our top authorized business buyer advocates enjoyed a record year during 2010, despite the great...

Post on 29-Mar-2015






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Our top

Authorized Business Buyer Advocates

enjoyed a record year during 2010,

despite the Great Recession!

This slide show gives you a peek into

how they did it and how you can, too.Revised 1/10/11

We can help you . . .

1. Be among trend setting brokers & intermediaries.

2. Earn non-contingent fees advocating for buyers.

3. Avoid conflict of interest & disrupting business brokerage.

4. Increase your income without attracting more leads.

5. Be more knowledgeable about buy/sell transactions.

6. Further differentiate yourself from brokers/intermediaries.

Revised 9/29/10

IBBA Spring 2010 Conference Ted J. LeveretteThe Original Business Buyer Advocate ®

presented a 90 minute interactive workshop to a full conference room of brokers and intermediaries: How Brokers Can Earn Non-Contingent Fees Advocating for Buyers.

94% of the attendees noted on their IBBA evaluation form that they would recommend the workshop. And 94% agree or strongly agree that the content of the workshop is relevant.

Frustrated when educating buyers? Get them to pay you for it. Don't let buyers (who will buy a business but not one of your listings) walk out your door without hiring you. If you already (or want to) earn fees advising buyers, this presentation can empower you to earn more money, plus list more businesses for sale and close more deals.

Ted Leverette, creator of the consulting niche, Business Buyer Advocate ®, shares some of the 500 year collective experience of advisors using his methods. Serving buyers is not a mirror image of serving sellers. The devil is in the details, such as properly positioning buyer advisory within the small/midsize business buy/sell industry. Learn, with audience interaction, to avoid frustration with buyers; offer services buyers pay for and why/how they pay; avoid conflict of interest with business brokerage or business valuation; market/sell services to qualified buyers; recognize your unique advantage.

Buyers Are Paying Brokers for Advice

• If buyers are paying you non-contingent or contingent advisory fees, it can be more profitable if you use the system I pioneered in the 1970s, which users have improved during their 500 year collective experience serving buyers.

• If you are not being paid by buyers, you're missing an opportunity enjoyed by us and the business brokers who maximize their dealmaking income.

• Don't take my word for it. Without obligation, if you qualify to be an Authorized Business Buyer Advocate, I will show you my entire system. And then you can decide for yourself whether you would be better off with or without it.

Ted J. LeveretteThe Original Business Buyer Advocate ®

You no longer have to limit your success to your listings of businesses for sale.

TESTIMONIAL     Thank you for helping me launch my consulting business. I had been trying to shift my focus from listing and selling businesses to working for buyers for the last three years. I had some success but could not understand why I was struggling.      After being a business broker for over 20 years, I thought I had a good system to work with clients. Thanks to your guidance and the 30 plus years that you put into the Business Buyer Advocate ® client reference manuals, I understand how to do this right. I am now building my business and looking forward to the future.      Since this is a very different approach to working with business buyers, I would be happy to talk to business brokers who are interested in adding your system to their practice. 

John Halstvedt

Brokers & IntermediariesWhat would it mean to you if some

of the people who WILL buy a business

were to pay you a non-contingent fee

to be their Business Buyer Advocate ®?

• These are buyers that don’t buy any of your listings.

You can earn non-contingent advisory fees ranging from $10,000 to $50,000 from each buyer of a small or midsize business whom you guide through our Street-Smart 22-Step Acquisition Sequence ™.

You can earn additional income, including a contingent dealmaking fee.

Using our system, you can serve business buyers — without disrupting your business brokerage and without conflict of

interest between business brokerage and advising buyers.

Would you like to further differentiate yourself from other brokers and intermediaries?

What would it mean to you if you could materially increase your income without attracting any more leads?

Don’t under-estimate the value of third-party branding. Our Business Buyer Advocate ® reputation, tradename and proprietary materials can

differentiate you from business brokers who merely add-on to their business

brokerage the services they create in-house and then ask buyers to pay for.

Using a product created outside the business brokerage industry and then proven in

the marketplace can reduce the natural fear of business buyers that may arise

when  brokers declare they can “serve" buyers.

Similarly, some of the most successful business brokers that diversify into exit planning

invest in third-party training, support and branding, which has been packaged and

sold to business brokers from companies that specialize in exit planning.

A unique benefit of becoming an Authorized Business Buyer Advocate is you won’t be

among thousands of people offering the same type of service.

“Where dreams come true” ™


Business Buyer Advocates ®

nationwide help clients

buy, finance and value

small and midsize businesses.

Ted J. LeveretteThe Original Business Buyer Advocate ®

SCORE/SBA Business Hero

Click for Credentials of Ted Leverette

We seek business brokers who want to supplement

their existing business brokerage with an exciting and useful client service. Or transition out of business brokerage to start a unique and fun consulting practice.

We offer branding, information, support, products, a national network and an unique niche:

Authorized Business Buyer Advocate ®

The IndustryStandard

Authorized Business Buyer Advocates ® are the standard against which other consultants to business purchasers are judged.

Specialty advisors, such as attorneys, accountants and appraisers, become involved with our clients to help our clients achieve a done deal.

35 YearTrack Record

Authorized Business Buyer Advocates have been connecting buyers to the BEST businesses for sale by-owner on the hidden market and then achieving a done deal. (These businesses are not advertised.)

We also help clients purchase the best businesses for sale listed by business brokers.

The 500 year collective experience of Authorized Business Buyer Advocates, testimonials and products become yours day one, so you can be credible when you learn and use our trade secrets, know-how and trademarks.

You will help individuals plus help grow small and midsize companies when they want to . . . buy the right business the right way.

You will be their Authorized 

“Business Buyer Advocate” ®.

1st Question Business Brokers Ask

What can being an Authorized Business Buyer Advocate provide me that I don’t already have or that I can obtain elsewhere?

You will discover the answers during this PowerPoint presentation. Please read on . . .

Your investment for information,

trade secrets, client service systems and

access to our national network makes you a

powerful resource for your clients and the

other professionals on their team.

In a nutshell . . .

Be an Authorized Business Buyer Advocate

In response to business brokers and intermediaries who want to increase

income, diversify and differentiate from other brokers, we offer a Trade

Secret, Know-How and Trademark License

(not a franchise or business opportunity). It empowers business brokers to

also be an Authorized Business Buyer Advocate.

If you’ve been a business broker in good standing for at least one year, you

may qualify for our trade secrets and know-how to be an Authorized

Business Buyer Advocate. You can quickly be using our program because

you're already a dealmaker in our industry.

In anothernutshell . . .

Owners of a business brokerage — Your brokers can operate within your company or use another legal

entity for their work as an Authorized Business Buyer Advocate.

Your website can display “Authorized Business Buyer Advocate ®”.

It’s your company we want to help you build.

(They will not use our company name.)

You can designate and we can license one person or some or all of

your staff to be an Authorized Business Buyer Advocate.

Please call Ted Leverette to confidentially discuss this. (561) 868-2090

We originated the consulting niche, Business Buyer Advocate. Our collective experience exceeds 500 years. Compare that to anyone who wants to show you how to sign up and serve buyers.

Competitive Advantage Our competitive advantage becomes yours — day one — if you join us. We know the mind and needs of buyers. We’ll share with you our street-smarts and dealmaking experience so your buyers achieve win-win done deals.

Why learn from us?

When Times Are Tough You Need a Strong Team

Our nationwide alliances stand ready to help you.

They include 2,746 (and growing) top advisors and

dealmakers, of which there are 450 law firms,

275 accounting firms and 325 sources of financing.

Why use our System and Best Practices?

Can you retire before you die?

Authorized Business Buyer Advocates

pose that question

to prospective clients.

The sad truth – most people cannot save enough during their working years to maintain their lifestyle in retirement.

For many people, buying a business is the most practical way to safely and predictably increase net worth, and support themselves during retirement in a lifestyle comparable to what they enjoyed during their working years.

“Survey says American workers can't get no job satisfaction.”

Only 45% of Americans are satisfied with their work, the lowest level ever recorded by the Conference Board research group in 22 years of studying the issue.

“About 20% of all businesses change hands each year. Your biggest hurdle may be finding the right one.”

Edward Moldt, Wharton Entrepreneurial Center

Why not take control of your worklife and income?

For people who can manage employees and have cash for a down payment, isn't it smarter and more profitable to buy a mature, profitable, fairly-priced small or midsize business?

Seller financing can solve the financing “problem.”

Of businesses for sale by business brokers:

• Numerous buyers compete for every profitable business for sale.

• Buyers commonly pay more than a business is worth.

Institute of Certified Business Counselors (business broker trade group)

Comment by Business Buyer Advocate: Do not misinterpret the above statements and do not blame brokers. The best brokers attract more buyers. This is good for sellers. Savvy buyers obtain third party advice to price businesses for sale; other buyers don’t have that advantage. ICBC data is from a study. As in all studies, the data may not be representative of the entire marketplace.

We show buyers how to access the hidden market of businesses for sale by-owner, where there is little, if any, buyer competition.

Only the most naïve buyers bid against other buyers.

We have the only system that integrates

5 activities essential to business buyers: • Business search, due diligence, financing,

valuation (pricing businesses for sale)and dealmaking.

Business Buyer Advocates are paid by “buyers” who don’t buy a business.

• The nice thing about being a Business Buyer Advocate is being paid non-contingent fees for valuable and necessary services, even if the client does not purchase a business. Only the most foolish buyers proceed without seeking competent advice on certain topics before they execute a purchase contract:

Business search, due diligence, financing, valuation (pricing businesses for sale)

• And then we can earn a contingent fee for our dealmaking services (which follow the above activities) if the buyer achieves a done deal.

Some business brokers say:

• They are not able to “sell” as many businesses.

• They are changing their communication with buyers to cautiously “present” the seller’s documentation.

• They fear legal ramifications if the business fails after the transfer to the buyer, and then the buyer (and maybe the seller) threaten the broker with legal action.

Clients hire Authorized Business

Buyer Advocates because they

don’t want to give up their dream of

owning a wonderful business

or have their dream become their

living nightmare.

Do you want a new or another source of profit?

A necessary service to offer existing and new clients?

Here’s the Answer!Here’s the Answer!

It’s Powerful!

Our program began in 1974.

We created & dominate our niche.

It’s Powerful!

Our program began in 1974.

We created & dominate our niche.

It’s exciting!

We help people get into business and grow their businesses — safely & profitably.

We’re the ONLY company with a 35 year proven track record of introducing business buyers to the best businesses for sale we find for sale by-owner on the hidden market.

As a business broker,

you may not need any new

clients to succeed with

our system!

Some of your existing buyers

need our service.

You (and we) have a network of

professionals who refer clients.

These sources of referral

create additional revenue.

Here’s an example:

You know people who will

someday want to buy a


You want to be the first person

clients call when they want to

get into business, don’t you?


can make that happen!

What kind of person needs (and wants) our help?

Savvy people! Those who get into business

the right way, with help from experts.

They also

stay in business.

Every client you help get into business or buy another business will pay you a non-contingent fee.

You can earn additional income, including a contingent dealmaking fee.

After that, you may be called upon year after year, to provide the other services you offer.

That is what you want, isn’t it?

Why do people going into business need help?

Look at the odds for failure, which you can help people overcome.

The Institute of Certified Business Counselors did a study:

On average, 54 buyers contact a seller.

Business buyers stand in line, to compete with a horde of inexperienced buyers.

Using our system, you will introduce your clients to businesses for sale by-owner, which are not advertised.

Your client is the first & only buyer to meet these “hidden market” sellers.

Only 20% of businesses for sale ever sell.

There’s a lot of junk out there. Realize how important it is to help your client find a winner. Our quick-screening system saves them time and money.

95% of "buyers" never buy.

Most become frustrated. They see their dream go up in smoke. It’s hard to keep the fire lit when people don’t use our win-win system.

Buyers commonly pay more than a business is worth.

You provide a valuable service when you help your client pay a fair price (and use creative financing).

These are powerful numbers.

These are powerful numbers.

The odds are dramatically against someone who wants to buy the right business, the right way.

Imagine how you will feel when your clients praise you for fulfilling their dream and saving them tens of thousands of dollars.

What about all those people who want to start a business?

The SBA says 63% of start-ups don’t last 6 years.

Finance is # 1 concern

“Guidance on finance and financial management represents the greatest area of need. Three out of four respondents said outside assistance with financial matters is their most important need.”

INC. magazine survey of small businesses

“What skills or knowledge do you need to enhance?”

Business finance is what 25% of executives and entrepreneurs answered.

Business Week survey

We wrote THE book for creative financing:

“How to Get ALL the Money You Want For Your Business

Without Stealing It”

About 300,000 businesses are sold every year, 94% of which are small businesses.

There are about 5 businesses for sale for every one that actually sells.

The Business Broker

The Institute of Business Appraisers:“Each sale of a business

should involve two appraisals, one for the seller and

one for the buyer.”

The greatest transfer of wealth in history will occur in this country over the next decade; an estimated $10 trillion is expected to change hands, and much of this wealth is tied up in family-businesses.

Wall Street Journal

We equip you with ourproven systems!

1. Business Buyer Advocacy ™

2. Creative Financing3. Valuation (Pricing)

How exactly does an


Business Buyer Advocate

help a client?

Let’s look at some of the problems we solve.

Our company is not a business brokerage.

We’re an acquisition expert: Business Buyer Advocate.

If you or anybody you know has been looking for a business to buy, you’ve discovered that it’s very difficult to find winners. Right?

Losers and businesses “with potential” are plentiful.

These sellers hope to find a greater fool ─ and they do!

That’s not surprising. In fact, it’s normal because of a major roadblock — few winners are advertised for sale, but they are for sale to people who know how to find them.

If a winner is found in the public market, there’s a horde of inexperienced buyers trying to out-bid each other for it.

They create a seller’s market.

That’s where our

“Business-For-Sale Locating & Screening System ™”

comes in.

Our system puts buyers in touch with

unadvertised businesses, the ones

for sale on the hidden market –

where 4 out of 5

of the best businesses are sold.

Buyers have another problem:

They are afraid of making a mistake.

After all, it’s their life savings.

So they invest in our

“Business Acquisition System ™”

Our street-smart system guides the buyer through the 22-Step Acquisition Sequence ™. We make sure buyers ask the right questions -- and get the right answers.

It’s risky to buy the wrong business, and a nightmare to buy the right business the wrong way.

The typical buyer (unnecessarily) pays 1/3 more for a business.

Our clients don’t, because they do not compete with the horde of other buyers and because we help them determine a fair offering price.

How can you become an


Business Buyer Advocate?

What will you receive

when you join?

1. Our Proven Brand2. Unique Niche3. Information4. Support5. Proprietary Products6. Testimonials

7. National Network

You get a competitive edge with us!

Trade secrets and proven brand.

Products to augment the service you render clients.

References and credentials, so you can be credible day one in your marketplace.


Rather than telling you how good we are, review the testimonials from users of our products.

Some are on this website.

Let’s review.

• A tremendous number of people want to get into business or grow their businesses.

• The odds are against the entrepreneur.

• Our proven systems have beaten those odds since 1974.

• We’re in the training and publishing business, assuring you of the best information, support and products.

• Our products & services complement and expand your current business.

• Our products can attract new clients, too.


Business Buyer Advocates

come from a

variety of backgrounds.

However, they all possess these attributes:

• Integrity & assertiveness

• Desire to help other people realize their dream of business ownership

• Ability to communicate a complex subject

• Aptitude for speaking to small groups

• Familiarity with financial concepts and terminology; expertise on business management

• Financial capability to establish this new service

• Willingness to market their service, such as developing referral relationships with other advisors

Your success in our business is based on those attributes.

How will you know if you will be successful with our program?

To qualify as an Authorized

Business Buyer Advocate,

you are experienced in dealmaking;

you simply want to change

how you earn a living.

You are comfortable selling yourself

and you enjoy mastering

new information.

Do not expect a mediocre history to suddenly improve, no matter how good our system and support.

How do you rate yourself on the attributes necessary for success?

You will receive the finest information.

Our client reference manuals and trade secrets are well organized, with incredible detail.

This is a technical field. Perhaps you’re wondering how you will

become an “instant expert.”

Will you be able to adequately service your first clients?

That’s the powerof our network.

From day one, you have our credibility and our team with you.

Our team has helped

thousands of people

over the years.

What if you encounter a sticky situation?

We answer your questions.

And you can joint venture with other Authorized Business Buyer Advocates and with our strategic alliances.

Have a good idea?

Explain it to others in our network, to get their opinion.

Worried about credible valuation?

Sub-contract a review/critique from experts.

Or an appraisal expert will do it for you and/or your client.

You learn valuation on the job.

Where else can you find a program of

our caliber, priced as low as the

investment to be an Authorized

Business Buyer Advocate,

and get comparable information and


What about competition? Look in the Yellow Pages. Search online.

You’ll see thousands of listings for business coaches, advisors and brokers. Do you want to be among this horde of me-too advisors?

Or would you prefer to stand out from the crowd, so people call you when they want to buy a business? And business owners call you when they want to sell their company?

Clients look to you because of our unique, proven, proprietary system and brand.

Visit us. You’ll see.

Imagine you arein the market to buy a business

• Where would you start? • How would you find an EXCELLENT business? • What would you ask the seller, so you can verify

continuation of profit?• What is a fair price?• Even if you could value the company, how would you let

the seller know you didn’t just come up with the “value” as a negotiating tactic?

As a business buyer,

wouldn’t you feel better

with an Authorized

Business Buyer Advocate

on your team?

Those are the same feelings

your clients will have

when you discuss your

service with them,

as a proud and Authorized

Business Buyer Advocate ®

The next step is to fill out our application. That lets us know you are serious.

Click here.

And then visit us to review our client

service manuals and the variety of tools,

scripts and procedures,,

which you can use to market your new

consulting and dealmaking capability.


When you visit us, we’ll simulate a day-on-the-job as a Business Buyer Advocate ®. You will see . . .– how you can sign up clients; – how you can serve business buyers —

without conflict of interest with business brokerage.

See our Code of Ethics.

To show you how you’ll serve business buyers:

We’ll reveal our proprietary 22-Step Business Acquisition System ™.

You will read important documents: Script for your interview of a business buyer, your sales letter and the attachments you can send to prospects, plus the Business Buyer Training.

You’ll review client reference manuals: Business-For-Sale Locating & Screening System ™Business Acquisition System ™

Jump Start It !

You may not want to travel twice to “Partner” On-Call Network.

We can begin your training as an Authorized Business Buyer Advocate

during your visit — after you review and approve our materials.

If you think you will invest in our trade secrets, know-how and trademarks,

please schedule your return flight home after 6 p.m. or go home the next

day. This provides you and POCN ample time for Q/A on topics you can use

to immediately implement our program. You’ll leave with materials you can

review on your way home so you get a jump start using our system. The

rest of your training can be as you need it without traveling to POCN.

Ask about this before your trip to POCN, so we can be prepared for it if during

your visit you decide to be an Authorized Business Buyer Advocate.

You no longer have to limit your success to your listings of businesses for sale.

Where Else Can You Get This?

Authorized Business Buyer Advocates are the model for wannabes.

Elite, few in number and growing, they have enviable competitive advantages. They have

amassed 500 years of collective experience in the USA and Canada since the 1970s.

You can scrutinize our best practices and materials before you decide to sign up.

You can double your initial investment (to become an Authorized Business Buyer Advocate) with

your first sale of consulting at the lowest prevailing fee earned by Business Buyer


You can use our Best Practices and materials to earn advisory and dealmaking fees from

business buyers. These fees range from $10,000 to $50,000. This is not a commission. It is a

non-contingent advisory fee. Plus you can earn more income, such as a contingent

dealmaking fee.

You can diversify your brokerage so you have another channel of prospective listings (of the

best businesses for sale) that otherwise are not available to you.

We can show you how you can do this without disrupting your business brokerage and without

conflict of interest between business brokerage and advising buyers.

You can cancel your agreement with us if you do not think it is meeting your expectations.

When do you

want to become an


Business Buyer Advocate ® ?

It’s as easy as that!

“Two guys are walking through the jungle when a lion appears on the path ahead of them. One of the two starts putting on a pair of running shoes.

‘Why bother with running shoes? There’s no way you can outrun a lion,’ says the first. ‘Who said anything about outrunning a lion?’ says the second. ‘I just want to outrun you.’”

Ichak Adizes, on the importance of knowing what it takes to win in a competitive environment.

As an Authorized

Business Buyer Advocate,

you can realize YOUR dream

of owning a consulting business

by showing your clients how to realize

THEIR dream of owning a

MORE profitable business.

We did it!We did it!

We appreciate your interest in our


Business Buyer Advocates ®

Click for a FREE subscription to our e-newsletter:

The Business Buyer Advocate ®

Please call Ted LeveretteThe Original Business Buyer Advocate ®

(561) 868-2090

© 2011 Ted J. Leverette All rights reserved.

“Where dreams come true



Business Buyer Advocates

and their clients”

Website: PartnerOnCall.com

Blog: BusinessBuyerAdvocate.com

Authorized Business Buyer Advocates independently own and operate their business.


Registered trademarks of Ted J. Leverette, The Original Business Buyer Advocate

– Business Buyer Advocate ®

– Business Buyer Protection Report ®

– The Street-Smart Way to Buy a Business ®

– BESTBusinessesforSaleONLY.com ®


– "Partner" On-Call ®

– "Partner" On-Call Network ®

– "Partner" On-Call Logo ®

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