our town june 28, 1929

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 28, 1929



    PRICE, THREE CENTSarberth, Pa., Friday, June .28, 19.29

    w. S . Horn er,303 N. Narberth Ave ..Narberth,

    15, No. 40


    4th Appeal BringsFitting Response


    Spiri t of It Expressed in LettersF rom Two Contributors.

    Junior Club WinsThe Narberth Junior Baseball Clubdefeated'Gladwyne, 7 r uns t o 3, on

    ThursdaY, June 20. Casey and .Burgess Pitched for the Narberth Juniors. '~ h t l e Burns and Gallagher c a u ~ h t .Rose hit a home run for the Juniors

    Villanova Athlete WedsWilliam P. McCarthy, well-knownfootball, baseball and basketball player

    at Villanova College, and Miss Raphael Mae Di Donato were marriedSaturday by the R ev . L. J . Reichart.They will live with the bride's parents.at 7015 Sel lers Avenue, Bywood.

    COOPEREstelle LaFaye, wife of Clarence M.Cooper, 6 Elmwood Avenue, died ather home on Monday. She was takenill Sunday . Funeral services in chargeof the Rev. Rober t E . Keigh ton wereheld at the Bap ti st C hu rc h o f theEvangel at 10 A. :M. Thursday. Interment t ook p lace a t U pp er Montc la ir , N. J .

    A d ay 's d eJa y in ge tt ing out the lett e rs r eque st in g e ve rybody 's s ha re ont he F our th o f July bill makes it im. prac t icab le to print t hi s we ek a complete list of t he r et ur ns which havebeen made as Our Town goes to press,as sufficient time was not availahle forthe clerical work involved. The firstonrush of the mai l wa s particularlyimpressive and along with i t came seve ra l l et te rs whi.ch suggest t hat t hedesire for a proper observance of thenation's birthday is more than a casualthe thing with borough residcnts, a nd t henecessi ty of genera l coml11unity part ic ipat ion i s stressed in e ac h c as e.From a h ou se ho ld o n Essex Avenuethe following virile thought accompan ie d a $2 donation:"I would like to scnd more, but w i th

    bad business I can only contribute~ ' o u r average amount. As a matter offact, I can scarcely afford that, butwhen i t comes t o Fou rth of July, anda proper observance of it, my namewill only be off the list when they haveme under cover , which I hope won'tbe f or a wh il e y et ."A lady on the South Side strikes asimilar not e i n t hc b ill ct doux whichbrought her donation:"I t hi nk t he mothers should contribute as well a s t he fathers. That is

    why I am sending a d oll ar . \ Ve cannot preach patriotism unless we pract ic e i t, and I w ou ld n ot w an t t o livein a town which does 1I0t provide aproper celebration of the grea test da tein American history."So run s the whole spir i t of i t a ll andi t i s expec ted that the number of con

    tributors wi ll f ar exceed the ros te r o flast year. I n n ex t week's Our T ownthe honor" roll.will be proclaimed ina ll i ts glory, a complete list of all subscribe rs, and meanwhile the clarioncall o f Pau l Revere, brought down tod at e by the f i re-house siren, wil l againhestir the mult i tude a t 7 o' clock eachevening to let them know that the daycometh when men and their ladiessha ll show forth how mindful they areof w hat happened in the yesteryearo f t hi s America, o ne o f t he f ew occa-sions when good citizens are calledu po n t o s up po rt t he ir patriotic convictions with a little bit of their cash.Say what can be said, t he f ines t partof t he whole thing is t he opportunitywhich i s offered to give tangible expression, in a way that is easily unders tood, to the estimate men and womenset on their place in the Americanscheme of things, and whilst it is notclaimed that a $2 donat ion r ef lect s a$2 cOl lcep ti on , i t wou ld be reasonablet o a ss ume t ha t 110 concern at all, noinclination to join i n wi th neighborsa nd townsmen, mu st be construed asan indifference which would make fora s or ry s ta te o f thing s i f i t were a t a llwidespread.Fortunately, there n ee d b e n o f ea r

    that Narberth will suffer frol11 any lackof in te res t , any failure to do the $1-$2$5-$10-$$25 thing which now beckonsfor t he ir a tt en tion , a nd the C it iz en s'Committee has assured the AmericanL eg io n t ha t t he y can go wi th fullsteam ahead in their plans and preparations for the greatest hol iday in thisborough's history.Contributions should be s en t to J. L.McCrery, treasurer, care o f Na rb er th

    National Bank, or may be l ef t withany merchan ts who display the officialsign.

    Against the LawBorough a ut ho ri ti es a t t hi s

    t ime of y ea r ar e besieged withinquiries asking whe th er o r n otthere i s a lo cal Jaw against fireworks.Und er a n o rd in an ce passed

    January 8, 1923, the sale of firecrackers , rockets , torpedoes, romall candles, inflaml11able balloons, blank cartridges, etc., isf orbidden in the borough .The coml11unity fireworks exhibitions on J uly Fou rth havetaken the p lace o f p ri va te demonstrations.


    Ardmore National BecomesThi rd Ti tle and TrustCompany.

    A Protestant Episcopal SundaySc ho ol i s being conducted at theScout hou se Sunday morning s at 10o'clock. All children are invited toattend. -

    The wedding of Miss Dorothy Martin Bottoms, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.George W. Bot toms , o f Merion, andMr. Richard Town Odiorne took placeWednesday eveningat 6 o 'c lo ck i n t heNarberth Presbyterian Church. TheReverend John Van Ness, pas to r o fthe church, officiated. The bride, whowas g iv en i n marriage by her father,wore a beaut if ul gown of ivory satin,made in close-fitting lines with panelstouching the f lo or in t he b ac k, and at rain extended from her shoulders.Her long v ei l wa s m ad e of ol d laceand tulle arranged in a cap effect withclusters of orange blossoms. She carr ie d a shower bouquet of white roses,sweet I>eas and lilies of the val ley.Mrs. Maitland Bottoms a ttended thebride a s mat ron of h on or. Sh e worea g re en organdie gown with a cordedsk irt short in the front and touchingthe f loor i n the hack . M is s M ar io nBottoms, s iste r of t he b ri de , was maidof honor, wearing a p al e y el low organdie "0. '

    Berwyn DoubleheaderBooked For Fourth


    Twin Bill With Ardmore Tomorrow, Crucial Series onFourth.

    Wyndmoor Surprises,Trimming NarberthDavismen Outhit Visitors,Errors Tum theTide.

    By John Uberti.Walter Masters, star moundsman of

    the Univers i ty of Pennsylvan ia nine,started in auspicious style against themembe rs o f the Beaumon t Leagu e inan i nt er es ti ng twi li gh t g ame on theN ar be rt h p la yg ro un d Wed ne sd ay ,downing f ou r men in the first th ree innings to k ee p t he bags clear of visitors. But in t he s ub se qu en t c an towhen Humphreys executed a n o ve rthrow to Har ri s and when Youngmuffed one a t the plate, four unearnedruns crossed the pentagon . However,t he Dav ismen were high in spiritthroughout the contest, attemptingcontinually t o p ut ov er a r al ly . Unlike most games, not a fan left thefield a ft er t he s ix th i nn in g whe n t hescore stood 4 to I. Everyone remained unti l the umpire pronouncedthe last heave in the f inal e, at whichtime Humphreys was left on whenthe bat pile wen t i nt o an unusualslump.Denby opened the surpr is e packagefor t he Narbe rth c lu b in the fourthsession when he found Walt e as y fora f re e t ic ke t, b ut w hen t he v et er an

    execu ted h is w il d t os s t o second, allowing Mastroni to get on, he actuallypaved the way to a pai r o f e as y run s.Denby went to thi rd on this blunder .Wolfe singled, s co ring Denby , Mas troni going to third. Mastroni countedoff Reape's sacrifice to deep centreand Mahoney singled to centre, Wolfecrossing. Noneman tripled to left centre, whereupon Mahoney tallied thefourth run.

    Seeks Donations

    Oakmont Cops BestArdmore's at Baseball MASTERS IS THE LOSER THE SCORE WAS 13 TO 1

    In the opening g a m ~ of the recentlyformed Pol ice Basebal l League between the Ardmore force' a nd the Oak mont station, the Ardmore outfit wentd own t o defeat at the hands of theOakmont coppers by a 7 to 4 score.The game was played at Oakmont.Four teams comprise the league,Chester and Norristown b ei ng th eother members.Fred Walze r is manager and pitcher

    of the Ardmore outfit, which also numbers in i ts l in eu p Lieutenant "Patsy"Mullin, Sergeant Brown, Frank Flynna nd J . Utz.A game i s .scheduled for Ardmorewith the Narbe rth F ir emen ton ight(Friday) on t he Narberth Playground.New High For June 19

    A new weather record was e st ab lished last Wednesday which, accordi ng t o Charl es Decke r, U . S . WeatherBureau obs er ve r, w as t he warmestJune 19 since any day during e itherJune or July, 1926. The mer cu ryreached 95 during the day. Temperatures during t he p re se nt w ee k haveaveraged from about 67 to 90 degreesdaily. The mean "above normal" average f or t he week was approximately10 degrees.Story Hour TuesdaV

    The Story Hour Tuesday, July 2nd,will comprise three stories, 'FaithfulJohn", "Lucky Stone", and "Fur Ball".The hour will be held at the Libra ry at4 P. M. andwill be given byMi. churchas usual. Mothel1l are invited.


    Main Line LeagueStanding of the C lubs

    W. L. P.c.4 1 .8004 1 .8003 2 .5000 5 .000


    vismen Count in Every Inn.ing; Fleck and GilfillanShine.

    BludgeonsGain 22-4 Triumph

    ScheduleSaturday, June 29-Ardmoreoub le header).Monday, July I-Morrell.T hur sd ay , J ul y 4 ,- Be rw ynheader).Monday, July 8-Hilldale.

    By John Uberti. The hasehall schedule for t he n ex t The fol lm( i ll l / COlli III II II icaIiOll, bearillgwith zealous dctermination week indicates work aplenty for the Ih l ' s ig llat ll rcs of scvcral Narbe rth r csi -an endeavor to sever the deadlock in il'IIts, calls attcll / in l l forcib ly t o a l le g edNarherth Cluh and enjoyment i n goodleague the Narberth n in e m et a nd c vi ls a ll d i ll ju st ic l' s o f I he c Ol ml y taxied the B rookline Club in an ava- measure for the fans. A douhle- laws 1 l ' h l ' r l ' b ~ ' properties lIIay be soldof runs on Saturday, the final header with Ardmore tomorrow (Sat fro/ll ullder the fU I of the ll'gilimatebeing 22-4. The win, however, urday) starts off the culminating series oWller fo r delillqul'llt c Olm l y t axes with-

    not br ea k t he t ie s ince Berwyn of t he first h alf of t he Mai n Line Oltt all)' II"tice bcilt,Q !Jivl'II or all.V ai-Iconquered Ardmore. League. tcmpt made to collect Ihl' taxes. Sillce Ardmore Bank to. th I'fi f N' k the. slt/ljcci is (JIll' of !JI'II l 'ral Pltblic COIl-gam e pro I c arm 0 j IC Monday a twil igh t game i s booked T k N Cherstwhile Lower ~ f e r i o n hurler, cerll, t l tl ' ed ilo r f ec ls t h at it is elllitlcd a e ew arterdesolation over the home field of with Mor re ll a t t he playground. This 10 c: po.fitioll Oil the frollt page.t le, giving Narberth a record in Mrs. Suzanne Joret Gill, WeUare will take place as usual at 6:15. June 24, 1929.s co ri ng f or the present season chairman of the W om an's Commu- On the fourth a double-header with To the Editor of "Our Town":fai ling by one point to emulate the nity Club of Narberth dur ing the Berwyn, morning and afternoon games VALUABLE NARBERTHiant feat of 'Valt Masters last year, past year, who i s seeking additional wil l determine the winne r o f the first PROPERTIES SOLD AThe h el d t he Oakmont ni ne to d ona ti on s o f money and c lo th in g to half of league competition. Walter RIDICULOUS PRICESnicks as his teammates submerged aid in the furnishing of the Baby Masters, s tar hurle r of the University $12,500 property sold for $18.00. The A rdmo re Nat io na l B an k h asm under twenty-three runs. Department of Crossnore S,:hool. of Pe nn sy lva ni a pitching staff and o ne $15,000 property sold for $24.00 surrendered i ts nat iona l cha rt er , andco ri ng in b ra ce s in every inning "of the mainstays of the Narberth Club Where-Norristown, Pennsylvania. beginning July 1 will assume the namet he s ix th , the Davismen basto- last season, is slated for mound duty When-June 9, 1924. of the Ardmore Title & Trust Com-d the p il l to all angles of t he l ot Seek Donations For at one of the games, and Graham, who For what - Delinquent County pany, operating under supervi si on o fwhen t he mis t of hattIe had risen has been doing splendid work this Taxes. Bills were never presented nor the S ta te b anking d ep ar tmen t. Thi sf ans found the scorehoard aus- Crossnore School year , wil l hurl the other. In any event was there any a ttempt made to col lect act ion fol lows a vot e o f the stockhold-i ously bedecked in foo tha ll s co r- two cork ing games will transpire with the t axes . ers at a meeting on JUlie 7.s. . N b h H II the league t it le in the balance. Purchaser-An Italian realtor who T he change in t he character of t Il ear ert a , Established by k b' f hert (Bob) Mart in , the best first- Monday, July 8, will see the HiII- ma es a usmess 0 tax purc ases. institution will give Ardmore its thirdman that Narberth h as e ve r had , Club Gift, Needs Fur. dale tr ib e on t he Narbe rth diamond Rcsult-Tax purch as er d emanding t it le a nd t rus t c ompany, a t t he s am ed his usual crafty role of combin- nishings. for the f irst t ime this year. This is o ne -t hi rd t o o ne -h al f of t he p re se nt t im e leaving no nat ional hank in t heingenuity at first with sprightly the club which set the a t tendance rec -' value of the properties from legitimate comnlllnity. Together w it h t he Bryn

    ove r the socks to aid mate- . - ords in games l as t season and they owners. Mawr Trust COm\lany, Lower }[erl'ollAdditIonal donat io ns o f money and Th 1 f '11 j\in checking the advancement of are as good as ever. e a love acts WI come as a s e- a nd Narb er th now are served by fou r. I " . I clothing' are being sought to equip the vere shock to t he conscience of thenva nme m crucJa moments. The games on the Fouth will be . State banks with two b ra nche s a ndns s tarted a bombardment in the Baby Department of the Crossnore played at 10:15 and 3:30. people of Narberth and of Montgom- three na tiona l banks.that ended up a gala day with School , North Carol ina, which was the ery County. Yct t hi s very thing has There wil l be no change in the policyhickory as he h la st ed a cl'rclll't .. f happened to many conscientious citi- f h b k d'reclplcnt 0 a gift of $100 f rom t he Iona and Haver ford Scene 0 t e an, accor mg to its officers,a cr os s t he r oa d, accounting for zens of the horough and hundred s save in an eX\lansl'OII of servl'ce Il1ade\Voman's Community Cl uh of Nar- f A d S d N h h h h W hrun s. V. Fleck kept u p t he good 0 CCI ent atur ay 19 t t roug out t e c ou nt y. It o ut t he possible b y t he broader provisions ofwi th t he bat as he clubbed a b e ~ t h r e c e n t l ~ . i owners' knowledge valuable propert ie s the new charter.

    o f triples and doubl es f or a h igh fhe followmg note from C. McCoy Fa il ur e t o g ive a no th er c ar the r igh t have been sold at Pub li c S al e by the "We plall I I' I" J 0 C lange III personne,o f .750. Gi lf ill an a ls o c ame Franklin, the p re si de nt o f t he C ro ss - o f way at l on a a nd Haver ford Ave- C . o ~ n t y Treasurer for dehnquent t axes " said Jol1n W. Phillips, pres ident of thein f la sh ing s ty le with three nore School, to Mrs. Suzanne J . Gill , n ue s l as t S aturda y n ight n et te d Nor - gIVIng the property ~ w n e r no . chance bank. "A title department will bey Sholts aldldd. single 0hut of five Icha irma lJ o f t he Welfare Committee man Coope r, proprietor of Cooper t o ~ a y t he tax. ThIS autocratic pro- added, and the work of the trust dences. n a Itlon to t at, each ' . . , ' . c Brothers ' :Fruit -and Produce "M2"ket, . c e ~ . ; ! : r e on ! h par t o ! t h 6 ~ o u n t y gov.- part.mellt expanded. The banking de-accounted for at least one hit of the club, expresses appreciation of fine and costs of $12.20 before Mag'is- ernment IJ1 enforcl l lg hterally an pa tIll It ' t h ' t '1' .. . r (I , WI I S auxl lary serVIces,one run , no errors marring the Ithe club's gif t a nd the ir p la ns : '.'My t ra te H . C. Fritsch , o f Narberth. archaIC and an unreasonabl e l aw IS WIII 11 t be t' l d . " 0 cur al e m any way.contest. I but I was so happy when I r eceIved I Mr. Coope r, who was proceedl'llg nothmg short of confiscatton. Th A d N t' I B k. . e T more a IOna an was or-t h t eams c ou nt ed o nc e in the your good letter today with a check west on Haverford, collided with a UntIl 1924 It was n ~ c e s s a r y each g an iz ed i n 1911. I n 1925 a rebuildinenclosed for $100 Th' '11 I d . h I "ear to apply a t Norns town for a . gbut the Davismen started the . IS WI go a ong roa s te r g omg sout on ona. The .. . program resulted 111 the present mod-works in the s ub se qu en t c an to , w ay t ow ar d f ix in g up t he B ab y De- roads te r, bad ly banked up, was turne d county t ax bI ll , smce. t he county d Id ern buildingon Lancaster Avenue facthey gathered nine points, send- partm.ent o:f Cr?ssn?re School, and around in th e mid dl e of the intersec- n ?t a nd was not r e q ~ l r e d to present a ing All

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 28, 1929


    PAGE TWO OUR T O W N June 28, 1929



    Convenient Terms

    t ha t t he Electric

    NarberthCoal CompanyRALPH S. D U N N E



    Closed Satllrdays dllringslimmer

    Jeddo-HighlandAnthraciteO'Verbrook to Villa No'Va

    NARBERTH 2430

    r ea ll y wor ks - an d workswell, h as b ee n d is co ve re dby th e s eve ra l c u st ome r sw ho p ur ch as ed t hi s e qu ip m en t fr om us w hile th efurnace-feeding s ea so n wasstill o n. E ve ry i ns ta ll at io nha s g iv en th e genuine pleasure , sa t is fact ion an d comf or t p ro mi se d f or i t - a ndou r c ommu ni ty n ow c on tains n ume ro us f or tu n at eowners of Electric FurnaceM e n , revelling in t h ethought of safe, automatich ea t a t a low operating cost.Yo u can have th e sam e

    sense of sat isfact ion by addi ng t hi s e qu ipmen t to yourfurnace. Remember, i t b u rn sbuckwheat coal, automatica ll y f ir es t h e f u rn a ce an dtakes ou t th e ashes.SPECIAL DISCOUNT FORINSTALLAnO N NOW

    slides showing" " Li fe a t the SummerIn st it u te s. " Mr . E. K. Esser will bet he s pe ak er , S il ve r offering.Union p r aye r meetmg Wednesdayevening, J uly , ~ 8 oclock. i ll the Presb yt er ia n Chu rc h. Speaker, Hon,Fletcher \Y. Stites.




    Service Co.

    Spc,:;.:! r:r:: ni lH a' f a n i F:l ' ! to,;.!,

    Frank H. See ly. J r. . Mgr ,5 BALA AVENUE

    Phone Cynwyd 877Roxboro 0168W

    Ser l' ic e From D oor toDe live:-ed t he S am eTrunk t o W i ldwood .To O ce an C it y o rAtlantic City $1.50Rat es t o other t J o : n ~ s on


    HaulingLoc:!l and Long Distance

    For Hire by Hour o r Day

    Baptist Church of the E"angelRobert E, Keighton, Minister .Sunday, June 30:Methodist Episcopal Church 9:30 A. :l \-f .-Devotional service of the

    Re\'. Samuel MacAdams, Minister. Church School officers an dSunday, June 30: teachers.9 :45 A . M.-Sunday School. 9:45 A.M.-Session of t he Chu rc hII :00 A . l \L-Morning worship. Ser- School.mon theme, "Jacob the Asp i r - I l : 00 A . M.-Morning worship. Ser-ing," 1110n. "A Sin \ Yo rs e T ha np, M. -Union open-air service Heresy."on the l aw n of t he L ut he ra n 7:00 P. l \L-Union twil igh t se rv iceChu rc h. S er vi ce in ' charge of on the law n of t h e Lu the ranthe laymen. Speaker. Miss Church. Spe ak er . Mis s EthelEthel Downsbroug -h . SUbject . , Downsbrough. .Subj.ect. ".Work"Work Among t he I ta li an s of Among the ItaIJans 111 PllIladel-Philadelphia," phia."Entertainment by th e E pw ort h I \Vednesda):, J?ly 3. 8 P. M :-League on Tuesday evening. J ul y 2 .' P ra ye r ser\'lce III the Presbyterian8:30. Motion piciUres and stereopticon I C l r l l 1 r c l ~ . Speaker. the Hon. F l et cher\\ . Stites.



    ma y be enjoyed in a rose-covered pergola. Pa in ted whi te ande re ct ed o n y ou r l aw n, i t will help mak e t he w ar m s umme revenings a pleasure, an d b e a n a tt rac ti ve addition to yourgarden. Ou r Libr a ry cont a in s many photogr aphs of Arborsan d Pergolas that we would like t o show you at your convenience.



    Read the aeh'ertising; i t \ \' il l pay you.Church Notes

    Haverford Student MissingConflicting stories concel'l1illg the

    fate an d whereabout s o f Robert 1\1.Doughty. Ha\' erford C(",[legc student,whose chum. \Vill iam Bramwell Linn,w as f ou nd d ea d froll1 a bullet \ \ 'oundon the e\'e of graduation. has beellpubl i shed during the last week. Bel iefs I ta\ 'c been ad\':Jnced that Doughty.who is missing from his home inDutchess County, N. Y.. is ei ther mur ,dered or a suicide. Th e latest thenry,advanced by Doughty's father. i" thatthe youth has obtained emplnyment inthe \'icinity of I'hiladeIJ)hia.

    In ~ r d e r to enlarge the scope of i ts service to the Main Line District.THE ARDMORE NATIONAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY

    Nobl it t a nd Doyl e shar ed honors for

    Berwyn Takes ArdmoreInto Camp, 8 to 3


    Friday, June 28, 1929

    ~ iss Elizabeth \. ellell1'lIllI. who isleaving s oo n wit h her pa re l lt s to li\'ei ll J 'it tsbl lrg-h. \ \ 'as the gllL:st o f h on orat ;: surpri:-oc tare".vt.::i ~ h u w e r andbridge party yesterday afternoon which11 i;;s Ellen Pray gave at her hOllie,310 \Voodside Avenue. The gUL:sts inc lu de d t he :\1 isses Alice L. 11 aguire.Bet ty O tt u, Elizabeth Ter ry . R ut hHopkins . Helga \Vohlert. Anne :\1ode.Kather ine Smith. , Virginia anel CarrieLouise Doug l as and E leanor 11 ichaelson.Amung t hc t we h' c g uc st s at thel un ch eo n a nd b ri dg e p ar ty given Sal'urday af ternoon by 11 iss Kay :\ ebollan d !-.'liss Eleanor Nelsoll. of Ardlnore.were t he following local girls: L'ynthiaMetzger. Honora Snyder. Betty Cook.Helga \Vohler t and Patience \Vohlert.Miss Cynthia ~ c tz ge r. o f (,ilpillRoad. spcnt last wcek-elld at Avalon,N. J.Miss Catherine Smith, of Ol d GulphRoad. was n ot ed along the "!>oanls"at \\'ildwood. N. J . last week-end.G irl s o f t he eighth g ra de o f N ar1 > e l ' ~ l 1 S ch uo l g av e a sltuwer at theh ome o f ~ I r s . l;. A. B,lI le \' , NarbrookI'ark, recen t1y 111 Iwnor oi theIr roumteacher. ~ iss :\Ionroe. who is Itl be1 1 l a r r i ~ t 1 Sl h i l 1 .

    Mr . and ~ l r s . \Val te r C owin anddaughter. ~ I a r j o r y . of Merion Avcnue.h av e l ef t to spend t he sUl llme r alTrounde (jravhng Avcnue , who stuppedover for t1;e \ 'l Sl t whi le e n routee to111as;;acnusetts.l\l rs ..An ton E. \\ 'ohlert ga \C a sl lla llpany at h er home \\ 'ednesday altcrnoon tor h er y ou ll g d au gh te r. Kutlt.who was eight years old o n t ha t day.Catherine ( ja1>les, of Phillipsburg,N. J., is visi ting her grandmother, Mrs.Jojll\ K. l e rnan . o f ,MOlllgollu:ry .--\\enue. lor a lew weeks.Mr. an d Mrs. Victor Sanderson anddaughter. Miss Bet ty Sanderson. ofBryn Mawr Avenue. are guests atSkytop Lodge, Cresco. I'a . tor a fortnight.Miss Be tt y Ot to . of (jrayil\1g Avenue. \ 'isi ted 111 Altoona. 1'a .. la.,! weckend.Miss Betty Cook. 111 iss HonoraS ny de r, M r. J imlllY ::> Ie \ enson, ofNaroer th, and Mr. Joseph uu!::,les, ofMerion. motored to Atlantic City lastSunday for the day.Dr. and Mrs. Norman L . Kni pe . o fBaird j{oad. 1\Ierion, announced theengagement o f t he ir d au gh te r. C la raEhzaoeth Knipe, and Mr. Sai l luel H.H ig h. J r. , s on of M r. and Mrs. Sam- Be rwyn as ~ r d m o r e . wa.s defeateduel H . H igh, of Jenk intown. at a Saturday, 8-3. 111 a :Mall1 LlI1e Leagueluncheon and oridge party given Sat-I game.u rday a ft e rnoon a t t hei r home . '1 he ," Jim my" Noblitt. youth fu l twir l erguests w cre the .Mi sse s J osepillne' of the Doyle Nurseries' Boys. was inCook, ,Miriam Lobo. Dorothy Baird , exce l lcn t fo rm and limited the visitorsMary \-Vilkinson. He le n Wil li ams, to fi\'e bingles. Doyle aided greatly inP ri sc il la S to ckwe ll , He le n Mar sh al l, t h e t ri umph wi th his fi ve h it s. a tripleAda Clement, Mary Hamilton. Hop e a nd four singles.Burl ingame. Be lt ) ' MacDowell. Ruth Faulk also performed well for t heKni pe . Ade le \Vy et h, Elizabeth Har- win ne rs . h is sensational h it ti ng a ndvey and Florence Genl1uie and Mrs . f i elding bringing ; t pp lause f rom theJohn Clement Tunne l l , ' large gathering, Gal lagher hit a homeDr. an d Mrs. Patrik Silfver1>erg, of r un w it h one man pn in t he e ight hA rdmo re , a nn ou nc e t he mar ri ag e of for Ardmore,their daughter, Patricia. to Mr. Vl'11- --------Ham Vernon LipkIn, son of Mrs . Mar y R ea d t he a dv er ti si ng ; it will pay you.

    Ent e red a s second-class matter, October 13.ID14, at the Post Orllce a t Nar ber t h, Pa ..IInder the Act or March 3, 187g.

    OUR 1 l 0 ~ 1 E. L:iPk,ill. o f B al a. o.n T,rursday Junel Tour Throughout West Virginia and ~ B l u e Grass' liver a sermon on "The Si n o f13. In _\cw \ o:,k C.tv. Upon thclr I Lawlessness.". re.urll iro ::1 a wcdd, l lg t r ip thruug-h ' Region Ends at Picturesque Mammoth Cat'e Th e f ir s t o f the Union twilig-th meet-Novia Scot i a. Mr . an d Mrs. Lipkin will ings w il l b e held this e ve ni ng o n t heA Cu-operat ive Community News reside on the Main Line. I " .. . ' . - !. lawn in the rear of the Lutheranf d d , 191' by the Nar l\f' R tl A E ' f Dudlev 1 hrough the 1ll0untall1s o f \Ves t vIr-I nlliest westward. Irallkfort. the Xen- Church. Th e address will be deliveredpaper oun e 11 . , . - ISS U 1 nne gmore. 0 . g'lIia a d th "Blu Gra ," I d of k . I ' I' 1'1 ,"berth Civic Association and published Avenue . l ea ve s this wee k- en d f or }el u I ~ c" ss a,n s tuc 'y capita. IS reacled. ,Irough by M.lss Ethel D o w l ~ s b r o u g - h .

    eVe1'Y Friday at Narl lerth Pa. Camp 0 \\"assi in t he P oc on o MOUn-\K1 . lIt ck) arl C a f l l e t ~ \ 01rk of e l \ ; c e l l ~ n t Shelbvville to Louis,dlle the tour leads U 111011 prayer meetll1g next vVednes-. : . . . . . : . . ~ : . . - _ . . : . ~ . _ _ _ _ _ " , IIg lways t lat unlls I an attractive : . . Iday at 8 P M in the Presbvterianta1l1s. vacation tril) for motorists at anv sea to NatIOnal Route ,ll and ehrectlv CI I 1'1' 'dd '11 ;, I I'publi shed by the M D S . I f 1 A . . , . - ' lurc I. ,l e a ress WI ue e e IV-L 1 V I N ( 1 ~ T O N PllRI.lSHINO COMPANY rs. u n s t a l ~ nl1t 1. 0 t le von SOil. b ut s uc h a Journey is exceptlOn- s ou th t o t he ca\'erll country. e re d I n' Ho n Fletcher St itesA p a r t l l l ~ n t s . VISited her. son. D u n s t a l ~ . : ally pleasallt ill early sUlllmer. The At Elizabethtowll a side trip call oe , . ,.; ; ' ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ e l ~ e l r ~ N r v ? ~ ; ; ' ~ ~ r J:.: ~ Skytop Lodge. Cresco. l'a .. last IKeystone Autolllobile Club I!ad taken to Hodgellville. t h e b ir thp la ceROBERT MOO"!;; CAMERON \\ cek-end. Imapped a t ou r t h rough thiS sectIOn of Abraham Lincolll. Ret ur ni ng t oEditor Mr. alld !vi rs. Lewis \V. E as hy , 91 with its objecth'e at Mammoth Ca\e. Route 31 the t ra i l l e ads to Cave CitvOfflC'e. 258 Haverfor'l Avenue Narbrook P ar k, h av e left to SUlllmer Ky .. olle o f t hc wor ld 's greatest sub- and Mammoth Cave. To return hOlllePhone. Narberth 2M5 at their cottage at Strathmere. N. J. terranean wonders. through I l ldialla alld Ohio ~ a t i o l l a l l

    If no answer. ca ll ArO:l lore 3100. 1\1 r. and }.I rs. \Vayl and Hoyt Els- "The return call he made ove r the Route 31 is followed back throughbree. formerly of 321 Nort h Narher th s ame route. 01' the tra\'elers may t ak e Llluisville across the O hio Riv er to ISUBSCRIPTION PRICE Avellue. ~ r receiving cOllgratulati';)Jls I a d \ ' a n t ~ g e of the ~ \ ' ( ) I l d e r f u l highways New A l b ~ n y and no rt h t o I nd i anapo -

    One Dollar ar g r ~ ~ : n ~ e ~ n t s Per Year on the h lr th o f a son, Langdon 1'..ls-1 traH'rSI11g- the fert i le farl l l l and coun- lis. Here National Route 40 r uns cas t 7:00________ ~ : _ : _ : _ - _ - _ b re e. o n June 23. l \ - I ~ . and ~ I r s . Els- try of Ind.iana and Ohio !!ack into through Dayton. Springfield, Columb r ~ e are now O c c u p y ~ n g their newly- ( 'ennsyh 'a l ll a and h O I l ~ e w a r d , says Jo- bus . Zanesvi l le . \Vhee l ing a l ld \VashIHlllt home at 605 Hlllborne A\ 'enue , seph Murphy. super \ "l sor of the Arcl- ing-ton illto (;reensburg. e a. F rom thisSwarthl11ore. ~ l I l ) r e h ra nc h o f t.he c1n!), "I n e it he r p oi nt Na ti on al Route 30 carries the!vi r. and 1\I rs. Charlcs B. \Vafer have I11stance the tounsts WIll be assured t ra \' c! er s b ac k i nt o C hamb er sh ur g- .returned from their h on ev nl oo n t ri p o f passing- throug'h sections filled with whe re t he t ou r can he f ini shed overalld are occupying their n ew home in scenic grandeurs allcl. thc cxploration t he s ame r ou te on which it started.L1.1 , t . : I, :1.11 ( .' :. t h ~ , \'ast extcnt ot the famous ca\ern.h' ., b h If f th 1- I. J. DU.f) , 3,b D,IHlIc) A,\ CIlUC. re- I hrough t he s ub te rr al le al l w or ldSleet; mg vdolce In f e ath OF rethco f turned home from ~ l ~ ary S Col le ge . rUll s Fei lD R i\ "e r )( ,0 f eet b el ow t heectlon un erway or e ou 0

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 28, 1929



    JUlie 28, 1929 OURTO\VN' PAGE THREE




    " . T T&HHOUaCaQUA ... W .


    On t he fo ur standard clay courts on t he LowerMerion High School Grounds. Open to the Pub Ii,June 15, under supervision of the Y. M. C. A. Weekdays, 10 A. M. to 8 P. M.

    Boys and GirlsAdults under 18 yearsSeason T icket .. , $4.00 $3.00Monthly Ticket .. 2.50 2.00Hourly Us e .... ... .25 .20

    Season Ticket Includes Six Free LessollSCourts May Be Reserved for TOlCT1Iamellfs alld GrolCps

    EIGHT and ELEVEN ROOMSThree and Four Baths

    Phone Orders Carefully Attended ToNARBERTH 2937

    Exhibition Suitesto help you choose yourApartment Now

    toPlan the Decorations

    Suit Your Individual Requirements

    Move ; ~ ; ~ : : : : : ~ ~ ~ ~ i 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ J Isimplifying the problems of renting. Exhibition apartmentsare open for inspection daily between 9 A.M. and 9 P.M.,including Sunday. These show apartments have been furnished by John Wanamaker to illustrate the charm andcomfort features and t o g iv e a b as is for c ompa ri so n i nplanning the arrangement of your own furniture. Tenantsare allowed to designate their own scheme of decoration.Apartment huntingmay thenbe dismissed from yourmind.For everything will be ready as ordered b y t he t en an t, t omove in whenever you return in the Fall.Housekeeping apartments: Rentals, unfurnished, eightrooms, from $6,500. Eleven rooms, from $8,400.

    For a// information apply toHARRY TAlT, Managing Director


    .................. 30 c



    BUY A


    Sig'J of Bert Meats

    III Filtered Water Heated to a UlliformTemperature

    *' ... _ ............

    Members .. ,

    Three months' use of Swimming Pool and ShowetBat hs , i nc lu di ng Membe rs hi p f or a Whole Year andS IX FREE SWIMMING LESSONS:Me n $5.00 Women $4.00Boys 3.40 Girls 2.80

    Single Admission... 25c Guests

    SmedleyBuilt HomeWm. D.& H. T. Smedley

    Meat for Digestion

    2106 an d 2108 Market StreetPhil ade l ph i a, P a .

    Alro the right Pholle NumberRITTENHOUSE 7070

    ~ t QUARTER.POUND of meatstimulates almost twice as muchgastric juices as does a quarter poundof bre ad or o the r c atbohydrates , a ndis correspondingly better for normald iges tion . Doc tors , d ie ti ti ans andgastronomers in general did not knowthat fact until . . . they receiveda leaRet from Drs. Martin E. Rehfussand George H. Marcil, of Philadelphia. " (From TIME, the news magazine, April 8, 1929.)And for the best meat, Philadelphiansa nd t he ir neig hb ors for over h al f acentury have used BRADLEY'S.B"t be sure YOll have the right addrerr


    MAIN LINE CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION116 Wes t Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore Phone: ARDMORE 833

    ~ ) " ' U " ' b ...o = l J O ' ~ ~ Q Q ~ ~ d d ~ ~


    A comfortab le f am ily hotel half Brookhurst Avenue and Montgomery Pike a block from the beach.

    ! Food of the best quality alld farefully prepared.I ..., ==================================Qo[. For Permanent I ~ ! ~ r " 1 1Satisfaction pUI\,lb'3

    ,. -

    & L

    Race 1110

    Phone Na rbe r th 4005


    J. R. LAWRENCENewsdealerNarberth Post Office

    For Parties or Luncheons

    Walter' P.

    under one roof make it possible for usto offer a range of service which wouldbe impossible in a smaller institution.

    Roses and Romance



    Member of Federal Reserve SystemOpe" Frid"y E...eningJ From 7 Until 9 o'Clock

    Spring brings sunshine, but withJune comes roses and ronlance.

    When young folks who havelearned the riches of frugality start outlife together they are sur e to find thed ir ed p at h to happiness , peace andplenty.

    Those friends back homewould like to hear from you.You can write . bu t betterstill .

    these warm days the re is nothing more appropriatethan Ice cream. We will gladly deliver Ice creampacked, so it wi ll be hard t o t he m inu te of using.Fancy molds also supplied on request .

    80,000 Square Feet of Floor Space

    OLIVER H. BAIR COMPANYM. A. BAIR, PmicJencFUNERAL DIRECTORSRITtenhouse 1581 1820 Chestnut Street

    TELEPHONE i t ~ 8 I r i e D d l i e r !

    The arberth ational 'Bank

    219 Haverford Avenue

    Carpenter {if BuilderN N b h A Phones: Day-Narberth 39iJ-M.100 ar ert venue Evening-Narberth 3828.R.~ ' I ~ ~I ALL Sorts of Jobbing and Alteration WorkQ"ickly afld Reasonably Done



    This is t he s ix th a nd l as t of aseries of articles inspired entirelyby t he c on tr ibu to r' s own viewsand ideas.


    Prohibition'Ve have examined at! angles of thebackground and realization of nationalprohibition and have seen how it hasworked out thus far. We hav e s eenadvantages, which might have occurredwithout prohibition, and we h av e s ee nabuses and tragedies directly causedby it.Having found some evil as a result,shall we re pe al th e la w a nd ente r aperiod of se lf - indulgence heightenedand made mor e debauched b y t he longperiod of dryness? I bel ieve that sucha measure would bring infinite harmto c i tizens of our country and wou ldnever vot e f or such a measure .Shall we have a mod if ie d l aw? My

    own inclination is to say "yes ." Thesaloon was an evil and should neverbe reinstated. Drunkenness IS ugly,wast ef ul and hard on "innocent bystanders" a nd r ed uc es h um an efficiency. It should be discouraged .Prohibit ion has not stopped it. Ou rpresent law happened too suddenly tobe enf or ce ab le and was t oo stringent.\Vhile drinking is now i ll egal , i t i s notimmoral, and since it i s obvious thatit will continue it should be supervisedal1d controlled. Thi s c anno t be acc ompl is he d b y a government playinghide-and-seek with its customs menand bootleggers. The bootlegger is amenace and should go. If prohibitionis mo di fi ed t o I ll ee t p uh li c approval,he can no longer flourish. Naturallyhe wants prohibition to stay.What s houl d I advocate? The permis si on o f e ach s ec ti on t o de te rm inefor itself whe t he r i t wil l b e damp ordry. There IS no r ea so n why dryK an sa s, N eb ra ska , U ta h, O hi o a ndmany o th er S tat es should have alcoholic beverages if they do not wantthem. I further believe t h at t he re isno reason why New York, Boston,Providence, Philadell>hia, Baltimore,Washington, Richmond, Chicago, Milwaukee, Det ro it , S an F ranc is co andcountless other cities should not havethese beverages in a mild form if themain body of the populace desiresthem.Therefore, I should h av e t he G ov ernment conduct the manufacture andsale of wines and bee rs whe re t hey a redesired, taxing thei r use heavi ly , andfurther make it a misdemeanor t odrink in puhlic except with meals . Itwould be a serious civil offense to appear m pub li c intoxicated. I wouldlock up every drunken driver for thirtydays to a year or more according tothe seriousness of his offense . Nosuch beverages would be s ol d excepton permit. and none would be sold inlots of less than a sealed bottle outsideof hotels and restaurants with meals.\Ve ha\'c t r ied for over ten years tobend the people to a law. If t he r e.sult has been satisfactory, I have beenwith and seen only very lawless people.It seems that the tim e has come toconsider bending t he l aw t o m ee t thenatural desires and inclination o f thecitizens. Kothing e lse wil l terminatl'thi" Iwrrible period of lawlessness andyouthful debauchery that a ll o f u s whohave children fear so grea t ly . Naturewill assert herself with or without ourlegislative assis tance sooner or later,and it is better to hav e a wise andjust law enforced than to hav e a severeand unreasonable law constantlybroken and held up to ridicule.If there is a better solution, I hopevou will start to write t hi s col umnnext week and t el l the readers what itis. It is e as y to say human bei ng sshould not be governed by their appetites, but al1 of us who have observeda c yc le or two of civilization roll byknow that thi s i s always a tender spot"" j t 11 a ll o f our fe]]ows. I p. ~ " : r : " ~ " ; r ; " ~ " * " * . ' ~ " ~ . ' ~ ' ~ " : ; : " ; ' ; " i 1 : " ! : , . : t : " : ! i " l : f ' : r : " : r : t . : ; : :!: ~ , , ~ : t = " i 1 5 " : r : " ~ " ~ " : ! " ~ " ~ " = " ~ " ; P i .- and so, 1'lr . President, and gentle- ". . L 0 '. .,. h 0 ? I~ 1 C ~ ." " " , , " ".,." " , t , ~ t , t, " t " " , t, , , , " , , t . ~ , t , t t, ,t " t, , .~ ~ t ~" w Look in t he T e le ph o ne Directorv. .. .. .. ..men o f C on gr es s, I a sk t ha t reason ~ n ~ U

    human sympathy be II1voked to' ~ ~ ; ~ ; ~ ; ~ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ; ; ; ; ~ i ; ; ~ ~ ,: : '; ~ J ~ i s t i l ~ n l ~ e ~ ~ ~ e : ; c ~ ~ ~ a c ~ ~ ~ ~ t g ~ ~ t threat- .' I ~ ~ ~ ~ Schedule of Montgomery Bus Co., Inc. ~ ~ ~ j~ ~ NOTICE ...!. . - IEu3 ~ n If storage is not paid o n L in co ln .. .. .. ..touring car, motor number 5608, mfg. I ~ n Montgomery Avenue Line SUNDAYS Then 6 .5 0, 7.3 0, 8 .10 , 8 .50, 9.30, ~ u number 5525, and bearing Pennsylva- : . n ~ Eastbound Star ting at 6.00 A. M. 10.10, 10.50 and 11. 30 A . M . ~ u

    nia license 1928, 183-168,' title number : : Then 1210 P M 1250 130 210 ....A497002. Same will be sold July 5, ,U; Leaving Ander.qon and Montgomery Then every %-hour until 9.30 A. M. 2.50, 3.30, '4.10: 4.50, ' 5.30,' 6:10: ~ u 3:30 P. M., 1929. ~ U Avenues Then 9.50 A. M. and every 20 min. 6.50. 7 .30, 8 .10, 8 .50, 9 .30, 10.10 , ~ U JOHN A. MILLER, . ' r . ~ until 11.50 P. M. 10.50 and 11.30 P. M. and 12.30 .." ~ ..Constable. f A "-I 'U'" .. WEEKDAYS TI 2 0 A M 1230 1 0 d u. .. ansell Garage, Narberth, Pa. ~ U len 1. 1 ., . , .0 an ~ U (6-28-29) :n:' S t' t 5 40 A M 2.00 A. M. Wynnewood Road U

    I" II tal' mg a . ..~ U Then every 20 minutes un ti l 12.00 Leaving 54th and City Line 5 min- L ea vi ng Mon tg omery a nd Mor- ~ U I ~ , , ~ utes later than the above-men- r is Avenues , Bryn Mawr, for Ard- F,,=:"Uol P. M. midni/{ht. 11lore, Wynnewood , Merton and .. tioned times. .. ..I ~ U Then 12.30 A.IU. and 1.30 A. M. 62d and Lancaster. Route follows: ~ U ' E U Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Sta- Eastbound-Leaving MI'ris and ~ ... .. tl'on ;1' Narbe1,th 19 n'l'nutes later Montgomery Avenues, Bryn Mawr, ..~ U SUNDAYS ' east o n Mon tg ome ry to Wynne - ~ U I'" .. than the above-mentioned times. d R d tl t' 0 Wy e ..: . U ~ Starting at 5.30 A. M. woo oa; len sou f n nn - : n . wood Road , con tinu ing throughn . " ~ Then every. lh-hour until 9.00 A. M. WY1lnelvood, Narberth and Merion,' ...n:.:Narberth Short LineI~ n Then 9.20 A. M. and every 20 min. then south on 6Sd Street to termi- ...n:.:.. Wynnewood Road Line nils at 62d and Lancaster.E n until 12.00 P. M. midnight. ~ n !O Th 1230 A M d 13 0 A M Eastbound Westbound - Returning over.~ n en. an. " .qume route. ~ n

    ~ n ' . Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Sta,.. Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Station, Eu3~ U Han in Narberth r minutes later Narberth Eastbound ~ n ~ , , ~ than the above-mentioned times. Leaving Morris and Montgomery ~ . u : . '.... WEEKDAYS AND SUNDAYS ..I: ~ Leavi11g 54th Street and Cit'll Line Avenues, Bryn Mawr l:~ J . t I th h b Starting at 5.50 A. M. ~ n I'U" 21 mmu es ater an t 8 a ove- WEEKDAYS AND SUNDAYS :Ou.I mentioned times. Then 6.30, 7.10, 7.50, 8.30,9.10, 9.50, ..IEn3 10.30, 11.10 and 1l.50 A .M . Starting at 6.00 A. M. ~ n ~ u Westbound lCulI .. Then 12.30 P. M., 1 .10, 1 .50 , 2 .30, Then e ve ry % -h ou r until 12.00 ....

    ' ~ ~ i Leaving 62d and Lancaste r Avenue 3 .10, 3 .5 0, 4 .3 0, 5 .1 0, 5 .5 0, 6 .3 0, P. M. midnight. En3, . WEEKDAYS 7.10, 7 .50, 8 .30 , 9 .10, 9 .50, 10.30 , Westbound ~ J ~ ~i U Starting at 6.00 A. M. 11.10 and 11.50 P. M. Leaving 62d and Lancaster Avenues ~ J E t !~ , , ~ Westbound f B M W ~ u " lIi ' ~ i Then 6.30 and every 20 min. antn or ryn aw r via ynne- ..,~ n 11.50 P. M. Leaving 54th a nd C ity L in e wood Road ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~~ f ~ ~ Then 12.10 A. M., 12.30, 1.00 and WEEKDAYS AND SUNDAYS Starting at 6.25 A. M. ..; .. J 2.00 A. M. Starting at 6.10 A. M. And every %-hour until 11.55 P. M. iu3~ u tt FOR INFORMATION ON OTHER SCHEDULES, PHONE BRYN MAWR 1280-1281 IJC3ir= ~ ~ . . . . ~ " ' " ~ .........~ ~ . ~ ~ . ~ " ' " ...~ w ~ " o s , . . . . . . . " o s , w . ; a ; w w ~ ~ J ~~ ....., , ~ ~ " t : u . . ~ ~ - e . . . . ' Q ......t:,tS:a... . _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ! , - . : 4 ~ ' C & ~ ' s : t ~ . , . , ~ , . ;

    Estate of James A. N ey lo n, deeased, late of the Borough of Narerth, Montgomery County, Pa.Letters testamentary on the aboveEstate hav ing been g ra nt ed t o thendersigned, all persons indebted tod Es tate are reques ted to make impayment, and those havingclaims to present the same, witht delay, toELLA M. NEYLON,ELIZABETH V. NEYLON,Executrices,536 Dudley Ave., Narberth, Pa.1r to their attorney,DESMOND J. McTIGHE, I205 Haverford Ave., Narberth, Pa'l(7-12-29) II

    Estate of Josephine Townsend, delate of t h e Bo rough of NarMontgomery County, Pa.Let t er s t es tamentary on the above Ihaving ~ e e n granted to theall persons indebted toEstate are requested to make impayment, and those havingclaims to present the same, witht delay, toKATE JOHNSON,Executrix,1723 N. 55th St.,Philadelphia, Pa.to h er A ttorne y,DESMOND J. McTIGHE, ESQ.,205 Haverford Ave., Narberth, Pa t

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 28, 1929


    PAGE FOUR O U R TOWN June 28, 1929

    Balance $1 pe r month'10NI.V DOWN

    Wordscant describe i t

    Oaly '14.95 forl b l . be aUl l r a leleetrle pereola'orwbleb ""gul.rly eeUaror .12 .00 .ad lbe.m....IpR lIolpolat AutomatloTable l ' Imer, a ' 6 . 50..a l ae . Tot .1 Iue .'18.50. ~ o u e 'S.55.

    appliances. You Clan eet it for anytime intervalbetweentwo andtwentyminutes. Price alone 16.50.Th is beau ti ful Hotpoint electric

    percolator makes the' most delicioUicoffee by the Hotpoin l exclusi'l8HOT -drip method. Price alone 112.00.

    that saves l i ft i ng , an d manyother outstanding advantages.P r " ~ e . 0_00 .The "Weimaid" Ironing Padand Cover sells everywhere at$1.50. F it s a ny i ro ni ng b oa rdand mak es i ro ni ng e as ie r a ndmore convenient.

    At al l Grocery and Delicatessen Store.or

    Phone, Radclil l 5228'o r Delivery Direct 'rom the Brewery

    Thi. special offer introduces the remarkable Hotpoint Automatic TableTimer wh ich make s a ll e lectr icalappliances automatic. It can be usedwith the collee Rercolator,waffie iron,heating pad,grill or lable stove,eleetric iron, washing machine, radio,Hedlite heater, and a doz en other

    A-213DELIGHTFULLY ICED WITH THERICB,CREAMYFOAMTIIAT H A R K ~ENS BACK TO PREWAR DAYSlYHITE BOCK THE mEAL BOT WEATHER DRIN ItNo chemical trickery is resorted to inthe brewing of this famous beer. TheHORNUNG formula-famous f or o ve rfifty years-with only a slight revision,is still in use, thus accounting for the factthat the HORNUNG Brewery has tripledit s capacity since Prohibition.

    With each famous Hotpoint SUI)er-Iron sold duringJune at the regular pr ice of th e iron alone, $6.00, wewill include a $1.50 Welmaid I r on ing Pad and Coverthat fits any ironing board.

    PhDadelpl"a Solturban-oundellGas A Eleeirie ColDpuny

    ELECTRIC P E R ~ O L A T O R,..." A U T O ~ I A T ' ~ TABLE TIMER'2 95ONI.V DOWN

    THIS HotpointSuper.Iron hasthe patented Calrod heatingelement which is practically indestructible; a most comfortable Thumb Rest that restswrist, arm and shoulder; ah inged p lug that saves cordwear; a convenient heel s tand

    E L E ~ T R I ~ IRON ..withIroning Padand Cover

    ; June .. bringsyou 2 fine offerson newElectric Appliances



    3 cans, 25cpkg.,10c

    bottle, ~ 5 can,33c

    3 pkgs.,25c3 cans,25ccan,25c

    3 bottles, 50c

    large can, 29c

    pint bottle,29c2 pkgs., 25c

    Dozen, SSeFresh E"ery Day



    'UNCEASINGLYCHECKINGthe dairyman'scleanly care


    Abbotts.f l t j ( M I L K ~Safeguarded by Science and Tuberculin-Tested

    I fyou were to visitou rcountry laboratory atOxford, Penna., you would see ou r expertsconstantly inspecting samples of milk fromeach Abbotts ~ ~ A " dairy farm.These tests are a definite, unerring che ck oneach dairyman 's sani tary care - f o r which wepay h im a premium.

    Fo r service of Abbolts "A " Milk an d other Abbotl8Dairy Products , s imply ' phone Evergreen 4461-62(our main Philadelphia D ai r y)ABBOTTS DAIRIES, InCo


    Truly America's FinestQUAKER SWEETCREAMBUITER59c Lb.It Must Be the Best

    THE Farmer Boy isenthusiastic ab o u tour hutter. He knows iti s a fu ll -c re amed farmproduct produced f o rfolks who know the valueof rich, pure, wholesomefoods ami want t he b es tspread for their bread.THERE'S SUCH A DIF-FERENCE IN BUTTER

    Words 1 Cdll't think of or ullerCall't describe this beller buller.



    Case 12 Bottles, $1.85



    QUALITY - PLUSALL FOOD PRODUCTS carr ied b y u s ar e carefully chosen fo r their QUALITY-and when you combineQU!llity Foods, Low Pr ic e s and Cour te ous Service, it is easy t o s ee w hy t hi s s tore is increasing i n popu la r i ty every day.



    COTTER'S MARKETWhere Narberth Buys Its Food.

    We Deliver from, City Line to Bryn Mawr,;




    LIBBY COOKED CORNED BEEF can, 25cALL GOLD CHERRIES No.1 can, 23cSCHIMMEL'S PURE GRAPE JELLY 2 glasses, 25cWILLIAMS' SWEET MIDGET PICKLES can, 23c= : : : - : : - : : - = : = = : = - : = = : : - : - - = - = ~ = - = - = : - : : = = = = = = - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'QUAKER PEANUT BUTTER glass, 10c and 19cGALVANIZED WINDO'"=W=-=S:-:C=R=-=E==E-N-S---Ia-r=-ge-si-ze-,-e-ac-h-,-4-9cCALO DOG FOOD 2 cans, 25cSCHLORER'S PICKLES-All varieties 2 bottles, 25cIVINS CHOCOLATE MALTED MILK WAFERS

    \ .'", '

    News ofthe Churches

    H. B. WALLPlumbing .:. Heatinf}Gas Fitting100 Forest AvenuePhone: Narberth 3652U

    A Ii Saints Church\Vynnewood, Pa.

    Rector, Re \' . Gibson Bell.Sunday, June 30:8:00 A. 1L-Holy Communion.11 :00 A. 11.-Morning prayer and sermOll.

    Merion Friends' MeetingSe rv ice s fo r June 30:10:00 A. 1L-Sunday School.11 :00 A. 1L-Meeting for worship. GEORGE SOMMEIt ID O YLESTO WN IIHoi" Trinity Lutheran Church ~ p ~ ~Re\. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor. -., Sunday, June 30: a r - M M ~ ~ e t l : : t t = : 1 t : 1 ! ~ : : 1 l : : = ! t : : : l ! ~ : : ! l : ( t : : 1 J = n : : : : 1 l : : = ! l : : 1 ! = n : : ~ ( t : : 1 J : : : 2 : : : l t : : : l ~ : : : ( t : : : l t : : : l ~ : : : ( t : ~ : t = n : : : 2 : : s t = l ~ : : : 2 : : s t = l J : : 1 ! : 1 t : ~ t : l ! = = 1 ! I

    9 : 4 ~ A. 11.-Bihlc School. n11 : 00 A. !\I.-The service with the 0Holv COJllmunion. I:00 A. 11.-Union twilight service.: on the lawn at the rea r of the! Lutheran Church. Speaker. Miss. Ethel Downshrough on " \Vo rkAmong the Italians of Phila-:d e l p h i a . " I. ~ o n d a y , P . 1L -Teache r s' Asso- 1clat\(illl meetmg. ITtjesday, 8 P. M.-Council JIleeting'lWednesday, 8 P. M.-Hon. FletcherW. Stites will a dd re ss t he unionprayer service in the PreshyterianChurch.Friday, 8 P. 1L-Choi r rehearsal.

    When r e ason, in st e ad of the sword"shall avail; IAnd right, a nd n ot might, shall fore\'erprevail; iWhen wea po ns o f w ar fa re no more 'shall be made,And the p ri de o f ollr manhood laid ilow i n t h e g rave. !When the sweet "Do\'e of Peace" shall:descend f rom above. IAnd na tions shal l dwe ll i n friendship 'and love,'Arhen war sha ll be outlawed and aliif ighting cease,And t l ~ e war-weary wor ld shal l rest in I IIts peace.-Margaret L. Griffith. I======== : : ; : - 1


    LOTS OF P EO PL E THINK IThat l J - K , \ . : V - P L A ' l ' E 111 a goodsilver ()ollsh!THEY ARE RIGHT!It gives a white r an d cleanerloolt than any other Polish onboth plated and sterl lng silvero r n ic ke l p la te .Approved by "Oood Housek ee pi ng " a s a S I l\ ' er P o li sh ,Nlcltel Pollsh, Stiver Plater . Itprolong" the life of a ll pl at edw a r ~ an d RESISTS TARNISH .B)' adding whiting 'lOwder andwater yo u c an m a ke D. st i l l moreeconomical Si lve r Po l ish .:I-oz. bo t. , 6 0c ; g-oz. bot. , $1.00

    Fo r Sale byColter's Market, Hansen Bros.,. Narberth H.1.:1"r., Rieklin Hdwr.

    We hope never more to be called todefend it ,B ut t ha t in the future s om e w ay Iwil l be found 'When t hi ng s t ha t are wrong may be:made to come rightWithout e i ther bloodshed or having tofight.

    OUR FLAGWhose hea rt d oe s n ot t hr il l a t thesight of the flag?Eve ry hea rt t h at is loyal and t ru eIs filled with delight at the glorioussightOf our flag, with its r ed. wh it e andblue.

    First Church of Christ,ScientistAthens and L inwood Avenues,Ardmore.

    Services at 11:00 A. M. and 8:00.P. M. (Daylight Saving Time).Sunday School at 11 :00 A. M.W ~ d n e s d a y evening testimonialmeet ing at 8:00 P. M.Reading room, 19 \Ves t Lancas terAve nu e, o pe n wee k day s f rom 10:30

    to 4:30 o ' clock; \Vednesday eveningfrom 9 :00 to 9:45 o'clock.The subject f or t he B ib le l es so n s er mon for Sunday, Jline 30. is "ChristianScience."

    Tears spr ing to our eyes as we reve r -Iently gazeAs it gracefully f loats in the air. IFor beauty of color and pleasing de-si!{n INo flag o n t hi s e ar th c an compare.

    We are sad when we think what it cost Ito defend it,\Vhat s or row and angu is h and pain: IThe h or ro rs o f war, too great to bementioned,The noble young men, who werewounded and slain.

    ';Twas Stuar t, Not GeorgeI n l ; a story in last week's issue onthe ijanquet o f t he 11 er ion Boy Scoutst he n am e o f one scout appeared erroneously. Stuart N. Mills. 11 Hampden Avenue, Narberth, and 110t GeorgeMills , is the correct name o f t he youthwho, was one of the t hr ee t o receivet he s co utma st er 's awa rd f or b es t a dvancement dur ing the ye ar . Sc ou tMills was the first to receive the EagleBadge , the highest rank in scoutdom,in the Merion troop. He received thisaward on May 28 at the Philadelphia"Court of Honor. He is also one ofthe eight scouts from the Meriontroop who will attend the InternationalJamboree abroad this summer.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 28, 1929



    ,.;..Tube 95c ITube $1.49

    u 1.50tt 1 ~ 5 5u '2.10u 2.20u 1.25$1.25


    : = = =

    "POORBR4KES""S noexcuse

    : : ! : ! =s ::i; = =; ::::=:=:= =:! =: =::: :=:::=:::=: :==-

    You ueed ofFer DO 5 4/CUlM when we &x YOUjhrakes. Brake8 IIDedlwit h B reoe a re iDStontly reapoaatnt)

    and give )'ou complete coDtrol at a l l ~times. Talk D8 aboul a finI.eIaa 1'00 IIbdng Job and 1011'0 Dot acecI 10 c.Ik,to the Judge.Station Garage

    ART HORVATHE ss ex a nd H av er fo rd Ave s.Phone. Nar. 2S50

    T. C. TROTTER, JR.,Secretary.

    2: 28

    Mansfield Liberty Cord Tires

    Plan to come i n s oo n a nd t ak e a d va nt ag e ofth e convenience of this service. It is witboutcharge.

    WHER EVER y ou p la n to go-Europe, Can-a d a, t he West -you can g e t a ll your tickets

    an d hOLel r e se rva t io ns f rom us before you start.Ou r Trave l Depa rtment is completely equippedt o h e lp you plan y ou r t ri p a nd t o arrange al l th ede ta i ls f o r you be for e you start.

    =s ;8 8 ~ E ; 2 : : !:;:8: :r=:=



    a re a bs ol ut el y g u ar an te e d f or your satisfaction. Wechallenge comparison o f th e p ri ce s b e low wi th those ofany t i re deal e r.

    .The July meeting of the Association will beheld Friday, July 5th, instead of Thursday,) : t ' . / ~ ..l..4/ "'-_01"

    Going Away?Let Us Get Your Reservations.


    : ; ;:==6

    h1IITHE MA IN L I N E I I ~ ~r -, BANKING INSTITUTION11I- < : ; ) l 2 " ~


    -Max Berrbohlll.

    IS a t t ~ s t e d

    Phone: Narberth 2602

    Adelizzi Bros.102 Forest Ave.

    Joseph Alman105 Essex Ave.

    NarberthTailoring Shop215 Haverford Ave.

    Hewit's234 Haverford Ave.

    MontgomeryCleaners & Dyers35 N. Narberth Ave.

    NarberthHardware Co.

    DuringJuly and AugustWEThe Tailors, Cleanersand Dyers of Narberthwill be closed

    SATURDAYSafter 1 P. M.

    Arsenate of l e ad , b e et l et ra ps a nd other means ofcombating th e pests fo rs al e b y

    U nl es s t re es an d s hru b.bery are sprayed before th earrival of th e beetles theywill feast a t y ou r expense.

    Phone , NAR . 4177230 Haverford Avenue

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ! : 7 " ~ ~ ~

    The Beetles are coming! ]Are YOU Ready? ]


    110re than one hundred tcnnis play-'ers from collegc" and univcrsities from Ic oa st to Ctlast wcn' at the MerionCricket Cluh. Ha\"Critlrd. th is week iorthe intcrCllllegiat.e championships.which started :\1 onday .mtlrning.

    Th ' : t 1 ~ t ~ ~ ~ n " ~ ~ : : t h , g J"'".'"'' : ~ : ~ , : , ~ , , : ~ T ~ ~ ~ " ' k ' "".1 = = = = F a l r Y l a n = d = n e s ~ .the stage doo r f or an electric phono- 01 NlllllPrtlt. l \ l n n t ~ o l l l e , ' y t ' n u l 1 t ~ ' , de-I. ( p a ~ e d .graph to cOl.ne ol;1t w!1I see t he day [ .e ll "I " or ,u lmln l"t ra t io l1 011 the 1814 Chestnut Streetthat t h talkies wlll t r Iumph over the ahove e"ta te having heen grant"d the Itheatre. under"lgnerl, nil persons Indehted to 201 R d t-(;rorqr fMII Natllan, said. "state aI'e rpLlu ..s t, 'd t o mal ee Im- /0 e DC Ion'> >4ly o t 1 t ~ i d e t 'nOIIl S .and 1'lrs, Charles D. Lynam. 111'. and "ear hathing 1,,'al'1l: h"anlillg If ,ItMrs. C. "'alton Hale. 1\lr. and 1\lrs. sir,"1. l.aul'a.J. l\llles. P"op, (7:;1W. : \Iacklin \Vithero\\ '. Hclen :\1. 11-1l00M COTTAl:I':, TIIP H"e1,ro...l.CI 'I I' CI C I 'I 'I ' $SIIO seaso" renta l. 1 ' : i ~ ' h t " " l I l h alit!aney, .\ . . aney, aro Ine . \ . \ c- ,','ntl'al AVt'" N. \ \ l ldwood. " .. 1.Oure. Ele anor H . Nash. 1\1 r. and 1\1 rs. (j -1 ~ - 2 : 1 )Hen r\ ' T . ;\'ash. Jr .. Mr. and ~ I r s . WII.1)\\,oOLl,:", .1.-1' It" l\Iarsland, 1'111',. _ . 1\. J n i ~ h t . ' ( l alltH" near heach: ( 'l'rdl"allv1hOlnas E. Barkcr. Mr. and l lrs, os- 101'"tpd; rpasonahl" rat"s. Add ....ss 125eph Cairn:,. Jr., ]\[1'. alld 1\lrs. Rcese East Bakel An'.E: Mahan. :\11'. ant i l \l rs . R . T. Hamil- ; . . j . ' \ ~ N ; , . : , = : 1 ; : ' I . : : . ~ ~ : . . - , . I - - - - , : - ; - " , - ' n - . - a . . , . i - ' ~ - ' - l - I I - I S - .D H I l\f I'tl T . I I with eXl'ellellt (ood. h o a t i n ~ . halhil\g.~ 0 1 1 . ... L. .oware ere, I I.. osep I-I fishlllg-. FOI ' r"sl'l.\,at.lon, "Tit, iiulIlIIe Barker, ~ J r . and 1\1 rs, 1\1. P. B.ur- hrig-ht Hotd, (7-12)lingame. , 'AI ' I ' ; l\IAY 1'0I: '-l1'-1'w" furn. apts ..

    1\1 1 ~ I ' \\ ' 1'1 1).1 all tol1\S.; I. $:!OO; oth .. r. $::50; IIPW.. ... am _ .. s . ~ . . '. ulIan, . . A. \V . Haldl'II\lln, Calle ~ l a Y I 't .. N..1.Kenncdy, 'Villiam Barnes Lower. :\1 r. K , ~ s t o n . phnnp. ("1110' l \ l a ~ ' 1:l1-:",.and 11 rs. E. E. Burlingame, Benjamin An exhihit a t t he Iihrary which hasC. Betncr and ~ I r s . D. C. Delner. Wal- For the Sportsman attracted considerahle a t t e n t i o l ~ duringter E. Roherts. 1\11. ami 1\lrs. \V. J. VUl: ii,\LE-Barfi"ld sea slilrf. ;12 r.l'l the past two weeks was stdlJ1utted hyW'I' I ~ a I ~ I ,\r '\ 11adden 101lg; ('aloin ( '. .uis,r; 1,,0 h. p. K"r - M is s C as sn er , Art Instruc tor of t he1 so I 1 . 1 1 ( , ". ' : ' . " . Illalh; "I I ill ,1t W ....ndIU..1I and "0111- Narherth Puhlic Schools a the workMr. and ~ I r s . John I ' . Chras tle. : \ Ir . !p lp l" h' n e l ' ~ ' rl'sfll"'l, ,;, ...rg-" o. iiilln. , .. - alid M r ~ . ~ l J. C as cI ', \ Vi ll iam S. 2 s; n "mIt iit., Brl,I,'shurg. Phila. Iof the pnplls of the eIghth grade. 1heC a ~ e y , Rohcrt J . S ta t; ton, 11 r. and (7 - 1 . ) projec t presented to the pupi. ls was toMrs. 10hn K. Haer. 1\11. and 1lrs. draw to s ca lc a p la n f or an eIght-roomFrank H. Wil son, J os cph R. Murphy, Dogs, Birds, Pets I ~ o u s e s howi ng f ro nt a nd s id e eleva-BOSTON 1 ' 1 ~ I U ~ I I ~ H puppies. :1 w\' ek s' tC. K. Bcatty, Sally 'V)'nn. A. L . N ic h- o ld ; e hamp io l\ sh lp s toek; a lso g ..own IOns.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 28, 1929


    PAGE SIX OUR TOWN June 2 8 1929

    Arebnore, Pa.

    Phone Narberth 4035


    The Oldes t Store in NmberthqJAVIS '

    : l1ames t\1i1Is



    Interior Decoroting Poperhang;ngHond-Mode Repl'oductions

    Cards Gifts

    There is noth;ng bet te r for your boy or g ir l to wear at camp than Goodyear"Keds ." A ll sizes and styles of these popular spOrt shoes . Get them nowl

    224 Haverford Avenue

    53 Cricket Avenue

    George R. Markle

    "Ardmore's Oldest Radio Store"22 ARDMORE AVENUEArdmore


    Building ConstructionNarberth Nat. Bank Bldg.

    Phone, Narberth 2490

    I2A()IUMAJESTICSoles & Sen'ice

    Present this cu/"ertisement in personand Ruei'l'e a Radio Log Book

    t : t : ! ! - ! ! : : : ! ! . ~ . ! ! ! : : i ! ! ! . ! : : : ! ! ! ! - ! ! : : ! ! . ! ! : : : ! ! - ~ - ~ i ! ! ! - ! : : : ! ! ! ! - ! ! = ! - ~ . ' i ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ d ~ ~ J O O O \ = ~ ~ " " ' b O O lt h ~ e t b ~ n o ~ s t ~ : ; : t ~ ~ ~ f ~ I FOR CAMP WEARyour home. I

    ANTIQUE ~ H O P~ t L i t t l e Datchet Farm"

    ~ E , , " R R. ,"PP 'S CORNERWe ..t Plkelund To",nNhlp.Ch e.. te r CountylIIRS. A. G. 1I1AURY'1' ..1. Ch .....te r Spr ing" IBR ...

    CHAS. F. EBERTJobbingCarpenterPhone: NARBERTH 4129103 Dudley Avenue

    DOG CLIPP INGBy Exper tsBoarding b y D ay , Week or Month.AntiseptIc Baths.O ell SundRY" nn d E" en l n c .Northeastern Dog a nd Cat HospitalFrnnkford A,e. nn d Somer .e t St.DR . H. 111 CORENZWIT:\ 'EDRASKA 1630

    Totals '0 ' o' 1 5 27 :1WYNDMOORR. H. O. A. E.Denhy. rf . ........ .. 0 1 2 0 0-Mastroni, ~ h o' 1 0 0 :l 1Wolfe , c. ........... 1 0 :l 0 (IReape, 21J. ......... 1 1 2 5 0Mahoney . l b . ....... 0 0 S I INoneman, SH ..... .. 1 1 3 2 (IFleisher, cf. ....... 0 0 3 0 0Unruh, ]f . .......... 0 0 4 0 0Eble , p ............ 0 1 1 1 0

    Wyndmoor SurprisesllrnnnBUng ~ a r b e r t h

    Heckle. If. .Harrl 21J .It1)cck, cf. .........G i l lf iJan, HH. Martin, lb .........Humphreys, :lh. . .Curwin, rf. .Youn/;, e .:Masters, p. . .Burns, c .

    Humphreys, FleckHelp Claw lligers

    'I 'otai... 4 4 26 12'Bunted l l - l ~ t ~ t r i l , e out.Wyndmoor 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 -4Narberth (I fI 0 0 0 1 0 0 0- 1

    At the

    you will find the fol lowingtlutomobile tlccessor,es tlndser'J'ices tl'J'ailable:

    And tln tlJditional relitzble motor mechanictlt your ser'J'ke.


    Narberth Avenue a t t he Pennsylvania Railroadc. P. COOK, Generdl MdlldgerTelephone: NARBERTH 3775

    ~ A I 2 I 3 I : I 2 T I i 13121()t31:t3AI2Af31:

    Mobiloil-Pennzoil-Quaker State OilAlemite Greasing-High-Pressure Washing

    Exide BatteriesGoodyear-Dunlap-Miller Tires

    For the Entire Family

    Ladies' and Growing Misses'SPORT OXFORDS

    Special For the4th of July

    Colors-White, BldC'k ond White, Tan ,Two-tone Tdn dnd Elk

    ((KEDS" for everyone, ;,1 to 3

    $485 Formerly $5.85, $6.50, ~ 6 . 8 5Sizes 3 to 8

    to 9 P. M. to Better Serve You

    127 North ~ a r b e r t h Avenue (llheatre Bldg.)


    IIIIH1HHHHIHIIHIlIHIHIDUIIIIIlIIUUlUlIlUUlIIiUIUIIIIIIIIIUllUUUUIIIIIIIIJ I~ J :$iiiD; 1= io;;i W 3 ~ l i ' " a . . - : a : ~ : a : i l D = 1 l 1 J 1 1 i . l : : a J l t : , " = 1 I ~ : a : = D ; ; : 3 j ;

    STENOTYPYBookkeeplna. stenotJP'" 8tenOlll'apb,.Typewrltlna. BUllDeal AppUanol i. ModernmetbOds, tborouah tralD1Dlr.POSITIONS BUARANTEED'Da:r and Dlabt aJauee. Buter DOW. Bendfor freeaatalOll & autUDe af co_.STRAYER'S IUSINESS COLLEGE

    Criticism, adverse or favorable, willa lways be appreci at ed by the edi to r.

    23- 9O. A.2 05 01 02 51 31 00 06 01) :15 02 :12 1

    Total.. . .. 13 12 27 15 1Harri . lJurg 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0- 1Narberth . 0 0 88 3 I 0 1 Ox- l3

    sell, at PUBLIC AUCTION, allpropert ies within three years of ther et urn o f the county t ax a s unpaid.In t he c as e of unseated (undeveloped) p rope rt y no attempt to col lectth e t ax is made a nd no not ic e is g iv ent he own er t ha t hi s property is to got o t he " auct ion b lock ." Not ice of theimp endi ng s al e nee d o nl y b e p ri nt edin thr ee county paper s (na tu ra ll y, obscu re ones which few ci tizens read) .

    There is s li gh t c ha nc e t he n that theowner wil l become aware of this proc ed ur e u nt il t he t ax purchaser demands h is "BLOOD MONEY." Aprope rt y developed between asses sment y ea rs is p ut o ve r t he same hurdles as an unseated property.

    T h injustice o f t he whole situationextends much further . In this countyp ro pe rt ie s a re a ss es se d e ve ry t hr eeyears, 1918-1921-1924, etc. Now todemonstrate how property rights areviolated by t he p re sent l aw s governing p'roperty taxes, the' case of a Narberth resident, typical o f many others,wil l be descr ibed:An undeveloped lot was bought inMay, 1922, for $2000. A house costing$8000 was e rect ed on thi s lot betweenJune and November of t he same year.Tu : bills, as you know, are presented

top related