out of network: how to reach library patrons who don't use social media

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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Out of Network: How to Reach Library Patrons Who Don't Use Social Media

Webtreats, Flickr.com, CC-BY

Ellen Gustafson

Amber Gray

Grace Allbaugh

you can download today's slides at [Ellen will upload to SlideShare and post link]

Please use your *magic wand* to select the social media site

you use the most.



social media icons from

Somacro, veodesign.com


67% of internet users are also users of social networking sites

According to the Pew Internet Study on Social Networking...

Thus, 33% of online adults

do not use social media

How do we serve users who want to be

part of the library communitywithout

joining social media sites?

Why don't people use social media sites?

"She's M

y Diam

ond," Thomas H

awk, Flickr.com

, CC



Why don't people use social media sites?

they don't know how

they don't want to

... but don't assume you can tell the difference between these two groups!

Why don't people use social media sites?

they don't know how

● They were never exposed to information about how social media works.

● They don't know why one might want to use them.

● They are embarrassed to ask about something it seems everyone knows.

Why don't people use social media sites?

they don't want to

● They are concerned about their privacy.

● They want to maintain their connections offline.

● They do not want to be part of a global popularity contest.

"Left Out," charamelody, Flickr.com, CC-BY-NC

What Can Libraries Do to Help?

"The Kids Are Ready for the Puppet Show to Begin," plymouthdistrictlibrary, Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0

Too often, people who explain that they do not use social media are pushed into it or pushed toward "getting over" their reluctance.

Respect people's decisions

Listen to what the patron is telling you. Respect people's decisions not to use these sites and proceed from that point.

Respect people's decisions

"Chat," plymouthdistrictlibrary, Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0

Do not try to change their minds. Remember, it is our job to "distinguish between our personal convictions and professional duties" (ALA Code of Ethics, article VI).

Respect people's decisions

Not being a social media user does not mean that a person is incapable of using a computer or the internet.

Respect people's decisions

Not being a social media user also does not mean the person is stupid. Respect the user and "provide courteous responses to all requests" (ALA Code of Ethics, article I).

Respect people's decisions

● Social media are useful tools and can definitely be avenues to promote library events and services.

● All we're saying is, don't rely solely on them.

Disclaimer: Social media are great!

"Computer", plymouthdistrictlibrary, Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0

● What is the audience you are trying to reach with your promotion?

● For some audiences, social media will be the right forum. For others, it won't be.

Think about your audience

We want to "provide the highest level of services to all library users" (ALA Code of Ethics, article 1), no matter what tools we use to reach them.

Think about your audience

"Pippin Puppets at the Library! Meet 'the Headmaster'," plymouthdistrictlibrary, Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0

If you are only promoting your library through social media, you're not reaching patrons who don't use them.

Don't promote your library only through social media

In addition, children under the age of 13 are technically not permitted to have accounts on social media sites, so you aren't reaching them either.

Don't promote your library only through social media

"Smiling little readers!," plymouthdistrictlibrary, Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0

Have your own website that doesn't require/use a login through a different social media site.

Alternative methods of library program promotion

Images come from AADL website. 4/14/2013

A good example: Ann Arbor District Library's website: aadl.org ● Prominently features events on front page of website● Includes links to events, organized by library branch, age

group, event category and library series

Post promotional materials in pertinent places within the library space.● Put information about

children's programming in the children's room

● Post Upcoming Events in the front of the library

Alternative methods of library program promotion



A good example of well placed promotional material: University of Michigan Library's, "Is that

the library in your pocket?" campaign

Alternative online presence: listservs or email chains rather than social media networks perhaps. This makes it more personal and they are more in control.

Alternative methods of library program promotion

aadl.org 4/14/2013

AADL as an example:● The staff posts events in a blog attached to the

AADL website. This way, patrons can set up their own RSS feed and get alerts

● This is a compromise for people who have an online presence, but choose to avoid social media sites

Do not be afraid to promote outside the library. Sometimes traditional methods of promotion still work best.

○ Work with local newspapers print or online

○ Put up flyers in public areas like coffee shops

○ Collaborate with other organizations ○ Word of mouth always works. Talk to

library patrons

Alternative methods of library program promotion


Geek The Library Campaign

● Letters/Cooperation with Popular Company/Coupons ○ Hogan, Jan. "Library promotion aimed at kids," Las Vegas Review 25 October 2010. http:

//search.proquest.com.proxy.lib.umich.edu/docview/260147164?accountid=14667. ● Fortune Cookies at University Events (second half of the article)

○ Jennings, Eric and Kathryn Tvaruzka. "Quick and Dirty Library Promotions that really Work." Journal of Library Innovation 1, no. 2 (2010): 6-14. http://search.proquest.com.proxy.lib.umich.edu/docview/865644166?accountid=14667.

● Billboards and Posters in Public Spaces○ Bizzle, Benjamin, "A Philosophy of Bold Promotion in Arkansas." Information Today, Inc.

2012. http://www.infotoday.com/mls/sep12/Bizzle--How-To--A-Philosophy-of-Bold-Promotion-in-Arkansas.shtml

● Radio Interviews/advertising○ Humphrey, Megan, "New Radio Campaign Bridges 'Opportunity Gap' for Latinos by

Promoting Library Use." American Library Association. 2008. http://www.ala.org/news/news/pressreleases2008/october2008/campaignunivision

● A General List of Examples (some need small adaptations):○ http://www.lrs.org/documents/field_stats/promoting_library_sponsored_events.pdf○ http://www.ala.org/alsc/issuesadv/kidscampaign/signup

Examples of Programming Without Social Media

● Pew Study - Demographics of Social Media Users○ http://pewinternet.org/~/media/Files/Reports/2013/PIP_SocialMediaUsers.pdf

● ALA Code of Ethics○ http://www.ala.org/advocacy/proethics/codeofethics/codeethics

Sources Cited

Additional Resources● Whose Space? Differences Among Users and Non-Users of Social Network Sites

○ https://umdrive.memphis.edu/cbrown14/public/Social%20Media/Hargittai%202007.pdf

● On Social Media and Children Under 13.○ http://www.thedigitalshift.com/2012/11/social-media/kids-online-report-young-

childrens-social-networking-habits-harder-to-track-than-teens/● The World Would Be Better Off Without Social Networking

○ http://othstoday.com/the-world-would-be-better-off-without-social-networks/● The Impact of Social Media on Children, Adolescents and Families

○ http://pediatrics.aappublications.org.proxy.lib.umich.edu/content/127/4/800● Geek the Library Promotional Campaign

○ www.geekthelibrary.org


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