our pitch

Post on 04-Aug-2015






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OUR PITCHBy Catherine May, Effie Price and Kate Hoyle

Our chosen songWe decided to use “Rather Be” for our music video, as we feel that it is a classic from the pop genre and therefore could be easily remade and transformed into our own interpretation. The lyrics of the song are also related to love which is a strong and persistent theme in the genre conventions of pop. The beat is also dance/club themed which also gives us the potential to incorporate a party lifestyle in the video- also conforming to pop genre conventions. This means that we can produce a meaningful video that conforms to the lyrics and builds onto them.

The pop genre


The pop genre

Story board & Narrative


We plan to film in a variety of locations, in order to have diversity throughout the video to make it more interesting

and exciting. We plan to film in a house setting, streets and a field, and

also create a party scene in a building/room.

Locations We will be filming the first few shots at Catherine’s

house. This is because due to her living in the central

location of Crick, it is a convenient distance between school, Kate’s house (Naseby) and Effie’s house (West Haddon), making it accessible and appropriate.

The house setting will make the video realistic and authentic, rather than trying to create this not in a home, such as in school.

We will use Catherine's bedroom, her hall way, doorway and staircase.

Locations We will film some walking scenes on the streets

of Crick. This is because again, the convenience of

Catherine living there makes it much more accessible.

Alongside that, we will already be in Crick filming, therefore we thought that using the streets there as well would be convenient.

The street scenes will be needed in our video in order to create the youthful nightlife feel.

Locations As one of the date settings, we will be filming on the

school field where the couple will be having a picnic.

We decided that the school field would be an appropriate filming location as it is extremely accessible for the entire group as it is a place that we will all be every day, making it easy and convenient.

This will also mean that we have the ability to film these scenes during school hours, saving time for the ones that we need to film elsewhere.

Locations In our video we also plan to create a party scene in order

to conform to the persistent theme of happiness and parties throughout pop videos.

We decided that the drama studio within the school would be a good location for this, as it is large and empty, meaning we could fit a lot of people into it to create the party look.

The lighting in the drama studio is also very complex, meaning we could create low level lighting and a party vibe with ease.

The accessibility of a school based location is also another factor that influenced to use this.



Picnic Basket

Heart Necklace

Beer and Wine


We have chosen to use Kate to feature in our video, as a result of her being and committed to be in the film as she is passionate about the outcome of the film. Kate is likely to be more available than students not in the group to put more time into it, as it’s her own coursework.

We also decided to use Catherine in our video, due to her being also in the media group and therefore fully committed to being available when needed and scheduled to film. Catherine is also part of a drama group outside school which furthermore influenced or decision to use her in the film.

CostumeBreak up scene: Girl 1 – jeans, plain t-shirt, hoodie and converse

Boy 1 – tracksuit bottoms and plain t-shirt

Girl 2 – jeans, plain t-shirt and boots

Boy 2 – jeans and a top

Plain clothing to represent dullness of the circumstance

Party Scene (main characters):

Girl 1 – Black skater skirt, white lace top and heels

Boy 2 – Black skinny jeans, denim jacket and fashionable shoes

Other party characters will be dressed in fashionable and trendy clothing in order to conform to the pop genre convention of iconic and mainstream fashion.

CostumeDate scene:

Girl 1 – Summer dress (colorful and fashionable) with sandals

Boy 2 – Denim shorts and a shirt, fashionable shoes

Both make an effort with outfits to replicate their care and worry of each others opinion, however are fashionable in order to conform to the genre.

Boy 1- black jeans and a grey top – darker colours to give a negative presence

Our shooting scheduleShot



Cast Director

Shot and angle


Health and safety

Date of shot


1 Catherine’s Bedroom - Crick

Natural Kate and boy 1

Catherine M shot Suitcase, clothes

Ensure that actors/actresses do not fall over clothes

15th Sept

If it is not convenient or we are unable to film in Catherine’s house, film the street scene first whilst in Crick.

2 Catherine’s hallway - Crick

Natural Catherine and boy 2

Kate L shot None Stand actor/actress far apart to ensure the fake fight does not hurt anyone.

15th Sept

If it is not convenient or we are unable to film in Catherine’s house, film the street scene first whilst in Crick.

3 Catherine’s Bedroom - Crick

Natural Kate Effie CU shot None Ensure that actress does not fall over clothes

15th Sept

If it is not convenient or we are unable to film in Catherine’s house, film the street scene first whilst in Crick.

4 Catherine’s Bedroom - Crick

Natural Kate and boy 1

Catherine Over the shoulder shot (boys shoulder)


Ensure that suitcase is wheeled controllably/safely

15th Sept

If it is not convenient or we are unable to film in Catherine’s house, film the street scene first whilst in Crick.

Our shooting scheduleShot



Cast Director

Shot and angle


Health and safety

Date of shot


5 Catherine’s hallway - Crick

Natural Catherine and boy 2

Kate M shot None Ensure that actors/actresses do not trip over step or trap fingers in the door

15th Sept

If it is not convenient or we are unable to film in Catherine’s house, film the street scene first whilst in Crick.

6 Catherine’s hallway - Crick

Natural Catherine and boy 2

Effie Over the shoulder shot (boys shoulder)

None Ensure that actors/actresses do not trip over step or trap fingers in the door

15th Sept

If it is not convenient or we are unable to film in Catherine’s house, film the street scene first whilst in Crick.

7 Crick street

Natural Kate Effie Long shot high angle


Ensure that suitcase is wheeled controllably/safely

15th Sept

If it is raining, complete the shots that are inside (skip to shot 11) and do this another day.

8 Crick street

Natural Kate Catherine CU shot Heart necklace

Ensure that Kate finds a safe way to take the necklace off without cutting fingers

15th Sept

If it is raining, complete the shots that are inside (skip to shot 11) and do this another day.

Our shooting scheduleShot



Cast Director

Shot and angle


Health and safety

Date of shot


9 Crick street

Natural Kate Catherine CU shot Heart necklace

Ensure that Kate finds a safe way to take the necklace off without cutting fingers

15th Sept

If it is raining, complete the shots that are inside (skip to shot 11) and do this another day.

10 Crick street

Natural Kate Catherine Camera on the floor angle

Heart necklace, suitcase

Take care to not fall on stairs whilst filming

16th Sept

If it is raining, complete the shots that are inside (skip to shot 11) and do this another day.

11 Catherine’s stairs - Crick

Natural Boy 2 Kate MCU shot

None Take care to not fall on stairs whilst filming

16th Sept

If it is not convenient or we are unable to film in Catherine’s house, film the street scene first whilst in Crick.

12 Catherine’s hallway -Crick

Natural Boy 2 Kate Long shot

None Take care that fingers are not caught in the door

16th Sept

If it is not convenient or we are unable to film in Catherine’s house, film the street scene first whilst in Crick.

Our shooting scheduleShot



Cast Director

Shot and angle


Health and safety

Date of shot


13 Catherine’s hallway -Crick

Natural Boy 2 and 2x friends

Effie Over the shoulder shot (over boy 2’s shoulder)

None Take care that fingers are not caught in the door

17th Sept

If it is not convenient or we are unable to film in Catherine’s house, film the street scene first whilst in Crick.

14 Catherine’s hallway -Crick

Natural Boy 2 and 2x friends

Effie Over the shoulder shot (over boy 2’s shoulder)

Party hats, Beer

Take care that fingers are not caught in the door

176h Sept

If it is not convenient or we are unable to film in Catherine’s house, film the street scene first whilst in Crick.

15 Catherine’s sisters room - crick

Natural Kate and 2x friends

Effie M shot Makeup

Take care that makeup is not poked in one’s eye

18th Sept

If it is not convenient or we are unable to film in Catherine’s house, film the street scene first whilst in Crick.

16 Catherine’s sisters room - crick

Natural Kate and 2x friends

Catherine MCU shot Wine bottle and glasses

Take care with the glass to ensure it is not smashed or dangerous

18th Sept

If it is not convenient or we are unable to film in Catherine’s house, film the street scene first whilst in Crick.

Our shooting scheduleShot



Cast Director

Shot and angle


Health and safety

Date of shot


17 Catherine’s sisters room - crick

Natural Kate and 2x friends

Catherine M shot Wine glasses

Take care with the glass to ensure it is not smashed or dangerous

18th Sept

If it is not convenient or we are unable to film in Catherine’s house, film the street scene first whilst in Crick.

18 Catherine’s sisters room - crick

Natural Kate and 2x friends

Catherine Long shot Wine glasses

Take care with the glass to ensure it is not smashed or dangerous

18th Sept

If it is not convenient or we are unable to film in Catherine’s house, film the street scene first whilst in Crick.

19 Catherine’s sisters room - crick

Natural Kate Effie CU shot Wine glass

Take care with the glass to ensure it is not smashed or dangerous

18th Sept

If it is not convenient or we are unable to film in Catherine’s house, film the street scene first whilst in Crick.

20 Crick street

Natural Boy 2 and 2x friends

Effie MLS shot Beer cans and hats

Take care with the cans to ensure it is not smashed or dangerous

17th Sept

If it is rainy, skip to shot (21) to film indoor scenes until the weather improves

Our shooting scheduleShot


Lighting Cast Director

Shot and angle


Health and safety

Date of shot


21 Drama studio- School

Natural Kate and 2x friends

Catherine MLS shot None Take care when walking through the door not to trip on step

19th Sept

If the drama studio is unavailable, film shots on the field (first date)

22 Drama studio- School

Natural to low level lighting

Kate and party crew

Effie Long shot Wine glasses

Take care with the glass to ensure it is not smashed or dangerous

19th Sept

If the drama studio is unavailable, film shots on the field (first date)

23 Drama studio- School

Natural to low level lighting

Boy 2 and 2x friends

Kate MLS shot None Take care when walking through the door not to trip on step

19th Sept

If the drama studio is unavailable, film shots on the field (first date)

24 Drama studio- School

Natural to low level lighting

Party crew

Effie Shot filmed from floor angle

None Take care not to tread on other peoples feet pretending to be at a party – lots of people in one place

19th Sept

If the drama studio is unavailable, film shots on the field (first date)

Our shooting scheduleShot


Lighting Cast Director

Shot and angle


Health and safety

Date of shot


25 Drama studio- School

Natural to low level lighting

Boy 2 Catherine CU shot None Take care not to trip on other “party guests” or props

19th Sept

If the drama studio is unavailable, film shots on the field (first date)

26 Drama studio- School

Natural to low level lighting

Kate, Boy 2 and 2x Kate’s friends

Effie Over the shoulder shot (boys shoulder)

Wine glasses

Take care with the glass to ensure it is not smashed or dangerous

19th Sept

If the drama studio is unavailable, film shots on the field (first date)

27 Drama studio- School

Natural to low level lighting

Kate Catherine MCU shot None Take care not to trip on other “party guests” or props

19th Sept

If the drama studio is unavailable, film shots on the field (first date)

28 Drama studio- School

Natural to low level lighting

Boy 2 Effie MCU shot None Take care not to trip on other “party guests” or props

19th Sept

If the drama studio is unavailable, film shots on the field (first date)

Our shooting scheduleShot


Lighting Cast Director

Shot and angle


Health and safety

Date of shot


29 Drama studio- School

Natural to low level lighting

Boy 2And Kate

Catherine CU shot of boys hand LS of Kate

None Take care not to trip on other “party guests” or props

19th Sept

If the drama studio is unavailable, film shots on the field (first date)

30 Drama studio- School

Natural to low level lighting

Boy 2And Kate

Effie MCU shot Wine glasses

Take care with the glass to ensure it is not smashed or dangerous

19th Sept

If the drama studio is unavailable, film shots on the field (first date)

31 Drama studio- School

Natural to low level lighting

Boy 2And Kate

Catherine Over the shoulder shot (over boys shoulder)


Take care not to trip on other “party guests” or props

19th Sept

If the drama studio is unavailable, film shots on the field (first date)

32 Drama studio- School

Natural to low level lighting

Party guests, Kate, Boy 2

Effie Hand held pan of party

None Take care not to trip on other “party guests” or props

19th Sept

If the drama studio is unavailable, film shots on the field (first date)

Our shooting scheduleShot


Lighting Cast Director

Shot and angle


Health and safety

Date of shot


33 School field

Natural Kate Catherine Over the shoulder shot


Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, skip to shot 35 to film shots of the male indoors.

34 School field

Natural Kate Effie L shot None Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, skip to shot 35 to film shots of the male indoors.

35 School classroom

Natural Boy 2 Kate Over the shoulder shot (over boys shoulder)

Phone, laptop

Ensure laptop wires are safely tucked away so that no crew trips over them.

22nd Sept

36 School classroom

Natural Boy 2 Kate CU shot Phone

Ensure laptop wires are safely tucked away so that no crew trips over them.

22nd Sept

Our shooting scheduleShot


Lighting Cast Director

Shot and angle


Health and safety

Date of shot


37 School field

Natural Boy 2 Catherine MLS Picnic basket

Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

38 School field

Natural Boy 2 Effie MLS shot Picnic basket, picnic blanket

Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

39 School field

Natural Boy 2 Kate M shot Picnic basket, picnic blanket and gear

Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

40 School field

Natural Boy 2 Catherine CU shot Picnic basket

Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

Our shooting scheduleShot


Lighting Cast Director

Shot and angle

Props Health and safety

Date of shot


41 School field

Natural Boy 2 Catherine MLS Picnic basket, picnic blanket and gear

Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

42 School field

Natural Boy 2 and Kate

Effie Over the shoulder shot (over Kate’s shoulder)

Picnic basket, picnic blanket and gear

Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

43 School field

Natural Kate Catherine MCU shot Picnic basket, picnic blanket and gear

Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

44 School field

Natural Boy 2 and Kate

Effie M shot Picnic basket

Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

Our shooting scheduleShot


Lighting Cast Director

Shot and angle

Props Health and safety

Date of shot


45 School field

Natural Boy 2 and Kate

Catherine MLS Picnic basket, picnic blanket and gear

Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

46 School field

Natural Boy 2 and Kate

Effie MCU shot Picnic basket, picnic blanket and gear and wine

Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

47 School field

Natural Boy 2 and Kate

Catherine Over the shoulder shot (boys shoulder)

Picnic basket, picnic blanket and gear and wine + glasses

Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

48 School field

Natural Boy 2 and Kate

Effie M shot, high angle

Picnic basket, picnic blanket and gear and wine + glasses

Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

Our shooting scheduleShot


Lighting Cast Director

Shot and angle

Props Health and safety

Date of shot


49 School field

Natural Boy 2 and Kate

Catherine M shot Picnic basket, picnic blanket and gear and wine + glasses

Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

50 School field

Natural Boy 2 and Kate

Effie M handheld arc shot

Picnic basket, picnic blanket and gear and wine + glasses

Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

51 School field

Natural Boy 2 and Kate

Catherine Over the shoulder shot (boys shoulder)

Picnic basket, picnic blanket and gear and wine + glasses

Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

52 School field

Natural Boy 2 and Kate

Effie MCU shot

Picnic basket, picnic blanket and gear and wine + glasses

Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

Our shooting scheduleShot


Lighting Cast Director

Shot and angle

Props Health and safety

Date of shot


53 School field

Natural Boy 2 and Kate

Catherine CU shot

None Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

54 School field

Natural Boy 2 and Kate

Effie MLS Picnic basket, picnic blanket and gear and wine + glasses

Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

55 School field

Natural Boy 2, Boy 1 and Kate

Catherine L shot Picnic basket, picnic blanket and gear and wine + glasses

Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

56 School field

Natural Boy 1 Effie M shot Fence Be cautious not to cut yourself on metal fence

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

Our shooting scheduleShot


Lighting Cast Director

Shot and angle

Props Health and safety

Date of shot


57 School field

Natural Boy 1 Catherine CU shot

None Be cautious not to cut yourself on metal fence

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

58 School field

Natural Boy 2 and Kate

Effie L shot Picnic basket, picnic blanket and gear and wine + glasses

Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

59 School field

Natural Boy 1 and Kate

Catherine M shot Picnic basket, picnic blanket and gear and wine + glasses

Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

60 School field

Natural Boy 1 and Kate

Effie MCU shot reverse shot

Fence Be cautious not to cut yourself on metal fence

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

Our shooting scheduleShot


Lighting Cast Director

Shot and angle

Props Health and safety

Date of shot


61 School field

Natural Boy 2, Boy 1 and Kate

Catherine MCU shot

None Be cautious not to cut yourself on metal fence

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

62 School field

Natural Boy 1 Effie CU shot

None Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

63 School field

Natural Boy 2 Catherine CU shot

None Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field.

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

64 School field

Natural Boy 1 and Kate

Effie M shot side profile

Fence Be cautious not to cut yourself on metal fence

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

Our shooting scheduleShot


Lighting Cast Director

Shot and angle

Props Health and safety

Date of shot


65 School field

Natural Boy 2, and Kate

Catherine M shot – through fence, point of view shot of boy 1

None Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

66 School field

Natural Boy 2, and Kate

Effie CU shot

None Take care not to trip on branches etc on the field

22nd Sept

If it’s raining outside, upload all shots that have already been filmed and begin to edit.

Production Schedule Pre-Production Post-Production

Date Action

9thSept Organise and prepare all costumes so that they are ready for filming

11thSept Collect/Buy props needed for the film and store them with costumes

12thSept Book the camera and tripod ready to begin filming on the 15th Sept

13th Sept Ensure Catherine is able to have the car or organise a lift with Catherine’s mum to bring the group back to film on the 15th Sept after school

14th Sept Bring all props and costumes to school for Catherine to take home to ensure everything is ready to film on the 15th

Date Action

23nd Sept Download all video’s from the camera onto Effie’s Mac Book

24rd Sept Preview all shots deleting those that went wrong or were accidently filmed etc

25th Sept Put the soundtrack into iMovie and begin to edit shots in sequence with story board

26th Sept – 3rd October


4th October Upload music video to YouTube and post on blog


Effie Price Kate Hoyle Catherine May

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