our roles and responsibilities towards young carers whole family working: making it real for young...

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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Our Roles and Responsibilities Towards Young Carers

Whole Family Working:Making It Real for Young Carers

Adult Social Care (1)

Our structure

• 5 Areas across Surrey (implemented 02.10.14)

• 11 Locality Teams • County wide Transition Team• Qualified and unqualified practitioners• AP2 Carer role

Adult Social Care (2)

Our approach to assessment and support of young carers

• Think Family, think young carer • Eligibility Criteria for support• An enabling approach to support (Family,

Friends, Community)• Support for young carers

Adult Social Care (3)

Our Challenges• Implementing new obligations of the Care Act• Improving how we work with other key

agencies (education, voluntary sector etc)• Understanding where we fit into the Early

Help Agenda

Children’s Services (1)

• 4 Area based teams - Referral, Assessment and Intervention Service (RAIS)

• Child Protection and Court Work • Looked After Children• Countywide services - Children with

Disabilities, Care Services and CAMHS• Early Help - intervening early to achieve

positive outcomes

Children’s Services (2)

• Young Carers have been identified as a key need group in the JSNA

• Issues: identification – Early Help Assessment • Parental substance misuse, mental health

problems, domestic abuse• Sibling carers• Young carers with SEN and disabilities• Availability of services and support

Adult Mental Health Services (1)• Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is

the leading provider of health and social care services for people of all ages with mental health problems, drug and alcohol problems and learning disabilities in Surrey and North East Hampshire.

• Surrey and Borders Partnership Trust have a partnership agreement with Surrey County Council which enables an integrated health and social care service with the mental health services it provides. Working closely with other NHS and voluntary sector organisations the aim is a seamless service to people and their carers.

Adult Mental Health Services• The integrated team approach promotes everybody

who is referred to the integrated team in having a joined up health and social care professional response.

• This should ensure that the ‘think family’ approach to assessment, highlights young carers when the team makes their initial contact with the person who has been referred.

• Moving forward - ensuring all staff are confident in identifying and supporting young carers. Ensuring they have a training plan that embeds practice.

Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services

• CAMHS teams assess and treat children and young people whose behaviours indicate moderate to severe mental health concerns

• Safeguarding risk to the young person, including young carers

• Providing therapeutic intervention and support under the think family model.

• Consultation with other agencies.• Specialist training for practitioners.• Link to contacts: http://


Youth Support Services (Employability)


CSF Directorate


YSS Commissioning

Youth Support Services

SfYP Commissioned and Direct delivery (YSS)• Employability

• YSS Case Management Service• Youth Justice – including Youth Restorative

Intervention• Targeted Youth Support• Not in Education Employment or Training, NEET • Homelessness Prevention Service• No Labels.

HealthNHS has duties to identify, recognise and support Young Carers (NCS 2010)

General Medical Council (GMC) 0-18 years: Guidance for all doctors ‘Doctors should be aware of the needs and welfare of children and young people

when they see patients who are parents or carers, or who are cared for by children or young people.’

Royal College of General Practitioners has produced guidance for commissioners (2013) states that ‘The responsibility of being a carer early in life shapes a young person’s:

Emotional and mental health Ability to build relationships with others Educational achievement’

Surrey Young Carers Health Survey 2013 – Evidenced the impact that caring can have on both mental and physical health of young carer.

CCG Young Carers Action Plan – Taking forward recommendations

Health – New Initiatives • At the end of March The Dept of Health in partnership with Carers Trust

launched the School Nurse Programme: Supporting the health and wellbeing of young carers was published.

This pathway sets out the key messages for services and professionals to meet the needs of young carers

The pathway is designed to support integrated working between the school nursing service, other public health nurses and partners in supporting young carers and their families.

Discussions with PH commissioners and providers are currently been taken forward here in Surrey. The Surrey Carers Pathway is inclusive of young carers and a phased roll out of the Carers Prescription allows health professionals to fast track refer young carers for support.

Young Carers Support (1)• Surrey Young Carers (SYC) has been supporting young carers, under the

age of 18, across Surrey since 1996. We offer free impartial information and support to young carers and their families on minimising the impact of their caring role. SYC gives young carers timeout from their caring role, with opportunities to meet young people in similar situations. We promote the needs and voice of young carers in all child care and adult settings, locally and nationally. We offer training to Health and Social Care and Educational professionals.

• SYC is one of five services managed by Action for Carers Surrey, an independent charitable organisation led by carers.

• For further information please contact us. Tel: 01483 568269. E-mail: syc@actionforcarers.org.uk or look at our website www.surrey-youngcarers.org.uk

Some of the outcomes which SYC is commissioned to achieve

Young Carers:• feel that they can remain part of their community• have a break from caring• have more choice and control over day to day life whilst choosing to

continue to care• are able to maintain / make friendships and relationships• are able to undertake leisure activities• participate in learning activities – whether recreational (for fun/interest) or

vocational (employment related and/or leading to a qualification)- includes support to young carers taking GCSE or A levels/NVQ’s

• able to carry on caring where this is their choice• helped to maintain their health and well being e.g. exercise,

complementary therapies, stress reduction activities• are able to remain in or return to employment• are supported to remain safe

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