our town january 1, 1921

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8/7/2019 Our Town January 1, 1921

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Send In Fireside


Boos t Narberth

And Knock No One



Fixed Meeting Dates.

Borough Couneil MOllthly-Second Monday Cotulcil Chamber

Narberth Bldg, and Loan Ass'n Monthly-F ir s t Thursday COIUlCii Chamber

Ameriean Legion Bldg. & L 'n Ass'n Monthly-First T ue sd ay L eg io n B ui ld in g

Narberth Civic Association Monthly-Third Thursday Council Chamber

Narber th Fi re Company Monthly-Last Tuesday Fire House


For God nnu C o u n t r ~ · . we associate oursel"cs togethcr for the folloWing pnrposes:To nphold l lnd defend the Constitution ofthe Unltcd I'Hates of Am('rlell: to mllintalnIllW anu order; to fos te r and perpetua t eone hu nd rcd pel' ce nt, Americanism; topresen'e the mpmorles and Incidents o f o urassociation In the Grent War: to Inculcatea SCnsl' of I nd lv il ln ol obl ig- ati on to t beeomlllunlty, State and l 'l lt lOIl : to combatthe n n t o e l ' 3 c ~ ' of b ot h t he classes and themasses; to make right the master ofIl light; to pl'omot" peace and ;..:ood will on"llrth; to safeguard and transmit t o post l ' r l t ~ ' t hp p rinc lp lt ,s o f jnstiec, freedoinIlIltl democracy: to cOlIspcratc and sunctifyonr COIllI'lllleshlp b ~ our de"otion to mntualhelpfnlnl'ss,-I'rcnmb]p to the Constitution

or thp Amcrlcan Lpg-iou.

Comrades Sefton, Follin, Burkhardt,

Hoss, Auterieth and Simpson motored to

Hush 1!ospital iu :\lal", '1'Il on Christmas

I>a," in n, B, ~ e f t o n . ,Ir.'s, , 'ar to visit

the ex-sPl' \' iec mel! l'(,(,t1iyillg' trf\utment


Teacher af the


1921 DUES.

Quite a number h av e p ai d their dues

for 1 ! 1 ~ 1 . It will h e] p t he treasurer to

.l;pt th,' 0111 ,"par tillan(','s c le ane! l np if

~ ' o u pay yon r s now.


:\I,'mbers ot' t l, ,· Post aJ'(' taking It

I ' P I I ~ l l l " " of :Ill t l l l ' l 'X- : - ' l ' I ' \ ' i t , l ' lIH'Jl in Xar

}l(lJ'th i l l 01'11('1' ttJ : l ~ ~ e l ' t a1 11 t h p r o ~ pects f or ne\\, members fo r 1921.

Thp following' are the dates of th e

LpgilJII l>aIH'cs fo r 10:21:

Fri<1ay, ,Ianuary ::!L

P r i l 1 a ~ - , February 18.

Fri ,lay, March 18.

Fri,la.'·, April 2!l.

Fri,lay, ~ [ a y 20.


Tuelday Evening,

January 4th. 8 P. M.

227 Forest Ave.

Mr. A. V. PENT

\\'1' Illost h l ' a r t i l ~ ' t hank the \ \ 'o luen 's

A n x i l i a r ~ ' of t he H ar ol ll n. Sppakmau

Post, ::;"jli. Xarh,'rth. l ' a. , f or their splen

!lill Christmas gift to the Posl.


The 1'('eords sho\\' a substantial in

"J'(\asp i n t he ' l! la nt it y of parcel post

mail handled at X:trberth lluring the

pl'rioll D,'('emhp r 15 to ~ : i , ] O:.!O, over

the sarue perioll in ]Dl!l.

Followiug' a rc t he figures:

Hp('('i"ed for 11isfriht;tion. in 1010,

;:Sl saeks ; i n ]n20, -l·U Raeh. H('peived

for llisp::t('h in ]!lln, : : ! ; i , ~ S:ll 'k:;; in ]n::lO,

;l::!·l Sal'ks.

Though n larger volump of parcel

p os t a s ",PII as let t el ' ma il wa s handled

thl' auglllPnt('11 fo rc e of , 'Ie rks and

earriers wl'l'e ahl e t o l li sl 'a t eh and de

li,','r ("'('r,"thing as rapi ,1 1.,- as it wns


'I'hp l('tter c:!rr i, ' l' s who Sl'I'Ve Nar

h( ' rt l t , lesire 1'0 e x te nd t he ir t h ank s a nd

('xpr('ss thpir appre('iation f or t he m an y

J'('melllhrall('('s re"l,ived b ~ them from

t he ir pa trons on their routes at Christ

mas t ime .

Christmas Parcel Post

Community Club Notes INOTICE.

The cho ru s o f th e WOllu'n's Clllllllllin'

it y C lu b w il l mpet at 1', :\1. Prilla,\"

aftel'lloon, ,January I, at the home of

~ I r s , Butler, ~ ~ ! l Esspx an'lIup. c\ll

eOllle \,rllllipt ly, p lease .

A regulllr meeting of t he 'Vomen 's

Comlllllnity Clnh of ; \ar! , , 'r th was helll

at 2.30 P. ?If. on '1'uesday, December

2Sth, in thp Y. \V. C. A. rlllllllS. Pille

houghs, t i l lse l Ill ld fes toollS of rell and

grl't'll g:l\'e a holiday at lliosphe['(, wllieh

was further emphasizel! by t he s ing ing

o f Chr is tn la s c ar ol s a nd t he rpallillg of

a poem b," :\Irs, Ba ..hp]ol'. After th e

husiness of th e meetillg :\[rs. C. n.Shaw gave n hook re\"iew of 111'hc

E;tory o f Opa l, th e .Iournlll of an Un

d er st an di ng H ea rt ," r em ar ka hl e he

"a usp it was wri11 en hy a girl six: or

se"en years old. f,[r. H. Hunt Yautier,

of the Un i,'ersi t ~ Ext pllsion ,'ourse,

gaye a \'ery interest illg as well as in

strndiH' a""ollllt o f p os t- \\ 'a r eOJuli

t ions in 0111 own , 'o nn t I',\" all,l uhroad.

III hril'f, h(' sui'l:

".Iust IlS a f,'\\' rough ["haraeters

,1'('1'(' '''Ollt to gi VI' a hall nllml' to a

wholp ] ' ( I ~ · i l l H ' l l t O\"(ll' l""P:l!", :-;/) a fpw

p,'ssilllists t O l l a ~ - aI'<' l i k e l ~ ' to talk the

husiJless wol'!ll into a l'l':tl pani[" unlps.;

we t r ~ - to I,,' optillJistil ' alld l'llnntpral'l

this influence. " 'omen can do this. Our

prps('n1' d u t ~ · i,; t o raise t hp i l leal 'of

thl' l ' o u l l t r ~ · - t o Il d IlS illlli"illuab nJlll

110t lpf the (;O"I'l'Il1nent he responsihle

1'01' a ll t he lllIl'tlpns of ]lo-;t-war a,ljust

IIIPld. \rollien. no\\' that th('y ellll vote.

shou]ll stall,l for r ighteousness, n sf[uat'()

,l"al Iln,l "lpan politi"s. Before us lies

a grpat lllornl prohlclIl, ~ [ ( ' n a ll ll wo

nlen frolJl ] T to 71 are looldni! like

" 'hal t he y a rc l Io t- ll re ss in g' extrnnl '

g a n t l ~ · , owning au10s when t h e ~ ' eannot

:dTor<l them, \ \ ' a ~ t i n g ti mp an,l suh

stance, T he p ro hl em o f the boys and

g i r l ~ frOtH ]G to ~ is 1t!flcetl s ( , l ' i o n ~ .'Y e cnn't s a ~ ' , 'Don '1 do lhus anll so, '

hn t musf po in t ou t the foll,v of imllle

quate " loth ing , th ,' u-;p of l'osmpti"s.

th e looseness of morals, ant! also Iiold

hefore them a 1rue ideal. 'I'he Girl

alltl B o ~ ' S"out mO"ements stnd this.

hut ha"e not p ro pe l' s up po rt t o l 'any

on. Ther!' arp 01<1 fools. too-thosp who

must own this nnd that to ' l" ', ,p u p

,Yith th!' .fones,' all due to I:ll'k of

nlOra] stanllal ' ll."

Our olt! f riend s , Capi tal :l1ll1 Lahor.

:l\lr, H. Huut Yantier declares optimist·

i " a l l ~ - . shoul<1 arbitrat"-gl '! ea('h oth

" r 's " i"wpo i nt -i n f a d, usp th e Gol,len

Rnle, There is ne,,<1 of a sl]uare deal,

conlinon hllll!'Sty in th " business world,

Tmla," tllPr" is o\'er·prolludion :lIltl

hoal'lling. Business In,'n shoulll n't!nce

prol1ts lIS "'ell as wages. 'l'he c\mericau

mott 0 sepuls t o he, "Get f he c oi n and

ha\'e a good time." \\ 'hat a s"ll1sh i,le:i1

to holt! up hpfo re immig r an ts, 'I'llP

number of I l l i l l i o u ~ spent. by Americans

011 amnsenlents, au to s , candy , and cos

wptics is appalling. \Vl' s ho u] ,l u se

some of it to ait! sufi'en'rs abro:ll1. \Ve

arc cret!it ors t O l l a ~ - whl ' re we wer t ' l le bl

ors in Hll ·1 . \Yl' shon],l use our ,,'palt,!l

to hplp Europ l' r e ,· i ,· e .

Englan,1 hns he r I r ish autIlahor proh

I"ms. Fran,'e hall one · fi fth o f he r in

dust ria l :lnll agri( 'ultural reSllur"es 110.

sfroyp,l. ndlliOlls o f o rphan s lleet! help

allll nIOJll'," "ahll ' is lo\\', Germany lack,

raw m:tlerial. T t a l ~ ' ne('lls f inan"ial help10 hu," raw nlat! 'r ia1. S( ' rhia lH'eds sup

p1i,'" a, ..l IIlat,·rial. H,'r s : \ f l - e ~ - ! ' t ! "hil

dr! 'n look Oil America as a great nation

\I·ith hig'h i,leals hpl'aus!' they witnessed

th e wonllerful rt'li, 'f \\'ork of our Ilet!

('ross, t h ( ' ~ ' appreeiafe t.he eelucatiollal

iustitutions founde'l \\'ithout thought of

I "'opagauda , and t h e ~ ' rl'nll'm!>l'r our

nl issioua ries \\'ho s t n ~ ' c , l and helped

,,,hen all others ,ll'se)'h',l. Bulgaria is

organizl'd. hu t fe:lI'l'ul of heilll!; eut up

HI1(10\"(,1'1'\1I1. HntJInnia i ( ' h ( l s l ~ p . n La t illwe,lg'!' thrust into fhp Bal ka ns . H is re

l igiou tp aehes th e 'I'url, that Allah's

fa \ '01 ' falls on t h o ~ e ,,,ho t or tu r e a nd

Jdll Christians. So mi ll i on s of Armpn

ia ns ha \'(' hl'en k illp,l. The surd \,ors

l i\ '( , in IInspeakahle pondiHoJls , Olle

th ird of S ~ ' r i a ' s population llil't! for

'\':lilt of 1'0011. 'VI ' can lll'lp. Our li"es

CUll he spellt. foolishly. honl'(le,l sPll1s!l,

lr , or nspil gloriously in ser\'ipe as were

those of th e unknown elead heueath th e

rows of c ros se s in Frnuce, The choice

lies with us.

\VASHING-(Hough ,lriell or irone,l)

w an te d t o take hOIll'). Call . r ennie

lIenry, ;\7 \\ 'anpr Avellue, Bryn 1\Iawr,

l'a. (13-p)

JOB PRINTING-,Joseph F . B ar cl ay ,

;i 12 Essex A,-enul', Xarberth. Phone,

lli17-.r. (1:>,1')

Two cent" pel ' word If co"h a, '"olUpnntes nl1vt' rtlsPltwut: otherwise. fh"e

ecnts PCI' "'ord.



(Continued on Page 4.)

FOR SALE-Cheap, Xove!ty Kitehener.

; : ~ ~ n"dley Avell1ll', X:nherth. Phone,

Xarberth J ~ l i l - W . (12-p)

~ I a k e allLl keep this New Year'S

l"l'l""olut iOl l- l""Pt a ~ i t l e Friday l',-ening-,

. I a n l l a l ' ~ ' ]4 , fill' th" nJil1-willt,'r dance

of the Narherth 'l'p"lIis ASSll"iatillll,

DOII't forget th e ,Iatp-Fritlay e,'en·

ing, .1:lJluary 14. ~ I i l l - w i n t l ' r tlance or

th e 'f l'nnis Assor iatioll , Elm Hall.

In s en ,l in g i n his suhsc rip ti on for

the Playgronnd, a l' it izen wrote he did

no t expect it \\'Oldd render him an y per

sonal scrvice, hu t he saw where it would

henol1t th e ' fown , n nd that hi s own

honse amI lo t \ \ 'ould no douh t b e wor th

more becau se N arherth hatI such facili

ties. '1'he same f a ir v iewpo in t influ

enced a number of t he o ri gi na l sub


Dr. Henry S. Dri"lwr, retiring presi

,lellt of Lehigh ITniversity, who wi ll

li\'() at :Merion, ha s he en elected an

hono r ary mel l lh er o f t he Amer ican In

stituto of nlining E"gineer".

:\[1'. aJl<l :\[rs. 1l1'lIr,\' ,James Page were

th e hOllSe guests of ~ [ r . alld :\Irs.. JohnB. Brool,s Ol'pr thl' Christmlls holillays.

THE FIRESIDE~ r i s s Lois Smith was a substitute

Clerk ill th e Post Office during th e Holi


The girls of the Entl'l' Xeus Club ar c

g'h"lllg H hOlllC hake till .Jalluary 5, Ill-I,

at tI,e Y. :\1. C. A. Pies, cakes, rull,;

anti ..andies w ill be on sale.

DOl', 1!oward was Sl'l'n ill th,' Adelphiillite] last \ \ 'pdn , 'sday l 'vening select

ing y;l!elltilles in order to be prepared

fi l l ' th .. Fehl'lla ry rush.

Get what i s coming to you hy arrang

in g so that i t ,\'i11 be StHe to eome.

Invest in th e Playground Association.

~ I r , ant I : \ Ir s. .John 13. Brooks ent"r

taiuell at ,linnpr on \\" 'dlles,lay l'Vl'n


.Te ffer son D. 1 'O \l 'e ll , o f 'Vi ns do r

Ayenue, ha s goue to Florida fo r an

extentled stay.

: \[i l l-winfer dam' .. of th e ;\arberth

' fpnnis Assoriation to he held in Elm

Hall, Friday e\"l'IIing, ,January J ~

LOST-Glove. On December 20 or 21,

right: h:ulll \\'Itite kill glove. Black

"ilk stitehing on hllek an,l black hand

at: to\,. Be lWl'pn Woodbine Avenue and

1'0stofliee on I"arherfh Avenne. P. O.

Bo x D47. (12-p)

LOST -E rown andWhite Collie. Name

.Tiggs, ID2 Lieense No. 1l1lO. Roward

if r et ur ne d, P hone i nf o rma ti on Nar

bert.h 381-U. (12-1')


(Continued on Page 4.)







Mid-Winter TennisDance, January 14




'I'he milI-wintcr d au ,' e o f th e Narhcrt.h

'l'cIllJis ,\ssoeiatiou ,rill he held Fri,lay

cH'uing.. l a J l 1 t a r ~ ' .H , at Elm Hall.

'I 'iel,('ts \I'ill r (' ad l m embe rs o f th e

Assoeiation next \I·eek. l ~ r i p l l l ] s of

1I11'mh"rs ar c \lrge<1 to make reservations

imm e<1ia tely.

'I'hese tcunis <lallces are umong th e

lI;ost p0l'ulur sol'ial a tf ai rs o f the sea

sou, :IIHI an ' a I w a ~ ' s well a tt end(',1.

~ · I , ' n i l ) ( ' r s arc \lrgcd to attend and

hrin;.r 1:1Jrir f ri cl ll ls . Thl ' prot'P(l(]S ~ r tn th e fun,l that the . Entcrtainllil'ut

Committee is r a is ing for the new cour t s

:.u,1 cluh honse.

\\'ell, they p l a ~ ' , ' d that game of

1>'lsl,('t!laIl ~ I o n , l a ~ - nigh I, au II st r:llq.;'"

t tl s a, ", all th e playns :tr" still :t1i",·.

af ld . 11101'(1(;\"(\1': tilt' IIIarril'll l l lPH WOIL

Se()rc, 20 17.

'!'lIi,; "llldest, if ,"0 \1 n'l'all th(' a l l '

nouncement in l as t w (' ek 's p:ljwr. ,, 'as

11(1 W('I'II 1(':IIllS l'l'pl'l's('nl iug; tho lIwrriC' l l

allll s in gl e m emh" rs o f t he N a rb er th

' l 'eunis Association. 1t was playell in

'lJ(, g ~ ' m o f t h, ' IIip;h SchoLlI he fore r,,.

a 1lI111'IH'(' of a hon t e i g h t ~ · people, in·

1'llHling .Jim Donnelly, dramatist , stage

Hlan:q!C'r, :lIH1 graJitl O])PI':t hllpress:ll' io.

wllo hl'rame so exeitell llm'ing the con

test and yel led so 10111 that h,' l os t h is

voi ..e for thrpe , l a ~ · s .1'he only " r a s u a l t ~ ' " reportell , \' ns a

sprainpll ankle sustaillpll h," TINt Simp'

son in t he p ra ct ic e g am e p l a ~ ' e d th e

" 'p ,l ne sd a y n ight hdore Christmas,

Bert s a ~ ' s that this llccident ga"e him

a n ie (' Christmlls holitlay allll dilln't in·

terferc in a l l ~ ' \\'ny with h is ap lw t itp on

Christ mas D a ~ - .B il l D nr hi n t ook h is l if e i n hi s halllls

h,\' refpl'l'eing the matrh. Not o n l ~ 'was it a perilous nJl(lertnking f or B il l

fronl a Illlrpl," p h ~ ' s i r a l s t andpoint , hu t

it· waR hazlll'llous in other ways. You

Rec, Bill ,,'ns a single man at t he t im e

the gnme waR p l a ~ ' e l l , hut. last 'Vpdnes

d a ~ - )JiglJt he was maniell, RO a_ :t re

sult: or tll is complicntion he ran J risk

of l os in g o ut i n hoth directions.

A n ~ ' h o w , Bill WllS a goo tl referee, nTHl

in t ll e e1inrhe s and h r e a l m w a ~ ' s un

t l o u h t p t l l ~ ' sayetllhe li\'Cs of mllny play·


To s a ~ ' that it. "'as a lIotl, '- ('ontest",l

mat('h "'ou!l1 give a ypr,Y inntlcl]nat'e

illea of how b i t t e r l ~ ' th e gnm e w as

played. 'l'he score at th e elll] of t.he

first 11nlf was JO-10. with Captain

W a ~ ' n e Harris, of th e s ing lemen's team,

e l l1 ir e ly ouf of hreath. nntl S ha rp , o f

f he mar rie tl mpn 's t eam. out f or re

pairs. Seanlon snhstit utell for Harris

IMarried Men WinBasket Ball Game

Name of organization a nd Event ,

8 Children's Dancing Class Community Room .• 2:00 P. IlL

8 . .•• Chi Pi SorOrity Dance ' Women's Club, Ardmore

14 .• .• Tennis ASSOciation Dance Elm Hall





' rhe "Christ ll las Cluh" i,lea has taken

such a hol<1 that though th e opeu ing o f

th e Ilew c lu h f or 1 ! I ~ l at th e :Merion

'I 'i t Ie an,1 Trust Company i n A rdmo re

"'as sche,lule'!. to open on \Vedllestlay,

Decemlwr : ! ~ , it was uecessary t o op en

fo r husilless Oil 'l'tll'sday, Gne da y hefore

th e t ime auuoun , 'ed an,1 already over

]000 suhsl'l"ihers have joiuell.

Fo r th e henefit o f t hos e w ho w an t t o

kuow 111011 ahout this "holiday .ioy

gin ' r " th e following is given:

Fi,'e-llollar class re,!uires a deposit of$3 e:ll'h week fo r th e uext 30 weeks,

AU Decemher ] l l , l ! l ~ I , you will re

ceive a cheek fo r i l ' : ~ ; , 0 , plus intel'Cst.

Two do lla r c las s r equ i res a deposit of

i l ' ~ each " 'e ek f or th e ucxt 30 weeks.

On Decemher ]ll, ] ! I ~ ] , y ou w il l receive

a check fo r il'](I0, plus iuterest.

One-dollar class requires a deposit

of $1 each week fu r th e next 50 weeks.

On December .10, I!)::!], you "'ill receive

a ch""k fur :j;:>ll, plus iuteresl.

Fifty cout e las s requires a deposit of

3 0 ( 'e ut s each week fo r th e next 50

weeks, On Decemher 10, I n ~ ] , you wi ll

receive a check fo r $ ~ : ; , plus in torest.

'1'wenty-fi\'e-cel:t class requires a de

posi t o f ~ : ceuts each "'eek fo r t he n ex t

:>0 weeks. O n DecemllPr 10, 1021, you

will receive a chcck fo r $]2.50, piUS


Five-cent progrcssh'cclass requires adeposit of 5 cents the first week, 10

cents the second, iUl'l'easing ;; cents eaeh

week. On DCI'mbr 10, 102], you will

recive a check fo r $li3.7;"j, plus interest .

'I'wo cent p rog res sive c las s r equ i res a

deposit of 2 eeuts th e first week, 4 ceuts

th e second, increasing 2 eents each

week. On Deeembor ]0 , 102] , you ,viii

receive a check fo r $2:;,GO, plus interest.

Five'cent r od uc in g c la ss r eq ni re s a

depo s it o f $2.GO th e first week, $2.45 th e

secon<1, decreasing G c en ts e ac h week.

On December 10, ]02], you will r ece iv e

a check fo r $63.7ii, pIns interest.

'1'wo-cent reducing class reqnires a de

posit of $1 the first week, DB cents th e

second, decreasing 2 cents oach week.

On Decemher ]0, 1D2], y ou w il l r ec ei ve

a check fo r il'2;i.;iO, plus interest.

Narberth 's Bi g Increase




1\[r. Bcrtr:lIId A. c\nstiu , 'cellisL will

assist th e Narherth ~ r E. Choir at t.heir

last H o l i < 1 a ~ ' ~ [ n s i c a l Se1'\·i,'e S l l I l < l a ~ '' ' ' 'cuing, .January 2nd.

'l'he l l l a n ~ - frienlls of :\[1', Aust in will

appreciate his p l a ~ ' i n g in Natbe r th, and

are eagerly looking f01'\l'ar,l t o hi s cOln


The s en 'i ,' e s ta rt s a t 7. 45 , so come

early, as th e Sl'at ing , 'apacity of th e

ehureh is limit(',1.

1921 Christmas ClubOpens With Rush


, Jan.


8/7/2019 Our Town January 1, 1921

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Of course, w,deliver - aD1p l a c e - aD1



• ea ••

. . . • . . • . . . • . . .


._._--_.- .

Insulating Company315 W. Milin Street, Norristown, Pa.


Market 4636 NArberth 302.J o r 6 61 .JOI'riitown 791

Estimates submitted on covering Boilers,Pip

ing, etc. All kinds of covering fo r all purposes


Open Evenings Until 9 O'clock

The Brightest Spot in Narberth

A Drug Store in theMost Modern Sense of the Term


R O B E R T J . N A S HReal Esta'e and Insurance Broker

10 0 I Chestnut St-eet, Philadelphia


Membe-, Philadelphia Real Edote Boa,d

102 For rest Avenue, Narberth, Pat

Gre at es t Reduc ti on s e ve r known in th e History ofIhe Tai lor ing Trade.

Every S ty le o f th e Famous Ansonia Woolens ha s beenreduced to Rock Bot tom Prices.

This is YOUR oppor tunity to buy a suit or overcoat,Hand Tailored in the latest style, absolutely 100%All PureWoo l, a t a Great Bargain. - ,

Suit with extra Pair P an ts , $ 35 .0 0

F r e ~ ~ h Dey Cleaning and Dyeing. Scour ing. Pressing,Repamng. Work Guaranteed. Pr ices reasonable .

Telephone us, Narberth 1749 R, an d ou r automobilewill call at yo ur ho me for your clolhes.


JANUARY 1, 1 9 ~ 1To en.able us to take still bet ter care of ou r suburban business, particularly In Narberth. we take grea t pleasure in announcing th e opening of a


f or t he trans'lction of a general real estate a nd i n su r an c e bu si ne s sWe have been specializing in Narber th real estate fo r th e past te n y e a r ~an d h.'lve .great confidence in Narb e rt h 's f u tu r e. We ha ve bu il t u p anorgal11zat!on on th e corner stone of • 'SERVICE" and ou r references ar ea nyone w it h whom w e h av e done busines8.

Client. a re i n v i ' ~ d tn u. e th e faci!itie. of ou r ne w Branch "'((iceor ou r principal office at No. 1001 Che . tnu t S treet . Phi/a.

Walnu t 4444 Rac e 1 58 0





If70c. Ib.-5 lbs. $3.2590c. Ib.-5 lbs. 4.25

$1.15 Ib.-5 lbs. 5.25

ca n Hed Cross asks that al l contribu·

tio ns fo r Euro pean Holief bo sent

through th e branch office.

There is great p r iva t ion and suffering

i n E as te rn a nd C en tr al Europe a nd t he

Hel l C ros s hopes t hu t t he ir appeal will

moet with a generous response frolll th e

n lcmb er s o f o ur eomlJlunity.


( ) I l 1})i' \\":111 oj ' :\ \\":I,yj':ll'l'I:-> b l d , . ! i l 1 ~ ·h l ' l ' ~ I ' 1'1 H I ~ " l ' II 1:;"/1· ... : ~ l i : - - : - > i ~ ~ - l I i f j l ' : J 1 l 1! 1:1':. l·t!:, LOoK IH:]o'Oln,: YO]' SL1-:I,:I·.

S ~ E E T S

' rhe Suburban Association of th e

l -I ai n L in e, i n a s t u d ~ ' o f t he organized

bod ies f r om Overbrook t o P ao li , found

that there 'arc G-!2 o rgan iza t ion s , o r al

fi\"Cl'agc of onc organ iza ti on for c\"cry

group 01' IH people-Il len, women, boys

au d girls.

Pos,;ih ly th is is t he reason fo r l l I a n ~poople saying that th e l-fain Line is

over organizcll, and shud(kr when some

line J lll 'J l t ions fOl' l li ing a new ol 'gauiz: t

, ion.

The organizations ar c (If lll:lny t . ' · I H ' ~Idth Yariou" plll'pn,;es. There ar e 21ol'gallizatiolls with a sl'e"itie eiyi.c pilI"

I"'''P, Ii ,;o"ial eluhs, G1 fraterllal SIH'j

,·ti,·s, S pat riotie, :2:; bClle\,o]ellt, ;j com

IIIl'reial, :l.J. public s"hools, 2:: pri, 'ate

sehool:-<, i misopll:t1J('OllS, ;'2 mis('ellan

, 'uu,; e,]lIeatiOllal grollps, Gll chure!tps, I

\'. ~ r C. , \. ., a ll rl :2;;-1, church soeietil'';.

Th e lat ter figllre will be illcrea,;ed a,;

,;oon as all of th c ehur(·hcs aro hcanI


' rhe t p r l ' i t o l ' ~ ' illrlude,; ~ <1i,;lilld

I · o l l l l l l t l l l i t e ~ . , \n]morp h a a total of

11:2 orgauzatiolls, Bl'yll : '[aIlT liS. \\·a.'"II(·

til. Xarherlh ;':2. 13('I'\\'yn 41. RO,;eltlOllt2,";. Paoli 2;;, G I I \ ( l w ~ ' n 20, The '",Iall""

i,; <1i,;trihlltp,] alllong t ho o th er (11111

11I1I1It jp:-; ill ~ l l I a l l ( \ l ' n n l l l l I P l ' ~ .The illformat ion " 'as ohlaill('<1 fronl

th(' B I I ~ - L 1 ' s ~ [ I l i l l Lill(' Dirc('lory. :'[aill

Line rc ' ]erat iol l of Chur"hcs, milli';lel's.

I l ) ' i e ~ t ~ " , t i e l ( ( ~ t a g c n t : - ; ~ , \"orl(PI':-i at ( '011\

I l l t 1 l 1 i t ~ ~ Centcl':-i, n e \ \ " s p : l } ) ( " ' r ~ . h':lch'l's (If

..Inl,s, , ;chool he:lIls, lII( 'lllher,; of )o<1gP';.

lihl'al"ialls, : - ; t o l ' P l ( ( ' ( ' I l ( \ r s ~ 1o\Vllship ( 'oJI1

llIi:-:sjoJJ(\I 'S; (laph 011(' h:l<l StlJlIPt hing to

add to th e li,;t, 1, ,' ' 'ause no Olle ha,1 p"el'

I'olllpletc,] li,;tillg' all of Ih, ' orgll1tiza·

t ions alllllg th e "nt ire :'faiu Lit!(,.

,\ n elrol't \rill l , , ~ mar]e t o k ee p this

li,;t up to ,late, j,1'('allse thl' fUII,lalllcn

ta l prineipal of th e Suhurhan . \ssocia ·

tion i to po-opcr:lte with a ll l oe a] 01'

gllllizl'll horl ies in an cITort to dcyl'1op a

Iorot\(]I'1' interest in th e civil) hettel'mellt

of th e eOl11l11untics I y i n ~ het\\'cen O,'cr

Iorook an d Paoli an d in th e " O l l l l t r ~ 1',mtigllous to t hc " fa in Linc of tllc

I ' ( ' l l l l S ~ - l Y a n i l t Hailroarl.


Candiesr-- - - . ~BETTY ' S




A t ri p t o market is now to be made.

I s r ou r nallle on the l is t o f th e elect

-d o ~ ' u l l believe that such ventures

impose' a general obligation-

And that participntiOIl in wurth-while

Commuul ty task s IS a genUIne pnvl '

l e ge -

A t ~ ' p i " a l d ( ~ l l l ( l n s t r a t i ( l n of American


])on't l d t he o pp or tu ni t y s li p you

11lIU he illlprl'ssl'c1 hr th e fa d that as

Huflleiellt 1 I 1 0 1 l ( ' ~ ~ is alru:lll;.p g'llaralltecd,

it is the spirit of sl'rYi,'" IU"] reciprocity

which p1'OlllplS Ih" ml'lI a lr ea r] y i n t o

IH'ckon you 10 tal,c n part.

"'hir,h nll 'allS i ll cn..·f'\ Iha t no one

,, 'ants 10 inlru,!<' .:ll1lpS' jo h if .Tones"'ill take il -

Xor 10 do :':'nlith',; work if :':'Illith isI

going to ( · ( ) l l C l ~ t for it.

Come a l o l l ~ ~ f r i e l l l l : - ; ~ el l l l l l ' along.

Geo. B. Snple e,

Bp('rptar:; of ' BOllrd of ' HI'alth.


In regard to Whooping Congh cases


The ~ l a i l l Linc llran"h Xu. 1, AlIlcri

( 'a ll Hed Cross carried 011 a. l I Iost suc

ce,;,;f'"l Holl Call C:ll,,!,aigll, pnl'ollillg

f in) thuu, ;and nille hundrr'd and (wcn ty

on e JIlclllh('l's fo r th e COJllillg yt ' : l l ' . The

('!lain"all \li,;hl''; to thank all th e vol

untl" 'r , ; whu eonll'ihuted t o t he SUcee,;,;

of the l'III"!,aign hy th"ir "trorts in

s""urillg l llei ll IJersh ips, lUl l] t he public

who l'p:-,p0]l,le(l so gCllc]"ol1s1y.

Th e , \ .rdlllliro :tIIlI Cou,',;toga \Vell

B a l , ~ - Clini .. ,; urg" that al l fa l ll i l i, ' s ha \'

in:.; Cllildl't1ll t l l ldl ' l ' s('hoo! a . ~ · e hring

th('ir ,·hi],]n'n to the clini,',; whieh ar e

hpJ,1 ea,·1t ' f u e " ' ] a ~ ' aull l ' r i , l a ~ ' from :l

to. , 0 'elocI,.

The hus fol' th e Ardmore Clinic leave,;

Slll'a ',; T l ' l ' r a " I ~ on ' l ' u e , ; d a ~ ' s at :l P . l II .

. \n,1 on Fri,1:tys Ienvps Hollan.] , \v e . a t

1:,1;;, Silllpson HO:ll] at :::::nn P., lIL, an(1

lI[ill ( ' rl ' pk au, l lIforiou N'lua rc ahou t

~ : : 1 0 .]-'01' the ('one,;toga Clinr',; tho hns

I,'an',-- Penll St . :11 ] :;,;,. DI1l'k Bonll an,]

Haill'oll'] '\"1'. at ~ : n ( ) . an d Garret! A",'.

:11\(1 C ( ) l I r ~ t o ~ ' a Hoad nt ~ : 1 ; ) 011 reue's· I

( 1 : 1 ~ · ~ .TIll' lIfain LiIH' Bl':lnph Xo, 1. .\mel'!-

Chil ' ]ren who aJ'(' thPIIl,;p!\'l'S illl IIlU Ill',

owrllg to H ]lI'l·\·io:l:-\ nttnf'k. of whoopillg'

c n l l ~ ' h , arl' }I(,1'JlJittecl to go to sellool

lIot,,'ith,;tall,lillg th e ) In '' ' 'l Ip e ill th e

'f'alllily uf "thpr I 'a ,; ", ; of ' ,,'hoo!,iug





Subscr ip tion pr ice one (]ollar m!(] fift)

cents pCI' year in arhancp.

OUR TOWN will gladly print

any n ew s it"!m about an y SUbject

that is o f i nte re st t o N ar be rt h

folks, bu t in Order to meet the

printing schedUle, al l .. copy"

-manuscr ipts-must reach the

editor by 6 P. M. Wednesda.y each



March 26, 1920.

President, Hobert J. Edgar.V ice -Pr csid en t , Joscph H . Nash .Vice-presidcnl, Augustus .J. Loos.

Vice-Prcsident, ~ I r s . C. P . F ow le r.Treasurcr, ~ [ i s s ~ I I L i zi c .J. Si mp:lon.Secr e ta ry, Miss Huth Eo Prescott.

Dircctors 1(12:" "Irs. A. B. Hoss, MrsD. D. Stickncy, .J. Garfield Atherholt,I. A. l\[i l le r , C. Lawrence Warwkk, AE . Woh le rt ; D ir ec lo rs 1023, J. J. Cabrey, Waltcl' A. Fox, IT. H. HiJlcgas,

Charlcs H. A. Chaiu. W. R. D. Hall,Harry A .• lllcolJsi Directors 1!l21, F. ,A

Lanahan, Val l ie l Lei t. ,] l, G,)orge TKnutzell, .1. B. " ,c s! ' l' r, Fletcher \VStitcs.

Send all advert ising and news i t ems to

P. O. Box 966.

Ou r TO''I"n is oa sale at th e depot

newss tnnd, and at the store of H. E


Entered as second-clnss matter

October 15, 1914, at. tho Post Office r .t

Narberth , Pennsyl\-an ia, under thc act

of March, 18i9.




Owned an d Published every Sa turday

by th e Narberth Civic Association.


An E x p ~ r i m e l l t in C(l-operativeJournalism-No Paid Workers.

Bids for the collectioll of garbage

from al l houscs , apartmcnts, and storesin tho ),orongh o f K ar be rt h, fu r year1!J21, aro l J ( ' r e h ~ - rOfJue,;ted. 'fhe bids

will be reeeinlrl by the S,'erelary of t1l\)

Borough Couneil up to S 1'. ::U., J\Ionday,.Tanuary ::. 1!J21, at ,,-hi,'h time aSpecial ]\f(·pting' 01' Ihe Borough COlltlcilwill 001l""1Ie for t ho p u r p o s , ~ of openingsaid bids.

Contrad" will he awan]ed to th elowest, responsible biLlder.

Colleet ions wil l he refJuirl'l] i n a ccoru

ance \vit h th e following scheuule:'I'hl'ee collections a wp( 'k during th,)

m onths of May, .Tunc, .Tuly, August,Scptemhcr and October .

Two coiled ions a woek during th emon th s o f November, December , Janu,ary, February, :March and Apr i l.

SAT., JA.NUARY 1, 1921


Fire, 350

Police, 1250





JMlde a.t our ow n fa.ctory, 6040·42 Markel St •• <:Phila.delphia.


CHRISTMAS CLUBSBe wtse nnd pn t SOUl(' portion. If lint nil.of tllP I t t o n p ~ ' rou r(,,,,·II-p. In t o n rpl !I '] rdeposIt. nt tntpl 'est. on n I'ro(peth-, ' LifeInsurnnec p o l l ( ' ~ ' . Bur 111I ]O;,,<lowme,,1.

' r he Xu rb rook pioneers "all wp]] he

proud of th e tiuc resi<1ential park which

now l1J'c,;ents itself

And the elltire Bor()ugh pays them


" 'hen \"isioll eOlllhincs "'it h e a p a c i t ~ - ,there ',; precious little room for speru]a


'I'he Ouldoor CUllllllunity Contre is

s im i la r i n its aspects.

Six or eight choiee Ill'1'('S ar c to come

out of tile wil,]emess in lo th e light.

'1'0 l\l'o,'i,h' th e ol"'ious IICCrls of a

c o n s t a l l t l ~ ~ gl'owill,!.! C;>I l l l l l l l l l i t y-

A growth '; 0 rapiLl Ihat t he pl ot

propose<l is th" last onc left.

H en ce t he lle('d for prollipt aclion.

Complim"nt ~ - ( J u r s e l t ' , then, that you

live in It !<Jwn wh" r, ' m "n arc doers,

no t hear e rs only.

' f ho es sen tia l fU1IIls w er e a ss ur cd i n

i1oubl0'quick or,ler.

Within II fortnight!

...-..-. . • . . . . . . • . . • .

made at the best an d most modern equipped

coke plant in th e world, an d at pre·wa r prices

You c an u se this fuel with or without Anthracite

coal either' for cooking or heating. We ar e told

that great cit ies o f th e Middle West us e coke ex

c lusive ly for the se purpose s. There is no slate,

no was te o f an y kind.

Give th is product a fair unprejudiced trial and

help bring down th e price of Anthracite (now a

rich man's luxury.)

The p ric e i s $9 .50 chuted in , and $ 1 0 . 0 0

carried, pe r ne t to n anywhere in this district.

c. P. COOKCoal • "Wood Coke

NARBERTH, PA.Suhsl'1'ipt ions takcll fo r one t o t cn shart:'s.

~ f n i l IIpplirut ion to I I n r r ~ ' A. ,Tucobs, Treasurer, Narberth PlnygroUllu

Assorintiou, :I Elmwood a"cnuc. Phone 662-J.

:'\:III1C ., _ _ , _ .

A,l,]n's:; .

Xarhl'rth 1 ' I a ~ ' g r o u l , , 1 .\s,;ociat ion, 1\a rhcrt h, I 'a.

] go on 1'(( 01'<1 as I]eelaring t h a t ] hel i c\ "c in the Town where 1 make'

I n ~ ' hUllIl' and that I II I II willing to urccpt lily part of Ihe gl 'neral ohligation

in ell'l'l'ting i t s w l 'l f ar c Ul\(] progn'ss. Therefore, I suhsl 'rihe to , ..

shu H'S of ,;t oc k in the ?\ a rlll'rt h 1'1uyg'I'0IJlll] Association, a I $1 no euc h. terms

an,] e(\lI,lit ions as 1ll!\'l'rtisl'l] in a previous issue of O ur Town.


I f you wan t to see you r Town ge t everything- it oug'ht to have,you will join in the Playground Pro ject . It's an investment-with

interes t. You don 't give t he money away. but you do make it plainthat you are a citi zen·of-service in fac t, the k ind on whom progressmust depend. Sig-n up before December 15th. The movement needsyour support.

Phone :Snrherth : H n.011 Forest A,·e.

8/7/2019 Our Town January 1, 1921

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-january-1-1921 3/4

___________________..__ . . ' .. . . -- . ._ '4 ___

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - ~


For P e r m a n e n t



~ S ~ U T ~ . E !Ain es tPho top lay The-a t re 01 It s Size In th e

Ent i reWorld .

t>b. toplays-Conlinuous 10 A .M . to 11.3.


Phi lo . , Po.



Philadelpnia, Pa.

" Phone. Spruce 749/ for Real

Esta.te Ser'bice that brings r e s u l t s "

T .Iephone Narberlh 1633 '




AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. 31 .. 12.00•• .00,

3 .JG, G .45. 7 .4G, 9.30 P. 111.

In o rder t o hand le al l in

c reas ed volume of MAIN

L IN E R EAL ES'l'A'l':E an d

to add to OU R SER\"ICE,

CITY a l 1d CO l\ lMERC IAL

PHOI'ERTIES we ba\'e

j'liut>d forces with--



Phone, Narberth 1687

To Please One Woman



NARBERTH GARAGERaymond Weiss. Proprietor


Smedley Built Home


in te res t




<lay. 'rhc \ \ 'oma u 's Auxi li a ry wi ll meet

at 10 A. ~ I Luncheon will follow :lnd

at 3 P. M .. th e WOlllcn's Missiunary

Socicty " i l l ,'onv('nl', an d will be ad

rlressed h) ' :\[rs. G. 1\L Ellsworth and

:III'S. Hl'nr." flihhons.

Rev. Avery S. DenullY, Pastor.


Church Notes.

nI id-\I'cek 1'ra.\ '<'r S,' r\ ' i"1) \\ . edncs(.1:ly

l ' \"l \ l l i l lg at S 0 'e](wk, ~ t 1 b j l l ( : t , " Seck

i l l ~ nn d Fil ld i l lg" ~ r a t t . 7:7. rl'hcsc

sc'r\'iees an ' largt'ly attl'n,lerl an u vory

hdpflll. You "'ill 1>1 great ly hcnclited

I,y attel1,ling.

'rhe "\nlllla) BlISilll'SS :Meeting of tho

"hurch will hc ltel,1 'rucsrla,\' evcning,

.Tall. 11, at \\ 'hi"h t.illlc r o po r ts f r om all

<1,'partlllcnts of th e chll]'('h ,, 'ork "'ill bo

iliadI' an,l oilleers fol' the nc xt yoar

\\'ill bc chosen.

You \dll he wclcome to an y or al l of

thl'sc, servi"es. '1'0 al l r ca dc rs o f Ou r

TO\I'n \\'1' \\'ish a Un1'l'), an d Prosperous

XC'\I- Ycar.



PrtpertJe8 For Bent and Salt

Fire In8uranee

Bell Phone I&! IT.

"_'U BuildIng. Narbera. . Pa

Sel'\"i"l's : - ; U l l , l a ~ ' , .Tauuar." 3 , 1!l21 .

!l::,O "\. i l L - l ' r n ~ ' e r Servicc.!l:4:J .\ . : \ I . - S " , , ' i ( ) l 1 ~ of th e Bihlo


11:00 A. M,-:lIorning' '\Vorship. Com

IIl1l1lion Scn·i,·". 811111011 h ~ t h e p a st o r

011 " \ r h ~ ' I I l I- l il ' \' 1 ' i ll (lo,l." '1.'his will

j" , the Ii rsl of a ",'rips of sermons on

th,' th"llIl' " \ \ 'h, \ ' T lk l i"yc . " 'j'he

QII:Jl'tt't ,,·ill sillg ": \ Iorc Lovc' to Thcc

o eh rist, " h ~ Spcaks.

; : (J il .\ . : l L -Young People's :\[coting'.

811 h.i""1, " T h ~ ' Ki lIgllolll Cuml '-T n My

l I" :Jrt" 1\Ia11, 0 :7 . L l' al le r, 1\Ir. Lau,

]'('nl'" Houston.

7:,(., P. : \ I . -En' lIi l lg '\\"orship. In- I

~ l ' i r i J l g - Song Sl'l'\'iC'c hy t h ( ~ Congrcga

tillll. Quartl't " '" them "Shadows of

1h l ' EV(' l l i l lg" h : , ~ Lansing', Sc'rllioll b,v

th , ' p :Jstor on "\\'illi:J1lI Care,\', Isa. ;;4:3,

:J Iltl :\1,,<11'1'11 ~ r i " i o n s , " This will ho

lh " first of a s l' ri "s o f Sl'l'Il1ons on th e

th,'ult' "T, 'xts t hat h ay e l1la'lc men;

~ I " I I \\'ho han ' 111a,1,' histor)'."

12 .50 plus25 .00 "

50 . 0 0100 .00250 .00






' I' h( ' 1l I0st px", ' lJ tont l ', ' ll I li t ion of th e

('hristllla, Cantata of la , t S u n < l a ~ ' and

tIll' o th ,' r Chr is tmas llIu,i,' Il ' ill 1'I' llIain

as a pl,'asillg 1 l I l ' l l I o r ~ ' jn t hp m ind s of

Ih,' I l I a l l ~ ' ,rho "'''I'!' 1'I'p",'nt at th e

\'al'iotl:-' l l l ( let i l lgs of 1hi:-: g-lad C h l ' i ~ t l l l : l S:--P:lSOIl. ROll l l \ of t hp 1I111Si,· ,,"ill he

l'!'I"'a\(',1 h )' t he Chllrt'h Qllarl"1!e to

IIIlJl'!'O\I'. X, 'xt \ r \ ' d n \ ' s , l a ~ ' l'\"'lIing' th el'1't 'paratory S,'rYi,,,' \\·ill he hl'l<l jn this

"llJIrl'h looking for\\'artl to th c cc1chra

1ion of ' t ll l1 T,ol'tl's SlIpl'"r on .Tan. !l.

]t will hl' a great pri\'ilpg'" t o h nv" , ,· it h

l1s nl'xt \\ ' c d n c s c l a ~ ' c\'cning, Rey. An

,11'1'\1' ::\Iutl'h. D. n .. th p pO]lulnr pastor

of th " Bryn ]\[a\\')' l ' rcsh."t ,)rian Church,

\ \' ho \ \ 'i l l ,1"lin '\ ' th e 1'rt'1'luator." Ad

,ll't'ss. It is I",pp,] that CVCI'." mcmber

of tIll' ( ' o n g J ' ( ' , ~ a t i 0 1 I will h , ' p l 'cscn t.B('g-i nning on SUl1(lny- lllorning Jan.

!l a "Xurs l ' r . \ '" will h e e st ab li sh cd i n

th,' l'hllreh at t hp hour o f momi ng wor

ship fo r littl!' l 'hi l ,l rcll whose pnrcnts

,Iesirl' to at lI'tlll th " ,>hureh scrvicc . ' rho

arrangl'lIl! 'nts nr!' hcing lIla(lo by the

1: ll l il 's of' 1hl' \ \ "l ' st l ll i ns t pr C i rc l o who

will haye eompl'1ent attenrlants in


'J'11l1 l 'cgular m o n t h l ~ ' al l d a ~ ' mccting

of th c ]:lllies will hc hel<1 ncxt '\Vcdncs-

Re v. .John Va n Ncss, Minister,

Jobbi ng p r o m p tly a t t e n d e d to




:lI""t iug's for Sunda,\' .Tall. ~ ] (1:21.

(1:-l:J A. :lI.-SullI]a,\' S"hool. A hearty

\r,,1<'ullle fo r all.

II .\ . I\I.--l'ublie \ \ 'o l 'sh ip . S e rl l lo n

1,,\' lh " jllt,tor: "Th, ' C ha ll cn gc o f t ho

:\,,\\- Y, 'ar."

; 1', : \ L - ~ \ I " l ' t i l l g ' s of lh " Spnio1' an d.Tllnior Christian };1I,lPaYOl' Socictics.

;:,1.; l ' . l I . -! - : \' , ' n ing '\Vorship. Ser,

11\011 Thl'IIIt ' : "Xl '\ '" Yc'a r H(':-iolut iOll:-; ."

Ii :-l;; 1' . :H.-Ep\ \ 'or t l t Leag-ue ])evo

1ional Jl [ect ing.

7:,1;; P . .:\I.-Gl':lnd :lIlts;"al ~ e l ' \ ' i " eIly th c Choru s l tl l d, ' r d i n' l ·t ion of 1'1'0

f"ssol' : \ i " " . -F iua l }[ltSi,,"1 of th o

!I.oli'la)' S,'asoJ1.

:\11'. B"l't rall,l "\ Il,t i n, \ \' el l- kn own

, ' ( 'l Ioi s t, \ I 'i l l rt'n,l,'r " , , 'eral lIuIIIl!ers.

(,'01' full 1'rogram of' t h is s en -i ee se e

I'1sewhcl'e ill Ou r To\\'n.

:ilfonllay, .Tan.:l. ~ : : l i I P . :\I.-\\-olllan 'sForeign l \ f i ~ : - : i ( ) l l a r y ~ ( ) ( · i e t . \ ~ r t ~ g l l ] a rmonthl)' 1lI,'cting at thl' ehlll'..JI. Hos

t "sses, ~ [ r s . .lanle, Tis<'h an,l : II I' s. C .

:'II. ~ I " C r a c k c n .\\'(',hll'Stla)', .1:1 n. ;;t h. S I'. : \L-: \ l id

\I'('l'k HOllr of l 'ra."pr.

Or join th e 2c. or 5c. progressive or reducing class.



- - - - - -===============================-

Deposi t $ 25c. weekly and ge t $" SOc. " " "

1 .002 .005 .00





Arthur S. Walls, Pas tor.

Rev. Gibson Be ll , Locum Tenens.

Rev. Ma lbone H . B i rc k he a d, A ss oc ia te .

SUllday scrdces:8,1;') A. :ilL-Holy COJJlnlJlllion.9.45 A. ?lL-Suuday School.

11.00 A. l\I.-?lIorning scryice an d ser,


A f r ee a u to bns b r in g s t he c hi ld rc n to

a nd f rom S u nd av School a nd t he lueJJl·hers to an d frOl;l Church, I,'a \ 'ing N ar ·b cr th S ta ti on at 9..10 anti lOAD. If

requestcd it \l'ilI IN\\'e th e st ati on at

8,00 fo r t h c e a rl y s cn - ic e,

S l 1 l l d : I : ' ~ ~ . lan. ~ !l:-!;I ,\. : \ 1 . - ~ u n , l a ~ ' School.] 1 :1111 .\ :\1.--CoIIIJJluuion. Rcception

of :\Ipulhl'rs.

'1.'h,' ('hol'us \\'ill l'I'n,l,'\' "CoIJIJllunion

l I ~ - I U u " ( D I I , l l , ' ~ ' Bt:l'1,) an d "Brcad of

th o \Vurl t l " (Goullod).

PHOTO PLAYS"ArcadIB," 16th an d Chelltnut lit •. , PhU.See d t s pl a y a d v e rt i l lem en t I n t bh J 1•• ue

I'U\'SICI.\:'\S.nlln!el I , . S t edem. ~ l n ..212 FOI'l'('st Aye, I'honl', Narberth GOL

Oillee Hunrs: (j to I' 1'. ~ l P L U ~ l f i I N G , ETC.

Cool. BraN. I 'ho l le a02,J .See dlsplu)' advertisement In tbls Issue,Wall, II . B. I 'h ol le . Narbet·th J(j02-J.S.e dIsplay advertl.ement In t hl l I lau.

REAL ESTATECaldwell, J. A. P ll ol le . lllS7See dl.play advertl.ement In t bl l I ll u•.

Frasch, II . C. Phone. 262-W.See dl .p lay advert l . em.n t In t bl l I ll ue

J l ~ ' l J e r ~ , lIent T. ~ j l r u e l ' HHl.See dlspluy udYertlsewent In this Issue.

NaNh, Roben oJ. Pbone. 106.Money for Flr.t and S.cond Mortealr.1

Simi_son, Jonles C. 232 Essex ave.Phone. 636. or 1420 Cbestnut It,

UOOFlNG, ETC.Garn-lIlcGlnley Co. Phone. 1268-W.See dl.play advertl.em.nt In tbll I.au•.

IIll1er, oJohn A. 248 Iona avo. Pbone. 161-JShcp. 246 Hav.rford ave . P hone . 1286- J

!lIlOEIIlAKERSGood Wear Shoe Repair ISbop,ConNtantlne. B. G. 2;;2 Haverford ave.Phone. Narbl'rth 170G- \Y.

Xarberlh Shoe Sion'. 20!1 I111\"Pl'forll aYe,S!'l' dlsplu)' a<!"l'rtlSl'lllent In this IS8ue.

1',\1LOll".Primo,..t, ]1. :!:l·l I-IuYl'I'forli HYP., Nnrbl 'rth.

S(le dIsplny H<l\'ertiSI'II1Pl1t i n t il l s issue.'rh . · l . ower .:\I.'rinn ' l 'n l lnf ( ~ n l n I U l n ; \ · t102 F'orrpst A \,en11(1. l\ul 'berth, Pa .See d l s l ) l u ~ ' :1I1\'('rtls"!lll'nt In thIs Issue.

~ USI<:.Ju(.'li:!'iol1, . \ unc . Yiolill Instruction.'l'('ll'jlllon(', :\arbel'lll ~ 1 ( j - . J .

I . ous, J'-UUIl,Y lI. Piauo teacher.Stllul. .. Arc,, , I, ' B ldg' . P l lone, 31G-J,

:-OTAU\, PUBLIC.JclTerle•• J. U. HI :-larbertb ave,Phone, 666-M.

SinllJSOn, IInrr)O A. 232 Essex Ave.I'holll'. Narberth G3G.

Tyson, Warren It . Pllone, Narberth 1202-W.

0 I ' T I C I A ~ SF t 'n t ul l , C a r l F . 606 E s se x a v e. P h one . 6 1 8- \ \Phl1a. addre.... 1801 Cheotnut at. Locnat II I

Zentmayer, JONel.h. 2 28 S . l at b s t.. Pblla.

PAINTEUSWalzer. Fred.H7 Wln.or av •. Phone. 1241-J,

PAI'l,lt 11'\:-(;1:'\(;,Ho;\"c), I[orn('c ~ :;1:: :'\1 ".. t ill:; House Lntlt'.

PhOl l P a;:;ti.

Tbe above depar tment .bou ld b. of tb.createet us e to the community , th e l is t contalns tbe name of . ve r} · profe.. lonal mantradesman, mechan ic , shopkeepe r . e tc ., w hldoes or can 'ln a ny w ay se rv e hie fello.town.man . and who I. progre. .lv. enouelto add name to lI.t of Reellter.As It I. dlmcult tor thOle contrlbutlnl

t be lr t lme and .trortl to tbe productlon or1l0ur Town" t o p e ra on al l y either know 0'

I nt er vI ew a ll au clt . I t w ou ld b e malt belp,fu l If tboNe not now f ou nd In t he p rl nt e"lI.t would aend In a memo at t be lr n ameladdr.... phone numberl and bWl ln e_1 0'

profu"lonl tor lilting. Thll ,.111 ooat &II tollowI: 10 cents eacb luue for I I In el : I oentot or e ac b a da lt lo na l lIn8.



Early Mass on S U I I , I a ~ - S at ; .\ . ~ I Late illass, 10 "\. ~ lIIasscs 011 ] l l J I ~ ' d:I}S, G.30 an, l 8,:)0

A. ::\I. ' \Vcckdays at S, E\-cniug tleYo

t ions alld ot h cr s cr yi rc s at rcgular


R ev . R . F. Cowley, Rector.


Merion Meeting House, Merion, Pa..


Merion Mecting is open fo r worship

e \ 'e ry F i rs t -day morning at 11 0 'clock.

We cUlllially wclcome an y dsi tors who

desire to worship with us.

,\VIll. '1'. Ellis. rcligious ct1itor of thoNorth AUIl'ri":III, faulolls anthor-Icrturor anti t r :L\ 'e!or. \ \ ' il l yisit ~ I o r i ( ) n ~ I c e t in g on First ] ) a ~ - (Sunday).' J)"ccI,u1Jor12th, at t h o rpg' ul a r hllul' oj \l'orslll1"

BUIM)EltSShand, Alex. C •• Jr . Pllone, No, 1710.Narberth Station. .

Smedle>', Wm . D . 8; II . 'r. Phone, GOO.Se e d i s pl a y advertisement tn tbtll tSl!Iue.

CANDY, ETC.D,n·IN. 11. E . P ho ne , 1264-W.Se . display advertls.ment In tbl. I••ue.

D e t t ~ ' · . Sweets

CARPENTERS AND BUlLnERSJenkins. Cha. . L.103 DUdley ave . Phone . lGS4.

CONTUACTOlt 01" PLASTERINGFratantonl . James, & SODS.

239 Hampden aye. Phone, 1697, 'V.

DENTISTSOrr, Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood avo Phone. snow.Phl la . Phone . Filbert 4262. Ksltb BIde.

SchembN, Dr. John. PhoneN arberth 316-W.Cor. GraylIng au d Windsor aves.Office Hours ulltll !l 1'. M. dally.

DRUGGISTSHowa rd ' s. P h on e , 1267.See display advertl.ement In tbl. II.ue.

ELE(JTRlCIANSCaNe, W. G. 1'holle.3Ua-\\'.See display udvertlsement In this Issue.

Pueh, Veri 226 Iona ave.Nar. P hone , 6 60 -W . Ar d. Phone. 188-J.

Two Lines, IOc pe r issue; Sc for each additional lineNarberth R e giste r


LIGHTING FIXTURESMcDonald oJohn. Narberth pbon., 1288.1688 Chelt. It .• Pbl1a. Phone, Spruc. IU8,

ACCOUNTANTSGottshull, II . Ii . I'uhIic Accollntaut, :;03

C o n \ \ ' a ~ ' An'nnp. i'arlll'\ 'th. I'a,Kelm, U. C. Cert l fled Publ lc Accountant.202 Dudley av". Phcne, Narb.rth SOO-W.

ASIIESTOS CO\'l,all : ' \t;.A",bC!'ootns J Ils11latinJ,: ( ' u n l I H l n ~ ' ,

:.Jl:i \Y. :\laiu St1"('('t. =,ol'l'istoWIl: 1':1.~ ( ' l ' display adVt'l ' t!:-;l ' l Il1' l It ill tlll:; j:.;:;11P.

A U 1 ' O ~ I O I U I _ I ' S .L_' Garage-Repairing. Etc, Phone. 1606.NarlH"rth (illrllJ,;t". phoue Nfil'Ul'l'tl1 ]633.See display ,,,I \'l'rliseIllpul III llds Issue.

AUT(HIOIlILE ~ I ' : H " I C I "DOlluhuc l»ulrh·k r. Pl lO I l t1 ] ( ; a ~ LSee di;play nd\y('rtist ' llll:nt in t l J l ~ _ ~ ~ S l 1 e .

Snhie <:l ' I ISUf.", Plloll( ' . I\al'lwl'th t,,_.See display :UI\'l ' l 't!:-;('III l 'ut il l th is issue.

BANKSMerion Title 6; TruNt Co. Pbone. Ardmore I.Se e d l s pl a v advertisement I n t hl ll I ss ue .

,The NEW CHRISTMAS CLUB opened December 22, 1920

It is not 'what a man makes. but wha t h e saves, that spells SUCCESS

Join ou r Christmas Club now forming and save a certa in sum each week, syatematically


INSURANOEJ!owlIJan, Samuel P. (Life.)

116 Elmwood aVe. P bo ne , 1 63 -W .LannhoJl, !- 'rederh'lc A. :.W:: li 'orrest nvc"Na rue r th , Pa .See t l l s l ' l l l ~ ' a,I\ 'erllsPIJlellt In this Issue.

'-'rotter Uros. (FIre, etc.)209 Wood.lde ave. Phone. UU-R,

" ' Ime r, " ·m . "'ood. 106 Forest Avenue.Phone. 326 R.

LAWYERSGlIroy, oJOM 211 Ellex ave. Pbone. U46-R.Pblla. addre." , LIncoln Bide.

Stites, Fletcher W. 413 Hav.rford ave.Phone, S72-W Pbll... addrei., Crozer Bide.

~ I E A T S . ETC. ,Clatter, Boward F. Pbone, 1288.See dllplay advertl.ement In tbll Illu,,"

8/7/2019 Our Town January 1, 1921

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-january-1-1921 4/4


r - - - · - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - __


interest on


DAVIS'Complete Line ofGoodyear Tennis Shoes


45th and Parrish 8ts .

The post mast "I' III"] I 'eglllar employees

o f the post oJ1i,',· r"lOeiv('l] on Xmas da y

a no\"('1 gift 1'1'0111 South Carolilla. 1\11'.

])orillll ls BI'O\\"lIhlll'I<, who is at Swit.zer

lal"] ill tllP stal", s(111 them each ll.

I"'all t ifl l l pill l ' sapli llg" . Onc of them

Illay I", S('(111 a l t h(' p os t o ll le e.

Narberth Shoe Store209 Haverford Avenue



::\II'IIII"'rs of II", \;Irl"'rlh '1(11 II is As ·so(' ialioll \ \" il l )'l·(·"i\·,· ti"k"ts for tIll'

l"id·\\"illt('J' < Iall( '" 1 I( 'x l \\"(1" Ie 'l'he

dal" o f t ll is d:I1I1'(' I, J"rida.\' (1\"('lIillg,

.Jallllal,\' l-f, anI] 1111' pla"( ', Elrll Hall, of

( · o l l r ~ ( l .

Fi re I1l'stl'o,\'1'1i th e homo of Samuel

LO\\'(, Oil r , h r i ~ t m a s 1II0l·lIing. Our fire

1:,,]<Il'rs w,'rc l i r ~ t . on the joh and had

Ih" fir(' a ] l l u ) ~ t IlIu](1r cont rol when t.he

l"h"llIil'a] heeallle exhallsted. It was

1I0t possihl" to ohtain W:LtCI' and beforo

lh e 01lu'r cOlllpanios arrived th e fire had

gaine,] ~ u ( ' h h e : ) ( ] \ \ " a ~ - that it wa s n ot

possihle to sn\"c th e house. The furni

ture, hO\\"e'"er was r emov cd t o s af ot y

all'] nl]jaeent propert.i"s wel'e p r o t e c t e ~ l .

the Forr('st Apar tments , enter t a ined the

::\I"ssrs. II. 8 t a l l l e ~ ' , David 1\L and

Edgar:: \ I. Clark, ' , t hr ee o f Mrs. 'Vimer's

hl'Others on C h r i ~ t mas Day 1\[r. Da\"id

.\1. Clark(' sl"'111 th e \\'e"k·elld wit.h 1\[1'.

all(l : :\ ll 's. \Vill ler.


fo r Chi ld ren

HARRY B. WALLPlumbing, Gas Fitting

and Heating


Phone, Narberth 1602·J

Pasteurized Milk I DELIVERIES

B r y n c l o ~ ~ l k C e r t l l l e d WEST PHILA.

(Pedr lallc Soelety) OVERBROOK

Spec ia l "G ue rn s e y " MERION


(Roberls ' '" Sharples s ' BALA-CYNWY 1


Cream BUliermllk ARDMORE

T a bl e a n d W h ip p in g WYNNEWOODICream.

Kreider Shoesand



SPECIALon School Shoes

Better come in and lookthem over


~ ) , " " " " i : \ , , \ . ' ~ ; : : : : , , " \ : : : ' C : : : , , \ . , , \ . " ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ~ , , ~ , , ~ ~ ~

I ATTENTION IJust think what you ca n save

by calling th e H. Primost Clean-ing, Pressing and lJyeing Co.

They c l ea n better , press better,and alsO) have call nnd delivery.

We will tr y to explain to ou rmany customers that we ar eready to give you the bes t service.Just call Narberth 1254 J, a nd w ewill promptly call oTlybJher..

o H. PRIMOST./ I/; I:/; Home Town Tailor @;'/

/. 234 Haverford Avenue;/

2:1 Phone 1 2 8 4 J

o' : { \ , . , , ~ , , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~




'Phone 1633

no ~ ' O l l \\'allt to make a r csolut .ion

thllt \\'ill hp k/'p! on an i n ~ t a I l I l l C J ! l ' "pIa n ?

H"n"wpll, r<,\"jn'd or reminl1e(] each

1I1l'nth on thl' firs! 'I'nl'slla,\' of the montl,.

\'on \ \' i ll f ind 110 ,'asi('1' \\'a.,' to sa\"c

IIIOlIp,Y 1han in\"('stillg it ill huill]illg anl1

lila 11 Htock. •

'I'hp Xnrhl'rth" "'merican

Bnill1iug all<] Loan "'ssOl'iation

its S("'OIIl] Sl'rips on the 71h of

Don't forgct to sen,] your sllbscrip·

t iOIlS, hath IIC\\" a Ill] 11 II c\\'al to Mrs.

\Vm. -lYooll \ \' i ll lc r , Box ]27 or lOll

Forrest Avcnue. Benl'fit of th e COIll

11111nit.y CllIb"Bllilding PlInd.

A Quality For

People Who

Wan t The Best


" ' tl " lI t ion of the 11I('llIhers of t hc Xar ·

h"l'th ']'l'lIni", Ass,wiation. Rememher

th,' date of' th e l Il 'x t , ]a ll ce i s Friday

,,\'pllillg, .January 14, at Elm Hall.


r a r a . ' : M ~ G i n l e ~ ' OU 123South 17!l!S!, PhiiadelllblCl: ~


COllie around to th e ]101111' of the

Lpg-ion I '(,s l. "01'1101' of Elmwood and

I';ssp)( an'1I11<'S (on th " SOllth si<1p). alII]

start th e X,'w ) ' I' a r r ight h,Y i n n ' ~ t i n g:;:1.110 fol' ( 'a,'h s ha rp o f s to ek , $2.1111 t h i ~Illollth to nla](,' up for th e ])e/'('lIIhel'

I H I ~ ' n l l ' l I t , all,] 2;; cents pe r shal'e 011"

tI 'all('e f,'e, I H I ~ ' a h l e the first mOllt h 0111.\.

"'1' "xtelld all O]1l'1l ill\"itation to e\"·

I'r.,·olle to sl lhs/'r il le to sto"k in thp SI'I'"

0111] series.

] \[r , anl1 Mrs. \Vm. \Vood \Vil11er, of

- - , - - . ~ - - - - - - ' ~ - - - - - - - "

Mrs. ,Tames Fisch alld 1\1rs . C. lIL

?lfcCrnekcn wiII elltel't ain th e \Y. P. ?II.

S. of tho 1\[, Eo Chmeh, ill the socia]

Hoom on Monday, . T a n l l a l ' ~ ' 3, 1fl21, at

2:30 0 'elock. They a re hoping that th e

Ne\\" Year wiII begin " i th a good at ·



Cotter's Meats

(Continued from Page 1.)

Groceries and Provisions

The Narberth Electric ShopLAUNDRYETTE- The Wa.her

that dri es wit hout a wr inge r.W. G. CASE, 3 2 3 Conway Ave.

Phone. Narb.rth 3 9 5 W

GARAnteed Roofs

'1'he iir st . meeting of the Board of

Direetors of the Pla,Ygrounl1 Association

wiII he held on January 10, 1021. Yourillvestmellt. will be welcomel1 as indicat·

i IIg t he r i gh t s pi ri t.


Open Day and Night


N0 T H2 E


The Merion Title and Trus t Company of

Ardmore, Bala-Cynwyd Branch, cordially

invites inspection of its New Offices on

Monday, December 27, 1920, at State and

Llanerillo Roads, Cynwyd, Pennsylvania.


Authorized Taxi Service, bv Certificate from Public ServiceCommission, dated November t6, t920

Taxi meets all trains

Store orCfers promptlv called for and deliveredBagR'age called for and delivered Freight delivered

Musicale by ChorusChoir 01 Narberth

M. E. Church

wore t he t ra ti it iona] b ri da l veil. She

was attended h ~ he r s i ~ t e r , Miss Marian

Graham, an<! th e groom's hrother was

his "hest man." The hridal party

was pl'clOeded hy a ('harmillg little

tlowl'l' girl. T h t ~ e ( ' I ' t ~ I J I ( ) J l : - ~ ,,,as ullder

a I."alltiflll ho\'""1' 1 I 1 0 ~ t a r t i ~ t i l O a l l y aI'

I'a ng"d a nd was IWl 'r or nl"d h .\ ' I{ev .

.Tohll Yan X,' ss , pastor of th " Xarherlh

Presh.v!ol'ian Ch lln 'h , o f whil' h the

hl'ide is a JlII·llIh,'I'. Aft"r t1w "aterer

had S l ' l ' \ ' l ~ d lh " \\,,'dding snpl,,'r, ::\11. and

::\ll's. Hil, , 'r mad I' tlll'ir d"pal'tlll'(, anli,lHt

th " sho\\""I's oj' "Ollf"lli an,1 th e hest

\ \ ' i ~ h " s oj' a ll . ] o' ol lo \d ng th"il' hOIl",\"

IIIOOJl th"y will IlIal((' th"il' hom e inG : t h ~ p s t ( l l l , ",11('l'p ~ l l ' . I\il\:l\), is PlIgagc<1

111 hllS i II (ISS.

Sunday, January 2ud, 1921, 7.45 P. M.

Under th e Persona l Di rec tion of

Prof. Clarence C. Nice.

"\ ssist e<1 hy

Mr. Bertrand A. Austin , 'Celloist .

Mrs. Edward Stanley, Organis t.

1. Organ 1'1'l '1l1d,,-"Ca\"atilla " .. Hass

2. Hymns

:1. " 'J l thel l l -"O COllle L" t Us \Vor'

ship," I'sallll !l.; . . . . ::\ICIIlIPlssohll

']','nol' Solo, ::\[1'. Stalll,',\'

4. PrayPI'

;;. ::\Iale QlIarlel te-

" ' 1 ' h ( ~ \Vaysi de Cross" .. IIa('ket t

::\11. Stanley ::\[r.lIayW:1I'<1

::\11.. JlIstice ::\11'. ::\Iitchell

G. 'Cello Solo-"Sollg·" Greig-

7. "'nthelll-"lIark, Hark, ::\Iy

Soul" ., , .. , Shelley

COlltralto 8010, ::\ris;; ",uss

Soprallo Solo, : : \ I i ~ s Prescot t.

8. Scripture

fl. Soprallo Solo-" ,J c ~ Bamhino,"

Pietro Yon

1\[rs. J[ofl'lIl:llI

10. Anth l 'm-" ! lo ! En'l'y Oil" '1'hnt

'I'hirsteth" , : : \lart i ll

Bass Solo, 1\[1'. Atchison

] 1. Alluoullcelllellts

12. Offert ory-'Cl'llo Solo) "Deluge,"

St . Sneu;;] 3. HYIllJl

H. Anthcm-" As Pal lt s t he ITnrt,

I CI'I1"ifixioll' " L. Spohr

Soprallo Solo, ~ [ r s . Bradley

];'j. Address-By Pastor

]6. Anthem-itFierce Wns th e \Vild

Billow" Nohle

] 7. 'Cello Solo-it Romance" .. ,Frimel

]8. Allthem-"Gloria ill Excelsis,"

1'1'0111 : : \ I a ~ s in B Flat .. " .. Fanller

1fl. Helle/]ietion

20. Postllll]e-"Rillg' Ont. Wil,]

Bells" " . " " Gilchrist

Beginnillg . T a l l l l a r ~ - 1. 1fl21, Specinl

Delivery Mail \\'ill he <1e]i\'ere,] ,,"ithollt

receipts an<1 \\'ill l , , ~ h'ff. in reglllar mail

rel'optac]es \rhplI pl'rsollal l1elivery call'

n ot h e eITel't I'll.

'fhe Spe('ial De]i'\'p 1." Sen'iee is de·

s igned t o exppl]itp alld lIot to safe

guaJ'll mail. 'I'he H " g - i s t r ~ ' SystclIl is

pro'\'idcd 10 i I I S I 1 1 ' ( ~ sa f (' j) ' a JI{] all mail

containing "11111111.\ or oth"r :lI't.ic]cs

of vallie sholll<1 he reg-is!ered.





La Grippe


(Cont inued from Page 1.)


a lid ] ) o , ~ l I a r t ] , , ~ , ~ u h ~ t i tu te d f or Sha rp .

Captnill Hoy \Villiams, o f t he mani t' ,]

I I l l ' I I ' ~ te:l1l1, w a th e hig ~ t a r , scoJ'illg

lIIost of the goals fo r his s il le . ' I' hc

1"11 Ills lined up as follows:

Married Men. Posit ion. Single Men.

\Yilliams FOl"\ra n] ' S n l l ' l ] h ' ~ 'W, " '. E\·1Ins .. FoJ'lntn]. \ V a ~ ' n l ' Harris

Boy"r .. , C"ntl"l' .. , FI'"tz

8harp Gu:m1. .. " . " Di,·"e.\"

]o'l'Jlno ., Guard , P. H"difcl'

Th " Christmas hol idays anti fest i\ " i

tips k(lpt':I goolllU:lJlY }'l'oplp away f)'onl

th e gam" , m" l it i to 1)(' hO]1I<1 that all'

oth"r matl·h will h" stag-"l] ]at"r in th e

'1'he beal1tifl1lIy decomted home of

]\fl'. an d l\Irs. Joseph C. Gruham was

fillod to overflowing' with gues t s, on lasi.

'1'nes,lay evening at t h e ma rr ia ge cere·

lIlony of their ,laughter :J\[ildred K.

Graham to Mr. Charles Frederi c Raker ,

of Galvest.on, Toxas. Th e bride was

charmingly gowned in whit.e satin an d

[Married Men Win

Basket Ball Game



...._..-- .

S A B l E

Kill That Cold+ \ L t : ~

CASCARA , ; ) QUININEColds:OCougbs ~ ~ O ~ \ i > ~



Taxi Service Hauling of all kinds

Packard Limousine to Hire


Saving Fund Accounts.

The Merion Title and Trust Company

We will allow

Neglected Colds are DangerousTo\'::" no chances . Keep th is standard remedyhandy for the first sneeze.

Breaks up a cold i n 2 4 hours - RelievesGrippe in 3 days-Excellent for Headache

Q ui ni ne i n t hi s f orm d oe s not affect th e head-Cascara is best Tonic

Laxative-No Opiate in Hill's.

Beginning January 1, 1921


P la ns a re b ei ng completeu fo r ou r

N ew Yea r' s D a. r "Open Houso" pro

gram, ,,"hich wiII continue from 3 :0 0 t o

10 :00 P. 1\1. We wil l b e ve ry g la u to

s ee o ur frienus an d new comers to tho

community along with all of ou r mom

bel'S, visiting th e Association at this

t im o. T he program wiII be entertaining,

instruct ional anu recreational. ·Women

an u girls are invited as wel l as tho men

and boys.

The New Year promises to be a busy

one in o ur Institute Department. 'rho

l\[iIlinerr nTH] Dressma](ing' classes,

proveu to be such a s p] enuiU success

dur ing the past , wil l b e enthusiastically

continued, meeting tho first t im o o f tho

New Year, on .Tanuary 6 th a nd 7th.

'1'ho Narberth group wiII mee t e ve ry

'1'hursday morning at 10:00. while th e

groups meeting at Ardmo re w il l h ol d

their sessi ons 1 'hur sr lay afternoon,

Friday af te rnoon and evoning fo r mil l- I

i n e r ~ ' , and 'rhursday evening fo r dress


Ou r classes in 1\fec]mnica] Drawing

and l\fathematies wiII resumo it s work

on .Tanuary 5th.

Interesting b as ke tb al 1 g ames are

being played by th e young' men ove ry

Thursday evening.

Happr New Year To A ll .

L EE ' S G A R AG ECleveland and Ford Sales and Service , QUick del iver ies on

all cars. All kinds of Auto Repairing

Work Guaranteed Oils, Gas, Supplies~ a r b e r t h 1 8 0 5 L. C. SHAHAN, Pr op .

top related