our school

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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Istituto Comprensivo Statale “M.G. Cutuli”Crotone


Our school

Istituto Comprensivo Statale “M.G. Cutuli”


The three buildings


• In our era of great change, in which events follow each other with a strong pace and engaging for everyone, it is necessary that, whatever fate the future holds there, gloomy or joyful, the memory remains so © from past experience we can draw all wisdom. E 'must be aware and witness that this is not a € ™ era devoid of light, that there are hidden and heroism do not exist in the hearts of men, universal values for which it is worth the commitment with courage and strength in his life as already did the journalist Maria Grazia Cutuli. The school, which educates the person is engaged and is called to be witnesses of history and man € ™. The courage to bear witness is, therefore, assume their share of responsibility, is overcoming fears and uncertainties in the knowledge that, as a poet said, "Indian" lâ today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope '

• It was thought that a school named after Maria Grazia Cutuli, a journalist of the Corriere della Sera "killed with three other colleagues, in an ambush in Afghanistan in 2001, was a way to pay tribute to the memory of a woman who carried out his Work with honesty and passion. What was that for all the front was the frontier of her life, which was "brutally torn, given the humanitarian values in which he believed. The choice to name the journalist, the School has been an initiative of students, assessed in a competition organized by the same decision scuola.Tale grew from the need to entrench the presence of the school in the company recalling the human presence and of a professional journalist who has lived calandosi fully and actively in history and not stay on the sidelines. The choice fell on a contemporary character is important because it symbolizes the loneliness of contemporary man, his reality and its torments, which the journalist in question sought to investigate and not a distance, but witnesses as close as possible, dramas, contradictions

Presentation of the Comprehensive and

characteristics of the three schools • The School "M.G.Cutuli," born

during the school year 2000/2001 by the merger of the kindergarten "Rainbow", the Primary School "Don Bosco" and the Secondary School of First Instance "Corrado Alvaro", provides an environment clean, comfortable and secure, please state what a comfortable stay; has also ample outdoor spaces that allow the rest of the students in full security and liberty. The Institute is composed of three distinct and adjacent buildings, all located in Boccioni.

Kindergarten "Rainbow"

• The School of Children includes 7 sections, and has one large hall, used for common activities, ten classrooms, seven occupied by sections, one reserved for school staff and a dining hall, two toilets for children and a for adults. The structure is aesthetically beautiful, and with a large green space surrounding the buildings, or who will soon be better cared for properly exploited

Primary school "Don Bosco"

•The Primary School consists of several classes. The building is on two floors: the ground floor are the offices of Management and Administration, ... .. classrooms, services for children and adults, the library room, a kitchen and a large adjoining refectory, a large meeting room, a gym with changing rooms, an outdoor amphitheater and an outdoor multi-purpose, in the latter with the Secondary School. On the upper floor can also be reached by lift, are located classrooms, two computer labs and two others used for artistic and manipulative, toilets, two rooms used by the Centro Territoriale Permanente.

Secondary School of First Degree "Corrado Alvaro"

• The Secondary School for 1st grade, located on two floors, comprises 18 classrooms engaged in classes, a series of large and adequately equipped laboratories for: artistic, scientific and technical workshop, music workshop, classroom video, a library with archives , a hall for assemblies, the auditorium, a gymnasium with locker rooms, meeting rooms for staff, kitchen and toilets for students, teachers and the disabled.

Europe's cultural dimension • From the perspective of strengthening the European dimension of education policies, our school has chosen to

use eTwinning as a valuable piece to the construction phase, but the concrete of a European area of education.

  eTwinning is the e-twinning between schools in Europe, a tool for creating innovative educational partnerships through the application of Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

Our school together with two or more schools in Europe have led to a collaboration on one or more school subjects and, through the use of ICT, objectives, methodology and results of one or more educational projects. The work involves mainly interactions online. It began with a simple draft the correspondence between two classes then to develop an educational partnership between two schools where collaboration takes place

between the teachers and between the heads of the Institute.? An eTwinning project fosters innovation through an effective educational integration ICT, European dimension, entrepreneurial capacity and creatività.Obiettivi specific Support Service are: Developing the network of schools: all European students during their school career should have the opportunity to participate along with their teachers to an educational project in a European context;

offer teachers a tool to further training, especially in relation to collaborative teaching and pedagogical issues related to the use of technology; help modernize education systems, making them more attractive to young people today. Join eTwinning means belonging to a Europe-wide community of professional teachers, each of which strives to give its students the opportunity to come into contact with other young Europeans, to know the ideas of others and to exchange views on topics of interest to young people everywhere. The teachers themselves

develop their own pedagogical skills and experience and, in this light, make eTwinning a group of people in dynamic and steady growth. And, most importantly, eTwinning is made of people: teachers, students, head teachers, teachers, support staff, webmasters, trainers and educational experts of the twenty-seven Member States of the European Union, and Norway and Iceland, all united to bring students and teachers by collaborating to build a common identity and ' appreciation of what it means to be European. Currently our school is twinned with schools in Poland, Romania, Greece, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Spain, Portugal

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