.t position nn<l· · they a:re either qualifi£>d or· over-qualified, and not fi·mn here, they t.urn ·their hf•;ui."l; they act like that pez·son rlo£>s­n't have biBs to pay and nrPd food for their families: ·

My husband and 1 nre qualified and sometimes oW'J'­

qualifieQ for somC' of the po.si­tioris \ve apply for. and W£' still get turned down. ·J.:mplo.\'Prs need to \'l.'ak(' up and t'Pnlizl' 'that people are herP to . wdrk and make Ruidoso ~he-ir honw, so give .tis out-of-townPrH n chance-. Stop complaining thnt you can't find employe£>s thnt will work and stay with your company.

Let me make a corn'l'tion. We moved here in in lat<.> 19f>H and we want to make ruitlo:-;o our hon1e, but we alv.·ays had to go back over the road as dri­vers, but for several reasons Wl'

always end up back here ... Thank you for listc>ning. I

have wanted to writP thls.fm; n long time. TI1ank you again.

Pam BnK·I.• Ruidm,·o Dmt'll-<;

Fe<:feralland policies:.· Fuel for wildfires? 1\y STI·\'\.-\IU TIH ll ,,.:-.,: -hH Hie _-\'-· t :'-~~.'~.r -'~Y. I_!__~•! ·1!21.!!.~·

· Tlw Thorna~ ranch m•m· Salmon ii1 l't•ntrnl [daho i~ tw~­tled in _ h pie1urt·~qtH' ·vaUr>~'· Thf' vniiPy and uplands ar'<' t~1)ical ()f tlw \H'l"lt'l'll rnngr• -with catth·. £•1k, l'onl mountain stt"'PntllH nne\ plbrt~· of fr·c·~_h nir.

But that's 11ot tlw \\'a~· it WaR this F=Uilllll,...l'.

. ''\V£''n~ ->bePn inundah>d \.\•ith. smoke in our YnliP\'

almOst ·r>vr-t·;dny fmm la_tr ,Jul~· on until this pn~t Ft·ida~· wlwn we .stnt1£"d to gN n little> ntin," snid llf'ttthPr Smith·Thom.ns, a ranchr>r and WPII-knim•Jl author of hooks ahout hOrs('s. Ah_hough tht! wildfires JH'W'I'

got dos£"1' thnn n fpw milPs ft,"'m the- t•mwh, ThomaR- said shr felt like slw was sitting ne-xt to n can'lpfin• bPcnusr thP wind carr-iNI ashes and hot ni1· from the hlnz<'.s .. \Vork outiloors became· di~cult nne\ taxin.g on

a pPI~on ·~ llmg:-;. . IJPathPr and lwr hushnnd,

Lynn Thomn~;. did not los<• nny _(•ntllP hut l"mm• of their tWigh­hors in LPmhi ('ount\; did. as rnn~C'S· hlH'nNJ up. Tiw Pxh•nl of lpsl"PS pmlnihly won't h«> known until filii. Sonw nuwh­Pr.s pullf•d tlwit· l'atllt~ off sum· IUt•r· r'ar1~P:-: ('/ll'l\' lwcausP, of th£> fin·~- Xow. tiu•v ar'(' fnt·pd with a shm·t:~J.{l' o(fhll pa!-'itlll"C' and hn~- l'H'('au~" tlw drought enu~Pd ~tr·c>nm IP\'(•).!-; to drop. fU1d th('l"l' j~ not t•nou~h wa(t•r for i1·rigalion. · ·

~1m·£> thnn n half lnnlifln acr<•s w·i:-·n· still hi·ing (.•on­~unwd bv 20 firPJo; nl'ro~~ ldnho at thC' l:W-gihnhtp; of SeptP_mhpr·. Thro Ch~m· CrPPk fil'f', 10 miiPs W(·~t <lf Snlmott, i~ l'X)l('l't(•d to hurn until tlw £>ncl of H£'plPm· hPr wlwn rain nnd ::;now will lik«>l~· snuff it out. Sril. Lnr·T;\· Craig, H-Icln:ho. want~ to C'Xfllll­ilw wlwtlwr Clinton admiili:c;-

I ,.

tmtion poli<'i£>s are-partially to blnnw for thP ferocity of this SC'llSOn'.s fir·p,s_ . .

Craig wiiJ hold hearings in tlw RPnatc Enerro.- and Natur­al R«.•sourl'<'S Committee. which h£' chair~.

l\lni1y local peoplt> bPHe-vt' -fin• conditions shouldn't have hc•t>n allowrd to gpt to· this point,· said Thomas.They criticize ihe g<WP•·nttwnt for s]llJ~ting down titlliX>r hm-\·PSts. If some of these at·Pai': hnd been selPCtively loAAf><l. thC'rP would have bE'en .}p.ss fi.1C'I for th£> fires, This was pm:ticu!ar1y tntC' in th~ wilder­l.lPSS m"Pn~ whE'I'P -there was no logging or grRZing, she added.

At th£> AAillP tinw,-land nMln· niwmc-nt ag(•ncies h8ve been. Pt:nsing- roads in the nationaJ forpsts, and the Clinton admih­istmHon wants to prohibit futurE• mad building on more tlu~;~l40 lllillion·acrcs. The·ques­tion ilow being hsked is how crit-

ical wet"{' theSE' ronds to rrans­pcuting firrfighti-rs, r>vat"uatiilg the public or nl"ling ns fiJ'P­linPs'!

Environll)e-ntnl g'roup.o;; likP to argue that tourism i~ morC> importnni to thP (>(.'OtJOm\· nf

· plat."E's lik£' Saln\on, Idaho, lhan lOgging 01; livPstock grazing. But how mrun· tom-ists want to vi~it charrf!d fo)·psLo;, · oz· \Vorne VPt ones that AI'(> still burning? Th~ air is. bptt£>r in he-A\·ily industti­alized citips than it is' around Salmon. whPn" the> Re-d Cro~s ft.nd others distributed nir clPnn~ E:'rs 16 r{'sidPnts who lll'f'decl "them.

TJ'l£> Clinton administration .claims to have a vision for the western landscapp." Certninlv this can't be it. · ·

StC'wart Trudl'·:c>n is th~ director of broadrast .'WI'l'IN;.'i

far th_,~ Amt•t·il'an. Farm B~lrt'au Fedt•ration. ·


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lllJIDOSil NEWS LOCAL NEWS WEnNI:smr, SmTJ: 13, 2000 SA

Trustees OK new computer system.to upgrade records, get mapping capability· clerk. ~ RUIDOSO DOWNS Morales. mission. $006.95. . Village offices in Ruidoso Downo

~ be getting a new compufer syStem With seven work stations and one file server. The village council MOnday aJ>prqved the $17,302 p~, which Will anow G~ (Geographic l'nfornu!.­tion Sy.tem.) mapping and place the Vil-lage~ o~ on compUter. .

"Now some programs .we use lQCk up -because the hardw·are is inade­quate," s.Ud Gladys Dillard, the village

The new system would alilO Jll')Wde accees to the lnter­net for infonnation- Dill8rd said was needed by departments: ;:l'he GIS •rs-· tern would inclJ.l(!e detailecHnformation on streets and the-loca.tion of sewer and -wfitei: lines aa we.ll as the location of fire hydrants. · ·

Dan B.ryant, the Village's legBl cmmcil, said rut~ for lntemet use would have to be drafted and tracking· 'Where· employees- go op. the lntemet" might be necessary to assure tl1e Internet is_ not being used . ror private purpos~. . · 1n other action vjl.lage trustees:

• Approved Emma Herrera for the position of code enforcement secretary and Mike Walters as code enfuroemt!ht <'ffi~r.

":Ap,lrovl;ld applying for two Colllll"!unity Development Block Grants_, tn poWntial!y fund a new ltukloso Downs senior citi~s t:ent.c:r 'and for the Cost of assembling' a vilia"ge. comprohensive piau. . · .

'lliMoved tn schedule a new fire dcJ>lu:tment governing ordinance foi ~ future public hearing.

•[jc}.ayed action on accepting a bid' for i"en.c­illg part of a 7 .l.l2-acre village owned tract.. The 'i~m was 'liSted on the- Sept. 11 agcpda as a­request to go out for ~ds. mear1ing accepting a bid was not an option at l)ie meeting. The eventual fenced area would be used to store viUage equip-mep.t. . . ' '

•Tabled a plan to contract for a general ~er-. vices engineer/architect until an evaluation of the five responding bic:4ler.s can be completed. ·

DEATIIS Mona Bourbon

_ ViSitation for Mona .Bour­bon~ 69, ·of Ruido~. was SUn­daY at. La:Grone Funeral Chapel in Ruidoso. 1he grave­side seryice Was Monday at Forest Lawn. Cemetery in Rui­dos:o,_ .with the Rev. Charles Han- offici'ating.

· Mrs. Bourbon died Thurs-. day, Sept. 7, .~000, in RuidOso.

She w.a.s .. born June 29, 1931, in El Paso, Thxas.

She inarried Floyd Bour­bon on_ ·sept. 18; _1994. in_L_as .­Cruces. She moved to Ruidoso six- years ago from El -Paso, Tees. She· was a homemaker and was a member of :the Lin­coln Couhty Sheriff's Posse.

Sui·vivor.s iD.Clu:de her hus­band, FloYd .Sourbon of Rui.,. doso; a daughter, Pe~-Mur-· dock and her husband, Virgil,:· of West Jordan, Utah; a son, ''Thrry Bourbon of .Anthonyi 8 sister, Rqby Hull and her hus­band, . Ralph, :of Ruidoso; broth~rs 'lbny Nobles ap.d his· wife, Edith,_ of Alani.ogordo, and .Johnny. Nobles and· hiS wife,· Geanne, of El· .Paso, 'texas; a specihl granddaugh­ter, Christie Spencer and her husband, Mike, of Las Cruces; five grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren.

Arrangements are under. the direction of .LaGrone . Funeral Chapel of RuidosO ..

Stephen: C. Chavez Memorial services for

Stephen· Christopher Chavez, infant son of Stephanie McCall and Frankie· Chavez of

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The .Internet acCess for eJP.ployeeS was questioned by Trustee 1\{argie

. Ruidoso Downs, Will be at· 3. neth Guthrie; and five _great. p.m. ori .Saturday, Sept; 16, -at graric;Ichildren. CalVary Chapel in RUidoso. ae was preceded in death

.. Stephen was stillborn. in by a grandSon, Elon· Guthrie. -Alamogordo Aug. 30, _2000. II; and a sister, Maureen

· Survivors includ~ his par.- Stubben. . . ents; a sister, K-Dawil Arrangements" are· under Chav'e:Z; brothers ·Perry : -the direction ·of LaGrone McCall, Jason Chavez and· FuheralChapel of Ruidoso. Henry Gha\rez; ~aitd~rents

. Willie and Joan McCall and Henry and Marjr Chavez.

El~n 'Buddy' Guthrie

Charles E. McClellan Visit-ation for Charles

· · "Cem'" E. Mc~lellan, 43; of Roswell, -Will. be from 10 a.m.

GraVeside services for until noon on Friday at Park Elon "Buddy" Guthrie, -69, qf Plti.ce. 1371U;lese St., Ruidoso. RuidosO Downs, will be at 11 .,, Mr. McClellail died Mori­a.m. Saturday, Sept. 16, in. the . day, Sept.- li, 2000, in Albu­

. Ruido·so Iiorido Valley Ceme- · que:rque. tery. . · H., was born Oct. 8, 1956

Mr. _Guthr-ie di~ Monday, · in Tal}oka, TexaS .. Sept. 11. 200.0, in Ruidoso. · · · He graduated ft-o:tn Rui ..

He was born Feb.-9. 1931, doso High .School in · 1975, in Lincoln ~d ·had liVed in then".attendljld Lubb:»ck ChriS­the county 8.11 of his life .. He tian University. where he retired from Otero COunty graduated. Electric as a power lineman in .He had .. Qeen a school 1996 after 47 yearS. t~acher iii Lamesa, '".18xas, 8.nd . He married Clara Nail- on in Mescalero. He was involved

. April_ .20, '1951, in Capiian.. with the Little Theatre in Rui-Survivors include his wife, doso. He was -the first client

Clara, of Ruidoso DownS; a services coordinator for the sc;m, EdWard ·Quthrie of Gar- 'Pecos Valley HIV/AIDS land. 'Thxas; daughters Nelda· Resource Center. He was Francis of Las Vegas, and instrumental in the founding ~th ·Guthri43 of Ruidoso of the only HIV/AIDS agency Downs; a sister, Wanda Old- in southeastern New Mexico. ham of'" Temple, Texas; ·a. He ·was also the :first board brother. Henry Young of Las chair for HARC, a member of Cruces; grandchildren Brecca the Governor's Task FQrce on Dixon, .Zack Francis, Jeremi- AIDS,_NewWorking.NewMex­ah Francis~ Amarida Francis, ico and 1Jre -HIV Coordinat:ing Susana Guthrie., Cristina Council. He was a member of Guthrie, Stacy Guthrie, Carl the Church of ChriSt. Guy Guthrie, Dale Guthrie, Survivors include his Clara Sue Guthrie and Ken- mother, Peggy -McClellan of

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Lending Hands Foundation supports the CIJik}ren's

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'Tis flu- s<.·ason for your \Vlnter Visirors Ouid<.·. \hur chime<.• to kafur<.' your business In 'lhl' hl'St ml\.•t•rllsin~ value in tm.vn ends Seplemh<"r 15ih. -J.i),OOO ti:Jtid l"llpies dlSiriburec:l \-Vlthiil: Llncnlil. Ot<.·ro. ChcwC:-s counties. West 'i"c:~as, Jucm·z, Mt•xico

This- prtiducl is around for 4 months from Thunk..-;givin~ oay to Prt-sidcrit.s Day. Thl.s J(uld<.· <:~lso J4h:t·s thosl' people who wU1 he rt.•lo<.·B1inf4 to 1hl• area a t>lethnm of lnfurmmlon on what 10 Sc.•c.•; whL·rc tu go and how to ~WI there. l·Jdpful for realtors wn. The mc~t conlprt:h<.·nslvt' eontc.·nt for Cl ,vis· ttors guide.·. \V<.· will in Include maps: rt·vlt•ws on m;Uvill<.•s and ull the J>ertineru infqrnmtlon viSflors nnd thurl.c;ts ·rn.·t~d to -kno\-v \-\'hc.•n l"(mlhll4 tfJ Rtlldosl».- AssiuttiJ 1~ cut ilulu"suy avt.•rag'-· l)f al lt·asr 2 readerS p<.·i" hous~·hold, tht• toted rc:ml­crshlp .ur th<.· Winter Visitors Guldt· IS RO.OIMI, an<l tllo.c;(• ·readers art• J)(,u.·ml.al· cuslnntcrs fr•r l"'-'t'r)' mh.•t•rtiser.

Ci:lll the Ruidoso Nt•ws cttfV(.•rtiSin~ ci<.'JJ<lrtmt•nr r'or more ·lnfor·matkm at (5U5) 257-4001. ·

·~ {


'Winter 'Visitors

. .

•Moved to send a new parks-depai1.1De.llt urdinance amendnle.Ui to a public hearing . . · •Approved a ~uest to purChase firefighter

lui.ndbooks and a ·workbOOk at a total coat· of

•Heard ftom the. Planning and Zqning Com· mission that workshops on fevlsing .the• village'S planning ordinan.ce will be held every commission c­

meeting (ollow the regular business agenda.

· Ruidoso; a sister,- ~am Hough and- her hns9anQ, Mike, af Plan:o, T,exas; brothers Kip McClellan of Ruidoso and Curt McClellan and his wife, . Beth, of Dallas, Texas; a grandmother, · M~rgaret Elkins .Whiteley· Of RUidoso; seven nephews~ ·a great-niece;_ and his._ friend, Ray Clarkson

. oiRoswen. _ · 'He was· preceded in de~th

· by hiS father, Charles McClel­lan; and a niece, SUsan Kay Hqugh.

'rh:e family suggests ;memorials to Hospice of Lin­coln County~ 119 El Paso Road~ .RuidoS;o, NM 88345 or .HARC~ 80.8-B N. UniOn, Ros veil, NM 88201..

Arrangements are under the direetioll. of LaGrone Funeral Chapel of Ruidoso.

Phylns Lee Pfu-ker The funeral for PhyliS Lee

Parker, 60, :was on Monday at Berardinelli Fainily Chapel in Santa Fe. Bur~~ is pending--at Santa Fe N atio~al.Cerp.etery.

· Mrs. PariC.er· died "Friday, . Sept. 8, 2000, in Albuquerque.

She .. w~s. born Aug. 4, 1940; in Devine, Texas to Ruby · Bullard and Clyde Bullard of San Antonio, 'Thxas.

.- She mat:ried Troy H. Pa-rk':" er- in Seguin, Thxas, on Nov. 25, 1957. She was a computer teacher from 1982-2000 with the R~idoso public schoOls.

. Survivors include her hus­band of nearly 43 years, ·'rroy

Parker; her children Pa.tricia and Kenneth Raborn. Pamela · :Park,er, Mr. and ·Mrs. Troy· Dale Parker,· and Rene Park­ei-; grandchildren· Ser-~na, Wesley, 'rasha, He-ather~ Keith, Cqdy, Colton; -siSters. JoAnn Reininger and Eulla Krueger_; brothers Douglas Bullard. Robe;rt Bullard. Wayne Bulla-rd a1ld Jesse Bullard.

' Arrangem.Emts ·are under the direCtion of Berardinelli Ft~,mily -Funeral Service· ·in Santa Fe.

Steve]. Mayo Graveside ·· sel-viceS . for

Steye ·J. Mayo_, 54, of Ruidoso Do~ns, will be at 2 p.m. today · in tho Fort Stan.ton Cemetery.

. Mr: -·Mayo· die~ Saturday, Sept. 9, 2000. .


H~ was borri April 10, 1946 in Silver Cit:r.

He serv·ed in the Navy during the Vietnam- War; was" an avid player of pool and hil-·

· liards and had worked at sev-·· etal -ski shops· in Ruidoso. He was a nienlber of the 'Church of Christ.

SurvivQJ-s. i"nclude his mother, 'r.ela Mayo Or Rq.idoso Downs~ a sister, Marvetta Mayo, of Ruidoso bow.ns; an unj::_le · and aunt, Cecil and Jupe- M~yo of Fort· Sumner; 'and an auht, Fern.e Malone of Youngtown, Ar:iz.

The family . su~gests memorials to· Gateway Church of Christ or. Home Health of Lincoln .County.·

Arra_rigements are. under the. direction · of .LaG-rone Funeral Cliajlel of Ruidoso.

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Hondo Soil and Water Conservation District members clean up with awards BY DIANNE STALUNGS RUIDOSO N~WS S'fAI-F U:'Rl'll-11:

. .. Home-baked cobbler, brisket that saturates the soul and bis­cuits like grandma used to make should be enough to lure just about anyone to the annual meeting of the Upper Hondo Soil and Water Conservation Dis­trict.

'lbp the great meal off with good conversation and a few awards and it's easy to see why people come- back year after year.

''The purpose of this dis­trict's long-range program is to Provide fanners, ranchers and small tract urban land owners a chanCe to take adv.imtage of new programs, improved techniques and better land ust" adjust- · mPnts;" ,John Cooper, chairman of the dist rid board; said Thurs­day. Cooper added that thes'e group must always k£>ep '"the parallel goal of human welfare in mind."

.Dia!Wle Stallingl{Ru/d::tst! News Scott Daniel, foreman of the Brewer Ranch, is congratUlated by Mary Shanks for Winnii1g _the Conservation Rancher Award on the loc:al and regtonaJ ~Is .. ·

Friday, the group honored participants who huve chalked l1p Outstanding accomplish­_ments. All of those who won in the district ·also won on the regional -le\'el that covers nine other districts and are up for stat.P awards.

Linooln where tbey raise cher­ries,· raspberries· and blackber­ries, tend their bees and walk their land with _ their spaniel, Ranger. .One. of the improve­ments for which they were sele!!ted is the orChard watering system. 'The water is irrigated fl''Om the Providencia Communi­ty Ditch. I't is piped to two lined irrigation regulating ~reservoirs. and from there it is pumped through a filtering system into two drip irrigation systems.

-Th~ couple also takes their· knowledge_· into the classroom speaking to students about their eXperiences in the orchard.

For 'the .second consecutive j•ear, Elaine and Hershel Ander· son wen> givPn the Conservation }''armPr award for their Work at SerPndip Orchards, a 14·acre traci. outside the settlement of.

Winning the Conservation Rancher Award was Sc.ott Daniel, foreman of the Brewer Ranch ~n Cap~taD.. He oversees

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7,'\196 acres with all but 1,160 own~ privately:

When the rap.ch was pur~ chased ·in 1989 it n'eeded a lot of attention, said presenter Macy Shanks. Liv~tock distribution· was poor because. of lack of pro~. !)~ w~re coniplet­water ·and Adequate fences. ed with no cost f!,hare assistance. Cholla cactus and jWliper infes- . "I thank . you Mr. Brewer," .tations were heavy. · said presenter Mazy Shanks.

Under his · supel'V!slOn, "Because of your efforts, o~ fences and water structures are n~ aware Qf ~hat ,can be were improved -and during the ~ .doJ16. . . growing season, cattle were kept Rancher Rex Wt.lson, -chair­off of paStures·. The ranch prac- man of the Lincolr.i. County Com­tices wildlife habitat manage- nli~ion, received the- Oonserva­ruent to control hunting. Water tion ServicE! Award, a;Ithotigh he availability e~hances the deer, .wasn't at the meeting to accept elk and antelope habitat. . it: · · ·

. Althdu@ some of th~ Wayne Cunningham, who changes were accompl_ished with helps in:bqth the Upper Hondo the help of district conservation and CarM~ozo district$, was


CAR.RIZOZO, NEW MEXICO Lincoln County will conduct .\Public Hearing _at _10:00 A.M. on Thursday, Septeffiber 21,_ 1000, at the Lincoln .County Courthouse, 300 Central Avenue, Carriz.oza:, New Mexico. The purpose of the public ~earing will be.to discuss the 2-QOl New Mexico.Small Cities .Community Development 'Block. Cram (CDBG} Program an'd to · advise the citizens of the :program objectives and eligibility categories... Tht; public is invited and encouraged to present requests for funding of needed at:td eligible pro~ects. · ·

With a Qlin.imum of three d.trs .tdn.nce nOtice Americans with Disabilities Act compli.mce auxiliary aids will be made available. Alsp wit.h.suHi.ci.ent notice, a translator Will be provided for non­English speaking residents.

Those residents- unable to attend t~e public hearing may send written comments or call:

Thomas F, Stewart Lincoln. County Manager

Post Office Box 711 Carrizozo, New Me:K:ico 88301-0711



given the- award for Professional · Public SerVice. · Cunningham is· a corisetva~ tion specialist and has helped with hi.s l>road experi~ce in .water issues, she said. He rarely misses a tneeting arid has -:pever failed to ~llow up on any ques­tions or requests from district members. Shanks said. He ·also luis lWlped obtain thousands of dollarS in grant money and sev­·eral pieces of needed equipment.

Bob Boebingt:n", who has served· on the board for nine. years, . was selected for the

Supervisor AWard .fu:r his years · of ~ort to shine _J;llore light 'on conservation o( natural reso1_.1rces through innOvatl:ve practices.

Cooper announ.cec:I that Boa­binger and Fred ''Peg" Piing· sten, who $6JVed as Bllpervisor fo:r 15 years, were reSigning. Elected to replace-. them were . Sally Canning 'and Stan Thomas, who Won over Preston Stone by one vote. · Cooper and Pfingsten also received 15-year service awards.



El Condado de Lintolii tendra una junta publka el. juevtiS, i1 de Septiembre, 2000 a Ia 10:00 de Ia manana en Ia sa1a de commissionados, en el edifkio del condado, 300 Calle Central, Carrizozo, Nuevo Mexico. El proposito de Ia junta publica sera _F-Jra· di~utir el programa de Desarrollo en ia Comunidad del Con junto de Donacion de Nuevo Mexico {CDBG) y para avisar a los cuidadanos de las metas del programa, la escala d.e aCtivi-

. clades. eligibles. El publico·es invitado a presentar asiStencia paia proyec· tOs cuales son de necesidad y eligibles para recibir fondos. .

Con n6tificacion de un minima "de tres dias de Anticipaciion, ayuda auxil­iar sera proporc_i'onada y asi cumpliremos con el Acto de Americarios lncapacitados. Tambien, con suficlcnte notificacion un ttaductor estara disponible para los residentes 9ue no hablan ingles. · ·

LOs residentes Que no puedan asistir a·la junta podran enviar sus comen­tarios a:

Thomas F. Stewart Lincoln County Manager

Post Office.Box 711 . Carrizozo, New Mexico 88301-0711


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PO - . WmN~;SDA~; SEPr. 13, 2000 lB

. Prep scoreboard ····-···~·-·············-·········--· Warriors·. slip. slide to· win··-over. SQcorro

....................................... --~· ...,

·Ruidoso ar: .Aiamogontp N 6 p.m. - .. • ~o 11t home. vs. CarrizOZo QH, V), -i:JO -·p.m. 'lbL!rsda)r. Sept. 14 -Capitan at Raadrumi!r Tournament. Dex-

w; TBA Ruidoso freshmen at home v;. Mesadero. -+ P.m. ~Sept. IS

""""""' . RuidOso at Artesia. 7:30p.m. Qiphan aa:-HagerntlWI. 7;30 p.m.

· Cai-rizozo at home w. ·Taa.n, 7 p.m. Mescalero.at hoine vs. lalceA.rctM: ·7 p.m. ..... ,... ~ at Aoadrunne.- 10umament. Dex­""'TBA ...................

~Counuy .

. · . , Karan Boeblor!Rurdoso ~-Warrior J,R. Floyd gets_ahead of a hoard of pu~ to score for Ruidoso on the opening k•ckofJ of Friday's game ~nst Socorro. · · -


A kicltofl' return in -the opening seoonds of the game 'made it look like RuidOsO was

· goingtorun:awaytrom:.Soc:orro .. Friday at Horton stadium, but Socorro hung with it:"'until the end. ·

·,R1Jidoso earned a s~ 3()... 21 win "despite several com&-

. backs byS. . · . ocorro. ·"Just like both of us (coach­

i!sl .. said. m..~ are what -cost the game.~ said Socol-rfl coach .David ··White. "RuidosO·

· did a great job. Had a kickoff return. imd a. safety. Those were tvvo big plays. A nine poi_nt _gain. lt wq.s a go€;td gan1e."

· .J.R.,Fioyd took the-opening kickoff and ran it back almost the length of .the field fur the

·scOre; . Midway thmugh , the third

qW.rter, Floyd again showed his fleet; s~de,.pic~ng offa.pas.s and nummg 63 yards for Rub doSo's third touchdown or· the night. ·

Floyd also picked up two points .on' a safety late in the· third, and caught a ·'lbdd Schrader.,pass_in the ·end zone midway through the second. For the game,-_ Floyd had 10 receptions for 16:9 yard!J,

Ruidoso's final points came on a short pass from Sehrad8r to Ben Lundquist late iit the game.

But quarterback Schr~d~r

4.. -I .

also l:ol<$ed two pinpoint passes right into the hands of the oppoeition, one of which result­ed in a Socon:o TO. · :'lbe ram cam.e dOwn. heavi~ ly .thtouab tn<JSt of.the game, and-~ ROOney Webb took. the blame fur the turnovers.

"We shouldn't have been throwing with a ...,t fuothall like that," he said. "'lbdd tOld· me _early . ~ • .ccoach. I'm not controlling it very welt' But there: ·were just so many

. things,_ throwing--wise.·. ·they were givirig us, I just _coWdn"t pass up:" .

· . Webb said that will change · on<e the team gets_ better on theground. · . . "On<e. we get ""'"' of a short yardage running game in ~!lace. we won't feel the need, in this lpnd of game, to throw the fbotball like we- had to," he said .

While ~uidoso · never trailed in the ·game, SOcorro tied it at ·7-.7 early on its first prisoessiori of the night.

Ruid- led ~4-7 at the .half and 21-1S.after matching a Socorro third-quarter TD.-­SocorrQ came back on the interception with 5:17 remain:ing · in the· third, but that was all the yisi-toi's could tally . . Socorro running back Michael McDaniel gave Rui· . doso some fits early, but Webb said the tl,efense grew up

See WARRIORS, page 28 Capitan, Mescalero at carlsbad lnvlb!donal, 9a.m . ._,,

· RiJidMo ;a: home vs. Sarna Teresa,. 2 p.m. Volleybo/1

Tigers rise above. clouds 'Zozo gets on winning six ... man track Caplran at· Roacb'unner ·Tournament, Dex-. ~r,TBA .

· Mescalero at AlamoaordO Christian, J p.m.

lecldng ord~ ·········~dOiO-~&"rieC"""""""""

Coed ..... _ -- Raa-eatlon DIVIIIan.

. W. L T~

~Bailers Camp Sierra BlaACa Whwup Rood<Jm

3 I 2 I 2 I I 2 0 '

Competitive Division ,...., Hlt-N-Rur. Co-No<b H~"" Guns and Roses Amlgos n

. Results far Sept. 7


' 0 2 I 2 I I 3

0 '

Homles 12, Guns & Roses 8 Hlt-N-Run 19, Amlgos II 3 Co-Nads 25, ~uns & Roses 6 Homies 18. Amigos U 17

Games far Sept. 14

PCt. .750. .667 .667 .333 .000

Pet. 1.000 .667 _ .. , .250 -000

6:30 p.m. - Hamles w. Hit-N-RJ.Jn; Co­Nads vs. Amigos II 7:30p.m.- Co-Nads vs. Hlt-N-Run: Guns & Roses vs. Amlgos II

On Deck .••...••..........•....•......•...••• Golf taumament

The Capitan boys basket team 15 hosting a ~ng ao1r to..nament Sept. 24 at Cree Meadows Country Ou!;t. The two-


After'- week"s disappoint-­ing loss at Fort Sumner, the Tigers came back at home Fri-­day. Despite on and off rain, and even .with pfi!ssure of a home-­coming game, Capitan rose tO victory over_ the visiting Lords~ burg Mavericks 22-14.

The Tigers proved they weren't going to :repeat last seaw son'!S loss to Lordsburg by jump­ing out to a first quarter 13-7 lead. Th~ Mavericks came back _ to take a slim 14-13 halftime· edge, but that was all they Would get.

Capitan added to the tally with a touchdown in the third quarter and a field goal in the final stanza.

Capitan jumped the gun at the end ·of the game, starting

. their celebration With a couple bf seconds left.. ·

Many of the Tigers offensive plays consisted of simply run~ .ning the· ball down· the field, rather than going to -the air. CaPitan Used _the running gatl)e to their adVantage.. -

'We did okay, and it Was a big imprOvement over last week, .. said coach Ed Davis.

While the rain kept every­one on the field and in the ·stands Soaked, Davis. didn't feel it had ~ effect on the finish.

"The wea~er did not have any effect on the outcome of the game/" he said. "It was· -just something that came and went, and was irritating for both teains."

Maverick coach Louis Baisa felt his players played hard but

See TIGERS, page 2B

BY .KAREN "OEHLER lf_WDrJ.~O Nn'C'.~ SPoH.·~ El)llnR

. .

.CARRIZOZO.- Grizzly Bryan BartZ led the Carrizozo six-man football team to a ·C()m­plete tumaround from its fii'st effort, crushing Immanuel Baptist 48-0 in a slight]y:..}ess-hot ·.saturday game.

Bartz drew cheers from the small crowd and groaris from the Wanior sidelines &S he scored five of '7..ozo's' seven ·touchd9wns. -

Chris Mmgis tallied the othe1' two Grizzly TDs.

BartZ, a senior who's-·only- played· football two years, sftid thP tenm was ready·to ~n.

"I think we were pretty discour~ged from · last time, so we needed something to build our confidence-up," he said. "We just went out there and played as hard as we could. We had a lot· of ·things to get better on, but other than that I think we played pretty good. •• .

Coach Pat Ventura, who was pleased with his team's effort. agreed the inexperienced Griz­zly squad still has more to learn, including Bartz.

Warrior netters earn first win BY KAREN BOEHLER RUIDOSO N£WS Srolc.TS £DITOJI; game a. the Pintos charged. taking a 15-12 win.

personscramblestartsatnoon. TheCOKis The n• 11 ball d · fi $30/person and lndude5·a c::an: and green narrior vo ey squa won 1ts rst

"Certainly in the third game, the momen­tum was with them," Webb said. "Our girls were kind of reeling from losing something Jike that."

fee.Prtzeswillbeawarded.lhereWiUbea i l)latch of the young season Saturday, but that's chlppfng contest priOr to the UJUmament f all the Warriors could manage at the tough atK1 Mulllpns wW be for sa1e. Reservation • Ro 11 ~--- t mustbemadebySepL22.FormoreJnfor- I swe auu.u~amen. . marion. call Royce Brown at 354-2567 ·'I In pool play Friday ~gainst Las· Vegas (work), 354~2~40 (fax) or 354-3228 Robertson, Santa Fe and Clovis, the Warriors (home.) ! didn't win a mateh.

Fun ruMvalk ! "We did not do· well i~ our pool play;" coach The fourth anirual Run for the BEACH Will ! .Fran Webb ·said. "We just didn't play real welL" begin at 8 a.m. Sept. 30 at MCG.y SbJ~ i That put the Warriors at the bottom of the =~::~~]o~.~ ~~=: ! consolation bracket and Friday's first game was-­fee indudes. a T-shfrt and goodie bag, anc:1 ! n't any better than pool play,~ the Warriors fell

The Pintos then won 15-9 to send the match to the decisive, rally-scoring fifth game, which the Warriors won 18-16 f()r their first wip. of the year. . . .

. Webb saj.d .. the key to Moriarty's comeback was that three Ruidoso seniors couldn't serve receive.

"They juSt did a terrible job at" pas.o;ing," the. coach ·said·.

Still, it was a win,. and the only one of the tournru)lent as Ruidoso (ell 3-2 to Raton in· the final match.

"BT?!"' was from one fieki to the other," Ven­tura said of the senior's el!'ort. "l think one play he ran 300 yards just to run 30, But he plays hard. He's Still. a little green, leamlng hOw to ru,n. He· needs to stay down at times,. but this is just his -d year playing."

The onlY. dispppo1ntment for Ventura was that he di.cfu't get to see sophomore Richard Westplay. . .

The young li.mning back went in ibr one play, then was ~ected, along with a Warrior, .tbr . unsportsmanlike conduct

"I wanted to see him ruri the. ball because I really think he'~ going to help us come district," Ventura said.

Overall, the coach said he saw much improve·ment from ·his sqUad, noting "our blOck­ing w&s 100 per'c.en't. better," and crediting yoWtg quarterback Lane Dixon with staying calm making several calls .

AnO. despite the mercy-rule blowout, Ventu­ra said Iinmanuel Baptist was not a pushovel'.

"They were better than I expected," he said.

See GRIZZUES, page 28

food, drink and. door prizes 6!r the nm. ! to Roswel115-7, 15w8, 15-9 .. ::;:,':.::m~u:!,':.~!:s.':nr: j· "'Really, how w~ play¢d in pool flay carriedd ApplicatiOnS ffi!llY be pk:ked ~at The But- 1 ~er to hml! we played tha~ ev~fng, Webb sai . <tel)', Chamber of Commeras, Ruidoso i And the girls acted -real tired. News or off the .Web at www.ruidCsb.net/ ·! Things improved Saturday when ftuidoso beach. For more information. call257-9251. 1· .faced Moriarty .

- · ~We really _played prE.'tty well," Webb said .. ''The only thing that hurt us against Raton was our blocking. We didn't block very well."

· Webb hopes the tournament was a chance for the Warriors to get on track as the seaSon . starts picking up.

·chiefs fight ·to the end .._... Wamot pr scramble ! The Warriors won the first two games Of the

Cree MeadOW5 Comtry Club wi\ host • 1 match, 15-4, 15-6. lady 'N.u-rior soccer team ben·en~ goff ! "We played great," Webb Said,. but then the sctamb1e at I p.m. Oct. 8 · The fee it. i mOmentum changed. With. Ruidoso up 12-2 in

"The tournament kinda <"miNI up fof"' us "being something to get _somP gamPs in," shE.' said. $45/per player for a 4-person.; build-yOur- ,

own team. Prizes include $50.000 for a hole I · ~!~~~~~..;::_· __ ._,:Runners imp· rove on X-C course For more Information or to ~ster ~ Cree Meadows 111: 257-5815.

· BY KAREN BoEHLER . boYs had what cOach Ronnie . tice last WPPk. Wt• thm1ght we

BEEF.~~~ .,:,; Ruroom N<w• Sr<>Kl< Evr1<>R :i!~~";,~~:!~i;~~~y notice- . b~tl!:·~~~:'': i?t~;~"ijj~':~:: 16~17 and Oa.. I 1n Hobbs. These aie fall Three are.a ·cross country The coach said everyone prfsed abqut how rpuch they naiionaf ...... lifters. The fall naticlnill.- d d d " ......- teams- traveled to Roswell fdr" improved by a minute an .a i improve. ~wt:!,.~~~~ the Pecos Valley Invitational half or more over the 3~mile Anianda Montes fi-nished USSSA World Ser'ia benh. Pee cf!'risions Saturday, with runners on co.urse. second in girlS vf:trsity with a Include au (coach pla:b). 9U. IOU, IIU, each squad putting. up some "We were very. pleased titne of 20:47. Josh Romero UU, 13U and l.iiU. For more li1fc:wniidiar<, successful times. · with how everybody. 'did," finished ninth for the boys in can PhD t.atm.m at (915) 689-8715 ore-- k d m th gh malfat~orvisittheUSSSA Competing in varSity, Mas e"w sai . "ne ou t we Web srte at http:/lhome.att.nefl-uma ., thrPP Rtridoso girls and fot1r. hn.cl n v~r:v good WC'rk. of prm•-

' -, I "'\-( I \" ...




. The Mescalero Fighting Chiefs hOsted the -Dell City, Thxas,_ Cougars Friday "in the Chiefs' first .ever six tnan home ·game. The lightning,

· thUnder, and heavy dowri~ur of rafn didn"t affect either team1s play.

According to Mescalero head coach Roland Bradford,

. "P,Utting last week's (scrim~, mage) loss to Reserve behind us, we ct;~.me home and played hard."

· The Cougars barely sliPped _ nw.n_\' with thPwin, ~20.


"l am very impressed by the way our guys played against Pell City," Br~;~dford said.

The CoUgars scored 14 points on consecutive posses­sions in the first quarter. The.­

. Chiefs -came back with a touch~ down early in the second Quar­ter, and scored another 20 see· onds before the half. The only downside was that Mescalero missed both field goal attempts, leaving them down 14-12 at the hollf. '

-The ChiefS took the lead in the third quarter, putting them up 20-14. But Dell City ca,.

Sl'l' CHJfiFS·. p:1gc 211·

' . '• ' ' .

. - .

.... _ ...... ________ ............. ___________ .... ____ ..;_~----~-.... -----............ -._ .... _._ __ ... ____ ~.--~~.;..~~---.:...,------ ..... -------- ....... _______ --· .·~ .... -.~-----'

.. I •



Small school§__B~! y!Jlleyb~1_i~son underway· BY KS.R£)'; BoEHl.I'R Rl'fl)(,lS() ·''f'lll\ Sf'<\RJ' fNT~"-'~~~-----

Volleyball 9(>8..._~n is in full _:?:\\;ng for -the area's Class A schools, \\itl1 two Lincoln Count~· squads Paining tlu .. ir fi~· ~ ·\\'ins this W€'E'kend and another imprming t$ rE'<"'O"d.

Carrizozo 3. Hondo 1 • ·\-""• .

Trouble at the line fot bo~h squ..<\d$ -markPCI. Tlnm;;dn_y$ matchup bt:-twE'E"n Car·­rizozo and Hondo.

-rm courerned about our sen"E'.- said Hondo roach ~'lY Rru"E'l:t.. -"'e can't SE."eril to ootu)ect t11TPE:' or four ser;;pg toge-ther, so we can gt?"t some points.'"' .

.. \\'e luwe to work -on otit SE'I"'\'E" ... Zozo -coach DE>anna.:\lorton e<'hoed. _ .. That's .some­thing \\.'l:"'re going to continue building ·On and ronti.JlUE" working on:

The- Grizzlv sen.iC'E' was a· little less shaky thtUl Hoitdo"s. leriding 'Zozo to a 15-8, 15-4, 15-10 'ictory.

Brooke Holland had one of the strongest pe·rfot"llumres nt th£> line. suing-· illg togedu-:r se-.·en straight to c;-losE." out the gamE" for Cani~ozo. """" "'~

Barela s8ld the· team was able to get tnore_-sE>rves o-ver th~ net~ leading to_ mQre sustained ralliea. ·

lndividuall.}t, Haun and Jackie· Chavez ""pi'Obabl_y were the two who shined ...

Baf£1'18 said)t was good to ~ the sep.­son's first win.

"It w~ 8. good experience "for the ~Is and certainly any victory_ is welcop1ed, he said. . - _ ,

For the Cardinals, the loss w"" the end of:a. lorig-\veek, but one tltat saw the yoUng Coroita Sqli8d earn its first Vict9ry as well.

· · CotUna too~ di_strict· foe Vauglm to five gnmes, falling 15-12, 11-15, 7-15, 15-13, 14-

. . 16. The-n the- Cardinals got their first win of . thE' sP-ason, downing .Bosque Pil!p 15-6, 15.· 1, 15-1. . . .

"'The girls" were ·thrilled," said coB.Ch Hjc:k Gage. "'It was a good week. The match a:t Vauglm was a big, big improvement oYer Me-sC'alE>t-o."

The loss at Hondo. he attribUted to the long. \..-.eek . - _ .

De-spitP tlw_ loss. B:u"E'la had kudos for several-pla\'Pl~.

Grizzly Kayla Haminond sends f!'ne up and ·P\Ier

''The JP.rls were. t~ O.nd ju,st wouldn't move the1r feet getting the bSll," he ·said. 1"l'hey \\•e-re j\.l$t lnentally exh~usted as·well as physically. You could See it on their: faces,."

.-.Sarail Sancht>z had .A. ,·erv good ga"mE',"' hE' said. ··You cou"Id seE' h€-r spik·

the net dunng ~ursd_ay·s game agamst-Hoildo • Gage shld he's "thriiled to death~ with

'the impro,•eiuent he's seeing in his yOung ·squad. . . · . ing, heo1· handing .of theo ball. making

smart plays at thE" ·net. Chriselda Aco$ta, our senior. Oln·iou:~I:..-·always plays tough, but hke- the otlwrs. ::.hE> had trotlble- with the se-n·ice. ··

us to try those ·positions.... ·. . . _ . The Grizzlies did impro\'·e the~,serbng,

8\-eraging 80 pe-rrent, but MOrton is still looking-for Unpro\-ement ..

'"They put two good bac;lt to baCk match· es' together. r really, wasn't -e~ this improvement thiS early in-.the.year," he said. "I still expect tri see a lot of mistakes juSt because they're so youltg. And it's goirig to be "in pressure ·games where you11 see

Barela also ct"f>dit(>(l sophomol-e- Harn1o· ny Haw1 witll' sez"\·ing consistPntly.

"We're working to bring that perCentage u:p;" she said. "!..·laintain.ing .sening consis··

· tency after time out.s ftnd s)J.bstitutions will be a focus ... he -... . ''\\'p got some points off her:· he- said, ··If

we can do that ,,;th somf:' of thE' older girls, ·I think we're going to show some of thE' peo·

Camzozo 3, M~ilia Valley o The O:rizdies fared Mesilla Valley in a

rare Monday game, downing_ the :Qlazers 15-

t ~- . . . ' Alam<>gordo C.hrlstian 3, Mescalero 0 . . .Meacalero had a tough · losS against

pte \\'P can play.·· · Cru:Tizozo 3, NM:MI 1 8, 15-!i), 15-!3, . . .

Alamogordo Christian; falling 15.0, 15-13, 15:7 SaturdaY.

Coach Ardena Orosco said her sqUad had a hard time with one of Alamo Christ­ian's servers, 'who sc;:ored .10 p:1ints to o~·

Saturda\', thE> Grizzlies started off slo\\' against thP ·:-.;pw :\lexica Milita,ry Institute Colts. thPn roared back. taking a 4·15, 15-9, 15·11. 15-9 win o-..·er the Colt.s.

''It. was _our mo.st competitive game so far," Morton said. ''The girls stepped up. and played very well. Tl:>ey played better than I think they've played all seaoon.'' the first game. · .

"'This game allow(:>(! us to try some ~if­ferent dungs ... ::\lorton said. "We had some girls out there who wPren't quite switching well becatL~ we '"'Pre tt;.ing some different plays. I had girls pla_\ing positions thE>y had­n't ~n usE>d to and this was a good time for

Hondo 3, Corona 0 ·"\Ve were kind of"Wlprepared for it. I think," she _said: The Eagles ··earned their first vi~ry of

the season Saturday against Corona, taking a 15'11, 15-5, 15-10 win.·

But the Chiefs caine back arid adjusted, making the· next games closer. .

"I'm really excited about it and the girla are also excited," Barela said of the victory.·

''The wOrk we did dur-

''We had sorne really nice voile~ and good returns," she said. ''They were able to adjust to their play. They did a lot more bumps and spikes ·and got .the ball over the TIGERS: Capitan d · L d b ing the -week on ow· e ges or s urgservingskills paid off." net." . ·

L••llt!ritlt·! t1' i~t! t..:c lB

not n." :-:mm"t a..:: tiW\" t·.ou\d hR'\"E". "Uur hack fh---ld ·was not very

e-x)lf"rif•nced am\ w~· shou\d have U!"~ our hr·nrl~ n littiP morP:· he sal<l.

Tlw full-hou:-:f• crowd chPr-n·rl t!u· f"rowning of the hOil!Pf"OJlllll~ t"OUI"t. ::--:flnlPd

fh.~hn!Pil 111111t·r· and princess wen:• :\udrN\" :\nnnndnre-z and .JayiH Hufl SopiHmnwPs p}p('t(>(l

GingPr Cupit princess, and­Judd McGraw prince. The jwtior-class elected J.B. Peebles and Bianca Aviles and T.J. Maroon had the honor of being named homecoming queen and Cody Gl"ass king.

11~e Tiger's next game is against Hagennan at 7:30 p.m. F1'ida)-: ·:\Ve will just go Out and try to play the best game of foot· ball \'l."e can," Davis said of .the UJX'Oming match. ·

GRIZZLIES: 'Zozo turns it around Continued from {>age lB

"This year, it was like night and day. They "played a lnt tougher than they did last year."

. \Varri"or coach Miguel ROdriguez said his team, which is a .combined _team with anoth­er small p1ivate sr:hool in El . .

Paso, has only been playing fur three years.

The Waniors, he said, ~ young, but· was pleased they stuck it out. . 'They did get toujjher and decided to go hit and play," he said. "At least we toOk it to the thini quarter."

X-C: Lincoln County runners improving by leaps and bounds t •uilltlll• : 11,,1111 _,_ 1 __ . _]1 junior varsity, with the boys

' ,. finishing third as a team. a tinw of 17::.w. 1 Tyler Haughness came in

\\"1th l.::.am Sparks injurPd, ~; Pighth in 18:32 and Armand !\JaskPW gn\'f' ."P\'('I'fll Ynung·•· Nicolet lOth in 19:02. \\"nrrlor girb a ehmwP to get "They had some outstand­th(•ir ff>f't WP1. ("ornpPt.ing in ing times," coach Zale WoOd· th£> Junior vn•-~•t.v run. ward said.

NPxt up for tlw Warriors Woodward was also 1s t\rtPHin St·pt. ~ 1, and pleased with Kurtis Lee, who MaskPw said lwtwPen now finfshed 25th in 21:29. and then, thP Wnrriors will be "That's a good time for doing som~ hnrrl triining. Curtis," Woodward said.

",Josh Ronwro is going to The Tigers also got the get his wish," Mn!iOkC'W said. third-place tRam finish with "Wt>'rl" going lo wm·k on lots of eighth-grader John McGr~th Pndurance training." running in place of injured

Capitan ngmn rnn in the Rust_v MRrtin, who11 be out

from ut and

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"He ran really well," Woodwat·d said. "Had· a good

· tin1e. too." The team finish was A

two-place improvement over· the opening week's run.

"I was reaJly pleased with the boys," Woodward said. "Thl"y really improved upon their times and they ran well."

Mescalero had the highest finishing local runner in the JV races. Warren Sago fin· ished fourth in 18:24.

"We are· real pleased with

(he way he ran," coach· Thur­man Sanchez said. '"Warren just <;ame out and flat welit out and ran .. "

The other highlight for Mescalero was Tony Chimal, wlw, despite being injured in Friday's football game, fi-n­ished 31st Saturday.

.. We were real pleased with that, too," Sanchez said.

The Chiefs head to Carls­bad Saturday, where Sanchez said he's hoping to see improvement.

Results or the Pecos Valley Invitational will be in Friday~s RUidoso News.


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Warriors on a soccer roll BY KAREN BOEHlER

. RUIQgSO NEW! SroltTS EDITOR time oUt_to try and·outwait the rain.

Anderson said the delay The WMrior boys soccer was long_ but his team wils

squad put two more wins ready when-the game resumed. under- its belt, last Week, "(NM~I) . did eve.rything defeating Moriarty 6-1 Thurs- they. cpuld do ~ wear us down. day apd d~strict foe New·Mexi~ It didn't work,'j he said, co. MilitfU'y Institute 3:.0 Satur~ explaining the Warriors came day. · . · back and scored their final goal

· Coach, Dave Anderson was to wrap up the ·l)latch. please;d with his team's effort Thursday, the Warriors against the Colts, especially were somewhat disappointed the defense. · when they arrived ip.. Moriarty ·

"My defmise played a pl).e- to firid not _the varsity .squad nomen a! game," he said. "Ry.Bn . waiting, but the jUnior varsity . Blackman and Sean (S'ebast- .Anderson. said that tnade . ian), that duo in the middle, · ·the match -a breeze. for his when the,?re on top of it, squild. , · . they're liard to get through." "We literally played with

SolOmon Bartlett,. who tal- them. We We:fe in iota! ·com­lied two. goals fqr the Warriors, ri.tand of the game." he said~ and Manuel Medran'o, who _got Thursday's .sCheduled, one, had a "real good. ga,me up game agaip.st Moriarty iil Rui­

. froilt," Anderson said. . doso has been reschedUled .. for -Not only did the Warriors Oct. a. Anderson said no mat-­

have to:. face the Colts, Who, ter' which 1\foriarty squad Anderson Said, had f~r more shows up for . that ~arne, the playerS on t;Qe sidelines than Warriors .will be ready. . during the. _first. meeti;ng ' 'We don?tJ.fear their varsity between the two squa!is, but one bit,~ he said .. also the weather. _ Ruidoso will_ ·get what

'!The weather ·was .iri Our Anderson called "a i-eally good favOr," Anderson said. "It was a .te~;~t'' Saturday when Santa: tOrrential downpour. We were 'Thresa traVels to "Ruidoso. soaking wet." . _ "Sant'il Teresa will come at

Finally, with ·ni~e mi.ilutes us with everything they. haver' left in the·game.an.d the War-- because they want first place riors ·up 2-0~ ~e refs called a in district," Anders.on said.

WARRIORS: Ruidoso gets.wirt ConUnued from page IB

quickly. "·Early in ·the ·game ·it

looked a little 1ike the J;!obert­son game and they j1,1st tight~ ened their · gEi.ines and got at\er it," ~ coach said.

He described "some of the best hits you11 ever see," inclufiing one by Brandon Brumlow that had Socorr.o

. quarterback Mauro .Portillo reeling.

-rhe quarterb~ck didn't · do another thing the rest of . the game after that;" Webb

said. . Junior· Patrick Hodges

also. nailed McDaniel, and although White said it was

due to an i_rijured 'thigh, not the hit, the running back left the game and was· take.n off· the field on a stretcher.

White said he was proud of his team, and impressed·

_ with Ruidoso; . · "We did some good

things," ·he said. "A lot of guys a~ new~ and. in a -big g_ame like this with a good team like that a lot of them kind of got a little nervous out the~'(!;. but it was a great ·game .. (Ruidoso) had a great team."

Warrior statistics "'"-ss.ns: TDddSctu-zter. 17-31, na-yarm Rushing: Cade Hall, 13 cames, 24 yards; Jose Linares. 7, 53 .. . Receiving: JR Floyd. '0 receptions, 169 ,..,-ds; Ben l...uldqwst, J, 23; Darryl Bacley, 2, 20 1btaJ offense: ,308 yards · · ~.offense; 169 yards

CHIEFS: Mescalero comes close Continued from page IB

back midway through the fourth with the game's final, and win­ning, TD.

Chiefs. senior qUarterback . 'lbny Chimal . was re-injured­

dunng · the game Friday, after spraining his ankle against Reserve.

'"Thny tried to play near the end ofthe game, but I'm going to work with my second string quarterback Randy Fulsom in practice," Bradford said. ~at

way, if 'lbny is "l.Qlable to Play, Randy will be a little m~ com­fortable playing."

ChiefS Raymond Bigmouth, Josh Valdez and Randy Ful,som all contributed touchdowns to the -score. Dell City's quarter­back Mason Thmpleton scored a

. touchdown and threw for two others.

Mescalero will play again Friday in Mescalero as they host Lake Arthur. J<ickofi'will be at 7 p.m. The Chiefs will then host CarriZozo at 7 p.m. Sept.· 22.


I Monday, Oct. 2

6pm Ruidoso High School Cafeteria

100 Wanlor Dr. Ruidoso

Taesdav, Oct. 3 6pm

Capitan, NM Traylor Gym

H~hway 380/FOrrest Rd. . .

l'br more Information, ·pleas., Call-the Ruidoso NeW& at (505) 257-4001.

Sp-bytba · RuJc:Joso News aad Ike RaldHD Yaney C)uunber or cOJIIIIUtl.ce.

- - -----,·~~~----~~~~~-~-------... --........ ------~~,__,-.,.,..~~-~-.. ---------- ... - ...... - .... "' ... - ·"!'- ...... ...----._....-":"""""",.... __ ....- --· . ......-....- ..... -- ....-- ~ ·- - - - - - ..,- - - -- ~ - - >

CALLUS· Education writC:r Sandv Sugglti Phone, SOS-257-4001 - .


GED test delayed · AGED t<>st scheduled for

·.Friday, Sept. 15, has bOOn ·c:an· celled- and 'will be rescheduled· to some time in October.

Parentill.g classes scheduled sQon; no fee

For. registrat.ion and/or more· i't;tformatiQn, call Misti Rei at 257-5008.

Asset Building ·meeting

The firSt meeting of 't.lw Lincoln County Community

"Pare~tinli Wisely/' a. -~be.- .. and Youth .. Asset Building sess'ilm series of pareitting Team will be at 6:30, p.m.

. techniques fQr busy- pafints, Monday, Sept. 18, at the . will be offered froin.7-9 p.m: on . Senior Citizens Cen:ter iil Rui­. Thesday evenings .. beginning doso. Sept. 19 and endin-g Oct. 24. 'IbJlics· for the initial plan-

Some of the topic-areas are: ning session· inClude a DWI managing sibling Conflict, ~in- Funtracker evefl-t; aft.~r-school gle-parent issues, step family programs, a teen fall fest or · _coriflict- management, superv1.- dance,-. a1~d follow-up ·on_ t}le sion, school and homework Youth Development Strategic comPl~anCe <Working with Plan. · . teachers, · monitoring home- · :"We really need a larger Work and friends), discipline . ~.OUP. than 'we had Ia:st year. (ooritra:cting, praise and' setting smce We have· ·s.o m.any tnore consequences) and communi- poteritial activities going ·on," catiQU ('active-listening and."l" . said Wanda Gielow -de messages). . Figueroa, Maternal Child

The classes a;re appropri- Health Council coordinator. ate for parents of children of all For more infomlation, call ageS, although parents of 258-3400. schoot-·B.ged ·-children will find them particularly uaeful. Real estate classe_s

Tl)e parenting techniques will be presented to the attend· All licensees are required ing group of parents using an tq complete 30 ~dit ·hours of interactive CD· ROM that per.- continuing education · e:very mits chooSing Various respons- three years, and Eastern New es to .video clips Qf typical fam- Mexico Univer.sity in· Portales ily situations. Pltrticipants can 'Yill offer the following courses: then see bow these choices · anatomy ff a .Pb.rchase agree· would play out. . ment (4. CE-educatipn credit

The class is a free service l,lout~s); N;MR~C m~ndatory ·sponsored ·by The Counseling class (8' cred.it hours); basic Center, Region IX EduCation residential real e·state proce­Cooperativ.e, Rui4oso Mllnici- dures ·(4 CE-training. c:redit pal-Schools and Lincoln Coun- hours); reducing violati~n;g

-.ty Head Start. . wor:kshop (4 CE-education Sessions will.be held in the -.credit' l1oul-sl; understanding

t}lublic .meBting room (just to · the loan process and prequals the right of the front entrance) .(4 CE-education credit bouts). of Ruidoso High .School. Child Register by contacting the care will be provided for. par-. Office of EXterided Learning at ents who would- ·otherwise be "(505) 562-2165 or 1800) 537-un~!>~~-.W .. attend~· ... ~ ... :~?.7~: 1 :!-,,,,_.'; ·F··-r--·•·' ·-.:~ ~., 11



Wednesday, Sept. 13 -Breakfast: Donut, Hot Pocket, juiCe or fruit .

Lunch: _Spaghetti, bread sticks, veggie sticks, fruit

T~ursday, Sept. 14. -'Breakfast: '!bast, offielet, juice "or fruit ·

-Lunch: Chopped steak, mashed potatoes, brown gravy, carrots, roll

Friday, Sept. 15 - Break­faat: Cinnamon roll, cereal, juice or fruit

Lunch: Cheese burger, French fries, lettuce, tomato, pickles, Jell-0

Monday,_ Sept. IS­Breakfast: Toast, jelly, cereal, juice or fntit

Lunch: Fish nuggets, mac­aroni anti cheese, green beans, fruit

Tuesday, Sept. 19 -Breakfast: Waffie. sausage, juice or fruit ·

Lunch: _Pigs in a Blanket, pork and beanS. cl"l:ips, cobbler

Nob HDI l;arly ChHdhood center. Sierra Vista Prima­ry, ·.Wh~ Mountain Elemen­taoy, lrrtermedlate .

Wednesday, Sept. 13 -· Breakfast: Cereal, niilk, gra­ham crackers, fruit

Lunch: · Beef tostadas·, Friio pie, chef salad w.ith hB_m and. cheese, pinto beans, let­tuce and tomato. fruit, Roy&l Brownies .. . Thursd.ay, Sept. 1<1 -

- Breakfast: Churro, fruit, milk Lunch: Sloppy Joe on a

Bun, potatQ chips, steak .fin­gers, French fries, mashed potatoes, Cream · gravy, lasagna. ~H.h gtound ·beef, green beans, rolls, _apple cob-bler. fruit ·

Friday, Sept. 15 - Break­fast: Cereal, milk, grahl;im crackers, fruit

Lunch: Fiesta Bean Burri­to, nacho rounds, veggie sticks with dressing, fruit, Jell-0

,Monday, Sept. 18 Breakfast: Cereal, graham crackers

Lunch: · Italian Dunkers


with sauce, sHced turkey sandwich, Sun Chips, chef

·salad with ham and cheese, carrOt sticks, celery sticks, Jell-0 - ·

Tuesday~ Sept. 19 --Breakfast: Brf>akfa~t pizza, frUit, milk

Lunch: SpaghPtti . and meat sauce, Italian Dunkers with sauce, chickPn fries, veg­gie sticks with dressing, let­tuce and tomato, fruit, cherry cobbler

Ruidoso Middle School Wednesday, Sept. IS

Breakfast: Manager's c-hoice Lunch: Plzzaburger,

mixed vegetables, salad, fruit Thursday, Sept. 14 -

Breakfast: Donuts Lunch: 'I\Jrkey pot pie,

mixed vegetables, roll, salad, fruit

Friday, Sept. 15- Break­fa,st: Cereal ·

Lunch: Manager~s choice Monday, Sept. 18

Breakfast: Cereal Lunch: Chicken- nuggets.

mashed potatoes with gravy, corn, roll, salad, fruit

Tuesday, Sept. 19 -Breakfast: Cinnamon rolls

Lunch: Fried chicken, mashed Potatoes wi*h gravy, green beans, sa-lad, fruit

Ruidoso High School Wednesday, Sept. 13 -

Breakfast: ME!.Jtt:Jge-r's choice Lunch: Pizzaburger,

mixed vegetables, salad, fruit Thursday, Sept. 14 -

ijreakfast: DonUts . Lunch: Thrkey pot _pie,

mixed vegetables, roll, salad, fruit

Friday, Sept. 15- Bi-eak-fas:t: Cefeal ·

Lunch: Manager's choice Monday, Sept. · 18

Breakfast: Cereal - . Lurich: Chicken nuggets,

mashed potatOes. with gravy,_ corn, roll, salad, fruit

Tuesday, Sept. 19 -Breakfast: Cinnamon rolls

Lunch: Fried chlcken, mashed potatoes· with gravy, gre~n beans, salad, fruit


The state's school! rating rystem ·leaves much to be desired,

say many Lincoln County· officials.: ..

Does «meets" mean .. mediocre"? ..

,, • This is the .l~st of two drticles on '$Chqol accouflt(lbi/(ty_'in New·Mexico. ~- · ,

0----N---- . .

J . - ' ' W•oNESDAY, s.PT. 13, 2000 38.

-· '.

MOre than a ·q~rte~ of tile schools in New Mexico were- rated as p~b#Jtionary. .'or not meeting tfJe state standard~ In ratings published on t~ New Mexico s~ Depart-ment of Educi!tion s Web page on Avg. 25. · . . .- ._ _ · . _ . These .ratings were· based on results of $tBndardized tests,- dropout-.rates and-atten­dance rates, according to Pa_trida Rae/, dept!.ty director ff:Jr accountabilitjt and itlformation servlqs of the State Department of Education. · - . .

SOme __ administrators in LinColn COUnty schools ilnd in Cloudaoft. questioned the. mof!el use?, _sugges~in[;J it wa~ ~ in a -hurry for political reasOn$. They sairJ·tesr f?il~­pationvanes from d1stnct· to dtstriCt, so test results are not comparable across the districts. although Rae/.a~ th~t nearly 100 percent of all students took the tests.

.. District superintendents were setlt the ratings by the_S~ on Aug. 28 with a me.mo­randum_sta#rig· that it would follow Up up the ratings, within·a month, with a break-down of the data· points used to Come up with each schools rating$. ·

Capitan Elementary and High Schools_ bQth received exceeds r~tirigs, and Hondo High School received a probationatY rating. All the oth~r schoOls in Ruidoso, Capitan, Carrizozo, Hondo and Cloudcroft, received meets ratings, which at least oneprincipai­Bi/1 Green, of Ruidoso High. School- considers to m~n mediocre. · . . . ., .

teacher m· th·at class is not what's on the test, 89 the kids are discrlininated agirlnst because tha.t~s nqt what was tested.,.

Also, . sh,e poin~d out, nucy•be those ~·u!!!r,rx~><~o'-"N'='-""!!·'-''"""'""!:!"C!wu.c~'"''"'"----,----'-~· ..,.__ students we~'t :rOO.dy for it.. . . . · · · · Billingsley said the teache<s' mairi

W th ., the nationwide push for . cOmplaint was not lmawing: "I think if school ·accowttilbility and a. they .want us to ~ach-something and be

_ resultant emphasis On stan· tested on it,." she said~ ''theYd better tell


trict has one of the highest .transiency. rates in the state) or l\nguistic b8.ck.­gro~nds other than ·English may . accowtt for a lower rating._

Darrell -Stierwalt, principal of· ·Capitan High S_chool (which also received- a rating of .. exc~eds~ fh»m_ the SDE). said he thinks school districts are judged unfai,rly in some iitstances, from _talking . to his colleagues across the

dal-dized test scores, _many U!i-" · · question wru._t these tests actually U>st. &ttd whether they .are sufficient to-give a .Pa:tricia .nael. deputy director for picture of what etudents are: learning. _ accountability and informati()Jl services of Others question if the tests rate every~ · .the State Department- of Education, said thi~g districts are expected to teaCh. a distinctipn n~ to be made between

"teaching to the test" and teaching what's on the test. ''If you're teaching to the test, l just hope you're teaching the content. standards the state. has said all Schools must be using .... If the test iS measuring what you're teaching1 then everybody .

.Rlck Cogdill, principal of Carrizozo Schools, said standardized U>sting doesn't always reflect what's bei,ng taught by· te8.chers or leamed by students. He -said this kind of testing is "an easy answer fQr accoWltabUity. .

"It's SODU;lthing ·PQliticians can do quickly and easily 00 ansWer~ question, so it's a game that -we have to play," Cogdill said. "We're going 00 have 00 learn how to play the game, and hopefully, we dOn't hurt kids in the process."

-Ron Bennett, Ruidoso' Middle

should be teaching to tne U>st." ·

state. . _ But, he said. "l"m a·parlmt as well as

ail administrator. I want my children to have a good educatio,n as well as any­thjng else. ... There's lnore and more accountability, and rieeds tO be. We have n:ot done. a good job in some instances and ·need to do it better. Let's r;tep up to the challenge and get it done."

David .Cooper, Carrizozo's new sUperintendent, said he. went through

· the accoJ.I.Dta,bility. process .in Missouri . for five years. ·

1' '1 ~chool principal, said the s.chool-rating­system attempts to quantifY students as if they were prQducts on an assembly line ..

· '"In education," he said, "we have a hard time defining exactly what our prod­uct is to be. Yet we have people saying we

' can quantifY that product so that we· can

· A problem Billingsley sees is that multiple-choice tests don't measure. the thought processes involved in problem solving. This wOuld take lortger to score - and probably couldn't be .done by com­puter. Billingsley pointed out that in many classes, credit is given for 1)al'tial answers, but current staridardiz~ tests do not allow for this. '" ..... " ·· .· .. • · ·

"A student is working on ·the right path and got down so far, and maybe they made some _minor error that got them to the wrong ansWer, yet the way they start;.; eel at it was good,'' Billingsley said. "'Thst makers look only at things that are cut and· . dried, a-b-c-Q., yes-and-no, because that's the only way they can score," she concluded. "And if the state is only going to loqk.at those types of tests, then they're doing a disservice to the school disbict and to the student."

· "We all need measures to improve," Cooper said. "rm really not opposed to accoUil.tabUity- it's not new to me- as long 8d "\Vhen (schools) ~ identified,. they're helped. --- The proceSs ought to be to identify. and then give them the resources and the training and the tech-nical folks to iJ.Dprove." ·

But, Cooper said, he thinks much of the push toward accountability and school ratings is politics, and the school~ vOucher movement is driving the poli-


·_compare students. ... I c.artnot imagine how they can accurately quantifY a 'prod­uCt' they've been Wtable to define."

tics. . · · · "Sometimes these. accountability

folks use accountability to force consoli­dation and clQse niral schools down. If thf:! mOtive is to force consolidation, I'll fight," he said.

Rael said the State Board ofEduca­

Bennett said the questio"n that shr;nil4 be as~ is '''What should an eighth­grade student leaving the middle school be able to do?' How do you quantifY cour­tesy, conunon sense, desire fOr learning, willingness to expand your own horizons ·and to reach fQr your dreams?" he asked. ''In the guise of accmmtability. we're tnak­ing people jump through a whole lot of hoops."·

Dick Clevenger, principal of Capi- tlon has given direction to add two more tan Elementary School <which receiVed features to the program for accountabil­an "'exceeds" rating from the state). said ,ity - quantifying qualitative data there is a danger of teaching to the test regarding community involvement, and because it's the ''measuring stick" the school saf~ty. In October, regional meet­state is going to emphasize as part of the ings will be held with school and district rating procesS. personnel to discuss technical assis-

Helene Kobelnyk, ·principal of ~owever, with our individualized tance and sUpport for schools rated pro~ White Mountain Intermediate School in math and reading programs, we not only bation"ary. according to an Aug. 28 Ruidoso, pointed out that students don't meet those rating items, we meet many memo to district superintendents. · test well when they're not feeling well or others that support those," Clevenger "Within a month, an schools-' will are troubled by problems a_t home. She said. 'We don't teach toward the test, but receive a detailed report of their data said she's more concerned that children what we do teach is on the test. points and the percentage of data points survive than that they score well on a "I don't think one of my teachers in each category on the matrix- exem-test. · - could sit here and tell you what the plary, exceeds standards. meets stan-

The first thing parents moving'to the items for rating are. We got that ratiqg dards, probationary," the memo states. district from 1exas ask is if Ruidoso siJDply because we do the job right," he This is like being given your test te8chers stop tea.ching in January_ to- pre- said. "It takes a lot of dedication and score and thep, a month later, seeing pare students for the standardized tests, hard work between the teacher and the the test, Kobelnyk said. Kobe~yksaid. student. We don't entertain r---·-------------------,

An article in Education Week of Aug. kidsi we educate kids." 2 says r~a,rch shows strong gains on. 'Cap"itan Elementary's tests by Thxas st~ents and low high Class size averages about 16-scbool completion rates by mirtority stu~. 17 students, Clevenger said; dents. The article cited research claiming and this· may ~elp accQt,tnt for that 'Thxas' .focus on testing has reduced the rating results~ In kinder-the quality of-instruction ·m general and garten, the class average is 11 that· higher-level slu1ls that can\ be t;est- students, while the state rec­ed with multiple--choice questions are not ommen~s 20. "Most systems being taught. would have two kindergarten

An article by the Uri.iversity of WJS~ teachers with an aide," he consin .Board of Regents suggests that said. "My bom-d has allowed relying on standardized tes't scores -me to keep three kindeir­-"dumbs doWn'' instruction to make it con-· garten teachers. Our theory is fonn to multiple-cholce tests, abandoning ·that we've got' to get .these "science, History, art. field trips to prep for -kids off to a good start, and the math and grammar . tests." class size definitely has some­Chttp://whyflies.org:80/,16testing13.ttml.). · thing to do with -it."

· "I hate to see New Mexico jump on a Rael said the point of the ~d wagon and not have any more sense accountability prograni is to than anyone·else~" Kobelnyk said. call attentiOn to schools that

have speCial ne~s. sO stu-' · Diana BillingsleY, superintendent dents· . who aren't · being

of Capitan Municipal Schools,· said .the reached ·can be determined, tests do not test ·what. teachers are expect;... · "and then to figure out haw ed to teach, according to the benchmarks we want to go about reaChing and standards set by the SDE. those students, because each

''The one thing I think is unfair.to dis~ schoOl is uniqu~ and there's tricts is When they're respOnsible fur not a one-size:..fits-all answer tear!'hing everything, but fJley're not t.esk tQ this." ed on everything," Billingsley said. '"Then She said a high in<>bllity .maybe what was import.bnt to that factor (the Ruidoso school dis·


How we compare

Rating of local districts .

Exemplary Cloudcroft High

0/o in state .


Exceeds stand·ards 8.3 Capitan Elementary & High

Meets standards 59.6 All Carrizozo schools; Cloud•

croft Middle & Elementary; Hondo Elementary; Capitan Middle; all Rui· doso schools.

Probationary 26.4 . Hondo I,ligh

I _______ ....., --- •. --- .. -....:...--..-______ ,..:., ____ ~--- .... _ ........ __..... ..... --------·-----·- ... - ... -·· .. --~-- --- .. -· ____ .......__:_ _ _.. __ ....__ ___ . ..,:_._ __ ............ "· ;o, ..... - ~ ... ~ - ... ... - - - - - -



.... -· ~..,.- .~ . .,.


Especially for Dingo ••• Down Under's dog

• I --.. --llpncloGot1l o-.,..._"'-____ _

By BETTY DEBNAM. 11\1<> :.• I <'•

Oily, Syd and Millie . . """'""_ . .._.,. __ 0 ___ ...,.~~~

Australian Olympic Mascots Oily the friendly

The Olympic Games have mascots that. represent the host country.

::=;:ci ~:~~~ .;::; is welcomir'IQ ilnd

Australia iS full of interesting animals, and three of them have been chosen as models for Olympic mascots.

helpful, and AJ''?'.,.c~

Their names have · speci&.l meanh]gs, and their personalities re(tresei:it the special traits of the Australian people.

represents . the air over Australia.

The models for the mascots The kookaburra .•.

• has a call that sounds like hinrum laughter ~d is often call~ the laughing jackass. ·

• eats small mammals, snakes, insects and· termites.

• kills snakes by taking them high up in trees .and dropping them dOwn. ·

• lives in treetops, tennite nests and riverbanks. ·

The platypus (PLAT-uh~puhs) .•• ; ·• ·has a br.own, velvety coat, a rubbery,

ducklike bilJ, webbed feet and claw!!!,"a.rid a beaverlike tail. . ·

• maltes its .home in riverbanJt_s. • eats. shrimP. Snails, frogs, wonns and

insect larvae.· .: for food with its· bill.

/ - . 7 :~, •

"' .

. Millie the yo...u.tul echidna Ia named for the millennium •. MUle ia very optimistic about the fUture. She represents

Austrafia's land.

The echidna (lh•KIHD-nuh) ••• • is also called the spiny an-ter. · •· is covered With stout spim!s and:

'bristly hair, . . • defends itself by curling Up into a

ball of prickly spines, • eats· ants and termites that it Catches

with its long, stickY to~. • has both nostrils and mouth at the­

end of a Iotig snout ..

The black swan

The black swan · is "the only swan that is native to AuStralia. It can becfound·in all of the states. ·

• snacks

• so~ps

• salads

• sandwiches

• bre,ads

• beverages

The dingo is a wild dog that ).VaS brought to .Australia by the aboriginals.

Dingos prey on wombats, wallabies, kangaroos and rabbits, They are thougbi to be pests beCJt,use they. sometimes gang .. together in. packs and ·

, attack cattle and sheep~ Dingos seldom bark,

·but they do bowl.

· Frill-necked lizard · The frill•necked lizard has a frill an:iund its neck that.Stands·up when it is frightened, Australia has many rePtiles, including "crocodiies, turtl~, ·arid . about 160 kinds of snakes,

• casseroleS I) S.lep·.~·step

dit'ectiuns • main.

2) 11easu_ring tips dishes

3) llt!nsil RUid~ • microwave 4) Cooking tenru .dishes 5) How to set a &able

• desserts &) faille mannen gui_dt

t"'m The - P- lit" 81t11v lk>~""m 0 :rDOO T"" Mmo P.ogoo """""'""'I CDmpon• Inc.


Words that remind us of Australian animals are hidden in the block below. Some words are hidden backward or diagonally. See If you can find: AUSTRALIA, PLATYPUS, KOALA. BUSH, ECHIDNA, ANTEATER. ZOO, OUTBACK, EMU, LIZARD, HOP. REPTILES, ALLIGATOR, SNAKES, WOMBAT, DEVIL, NATIVE.

Australia's Amazing· Animals . r·• . ' .


E c H I DN A v E v I T A N p

' R E T ~ E T N A c L v E D L ,.,.',......_ DMWf MU E L - '

s K Q u v A

. .: .... c·:· r; / T A B M ow B N I N X z 0 0 T . ?'') ; ~·' s E L T p E R G z A Q y G y

·~~..:.;:;:;.,!, . I A L L GA T 0 R I A K s z p .... J T A L A 0 K c H J 'P R EWU

. 1.... • • .__ ·._......;,..-~ ... J K K c A B T u ou H 0 p D s

Mini Spy ... Mini Spy and her friends are visiting a koala at an Australian petting zoo. See if you can find:

• question mark • toothbrush


The marsupials ~ ~ · . The emu . · · At 7 feet. tall, Female m.e.rs\Qlials carry their

young in a·fuld br pouch. A young marsupial: . , . '

• is hairless· an:d weighs less than an ounce at birth.

• crawls into the pouch mid attaches itself to the mother's nipple,

·where it nurses and grows _until it is able to be on its own.

While ·koalas spend most of their time in trees, they do move about on the ground at times.

The koala baby is

about the size of a buniblebee when bQrn. It crawls out·ofits mother's . pouch when it is about 6 inonths old -and is carried on its mother's back until it "is about a year old.

• Koalas have no eyelids or tail. • They are often incorrf;!ctly called

koala "bears," but they are not related to bears at all, ~

• They eat only the-leaves ·or ~ain types of euc~yptus trees.

At birth, a baby

kangaroo might weigh less than· an ounce and be only 1 Inch lang.

S>.J LL • 7·1~- •. •

* . The kangaroo . · • Some kangaroos can grow to be 6 feet

tall and weigh about 200 pounds. .- Kangaroos usually move about in the

late afternoon or at night, eating grasses and 9ther plants. ·

• Kangaroo$ have strong hind feet and can leap up to 25 feet in one hop and travel as fast as 30 miles per l;mur:

th~ ·emu is Australia's largeOjt bird, It has thick brown feathers, small • wings and long legs,. ~

While it cannot fly, it can ° run as fast as 40 miles per i

hour. It can D ·

After the female lays eggs, the male hatches them.

also swim. J i • f i ~ I

The Mini Page thankS the Australian Embassy fOr help With this Issue. ·

Because Australia is an· island, animals thS:t. developed there are quite different from those found in other p·arts of the world.

Millions of years ago, .all of the world's land -,:..· -..-, was lumped together as one huge landmass.

.Over . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ .............. The. pygmy possum

• They use their Strong tails for balanOO atld · support, thousands of .

years, ~he conti~ntS drifted ftpart. Australia became isolated.

• • • NEWSPAPERS IN • • • • • • • • • • EDUCATION • • • • • • • • • • Sponsored by: • • • • • • Inn of the Mountain Gods • • • •• • Casino Apache • • • • • • Ruidoso News • • • • • • Ruidoso State Bank • • • • • • • • ···························~···········

2::...' \cL • 7'1~ •• •

"' ' •

\i·~--2~· ~:_:?:::':.--· _:---

Mast possums use their biu.as another hand When climbing •

The pygmy possum is one of the world's tiniest marsupials. It ·rests

· dUring the day and moves about at night to feed mainly on pollen and nectar.

The wombat

Wombats move abOut at nfgtrt. eating leavoa, roots and batk •

. •The ·Wombat is Well known for the long tunnels it h1:1ttows.

• It can grow to be about 3 feet long . •The fem8J.e has a pouch that faces

backward so lt'does not fill with dirt when it is burrowing.

' . t . ' - - (

r-=~~~~~~~ Ausualia did nOt have any members of the cat ·

Totlay family, '---~==~~-' hoofed . animals, monkeys or apes until they were jmported.

Since most At,J.stralians live in cities, they, like touri .... ts, often see these

· animals only in zoOs . Some animals, such as the .koalas,

live in specially protected parks or in the Wild. Others, such aa the red kanga~oo, can be seen in the outback, the grassy plains ofinl~d Australia.


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-3.48'ACRES, WOLF CREEK. Estates, Level Building Sl~. Good Views, No M/H- S:llowed $34,000:' Call 258·3197 after 6:00P.M. .

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PUBLISHER'S NOTICE All real estate :advertising ·In -this newspaper Is subject to the Federal-Fair Housing Act of 19EiB which- makes It Ille­gal to advertise, "any prefer­ence, limltaUon Or discrimi­nation based on race~ color, religion, .sex, handicap, familiar status, or national oiigln; or any Intention to make any such preference, -limitation or discrimina­tion." ·This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate whl~:h ·Is In violation of the law. Our readers are h!Qreby informed that all dwelllilgs advertised In this newspa­·per are available on an equal opportunity basis. To com­plain of discrimination, call HUO toll free ·1-800-,424-8590,

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OWNER SELLING LIOHT and alry 3/2.6/2_ 1100. sq.n.

. ·contemp~rary home. ThJs almost ne-w hOme- ha&. master .bedroom and balh ·.on lhe ground floor. It has a unique desirable floorplan _with trees, views, and long, flal. paved driveway. '$16;1!,000 O.B.O, Agents _welcome. (505)258· 9070 .

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WILDLIFE ABOUNDS, Hid­den away at the end of a lane w)th moLiiltaln and treetop vista. Immaculate 3bedroom, 3 bath home wflh decks, 2 .;:ar garage: romantic bedroom suite with fireplace and spa. 2200 + O_nly 199,900. 'NeW .Listing Sierra Blanca Realty, 267-2576 .


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HousES FOR A er-n

102 r1ne LOdge lbd w/loft $600/mo. $450/dep. mon_th to month . property is for sale

-3BDI2BA. DOWNTOWN Near River; $625 Available Nov. 1st. 258·2212

ALTO VILLAGE SWEET, peaceful, 313 or 213 plus office. Functional Su~:troom, decks, FP, wood stove. Freshly remodeled. $950 mo 366-1037

AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 5: Furnished or unfurnished 3bdrml2ba in Upper Canyon, $650. Available October 1st 2bdrm/2ba furnished home Seculed, 6 mo lease, only $1,000 Casas de RuidOSO, Inc. 257·7577 or toll free 1-868-257·7577

CABIN: 2BRI1BA; fully fur­nished with cable. All utilities paid, excapt phono. VeriRable references required. $600 (l:eposlt, $575 per month. Mln· /mum six month Ieese. 257-2623 .

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If you like 1<> entertain and enjay having house guests; this classy home is. for you. It provides privacy and

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<Laundry room White Berber carpet· PuriDed drinking water



$279,000 OPEN LISTING 7%

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$800 monthly. F.lrst and last month's t:"ent . plus depqo;it. . References required.


LAS CASlTAS DE . ROSA e)(()ellent lOcation. ~ bed· rooms upstairs: 1.26 bath­rooms; and . w/d hookups. $525 plus utilities. Call 505· 258-9202. .

EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN, Newer 2BD apartment In con· venient Mid·Town location. New carpet and paint. newer appliances. $425 month, includes utilities. Lease and deposit. No pets. (505) 521-4057 FOR LEASE: 3BDJ, 2 112BA Fully furnished deluxe apart· ment with fantiastic view. Indoor spa, gas BBO, gas log and many other extras. W/0", large deck. All bills paid, including HBO. Non-Smoking; Aduhs preferred. No pets. $9QO. Available now. 257-3961

FURNISHED ANQ unfur­niShed 1 & 2 bedroom apart­ments; bills paid. No pets. Gall 258-3111.



UNFURNISHED 2BD/2.5BA condo. All. nalural gas. Low utilities. No Pets. $525.00. 257-4442.


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fQR.RENT • 3'bdr. 3 bn home ON TflE RIVER. SSSO.OOtmonth plus

utilitie!l._,ntinimum 6,_month lease. Call Donna at Toll Pines Realty, .<:57-7186

6 3 bdr, 2 bn fully furnished S99!i w/6 mo lease, all'bi·lls included. Please call K.athyJo Ill Tall Pines Rually, :.!57-7786. .· .

• I. bdr, I bn. fully fumishcd. ~565/lnonth including utilities. Plcnse call KalhyJo at Tall .Pmcs Realty. 257-778U. .

6 Unfurnished Big. BciJ,r Cabin ... 2 bdr. I ba. on .SO nc:rc with double ~fil!lfj rcccn1ly updaled. Call K.athyJo a1 Tall Pines Realty, - 7- 86. .

M I and 2 bedroom unfurnished units ovailablc. Eo~ occess.­large fruri.l vanl,_priced riuhtf Month 10 1non1h~,. 6 month or year lea11e. \:'nil Donnn olla I Pines Reo ly, 25 r-7786.

6 RV space availobie. i 135/month. Coli Donna at Tall Pines· Realty, 257-7786_. _

NIGIITLY-RENTALS AVAILABLE Please cb.l_l KllthyJo at Tall Pines· Realty. 257· 77Rfo.

I .

3.40;Ar!s . 350. Spo<dng Goods 360. Misdellaneous 370. Wointed to Buy 380. Help Wanted .

' · 390. Work Wanted · 400. serVices ' 410. House Sitting 420. Child Care 430. Child care Wanled 440. Firewofl!l for Siue 450. Auctions 460. Lost & Found 470. Thank You 480. Announcements 490. Personals 500. Censtru~tion ·


BEAUnFUL ·3811 BA CEDAR homQ; fully furnished, cable tv, phone,.Aito, $100/nlght, 3/day minimum, weekly rates avaU-abl_e, damage deposit. (505)625-1443, (877)297-7107


Big 8D"XI70' renced spaces. Sl65/mo.

Easy aet'fts. Capitan E5tale~.

10 miles lo Ruidll"-"· 257-.f700 or

evenings call 35-t-2381

MOBILE HOMES AND RV spaces; available by the

.month. All utilities included, except propane. 378-4272, leave message.


UPPER CANYON MINI $tor· age I")OW renting. ~all 257-9673.




FOR SALE BY OWNER 5 acre cottage resort, $-1.5. ·mil­lion, 4.5~tgross, 13 cabins w•th large comfortable home.

·upper Canyon. Call257·2557

FORMER RUIDOSO Conlrac· tor returning. Seeking part­naris) for profitable opportuni­ty. Sen01,1s inquires only. Ask lor Tim (505)258-451:2. · SHOP FOR RENT: (2) 14' roll­up doors. ready for business . approKJma)"ely 1,800 sq.fl_ $750/mo. ~ -800-484-3-863. 5361


.500 97 FORO TAURUS SHO, Fully Loaded: can 257-0aas lor details. BE READY FOR AUTO show. Classic one owner 1958 Pontiac Chiefton. 4 door runs great 86.414 actual m1les $2500.00 Call 258·4583 leave message

FOR SALE: 1995 CHEVY Camero. fully loaded. Contact Lane or Megan at FNB Rui­doso. 257-4033 .



-~·----'-""..- ---~~-----~ --- _ __. ~.~ ..... ___.._~-~~-·-· -~--- -·- -~ ..... ·-··--- ~-_.___._.____..___._ ...... ___..._._. ____ ~ ... e..-o.. ....... ···"'··---------~ ·- '-- ·- •-. •- ''---"- .~ .... •-. ~-~-· ... ~. -·"""-~ --·--- -·- -

. · .

' ..

. '


68 WoONESDAY, SEYt 13, 2000



AT FORT STANTON &!-C.<>o•!.~~ RoaCI, ·'Saturdey, Sept. 16, 8:0oam-1:00pm. Multl-famlll(. Furniture, linens, clothing, k1tchen, acc.essorJes, TV's, \'tC. BLOCK GARAGE SALE·: Mount Terrace Drive, off HJNY. 48, Gapl1811. Sept .. 16, from Bam·-1pm GARAGE SALE! KIDS TOYS & clothes~building material & miscellaneous. Saturday Only, 1.01 Bluel:*c:l.



This Is ntll a h 1~" r~vnhtlilmar) lil1~· n'f lwlhal · pinLiu<"l' crc:ul•'d ru h.-lp }"U

hutn lm. ''"'~ ...-~ij!N ;o-nd in<"hc' ·' ~•ill "'"imnin ~""' ~~~~•!!r ·1

C~IJ.I•lr ntnr<•1nrnrmu1iun :~ndu r.~., 'llmplin~-

Teni 1111rdl'n1nn J .2$7--16..1-' <;"'nd" 1-",.r:Ps I US-.fU6 lnd.- .... ndi>ol


380 Hf-'1 P WANTFD

Preferred QualifiCations: GOOD COI\IiMUNICATIONS· SKIL~S "AND ABILITIE.$. . High Schoor Diploma or equ\va,lent. At least -6 months customer , Sfllrvit;e experience. AI i!*ISI 6 month~ telephone Sfi\Gs experience.



Hiring ~ashiers and dishwashers at $8 •

per hour ;:md. cookS at $9 per hour, ba:-;ed '

on experience for ·perm.uneill full-time positions. Part-time

p<Jsitions With flexible -hours also-available. ,

,.Rapid' Advancement, Paid Vacations, and Health Insurance.


FOA $ALE: ELECTRIC Buill in stove,. $100. 3 electric bas9bo$rd heaters '20 each.

· ~~~:~~water h1;tater, · $5t::r.

General compUter .skills & 1'0 key sk.i\ls are a must. The ability- -.10: apeak a'nd understand SpaniSh is a ptus. 1993 HARLEY HERITAGE,

-s&s Carb, vance & Hines Exhaust Andrews EV-46 Cam·, V-Thunder uners and push rods. Dyna 2000 tgn., Crane coils, very strong bike. Garage kept, new Metzler tires, lots of Chrome extras. $16.200 Call 258-1341 42Q-, 1939 -


BRHM," MOTOR 1978 one owner, I Needs roof




APPLES!! MANY VARIETIES You pick/we pick, good picks! Reynold's Springw;uer Orchard mm#106, Hwy 380. Orders Wf;)lcome. Open dally 2pm-7pm. (505)653-4085



Joyce's Furniture . "Since 1979"

New & Used Furniture & Mattresses -

We Buy, Sell&' Trade . 650 Sudderth e 257~7575

Furniture "Buy, Sell or Tracje""

New & Used Furniture .& MattresSes

WHITE SOFA, 2 periwinkle wing back chairs, 12lC 14 peri­winkle rug, $650. Wtlli.e wicker dresser, chair, q~een head­board, cheat,. night stand, mir­~!-7-~~g- Chest freezer _$75. ·



ANTIQl"E LI.Ql"1P.-\TORS . gel al"quainll'd sate 20'li- ufT. lhr<IUt:h. l..ubur hay, O~·l'r.

·UKIO "Q• fl. nf linl" un11<1ut·~. rurollul'l', ~lal'<s,c:hino, ond


J'mnk & Knn.·nl:' \\'pii;.L•r o .. n•·•·~

-U5 l!lh Sin.'"' lln\IRl<tMn C-:t!Tizn:w.: i'\M

Phnnl" SOS-r.-'8-3007

$2,000.00 Sign on Bonus RN's and LPN's needed at

Ruidoso Care Center

Contact Human Resources at 257-9071

Help us go way back to the SO's •.. in our new diner


~ '~fl ~--~


A.ppi>· in pcrllon !) a m lo 6 p m. H .... y 70 in RuhltNI' Ot"' 11\o we offer hcal!h i"lcncfit~. 401 K. p;uJ Hkation-.

anti a great nppnrtunit}' for acJ,an..:cmcnt.

/Jfo\ \Y S /.~ ·\\' I.QI ·If Ol'l'fJ/01 \Ill I 1/1'/.f!I'/.H

,Quad Penor .. -..1~ Inc. Positions Available:

No fee to the _employee. EOE


Cimlc Burun Ro.:,l;~unmt~. Inc. i~ un


C 8o L LUMBER IS NOW acceptirig applicationS for- out­side help. Must apply in per­son.


Human A~sources P.O. Box 280 .

':'uldoso, NM 88355. Closing date': October '1, 2000 (505)257-5121 .. 'EqUal Opportunity Employer 'Male/F~tmale~A Drug Free . WOrkplace·

Preferred Qualifications: Good Cable Cominunicatlorls skills, abilities· and knowledge. -Post High School or Tr8de SchQol training in Electronics

-or e'3ulvalent work _elCperience. NCTI Advanced TechniCian 9ertificatlon .-or equivalent.-15 plus -years exp&ri­ence cOmb-in'i!'d .with .lncreaslna res-ponsibility Bs· Techn•Cian. V81id drivers license With satisfactory driving recoid within Company required standa(ds.

A competitive sala-ry .and benefit package will be offered. The successful candidate will -be required to pass a pre-employme-nt company drug screening t "'St and _a post­s m ploy ment background check. Come bY Charter Communications at, 1 '7-VIslon Dr., Ruidoso NM, to pick ~p an applicatj'on or man your resu.me ~o_:

Human Resources P.O. Box 280

,Ruidoso. NM 88355 Closin_g d-ata: SepteiJ'Iber 20, 20f!O Phone 257~3041 •EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPL'OVER*MALE/FEMA LE* A DRUG FREE WORKPLACE!•

FULL OFI PART TIME house­keeper/companion/care -giver lor elderly lady in Alto area. Good pay and benelil$. Refer­ences required. Call evenings fc;lr dppolntment, 336-1008. HELP WANTED: all positions. Apply in person at Big 0 Tires.

PART TIME HOUSE Keeping for C8bins. Call257-2435



$7 .50/hour. Shift differe·ntials. Benefits available.



CHALLENGING CAREER? Earn while you learn.

Ask about our nursing assistant training program.



Challenging work with mentally retarded and developmentally disabled clients.. Will train the right person for ·this. demanding position. Casa Feliz at Ruidoso Care Center. 257-9011.

Immediate opening. for w-aitresses Apache The Restaurant · Apply in person

A MF~~CALf:RO APACHE ENTERPRISE .. NC"'o' l<le:cii'O ~ MmtlJi.!ilin/lllfNhM Resm~"

Mescalel"fi,,NM BIU40 WwwJnnollhemouniPingods.com

A competitive salar~{ and b"eneflt package ~1U be Oflered. The SUCCe$-SfUI Cjiindidate will be requ_l_red · to pass a pre-employme!'Jt company drug screening test and a post­f!mployme.nt background check, qome by Charter Commumcalions at, 117. VIsion Or., to .pick up ai'J application or mall your resUme to: ·

Human Resources P.O. Box -.280

Ruidoso! Ntyl 88355 Closing date: September 20,

. . 2000 ' '


Preferred Oualffications: Good communiCations skills and abilities. High SchoOl Diploma or equlv· alent. -

At lea!;t 6 .months telep.honB salfils Work experience.

. General compUter sklll·s and the ability to sPeak and \Jnd~rstand Spanish are a plus. A competllive salary and benefll package will be ofler.ed. The SuccessfUl candidate Will be required to ·~aSs a pre-employment

· cQmpany drug sc;:reen~ng test a.nd a post­employment. backgroUnd check. Come by Charter Communications_ .at, 117 Vision Dr .. Ruidoso NM. to pick up an application or man your rea:ume lo:

Human Resources P.O. Box 280

Ruidoso, NM 88355 CloSing date: September 20, 2000



SchiOtzsi\Y.S De;li

J;»ermanent Position with well·establi&hed

locally o~ned business. --All shifls.avaiiable--

Benefits available. Health/Retirement-

Savings Plan. Perform:mce rai!'C-"'·

APPLY IN PERSON Cume.Grow witl1 us! 2812 Sudderth Drive

"TCBY:'Ireats PRESS OPERATOR, F~LL Time Position wfth"" benefits .(Medical & Dental Insurance, paid vaeation, sick days & 401 K Savings Plan); Must have experience on Goss Commu­nity Web Press. Mail resume to Brad TreptO)V. clo Ajjidoso. News, P .0. Box 128, Ruidoso. NM 88355-0128. EOE Dead· line Is Sept. 30o

Ruidoso Ready Labor

DJ~ily Work/Daily PaJ.y Con~tructi.on. fr.amco;,

general labor. fo(ld ~er\-Jcc, housckccpcr5. clerical.

All skill levels·.

Apply Coday! 257-7876

449 Sudderth Drive In Gateway Center

SECAETAAVILEOAL Assis­tant, experience preferred. Call for appointment 258-2323.

Soalc Drive-In Is now· au:cepling applications for enthuslasllc, rriendly team

members for Manager Trainee, Shlfl Leader

and dayshlft/nlgldshill poslllons. Apply In pl"non

al 102 Hortun Cln:le. EOE

~ ....,,,... . ...........


·Raindancer YoUth Services neads familieS lo provide sta• bie home·s for youth with emotional or behavioral con·· cftrns. To learn more, pieise attend orlentatlon at 6 p_m. 'Tuesday, S"ptembf!r 19, al Rirlndancer In White Mountain Plata, 1204 Mechem, Suite 13. TralnlnlJ continues B1 6 p.m. TuesdayS and WedneSdays through October 11, with· one session lroin 9·5 Saturday, September 3D-. After com­pleting ti'alnlng, parllcipanls may be licensed as _Treatment Foster Parents. Comp~tnsation lor licensed Ralndalulat Tfts is taX~trge and averagps $2,000 a month when a child Is pliu:ed in your horne. For further lnformauon, 1101tacl ilalndanoer Youtll serwloes; InC. In R1ld11D at .(&05) 2&114132.

i --------~-~---'------


TAXI DRIVERS WANTED, m1nlmum 25 years old, must pass a DOT physical, hQve goQd. c;lrivlng record, must liVe in RuidosQ and 'have a phone. Csll 1-80'?-991-4276.


. E;xcellent b8rietit ~ pa'*-~ lnc~de.d (vacatlon, sick, retirement & in15urance_),

Apps accepted until Po&Jtlons aro filled.

' complete JOb ·t~esC and apps .at the Village of Ruidoso,

313. Cree MeSdOws Dr. Ruidoso, NM 88345.

2$8-4343 -or 1-877-700-43.43

-FAX 258-5848. EEOE

THE VILLAGE OF CAPITAN is seeking applications for a h-111 .ume ·ponce oHicer. Prefer­ence will be given ·to certified or waiver euglble. Sala:y. wm llB negotiable, Un form allowance and benefhs. Must. r~de in Capitan. applications are available at the Village Ol· Capitan, P.O. Box 246,~.. Capi­tan, NM 88316. t"'hone: (605)354-2247. Applications wiH be accepteO until Ffida\1, September 15, 2000, 5:00 p.m.


DI'IIVEI'I ·~ ~-

Ex~llent beliefit package lncludad (vacatiOn, sick, retirement & llisurance):

,O.pps accepted until 4 :00 pm Wed:, Sept.· 20, 2000.

Complete job desc and apps at the- Village 'of Ruldoso, · 313 Cree Meadows Dr.' . Ruidoso, N.M 88:l45.

· 258-4343 or 1-677-100-4343 FAX 258~5848. EEOE.

WAL*MART MlliT lllddoso aowa,

BCCIIDiimJ IPPIIDillloOS. IIDDIV -•v. flldaJJ 8:00 a.in.-3:DDJI.III.

InQuire at-. DIE

WHOl-ESALE FOOD-distribu· tor ri9eds full time person. Must be able to lift 50 lbs. Must be dependable. . 336-9630.


Srlllar1te Construct!Dn Thomas Brillante


.. P,..Nilt-10 ,...;, ..

LicENSE I'NM 058319-GB 98

David Fryer General Contractor

257-2410 Building- Remodeling

License #55166




TOP QUALITY FIREWOOD Ponderosa Pine, $90 cord. cedar $136 cord. Cedar and Pinon $145 cord. Seasoned and s.plil 378-4069


GARriEN GREEN & SUPER Clean-Powerwashing. deck refinishing, !awncare, pinene& dies, rbciffg_utters, treefbrush removal. FIREbreaks, defensi­ble space, hauling. Estimates. 257-2172 or 420·5225

PISTOL IN BLACK -~;;.-·";Tuesday 9-5-00 around t::: Hwy 70 between Mile

265 & 278. $150 ":: Please Call.378-49f!O -.

Ri:ddoso News 257-4001



• our mlsslcJn Is to FQfD91etcly allsfv your requirements • Custom ·computer Aided Drafting (CAD) designed homes,

larn'l a ranch buildings, $ttwage Sheds, Garages, · Workshops; Sludlos, COmmercial Buildings • Construction by Licensed NM. [!ontractor

• • • • " ·'


·::: :: ., . .,

• Farm and Ranch buildings a·ndlacliftles.lncludlng: .! Site Plans· Bams; riUing Arenas; hay and VehiCle Storage. 1 •.•

. F8clllties; WDOCI or rilknal Plpe Sialls. Corrals ' -, • We can refurbish· and renovate existing faCilities; elSDtrlc=!l, · ~

plumbing, concreto ltooi-s. hick rooms, stallS, metal roots, ,--, metal aiding, fl!!nclng. ~

• Rubber barn-and livestoCk trailer maltlhg ~ • concrete protective & antlo$kUI monolithic lloor cDallngs I

• ' Po Box 767, Alto, NM 8312 Tel: 506-336-1244 Fax: 5011-336-'1245 ~

E--Maif: JgOredtoofbama.com ! ' • ' '


' '

'• .

' '

' ' '




Any person, firm· or eorpora­Uofl 'Of' other ~nllty. objecting that the granting ol the applr· cation will be. dettlrobntal ·to lhe. ob}ector's water right shttn bave standing to file objec­tions or protests. Any person,. firm or cQrpr;m~tion of other l!ilntlty objecting that the granti­ng of the applf<::atlon will be cOntrary to the ooruiervalion of water within the "-late or detri­mental tO' the public welfare of the state ar- J showing that the objector will be substantially a,nd specifically·atrected by the grantmg Of the application shall have ·.standing to file· oblectlor'ls or prOtests. Provid­ed; however, that the State of. New Me><ico ·or any of Its b~anches, . aQencies, depart­ments,· boards, instrumentali­ties·, and all political sulxllvl~ slons of the ·state and their agencies, iristrumentalitles and 1nstit1.1tions· shall have ·standing to file obj~ions or

· NOTICE is herebv given that protests. The obJections or on August 21, .2000, RUidosO pl'otests sh~ll·be In writing aJ:K$ Municipal Schools, 20b Horton · shall set forth !<>peclflc reasons Circle, Ruidoso, NM 88345, Why the application should not flied aPDilcatlon No. 016~ & be approved and must -be H-46&71:! Into H-272-s.s thru filed, In triplfcate, with Thotnas H-272·8-8 wfth the ST"TE C. ·Turney, Slate 'Engil'leer.

..,. 1900 W. Second St.. Roswell. ENGINEER fa~ pEirmlt to teim-. New Me~~:ico 68201; not· later porBt"lly change point of Qiver· thim ten {10) days a1ter the slon and place and/Or purpose date a( the last publication of

· of USe from surface.to. gro~nd·· this. Nptiee .. tt no valid obje<:-. water by ceasing lhl!l diversion 1o 1 1 1 f"l d lh 1 · of 19.2 &bre-tee~er annum of I n or pro es s 1 e , e sta e

·engln~er -will eYSiuate 1he surfaqe waters the Rio Rui- application for ,impairment to d0$0 via the·Hal& Ditch Soutb • eXIsting water rights, .pu'?l~c which divertS at a point located · . welfare of ~ state, and qon: In the SW1/4NW1/4NW114 'ol section 29; Towr1shlp 11 . ··' ::a're~llon of 1/iiller _within the South, Range · 14 EasJ, N.M.P.M., and si.lpplernental 2976 3T(9)6,13,20 shallow well H-465·B loc&ted In the SW1/4NW1/4SE1/4 c:it SectiOn· 21, Towrishlp 11 South, ·Range 14 East, N.M.P.I\4~ and ceasing the irrl·.

· galion m 6.0 acres of ~nd focated In pan of tlie'SE1Ji4'of. Section 21, TOwnship 11 South, Range 14 ~st, ,. N.M.P.M. Applicant proposes. to commence the. use of thEt fOllowing existing shallow wells:



-NOtk:e is hereby given lhat, pursuant to the provisions of 7·36·53 .lhru 59. NMSA Hl18, the Uncgln County Treasurer

H·272·S·6: SUBQI- will offer for sale at public auc­NW1/4NE114NE1/4 ., tlon beginnii'tg on September

16;· TQWNSJ;I!P r .26, 2000, at 10:00 a.m. at the 11S; RANGE 13E. County Courthouse in ·carrizd-. zo,- New Mellico, the fqllowfng

-272-S-7; ~PI- 'described persQnai property, W114NE114 111J the sale to continue until all the

10; TQWNSHJ described property has been , 13E. . Offered for s,ale. .·

for the dtversron of up 'to 19.2 acre-f~l per annum of shal­·tow groundwater for the irrlga­.,llon of 6.0 acres of land local· ed in p.art of the 5112 of Sec­HQn 11, Township 10 South, Ral'!ge 13 East, N.M.P.M:

'rile move-from p01n1s of diver­sian are located apprDJdmately 4112 miles nat Of Ruidoso.

. The move-to pOints of diver-sion are located within Rui­doso VIllage llmlts, Lincoln County,_ New Ma><ico, N.M.P.M.

This is a tempora,ry applica­tion, for a period of ten years, with all righis to revert to the original fcilnts of.diverslon and place o use on August 31. 2010, subject to an earlier reversion by. wriiten request of the owner. ·



1. A SQle properly made under. the provisions or 7-38·35 thru 59, NMSA 1978 constitutes iull payment of Qll delinquent taxa&, penalties and interest that are a lien against the property at the time of sale, and safe extingUishes the lien. Tt)e property Is sold subjBfl to the \len for property taxes tor the year or the sale, provided those 1axes are not yet delin­quent. 'The-buyer at the-ptlblle· auotfon, or his successor in Interest will be lial}le for those property . taxes When they become due. , . ·

2. The descrlpaion ot -the fol­lowing personal Properly is designed to permit the Identifi­cation and !()calion ol personal property, by potential pur· chasers, or ta><payers. The Uncotn Cbunty T!easurer war• rants no title to properti~ pur­chased at. public auction sale.


HatCreek Construction ••The Small Job Specialist~ ...

Lie.·# 05385'7 GB 98 • ln.saircd ... ,d.Roud..d Additions - Decks • DOOrs Und trim • Cabi1retry arrd

Count•r lops • Glass Bltu:k • Palnlllllf a11d 'Wallpaper ~ ROofs (Shingle or Metal) • Slrt!t~l rock repair • Tile

(Sd/tilla and Ceramll:) • Wilrdc~>w replaceme1U


Acupuncture & Massage Or. lanet LaRosa

Tresa G-allagher Lisa #3:.!92 1035 Mechem Or .• RuidOso. NM 88345

. 258-3739

• • · • • • r • ~ - - r • • • -· ~ ~ ~


4. Successful bidders are. required to makE!! j;laytnont In fall of. the amounl bid befo(e leaving the premises on the day of 1he sate. Payment is' ·required to De by money order, certifiEld · 'check, cashier's check-or personal .;:heck Which is accompani&d by bank letler of credit for the amount9f.or tn e><cess ·-of -the amount of the personal chf¥:k drawn to the · order of lhe Uncoln County treasurer. ·

5. Upon re~ivi!']g payment bt the personal property sold, the· Lincoln Counly Treasurer shall ~xeoute atid deliver a certifJ· cats of sale to 'the Purch8'ser. · The. certificate of ·&ale trans­fers i!-11 the· former property owt1ers·interest in the.p~rson­al .property as ol the date of ttle sale. The·purchaser !<l_kes the perspnal' property free of any unrecorded or untitled Interests un,known- to hJm at the lil'!1,e of sale. .

. 6.· The sale price of the per• sonai property at this pUblic auction sale Is not to be taken .?r conSidered as being the

b value of the property for p·rop­. arty tax~tion purposes.

7. All persons Intending to bltf upon property are required to register and obtain bidders numbers 1rom the auctioneer and.lo provide the auctioneer with their full name and address. Certificate of sale will be issued ·1o registered names only. Convey1tnces to· other parties will be the responsibility of the buyer at auction. Persons acting as ''agents". ror other persona will register accordingly and fn\1$1 provide documented proof as being a bonafide agent at the lime of payment for property.

8. The au~tione&J re&en~B$ the right to withdraw from sale any of the properties listed below: or to sell only·a portion of any of the properties listed beiQW. If any dispute. arises between or amon~ 1he bid· ders, the auciiQneer s decision with respect to the dispute is final, and the auctioneer may auction the property again, In his discretion. The auctioneer reserves the right to reject any and- ali bids. The. personal -property listect below may not be solcffor less than theTtsled


;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;; price.

Dona at Carrizozo, New Mexi­co, th9 1st. day of.September.-200Q: .

OWner: J\sultar, Alffedo & Luz Maria ., Tax Bill #: 1 g99·203 Tax Years: 1995-1999 Minimum Bid: $1,140.00 Cescrlptlon:14x80 Slnglewid.:t. 1983 MI<·Zimrri Serial#: ZWK801410812 PTO~: 0001840812 Loca:lion: Cherokee Mobile ~ll~a,ge, Space 76

Current Lacattqn: Las Lomas St;), BLK. 1, j..ot.23

Owner: Barcus, Elmer &. Sh'arlene #2 Tax am#: 1999-1281 Ta>< Years: 1997~1999 Minimum Bid: $610 . Del!icriptior:-:14><66 Slnglewide, 1980 MK"GUerdon · Serial #: 33.2646. (6722GE) PTD#: 000316 2646 Location: Gavllan Mobile Park Space 1121

Cur.rent Location: ' Gavnen Mobile Park east 'of ml!!t.B.I shop

·.Owner: Contreras, Irene 113 TB>< Bill#: 1999-4781

·Tax Veers: 1992-1999 Mh)imum Bid: $470.00 Description: 1 0><48 Sin- . glewlde, 1956'MK·Bullt-Rite Sprial#~ .. DS1 183 PTt:)#: Oll1'7t9'1'183 .

· Location: Hollywood Trailer Park No. 1_. Space #45 .

Current'U.C.ation: N2. Se4·, Section 29, TOwnship 11S.' Range 1·4E-Rayner Chavez Property: ·

OWner: -RUssell, Jack W. or Tamara #4 Tax Bill#; ·1999-20548 Tax Years: 1997-1999 Minimum Bid.: $390 Description: 1~5 Sin·' glewide, 1970 MV..-Tourlta SEtrialff: 65x t 2FW~733 PTD#: 001442 3733 toCatlon: Vall~y Heights SD .•. BLKC,,l0t9,10

Current Location: Valley Heights SD., BLK CLot 9, 10'

Owner: Wiillamspn, 'MIChael AKA Wall, Michael · #5 Tax Bill#: 1999-.26335 Tax Years: 1995-1999 Minimum Bid: .$1,125.00 Description: 16x80 Sin· glewlda, 1990 MK-Oak Creek Serial#: 0605903184 .. PTD/t: 000760 B184 Location: Safeha\ten Mobile· Park, T-10

2917 3T (9)&; 13,20



No. cv-oo-130' FIRST· HOAIZO HOME LOAN CORPORATION fka FT Mortgage Compariies dba Sunbell National Mortgage,

Ptalntlfl, vs.




STATE OF NEW Mi=XICO to , the above-named Defendants, .


·You are hereby ROiifled that the above-nanied Plalnlitf has fned a civll· action agaln~t yoU ln the abova-entttred Court S.nd cause, the .9Bneral object thereof t>elng to foreclose a mortgage .on property located at Oak Drive, In the Clty :or Capitan. County .of Lincoln,

· ~New· Mexico,' more particularly described in the Complaint in·. said cau~.

·That unless you aniar your appearance tn said c.;~use on -or l:!eforEt OctOber 9, · 2000. l~gment by delaul\ will be entered ag';linst you:

· Name and .address of Plain· tiff's attorney: Geer & Little,

· P .A., 707 Broadway NE, Suite . 2,0.2, Post Office Box 25685,


Albuquerque, New Mexico 87, 25-o685.

WITNESS . the Honorable Kar"en l. Parsons, District Judge of the. Twelfth Jodlr.;Jal District Court Of the $tale of New Me)lk:o, and the Seal· of the DIS,trlct CoUrt. of Uncoin County, ·this .1..5tb day of Ayqus . 2000. · · ·


By /s/ S\ephante J. Browninq Deputy · _

(Seal) 2950 4T(8)23.30(9)6,13



NOTici8:'~':rV~~ON Til

NOTICE is herebY I;Jiven that cOmpati.tive sealed b1Gs wilt be receiYed bY the Uncoln Coun· ty Purcl:laSing Agent af Lincoln County Courthouse, 000 Cen· tral Ave (P.O. Box 711), Carri·

· · zozo, NM 88301, until 2:00 · pm, Wednesday, OC<tober

11, 20.00 at which time and place the bids will be opened and puQIIcly read aloud. Bids not received by the time and

SEALED SID NO. 00..01·013 ANNUA\. SPt;::C BASE

COI,JFISE SUPPL V DUE: 10/11100,2:00 P.M.

Tt'Hii LinColn County koard of· CQmmissloners will review the bids and make lh!llil' final dete·rminatlon during.-!' regu!ar 9:00 a.m. County Commission ·meeting on Thu'rsday, OctoQer 19, 2000 at the Uncaln County QourtOouse. ·

Specifications are availAble 11! the ·Office of the Purchasing Agent, l,.incoln County Cour1-ho~,Jse Or br calling Jane Williams (606 648·2385.

All. bids must be clea'rly· marked On the QOtslde Of the sealed envelope with the Bid Tille, Bid .Number, Date and Time of Op!llning. If the bid is sent by mlillf, the sealed enVe­lOpe shall have the notation MSeatad BW along with the Bict Number.

Lincoln Co.unty reserves the rlght to accept or reject' all Qf · any ·part or the b1d, waive miTIOitechnlcaiities and award the bid to best serve'tba Inter·' esta of Lincoln Co1,1nl)i.


2984 .. 1T(9)13


NOTI9E Is hereby giyen that the Lincoln CoU(Jty !;Icard .of Commissioners. shall hold· a

·PubliC Helirtng beginning at 10:15 A.M. on Tbursday, Sep·

.temb.er 21 ;.2()00, .to be held lit the Lincoln CQunty. Court· hOuse.L. CommiSsion Cham-· bers, (:;al'rjzozo·, New Mexico, to consider the 2001 Jnlra­(llructure ·cJ~pital lrOp.rove­ments PIS.n {ICIP) lor l.,incoln County;

All parties and Interested cltl­. zens are encouraged to attend: Copies oJ the' pro· posed ICJP may be 'oblarned from the County Manager's Olflce at the · LincOln County Courthouse in Carrizozo, twenty·four {24) hotirs prior to the meeting. ' .

. . lsi Mart~a Guevara· · Assistant' County Manager

29.13! 1 T($)13

_Edited by Will $hortz No. ()919

ACROSS ae Have anothec ·1 111 · plc:wre taken

·1 ~rave Y 'once· 27 Helm of fiction· a Big name In · a Stop using

auto suppues :u LOft iloAtPha~ettrio al·lnvoice fig.' 13 Damfool ihing :M Unfair

36 Beverly Sills 14 Machetes contemporary .1SAppe~r :sa Tom or Daisy of

indecisive · ~The Great

'18 eo-vies hero since 1947

1aPorter '18 Beers, maybe IIORequestof

Rhonda, in a 1965Beach Boyallit

u Heavenly route a consider

· appt"~priate

Gatsby" . 4it 19811ony

·Winner McKell en

41 North Carolina · county on the Blue Ridge Parkway

a. ,-;---Roman 44Trudge ·.a tollore r:Bmote 58 Tanker's cargo 52 Provoke

p'Oid, nurs!!rv song word ·

55V.I.P. .&TWing 58 Subject of a

1930"smystery .8'1 •Norma --' ezAnonym , 83 Thunderstorm

product 84A.A.A.P.

members ISS CO:rd fiber 66Fasttime&


'I F.B.I. sting Of the rate 7D~s

.1 ~ 962 monster film

a Uke ~The Zoo ·Story; e.g.

4Guns sStuck a Prefix with dairy 'TOne of the

Khans • •Fiddlesticks!" •Seven-time

Emmywinner 10 uszt piece u Gene Krupa

portrayer, 1959 tZChirped 14Computer

fanguage '17 R~ady ~o break,

as a wave 21 Multitudes 24 Certain wittiCism 2S 1880 literary


•WolfPack · Opponent

30 Kind of table 33 Hit song rif 1959 as Overseas Mrs. aePowerful 37 Victim of Paris . aaOnewhose · work's a bust

38 Emergency boat workers

·a Salad in11redients, bnefly

qMakerof ' Wlsh~Bone

salad dressing

48 Break In, so to speak

"T Categories

.q lndlft.Q Chief S'l A8glster MWinter

time sa Goggle sa Lower.ln a way eo Break

Answers to any three clues In this -puzzle are available by WtJch·tone phone: t-900-420·5656 (75e per mtnule). Annual subscriptiQna are available for the best ot Sunday crosswords from the ISst SO years: 1·888-7-ACROSS.

RVICE R E c T 0 R y



Located in .• '·if Fast, Fri~ndly TJ;te Sad~le Shop . • Service

Jerry Junes d P.O. Box'l465 505-.\78-,1026 Ruidoso DoWns, ~M 88346

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Advertise In - Rlllicioso News! Rates for _.,. budget are available!

Call Usa, l.illda or Angel. at 257·4DOJ today!

• ..-.-..-....:... ...... -_.-- --~-----·-'-·-'-···"·~~--~~ ....... --.~...-................ ~~~·- •~·••-•. •·-•·-•·--........... -.... • ... ,_, ....... , w•• •. .a... L. .... "- ............ ..1. &-.. ~ '-·'- •• •- L '" l.... ·-·'-- .L. '• "-' L.... L... ·-·•- •- •- ,_ ...... _, ---------.-~--------------.>-«>->->-"-'-'" . .

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National -Pet Memorial Day was Sept. 10. · · "'

Although~ I let the special daY slip by because I was away on vacation, it's not too late to remember a loved pet from the

·. past by helping tlioso In need now. .

Your love for ydur de­creased pet can be shown on a local basis or by becoming in­volved in the national cam­paign of the Humane Society of the United States:

The local animal shelter operated by the Humane Soci­ety of Lincoln County can al­ways use help in the form of donations of money, food, blan­kets or other items. Just con­tact shelter administrator Sandy Ford. or Jim Riggins, who is back after _a· sabbatical, or any of the other helpful staff at the Gavilan Canyon facility.

The number is (505)' 257-9841. .

:cAS 'E ~r ..

, .. ,

o'oi":' ,.,

newslettPr. If you cow :

money, m8yb(' _v, .,_, . some of y_our ,,1.;; newspapers. .

The she-lter dl

.spay arid nPttl~>r !\tl•." \: efits moi'P thnn il'"' adopted {hlln the ""'11 ~~

Any cut tll' de~~ n\~ '"

', ;;,.;;;,,,.,

.need finnncinl 111'1!1 t·· "tr-· that their animuls don't b1 11

unwanted litters mto tl"· world, -can nsk fin· q ···~'"' I" • fron1 th£> !'luC'it•l \ ·_, ·'I' 11

neuter· prngr:lt•l_ ThC" IISl''--: nl~o add·-d fo.,.,

aspPcts tu it I\.11HI• · d "'I'· · MPn1orinl JH'PI!' :11f1 ·r I" -. cludP a HP•w{\ tl• :----·~~~~··<1 1-. '" dred Spirit:-: \\r·h .:ilr. Tl .. Diary of Kindn·d '-'pnii· Kindred Spirits i\lf'llll'l'l.tl I'•• and a Kindn~d SJlirit . .: '"'\,.._),: ter.

• The Kindrt>d Spin f-.. \l<-11•, rial Program wn,.: ~>~1 ,J hr .r ., year ago to e-nnhlr I· owners to honor tl \• . 'l a depal-ted cnmi''IJ• , • 1

.. "'· . ';


: L'


. ,


Memori&l- donations are recognized in the soeiety's

and celebrntP t lw '· ries whilf' ~ur ,

I •I•

"" . .


HOUf:lS Tuesday thmugh.

Saturday Noon- 4 p.m.

257-98~l!. '

is a male shepherd/chow lH ;, ~. cross·who extremelY friendly, but lll!l1-·. , •. ].,, .11· just as protectivE! to those he loves. ,, r •1::.. , . Hla coat -is tan. he's about two W"•rl ,. ! 1, . years old and a real aweetie. pn·J, ·t ~- ,, \\ trlt, u.


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Virgo: (Aug 23 - Sept 22) SummeT is over and it's time to get down to business. If you need help with something or someone - ask f9r it.

Libra: (Sept 23 -Oct 22) This is a time to -stop - relax and Tefl~ct before going to the next phase of your life - Smile & take the memories of yester­day.

Scorpio: (Oct 23 - Nov 21) Put a smile in your thoughts and a skip in your walk .... Be Happy and Drive Everyone Crazy woridering what you're up to!

Sagittarius: (Nov 22- Dec 21). This is a good time to st-al-t a ·project that yqu have been put­ting off - Put your heart and soul in it and it will work!

Caprieor,;: (Dec 22 - Jan 19) Count your $$ twice because

Judith L. Christopher

Week of Sept. 4-13, 2000

you can only spend once! Don•t count on something that's not there!

Aquarius: (Jan 20 - Feb 18) Change is in the air- Don•t be afraid - You knew it was com­ing sooner or later-- Its Here -Go in Faith!.

Pisces: (Feb 19 .- March 20) What you don't see is not therci - A thought is ONLY a thought~ - not a thing - Make things happen. Don·~ just sit and think.

Aries: (Mar 21 - Apr 19) You haVe to make a major decision - po you want to be happy or not? That Si~ple -:- Happiness is a thought -Think Happy.

Thurus: (Apr 20 - May 20) Others could·be very complex at this time - Don't step into their whirlwind of strife -Keep yourself clear!

Gemini: (May 21 - June 20) •

You're getting there! Don't make a problem any wprse than what it is already - Clean up the mess and go on!

1Caneer: (June 21 - July 22) Your temper could be tested -Only if you alloW it! Don't let others take charge of your feelings- You.take control!

Leo: (July 23 -Aug 22) A per­son clOse· to· you needs you r undivided attentjon. Listen to them more than talking .. You "!ill learn something.·

You Can Receive a Personc# Confidential·'Reading From JUDITH CHRISTOPHER Call For Appt: 257-2996

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END OF ' .

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Srndtrl Apprailm on luuuf to fWe JOD top doll4r lor JOUr tnuft!

Desert Sill il AIAMOOOIIIIO has OVER 400 ~~~~~~~~~~ yau do Is PAY ONE DOUAR & !hen liE on the

payments lireclly from the 1at 'lllese are brillll new 135, lniCks, 1115, SUV's lid over 100 used ~-here from refonal aullels & Desert Sill has been COIIIraeted ~ sellhem . .

ONE DOUAR IS All YOU PAY DOWN To take on lbe paymentS from lbe banld

~rou a rn,.m•OHHOlWDOWH1 ~ rou a IH ,at wiHI ~HI~ DOWH1 It ·can happen with these vehicles!

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1llese are llrand • & • used llere frlllll aratllllllle CGIIIby -

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bring us your lrade!

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0) GMC ~,~~lJ) ,., .• ~~. ·. / tl/!'fA. .0i.TOVOTA Genuine Ch'--vrok"t Oldsmobile f:!'•., . , , ~ '-lLI . ,. ,,. ,.,


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FOR 3 DAYS For 45 lie~ oft llefine ro reteht tiloHerUilglle hi DilpM ltleat DIJIRII~ il Oflll .t()() vehicles on it's lot to dispose of immediately & all you do is

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OVER 400 NEW & USED VEHICLES All Makes & Models!

Uln b c1ll l'OU .-al' don to t•e on the pa,menn hom die INnk.

Do you want a $I 50 payment witft ONE DOLLAR DOWN? Do you want a $199 payment ONE DOLLAR DOWN?~,.,.~

lbe bR owm ftlele '11. RuOO. f~ niiWI· Oeien llll 'iolon in llut060DDO il die lie ftlel lme llelnenar • nfW AI Nor UNK REPOS • fllese are brand new & quality used vehicles shipped here from al'OIIIId lhe country,

made possible by file bank and Desert Svn Motors to dispose of Immediately. Bring ONE DOLLAR for file bank & bring file dealership your lrflde.

800-682-5266 2600 North White Sands Blvd. 505-437-7530

e -~ ,(7\ r,_~. Y -... ~ uMc ·vv•; · ,,,.~ ·

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. . ... ' ....

Example STk#D107811 1993 Pont1ac Sundb1rd LE. $1 down. $150 permo for 36 mas@ 12 9%APR Example STkU8957801. 1999 Geo Metro. 4DR. $1 down $199 permo for 55 mas@ 10 9%APR W1th Qualified Credit Subject to pnor sale Does not 1nclude tax. title & license All rebates to dealer

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8R1blry Pecann or . Hlilll !11/41!97

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Selection Of

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°Choices" ..................................... 681 Ea. 0 Aiternatives" ............................ 771 Ea.

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. ' '


' .


· Rotket 6000® · 71t..alat4. Drywall Screwdriver • Variable $peed reversing · • 0-6000 RPM; 6.5 AMPs; 11 SV • Double-insulated for operator sale!V • Phillips insert bit, mugnalic bn holder · &nose piBte


Heavy-Duly 9,6 Volt . . 3/8" Drill/Driver • Multi-posnion adjustable dutch • Ho rood speed: 0·300/0·1, 100 rpm

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Heavy-Duly 18 Voh · 1/2" Drill/Driver Kit • A~ustable dutch • Industrial ke~ess muck • S planet transmission · • High-perfarmonre motor . • 2 batteries, morger, bits & case included IIW9!ll-l/2lllll


__ _, ..


71/4" Circular Saw

I •

. • Heavy-duty, 13 AMP motor · · · • s,soo RPM: m v · . • Boll & nee~le bearing construction·

· • Corbide-ffpped blade included . SOOINI/11310

YOU ' . I

.$ 10" Power Mitre Saw ·· • 13 AMP, 120V, 5200 RPM,

60 HZ motor · . • 6' 3-conductor cord; electric bluda broke · . • Dust bog, WJell!hils, 1 04-fllolb am blade and lnsl!udion •ual ind!Jded 36-010/!00511

10" Compo

4 ' ••.DEL.TA

Power Mitre Saw •. 13 AMP motor • Ugh~~hJ conslrudion • aedric blade broke • Mitre indexing methonism • Lorge, 1-piece fence ' 36-DIS/!1711) .

12" Heavy-Duly Compound Mitre Saw • 13 AMP· 4000 RPM • aectric troke; 100% boll bearing • Mnres 0-48•, left ond right, 0·48" bevel capacity llYI/Dl/1/1)311

' -



Save Money & Energy While Keeping Your HOMe More •

1/2" X 3/4" X 10' W~atherstrip Tape • Oosed-cellloom tope • Seals, insulates ond soundprook 0!311/19101 1/2" x'3/4" X 17' . !llili ... _ ................ _ ................... l. 9 7

88 34" Re~locement Weatherstrip • V'myl dod loom . • Commercial or residential use • Kerf insrollotion • Brown illll/184101



36" Heavy-Duly . Door Sweep · • .Aluminum and vinyl alachrome • SloHed holes lor easy odiust

ment 013&9{19141

36" X 84" Jam~·Up Doo~ Stop • Allllli1num construction · • Easy, strew-on instollolion

. D1DJ3/l!346

' ' ' .~-- ~ ~~· .·. ---~----~'-----~~--'-...:......------.-----------

bterior flat latex • W-yeor worron~ • (overi mosl colari in 1 coal • fo~e-reiislonl • W~ite & custom colors 8!00~1/1113!0


:soo~~ll!l!L .. .. ....... ... ..... ....... .. . J 6.60 l 0. YlAR lXTIRIOR lAUX SlMI·GLOSS

lootlnum ....... 17. 94 ~~Ill!! ... 87,20


,..~ ' • I t ' ' ' '

; I .

J . J

' I ,j



= Ail .... """' ' '



I l I

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in on~ orouoo lire~ox [(UN\!!4

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Flat latex Wall Paint • 1 ~yeorworron~ · • (overs most tolors in 1 toot • ~~.~~ng interior formula · • Wllne & rustom tolors · 1300$1/I!Slll


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Ro[~er~~~~® ·- 7tuzKlt4 Drywall Screwdriver -• Vari~We s~~ reversing • ~6000 RPM; U AM~; mY • Oou~le-insulllle~ for.o~rafor salew • ~imps in~ert ~it, magnetit ~h ~ol~r -_

& n01e ~iete -llll/211HI

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71/4" OrcularSaw • Heavy~uty, 13 AMP m~or • i,IOO RrM: m V • Boll & nee~le ~uring <ollllruction • Mi~e·li~~~ blooe indu~ed

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~0 HZ motor • 6' ~·wn~urtor to~; electrit ~Ia® ~~o~e . -. • Oust ~ wrendle!, 104-toolh tT05Stiii·Yo00 ood ins1rudiot! IOOllual ind~ 11-010/IOOlll


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"Hallmark" Whirloool · · .. • ~V x lT; lumoor sup~o1, armre1h & slip res~lonl ~ottom • ~ ieh wil~ o~ju~~le water flow on~ flirection . • 11/H.p. havy ~Uiy pum~ . ·

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Ask a foxworth-Galbraith Associate to scnedule a free, no-obligation estimate for your next installed project. let us do tne worK! ~ ···•· . I

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Y~& ~Conilo • 24' x I~· vom~ w/2 ~OOJS • ~~~ oo~ Iron! • 2~' X I r whne vonitv lop Dllliii.IIVI!cts.mtMlllGI-bm~nMOO f!m11oWI4p!luitlyl


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S~ Volley Cabinetry can used in virtual~ any area of the home. Kitchens, boths1 family rooms, entertainment centers, libraries. Wholever your s~e and tastes, 5~ ValleY. offers options to meet your desires. Choose from more than 60 door siY,Ies. Pick from cherry, hickory, oak maple, pine, alder or knoHy alder. Then choose from 15 stains. Or select pointed or laminated doors in more than 1 00 colors. Customize your kitchen with a wide selection of convenient accessories. And we'll design all these choices to ~~your space or needs.


~~ ~ofession~ Come in and visit wi~ a Cabinet Specialist today. They'll help you pion ond com· puler design your new kitchen - oil ~ee of charge. Then, save yourself ~e hassle of finding someone Ia install y~ur cabinets. Let us handle ~e job ~r you". We'll be happy to give r.ou a ~ee estimo~, . and we'l.l pro~ssion~lly man· . age ~e 1ob1 too. All,obs are ~lly · insured and guaranteed. That means peace ()f mind ~r you ... ~om a name customers hove trusted since 190 l. ttKtt<liOO lnslol~ Awi~hle M rartid~~n~ lomliolll.

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Kem~r Distinctive Cabinefrx gives you limit· less choices so you're bouna to nnd the right cabinet

to match your s~e and your home's decor. Choose ~om oak, maple, hickory and sparkling laminates. • And you can P,8!SOnalize your project wi~ exci6ng

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' ',• \

' ·~

fO~WO!!OOWlH BUI~INGIMmmtS (fNm~ . 7 '

. 1.

- """"':""""-· -·· ~- ~--·- -' '


·see·Inside For Details • J. • '~_~· • ' ' • • •

1. . · Hormel !

. '



· . Always Tender · Bone-ln.

·Country Style ·R1b. Value Pack

: Furrs Club Price Save u to $1.80

73% Lea.n Ground

Beef Value Pack

· . 10 lbs. ·or more

¢ lb.

Furrs Club Price


Save to 40C lb.

Corona, Dos Equis or Sol .

. bottles


Hannel Atwaya rendtf Country Style Ribs·. . Smdhd:

139 lb. furfll Cl~b P1ice 8avl up to $1.10 pet lb.

Ruidoso, Roswell, Carlstiad, 9/131~ Page 1-8

With This Mailer I Your

r._:·\t·, ... ~. / . ol-!; . "'lt"'. . ..:..· .

I . •, -~·

-~ ...,. ~-.. .~ . .

:; . " Premium Sweet-· l'!lnt.l'

· . ·- California Seedless

.· ... Red Grapes . ·.\.·· .. ·~~·A natural sweet snack treat

¢ ]b.

Furrs Club Price ·~ Save up· to $1.00 per .lb.

Vine · . ":'~Ripened

.'<£Hot ·House ·.romatoe

lb. Furrs Club Price Save up to $1.60 per lb.

Card I

••• ---·· ••• ... _..._....._ ______ .._...-... .......... --.... -~.• •-.-r---•·•··-•·"""-•-:•-' .• , ~-.• ---=---·~ ~·· ~--~-.:._ .... ~~ .. - ... -. ...-1-·---'"·---·-~


I j I I



. I

I . '

9/13Page2·3 Ros, Art. Lov, Car, Hobbs, Ruid, Tuc, Clov

pack 24 oz. bottles .

25 Furrs Club Price Save up to $1.58

V-8 Splash 64 oz.

2600 Furrs Club Price Save up to S1 .58 on two

All Pepsi Cola Products 3 liter

159 Furrs Club Price Save up to SOc

RC Cola Soft Drinks 6 pack 12 oz. cans

2300 Furrs Club Price Save up to 98c on two

2 Qt. Unsweetened Kooi-Aid 13 to .28 oz.

1f~1 Furrs Club Price Save up to $1.50 on ten

Pet Club Doa Biscuits 18 to it oz. Furrs Club Price Save up to 40¢

Pet Club Premium Blend Cat Food 3.51b. Furrs Club Price Save up to 78¢ on two

Pet Club Clay Cat Litter 251b Furrs Club Price Save up to 40¢

99e Field Trial


Rainbo Thin Sliced Sandwich Bread 24 oz.

29· Furrs Club Price Save up to 40¢

General Mills Cereal 18 oz. Wheaties, 14 oz. Cinnamon Toast 14 oz. Honey Nut 13 oz. Golden Grahams

2500 FOR Furrs Club Price Save up to 58e on two

Betty Crocker Fruit

5 oz.

169 Furrs Club Price Save up to $1 .30

Popcorn 3 pac'k 3.5 oz. or

179 Furrs Club Price Save up to $1.00

Dry 0Qg Food Cflunks

~00 17.61b.

99 Furrs Club Price Save up to $1.90

Betty Crocker Specialty Potatoes 4.5 to 8.4 oz.

119 Furrs Club Price Save up to 60e

Gold Medal All Purpose Flour 51b.

129 Furrs Club Price l Save up to $1.00

Betty Crocker SuperMoi Cake Mix 13.3 to 18.25 oz.

99¢ Furrs Club Price

. Save up to $1.16

n·urn: Club Price I Sa·~e up to $1.58 on

Setty Cocker c:=a~"":i Ready to Spread Frosting 12to 16oz.

179 Furrs Club Price Save up to 261)

Furrs Pinto Beans 4lb.

Furrs Macaroni & Cheese

. 7.25oz. ' 21:00 Furrs Club Prfee 399' filii save up to 511) on three FOR

Furrs Club Price Save up to 58¢ on two

Furrs Mayonnaise 32 oz. . Furrs Club Prlee Saveupto$1.10-...:~

Furrs Cranberry Juice 64 oz. Furrs Club Price Save up to $1.50

Furrs Instant Oatmeal 10 to 12 paclc ·

199. Furrs Club Price . 69 Save up to $1.30

~· . "; "~

Furrs · . :1 ··: .

Corn Flakes 18oz. . Furts Club Pries' Save ppito ,$1.00


' '

-- ---._........,...-- ----- ·--- ---~---.-: ."C- -~---- .,- -- . ' -.--- -

i •

Furrs Club Price Save up to $1.16 on four

Kern's Nectars 11.5oz.

69¢ Furrs Club Price Save up to 20¢

Heinz BabY. Fooa 4 oz.

!200 Furrs Club Price Save up to 20¢ -on five

Rosarito· . Refried Beans 16 oz.

. 99¢ Furrs Club Price Save up to 40¢

Mission Caseras Flour Tortillas 22.5 oz.

99¢ Furrs Club Price Save up to 51~

Pace Picante Sauce 640l. Furrs Club Price S_ave up to 80¢

BQunty Paper Towels 8 roll

-- EW~teCut ' .· rooJatoes

99 Furrs Club Price

-_Save up to $1.16

FurreCiub Price sav~ i.lp to ao¢ Ad II Microwavable raoecorn pa . Furrs Club Price Save up to $2.96

Keebler · · Club Crackers 14 tp 16 oz.

00 Furrs Club_ Price Save up to 98¢ on two



Birds Eye · Farm Fresh Stir Fry 16 oz ..

Furrs Club Price - · Save up to $1 .• 38 on -two

Haagen Dazs Ice Cream Pint or 4 pack novelties -

li!!!ll'!'' . t . !600. Mazola Corn, Rigflt Blend or -canola Oil 48oz .

Clover Club or Granny Goose Potato Chips 13.25 oz.

199 Furrs Club Price Save up to S1.20

Irish §pring Batti Soap 6 pack 4.5 oz.


........ _,. . "\.

I 'lf.~

Club Price up to 66¢

_ Furrs -Club Price Save up to $1.38 on two

Banquet Pot Pies 7 oz. .

21· FOR Furrs Club Price ·­Save up to 981! on two

Banquet Boneless· Chicken 10.5 to 13.5 oz.

f!500 Furrs Club Price Save up to $1.98 on two

VIva. -Paper 'towels 1 roll Furrs Club Price ~

·. Save up to ·20~ ·

·_ 9/t3Page3 -1Base

~00 -- . _,A "•

< ~ .. .:

. ·- _______ .:_ ______ ......._ __ .....;._ ______ __;,_....,;,.. ....

9113100 page 4&5-1-Base and WEST El Paso

Fresh Mahi Mahi Fillets

59~b. Furrs Club Price save up to $2.~ per lb.

Supreme Cooked Shrimp 26 to 35 Count

89~b. Furrs Club Price Save up to $3.~ per lb.

Cooked Salad Shrimo 250 to 350 taunt

39~b. Furrs Club Price Save up to $1.00 per lb.

Fresh Red Snapper Fillel:s

49~b. Furrs Club ~rice Save up to $1.00 per lb.

Frozen Farm Raleed Catfish H&G

29~b. Furre Club Pr-Ice Save up to $2.00 per lb.

Previously Frozen Bay Scallops

59~. Furrs Club Price Save up to $1.00 per lb.

Come in, pick-

·--· --· • • •


ar~~~~d gg· • Beef · P Furrs Club Price Save up to 30~ per lb. lb.

Hormel Always; Tender Whole Pork Picnic

99~. Furrs Club Price Save up to $1.00 per lb.

Boneless Beef Shouldei!A Roast Value Pack

24~b. Furrs Club Price Save up to 50e per lb.

Premium Ground Beef Value Pack

1 9~b. Furrs Club Price Save up to 20¢

Superior Farms . Lamb Breast Furra Club ~e save up to per lb.

Superior Farms Lamb Loin Chops Furrs Club ,Price Save up to $1.00 per lb.

Superior Farms Veal Scalopplni Furrs Club Price Save up to $1.00 per lb.


9127 -10/3


Pilgrim's Pride . Breast Quarter withWing · Furrs Club Price Save to SO~


Hormel Always Tende"r Boneless Center Cut Half Pork Loin Roast

34!. Furn:; Club Price Save up to $1.50 per lb.

Furrs Premium Beef Cube Steaks Value Pack

.29~b. Jimmy Dean Roll Sausaae Regular, HofOr Sage 2 lb.

499 Furrs Club Price Save up to $2.00

Fresh Butterball Turkey Breast Cutlets Furrs Club Price Save up to 40e per lb.

Butterball Lean around White 'rurkey Furrs Club Price Save up to 304> per lb.

Fresh Butterball TUrkey Breast Tenderloins Furrs Club Price Save up to 40¢ per lb.

. 399 ' ~.

349 lb.


~on Bacon Regular or Double Smoked 12 oz.


Ready to C. Meatloaf Furrs Club P1 Save up to 21

RaadytoC• Stuffed Pt Furrs'Ciu!J P• Save up to 41

Pilgrim's Pr Savory Rec ~It BEIP . tor the GnlL Furrs Club P1 Save up to21

' •(



ium s

um an at


ook tppers "Ice leper lb.

'Ide lpe Fryer

·Ice Ill per lb.


B-f SP.are RibS Value Pack

129 . lb.

Furrs Club Price


save up to 30¢ per lb.

lb. Furrs Club Price Save up·to $1.60 per lb.

Roast Furrs Club Price Seve uP to 50¢ per lb.

Ready for the Oven Stuffed Pork · Loin ChoDS Furrs Club P"rlce Seve up to 30¢ per lb.

Ready for the Oven'· Stuffed Whole Fryers Furrs Club Price Save up to 30¢ per

"".,_ T ••...• ' .

Cauntrv . Fresh Jumbo Rotisserie Chicken Ea.ch .

-499 ea.

Furrs Club Price . Save up to $1.® ·

Wisconsin's Finest American Cheese ---Yellow, White-or Swiss

29~b. -Furr~ Club Price Save up to 51.50 per lb.

Creme Cakes 32 oz. AssQrted Everyone's Favorilel

399 . Furrs Club Price .Sava up to $1.00

French· Bread 16QZ. Hot. at 4:00 every

99 •. .. '-'frt .1tr Furrs Club Price Save liP to~

Furrs Club Price Seve up to 50¢

. lb. Furrs Club Pric& . Save ilp to $1 ;QO per lb.

' . '

Delicious Buffalo Chicken Hot Wings

399 .· .·· ' lb .

Furrs Club Price Save up to $1.00 per lb ..

Freda Santa Turke_y with sun Dried Tomatoes ·s99-

. lb. Furrs Club Price Save up to $1.00 per

Fu1rrs Club Price Save up to 50¢

Apple or Pumpkin Pie &Inch Great with Ice Cn1arr

349 Furra Club Price 5ave uP to 50e

Cinnamon Pull Apar:ts }:~e: !or·s·!UI<tas

. ·-

• •


.J I

• 9/13100 page 4&5-1-Base and WEST El Paso

Fresh Mahi Mahi Fillets

59~b. Furrs Club Price Save up to $2.00 per lb.

Cooked Salad Shrimg 250 to 350 aunt

39~b. Furrs Club Price Sav~up 19 $1.00 per lb.

. --.-- --

Fresh Ground Ground Beef Furrs Club Price Save up to 30¢ per

Hormel Always Tendet Whole Pork Picnic

99~. Furrs Club Price Save up to $1.00 per lb.





39 lb.

Pilgrim's Pride Breast Quarter with-Wing Furrs Club Price Save up to 50¢ per lb.


Hormel Always Tender Boneless

Furrs Prem Boneles

Center Cut Sirloin Half Pork Tip Stea Loin Roast. Value Pack

34~b .. 349~ lb.

Furr~ Club Price Furrs Clun P1 Save up to $1.50 per lb. Save up to 71

Furrs Premium Furrs Premi Cube Extra Le

. .. -. _._,..- , .... ···-·· ~

_______________ ._,.........,...,,.,.,....,..,..,.._.,.,......-.:~~~---,.-~-,--- -. -. ----, -.· "tw .......... ~:•'


ium s

rice lc per lb.

ium !an


Beef SD;:ue Rlbs Value Pack

129 lb.

Furrs Club Price Save up to 30¢ per lb.


Furra Premium · · Boneless · IY.fa~lrloln 299 Smal Pack lb. Furra Club Price - up to $1.10 pOt lb.

~:S~IIJ11m~o . ·.. . Rotisserie Chicken Each

49!a .. · Furrs Club Price Save up to $1.00

Wisconsin's Finest American

·Cheese -·· Yellow, White or Swiss

29~b. Furrs Club Price

. Save up tq $1.50 per lb.

Original, /UIIIron Pepper, Soutflwertern



. lb. Furrs Club Price Save up to $1.00 per lb.

lb. o-urr~ Club Price Save up to $1.00 per Jb;

.... , I

. I




~--------------------------~--~~----------~.~~----~~--~----~--------------~---• • •

~ .

750 mi.

1099 Furrs Club Price Save up to $2.00 Talus Wine

~~~IL-fll -·Sm IUIIIlRI

Cabernet, Merlot, Chardonnay or Pmot Nair 750 mL

649 Furrs Club Price Save up to $L50 C.K. Mondavi Wine Chardonnay, Merlot or Cabernet 1.5 ltr.

999 Furrs Club Price Save up to $2.80 Budweiser, Miller, Coors or Tecate Beer Regular or Light 30 pack 12 oz. cans ~~:!!!-~

1699 Furrs Club Price Save up to S1.00 Foster's 1 .~ I: \'"\'I

'l -~ '" .- ... . ):.:! -':1 ... ~ Beer 12 pack 12 oz. bottles

999 Furrs Club Price Save U,P to $1.50 Wila Vines 750 mi.

~~99 Furrs Club Price

~' .. ! I .. ,

Save up to S1.98 on three

A Furrs Club Exclusive Heward

Bacanll Rum S11vf!r or Amber 1 751lr

1899 Furrs Club SJve up to

Save l<r wheny,ou

buy six boltles of wine•

Price's Milk Homogenized, Reduced Fat, Lowfat, or Fat free Gallon



Rath Meat Franks 12 oz.

.. ' - ·- __ ,_. Furrs Club Price Save up to 70¢

Furrs Yogurt 32 oz. 189 Furrs Club Price Save up to 20¢

Country Charm Fruit Drinks Gallon

99¢ Furrs Club Price

!Save up to 40¢

-~. ~... - . "4!!"..,.. .. ... -..... -----


-• •

I :~ •

Furrs Club Price Save up to 50¢

Jimmy Dean Heat& Sausage Regular oi1lot 5.2 oz.

139. Furrs Club Price · Save up to 601'1

12 oz.

129 Furrs Club Price Save up to 20¢

Parkay Margarine BoWl 31b.

2500 Furrs Club Price Save up to $1.98 on two

Price's Chocolate Milk Hall Gallon Furrs Club Price Save up to 78¢ on

Price's Half and Half auan Furrs Club Price Save up to 301'1

Louis hlch Carving ~oard Chicken Southwest or Grilled 9oz. Furrs Club Price Save up to 201'1

Furrs Club Save up to. 601'1

Kraft Sinales Swiss,Nlexican, .. Pimento, 2% Sharp, ·. 2% Swiss 12 oz.

299 Furrs Club Price Save up to $1.-10

Furrs Club Price Save up to 501'1

RathJumbo Meat Franks

. 16 oz. Furrs Club Price Save up to 201'1

John Morrel Cooked ~!m . Furrs Club Prlc:l Save up to 30¢

Honey Ham 24oz. Furrs Club Prtc:e Save up

!""'!'-",..........--,.....-~~-- --:------ -----. ....., -- -....-

. '

99 Furrs Club Price Save up to 50¢ .

Schick Xtreme Ill Disposable Razor 4 ct. .

4ss Furrs Ctub Price Save up to $1.00

Colgate . · Toothpaste 6.4oz.

199 Furrs Club Price Save up to 80'

Visine .5 oz. Selected

1500 Furrs Club Price Save up to $3.98 on two


With this Coupon


t:Oreal , · .. Castiqg· Spa·Hair· C'olor . each ·

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FREE! , Furrs Club Price Save up to $7.99

Pepto . B1smol 12 oz. .

as9 ,-Furrs Club Price Save up to $1.70

Colgate . Toothbrush each

199 Furrs Club Price Save up to $1,50

Johnson & Johnson Cotton Swabs 375 ct.

199 Furrs Club Price Save up to $1.00

Arrid XX Deodorant 1.41o 2 oz.

199 Furrs Club Price Save up to 60t

Colgate Shave Cream 11 to 14.75 oz.

99¢ Furrs Club Price Save up to soc

Drypers· Mega Pack DiaDers 64 to 1lo pack

1599 Furrs Club Prlr.~ Save up to $3.00

up to $3.00 With Coupon & Furrs Club Card only on pu"h"" made ualna lhe Furrt Club Card.

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Kodak Pocket Camera Day each

699 Furrs Club Price Save up lo $1.50

Furrs Club Rental Of The Week!

Mission to Mars Rated PG ©Disney

199 ~~ Furrs Club Price ltOMI! v::!l' 2 Evening Rental


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.. . •



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96 oz.

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StAJFIFIN-=: 8J78 :. ffi.f::..- .


Freadl Friis



Wafllas 11 OZ. BOX

~~·· SHURFINE ,.,

larDOD Oael ..

1 "·· \ • •• o • ,_....,;, -~--~?·.~·.:......_....____~_..._~~ :_ ~ • • ·.-.·_. • o ;,_ L"."" •, .:__. o L L • o 1£·~----=---- 0 ~· .... ,~:::. ••. ::.:\ ......

; \'<:'

--· .• ·l·.-"·rill''l!i


Beef Arm Roast ~-· ·~~,,.,.,~,,,..)







.· CIIMCaal Stea•

•t•• LB.

"·-·----·-... __:. .. - ... ~-··--·~


·Blade .·staaJr.

··t•• LB.


••••• Meat



GI'OUDd. ·Cbuck

8J71 LB. ·


Cuba Steak·.·

••• .LB.

PukSBusaga ........... FAYEALEG



Caalqali £bollA · ·· Park Craaklns

1 LB. ~as~~- I 9. c PKG. ·



tO LB. BAG •a• 5LB.BAG •• POUND ....


Seedless ·orapes





'' ...... ·

' \ - -

' 10 oz. 'PKG. . 6 oz.. PKG.

81' ·•1• ·





. j"_.--::-..... 1 ~-·..6• ...... ,.,_,_~ ............... ~..;-_ ...... _.-~ ........ _,. _ ... _..._. ___ .... _·......__._.. __ .••


q . . :



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